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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-6 10:24 PM |只看该作者
1950s-set action platformer Tyler: Model 005 launches for Xbox One, PC on August 21


Tyler: Model 005, a 3D action platformer set in the 1950s, will launch digitally for Xbox One and PC via Steam on August 21 for $9.99, publisher Maximum Games and developer Reversed Interactive announced.

Tyler: Model 005 first launched via Steam Early Access in February 2017. Here is an overview of the game, via Maximum Games:


Many years after powering down, a tiny robot named Tyler is accidentally powered back on during a riotous thunderstorm and must discover what has happened to his creator and home. Set in the 1950s, Tyler: Model 005 is a 3D action-platformer and exploration game where you customize and control a spunky miniature robot as he journeys through a house full of obstacles, puzzles, and foes.

Because you are a minuscule robot, normal items take on a completely new dimension in Tyler’s world: chairs, stairs and bookshelves are giant obstacles you must overcome. It’s your job to navigate through your surroundings and find out as much as you can, collecting objects and solving puzzles along the way.

Wear an assortment of diverse outfits, from medieval helmets to pixelated eyeglasses, and battle varied enemies with your trusty bolt-blade, boxing gloves, cherry bombs and more! Discover all that Tyler is capable of as his adventures begin in Tyler: Model 005!

Key Features

• 3D Action Platforming. Explore Tyler’s 1950’s home that’s been overrun by all kinds of pesky critters.

• Size Matters. As a tiny robot, ordinary objects are larger than life! Maneuver over giant obstacles to reach new destinations.

• Quirky Combat. Equip a variety of different weapons to help you get past the horde of vermin that have infested your home. Call on your trusty bolt blade or fiery cherry bombs to abolish the pests!

• Story-Based Puzzles. Tyler’s creator has run off somewhere, and it’s your job to navigate his big house to discover what’s happened. Solve puzzles and collect items throughout the house to solve the mystery!

• Bot Customization. Dress Tyler up with articles of clothing and fun accessories to customize his look. Unlock new abilities when you complete an entire accessory set!


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-7 03:31 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-7 04:20 PM 编辑

Storm Boy: The Game Announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and Smartphones
经典小说改编游戏《鹈鹕的故事》公布 年底登陆全平台


  游戏版《鹈鹕的故事》由Blowfish Studios负责开发,玩家将有机会通过游戏在南澳大利亚的海滩上,重新体验原作的经典故事桥段,其中包括各种有趣和放松的迷你游戏。游戏以美丽的南澳大利亚海岸线为背景,玩家可以作画、航海、猎鸟、扔东西、滑沙、喂鹈鹕等等。游戏还提供了全新的空中视角,以另一种梦幻的角度欣赏未被征服的美丽景色。

  《鹈鹕的故事》将于2018 年末登陆PC、PS4、Xbox One、Switch以及手机智能设备。


The Beloved Classic Australian Children’s Book Storm Boy Game Adaptation Announced

Storm Boy: The Game, an adaptation of the novella exploring the friendship between a child and his pet pelican, will soar to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows PC, Mac, iOS, and Android in late 2018, Blowfish Studios announced today.

Based on Colin Thiele's 1964 children’s book of the same name, Storm Boy takes place on the beaches of South Australia near the mouth of the Murray River, where the titular protagonist rescues orphaned pelican chicks, one of whom later becomes the child’s pet and faithful companion, Mr. Percival.

Experience an interactive retelling of the classic tale by taking control of both Storm Boy and Mr. Percival in key moments, such as when the pair rescued stranded sailors during a storm. Relive their friendship and enjoy seaside activities across a wide assortment of fun and relaxing mini-games, including sand drawing, sailing, cockle hunting, playing fetch, sand surfing, pelican feeding, and more.

Players can also enjoy Storm Boy by flying around the Coorong amongst flocks of other birds or alone, taking in painterly, dream-like views of the untamed lagoons and coastline.

“Storm Boy is a classic piece of literature in Australia, and we’re proud to adapt it for a new medium,” said Ellen Jurik, Senior Producer, Blowfish Studios. “We hope players of all ages will enjoy this story, whether it’s for the first time or through a new lens, and can’t wait to share it with the world when we release it for consoles, PC, and mobile devices later this year.”

