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K 游戏情报员/KWolDs SEN ID
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-29 07:52 PM 编辑
Nintendo 2DS Revealed, Wii U Price Drops $50, Zelda Wii U Bundle
Nintendo Offers Unrivaled Value and Variety This Holiday Season with Lower Wii U Price, Zelda Wii U Bundle and New Nintendo 2DS
Nintendo outlined a campaign that will offer consumers unprecedented levels of value and variety this holiday season. That proposition includes:
• A $50 price drop for the Wii U Deluxe Set to a new suggested retail price of just $299.99, effective on Sept. 20.
• A limited-edition Wii U bundle featuring The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD launching on Sept. 20.
• The introduction of Nintendo 2DS, an entry-level dedicated portable gaming system that plays all Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS games in 2D. Nintendo 2DS launches Oct. 12, the same day as Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, at a suggested retail price of $129.99.
The announcements demonstrate Nintendo’s aggressive approach to providing new games and experiences available only on Nintendo platforms for all types of people this holiday season. Nintendo announced these items at the GameStop Managers Show in Las Vegas.
“Nintendo has one of the strongest and most diverse video game lineups in our history,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s president and COO. “Today we’re making those unique Nintendo experiences more accessible and affordable. However you play and whatever you play, Nintendo has you covered.”
Nintendo 2DS
The newest member of the Nintendo 3DS family is designed specifically for anyone looking for a more affordable entry point into the world of Nintendo hand-held video games. Nintendo 2DS will be available in Red or Blue on Oct. 12 at a suggested retail price of $129.99.
Nintendo 2DS plays the entire library of packaged and downloadable games for Nintendo 3DS only in 2D. The system features a distinctive fixed, slate-type form factor, and optional carrying cases will be available in Red or Blue at launch at a suggested retail price of $12.99. Nintendo 2DS maintains many of the same hardware features as Nintendo 3DS: dual screens, game-play controls and touch-screen features. The system also has backward compatibility with the existing library of more than 2,000 Nintendo DS games, as well as access to wireless connectivity features like multiplayer online game play, fun Nintendo Video content and great digitally delivered games in the Nintendo eShop. To view a video of Nintendo 2DS, visit http://youtu.be/sAExBTWIp3M.
People eager to test drive the new system will have the chance beginning in October, when Nintendo 2DS joins a sampling tour in conjunction with Simon Malls that visits several different markets before it wraps up on Nov. 3. For more information about the tour, visit http://www.nintendo.com.
任天堂宣布推出全新掌机Nintendo 2DS,预计將於10月12日上市,建议售价將是130美元(换算过来大约RM433左右),同時,任天堂也在官方YouTube页面释出介绍影片
從相关介面來看,Nintendo 2DS将採用单一平面机身的设计,而非過去DS系列上下掀盖机身设计,不過仍维持上下荧幕操作介面,游戏內容将相容于3DS与DS系列,同時也具备Wi-Fi连网与多人通讯连线游玩机能,不过荧幕並未搭载裸视3D显示效果
按键部分大致维持相同,只是在位置排列稍有不同,並且可透过触控笔点按下方荧幕进行操作,Nintendo 2DS跟3DS同樣可透过SD记忆卡扩充储存空间,而出货时也將将预搭一张4GB记忆卡
根据任天堂方面的说法,Nintendo 2DS主要将瞄准更小的玩家族群,而既有Nintendo 3DS则聚焦于7岁以上玩家
目前该掌机共有两种颜色版本,分别是黑蓝与黑红。但在网络上也流传出一张白红配色的2DS掌机图片。2DS机身重量相对3DS增加了5g,使用时间相对3DS也多了0.5小时左右。屏幕尺寸大小与普通3DS相同,但并没有省电模式。另外主机附送的SD卡带大小也与3DSLL一样为4GB。 |