TheDollyEye Twilight 15.0mm (New Arrival)
Twilight Grey :: 0,150
Twilight Yellow :: 0
Twilight Turquoise ::0
Twilight Violet :: ------
Twilight Green :: ------
Twilight Pink :: 0,100
Twilight Red :: 0,450,475,500,550,800
TheDollyEye Cookie 14.8mm (New Arrival)
Cookie Grey :: ------
Cookie Brown :: ------
Cookie Blue :: ------
Cookie Violet ::------
Cookie Green :: ------
Cookie Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Starry Eye 14.8mm (New Arrival)
Starry Eye Grey :: ------
Starry Eye Brown :: ------
Starry Eye Blue :: ------
Starry Eye Violet :: ------
Starry Eye Green :: ------
Starry Eye Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Icy Melon 14.8mm (New Arrival)
Icy Melon Grey :: 150,225,400
Icy Melon Brown :: 800,850
Icy Melon Blue :: ------
Icy Melon Violet :: ------
Icy Melon Green :: ------
Icy Melon Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Bat 15.0mm (New Arrival)
Bat Grey :: 500,550,700,750,800
Bat Brown :: 500,550,750,800
Bat Blue :: 550,600,650
Bat Violet :: 500,550,600,700
Bat Green :: ------
Bat Pink :: 750,800
TheDollyEye Jewel 15.0mm (New Arrival)
Jewel Grey :: 0,600,800,950,1000
Jewel Brown ::0,100,125,250,300,350,600,650,750,900,950,1000
Jewel Blue :: 100,150,475,500,550,600,650,700,850
Jewel Violet :: 0,475,500,550,600,650,700,800
Jewel Green :: 0,475,550,600
Jewel Pink :: 600
TheDollyEye S-9 15.0mm (New Arrival)
S-9 Grey :: 550,600,650,700,1000
S-9 Brown :: 100,475,500,550,600,650,700,750,900
S-9 Blue :: ------
S-9 Violet :: 475,550,850
S-9 Green :: 900
S-9 Pink :: 500,600,750
TheDollyEye Hana 15.0mm (New Arrival)
Hana Grey :: 500,550,950
Hana Brown :: 500,550
Hana Blue :: 500,550
Hana Violet :: 550
Hana Green :: 800
Hana Pink :: 550
TheDollyEye V1-25 15.0mm (New Arrival)
V1-25 Grey :: 0
V1-25 Brown :: ------
V1-25 Blue :: ------
V1-25 Violet :: ------
V1-25 Green :: ------
V1-25 Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Bling13 14.8mm
Bling13 Grey :: ------
Bling13 Brown :: ------
Bling13 Blue :: ------
Bling13 Violet :: ------
Bling13 Green :: ------
Bling13 Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Crayon217 14.8mm
Crayon217 Grey :: 500,550
Crayon217 Brown :: ------
Crayon217 Blue :: ------
Crayon217 Violet :: ------
Crayon217 Green :: ------
Crayon217 Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye BT15 14.8mm
BT15 Grey :: 400,550,900,1000
BT15 Brown :: 250,450,475,500,550,600,650,700,900,950,1000
BT15 Blue :: 0
BT15 Violet :: 100
BT15 Green :: 100
BT15 Pink :: 1000
TheDollyEye Rosy Rosa 14.8mm
Rosy Rosa Grey :: ------
Rosy Rosa Brown :: ------
Rosy Rosa Blue :: ------
Rosy Rosa Violet :: ------
Rosy Rosa Green :: ------
Rosy Rosa Pink :: ------
TheDollyEye Ariale 14.5mm
Ariale Black :: 100,125,150,175,200,250,550,600
Ariale Grey :: -------
Ariale Brown :: 100,125,375,400,425,450,475
Ariale Blue :: 100,150,175
