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【新闻部】The Xbox One









K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-10-21 07:19 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-23 06:07 PM 编辑

New Xbox One X Commercial Dropping October 22


Tune in Sunday, October 22 to See the New Xbox One X Commercial

This is truly an exciting time. Not only for Xbox, but for gamers everywhere. With the launch of Xbox One X just a few weeks away on November 7, the world’s most powerful console is positioned to welcome the True 4K gaming era in style and we’re celebrating in a big way with the start of our “Feel True Power” campaign.

Please join Xbox on Sunday, October 22 at 4 p.m. PT on our official Xbox YouTube channel for an exclusive preview of our anthem “Feel True Power” TV commercial before it airs on “The Walking Dead” season premiere at 9 p.m. PT and also during the Atlanta Falcons vs. New England Patriots NFL game; kick-off is 5:30 p.m. PT. You can get a sneak peek at the top of this post.

The campaign is designed to appeal to all gamers, taking the audience on an emotional roller coaster to elicit emotions like awe, excitement, fear, and passion; a call for gamers to feel the emotions of gaming in a way they may never have felt before. “Feel True Power” represents that the experience isn’t just about what you see, but also what you feel.

Xbox One X is not only the most powerful console we’ve ever created, it’s also the smallest. It includes a 4K UHD Blu-ray player, built-in power supply, and three USB 3.0 ports and can be placed both horizontally or vertically with an optional stand. And as part of the Xbox family of devices, all your Xbox One games will play better on Xbox One X.

Stay tuned to Xbox Wire for all the latest news about Xbox One X and pre-order your console today from the Microsoft Store or your favorite retailer.


微软Xbox One X巨资广告公布 地球上最强大的主机

  微软为其地球最强“真4K”游戏主机Xbox One X可谓卯足了劲,之前为这款巨资广告打了4个先行预告片,正所谓为广告打广告,显得信心满满,一起来看下。

  广告选用了Kanye West经典的“Power”,虽然用烂了,不过依然很震撼。广告宣传语以“Feel Ture...感受真正的”为主题,彰显其真正的4K为卖点,包括真正的“震撼”、“刺激”、“恐怖”、“激情”、“力量”,以及最关键的“4K”,然后以“地球上最强大的主机”收尾,一气呵成荡气回肠。

  值得一提,索尼宣传PS4 Pro主机的宣传语同样为“地球上最强大的主机”,连英文都一样,看来两家想到一块去了,只不过Switch主机(掌机?)...

  Xbox One X主机售价499美元,预定11月7日发售,敬请期待。



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-10-24 02:27 PM |只看该作者
First 13 Original Xbox Backward Compatible Titles Revealed

First 13 Original Xbox Games Announced for Xbox One Compatibility

Microsoft has revealed the first 13 backwards-compatible original Xbox games for Xbox One to IGN – several of which we got to play. These first 13 will be available tomorrow, October 24. All are enhanced with 1080p resolution, higher and/or smoother framerates, and faster loading times.

These are the first 13 games you can play on any Xbox One if you own the title, beginning tomorrow:

• Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
• Ninja Gaiden Black
• Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
• Fuzion Frenzy
• Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
• Psychonauts
• Dead to Rights
• Black
• Grabbed by the Ghoulies
• Sid Meier’s Pirates!
• Red Faction II
• BloodRayne 2
• The King of Fighters Neowave

If you still have your original Xbox disc, just insert it into your Xbox One console. If you own it digitally, that will also work. Many of these games can also be purchased from the Xbox Store in digital form for $9.99.

Read more at IGN and Xbox Wire






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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2017-11-17 07:26 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-17 07:31 AM 编辑

Sea of Thieves 'Be More Pirate' Trailer


Microsoft and Rare have released a new trailer for Sea of Thieves dubbed “Be More Pirate” in commemoration of the launch of Xbox One X.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Xbox.com:


A Shared-World Adventure Game that lets you be the pirate you’ve always dreamed of in a world of danger and discovery. Explore a vast ocean where every sail on the horizon means a ship filled with real players who may be friends or foes. Form a crew and voyage to treasure-filled islands, face legendary creatures and test your mettle in epic ship battles against other pirates.

True High Seas Adventure in True 4K

Experience a rich, fantastical world filled with pirates, danger, and discovery, all in 4K! Sea of Thieves is a 4K UHD, HDR, Xbox One X Enhanced, Xbox Play Anywhere title.

The Pirate Life

• A World of Real Players – In Sea of Thieves, every sail on the horizon is a crew of real players, but what might their intensions be? Perhaps they’re seeking peaceful parley, plotting to deprive you of your hard-earned plunder or simply itching to enjoy the thrill of a good battle on the high seas. How you choose to respond may mean the difference between resounding triumph and a close-up look at the ocean floor.

