The Legend of Zelda X Mario Kart 8 & Animal Crossing X Mario Kart 8 - AOC Pack - Digital Download
Each Add On Content pack will contain two new cups, each with four courses, which, in total, increases the number of available courses by 50 percent. The Add On Content packs include classics like Wario’s Gold Mine from Mario Kart Wii, as well as new courses, some taking place in the worlds of The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. New vehicles will also arrive with each pack, including the Blue Falcon kart representing the F-Zero franchise in the first AOC pack.
As a bonus for purchasing both packs - as a bundle or separately - you can get eight different-coloured Yoshis and eight different-coloured Shy Guys that can be used right away.
本次的发表会中除宣布出自《异域神剑(Xenoblade)》的休尔克(シュルク)参战《任天堂明星大乱斗N3DS / Wii U》,公布《Bravely Second》、《Final Fantasy 探险者们》 、《航海王超级伟大航路之争X》、《新‧世界树的迷宫2:法夫纳的骑士》之新影片及资讯外,亦惊喜发表新型主机「NEW Nintendo 3DS(LL)」的情报。
New Lineup for Nintendo 3DS Debuts “New Nintendo 3DS” & “New Nintendo 3DS XL” To be launched on October 11
Nintendo Co., Ltd. will launch “New Nintendo 3DS” and “New Nintendo 3DS XL” on October 11, 2014 in Japan, at the suggested retail prices of 16,000 yen and 18,800 yen (prices not including consumption tax), respectively. The systems will be the newest members of the Nintendo 3DS family, the sales of which in Japan alone are estimated to already top 16 million units to date.
The new C-Stick, ZL button and ZR button, which will enhance the play controls of the existing Nintendo 3DS hardware, have been added, and the new “Super-Stable 3D” function will provide players with an even more comfortable 3D gaming experience. Furthermore, the new “NFC feature” will enable the use of the “amiibo” on Nintendo 3DS.
As for “New Nintendo 3DS,” the LCD screens are bigger than those of the existing Nintendo 3DS, and the exterior design of the hardware can be customized simply by exchanging the “Cover Plates,” which will be sold separately.
As for the overseas markets, our local subsidiaries will separately confirm. However, there will be no U.S. and European launches this calendar year.
加强版N3DS 主机「New Nintendo 3DS」10 月推出提升处理显示能力
任天堂在今日举办的线上发表会「Nintendo 3DS Direct 2014.8.29」中,正式发表将于10 月11 日推出加强版N3DS 主机「New Nintendo 3DS」与「New Nintendo 3DS LL」,包括萤幕面积、处理效能、操作按钮等规格都有所强化改良,价格分别为16000 日圆与18800 日圆(未税)。