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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-30 07:21 PM 编辑
BesTV and Microsoft to bring Xbox One to China in September
Today marks a monumental day for Xbox, as together with our partner BesTV New Media Co., we announced we will bring Xbox One to China in September of this year. This is a historic moment in our partnership as we work toward the first official Xbox launch in China. Xbox One will also be the first system of its kind to launch in China.
The culture of games and entertainment is rapidly growing in China, with nearly half a billion people playing games – roughly a third of the country’s population and more than the entire population of North America. The gaming industry saw massive growth in the last year - generating more than $13 billion in 2013, an increase of 38% in the last year alone. Gamers in China have shown they love gaming – mostly on PC, mobile and online - and game developers in China have been delivering innovative games for years. Creators and gamers alike have eagerly awaited a new generation of entertainment experiences in China.
On behalf of the entire Xbox team, we are incredibly excited to bring Xbox One and the next generation of games, entertainment, online education and fitness to China. Launching Xbox One in China is a significant milestone for us and for the industry, and it’s a step forward in our vision to deliver the best games and entertainment experiences to more fans around the world. Enwei Xie will lead Xbox China as general manager, bringing years of Microsoft experience both in China and abroad.
BesTV, a subsidiary of Shanghai Media Group and a worldwide leader in home entertainment technology, is the ideal partner to help us bring our vision to life in China. BesTV has a rich history of delivering innovative entertainment content and an extensive catalog of content to share with future Xbox One owners in China.
Today is the next major step in the partnership with BesTV since forming our joint venture, E-Home Entertainment, during the Shanghai Free Trade Zone expansion in September of last year. We are also honored that E-Home Entertainment was the first company registered through this expansion and look forward to bringing our shared vision with BesTV to reality in China.
Our joint venture is committed to providing opportunities for creators to unleash their imaginations for games, online education and fitness experiences for China and beyond. As part of our partnership, E-Home Entertainment is investing to establish an innovation program that will enable creators and developers to build, publish, and sell their games on Xbox One in China and in other markets where Xbox is available.
We’ll be working hard over the coming months, along with our partners, to ensure we delight a new set of Xbox fans in China in September.
Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business, Xbox
今天,上海广播电视台、上海文化广播影视集团有限公司(SMG)控股的百视通新媒体股份有限公司(BesTV)与微软共同宣布,于今年9月在华发布 Xbox One。这是国内首次发布此类集游戏、娱乐功能于一体的游戏娱乐系统,这一产品的上市将为中国的游戏开发者创造机会,将他们的创意带给国内外的玩家。 Xbox One将为游戏爱好者带来游戏、娱乐、教育、健身等多方面的绝佳体验。
微软副总裁,硬件及设计工作室部门主管尤瑟夫 •梅赫迪(Yusuf Mehdi)表示:“ Xbox One登陆中国对于微软及整个行业都是重要的里程碑,也是我们实现为全球更多的用户提供最佳的游戏和娱乐体验这一愿景的重要进展。百视通在提供创新娱乐内容领域拥有丰富的经验,是微软 Xbox 业务中国的最佳伙伴。”
“Xbox正式在中国落地发售,标志着Xbox将成为国内率先发布的具备“家庭娱乐中心”功能的游戏机,”上海广播电视台、上海文化广播影视集团有限公司副总裁 、百家合信息技术发展有限公司董事长张大钟说。“Xbox新品发布将成为公司进入家庭娱乐市场的里程碑,并为公司带来新的利润增长点。接下来将与微软后续在游戏内容研发上进行持续投入,通过与全球顶级团队合作,开发融合中华文化特色的电视游戏,为中国本土电视游戏走向海外提供重要的内容和渠道支撑。”
游戏娱乐风潮正在迅速影响整个中国。目前,中国有近5亿游戏玩家,约占全国人口的三分之一,而这一数字远远超出了北美的人口总和。2013年,仅游戏产业总产值就超过130亿美元,较2012年增长38%[1],其中大部分产值来源于电脑、手机终端和网络游戏。上海自贸区的成立则为Xbox One带来了新的契机,百视通与微软将引领新一代的游戏、娱乐、线上教育及健身体验进入蓬勃发展的全新时代。
[词语过滤-#0048]上海市委宣传部副部长、上海市政府新闻办公室主任朱咏雷表示:“对于百视通与微软共同宣布今年9月在中国正式销售家庭娱乐中心Xbox One表示祝贺,这是上海自贸区的重大成就,同时两家全球领导品牌的通力合作无疑为广大消费者创造了全新的娱乐体验。”
微软大中华区高级副总裁谢恩伟将出任Xbox事业部中国区总经理,带来他多年在微软中国以及国外的工作经验,领导Xbox在中国的发展。同时,他也会负责百家合经营管理工作。百家合将致力于为中国本土的游戏开发者拓展国内外发展机遇,提升Xbox One游戏娱乐体验。
“这为游戏开发者提供了广阔的空间,他们可以释放想象力,为中国以及海外市场打造全新的游戏、线上教育以及健身体验, ”谢恩伟先生称,“在中国,游戏开发者和玩家都在翘首以待新一代的游戏娱乐体验,这一天将伴随Xbox One在中国的推出而实现。”
作为合作框架之一,百家合将投资一个创新项目,帮助游戏创造者和开发者在中国和全球其他产品上市市场制作、发布和销售基于Xbox One平台的游戏。在中国,微软将与传统零售商共同建立新的增长品类,并与百视通合作在电信运营商领域探索拓展渠道机遇。
继取得Xbox史上最成功的产品发布后,Xbox One今年下半年将发力开拓新市场。截至目前,Xbox One在13个国家的销量已超过500万台,比Xbox 360的同期销售额高出50%。延续这一势头,Xbox One将于今年9月在全球42个市场刮起一股强劲的旋风。
更多关于Xbox One在中国市场的产品与定价详情将于今年晚些时候对外公布。请登陆http://news.xbox.com/2014/04/xbox-one-china了解Xbox One更多详情。 |