'The Walking Dead' Third Season Teaser Revealed at E3
Fellow Survivors,
On Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, Telltale joined IGN to reveal the world's first sneak peek at the next season of 'The Walking Dead' series, set to premiere this fall.
It's just a brief glimpse, and we're not yet ready to confirm a whole lot about exactly what it means... but there's a lot of fodder in there for speculation.
So what CAN we say about this upcoming season? For a start, who's that guy with Clementine? His name is Javier. Yes, Clem returns and will play a key role, but this is a new story as much as it is a continuation of Seasons One and Two. Players completely new to the Telltale series will be able to jump right in without feeling lost at all, and those familiar with previous seasons will perhaps find some even deeper meaning, as we'll be working to ensure save file decisions will carry over from the last two games if you've played them in the past.
When it comes to Clementine, players' relationships with her have very much evolved over the course of Seasons One and Two. In Season One, it was all about playing a more paternal role and helping a little girl find her feet and the courage to survive in a world gone to hell. Season Two was about Clementine developing her skills and becoming more independent of the people around her. In this next season, she's in her early teens, and has grown to be a person who is clearly capable of handling herself - someone very much on the same level as Javier, a fellow survivor who has been through hell, and has managed to remain alive as long as Clem.
Clem has also been through a lot since we left her at the end of Season Two... and depending on the paths players may have taken with her in the past, she may or may not be exactly the same person we knew back then. You'll play as both Javier and Clementine through the course of the season, but exactly how that works is one of the exciting details we're not quite yet ready to reveal.
We're thrilled to be able to share this with you. Stay tuned for more info on this new season as we head towards the premiere this fall!
Skybound Games to finish The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – The Final Season
《行尸走肉:最终章》将由劳勃·柯克曼旗下 Skybound Games 接手完成
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/169324.html)
在知名 IP 题材冒险游戏《行尸走肉:最终章(The Walking Dead: The Final Season)》开发商 Telltale Games 传出大幅裁员后,引发玩家关注《行尸走肉:最终章》后续章节是否能够完成,而《行尸走肉》美国漫 画作家劳勃·柯克曼宣布,旗下 Skybound Games 确定将接手此款游戏后续研发与发行工作。
劳勃·柯克曼于 2010 年创立了 Skybound Entertainment,藉此开发其相关 IP 的多媒体内容如电视、电影、数字媒体等,而今年 Skybound Entertainment 更成立了 Skybound Games 来开发相关游戏。 Skybound Games 将会与 Telltale Games 剩下的研发成员一起完成《行尸走肉:最终章》后续章节内容。
劳勃·柯克曼周末在纽约举办的 Comic-Con 上宣布,他们已经与 Telltale Games 达成协议,来参与《行尸走肉:最终章》游戏后续章节开发,「我们不能在同一年同时失去安德鲁·林肯(注:在电视剧中扮演瑞奇· 格里姆斯)与克莱门婷。 」
Skybound Games has taken ownership and will finish the development of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – The Final Season, the company announced at New York Comic-Con 2018.
The company will work with members of the original team from Telltale Games “to finish the story in a way the fans deserve.”
前不久 Telltale Games 对外宣布已经关闭了旗下的主体工作室,并表示在处理完一些收尾的工作后整个工作室将会关闭,而一些已经公开准备制作的项目皆已取消,而当前 Telltale Games 旗下比较受关注的游戏莫过于正在按章节形式推出的《行尸走肉:最终季》,之前官方也曾表示当本作的第二章推出后将无法在对后续内容进行制作,因此这个游戏可能将走向一个“烂尾”的结果。
不过近日 Telltale Games 再次发表声明表示,当前接收到了不少此前的一些合作伙伴的意向,希望可以接手《行尸走肉:最终季》并将其完成,并且有不少员工也希望可以将这款作品制作完成,但具体并不能完全做出保证。
CEO Pete Hawley发布了以下声明:“对Telltale来说这是难以置信的困难的一年,我们努力想让公司走上新的道路,不幸的是,我已经消耗了所有的时间来尝试也没有达成,今年我们发布了一些我们的最好的内容,并收到了大量的正面反馈,但最终这并没有转变成销量,带着沉重的心情,我看着我们的朋友们一个个离去,继续在游戏行业中传播我们的故事品牌。”
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – The Final Season episode two trailer
《行尸走肉:最终季》「第二章」9 月 25 日上架
由 Telltale Games 研发、知名 IP 题材冒险游戏《行尸走肉:最终章(The Walking Dead: The Final Season)》公开了「第二章」将于 9 月 25 日正式推出,同时公开了一段捎带悬疑色彩的宣传片,除了故事以外,在幽暗的丛林里似乎还有这远比游荡的丧尸更加可怕的东西。
Telltale Games 表示,《行尸走肉:最终章》故事描述克莱门汀现在是个强悍又能干的生存者,她的旅程来到了最终章。 她颠沛流离多年,饱受活人和死人的威胁,可能终于有机会在一座隐密的学校建立家园,但她必须有所牺牲才能捍卫这个家。 在克莱建立生活、成为领袖的同时,也必须照顾孤儿阿杰,他是克莱仅存最接近亲人的人了。 在这引人入胜且扣人心弦的最终季,玩家将定义自己的人际关系、与行尸战斗,也将决定克莱门汀的故事会如何收场。
Telltale Games 指出,《行尸走肉:最终章》将带来扣人心弦的故事,让玩家做出各种选择、承担后果,并陪着克莱门汀一起走到旅程终点;游戏采用全新肩后视角,让玩家自由地探索环境细节,结合无剧本的突发战斗,更能捕捉在行尸横 行的世界中求生的恐惧。
Telltale Games has released the official trailer for episode two of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – The Final Season, titled “Suffer the Children.”
Episode two is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on September 25. Here is an overview of the episode, via Telltale Games:
A single shot rang out, and in that moment, everything changed. Now Clementine’s chance for a home may already be lost, and her bond with AJ may never be the same. With their future suddenly poisoned by uncertainty, Clem must work to manage the fallout and salvage their situation. But a force more relentless than the dead is lurking in the woods, and a ghost from Clementine’s past will soon return to threaten her future…
Telltale Lays Out The Walking Dead: Final Season's Release Schedule
六年之前,Telltale游戏工作室的《行尸走肉》冒险游戏系列就与我们见面了,而现在《行尸走肉:最终季(The Walking Dead: The Final Season)》终于将给女主克莱门汀(Clementine)的故事画上句号。而在最近一个突然发布的官方推特中,我们发现这一系列游戏的最终章都会在今年发售。