※ 游戏画面皆为开发中画面。
※ 万代南梦宫娱乐保留修改、变更、取消特典的权利。
※ 首批封入特典与限定版数量有限。
※ 示意图仅供参考,请以实际商品为准。
※ STEAM 仅发行数字繁体中文版本,Xbox One 仅发行数字英文版本。 (台湾香港地区)
※ PS4 数字版将在 2 月 7 日开始预购,STEAM 与 Xbox One 数字版皆已开放预购。
发售日:2017 年 4 月 28 日
发行商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Asia Pte Ltd.
台湾发行:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
香港发行:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Hong Kong Ltd.
平台:PlayStation 4(实体/数字)、Xbox One(数字)、STEAM(数字)
Little Nightmares Final Release Date, Pre-Order Offers, Six Edition and a New Trailer Revealed by Bandai Namco Entertainment
Bandai Namco Entertainment UK and Tarsier Studios are pleased to announce today that Little Nightmares will release on April, 28th in digital and physical format on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Little Nightmares can now be pre-purchased digitally on PlayStation 4, Xbox One as well as GOG.com and Steam for PC. By pre-ordering digitally, all players will receive The Scarecrow Sack and the Upside-down Teapot Masks to help Six blend in with the other inhabitants of The Maw. PS4 and PC users will also receive the original soundtrack in digital format, an exclusive PS4 theme or a PC wallpaper featuring The Janitor.
A standard boxed version, including the Original Soundtrack, is available at all good video game retailers. The Six Edition is also available for pre-orders as a collector’s edition exclusively at GAME retail, while supplies last. The Six Edition includes a 10 cm high figurine trapped in a themed cage box as well as the original soundtrack composed by Tobias Lilja from Tarsier Studios, an exclusive A3 poster and a sticker board.
Trapped in The Maw with nothing but her wits and a lighter, Six must find light in the darkness and strength in her weakness to survive the attentions of its monstrous residents and escape to the world outside. Be careful as each room is a cell, each resident a threat, and both puzzles to untangle. Hide and sneak from danger, climb your way out and escape the chasing monsters as The Janitor, the new character revealed in The Nine Deaths of Six trailer.
Little Nightmares, will release on April, 28th in digital and physical format on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Ace Combat 7 will release for Xbox One and PC via Steam in addition to the previously announced PlayStation 4 version in 2017, Bandai Namco announced. The game’s full title is now Ace Combat 7: SKies Unknown.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:
Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, Ace Combat 7 delivers the fiercest air combat experience ever created through photorealistic visuals, intense dog-fighting action, a multitude of authentic and futuristic aircraft to fly, an immersive storyline, and even virtual reality!
Leveraging the power of the newest generation gaming consoles, Ace Combat 7 will blow players away with the evolution of its graphics engine. Beautifully rendered cloud-filled skies and highly detailed cityscapes enhance the sense of unparalleled speed and set the stage for the most engaging aerial battles in the franchise’s storied 20 year history. Ace Combat 7 will provide an arsenal of ultra-modern super weapons and formidable enemies that the series is known for.
PlayStation 4 players will be further immersed in Ace Combat 7’s realism through exclusive missions developed specifically for the Sony PlayStation VR.
Innovation in the Sky – Breathtaking clouds coupled with highly detailed aircraft and photorealistic scenery makes this the most engaging Ace Combat to date.
Return to Strangereal – The alternative Ace Combat universe composed of real-world current and near-future weapons, but with a history steeped in Ace Combat lore.
Virtual Combat – VR missions made exclusively for the PlayStation VR that provide unprecedented immersion.
Features English voice-overs
Supports 1-2 players offline
由日本 Bandai Namco Entertainment(万代南梦宫娱乐)预定于 2017 年在 App Store/Google Play 等手机平台上推出营运,至于收费模式则是将会采取基本游戏免费的道具制课金模式的这款官方旗下人气 RPG《Tales of 时空幻境》系列最新作《Tales of the Rays》(时空幻境 光之传奇/テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ,中文名暂称),如今官方正式宣布,自即日起正式在官网展开本作事前登录预约注册活动让玩家们先来申请预约领取好康,并同步释出游戏最新宣传影片让玩家们来抢先确认欣赏本作最新的游戏内容!