• Recover Cursed Treasure – A fundamental part of a pirate’s day is seeking out treasure for their stash, whether it’s been painstakingly acquired by deciphering a riddle or swiped from under the noses of a rival crew. It pays to be cautious, as many chests carry a variety of curses and a seemingly innocent haul might cause a ship’s hold to flood or send its new owner staggering tipsily overboard!

• Face Monstrous Creatures – Not everything that sails the Sea of Thieves can be invited for a pint of grog in the local tavern. Wild animals and exotic creatures are waiting to be discovered, but the greater threat comes from the remains of previous pirates who haven’t learned to take death lying down. These savage skeletons will roam in hordes, take control of crusty old cannons and do whatever they can to bring your voyage to a premature end.

• Tell Your Own Tale – Being a pirate means having the freedom to make your own decisions. Will you set sail for uncharted waters, dive in search of ancient shipwrecks or track down supplies that can repair and restock your ship? Whatever you decide, how you approach the adventures and opportunities that lie in wait is entirely up to you.

Key Features

• Shared World – Shared-World Adventure Game created by Rare Ltd. Be the pirates you want to be in a shared world filled with real players.
• True Cooperative Gameplay – It’s your crew VS the world.
• Immersive Action and Adventure – A rich, fantastical world of unspoiled islands, monsters and mythical creatures.
• Seek Out Treasure and Adventure – Sail together on voyages to distant shores on the hunt for riches and renown. Unravel ancient riddles, face off against hordes of monstrous creatures or plunder from other pirate crews – the choice is yours!

Sea of Thieves is due out for Xbox One and Windows 10 in early 2018.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-11-29 07:09 AM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-12-8 04:58 PM |只看该作者


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2017-12-8 06:52 PM |只看该作者
《绝地求生》新地图「沙漠」影片 Xbox One 版 12 / 12、PC 1.0 正式版 12 / 20 上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/156278.html

  Bluehole 发行的大逃杀射击游戏 《绝地求生(Player Unknown's Battlegrounds)》,配合在美国洛杉矶举办的电玩游戏颁奖典礼「The Game Awards 2017」的举办,首度曝光最新地图「 沙漠」的实机游戏影片。



  此外,活动中也宣传 《绝地求生》将在 12 月 12 日登上 Xbox One ,也将会支持 HDR 和 Xbox One X 优化,带来更高水平的游戏体验。 PC 1.0 正式版也将会在 12 月 20 日上市。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-1-10 07:20 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-10 06:06 PM 编辑

Sea of Thieves Closed Beta Set for January 24 to 29

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201801/4826216841.html



Sea of Thieves Closed Beta Coming January 24-29!

Happy New Year, everyone! We’re back working hard on Sea of Thieves after the holidays and a December chock-full of announcements. We revealed March 20 as our launch date and made a star of an unsuspecting chicken with a swashbuckling trailer, kicked off pre-orders, revealed how you progress through the world of Sea of Thieves, and showed off our haunting Limited Edition controller. All that and we hosted our biggest ever Technical Alpha play session last month.

All hands are now back on deck here at Rare as we sail toward launch. We’ll have plenty to share, show off and celebrate before then, but we’re beginning 2018 with the announcement of our upcoming Closed Beta dates.

The Sea of Thieves Closed Beta will run from 12 p.m. GMT on January 24 to 8 a.m. GMT on January 29 (4 a.m. PST on January 24 to 12 a.m. PST on January 29), which gives pirates a full five days of sailing, shanties and shenanigans. We’ve crafted a bespoke experience for Closed Beta players that offers a true taste of the pirate life and a great chance to get your sea legs ahead of March 20! We won’t be testing the full game during this Closed Beta phase: we want to keep a good selection of things up our sleeves for players to discover at launch. So get your calendars out and get those dates pencilled in!

The Sea of Thieves Closed Beta will be accessible to anyone who joined the Sea of Thieves Insider Programme before December 1, 2017, and anyone who pre-orders the game. If you’ve already pre-ordered the game and want to find out how to download the Closed Beta client, visit our website.

One final thing: the Closed Beta will not be covered by an NDA, so players can stream, create videos, share clips, take screenshots or do anything else that their wonderful minds can come up with. Some of our favourites will no doubt be shared on Sea of Thieves’ social channels and website. I know a lot of players will be excited by this announcement – I am too! If you missed out on the Insider Programme, pre-order now to ensure access to the Closed Beta!