Storm Boy will be playable ahead of its release later this year PAX West and PAX Australia. To learn more, visit Storm Boy: The Game’s website. https://stormboythegame.com/


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-7 06:21 PM |只看该作者
《少数幸运儿》公布季票三段故事内容 升级将包含沙盒模式
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/2842620306.html

  《少数幸运儿》将于8月10日发售,开发商Compulsion Games也披露了季票中将包含的三段故事内容。同时也公布了游戏在之后会进行升级的消息,升级过后,游戏将会新增一个沙盒模式。《少数幸运儿》公布季票三段故事内容 升级将包含沙盒模式







· 就像任何一副快乐面具都会磨损一样,社会的表面之下也都会出现裂痕。但这并不意味着你要刨根问底,是吧?  来一粒快乐药丸吧!

   在后续更新增加的免费沙盒模式中,玩家可以依据自己喜好,对这个沙盒世界的大小、危险程度、食物多少进行定制,同时还有权利更改某些游戏规则。在这个模式中玩家也可以扮演游戏中的反派 Wellies。

   游戏预计于2018年8月10日发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One、PC平台。


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-8 04:58 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 07:33 PM 编辑

Control third developer diary: ‘The Oldest House’
第三人称超能力冒险游戏《控制 | CONTROL》释出最新宣传片「The Oldest House」,预计于 2019 年推出


The third developer diary for Remedy Entertainment’s Control introduces the “Oldest House,” which is the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Control in the game. It is described as “an ever changing world within a location were nothing is what it seems to be.”

Control is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-8 05:08 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-13 10:32 PM 编辑

Langrisser series “restart” countdown website launched
Chara-Ani 开设《梦幻仿真战》新项目倒数预告网站 预定 23 日公布详情

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/166798.html

  Chara-Ani 日前开设了《梦幻仿真战(ラングリッサー)》关联新项目的倒数预告网站,宣布 1991 年诞生、累计销售超过 100 万套的《梦幻仿真战》系列将于 2018 年再次启动的消息。

  《梦幻仿真战》是 NCS 以 Masaya 品牌于 1991 年在 SEGA MD 上推出的战略仿真角色扮演游戏,由知名插画漫画家漆原智志担任角色设定,以远古时代光之女神露茜莉丝为了对抗混沌之神卡奥斯所创造的光之圣剑「兰古利 萨」为主轴,描述不同时代的光之后裔对抗卡奥斯的故事。

  从倒数预告网站的时间可以推算出将于 8 月 23 日中午左右揭晓新一波信息。 虽然目前还无法确定新项目的内容,不过因为 extreme 日前才宣布与中国天津紫龙奇点互动娱乐合作,在中国推出同名手机游戏《梦幻仿真战》,因此这次的预告很可能是要发表该款手机游戏登陆日本的消息。

  此外,预告网站还宣布将于 8 月 29 日在东京举办制作发表会,邀请长久担任系列作音乐作曲的岩垂德行等嘉宾与会。 玩家只要跟随 @charaani_games 账号,并以 #ラングリッサー 的 Hash Tag 发表对《梦幻仿真战》系列回忆的推文,就有机会参加抽选,有机会受邀参加制作发表会。

  有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意 8 月 23 日的消息公布。


Chara-Ani Corporation has launched a Langrisser countdown website with 15 days on the clock teasing a “restart” for the series in 2018. The countdown will end on August 23 at 12:00 JST.

Langrisser is a strategy RPG series that has sold more than one million units worldwide. The first entry launched for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive in 1991.

It is worth noting that Famitsu‘s report on the launch of the teaser website categorizes it under “Console Games.”



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-8 10:51 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 11:05 PM 编辑

Devil’s Hunt Gamescom 2018 trailer

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/165985.html

  开发商 Layopi Games 与发行商 1C Company 新作《恶魔狩猎(暂译,原名:Devil's Hunt)》,预计 2019 年登陆 PC、PS4、Xbox One 平台,并公开了科隆展演示宣传片公开。

  《恶魔狩猎》是一款第三人称动作游戏,玩家将扮演拥有恶魔力量的主角 Desmond。 官方表示,本作故事以波兰奇幻小说《Equilibrium》为基础,恶魔和天使之间的战争以人间世界为战场爆发。

  玩家将利用 Desmond 利用人类的拳头与恶魔的爪子进行战斗,然而玩家最终将选择自己所遵循的一方,且将决定世界的命运。

  PC、PS4、Xbox One《恶魔狩猎》计划于 2019 年第三季上市。


Publisher 1C Company and developer Layopi Games have released the Gamescom 2018 trailer for recently announced third-person action game Devil’s Hunt.