Ariale Violet :: 800
Ariale Green :: 375
Ariale Pink:: 250,350,450,1000
TheDollyEye Bodone 14.5mm
Bodone Black :: 0,100,350,400,500,550,600,650,700
Bodone Gray :: ------
Bodone Brown :: 125,150,175,200,250,350,500,550
Bodone Blue :: ------
Bodone Violet :: ------
Bodone Green :: 100,150,200
TheDollyEye Candarae 14.5mm
Candarae Grey :: 900
Candarae Brown :: 350,400,900
Candarae Blue :: ------
Candarae Violet :: ------
Candarae Green :: 100,150,250,275,350,450,500,550
TheDollyEye Georgiae 14.5mm
Georgiae Grey :: 100
Georgiae Brown :: -----
Georgiae Blue :: ------
Georgiae Violet :: ------
Georgiae Green :: 100,150,200,350
TheDollyEye Lathae 14.5mm
Lathae Grey :: 100
Lathae Brown :: 150,200,300
Lathae Blue :: ------
Lathae Violet :: ------
Lathae Green :: 200
TheDollyEye Lucidae 14.5mm
Lucidae Grey :: 100
Lucidae Brown :: ------
Lucidae Blue:: ------
Lucidae Violet :: ------
Lucidae Green :: ------
TheDollyEye Segoi-Pearl Prime 14.5mm
Segoi-Pearl Prime Grey :: ------
Segoi-Pearl Prime Brown :: ------
Segoi-Pearl Prime Blue :: ------
Segoi-Pearl Prime Violet :: ------
Segoi-Pearl Prime Green :: ------
TheDollyEye Dahomy-Pearl Prime 14.5mm
Dahomy-Pearl Prime Grey :: 0,100,150,200,250,300,325,350,400,425,450,475,500,550,650,1000
Dahomy-Pearl Prime Brown :: 100,125,150,200,250,275,375,400,425,450,500,550,600,650,750
( Blue color is not available )
Dahomy-Pearl Prime Violet :: ------
Dahomy-Pearl Prime Green :: ------
Dahomy-Pearl Prime Pink::-----
TheDollyEye Furfur-Pearl Prime 14.5mm
Furfur-Pearl Prime Silver :: ------
Furfur-Pearl Prime Gold :: ------
Furfur-Pearl Prime Choco :: ------
( Blue color is not available )
Furfur-Pearl Prime Violet :: ------
Furfur-Pearl Prime Green :: ------
TheDollyEye BarbieDoll400 14.5mm
BarbieDoll400 Grey :: ------
BarbieDoll400 Brown :: ------
BarbieDoll400 Blue :: ------
BarbieDoll400 Violet :: ------
BarbieDoll400 Green :: 0,100
BarbieDoll400 Pink:: ------
TheDollyEye Fairylens 14.8mm
Fairylens Pink :: 1000
Fairylens Grey :: ------
Fairylens Brown :: ------
Fairylens Blue :: 0,900,1000
Fairylens Violet :: ------
Fairylens Green :: 0,100,1000
TheDollyEye Bubble Lens 14.8mm
Bubble Pink :: ------
Bubble Grey :: 350,375,600,650
Bubble Brown :: 450,475,500,550,600,650,700,800
Bubble Blue :: 250.325,600,900
Bubble Violet :: ------
Bubble Green :: 100
TheDollyEye Flower Lens 14.5mm
Flower Pink :: 450,475,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,950,1000
TheDollyEye Natural 3tones 14.0mm
***if Natural 3tones is out of stock then you can change to Puffy 3tones,
because there are similar .
Natural 3tones Pink :: ------
Natural 3tones Grey :: 0,100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,375,400,500,550,600,650
Natural 3tones Brown ::0,100,125,150,175,200,250,275,300,350,550,600,800
Natural 3tones Blue :: 150,250,300
Natural 3tones Violet :: .......
