标题: E3 2018 - Inspiring the New World June 12-14,2018|Los Angeles [打印本页] 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-1-17 03:19 PM 标题: E3 2018 - Inspiring the New World June 12-14,2018|Los Angeles 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-15 06:16 AM 编辑
The Electronic Entertainment Expo will open its doors to the public for the first time ever in 2017, the Entertainment Software Association announced.
15,000 consumer tickets will be made available to buy starting February 13 for $150 as part of an early bird discount, then for a standard price of $250. Tickets provide access to the show floor, panel discussions, and other events. Consumers will also get special benefits associated with Geoff Keighley’s E3 programming, such as developer interviews.
E3 2018 runs from June 12 to 14. More than 200 exhibitors are lined up to attend the event.
电子娱乐展(又称E3游戏展;英文:Electronic Entertainment Expo/Exposition,简称E3,常被缩写为E3),是全球电子游戏产业最大的年度商业化展览,也是第三大的游戏大会,由娱乐软件协会(ESA)主办。展览只对电子游戏产业圈内人士及记者开放,并且规定18岁以上才能参观。
虽然 CD Projekt Red 的参展并不意味着他们一定会在 E3 上放出《赛博朋克2077》的消息,但游戏的创意顾问在最近确认《赛博朋克2077》的新预告已经制作完成,据西班牙语杂志 El Pais 报道,《赛博朋克2077》的创意顾问 Mike Pondsmith 表示,新的预告片将向我们展示“大量的死亡”以及逼真的视觉效果。
EA Play 2018 set for June 9 to 11
EA 公布 EA Play 2018 展出计划 6 月 9 日至 6 月 11 日
和往年一样,EA 依然不会参加今年的 E3 大展,而是选择在场馆附近单独举办 EA Play 体验活动。据 EA的官方通知,在此次展出中将涵盖一系列“令人振奋的消息”,同时还有着更多的上手试玩体验,更多超越以往的全新体验等等。主要展出的游戏则包括了2018年最备受期待的《战地风云》系列新作,Bioware打造的全新的星际射击游戏《冒险圣歌 Anthem》以及EA的各种体育类游戏等等。
不过目前我们对《战地风云》新作还一无所知,虽然此前有不少传闻,但是官方目前尚未给出游戏的任何确切信息。唯一能确定的是,这个新作将会在2018年下旬推出,而从以往的经验来看,我们应该会在 EA 的发布会前后看见本作的官方首秀,并在 EA Play 上首次试玩。
Electronic Arts will host its annual EA Play event this year from June 9 to 11 at the Hollywood Palladium, the company announced.
The three-day event promises “more EA brands, more hands-on stations and, more entertainment than ever before.”
The company plans to deliver “breaking news, behind-the-scenes stories, and live content” via EA.com, as well as host “some of the world’s biggest community creators.”
Featured games at the event will include “the next Battlefield experience,” all the upcoming EA Sports games, an inside look at Anthem, The Sims 4, and Electronic Arts’ upcoming mobile titles.
TIckets will be available for purchase this spring.
EA 将于 6 月在美国 EA Play 2018 活动中开放《战地风云》新作现场体验,而《战地风云》首支宣传影片已经在制作中。
EA DICE 影像与媒体总监 Randy Evans 美国时间 2 月 25 日在个人推特上透露,《战地风云》2018(新作)揭露预告影片已经在制作中。
尽管这款新作预告影片还没有公开时间表,但 Randy Evans 的发言已经引起广大的《战地风云》粉丝讨论,甚至积极询问他到底内容如何,守口如瓶的 Randy Evans 在粉丝追问如何以一个词来形容这部宣传影片时, Randy Evans 仅回答「正在制作中(WIP)」,而她也在粉丝旁敲侧击追问下,回答当初《战地风云 1》的首次曝光宣传影片制作花了几个月。
EA 上周末已经宣布,将于美国时间 6 月 9 日至 11 日在美国加州好莱坞帕拉丁音乐厅举办 EA Play 2018 活动,参与活动的玩家届时将可以一手体验《战地风云》最新作、未来将登场的 EA 运动新作与 BioWare《冒险圣歌》更多内 容。
Microsoft will hold its E3 2018 press conference on Sunday, June 10 at 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET, the company announced.
E3 2018 itself will run from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles.
Microsoft is the second of the major game companies to announce its press conference date and time for the event. Bethesda announced earlier this month that it will hold its press conference on the same day at 6:30 p.m. PT / 9:30 p.m. ET.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-4-11 11:06 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-11 03:56 PM 编辑
EA Play 2018 press conference set for June 9
EA 宣布将于时间 6 月 10 日 2 点举办 EA Play 2018 发布会
EA宣布将于大马时间 6 月 10 日凌晨 2 点举办EA Play 2018的发布会。据称这次发布会上将会有劲爆的消息,将于美国加州好莱坞帕拉丁音乐厅举办 EA Play 2018 活动,参与活动的玩家届时将可以一手体验《战地风云》最新作、未来将登场的 EA 运动新作与 BioWare《冒险圣歌》更多内 容。
Electronic Arts will host its EA Play 2018 press conference on June 9 at 11:00 a.m. PT / 2:00 p.m. ET, the company announced.
The press conference promises “gameplay reveals,” “big announcements,” and “some of the biggest content creators in gaming.” That includes “the next Battlefield, Anthem, and some of your favorite EA Sports games.”
EA Play 2018 itself will run from June 9 to 10. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-4-13 10:05 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-14 10:24 AM 编辑
THQ Nordic skipping E3 to watch the World Cup instead
THQ Nordic官方通告称不参加今年E3:我们要看世界杯
THQ Nordic to swap participation at E3 for the 2018 FIFA World Cup
It is with great regret that we at THQ Nordic must report that we will be unable to miss a single moment of this great sporting event. Therefore, we will be forced to stay in our lovely Viennese beer gardens, blowing the froth off a couple, watching football and one or two cool press conferences on Twitch (looking at you, Devolver) instead of rocking it ourselves.
We have to admit, we are going to miss our 9 AM pint of beer in the „Ye Olde King’s Head“-Pub in Santa Monica, where they show all matches live, but with the World Cup being held in Russia, it would mean a 7 AM beer – that’s too early, even for Austrians, let alone the Swedes.