Here is an overview of the game, via 1C Company:


In Devil’s Hunt, players will go to hell and back in the battle between Demons and Angels. In this upcoming third-person perspective (TPP) action game developed for PC and console by Layopi Games, players will become Desmond, a man with demonic powers who can decide the fate of our world by joining either side of the conflict. Based on the original hit Polish fantasy novel, “Equilibrium,” Devil’s Hunt brings to life the eternal fight between light and darkness as all-out war between Demons and Angels appears imminent with the mortal world as the battleground. Desmond can fight using his fists and claws, making use of the skills his demonic and human sides offer—but ultimately he must choose which side he will follow. The game is planned for release in 2019.

Key Features

• Captivating Storyline: Based on the original novel by Polish author Paweł Leśniak.
• Change Forms: Exercise useful human and demon skills alike to overcome obstacles.
• Fight Like a Demon: Third-person melee combat with large variety of attacks, combos, and enemies.
• Deep Narrative: Expressed through gameplay and high-quality cutscenes.
• Explore the Mortal World: Rich, context sensitive environment interactions.

Devil’s Hunt is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-8 10:55 PM |只看该作者
Scribblenauts Mega Pack announced for PS4, Xbox One, and Switch

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced Scribblenauts Mega Pack, a new two-game collection featuring full versions of Scribblenauts Unlimited and Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure along with bonus content for both games. It will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch on September 18 for $29.99.

Here is an overview of each game, via Warner Bros.:

Scribblenauts Unlimited

Scribblenauts Unlimited fosters unlimited creativity, exploration and social elements that create a fun experience for fans of all ages. The game features a huge side-scrolling open world with high-definition, hand-drawn scenery and objects where players can help the game’s hero, Maxwell, solve robust puzzles and challenges by summoning any object they can imagine.

Scribblenauts Unlimited has been updated with two new bonus levels, supports online sharing of user-created objects, updates two-player mode, and features a new easy-to-use “sunflower” style text entry system. The new Zed Zeppelin level lets players battle sky pirates and work with crew members to keep the dirigible safe while the new Land of Sweet Hyperbole level allows players to drive around in a candy car and interact with candy neighbors.

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure melds the boundless creativity of Scribblenauts™ with thousands of DC characters and objects – all drawn in the distinctive Scribblenauts™ art style. In the game, Maxwell comes to the aid of the mightiest DC Super Heroes Batman, Superman, and the rest of the Justice League as they face the fiercest DC Super-Villains, such as The Joker, Lex Luthor, and Sinestro. Fuelled by the player’s imagination, where anything they write comes to life, Maxwell must use his magic notebook to summon heroes and tools to stop the villains’ evil schemes and save the universe. In his imaginative and comical quest, he must travel to iconic DC locations such as Gotham City, Metropolis, Atlantis, and two new bonus locations, Titans Tower, under attack by the formidable demon Trigon, and Belle Reve, the base of operations for the Task Force X.

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure has also been updated with hundreds of new DC characters, objects and costumes.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-9 06:19 PM |只看该作者
We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live VR announced for PlayStation VR, available today for free

Compulsion Games has announced We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live VR, a free PlayStation VR-exclusive side story to the upcoming We Happy Few available today via the PlayStation Store.

Here is an overview of the game, via the PlayStation Blog:

The original goal for Uncle Jack Live VR was to provide players with a chance to meet and work with Wellington Wells’ most prominent celebrity figure. Initially, the experience simply involved ways to manipulate a broadcast camera within a standard Uncle Jack episode, but the project evolved from watching Uncle Jack in-studio to actually building a full broadcast with him, featuring dynamic content and multiple outcomes.

We owe the enhancement of the concept to the multi-medium expertise and masterful execution of our partners at Signal Space Lab. By their design, each phase of the broadcast tasks the player with selecting the perfect news article for Uncle Jack to read aloud on-air, ensuring Wellies everywhere stay entertained and remember to “take their Joy.” If you happen to get it wrong, UJ will expertly roll with the punches, spinning the bad news in hilariously positive ways—but you can count on his opinion of you changing as a result. Anger him enough and he’ll outright cancel the broadcast. Make good decisions, and you’ll be his favorite guest producer ever!

