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本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-8 07:40 AM 编辑
《Final Fantasy XV》将陆续推出免费更新 公开更新时程表设定短、中、长期目标
SQUARE ENIX 于本(7)日,公开已经在 11 月 29 日发售的 PS4 / Xbox One 角色扮演游戏《Final Fantasy XV》的游戏更新时程表。
这个时程表是以游戏总监田畑端的感言形式发表,分别设定短期、中期、长期三个不同目标。 在长期目标当中,还包含「让在游戏故事中登场的重要角色成为玩家可用角色」,以及「追加可以制作自创角色在游戏中使用的虚拟造型系统」等等,看来将会追加许多非常具有可玩价值的内容。 以上提到的更新预定会陆续免费释出。
关于《Final Fantasy XV》游戏更新时程表
SQUARE ENIX 对于 PlayStation 4 及 Xbox One 游戏软件《Final Fantasy XV》,发售首日即在全球出货和下载贩卖 500 万套,请本作游戏总监田畑端总监发表以下感言。
真的非常感谢各位玩家游玩《FF XV》。
《FF XV》在发售日就于全球出货 500 万套,可以说是达成了一个非常伟大的成绩。 对于这些购买游戏的玩家们,我要在此向大家致上发自内心的感谢。
我们也听说,现在全球都有许多玩家,正在尽情享受这款作品。 看到大家能够喜欢这个全新的《FF》游戏玩法,我们全体制作人员,也真的是打从心底感到十分高兴。
如同我们在发售前和大家的约定,《FF XV》这款游戏绝对不是在发售以后就这样结束了,未来还会透过持续推出游戏更新,带给全世界众多玩家更加丰富的游戏体验。
而这次为了表达我们对于出货突破 500 万套的感谢,所以游戏更新计划的规模,也增加到大幅超越原本预定,在此通知玩家具体的更新时程表。
这是为了能让《FF XV》的游戏体验变得更加丰富,可以让玩家享受到更多游戏内容的更新,以及在发售之后接纳众多玩家,反应玩家希望的更新,和原本已经公开的 DLC 内容不同,将会另外分为短期、中期、长期,三个不同时间的目标,并会依序免费释出更新。
■《FF XV》游戏更新时程表
首先要提高游戏第 13 章游玩的满意度。 所以将会实施大幅度提高戒指魔法威力等,许多已经在着手进行的强化方案。 详细强化内容以及更新推出时间会在日后另行通知。
强化游戏后半部份演出,更进一部提升玩家对于故事体验的满意度。 比如说将会加追描写「雷伍斯(レイヴス)这个角色最后为什么会有这种下场? 」的事件片段等等。 因为要追加事件,就必须要执行所有对应语言的翻译以及配音作业,所以才会设定为中期目标。
将会让有在游戏故事中登场的重要角色,作为可用角色让玩家使用。 另外还在检讨是否可以追加制作出独创角色在游戏中使用的虚拟造型系统。
除此之外,为了让各位玩家可以尽可能享受到《FF XV》的游戏乐趣,还会积极检讨更多更新内容。
而事前已经发表过的 DLC,也会依照原本的预定推出。
- 《FF XV》假期包(暂定)
- 《FF XV》加速包(暂定)
- 《FF XV》故事章节 格拉迪欧蓝斯(暂定)
- 《FF XV》故事章节 伊格尼斯(暂定)
- 《FF XV》故事章节 普罗恩普特(暂定)
- 《FF XV》联机扩张包:战友(暂定)
我们所有工作人员都希望让全世界的玩家,能够更进一步享受《FF XV》的游戏乐趣。 希望未来也能够请大家继续支持《FF XV》和《FF》系列作品。
FF XV 游戏总监 田畑 端
Final Fantasy XV Update Roadmap Detailed
Announcing Free Updates for Final Fantasy XV
I hope you are all enjoying Final Fantasy XV!
It’s been exciting to see players around the world take to this new style of Final Fantasy. Thanks to your support, we shipped five million units worldwide on our release day! We are truly grateful to all of you who picked up a copy.
As I’ve said before, release day is not the end for Final Fantasy XV, and I would like to share some of the things we have in store. The great reception we have received has actually allowed us to expand our plans even further.
We want you to enjoy Final Fantasy XV for a long time to come. We have been listening to your ideas on how to make the game experience even better, and so in addition to the previously announced content, we’ll be providing free updates to the game throughout the coming year.
Our early plans are to enrich certain aspects of the game, adding gameplay enhancements for Chapter 13, buffing ring magic, etc. We’ll have the specifics of what and when for you at a later date.
After that, we’re hoping to delve deeper into the story, adding scenes that will give you new insight into character motivations, such as why Ravus walked the path he did. We will need a little time with these, as they’ll need to be localized and voiced in other languages, but we’ll let you know the details once everything is set.
For the long term, we are looking at making certain key characters playable, and even considering the possibility of customizable avatars, in addition to other features over time.
Other features we have in mind include letting you carry over stats from a previous playthrough, and adding items that introduce new playstyles, such as low-level runs and god mode. We’re also examining readability tweaks - increasing font size - for certain languages. On top of that, we’re looking at content you can enjoy in real-time, including new bosses with exclusive rewards and achievements, and limited-time hunts.
In addition to these free updates, we’re also working on the previously announced downloadable content. This includes:
• FFXV Holiday Pack (tentative name)
• FFXV Booster Pack (tentative name)
• FFXV Episode Gladiolus (tentative name)
• FFXV Episode Ignis (tentative name)
• FFXV Episode Prompto (tentative name)
• FFXV Expansion Pack: Comrades (tentative name)
Speaking on behalf of the development team, I hope all of you, all around the world, continue to enjoy Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy series.
Hajime Tabata - Director, Final Fantasy XV
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