We are looking forward to presenting all our great upcoming games like Darksiders 3, Biomutant, Fade to Silence or Wreckfest and even some unannounced titles for the first time at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany and shortly after at PAX West in Seattle!作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-4-18 02:45 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-18 02:58 PM 编辑
Ubisoft E3 2018 press conference set for June 11
E3 2018 育碧发布会时间确定时间 6 月 12 日凌晨 4 点
Nintendo has announced its lineup of activities for E3 2018.
The following events will be live streamed on Nintendo’s official E3 2018 website, YouTube, and Twitch:
Splatoon 2 World Championship
June 11 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PT
Qualifying teams representing the United States / Canada, Japan, Europe, and Australia / New Zealand will ink their way to glory in the opening rounds.
June 12 – Finals
Video Presentation
June 12 at 9:00 a.m. PT
Nintendo will debut a video presentation featuring games releasing in 2018, including the recently announced Super Smash Bros. game for Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Treehouse Live
June 12 to 14 – Starts right after the conclusion Video Presentation.
Right after the presentation, Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2018 will begin three days of live gameplay, appearances by developers and an insider look at games, starting with the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game for Nintendo Switch.
Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018
June 12 – Starts right after the conclusion of the Splatoon 2 World Championship finals.
The Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018 tournament, which will pit invited players against each other in the recently announced Super Smash Bros. game for Nintendo Switch. A few fans who come dressed as their favorite Nintendo character on June 12 may be chosen to play the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game on stage in exhibition play. Tickets will be issued on-site at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles each day of the event. Additional details about how fans can attend in-person will be shared in the future.
Streaming content will also be shown live at the Nintendo Store in New York City, starting on June 11 with the Splatoon 2 World Championship opening rounds. From June 12 to 15, visitors to the store will be able to play a selection of games shown at Nintendo’s booth during E3.
Visitors to Nintendo’s E3 2018 booth at the Los Angeles Convention Center will be able to play a variety of games, including Super Smash Bros. for Switch. Some of the platform’s most noteworthy upcoming third-party games on Switch will also be featured across several Nintendo activities throughout the week. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-5-9 08:00 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-10 08:36 AM 编辑
Square Enix will host an E3 2018 showcase on Monday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m. PT, where it will share “exciting news and announcements,” the company announced. It will be live streamed on YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, and Twitter.
Here is a FAQ for the event:
What is the Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018?
On Monday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, we’ll connect you to the many worlds within our universe.
London – Monday, June 11, 2018 at 18:00 GMT
Central Europe – Monday, June 11, 2018 at 19:00 CEST
Tokyo – Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 02:00 JST
How will I be able to watch the Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018?
Please tune in here to watch it on your preferred live streaming platform.
Will there be a physical venue to experience Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018?
This website and the respective streaming platforms will be the exclusive ways to watch this showcase.
Will this stream be live? Where is it broadcast from?
The stream is produced in advance and will begin at 10:00 a.m. PDT.
What if I miss the scheduled broadcast? Will I be able to view it at a later time?
The Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018 will be archived here.
Do I need to sign up or pay to watch?
No sign-ups necessary. The live stream is completely free.
What titles will be announced or showcased in Square Enix E3 Showcase 2018?
Find out here on June 11!
What languages will be supported?
English and Japanese. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-5-9 05:32 PM E3展PC游戏展前发布会(PC Gaming Show)时间公布 《全面战争:三国》/《骑马与砍杀2》有望参展
PC Gaming Show 是国外著名PC游戏媒体PC Gamer在E3展上举办的一个专门展示PC游戏的展前发布会。在今年的E3展即将到来之前,主办方在近日公布了本届PC Gaming Show的具体开幕时间时间6月12号早上6点,截至发稿,据该展会还有33天左右的时间:
官方表示,此次展会的主题是“看PC游戏的未来(See the future of PC gaming)”,期间将展示独家的游戏内容、预告公布,并与相关游戏和项目的开发者进行讨论。
Sony E3 2018 press conference set for June 11, to feature “deep dives” on Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and The Last of Us Part II
PlayStation 公布 E3 发表会概要 《死亡之绊》等多款主打强作确定登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/162555.html)
索尼互动娱乐环球工作室主席尚‧雷登(Shawn Layden)日前在美国 PlayStation 官方部落格公布即将于 6 月中旬登场的 E3 展 PlayStation 发表会的概要,除了确定会于美西时间 6 月 11 日晚间 6:00 举办之外,同时透露包括《死亡之绊》等开发中强打新作都会在这次发表会中现身。
Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 2018 showcase will take place on Monday, June 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT, SIE Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden confirmed on the latest PlayStation Blogcast. It will be live streamed on services such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook.
This year’s showcase will feature “deep dives” into four upcoming titles from Sony Interactive Entertainment: Death Stranding by Kojima Productions, Ghost of Tsushima by [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions, Marvel’s Spider-Man by Insomniac Games, and The Last of Us Part II by Naughty Dog.
“The last two or three years, if you were a careful observor, you’ll see that we continue to try to refresh and remake and reignite what we do at what used to be called the press conference for E3,” Layden said on the PlayStation Blogcast. “We want to make sure that it’s fresh and that it reflects the kind of stories we’re telling and the new entertainment we have to give to our fans—not just at the event, but worldwide through the live stream.
“So today I would just like to talk about helping people understand where we’re going with the E3 event this year, and I’ll just come right out and say it. E3 this year will feature exclusive looks and deep dives on four upcoming titles—four of our big titles… We have great content. We have fantastic updates. I think everyone will be thrilled to see it. And we’re taking kind of a different angle on how we’re bringing it out.
“And just as a reminder, those titles are going to be Death Stranding from Kojima Productions—we’ve got a complete new report for everybody around what’s happening with that title. A year ago we introduced the new [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch title, Ghost of Tsushima, so we’re going to go a deep dive into where the team is at on that—it’s going to be fabulous. From [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch and their great successes with the inFAMOUS franchise, for them to take on Ghost and all the ambition around that, you will not be disappointed when you see it.
“Of course, there’s our partnership with Insomniac Games and their title Marvel’s Spider-Man. You’ll have seen some of that coverage recently, but we’re going to have a new drop for everybody at E3, at the media event, and you’ll be blown away, it’s going to be awesome… The fab four of the event that we’re going to be having is of course going to be the sequel to The Last of Us from Naughty Dog, we’ll have a full new scope of treatment on that, show you the progress of the game, give people a better understanding of where we’re going with Part II. We’re really excited about it, it’s going to be a very strong centerpiece to all of those four titles we were just talking about.”
