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请问医生,我已经不再生育了,那隆乳的伤口开在哪里比较好,复原快,没怎么痛,是腋下还是乳头呢?可以告诉我腋下和乳头的分别,好/坏处吗?腋下的伤口是几cm呢?举起手看得出吗?腋下很会流汗,会影响伤口的复原度吗?还有在隆乳之前医生会帮我做乳房检查,验血之类吗?请问医生我还想纹眼线和染嘴唇,你那边有这个服务吗?或者医生可以介绍当地,做这类服务的吗?Doctor, I have some question would like to ask: I no longer maternity, where would be better for me if you suggesting for the breast augmentation open wound-Is the armpit or nipple? I need fast recovery, and less pain. Can you also tell me the different or the advantage/disadvantage of the breast augmentation open wound at armpit/nipple? how long is the wound length underarm (in cm)? After recovery will the wound/scar easily noticed when i raised my hands up? my Armpit sweating quite active,will this affect the wound from healing? Also, before breast augmentation, will the doctor provided me some body check up such as: to do a breast exam, blood tests,etc? Furthermore, I would like to do my eye liner and stained lips, do you has this kind of services too? Or you (doctor) can recommend me any local, to do this type of service?  |