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[活动] 《Run Up》新馬版 [Enigma Online]Game Client & Version Update 0704









Rank: 10

发表于 2012-3-9 02:02 PM |只看该作者
Game Update 0308

The following is today's updated contents:

1. Item Mall Updates
   ·6 new items
   ·Freemall New Pet - Chinese Vigorous Dragon
   ·Freemall New Mount - Chinese Vigorous Dragon

About Item Mall Gold Leaf and Reload Points:

1) Only RUNS CARD from Malaysia and Philippine can be used to reload game points through official website in the country.

2) After the points are reloaded to your RunUp account, remember to convert the points into Enigma Online,
so that you can use your runpoints at the Enigma item mall.

3) If you are a Runup player from other country, player are welcome to buy RUNS CARD in MY and PH country to play the game.

4) MY 1 Runs Point = 1 Gold Leaf
   PH 15 Runs Point = 10 Gold Leaf


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Rank: 10

发表于 2012-4-10 11:07 AM |只看该作者
Game Update 0410

The following is today's updated contents:

1. Item Mall Updates
·7 new items
·New carapce
·Blessing Pills ON SALES NOW!

About Item Mall Gold Leaf and Reload Points:

1) Only RUNS CARD from Malaysia and Philippine can be used to reload game points through official website in the country.

2) After the points are reloaded to your RunUp account, remember to convert the points into Enigma Online,
so that you can use your runpoints at the Enigma item mall.

3) If you are a Runup player from other country, you are welcome to buy RUNS CARD in MY and PH country to play the game.

4) MY 1 Runs Point = 1 Gold Leaf
PH 15 Runs Point = 10 Gold Leaf

Update 0410 manual patch is here!

We want to inform you that our very cool online game have ready a new manual patch , please click

>> 20120410enigmapatch CLICK HERE <<

1. Download the patch file
2. Place the file into your Enigma game folder
3. Right click to extract the file
4. Replace all existing files
5. You are all done and ready to Rock the Enigma World!


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Rank: 10

发表于 2012-5-7 11:57 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 小書 于 2012-5-7 11:59 AM 编辑

Server Merge Notice

Dear Enigma Gamers, in order for us to produce a more interact environment, adding more fun into the game, The Enigma Operation Team have decided on May 14 (Monday), begin operation on merging two server into one. Of course, we have relevant regulations and supporting measures to help carry out these actions. Players were advised to carefully read the following content of ours.

Act 1: Basic rules
◎Merging time

Server merging time: Server merge date on 14 May 2012 (Monday), starts on 10.00am and it is expected to take about 4 hours. Server will reopen and announcement via official website as soon as process is done.

◎Merging and channel planning
The two servers will merge into one.
(1) [YANG] Server shall merge into [YIN] Server.
(2) Server name will be rename as [TAIJI]
(3) Server setting according to previous [YIN]

◎Duplicate names
Upon the merge of the two servers, there maybe two same role/character names or guild names ! Please note that the [Golden key password] mentioned here refer to the password of opening [in game vault], actions will be done as following describe:

1. Role name repetition: After the server merged, repeated character name from later server will be renamed, added a serial number after the name, for example, there are two player role name called “strong”, after the merge, the role “strong” from later server will be renamed by system changes into “strong1”.  The renamed player has an opportunity to change its role name by login to The Great Capital, and find the NPC [Mr. Geng Ming] (Only can change once!)
{Important note} To change name you must enter the [Golden key password] from the original server. Please be prepared!

2. Guild (or Union) name repetition: After the server merged, repeated guild (union) name from later server will be renamed, added a serial number after the name, for example, there are two guild (union) name called “alliance”, after the merge, the guild (union) “alliance” from later server will be renamed by system changes into “alliance0”. The renamed guild (union), has an opportunity to change its guild (union) name by login to The Great Capital, and find the NPC [Mr. Geng Ming].
{Important note} To change name you must enter the [Golden key password] from the original server. Please be prepared!

◎Same account
If players in both merging servers happens to have created a role under the same account, during the merging process, we will make the following disposal of the case:

1. Delete the role of lower levels: If the same account has created roles for both servers, system will automatically retain the role of same character slot whichever relatively higher in levels and not in deletion state.

2. Vault and backpack handling: Items on deleted role's vault and backpack will all be transferred to retained role of same character slot with in same account. The deleted role's “Designated treasury renting” time remaining will be transfer and accumulated into the retained role of same character slot within same account as well. If retained role lack of space in vault or backpack, the exceed goods transferred will be re-issued after system maintenance on the other day. Players are advised to check and reserve enough space on vault and backpack before the process begins. Game money (Tael) will transferred to vault and backpack respectively. Any amount which exceeds its own upper limit shall automatically retrieve by system without notice and shall not be re-issued.

3. Collecting Rats: All deleted role's collecting rats will be retained. But material stored in the rat will not be retained.

4. Missing of Guild master: Any role deletion causing absents of guild master, guild automatic assign vice master / merchant to become new master. If lack of any ranked officer, thus randomly assign one member become new master.

5. Missing of Union leader: Any role deletion causing absents of union leader, the new union leader selection method as described above.

◎Account Deletion
In conjunction of merge servers, we will as well take action of deleting some of the less active accounts. If players do not wish their accounts to be deleted, be sure to log-in at lease once before the merge of servers begins! The target of account deletion should meet following conditions:
1. Not online for more than FOUR months.
2. Not online more than 16 days, and total accumulated online time is less than 240 minutes.