Asked if that is all we are going to see, Layden replied, “No, there will be others. We’ll have some announcements with our third-party publishing partners, we’ll have some news things to talk about there, as well as you know, our continued support for independent development—we’ll throw some highlight of that. But as chairman of Worldwide Studios, please forgive me if I take this mic moment so I can generate even greater excitement to look forward to E3.”
同时在昨日 Ubisoft 推出了个人游戏助理 Sam 的服务,这位 Ubisoft Club 人工智能助理昨天开始服务全球玩家;Ubisoft Club 也将在 E3 展接待 60 位来自全球的明星玩家(Star Player),答 谢他们长久以来对我们游戏社群的热情投入。 同时对于无法亲临展场现场、在家里在线关注追踪 Ubisoft E3 展动态的粉丝们,也将有机会赢得不同游戏奖励。
Ubisoft has announced its lineup for E3 2018, which will run from June 12 to 14 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
This year, Ubisoft will have new information and content to share on the following games:
Beyond Good and Evil 2
For Honor
Skull & Bones
Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2
Ubisoft also teased that it is “saving some surprises for the show.”
Ubisoft will host its E3 2018 press conference on Monday, June 11 at 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles. A pre-show will start 45 minutes ahead of the press conference, and a post-show will feature a deeper dive into one of the games shown at the press conference. Users will be able to follow the event on YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, and Twitter.
Focus Home Interactive has announced its lineup for E3 2018.
The publisher is bringing the following titles to the event:
A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Meet orphan siblings Amicia and Hugo – as well as the hordes of rats hunting them – in a new gameplay walkthrough by developers from Asobo Studio.
Call of Cthulhu (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Lovecraft’s twisted universe comes alive in an exclusive walkthrough guided by the developers from Cyanide.
GreedFall (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Dive into the latest RPG from Spiders to discover a unique world shaped by the player’s political diplomacy, character relationships and critical choices.
Farming Simulator 19 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Shown for the very first time, see the newest entry in the farming phenomenon from GiantsSoftware – including an exciting surprise to be announced at E3!
Insurgency: Sandstorm (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – play the sequel to the multi-million selling FPS Insurgency with the developers from New World Interactive, in a dedicated multiplayer session!
The Surge 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Check out 30 minutes of never-before-seen gameplay of the hardcore Action-RPG from Deck13, with an ambitious level design and combat more brutal than ever.
Additionally, Space Hulk: Tactics will be playable for the first time in face-to-face sessions with developer Cyanide in the Public Area, alongside hands-off sessions of Necromunda: Underhive Wars with developer Rogue Factor detailing new features. Fear the Wolves developer Vostok Games will also attend E3 2018 to do interviews. Finally, recent Focus Home Interactive releases including Vampyr, The Surge – Complete Edition, and Spintires: Mudrunner will be playable.
E3 2018 will run from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-1 04:07 PM PlayStation E3 Experience 2018 announced
Sony Interactive Entertainment America has announced plans for its PlayStation E3 movie theater experience this year. On June 11, over 40 theaters across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile will broadcast Sony’s E3 2018 showcase.
Attendees will take home an exclusive poster additional goodies. A digital gift basket will also be distributed via the Experience PlayStation smartphone app.
Tickets will be available free of charge starting June 5 at 11:00 a.m. PT while supplies last on a first-come, first-served basis. A link to register for a ticket will be shared at a later date. Registering for a ticket will reserve your seat as long as you check in at the theater 30 minutes before show time.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-1 04:13 PM GungHo Online Entertainment teases “major game reveal” for Switch at E3 2018
GungHo Online Entertainment America will have a “major game reveal” for Switch at E3 2018, the company teased.
The publisher launched its official E3 2018 website today confirming the first two playable titles at the event:
A one-of-a-kind MOBA available on iOS and Android developed by Signal Studios. With a diverse roster of Guardians, there’s a robust selection of heroes, including the intelligent and nimble Helvia, a tactical robot Ladon, or the rageful summoner Damien. Using each Guardian’s arsenal of minions, spells, spawners, and special hero-based abilities, players can subdue their opponents in fast-paced, head-to-head action. Each battle engaged will strengthen the player’s Guardian, their stockpile of weapons and support units, and will create opportunities to expand the player’s armory.
“We’ve been eagerly waiting to debut Call of Guardians and bring an intense multiplayer MOBA, with unique hero card collections, custom-built decks and riveting quests to iOS and Android,” said D.R. Albright III, President and Creative Director at Signal Studios. “Our partnership with GungHo truly delivers a AAA gaming experience and will help expand the game’s reach worldwide.”
s a follow-up to the original, Galak-Z: Variant S delivers a premier galaxy-surfing, space-blasting experience on the Nintendo Switch with intuitive controls, a story-driven campaign, and intense combat for players to voyage through the universe at hyperspeed. In this spaced-out game developed by 17-BIT, players can collect upgrades, salvage, relics, and Bots to max out their spaceship’s potential and boost their Mech’s combat effectiveness to become the highest ranked pilot in the galaxy.
“With Galak-Z: Variant S, we’re capitalizing on the Nintendo Switch’s maximum potential with handheld and tabletop mode, and implementing new changes in the game,” said Jake Kazdal, CEO and founder of 17-BIT. “By bringing this title to the Nintendo Switch, we are delivering an incredible space exploration experience to a wide and eager player base.”
Other than the new title for Switch, GungHo Online Entertainment America will also announce additional news through upcoming announcements leading into E3 2018. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-2 07:15 AM
[youtube]Gj0UjfsYJEw[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-4 03:23 PM Limited Run Games E3 2018 press conference set for June 11
Limited Run Games will host an E3 2018 press conference on June 11 at 12:00 p.m. PT / 3:00 p.m. ET, the company announced. You will be able to watch it live on Twitch.
Limited Run Games is a publisher of limited run physical games for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and Switch. It works with independent publishers to release otherwise digital-only games in a physical format, albeit in limited productions. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-5 01:02 PM YouTube Live at E3 2018 announced
YouTube has announced the return of YouTube Live at E3 for E3 2018 with producer Geoff Keighley.
Starting Sunday, June 10 at 12:00 p.m. PT / 3:00 p.m. ET, YouTube plans to broadcast 16 hours of live coverage at E3 2018.
