韩国【ESES ®珍珠膏】 痘痘克星~净含量15g
√产品属性:用途护肤 √适合皮肤:各种年龄男女,通用各种肤质 √功效:青春痘 .痘印.粉刺.美白,消炎杀菌,色斑,皮肤瑕疵抗皱防衰老,抑制消除粉刺,淡化黑色素 ,防晒隔离 √用法用量:早上涂用,先涂水乳/保湿化妆水,然后珍珠膏薄薄少量均匀涂抹 拍打至完全吸收,任何皮肤包括敏感和孕妇小孩都安全使用‼
让自己成为真正的女王, ESES修复水 =>修复滋润 、补充胶原蛋、水分、平复细纹、消炎抗敏、提亮 ESES珍珠膏 =>美白提亮/祛痘/祛痘疤/淡化黑斑/缩小毛孔/均匀肤色 最重要是韩国进口不是中国的哦!好评见证⭐ WECHAT:CHING5659
超多顾客的见证可以去我的facebook 看看哦!
ESES pearl cream is purely madein Korea. It's HALAL and safe to use due to no side effects. No artificialfragrances added and made with herbal. Main ingredients: pearls powder,jojoba seeds oil, ginseng extract, vitamin C, licorice root, glycerine Functions: ✔whitening, ✔cure acne, ✔remove acne scars and dark spots, ✔smoothen skin pores, ✔control black pigments in skin ✔uvprotection Using Methods: Cleanse skin & apply Toner.Take appropriate amount of Moisturizer & Eses (1:1) mix together evenlyapply directly on your face skin. * before using Eses pearl creamplease make sure your face skin ismoistures & hydrating. * use of Eses pearl cream 1)DON'T RUB 2)DON'T PUSH 3)Just NEED to PAT on your face gently