But impressing Uncle Jack isn’t your singular concern. There happens to be a Downer Outbreak developing throughout the broadcast center, and it’s up to you to find a way to turn all those frowns upside down (hint: it involves dosing them with a whole lot of Joy!).

Over the course of development on We Happy Few, the team amassed a huge amount of content that we wanted to collect and share with our biggest fans, so we included an “Archive Mode” in Uncle Jack Live VR to do just that. When you’re done playing producer, you can spend some downtime in the media archives where you can explore over 40 Uncle Jack episodes, listen to official We Happy Few soundtrack selections, and watch bonus materials like trailers and animation reels. That’s hours upon hours of content to absorb in a nice cozy virtual space!

Dedicated fans will be happy to know we’ve included plenty of fun We Happy Few Easter eggs within the PS VR experience. You’ll find a number of our favorite assets decorating the spaces, including the “salty dog,” authentic happy masks, a very British phone booth, and a worn-out poster given to us by our good friends at Gearbox Publishing.

We Happy Few is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on August 10.


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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-9 06:21 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-9 08:14 PM 编辑

Deathgarden launches via Steam Early Access on August 14, for PS4 and Xbox One in early 2019
《死亡花园》8月14日登陆Steam的Early Access 首周可免费体验

  《死亡花园(Deathgarden)》是由《黎明杀机》的开发商Behaviour Digital所开发的一款多人联机对战游戏。昨天,Behaviour Digital公布了这款游戏的发售日,游戏将于8月14日登陆Steam的Early Access,售价为14.99美元(人民币102元)。而完整版的游戏则将于2019年年初登陆PC/PS4/Xbox One平台。好了,让我们来看一下Steam Early Access版《死亡花园》的预告片吧!



Deathgarden will launch for PC via Steam Early Access on August 14 for $29.99, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One alongside the full PC release in early 2019, developer Behaviour Interactive announced. Progression made in the Early Access version will carry over to the full release.

The Early Access version will launch with a free week of gameplay for all players until August 21. Pre-orders are automatically upgraded to the normally $49.99 Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes exclusive Origin cosmetic sets, the game soundtrack, and a digital art book.

The following new content will be added to the game alongside its Early Access launch:

• New mode: Gather and Deliver
• New time of day: Night
• Progression and Customization
• Main Hub (Locker Room)
• Two new weapons and one fresh power for the Hunter
• Two new perks for the Runners

Additionally, Behavior Interactive announced that players who participated in the Deathgarden alpha or beta tests are invited to play the game during an Early Access soft launch, which begins today.

Watch the Steam Early Access launch trailer below.



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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID

Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80Rank: 80


发表于 2018-8-9 06:23 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-9 10:12 PM 编辑

The Arcade Crew and 1P2P announce RPG beat ’em up hybrid Young Souls

Young Souls Captures Hearts and Minds Across Two Worlds

From The Arcade Crew (Blazing Chrome, Dark Devotion) and 1P2P (Inside My Radio – winner of Ludum Dare 23) comes a touching and exciting new tale about life, family, adventure, and saving the world: Young Souls.

Gorgeously animated, Young Souls draws you in with its distinct art direction but keeps you playing via a deeply narrative-driven RPG beat-em-up that features clever crossover mechanics. Young Souls features precise gameplay mechanics wrapped inside a profound story with unforgettable characters and intense combat. Penned by Matthew Ritter (The Walking Dead game, Nova Phase graphic novels), Young Souls draws players into a familiar place teeming with nostalgia and adventure where everything is possible.

Jenn and Tristan are twin teenagers who find themselves suddenly abandoned and without a family until a good-hearted scientist adopts and brings them into his home settled within a small port town. Life in Portsbourgh for Jenn and Tristan proves uneventful. Uneventful, that is, until they uncover a portal to another world which threatens the very existence of life on Earth as we know it. The alternate world is filled with goblins, friends and foes, but Jenn and Tristan are used to going it alone and set out to navigate this strange new world – all was going well … until it wasn’t.

Young Souls features intelligently designed drop in/drop out mechanics, meticulously and gorgeously rendered environments to play in, set to a beautiful original soundtrack scored by Joachim Neuville (Inside My Radio). Players can train, collect gold and raid in dozens of dungeons with a variety of weapons, but will have to be careful that Jenn and Tristan don’t meet an early demise.

For more information about Young Souls, please visit youngsouls-game.com.


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