The broadcast will include live simulcasts of all major press conferences, including Microsoft, Bethesda Softworks, Ubisoft, and Sony, as well as world premiere gameplay demos, exclusive interviews with top game developers, and appearances from YouTube’s top gaming content creators such as Ali-A, AngryJoe, Boogie2988, iJustine, MatPat, TypicalGamer, Vikkstar, and more.
On Monday, June 11, popular Twitch streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins will join Keighley as a special guest host, and music producer / DJ Marshmello will join Ninja for a live Let’s Play and to debut his new track “Tell Me” from the upcoming album “Joytime 2” due out on June 22.
Watch a promotional video below.
[youtube]eEJ9njmHbb0[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-5 01:03 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-5 06:34 PM 编辑
Pre-E3 2018 PS4 game announcements and updates planned daily from June 6 to 10
E3倒计时即将开始 索尼将在本周每天晚上公开一个新消息
The PlayStation Blog will host several PlayStation 4 game announcements and updates ahead of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s E3 2018 showcase on June 11, the company announced.
Here is what you can expect:
June 6 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET – Announcement of a new PlayStation 4 game with PlayStation VR support
June 7 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET – Release date for an upcoming Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios title
June 8 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET – Announcement of a new PlayStation 4 game
June 9 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET – Announcement of a new PlayStation VR game
June 10 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET – Details: An eagerly anticipated game comes to PlayStation VR
You will be able to watch Sony’s E3 2018 showcase live on June 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT / 9:00 p.m. ET at live.playstation.com, Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-5 03:53 PM 倒数 72 小时 华纳兄弟预告举办在线直播 将揭露赛车相关游戏?
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163542.html)
华纳兄弟互动娱乐 Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 释出小短片并预告将于 2 天后举办在线直播。
Team17 has announced the lineup of games it is bringing to E3 2018 in Los Angeles from June 12 to 14.
The following four games will be playable:
Genesis: Alpha One (PS4, XBO, PC)
World first console hands-on. Developed by Radiation Blue, Genesis: Alpha One combines a mix of genres including rogue-lite, FPS and ship-building. You explore a randomly generated universe, farming resources, dealing with alien infestations and cloning new crew members. It will be releasing on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in 2018.
Mugsters (PS4, XBO, Switch, PC)
Developed by Reinkout Games, Mugsters is an action-packed, fast-paced chaotic puzzler where you must outrun, out-manoeuvre and outsmart your enemies by experimenting with different sandbox levels, vehicles, environmental traps and explosives. It will be releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch in 2018.
My Time at Portia (PS4, XBO, Switch, PC)
Developed by Pathea Games, My Time at Portia is an engrossing 3D sandbox RPG set in a beautiful post-apocalyptic world inspired by Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Dark Cloud 2. Cut down trees, forage for herbs, mine in the ruins and even grow your own garden as you work to restore your workshop. It is currently in Steam Early Access with a full release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC due in 2018.
Planet Alpha (PS4, XBO, Switch, PC)
Developed by Planet Alpha ApS, Planet Alpha is an atmospheric side-scrolling platform adventure game. Combining fast platforming, creative puzzles, stealth mechanics and a unique art style to create an unforgettable experience. It will be releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch in 2018.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-6 06:33 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-6 07:36 PM 编辑
Concrete Genie, Days Gone, and Ghost of Tsushima Into the Pixel 2018 selection artworks
今天在 Into the Pixel 2018 selection 中《往日不再(Days Gone)》,《对马之魂(Ghost of Tsushima)》和《壁中精灵(Concrete Genie)》三款游戏有了全新概念画。从图片来看《旧日不再》表现了末世世界的一片狼藉,丧尸,凌乱的车辆,险恶的人类,氛围渲染很像美剧《行尸走肉》场景。
New artworks from Sony Interactive Entertainment titles Concrete Genie, Days Gone, and Ghost of Tsushima have come out of the Into the Pixel 2018 selection.
Into the Pixel is an annual video game art exhibition established by the Entertainment Software Association in 2004 and reviewed by a jury panel from the video game and fine art worlds.
Find each artwork below.
Concrete Genie
Days Gone
Ghost of Tsushima
Concrete Genie is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2018. Days Gone is due out for PlayStation 4 in 2019. Ghost of Tsushima is due out for PlayStation 4, but has yet to receive a release window. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-6 06:39 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-6 07:40 PM 编辑
Rebellion Developments has released the E3 2018 teaser trailer for Strange Brigade.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
Egypt, the 1930’s. Erased from ancient history and buried in a nameless tomb for 4,000 years, Seteki the Witch Queen has risen once again.
Only one troop of daring heroes can stand against the fearsome power of Seteki and her army of mummified monstrosities: The Strange Brigade!
Explore remarkable ruins, solve perilous puzzles and uncover tantalising treasure while blasting your way through an array of undead enemies in thrilling third-person action that’s certain to bring out your inner adventurer!
Key Features
One Gripping Adventure! – Hunt the foul Seteki through a rip-roaring campaign filled with dangerous dig sites, prodigious pyramids and crumbling caves packed with bountiful foes to send back to the afterlife. Explore alone or team up in 2-4 player online co-op!
Four Fearless Fortune Hunters – Travel the ancient world as one of four dashing agents trained to tackle the supernatural. Unleash devastating magical powers and powerful prototype weapons such as the fire-spitting Krakatoa, the ice cold Chill Burster, and the brain-busting Blunderbuss!
A Legion of Malevolent Monsters – Seteki is not the only mythological menace to have awoken… she’s brought an army of loyal beasts with her! Face her many nefarious ne’er-do-wells, including moaning mummies, fire-breathing assassins, armour-plated minotaurs, and much worse!
Tons of Terrifying Traps – Keep an eye on your environment to find creative ways to boff your enemies! Decapitate the undead with spinning blades, fry them to a crisp with fire traps, crush them with a well-placed boulder and more!
Oodles of Predicaments – Keep those peepers peeled for suspicious clues, secret entrances and ancient contraptions that need re-awakening! Who knows what alluring treasures and buried riches await you on the other side…
Strange Brigade is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on August 28. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-6 10:50 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-7 09:00 PM 编辑
Avalanche Studios co-founder teases imminent reveal of self-published new IP
雪崩工作室创始人透露:计划推出新IP作品 或亮相E3!
Avalanche Studios co-founder Christofer Sundberg is teasing the reveal of a self-published new IP.
