NBA 印第安纳溜马队 Paul George 担任封面球员《NBA 2K17》9 月 20 日发售
2K 今(2)日宣布由印第安纳溜马队的明星得分后卫 Paul George 担任《NBA 2K17》的封面球员。 《NBA 2K17》将在 2016 年 9 月 20 日发售。 本季爆炸性地成功复出球场的 Paul George 是第一次单独登上《NBA 2K》产品封面,他在 2015-16 NBA 正规赛季中缔造了场均得分 23.1 分的生涯最佳纪录。
「我可是从小玩《NBA 2K》长大的,很荣幸能担任《NBA 2K17》封面球员,这对我来说是一大恩赐以及肯定,让我在球场内外所做的努力有了回报,」带领球队打进 2015-2016 NBA 季后赛的 Paul George 表示。 「我很开心地庆祝我的篮球生涯迈入新的里程碑,还有和 2K 合作以协助《NBA 2K》系列更上层楼。 」
《NBA 2K17》标准版将以数字和实体形式推出 PlayStation 4、PlayStation 3、Xbox One、Xbox 360 和 Windows PC 版本。 早先发表的《NBA 2K17》Kobe Bryant 传奇珍藏版来颂扬这位退休湖人队篮球偶像的辉煌生涯,将以数字和实体形式推出 PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 版本。 此外还将在 PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 平台推出《NBA 2K17》Kobe Bryant 黄金传奇珍藏版,内含《NBA 2K17》传奇珍藏版内容外加以下额外项目:
XCOM 2 Coming to PS4 & Xbox One in September
《XCOM 2》将在 9 月 9 日推出游乐器版本 携手解放外星人统治下的人类
2K 今天宣布《XCOM 2》将推出 PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 版本,发售日期为 2016 年 9 月 9 日。 此外,这款游戏能移植到游乐器上,得归功于 2K 和 Firaxis Games 与现在隶属于 Skydance Media 的业界老牌工作室 The Workshop 合作。 在这样的合作下,将让游乐器的玩家享受到同样高标准的《XCOM 2》游戏体验。
《XCOM 2》一开始推出的 Winodws PC 版本已获得 IGN 9.3/10 的高分,并且称赞「《XCOM2》是一款超棒的游戏」。 PC Gamer 更是写到:「这款游戏会让我们永远玩下去」,并且给了 94% 的高分。 Game Informer Magazine 也认为《XCOM 2》是「市场上最有富深度且最具奖励性的策略游戏」,并给了 9.5/10 的高分。
「Firaxis 成功地提升了《XCOM》系列,让《XCOM 2》获得广大评论圈与玩家圈的盛赞,」2K 营销副总 Matt Gorman 表示。 「许多游乐器玩家都希望能在自己拥有的平台上玩到《XCOM 2》,现在他们得以在今年九月一偿夙愿加入反抗军。 」
2K announced today that XCOM 2 is coming to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One on September 6, 2016 in North America and September 9, 2016 internationally for £39.99.
Additionally, 2K and Firaxis Games have partnered with industry veterans The Workshop, now a dedicated subsidiary of Skydance Media, to bring the title to consoles and ensure that the XCOM 2 experience meets the same high standards of the beloved series.
Upon its initial release for Windows-based PC, XCOM 2 had critics raving, with IGN giving the game a 9.3 out of 10 and saying, “XCOM 2 is an amazing game,” and PC Gamer writing, “We’ll play this forever,” and awarding a 94% out of 100%. Game Informer Magazine also stated that XCOM 2 is “one of the deepest and most rewarding strategy games on the market” and scored the game a 9.5 out of 10.
“Firaxis has successfully enhanced the XCOM franchise, as XCOM 2 has earned both massive critical and fan acclaim,” said Matt Gorman, vice president of marketing for 2K. “Many console gamers have been vocal about bringing XCOM 2 to their platforms, and now they can look forward to joining the resistance this September.”
XCOM 2, is set 20 years in the future where humanity lost the war against the alien threat and a new world order is in place. XCOM, formerly a secret paramilitary organisation, is largely forgotten and must strike back from the shadows to reclaim Earth from the aliens’ rule and free mankind from its evil plans.
“The incredible reception of XCOM 2 has been rewarding and humbling for the team, and we’ve known console fans have been c[禁止售卖商品]ing to play the game too,” said Jake Solomon, creative director of XCOM 2 at Firaxis Games. “As avid console players ourselves, we’re excited to work with The Workshop to bring XCOM 2 to all of our fans.”
Players who pre-order XCOM 2 will also receive the Resistance Warrior Pack, offering additional soldier customisation options such as bonus outfits, headgear and custom facial war paint. The Resistance Warrior Pack also includes a “Survivor of the Old War,” a new XCOM recruit who will appear in the Avenger’s barracks. Additionally, players who pre-order the XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition will receive the XCOM 2 Reinforcement Pack* which includes all paid XCOM 2 DLC along with the base game and Resistance Warrior Pack.
For more information, please visit, become a fan on Facebook, follow the game on Twitter or subscribe to XCOM on YouTube.
【E3 16】John Cena 确认参战! 2K 与 WWE 人像大师揭露《WWE 2K17》新角色阵容
2K 今(17)日于 E3 电玩展中证实 WWE 超级巨星 John Cena、Sasha Banks,以及 Ultimate Warrior 将现身《WWE》系列新作《WWE 2K17》。
2016 E3 电玩展已圆满落幕,2K 与 WWE 人像大师 Rob Schamberger 于现场共同揭露了《WWE 2K17》三位新角色阵容成员。 Rob Schamberger 在现场于巨大画布上画出超级巨星 John Cena、Sasha Banks,以及 WWE 名人堂巨星 Ultimate Warrior 三名角色画像。
《WWE 2K17》目前预订 2016 年 10 月在全球的 PS4、PS3、Xbox One 和 Xbox 360 平台上发售。
Lesnar 在明尼苏达大学展开了他令人印象深刻的大学摔角生涯,并在高年级时拿下了 NCAA Division I 重量级冠军。 随后,他在 2002 年首次于 WWE 登台亮相,很快就被他的拥护者 Paul Heyman 取了「下一个大人物」的绰号。 同年稍晚,他在 SummerSlam 击败了 Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson,以 25 岁的年纪成为公司史上最年轻的 WWE 世界重量级冠军。 Lesnar 后来又拿下两次 WWE 世界重量级冠军,并与 WWE 超级巨星 Undertaker、John Cena、Big Show 等人成为宿敌。 Lesnar 在 2004 年的 WrestleMania 20 首次替他的 WWE 生涯首次画上休止符,他在比赛中被 Bill Goldberg 击败。 Bill Goldberg 正是《WWE 2K17》预购特典内容的焦点人物。