在《Final Fantasy XV》发售之后,Square Enix 还在通过各类补丁以及 DLC 丰富其游戏宇宙,不少玩家也好奇官方还会不会推出《Final Fantasy XV》宇宙下的一部完整续作《Final Fantasy XV-2》。对此田畑端向外媒 Polygon 表示,没有这项计划,Square Enix 希望通过一些“更小的”举动来继续探索《Final Fantasy XV》。
Assassin’s Creed and Final Fantasy XV Collaboration Revealed at Gamescom
In what started almost three years ago at an informal meeting during the Tokyo Game Show to express admiration for each other’s work, the Assassin’s Creed and Final Fantasy XV development teams have announced a collaboration that will result in the two franchises paying homage to each other’s gaming universes. The two teams marked the announcement with a piece of artwork unveiled at this year’s Gamescom that features Bayek from Assassin’s Creed Origins and Noctis from Final Fantasy XV. Attendees at the show also had opportunity to get the artwork signed by Ashraf Ismail, game director at Ubisoft Montreal, and Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy XV.
However, eagle-eyed fans may want to go back and look at a Final Final Fantasy XV trailer from November of last year, the Assassin’s Creed Origins announcement trailer, and most recently, the Assassin’s Creed Origins Gamescom trailer to spot Easter eggs signaling the unofficial start of the references made between the two franchises.
“This collaboration is the result of being huge fans,” says Ismail. “There’s a lot of respect between the two teams and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the opportunity to pay homage to each other’s work.”
The collaboration kicks off on August 30, as Final Fantasy XV players who have obtained the Dream Egg from the Moogle Chocobo Carnival event will be gifted a very familiar Assassin outfit for Noctis. The very next day, August 31, will be the release of the free Assassin’s Festival DLC for Final Fantasy XV. The town of Lestallum will transform itself for the event with signs and banners signaling the arrival of the festival, and new activities will be available for players to participate in. It doesn’t end there. The Assassin’s Festival will have some additional themed items and features, including another outfit from Assassin’s Creed, along with abilities that enable Noctis to explore more like an Assassin and even use some of the Assassins’ more well-known abilities.
具体来说是要推出对应 4K(未来会提升到 8K)解晰度以及 HDR10 的 PC 版《Final Fantasy XV》WINDOWS EDITION,以及可以用 Q 版角色享受到《FF XV》冒险故事的《Final Fantasy XV 口袋版》(PC / iOS / Android),另外 PlayStation VR 专用游戏软件《深渊怪兽 Final Fantasy XV 》也决定会在 11 月 21 日推出。
媒体:《国王骑士:闇龙之怒(キングスナイト -Wrath of the Dark Dragon-)》(iOS / Android)也是被归类在《FF XV》宇宙里的智能型手机游戏软件。 虽然本作对于任天堂红白机时代的玩家来说,应该是颇有共呜才对,但是刚发表的时候实在是让人有些意外呢,会觉得「《国王骑士》并不是《FF》系列作吧......」。
The art and design of FFXV book announced. Expected to ship starting December 2017
《Final Fantasy XV》将推出艺术设定集 标准版 49美元限定版 169美元
电子游戏艺术集出版商 Cook & Becker 宣布将和 Square Enix 合作推出《Final Fantasy XV 的艺术与设计》,这本 220 页的设定集包含了《Final Fantasy XV》以及电影《Kinglaive Final Fantasy XV》的各种设定图。该设定集有两个版本,标准版售价 49美元,限定版售价169 美元。
Square Enix and Cook & Becker Announce Art Book “The Art & Design of Final Fantasy XV”
Cook & Becker in conjunction with Square Enix today announced that an official, stand-alone art book about the world of Final Fantasy XV is in the works. The Art & Design of Final Fantasy XV will be released in December 2017, and is already available for preorder on Cook & Becker’s website: candb.com.
The Art & Design of Final Fantasy XV provides an extensive look at the art and design of the Final Fantasy XV universe, which spans both the game and the movie, Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV. Readers can expect a carefully curated collection of art that tells the story of the Kingdom of Lucis, shining a light on the love and dedication that went into creating the world of Final Fantasy XV. The selected art ranges from pencil sketches to detailed renders and elaborate digital paintings, and will include never-before-seen artwork. The book is published by art dealership and art book publisher Cook & Becker and was created together with key members of the art team responsible for Final Fantasy XV.
The book spans 220 pages, printed in full color, and is also available in a Limited Edition.
The Limited Edition comes with a special, limited edition cover, as well as a collector’s box and 2 exclusive Final Fantasy XV giclee art prints. The first 500 Limited Editions books will also come with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by various artists from the Final Fantasy XV development team.
For more information and to pre-order the book, visit the Cook & Becker website: candb.com.
“刺客信条嘉年华”免费DLC将在8月31日正式上线,在节日期间《Final Fantasy XV》中的Lestallum镇中将充满“刺客信条”要素,几名主要角色的《刺客信条》服装以及主题道具都将陆续上线。大家所熟悉的王子诺克提斯的部分技能也会变得具有“刺客”范儿,信仰之跃、暗杀等动作一个都不少,从之前泄露的预告片来看游戏的还原度还算不错,感兴趣的玩家可以关注一下。需要注意的是,此次活动将在2018年1月31日结束,想要在《Final Fantasy XV》中体验刺客生活的玩家千万不要错过活动时间。
《Final Fantasy XV》现在已经在 PS4 和 Xbox One 两个平台上市,在明年会登陆 PC 平台。
Square Enix has released the 1.15 and 1.14 updates for Final Fantasy XV, adding the recently announced bestiary, chapter select, and “Assassin’s Festival” to the game.
Here are the patch notes, via r/FFXV:
Version 1.15
Various bug fixes
Version 1.14
Implementation of a chapter select (available after completion of the main game)
Addition of a bestiary (accessible from the Archives in the Main Menu)
Master Assassin’s Robes for players with a Dream Egg (unlocks upon loading a save)
Opening of the Assassin’s Festival (until January 31, 2018)
Announcement of winning snapshots from third photo contest (viewable at Mother of Pearl in Galdin Quay)
Various bug fixes
Final Fantasy XV is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will launch for PC in early 2018.