“During my daily stroll around the studio I passed by one of our self-publishing teams and it looks like something is going down… in flames!” Sundberg said in a tweet, which included hashtags for “New IP,” “24 hours,” and “E3 2018,” as well as the following image:
Named after a real-world phenomenon where players’ brains are so engrossed that images of the iconic falling Tetrimino blocks (i.e. the Tetris playing pieces) linger in their vision, thoughts, and even dreams, Tetris Effect amplifies this magical feeling of total immersion by surrounding you with fantastic, fully three-dimensional worlds that react and evolve based on how you play. Music, backgrounds, sounds, special effects—everything, down to the Tetris pieces themselves, pulse, dance, shimmer, and explode in perfect sync with how you’re playing.
From deep beneath the ocean to the furthest reaches of outer space and everywhere between, Tetris Effect’s 30-plus stages take players on a wondrous, emotional journey through the universe. The core of the game is still Tetris—one of the most popular puzzle games of all time—but like you’ve never seen it, or heard it, or felt it before.
Play it on either a PS4 and standard display, or up to 4K and 60fps on a PS4 Pro, or optionally in mind-blowing 3D via PS VR!
Key Features
• Get in the Zone – Includes the all-new “Zone” mechanic, where players can stop time (and Tetriminos falling) by entering “the Zone” and either get out of a sticky situation that could otherwise lead to “Game Over,” or rack up extra line clears for bonus rewards.
• Level Up – Over 30 different stages, each with its own music, sound effects, graphical style and background that all evolve and change as you play through them.
• PS4 or PS4 Pro (and optional PS VR!) – Fully playable on either a standard display (up to 4K and 60fps on a PS4 Pro), or optionally in mind-blowing 3D on PS VR.
• Play Your Way – Fan-favorite modes like Marathon, Sprint, and Ultra, with more all-new modes and other features to be revealed before launch.
• Timeless. Endless. – A player grading and leveling system as well as variable difficulty to encourage and reward replayability.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-7 06:33 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-7 09:23 PM 编辑
Sega and Atlus announce E3 2018 lineup, includes two Atlus titles to be announced June 7 and Catherine: Full Body trailer
SEGA公开E3 2018出展阵容 两款新作以及《凯瑟琳 Full Body》新宣传片
SEGA 以及 Atlus 公开了E3 2018的出展阵容,包括《光明之响 龙奏回音》、《音速小子 搭档组队大赛车》、《战场女武神 4》、《人中之龙 极2》、《全军破敌:三国》等已知游戏等等。
还有两款Atlus的游戏会在大马时间 6 月 8 日发表,另外 Atlus 的新作《凯瑟琳 Full Body》将会在 E3上公开新的宣传片。
Sega and Atlus have announced its E3 2018, which includes two new Atlus titles being announced on June 7, as well as a new trailer for Catherine: Full Body.
(Update 1:02 p.m.: Gematsu has discovered atlus.com/pd—a currently restricted access directory that will possibly host the Atlus U.S.A. website for Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night, which may be the two Atlus title announcements planned for June 7.)
The following titles will be playable on the show floor:
Two new Atlus titles being announced on June 7
Shining Resonance Refrain (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC) – With a favorite playable demo on the show floor is Shining Resonance Refrain, which marks the return of the Shining series to the West after a decade. This demo will also be available for everyone at home by the time doors open! The western release of the original Shining Resonance, previously a Japanese exclusive, Shining Resonance Refrain is an action RPG with characters designed by the legendary Tony Taka, including all DLCs and a brand new “Refrain Mode,” unlocking more characters than ever before.
Team Sonic Racing (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC) – The Blue Blur is speeding into E3 with never-before-seen content from the recently announced multiplayer racing experience, Team Sonic Racing. Created in partnership with the award-winning studio Sumo Digital, Team Sonic Racing combines the best elements of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing with nostalgic characters and environments from across the Sonic Universe. E3 attendees will be among the first to jump in the driver’s seat and play as Sonic, Shadow, Tails and other fan favorite characters in exhilarating single and multiplayer game modes. And don’t forget to check out the super-chic, limited-edition PUMA X SEGA RS-0 Sonic and Dr. Eggman shoe collaboration which will be on display throughout the show!
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – On to the line-up then with watercolor-style tactical/strategy game Valkyria Chronicles 4. Come by the booth and follow Squad E of the Federation in their fight against the Empire! They’ll ultimately face bone-chilling blizzards, waves of imperial soldiers, and the godlike powers of the Valkyria – featuring larger maps than ever before – and E3 attendees will be able to experience the opening stage of the game.
Yakuza: Kiwami 2 (PS4) – It’s been a full year since Kazuma Kiryu took his leave from the world of the Yakuza during the events of Yakuza: Kiwami, but he returns in top form with Yakuza: Kiwami 2 as Sega proudly presents one of the most beloved storylines in the franchise’s history, remade in full HD in the Dragon Engine for PlayStation 4. Featuring the return of mini games like Cabaret, a revamped clan creator and the original arcade release of Virtual-On, Kazuma Kiryu will have plenty of leisure activities when he isn’t taking on his fierce rival, the Dragon of Kansai, Ryuji Goda.
And the following will not be playable:
Total War: Three Kingdoms (PC) – Take a first look at Total War: Three Kingdoms, the next major historical title in the Total War strategy series, in a series of gameplay presentations hosted by Creative Assembly throughout the show. Inspired by the beauty and artistic style of ancient China, Total War: Three Kingdoms breathes life into the heroes of this fascinating period as they struggle to unite China under a single banner.
Here is an overview of Sega and Atlus’ show floor activities:
Fret not if you can’t attend the show, because we will bring the show to you! We’ll be streaming throughout E3 on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, featuring exclusive content and interviews with the producers behind our diverse line-up. For those in attendance, there will be many more surprises on the booth courtesy of some Sega and Atlus themed giveaways, including swag from titles like Team Sonic Racing, Yakuza: Kiwami 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 4. Follow us on our channels during E3 for more details about these streams and giveaways.
Finally, it’s been a while, but Atlus will finally be debuting some new footage of Catherine: Full Body as part of a new trailer being shown on the show floor. A seductive and mature romantic action-adventure puzzle game from the makers of the Persona series. Catherine: Full Body will include a new love interest, “Rin,” with distinct storyline elements for the character, and additional puzzle content. Vincent’s love life has never been so complicated and dramatic!
Find comments from Sega of America and Sega of Europe below.