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-1-23 10:56 PM |只看该作者
Xbox Game Pass Expands to Include New Releases from Microsoft Studios
微软工作室作品今后将会第一时间加入Xbox Game Pass

  微软刚刚宣布,今后Microsoft Studios推出的Xbox One独占游戏都将在它们全球首发当天加入Xbox Game Pass阵容。也就是说订阅了Xbox Game Pass服务的玩家,今后在《盗贼之海》《除暴战警3》《腐烂国度2》以及新的《光环》《极限竞速》《战争机器》等发售当天可以直接畅玩了。


Xbox Game Pass 在 2017 年 6 月正式上线时,旨在为玩家打造一种全新的游戏服务。玩家通过月付的方式可以畅玩Xbox 平台上超过100 款不同类型的游戏,这相当于开放了一个不断更新的游戏库,可供玩家无限时地下载和体验库中游戏。

我们很高兴这项服务收到了不错的反响。服务上线后,我们收到了来自世界各地粉丝的反馈,他们都渴望能在自己的国家享受 Xbox Game Pass 服务。9 月,我们对 Xbox Game Pass服务进行了全球扩展,现在有 40 个国家的粉丝都可以享受这项服务。我们还将继续扩充游戏库,每月都将有新的游戏加入到 Xbox Game Pass中,让玩家总有新游戏可玩。

我们知道广大玩家期待以一个低廉的月费享受更多不同类型的游戏,粉丝们也希望在 Xbox Game Pass中玩到全新的游戏大作,所以我们也一直在为实现这一目标而不断探索。

今天,我们很高兴地宣布 Xbox Game Pass 的重大扩展计划,这突显了我们致力于遵守为粉丝提供极致游戏订阅服务的承诺。

未来,我们计划将微软工作室的 Xbox One 独占游戏在全球发售时,同步加入到 Xbox Game Pass 中。这意味着,《盗贼之海》在 3 月 20 日发售时,所有订阅了 Xbox Game Pass 的玩家都可以畅玩此款游戏。

将新游戏伴随全球发售同步纳入 Xbox Game Pass的计划,不仅包含了已宣布的游戏大作,如《盗贼之海》、《腐烂国度 2》和《除暴战警 3》等,还将包括 Xbox One 平台上,《光环》、《极限竞速》和《战争机器》等重要独占游戏系列的新作,在其发售时,也将同步加入到 Xbox Game Pass 中。随着更多精彩游戏和全新大作加入到 Xbox Game Pass 中,我们将为广大玩家提供更多选择及更优质的服务,让玩家发掘和享受游戏 – 玩家可以永久购买游戏,或每月以超低价格通过 Xbox Game Pass 畅玩游戏。

这一服务将是业界的一个新模式并带给玩家全新的游戏体验。虽然尚处于起步阶段,但我们坚信 Xbox Game Pass 将是为游戏开发商和发行商创造新机会的催化剂,开创全新的游戏开发和交付方式,引领全新的模式来畅玩游戏。

对 Xbox Game Pass 获得的热烈反响,我们深感荣幸,并期待今年春季 Xbox Game Pass 能为广大玩家呈现前所未有的选择和物超所值的服务。

Phil Spencer


Xbox Game Pass Expands to Include New Releases from Microsoft Studios

When we launched Xbox Game Pass in June 2017, we knew we wanted to craft a service with gamers in mind. That meant a diverse, expanding library of over 100 games and counting, matched with one monthly price and unlimited access to download and play full-fidelity experiences.

We’ve been blown away by the incredible response. Following launch, we heard from fans around the world who wanted Xbox Game Pass in their country. In September, we expanded globally and Xbox Game Pass is now available to fans in 40 countries. We’ve also continued to expand the catalog with new games added to the Xbox Game Pass library every month, so there is always something new to play.

We know our fans value having a variety of games to play at a low monthly price. We’ve also heard from fans that the ability to play new blockbuster games in Xbox Game Pass is important. So we’ve continued to explore new ideas to make this possible.

Today, we’re excited to announce plans for a major expansion to Xbox Game Pass that underscores our commitment to deliver our fans the ultimate gaming subscription service.

Moving forward, we plan to release all new Xbox One exclusive games from Microsoft Studios into Xbox Game Pass on the same date as their global release. This means that when Sea of Thieves launches on March 20, it will be included in Xbox Game Pass to all members.

This plan to bring new games timed with their global release into Xbox Game Pass not only includes announced titles like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3 but future unannounced games from Microsoft Studios including new iterations of our biggest Xbox One exclusive franchises such as Halo, Forza and Gears of War, on the same day they launch.

Our fans have also asked for more choice in the subscription offerings available for Xbox Game Pass. As part of today’s library expansion, we are also pleased to announce that we are working closely with our retail partners, such as GameStop, to offer a 6-month Xbox Game Pass subscription card for those fans who look for a variety of ways to purchase and enjoy new games and services. The 6-month Xbox Game Pass subscription card will be available at select retail partners for $59.99 beginning March 20. By working closely with retail partners, Xbox Game Pass will have valuable ambassadors in popular destinations for gamers to discover new and exciting games and enjoy community.