由官方即将在手机平台上推出的这款系列最新作,除了将会由之前曾经担任《Tales of the Abyss 深渊传奇》、《Tales of Symphonia 交响曲传奇》等系列作脚本的人气剧作家「実弥岛巧」负责剧情原案之外,还将会邀请之前曾经在人气恋爱战略游戏《樱花大战》系列中担任角色设计、作画监督与版权原画等等的「 松原秀典」负责人设;而在本作世界观方面,将会以一个藉由会释放无限能源的「奇拉尔分子」(Chiral Molecule/キラル分子)而繁荣兴盛的世界「迪尔. 那. 诺格」(Tir na Norg/ティル・ナ・ノーグ)作为舞台,描述拥有操纵魔镜之力的「镜士」少年「伊克斯」(Ickx Neve/イクス・ネーヴェ,CV:花江 夏树),如何与从小一起长大的青梅竹马女主角「米莉娜. 拜斯」(Mileena Weiss/ミリーナ・ヴァイス,CV:照井 春佳)为了拯救世界而展开冒险旅程!
另外在本作中,玩家们将可以在 3D 组成的世界地图与迷宫中进行自由探索冒险,玩家们可以藉此来入手取得各式各样的宝箱道具,或是得到各种武器或强化素材,来让自己冒险更加顺利进行! 而在本作故事演出方面,也将会透过融合 3D 演出的高水平画面表现,来将整体故事气氛炒热;在音乐方面,除了由「桜庭统」与「椎名豪」所创作的部分原创乐曲之外,也将护把许多系列玩家们所熟悉的人气 BGM 与战斗曲再度收录登场,也是喜欢系列作的玩家们届时所绝对不能错过的唷!
Project Cars 2 announced for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Bandai Namco and Slightly Mad Studios have announced Project Cars 2, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in late 2017.
Project Cars 2 features an expanded roster of over 170 cars and more than 60 tracks, brand-new fan-requested Online Championships game mode, and additional racing disciplines – including ice, dirt, snow, and mud racing. On PC, it supports up to 12K resolution graphics and virtual reality.
Bandai Namco Entertainment Takes Gamers to the Trace for the Most Authentic Motorsports Racing Experience Ever Created in Project CARS 2
Leading interactive entertainment company Bandai Namco Entertainment America and Slightly Mad Studios, today announced their publishing partnership to bring Project CARS 2 to the Americas for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in late 2017. Project CARS 2 features an expanded roster of over 170 cars and 60+ tracks, brand-new fan-requested Online Championships game mode, and additional racing disciplines – including ice, dirt, snow, and mud racing – over its critically acclaimed, ground-breaking predecessor (Project CARS). All of this racing action can be presented at up to 12K* resolution graphics (PC) with VR support, making Project CARS 2 the most immersive and technically advanced racing simulation experience.
Created by gamers and fine-tuned by professional racing drivers, Project CARS 2 delivers an unparalleled racing experience to players of all skill levels. To achieve this goal, Project CARS 2 utilizes leading-edge visuals, precise car physics, and realistic A.I. designed to mimic a competitive driver’s heart and mind that is sure to challenge players. The use of Slightly Mad Studios’ proprietary LIVETRACK 3.0 technology enables the development team to create dynamic real-time weather & seasonal effects, track surface conditions & time-of-day changes, and implement advanced tire grip/wear physics into the Project CARS 2 gameplay. By combining these features with the highest performance driving machines in the world, Project CARS 2 will enable players to live-out their dreams of being a racecar driver.
“Project CARS 2’s authentic presentation of motorsports racing isn’t just cutting edge, it surpasses the cutting edge,” says Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing at Bandai Namco Entertainment America. “No other driving game or racing title can approach Project CARS 2’s level of visual fidelity, real-world physics, and intelligent driver A.I. These features combined with dynamic weather and track effects, refined controls, and an authentic love of competitive eSports guarantees players will be able to live-out their racing aspirations on multiple gaming platforms.”
“We’re thrilled to pull off the covers on our publishing partnership with Bandai Namco Entertainment and finally share more details on our latest build with Project CARS 2.” said Stephen Viljoen, Game Director for Project CARS 2. “Our collective goal at Slightly Mad Studios is to create a simulation racing experience that rivals that of real-life. Realism and authenticity are central to our development mantra for Project CARS 2, hence we’re making sure we employ the best professional drivers, game developers, artists, and sound engineers to realize our vision for a game that takes players on the ultimate driver journey.”
Project CARS 2 will be available in the Americas for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in late 2017. To find out more about Project CARS 2 please visit: bandainamcoent.com/project-cars-2.