Naoto Hiraoka, President and CEO of Atlus U.S.A., Inc. and Senior Vice President of Publishing for Sega of America, Inc
“During the past year, we’ve seen a strong response from fans to key western releases in the Yakuza series and have heard their voices for more Valkyria Chronicles. As part of the wealth of IP owned by Sega, it is our pleasure to bring Yakuza: Kiwami 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 4 to fans at the show. This E3 also represents an important moment for Atlus as it nears its fifth year with Sega, and as part of that, we will have something to announce very soon for the west.”
John Clark, Executive Vice President of Sega Europe
“With Atlus approaching its 5th anniversary as part of the Sega family, we’re delighted to finally have one unified stand at one of the most important gaming events of the year. We’re very excited to be showing the first romanticised Historical title in the Total War series alongside Team Sonic Racing on the very same booth as some of the most awaited western releases of Japanese titles. I have no doubt that everyone will find something to their taste on the Sega / Atlus booth this year.” 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-7 06:37 PM XSEED Games announces E3 2018 lineup
XSEED Games has announced the lineup of games it is bringing to E3 2018 in Los Angeles from June 12 to 14.
The following titles will be playable:
Fate/Extella Link (PS4, PS Vita) – Playable on PlayStation 4
Picking up where the story ended in Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, Fate/Extella Link expands the roster of playable Servants with 10 legendary heroes added to the original selection of 16. These newly added Servants hail from other entries in the Fate series and include the likes of Astolfo, Scàthach, and Francis Drake. The high-speed action gameplay of Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star returns with improved visuals and new battle mechanics in both single-player and an added multiplayer mode supporting 4-on-4 online battles on PlayStation®4 system. Players will also be able to move freely around their new base camp—a medieval cathedral suspended in the sky—and interact with Servants to build bonds with them.
Developed by Marvelous and slated for publishing in North America on PS4 system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system by XSEED Games, Fate/Extella Link will release this winter both digitally and physically on PS4 system and digitally on “PS Vita” system. More release details will be shared at a future time. This title has not been rated by the ESRB.
Freedom Planet (Switch)
Freedom Planet is a fast-paced combat-driven platform adventure that pits a spunky dragon girl and her friends against hostile foreign powers and alien attack forces. There’s trouble around every turn, from insects to giant robots to sheer explosive destruction, but players will have a variety of special fighting abilities at their disposal to blast through more than a dozen massive, nonlinear stages. The campaign may be played through as Lilac, Carol, or the unlockable Milla, each of whom has completely unique gameplay mechanics, an altered story mode in which the selected character takes the lead, and even a few of her own unique stages.
Developed by GalaxyTrail and slated for publishing on Nintendo Switch by XSEED Games, Freedom Planet will release this fall digitally on Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch. More information on the game can be found at http://freedomplanetgame.com/. The Nintendo Switch version of this title has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
Gal Metal (Switch)
Gal Metal is a rhythm game designed for Nintendo Switch that turns each Joy-Con into a drum stick. Players will take hold of the Joy-Cons to rock along with the music as they create their own complex performances and rack up millions of points using personal free-form drum lines based on over a dozen different beats. With Nintendo Switch™ Pro Controller support on offer as well, players will be able to choose how they want to jam and earn metal power to use against nefarious alien invaders in this uniquely adlib-friendly rhythm experience.
Gal Metal will be published for Nintendo Switch by XSEED Games physically and digitally in Fall 2018. For more details as they’re announced, please keep an eye on XSEED Games’ social media channels via Facebook and Twitter. This title has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
Gungrave VR (PlayStation VR)
In Gungrave VR, players take control of Grave with his iconic set of dual guns, Cerberus, and will have to master different playstyles to take down the various foes that stand in his way. Levels consist either of free-moving third-person gameplay or first-person action that includes both stationary and mobile sections, offering players a variety of modes to help put them in the shoes of the resurrected Millennion agent himself. With an array of shooting attacks, close-range strikes using Grave’s coffin, Bullet Time, and more, Gungrave VR brings an authentic Gungrave experience to virtual reality for the very first time.
Gungrave VR will be published for PlayStation®VR on PlayStation®4 system by XSEED Games digitally and at retail in Fall 2018. For more details as they’re announced, please keep an eye on XSEED Games’ social media channels via Facebook and Twitter. This title has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (PS4, PC) – Playable on PlayStation 4
In Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, players take on the role of Sakuna, a proud yet lonely harvest goddess who is banished to a dangerous island with a group of outcast humans. Sakuna tames the island by defeating demons using farm tools as weapons while also making ample use of her “celestial scarf,” a magical item that allows her to grapple distant enemies and platforms. Along the way, she establishes a home in a mountain village, which serves as a base of operations for crafting weapons and cooking food. Additionally, as a harvest goddess, she grows rice by following a detailed process that encompasses everything from planting to harvesting. Through this process, across each of the four seasons, she’s able to improve the harvest and hone her battle skills alike.
Created by Edelweiss and published in North America by XSEED Games, Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin is in development for the PS4 system and Windows PC in North America. This title has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal (PS4, PC) – Playable on PlayStation 4
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal brings the original Nintendo 3DS release’s classic 2.5D action to modern hardware with a full 3D remake and a fresh retelling of the tale that started it all. This fast-paced brawler will provide updated combat mechanics and character models, as well as the new Burst mode for a voluptuous visual feast! The series’ popular Dressing Room mode continues to see expansion too, with a wealth of new outfits and options that allow players to customize their favorite girls’ looks and styles. With additional DLC episodes that will reveal new details of Yumi and Miyabi’s histories prior to meeting Asuka and Homura, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal delivers an authentic recreation of the original game while ensuring that series fans will have plenty of new content to look forward to!
Developed by Honey∞Parade Games, Inc. and slated for publishing on PS4 system and Windows PC, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal will release this fall both digitally and physically on PS4 system and digitally on Windows PC. More release details will be shared at a future time. This title has not been rated by the ESRB. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-7 06:39 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-7 08:45 PM 编辑
《洛克人11》开发者讲解与分享(12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.)
《魔物猎人世界》TA大赛(2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m)
《洛克人11》demo演示(12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.)
《魔物猎人世界》TA大赛(2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. )
Capcom has announced the lineup of games it is bringing to E3 2018 in Los Angeles from June 12 to 14.