Natural 3tones Green :: 0,100,125,150,175,200,300,350,500,700
TheDollyEye Blytheye 14.8mm
Blytheye Pink :: ------
Blytheye Grey :: 0,150,200,450
Blytheye Brown :: 0,300
Blytheye Blue :: 0,350,375,400
Blytheye Violet :: ------
Blytheye Green :: 0
TheDollyEye Gothic 14.5mm
Gothic Grey :: 100,200,425,500,550,600,650,900
Gothic Brown :: 100,150,200,425,450,475,500,550,600,650,700,900,1000
Gothic Honey :: 600
Gothic Hazel :: 200,425,450,475,500,550,600,650,700,900,1000
Gothic Blue :: ------
Gothic Sapphire :: -------
Gothic Violet :: ------
Gothic Green :: ------
Gothic Turquoise :: ------
TheDollyEye Ace Black 14.5mm
Ace Black :: 300,550,600,1000
TheDollyEye Puffy 3tones 14.5mm
Puffy 3tones Pink :: 100,700
Puffy 3tones Grey ::0,100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,375,400,450,500,550,600,650,700
Puffy 3tones Brown :: 0,100,125,150,175,200,300,700,750
Puffy 3tones Blue :: 0,100,125,150,200,250,300,350,550,600
Puffy 3tones Violet :: 100
Puffy 3tones Green :: 0,100,125,150,300,350,400,550,600,700,
TheDollyEye SugarCandy 14.5mm
SugarCandy Pink :: 225,350,375,550,800
SugarCandy Grey :: 100
SugarCandy Brown :: 0,100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,375,400,425,450,475,500,550,800,850
SugarCandy Blue :: -------
SugarCandy Violet :: 100,150
SugarCandy Green :: 100
TheDollyEye CELEB NUDY 14.5mm
Celeb Nudy Pink :: 250,700,750
Celeb Nudy Grey :: 100,150,200,300,400,500,550,600,750,800
Celeb Nudy Brown :: 100,300,500,550,600,800
Celeb Nudy Blue :: 100,150,800
Celeb Nudy Violet :: 150,250,300
Celeb Nudy Green :: 0,100,350
TheDollyEye PRINCESS NUDY 14.7mm
PRINCESS NUDY GREY:: 100,125,150,175,200,250,300,350,700,750
PRINCESS NUDY BROWN:: 100,125,150,175,200,250,275,300,350,700,750
PRINCESS NUDY GREEN:100,125,150,250,300,400
TheDollyEye MX 14.5mm
MX BLACK :: 200,400,500,550,600,700
MX PINK :: ------(only provide power 0)
TheDollyEye DREAMY I 14.5mm
DREAMY PINK :: 350,600,650,800,850,900,950,1000
DREAMY GREY:: 100,125,150,175,200,225,250,300,350,800
DREAMY BROWN:: 100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,350,550,600,800
DREAMY BLUE :: ------
DREAMY GREEN :: 125,150,200,350
TheDollyEye CRYSTAL I 14.5mm
CRYSTAL PINK :: 100,150
CRYSTAL GREY :: 0,100,150,175,200,250,275,300,400,500
CRYSTAL BROWN :: 0,100,125,150,175,200,250,275,300,400,500,550,600,700,750,800
CRYSTAL BLUE :: 100,150,250,400,550
TheDollyEye POP C 15.5mm
POP C LIGHT BLUE :: 0,150,250
POP C LIGHT VIOLET :: 100,150,250
POP C LIGHT GREY ::, 100,125,150,250,500,550
POP C LIGHT BROWN :: 100,125,200,250,350,
POP C DARK BLUE :: 200,250,300,550
POP C DARK GREY :: 100,150,175,250,300,350
POP C DARK BROWN :: 100,150,250,300,550,600,800,850
POP C DARK GREEN :: 250,300
TheDollyEye KIRAKIRA 16.0mm
KIRA KIRA GREY :: 100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,450,500,550,600,850
KIRA KIRA BROWN :: 100,125,150,175,200,250,275,300,325,350,400,450,475,500,550,600,650,700
KIRA KIRA GREEN :: 350,550,600
KIRA KIRA VIOLET :: 100,400,500,550,600,1000
KIRA KIRA PINK :: 900,950,1000
TheDollyEye DIZON 14.5mm
DIZONEYE GREY :: 100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,375,400,425,,500,550,600
DIZONEYE HAZEL :: 100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,375,400,425,450,475,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,1000
DIZONEYE BLUE :: 175,200,250,300,500,550,600,1000
TheDollyEye DOLLYEYE 14.2mm
DOLLYEYE BROWN :: 0,250,300,350,400,425,475,600,850,900,950,1000
DOLLYEYE BLUE :: 0,100,125,150,425,450,475,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000
DOLLYEYE GREY :: 0,100,125,150,175,350,550,800,850,1000
DOLLYEYE GREEN :: 125,200,225,275,300
DOLLYEYE PINK :: 425,450,475,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000
CIRCLE BLACK :: 200,250,500,550,600,650,700,800
CIRCLE BROWN :: 100,150,250,350,375,400,425,450,475,500,550,600,650,800,850,900
HYPER BLACK :: 500,550,600 |