◎Stock Market
Stock Market: Due to data maintenance, all servers involved in merging must close the stock market system in advance, starting May 7 (Monday). Please make sure withdraw all your assets before the date to avoid unnecessary lost. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Act 2: In-game regulations
◎Clan Chief Competition

Both servers’ clan chief will be retired at the same time. The chief term cumulative session will not be affected. But if the Clan chief was in the 4th term, he/she will promote to Elder instead. The week's Clan Chief Competition will be suspended and return to normal on following week.

◎City Siege Warfare
All totem war, city siege war winning record will cleared, all player must fight over again. After merge server, there will be a refund of 21000 Tael into previous Siege war winner's union vault as compensation. If union vault money is full, thus will be issue to union leader's backpack. If money was full, then system re-issue after next day maintenance. ※ May 19 (Saturday) City siege warfare will suspended once. (The week has no equivalent reward)

Partner, mentor (master) and other relationship lost due to role deletion, system will not be able to give recovery. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Upon merge server, all pet in Pet property interface or Pet vault will be retained. If slot is full, clear out some space on Pet property interface or Pet vault, system will re-issue after server maintenance on the next day.

After merge server, all four clan reputation will be recalculate.

After merge server, all charts list will be recalculate.

◎Notes on Character name
Players must take note that after merge server, your friends list may change. Make sure you trade with correct person from your original server to prevent unscrupulous players use the name in fraudulent acts or SCAM.


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2012-5-8 09:09 PM |只看该作者


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Rank: 10

发表于 2012-5-14 01:02 PM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 小書 于 2012-5-14 01:03 PM 编辑

Newcomer Leveling Event

Join NOW!  Godly item up for Grab!      
Train up to Lv.40 , and get yours for FREE!      
Server apply EXP and Skill Points UP 50% from May 14~ May 24.
Any new register account from May 14~ May 24, who reached LV40 will received reward:      
Amazingly Gold Small Palm Jade Pendant *1       
Lv.20 to use, Attack +30 (Cannot be trade)

Amazingly Gold Small Palm Earring *1   
Lv.20 to use, M.Attack +16% (Cannot be trade)

Godly Golden Dexterity Jade Pendant *1   
Lv.60 to use, Attack +60 (Cannot be trade)

Godly Golden Dexterity Earring *1   
Lv.60 to use, M.Attack +22% (Cannot be trade)   

Ancient Coins *500

1.  The event is valid for new registered accounts, start from date May 14~ May 24         
2.  The prizes will be issue after 3 working days.           
3.  Each account only has 1 chance to win the reward.         
4.  If there is any controversy that happens during the event, the official reserves the rights to change or terminate the event.


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Rank: 10

发表于 2012-5-16 10:58 AM |只看该作者
PK Rules for after Server merge

Dear player, some of you might not know there are difference in PK rules between previous two servers.         
The difference between YIN and YANG server is as followed:

※Players above Level 25 will have death penalty (reduce character experience and equipment durability)  
※Only Level above 15 can have PK. Cannot change PK to peace status during battle.  
※Special events will be based on related event rules.  
※[Criminal Status] The punishment for killing players. Will be attacked by NPC guards within a certain period of time.   
※After merge server, the PK setting according to previous [YIN]


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Rank: 10

发表于 2012-7-13 11:16 AM |只看该作者
本帖最后由 小書 于 2012-7-13 11:19 AM 编辑

Game Client & Version Update 0704

Enigma Online will commence UPGRADE to "EPISODE 2: Prime Knight".
Players must make sure download and installed our LATEST game client to be able log into ENIGMA Online!

GAME CLIENT VER_1.2 download: HERE

*1. Make sure complete download client file size 1.23GB
*2. Make sure installed client and it appears "VER_1.2" and " Prime Knight"
*3. You could only start playing with client VER_1.2 after 4th July

The following is the update contents:

1. New Feature
   •Check major New Feature at HERE
   •New pet interface

   •New in-game events & new levels of chivalry record
   •Added V.I.P system

2. Item Mall Updates
   •Adjusted some items pricing  
   •New mount lucky bag
   •New Collector backpack

•New pet & pet related items
   • Purchase V.I.P (aka Honor card) at Item-mall
     •How to Purchase VIP:

> Click “Honor cards” button in top left of item-mall
>” Tick” the option want to get VIP Honor
> Click “Get VIP honor  card” then purchase successful, membership 30 days
> Careful to not click multiple time if you do not wish to  purchase more than once.
>  Pricing of VIP honor card please check “Honor cards description”
>After purchase VIP membership, click “Get VIP reward” to claim daily prizes.
>VIP Advantage: Free Skill point Scrolls (daily prize), Free Designated Vault (according membership period), Free EXP and Skill point gaining (daily prize), No loss endurance on Equipment (according membership period).

3. Fixes
   •Various Item description  
   • Previous version bugs
   •Temporary closed "auto-leveling" due to serious bug

About Item Mall Gold Leaf and Reload Points:

1) Only RUNS CARD from Malaysia and Philippine can be used to reload game points through official website in the country.

2) After the points are reloaded to your RunUp account, remember to convert the points into Enigma Online,
so that you can use your runpoints at the Enigma item mall.

3) If you are a Runup player from other country, you are welcome to buy RUNS CARD in MY and PH country to play the game.

4) MY 1 Runs Point = 1 Gold Leaf
   PH 15 Runs Point = 10 Gold Leaf


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