The following games will be playable:
Mega Man 11 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)
Get your gloves on classic gameplay combined with the brand-new Double Gear System in the Blue Bomber’s new quest! Be one of the first to play through Block Man’s colorful and challenging stage in this brand new adventure crafted by a veteran development team at Capcom. Mega Man 11 slides on to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on October 2!
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)
The world of Mega Man X is at your fingertips with eight futuristic adventures featuring X, Zero, and Axl battling against Mavericks, high-tech robots gone bad. Check out all eight games ranging from 16-bit to 32-bit and beyond, and test your skills in the new X Challenge mode, pitting X against pairs of Mavericks! Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 are coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch on July 24.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Switch)
Take the hunt on the go or cast it up to the big screen with Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, known as Monster Hunter XX in Japan, coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch on August 28. Continuing the celebration started by Monster Hunter Generations on Nintendo 3DS, we’re expanding the monster roster, the number of ways you can hunt, and cranking up the challenge with “G Rank” quests.
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4, PC)
Cody, Metro City’s New Mayor, has openings in his schedule all three days for anyone wanting an appointment with him. Cody will be playable at E3, including all four of his other costumes: Battle, Story, Nostalgia, and Final Fight. Experience what the new mayor will bring to the legendary fighting game series – knives, pipes, and all. Cody will be available on June 26 on PlayStation 4 and PC!
Capcom has also announced the following live streams:
June 12
12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. – Mega Man 11 (Twitch) – Developer stream with producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya and Koji Oda.
2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Monster Hunter: World (Twitch) – Time Attack tournament. Details here.
June 13
12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. – Mega Man 11 (Twitch) – Demo and gameplay live stream.
2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Monster Hunter: World (Twitch) – Time Attack tournament. Details here.
For those attending, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection challenge events are planned for June 12 and 13 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day. Various signings with the producers behind Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, and Mega Man 11 are also scheduled.
《对马之魂(Ghost of Tsushima)》由之前开发了《恶名昭彰:次子》的开发商[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch制作,游戏主要的故事背景发生在1274年蒙古帝国入侵日本对马岛的这段历史。游戏采用开放世界,任务选择十分自由,玩家在游戏中主要战斗方式是潜行暗杀,不再是传统日本武士的正面决斗,玩家需要通过各种非传统的战斗方式对抗敌人。
《最后生还者 二部曲(The Last of Us: Part II)》依旧由顽皮狗工作室研发,剧情紧跟前作,在本作中,玩家主要控制角色为艾莉,从目前公布的情况而言,乔尔何去何从还是一个谜。与前作表现的“爱”的主题相反,本作主要讲述艾莉对萤火虫组织的复仇。
Drop into the Zone in Fear the Wolves' E3 trailer, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. inspired Battle Royale FPS
Focus Home Interactive and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. veterans at Vostok Games challenge you to survive in the new Fear the Wolves E3 trailer. Get your first glimpse at the dark setting, player vs environment elements, and endgame extraction of this unique Battle Royale FPS.
Drop into a radioactive wasteland with nothing but your wits, fists, and whatever you can find to protect you. Deadly mutated wildlife, the organic spread of radiation, unexplainable anomalies, and 99 other players stand in your way on your long march to the extraction helicopter inside the final zone.
To defend yourself you have an arsenal of scavenged weaponry. The trusty fire-axe is a silent killer but won’t do much good as the knife in a gunfight. Abandoned weaponry is scattered around the map, but you will need to scavenge from air drops, caches and radioactive areas to find the most powerful gear. Every other player will be after them too, bringing the wolves with them.
Wolves are the first of our mutants to be revealed. Roaming in packs and picking off stragglers, they have adapted to the radioactive environment and evolved into savage, decaying beasts. While on their own they pose a mere inconvenience, a pack will drain your ammo and leave you injured – or worse – if you aren’t careful. They’re just as deadly and hostile to your enemies, and how you use that will determine your survival.
As the radioactivity of an area worsens, reality begins to break down. Dangerous areas distort and enter flux as they pulse with radiation. In the early stages, the adrenaline from sprinting will stop you taking damage, but after that only gas masks and hazard suits will keep the poisonous air and deadly rays out. You are never safe, but you can be more protected than your enemies, using this advantage to access areas they can’t, to loot more and flank them.
Extraction is your ultimate goal. Rather than a slow that acalemate, Fear the Wolves challenges players to get out how they came in, with a final dash to an extraction helicopter that accepts just one occupant. The location of the extraction zone will vary game to game, forcing adaptation and rewarding intricate map knowledge. If you manage to wipe out every other player, you still take home the victory – so choose your path wisely.
Fear the Wolves comes to PC in 2018, later on consoles. Early Access begins this summer on PC.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-7 09:44 PM
[youtube]P3Rxj3hv7rs[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-7 11:15 PM
Bend Studio 开发,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)制作的 PS4 独占动作冒险游戏《往日不再(Days Gone)》正式公布了发售日期于 2019 年 2 月 22 日发售,并同时繁体中文英文合版发售。
《往日不再》是由曾经手开发《秘境探险:黄金深渊》的 SIE Bend Studio 首度尝试开发的 3A 级大型游戏,背景设定在爆发世界性大规模感染两年后的地球,此时世界已成一片废墟。 玩家将扮演幸存者迪肯‧圣约翰(Deacon St. John),在社会崩解的极限环境中求生,一边对抗狂暴化的感染者与感染生物侵袭,一边面对尔虞我诈的幸存者派系竞争,体验人性的现实与希望。
NIS America has announced the lineup of games it is bringing to E3 2018, which runs from June 12 to 14 in Los Angeles.
In addition to hands-on experiences with some of its upcoming games, NIS America teases to “get hype for some exciting announcements.”
The following games will be playable:
Disgaea 1 Complete (PS4, Switch)
The Overlord is dead. The Netherworld is in turmoil. Time to kick some ass! Netherworld Prince Laharl awakens to fight for his throne and it’s up to him and some unlikely allies to defend what is rightfully his. Together with his devious vassal Etna, the angel trainee Flonne, and a whole cavalcade of explosive characters, Laharl will slash, shoot, and punch his way to the top. Build your squad to level 9999 and unleash crazy special skills, team attacks, and spells to deal millions of points of damage in this zany high-definition remake of an RPG classic.
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (PS4, Switch, PC)
Beneath a small town lies an endless maze known as the Labyrinth of Refrain. Dusk Witch Dronya arrives, and with her puppet soldiers, endeavors to find something buried deep within. Embark on an adventure as you discover the secrets underground. What treasures will you find? What terrors will you encounter?
