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《横行霸道5》即将更新 剧情DLC于明年发布
GTA Online Update: Free Deathmatch & Race Creators this Week, Capture Mode and More on the Way
Get ready for lots of new content updates for Grand Theft Auto Online, beginning with the launch of the free Deathmatch and Race Creators tool coming this week. Here's a look at what’s on the way in the weeks ahead...
Rockstar将于12月10日推出该Beta版,玩家们利用该工具可以自行设计精彩的对战比赛,不管是激烈的枪战、精彩绝伦的街道赛还是令人尖叫不已的空战都是可行的。此外玩家们还可以利用Rockstar Games社交俱乐部来查看、下载、体验或分享这些自定义比赛。而玩家们可以创造和自定义的模式包括死亡竞赛、团队死亡竞赛、竞速还有拉力赛等。当然这还只是测试版,所以官方希望玩家们能够通过邮件来指出该Beta版的缺陷和错误。
Deathmatch & Race Creators Beta
This week, we will give you the first chance to build your own content in GTA Online (and play content others have made) with the release of the Deathmatch & Race Creators Beta. With access to some of the same tools as our own game design and development team, you can craft your own custom blood-soaked gunfights, high-octane street races, screaming jet dogfights and more. You’ll also be able to publish your original Deathmatches and Races via the Rockstar Games Social Club for the whole community to discover, download, play, rate and share. Players can create and customize Jobs for the following modes:
- Deathmatch
- Team Deathmatch
- Race
- GTA Race
- Rally Race
The hunter and the hunted – the entire open world is your battleground as you war against enemy teams for coveted contraband in Capture mode.
Also in December, we will introduce possibly our favorite competitive team mode, Capture. A proper GTA twist on classic capture the flag, Capture mode brings territory infiltration and a new form of team-versus-team treachery into GTA Online. Up to four squads battle to steal contraband, trucks, buses or whatever from opponents' bases using high-speed vehicles, explosive weaponry and cunning teamwork. Craft, cooperation and team tactics are key. The free Capture update will bring a host of new jobs to GTA Online, accessible via the open world and also directly through your phone. Capture is broken down into four variations - ‘Raid’, ‘Contend’, ‘Hold’ and ‘GTA’ – we will give you full details on each of these next week.
Coming in 2014
Expect big things in both Grand Theft Auto Online and Grand Theft Auto V next year including:
GTA Online Heists. We know many of you in the GTA Online community are super excited for the debut of co-operative Heists. Heists are currently in development and we are working very hard to get them as polished and as fun as they can be. Stay tuned for much more detail in the New Year.
GTAV Story Mode Updates. For those ready to jump back into the story of Grand Theft Auto V, we have big plans for substantial additions in 2014 continuing Michael, Franklin and Trevor's action, mayhem and unexpected adventures in Southern San Andreas.
Rockstar NewsWire:http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... is-week-captur.html |