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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-25 07:06 PM 编辑
GTA Online Heists Coming March 10, GTA V for PC Coming April 14
《侠盗猎车手 5》在线模式抢劫任务 3 月释出 PC 版再度延期至 4 月上市
Rockstar Games 今日宣布,旗下畅销跨平台动作冒险游戏《侠盗猎车手 5》在线模式《侠盗猎车手 Online》的抢劫任务将于 3 月 10 日释出,PC 版则是再度宣布延期至 4 月 14 日推出。
在线模式抢劫任务 3 月 10 日释出
《侠盗猎车手 Online》的抢劫任务计划将于 3 月 10 日发行。抢劫任务将带给玩家一些全新的 4 人合作游戏体验,让玩家有机会组队一起在洛圣都和布雷恩郡完成一连串紧张刺激的抢劫任务。
后续几周 Rockstar Games 将会公布更多关于抢劫任务和其他即将发布之新功能的信息。

GTAV Updates: Online Heists Coming March 10, GTAV for PC Coming April 14
We have release date updates to share, along with a collection of new Heists screenshots.
Online Heists
We are excited to announce that the launch of Heists for GTA Online is scheduled for March 10th. We know it’s been a wait, and appreciate your patience. Heists will bring a brand new 4-player cooperative gameplay experience to GTA Online, giving players the chance to team up to pull off a string of intense, multi-part raids and robberies across Los Santos and Blaine County. Over the next couple of weeks, we will have more information about the launch of Heists and about other new features that we will release with it.
GTA V for PC
GTAV for PC will be arriving on April 14th at retail and as a digital download. Our apologies to PC gamers worldwide who have been counting down the days until the launch of the game, but a bit more time is needed to ensure that the game is as polished as possible, and to make certain that both Heists and the GTA Online experience are ready to roll out on day one for PC. As a gesture of thanks for your understanding, we will grant anyone who has pre-ordered the game an additional $200,000 in-game cash for use in GTA Online.
As always, we ask for the GTA PC community’s understanding and assistance in helping to report any concerns during the early days of launch when those inevitable initial teething issues arise on the new platform. If you do experience issues please visit Rockstar Games Support and send feedback to GTAOnline@rockstargames.com – we’ll be closely monitoring the situation and addressing any hitches as quickly as we can.
The PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is our most graphically and technically advanced version yet, fully optimized to support a broad range of current hardware (system specifications) and features a host of PC-specific enhancements including greater levels of detail, deep configuration options and ultra-high-definition support – as well as the powerful new Rockstar Editor for recording, staging and editing original custom videos.
We thank GTA players worldwide for their patience in awaiting these big game updates and we are excited to bring both Heists and GTAV for PC to you very soon. Please stay tuned for lots more information in the weeks ahead and for now, check out some new screens showing action from Heists.
PC 版《侠盗猎车手 5》延期至 4 月 14 日上市
继先前宣布延期至 3 月 24 日推出后, Rockstar Games 本次又宣布 PC 版《侠盗猎车手 5》实体版和数字版将再度延期至 4 月 14 日推出。官方向全世界等待游戏发行的玩家道歉,表示因为需要更多时间优化 PC 版,以确保抢劫任务和 《侠盗猎车手 Online》能在 PC 版发售当天推出,因此决定再度延期。为了补偿,官方将会提供所有预购玩家额外的 20 万在线模式游戏币。
PC 版使用最先进的图像和技术,而且被优化成为能够支持目前多数的硬件配备,具备许多专属的改进,包含了更深度的细节、更详细的设定选项、以及对超高分辨率的支持。还有功能强大的全新 Rockstar 编辑器,可以用来录制片段、编导排演、以及编辑玩家原创的客制化影片。
《侠盗猎车手 5》PS4 版和 Xbox One 版已于日前上市,建议售价均为新台币 1790 元,PC 版预定于 2015 年 4 月 14 日推出,建议售价为新台币 1790 元,游戏软件分级为 18+ 限制级。
