是timing light吗?作者: l吕三清 时间: 2010-3-7 02:41 PM
我听说~~~myvi~~不能调bar~~???是吗???作者: l吕三清 时间: 2010-3-8 03:08 PM 标题: 没人? 没有人能完美的解释吗??作者: kenmvp4 时间: 2010-3-8 08:41 PM 标题: 回复 #9 l吕三清 的帖子 Hi-Cam must install together with the adjustable pulley,the cam-pully is for advance or delay the valve open time...that also see ur engine is run follow clock-wise or anti clock wise...to get the most powerfull cam degree,must adjust and test drive...normally after install the cam pulley ur low RPM will become nopower....your engine H/P is focus on hight RPM作者: kenmvp4 时间: 2010-3-8 08:45 PM
Timing and cam open degree is diffrent thing作者: nismo717 时间: 2010-3-12 03:00 PM
要多少米啊em0011作者: won80 时间: 2010-3-12 03:07 PM
如果要玩hicam的話,不如直接買vtec、mivec、cps、v-vti......等等 那些來玩 又能省油作者: 平太郎 时间: 2010-3-12 06:13 PM