With the addition of more great games, new blockbuster releases and a new subscription offer, we are giving fans more choice and value in how they discover and enjoy games – purchase games for their permanent library or play through Xbox Game Pass for one low price.

We’ve only scratched the surface of the opportunity this new model brings to the industry and what we can deliver to our fans. We firmly believe Xbox Game Pass will be a catalyst to create new opportunities for game developers and publishers to innovate in the way games are developed and delivered, leading to entirely new ways to play.

We’re truly humbled by the incredible response we’ve received to date for Xbox Game Pass, and we look forward to offering an unprecedented choice and value with Xbox Game Pass this spring and beyond.

https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018 ... tw_Photo_lrn_1.23.1


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-1-25 07:38 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-25 07:46 AM 编辑

Sea of Thieves closed beta trailer


Microsoft and Rare have released a trailer for the Sea of Thieves closed beta, which runs from January 24 at 4:00 a.m. PT / 7:00 a.m. ET / 12:00 p.m. GMT to January 29 at 12:00 a.m. / 3:00 a.m. ET / 8:00 a.m.

As previously announced, anyone who pre-orders the game or joined the Sea of Thieves Insider Programme before December 1, 2017 will have access to the closed beta.

Sea of Thieves is due out for Xbox One and PC on March 20.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

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发表于 2018-1-30 06:09 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-30 07:37 PM 编辑

Microsoft acquires PlayFab to build, launch and grow cloud-connected games

转载 - VGTIME(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/943493.jhtml



      PlayFab的后端服务降低了游戏发行后的运营门槛,为大型和小型工作都提供了物美价廉的解决方案,助其专注于玩家本身。PlayFab能让开发者通过智能云开发并运营游戏、分析游戏数据、提升整体游戏体验。其平台目前驱动了超过1200款游戏,服务了超过七亿的玩家。其合作伙伴有迪士尼、Bandai Namco、Capcom、Fluffy Fairy、Nvizzio等等。

      PlayFab CEO James Gwertzman在声明中表示,有了在云计算和游戏行业的深耕,微软会是PlayFab实现日后目标的坚强后盾。“我们的顾客遍布全世界,微软也同样如此。世界级的Azure云服务与PlayFab深度整合,让游戏工作室能全力投入到游戏开发中,无需分散精力在后端技术上。”


Microsoft acquires PlayFab, accelerating game development innovation in the cloud

Today, I am pleased to welcome PlayFab to the Microsoft family. PlayFab is a complete backend platform provider of services to build, launch and grow cloud-connected games. PlayFab’s tools are designed to be used by game developers across all platforms (mobile, PC and console). This acquisition extends the investments and work we’ve done on Microsoft Azure to provide a world-class cloud platform for the gaming industry.

As Satya Nadella noted in our annual shareholders meeting, “We’re mobilizing to pursue our extensive opportunity in a 100-plus-billion gaming market. This means broadening our approach to how we think about gaming end to end, about starting with games and how they’re creating and distributed, and how they’re played and viewed.”

Over 1 billion people play games, fueling a thriving industry whose ecosystem is evolving and growing quickly. Many industries are moving to the intelligent cloud, and this trend is true in gaming as well. This means an increasing number of developers are looking to create connected games for mobile, PC and console devices that have a significant emphasis on post-launch operations. However, the cost and complexity of achieving this through custom-built, server-side tools and technologies is high, and PlayFab offers developers a compelling model that scales naturally with their games’ players.

PlayFab’s backend services reduce the barriers to launch for game developers, offering both large and small studios cost-effective development solutions that scale with their games and help them engage, retain and monetize players. PlayFab enables developers to use the intelligent cloud to build and operate games, analyze gaming data and improve overall gaming experiences.

The PlayFab platform is a natural complement to Azure for gaming (Visit azure.com/gaming for more info). Azure, with locations in 42 regions worldwide, provides world-class server infrastructure, allowing creators to focus on building great games with best-available global reach. For gamers, this leads to a higher, faster degree of innovation and better experiences.

Incorporating PlayFab’s experience, growing network of game developers and powerful gaming-as-a-service platform into our product offering is an important step forward for gaming at Microsoft. PlayFab has served more than 700 million gamers and is currently powering more than 1,200 games with companies like Disney, Rovio and Atari. Its gaming platform powers some of the most prominent titles in the industry, such as “Idle Miner Tycoon,” “Angry Birds: Seasons” and “Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch.”

Together, Azure and PlayFab will further unlock the power of the intelligent cloud for the gaming industry, enabling game developers and delighting gamers around the world.

For more information on PlayFab, you can find a blog post from James Gwertzman, CEO and co-founder, here.

Kareem Choudhry - Corporate Vice President, Gaming at Microsoft

https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog ... t-innovation-cloud/


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