Final Fantasy Dimensions II coming west on November 1
Square Enix will release Final Fantasy Dimensions II for iOS and Android in the west on November 1, the company announced.
The RPG was first released in Japan in February 2015 as Final Fantasy Legends: Toki no Suishou. A massive update released in November 2016 rebranded it Final Fantasy Legends II.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age shipments and digital sales top one million
《Final Fantasy XII: 黄道年代》销量破百万 官方贺图及视频
Square Enix 宣布 7 月 13 日发售的 PS4《Final Fantasy XII: 黄道年代》(Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age)全球实体、下载版累计销量突破100万份,为此请到上国料勇绘制了一副纪念插图并公开一段新的视频。
在原版《Final Fantasy XII》的标题画面会有一段循环视频,但是在《Final Fantasy XII: 黄道年代》中并没有。为此Square Enix 特地重制了这段视频供大家欣赏。
Total worldwide shipments and digital sales for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age have exceeded one million units, Square Enix announced.
The PlayStation 4 remaster was released in July, and introduced a multitude of modern advancements including remastered HD graphics, soundtrack, a revamped battle system, and more.
“Thank you to all the fans for helping us reach this milestone,” said producer Hiroaki Kato in a press release. “We are overwhelmed with the response from both new players and fans of the original.”
To commemorate the milestone, Square Enix has released a new illustration by Isamu Kamikokuryo and a remastered version of the original title screen trailer.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT overview trailer
《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》欧美总览宣传片公开
Square Enix 制作的 PS4《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》公开了一段面向欧美地区的总览视频,该视频比较详细地介绍了游戏的基本内容与玩法。本作预定在2018年1月11日发售,并同步推出繁体中文版,欧美版发售日则是在 1 月 30 日。
《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》是一款集结了《Final Fantasy》历代知名角色的3D空间对战类游戏。PS4 版相比街机版新增了剧情内容、新的对战规则以及新的用户界面。
Square Enix has released an overview trailer for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT introducing the basics of the Final Fantasy fighting game.
The overview trailer showcases the bravery combat system, Final Fantasy summon beasts, character classes, and unique abilities that players can use in battle.
Square Enix also released a “Class Flow” chart for those who are looking for which character fits their play style:
Dissidia Final Fantasy is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 11 in Japan, and January 30 in North America and Europe.
World of Final Fantasy coming to PC via Steam on November 21
《Final Fantasy 世界》PC 版 11 月 22 日在 Steam 平台上市
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SQUARE ENIX 今日宣布,《Final Fantasy 世界(WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY)》PC 版本即将于 11 月 22 日在 Steam 平台上市,同步公开 PC 版宣传影片。
《Final Fantasy 世界》是让 FF 系列的人气角色及召唤兽以二头身的造型于游戏中登场,藉由将怪物「堆栈」来制作出塔,利用其效果来使战况朝向有利的情势发展此种独特系统为特征的 RPG 游戏。
SQUARE ENIX 今日同步公开将会限时在 Steam 平台推出《Final Fantasy 世界》一日版,预定 11 月 22 日上市,11 月 28 日下架,内容将包括数字原声带、展现传奇 FINAL FANTASY 英雄和生物的背景图片等奖励内容。
World of Final Fantasy, which first launched for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in October 2016, is coming to PC via Steam on November 21, Square Enix announced.
The game features turn-based RPG gameplay mechanics. Players can capture, customize, and grow a variety of Final Fantasy creatures as they join siblings Reynn and Lann on an adventure through the land of Grymoire.
The Steam version will feature Steam Trading Cards, Steam Achievements, full keyboard and controller support, and an extensive list of legendary creatures and characters, including Sephiroth, Balthier, White Chocobo, and Glow Moogle.
Users who purchase the Steam version before November 28 will receive the “Day One Edition” of the game, which includes a digital soundtrack sampler featuring tracks from the game and a wallpaper showcasing legendary Final Fantasy heroes and characters.
SQUARE ENIX 预定在 2018 年 1 月 11 日推出的《Dissidia Final Fantasy NT》,是让《Final Fantasy》系列作主要角色,展开一场场三对三战斗的对战动作游戏。 将大型电玩《Dissidia Final Fantasy》针对 PlayStation 4 主机优化,并追加适合家用游戏之全新要素的作品。
以下要和大家介绍出自《Final Fantasy III》的「洋葱骑士(オニオンナイト)」和「黑暗之云(暗闇の云)」,以及出自《Final Fantasy VII》的「克劳德(クラウド)」与「 赛菲罗斯(セフィロス)」等角色在本作故事当中所处的立场。
Dissidia Final Fantasy adds Golbez from FF IV, 'Stellar Fulcrum' Stage from FF XI
The arcade version of Dissidia Final Fantasy will add Golbez from Final Fantasy IV as a playable character, and the “Stellar Fulcrum” stage from Final Fantasy XI in its November update, Square Enix announced.