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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-29 06:22 PM 编辑

《侠盗猎车手5》公布PS4、Xbox One 及PC 版回锅玩家专属内容更新详情
Rockstar Games 继先前发表关于PS4 、Xbox One 与PC 版《侠盗猎车手5》中文版的相关讯息之后,现又进一步公布回锅玩家专属游戏内容更新详情。凡是回归游玩的PS3 与Xbox 360 版玩家,将能获得许多专属奖励,每项奖励都与制作团队在广大游戏世界中设计的内容息息相关。
Details on Exclusive Content for Returning GTAV Players on PS4, Xbox One and PC
Ever since we announced Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, some of you have been asking if there will be anything extra for those PS3 and Xbox 360 players who are planning on picking up the new versions. To reward loyal GTAV fans for coming back to the newer, more detailed version of Los Santos and Blaine County, we've created an array of exclusive items specifically for these players - with each of them connected to activities designed for you to experience the game's massive world in new and exciting ways. Here are some of the new items and activities that will be available for returning players:

嘟嘟鸟水上飞机(Dodo Seaplane):你可能需要携带多一点火力,才有办法摸到这架高度灵活的经典载具
• New Events & Rewards - Encounter new events happening all across the world, and complete the challenges they present to unlock exclusive new vehicles like the menacing Imponte Duke O’Death and that veritable GTA classic bird of flight, the Dodo seaplane.
畅游《侠盗猎车手5》 的世界体验全新事件,并完成圣安地列斯居民带来的挑战,进一步解锁各种独特的新载具,例如威胁性十足的英奔堤死亡公爵(Imponte Duke O 'Death)还有全能的飞行机具:嘟嘟鸟(Dodo)水上飞机。

• Murder Mystery - As Michael, follow a trail of cryptic clues to unravel a grisly murder mystery. Put the clues together and you’ll unlock two Noir Style Filters, which will give your Story Mode gameplay and Snapmatic photos the feel of a gritty old school crime classic.
扮演麦可,循着一连串的秘密线索揭露一桩残忍凶案之谜。拼凑所有线索,就能解锁「复古滤镜」,让您在故事模式中及使用Snapmatic 拍照时,为游戏体验加上一层老派罪案影集的氛围。

• Weapons: The Rail Gun & Hatchet - Obliterate your adversaries with the high-powered, high-velocity Rail Gun. This piece of experimental military technology also has its own set of Shooting Range Challenges at your local Ammu-Nation shooting range. Or hack and slash foes up close and personal with the brutal Hatchet melee weapon.

• Wildlife Photography Challenge - There are new species of animals across Los Santos and Blaine County, and the LS Tourist Board needs someone to document them. As Franklin, catalog unique animal species scattered across the map to unlock the special Kraken Sub.

• Stock Car Races - Win a series of new Stock Car Races to earn unique custom Muscle Cars adorned with logos from some of the companies that made this country great.

• Monkey Mosaics - A mysterious street artist is tagging walls all across town with his simian-inspired silhouettes. Track down and photograph them all to earn new monkey outfits (available to all players) and a special Go Go Monkey Blista exclusively for returning players.
一位神秘的街头艺术家在城里各处展现自己的涂鸦天分,并留下猴子形状的剪影。找到所有涂鸦并拍下照片,就能获得这些猴子套装(所有玩家都能拥有)以及为回锅玩家准备的冲冲猴旅行家(Go Go Monkey Blista)专属好礼。

驾驶希罗飞船(Xero Blimp)飞上高空,享受更快的速度以及灵巧的操控性
• New Vehicles and More - Grind up the Los Santos freeways (and over anybody in your path) with the Cheval Marshall monster truck and take to the skies in a faster and more maneuverable Blimp, compliments of Xero Gas.
开着雪佛马绍尔(Cheval Marshall)大脚车奔上洛圣都高速公路(然后辗过任何挡在路上的家伙),以及搭乘使用了希罗汽油,更快更灵活的飞船飞上蓝天。

In addition, anyone who pre-orders the game will receive a bonus of GTA$1M ($500k for Story Mode and $500k for use in Grand Theft Auto Online). We’ve also received tons of great questions from excited fans about what's in store for the game. Below are some of the more frequent ones we've gotten that we're able to shed a little light on – and stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks. Remember, you can always send us your questions at mouthoff@rockstargames.com, or shoot us a tweet at @RockstarGames. If you've got feedback about what you'd like to see in GTA Online specifically, don't hesitate to drop our dev team a line at gtaonline@rockstargames.com.
目前的PS3 与Xbox 360 《侠盗猎车手Online》玩家,都可以将目前的角色资料和进度转移到PS4、Xbox One 或PC 版《侠盗猎车手Online》(需要Social Club 会员资格)。所有预购次世代版本游戏的玩家都会得到100 万游戏币奖励(故事模式50 万,《侠盗猎车手Online》50 万) 。
Grand Theft Auto Online character transfers FAQ
• What about the exclusive in-game content I originally received for purchasing the PS3 or Xbox 360 Special Edition or Collectors Edition last year? Will I be able to access that content on PS4, Xbox One or PC?
Yes, if you purchased the Special Edition or the Collector’s Edition last year, when you upgrade to one of the new systems, you will automatically have those items unlocked and accessible. Those in-game bonuses include the Stunt Plane Trials, Bonus Outfits and Tattoos, and the Pistol .50, Bullpup Shotgun and melee Hammer all for Story Mode use; as well as the Custom Classic GTA Parent Characters and the high-end Khamelion electric car for GTA Online. Furthermore, if you missed out on your chance to buy a CE or SE the last time around, we will also make all of that content available for all players on PS4, Xbox One and PC to earn and acquire with in-game cash (original SE and CE owners will not have to spend any in-game cash to obtain them, they will automatically be accessible upon upgrade). |