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (Switch)
The arcade comes home in this amazing collections from the earliest titles in SNK’s illustrious catalog. Celebrating 40 years of titles that changed the landscape of arcade and console libraries across the world, available for the first time in one collection! Pixel-perfect and chocked full of special features like saving anywhere and rewind, all with an enormous gallery of rare and detailed production notes and materials. Take the arcade with you wherever you go with the definitive early SNK arcade collection!
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch)
Ys returns with a brand new adventure for the first time in 8 years! Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other shipwrecked passengers he rescues form a village to challenge fearsome beasts and mysterious ruins on the isolated island. Amidst this, Adol begins to dream of a mysterious blue-haired maiden living in a unknown world. Join Adol as he unravels the riddle of the cursed isle and the blue-haired maiden Dana! 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-8 11:18 PM Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom E3 2018 Trailer
Monster Boy E3 Trailer Premiere
Dear Monster Boy fans, friends and followers,
today is a very special day for the whole team! We can finally reveal a brand new trailer and it includes material of the final game! No work in progress, no placeholders - this is how the game will look like when you get your hands on it later this summer!
It's been a long journey. We devoted 4 years of our lives to create a truly enjoyable love letter to classic gaming, never shy of implementing new ideas and fun mechanics in order to deliver a product that we can all be proud of. As a passionate player, you deserve nothing less.
We're very excited to hear back your opinions after you watched the trailer and hope that you like what you see. Will you join Jin on his quest to save Monster World Kingdom when the game releases on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4?
New Playable Content Revealed for Highly Anticipated Action-RPG Indivisible Ahead of E3
505 Games and leading independent developer Lab Zero Games have announced the release of a new beta demo available to all backers of the highly anticipated fan-funded action-RPG Indivisible. Backers of the massively successful Indiegogo campaign, which raised over $2.2M in funding, will be treated to new and improved battle mechanics, enemies and quests while being introduced to three new playable characters; plant-summoner Nuna, the gun-slinging Latigo and boisterous pirate queen Baozhai. The new beta demo will also provide backers with a unique opportunity to battle a newly-created “hybrid boss,” Pindayar. A first for the genre, “hybrid bosses” switch seamlessly between strategic RPG battles and action-packed platforming. Indivisible’s official E3 trailer showcasing these exciting new features, animations, characters and more was released today.
Available to all backers as a game update for Steam for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, players can access this all-new content by simply running their previously installed backer preview demo (distributed in November 2017). Additional game download codes are not required to access the updated demo.
Created by Lab Zero Games, the developers behind the million-plus selling cult-favorite fighting game Skullgirls, Indivisible spans a huge fantasy world inspired by various cultures and mythologies. A classically-influenced RPG/platformer hybrid, Indivisible tells the tale of Ajna, a good-natured tomboy with a rebellious streak. Her life is thrown into chaos when her town is attacked, awakening a mysterious power in her – the ability to absorb certain individuals into her being. She embarks on a quest to confront the warlord who destroyed her home, uniting people from faraway lands along the way, and discovering new aspects of herself and her world in the process.
Indivisible is currently in development for Nintendo Switch, Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will offer English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese and Russian-language versions. For more information on the game, please visit: Indivisible.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-8 11:19 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 11:53 PM 编辑
Bandai Namco has announced Twin Mirror, a story-driven investigation game developed by Life is Strange studio Dontnod Entertainment coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019.
The collaboration project was first teased at Gamescom 2017.
Introducing Twin Mirror, From the Creators of Life is Strange
Hey PS Blog, Bandai Namco Entertainment here and we’re super excited to introduce you to Twin Mirror! An exciting, story-driven adventure game, Twin Mirror is a compelling journey that explores the elements of choice and hypocrisy, while paving a players’ way toward the conclusion of their investigation. As Bandai Namco Entertainment’s foray into narrative adventure games, Twin Mirror is brought to you by DONTNOD Entertainment, the minds behind the award-winning title Life is Strange. Truth, duality, and polarity will all become factors as players dictate their future through personal choices, while investigating the town the protagonist calls home.
Your story begins in the town of Basswood, West Virginia, where Sam has returned to attend the funeral of his best friend. While recovering from a heavy break-up, Sam finds himself dejected and downtrodden as he interacts with former friends in his hometown. But, things start to take a turn for the worse when Sam wakes up in his hotel room the next day. With a shirt covered in blood and no whereabouts of the previous night, it’s now up to Sam to recall his memories and search for disparate clues in Basswood to find the truth in this mysterious investigation! But remember… the clock is ticking.
Twin Mirror is a psychological thriller wrapped around an investigation where your memories, choices, and relationships will determine Sam’s complicated fate. As he comes to terms with heartbreak, homecoming, and the perpetual struggle of adulthood, Sam will need your help exploring a dark and emotional adventure where the line between truth and deception is blurred.
Developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Bandai Namco, the new narrative-driven adventure game Twin Mirror will have you on the edge of your seats when it arrives on PS4 in 2019.
Cyrus Wesson - Community Specialist, Bandai Namco作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-8 11:52 PM
[youtube]6BVcjfJynyg[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 07:27 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:27 AM 编辑
研发《Fe》作品的 Zoink Games 今日在 Sony Interactive Entertainment E3 展前倒数在线直播中,公开了 PSVR 新作《鬼魂巨人(暂译,Ghost Giant)》。
Zoink 此次与作家萨拉‧贝里马克‧埃尔夫格伦(Sara Bergmark Elfgren)共同创造《鬼魂巨人》。 Zoink Games 美术与创意总监 Olov Redmalm 表示,玩家将在《鬼魂巨人》中与幼小的路易斯相遇,平时与母亲一起照料家族的向日葵农场的路易斯住在小镇的偏僻角落。 他的日子过得并不好,时常感觉寂寞孤单,但是玩家的出现将改变这一切。
Olov Redmalm 说,玩家将在游戏中化身庞大的鬼魂巨人,用透明双手举起家具、载具或树木,也可以旋转或打开整栋房子,整个小镇将成为玩家发挥创意的娃娃屋。 玩家可以善用身为巨人的优势和路易斯发展友谊,帮助他完成各式各样的挑战,尽管很多挑战都是粗活,但是玩家最主要的任务却不用蛮力,而是扮演好朋友的角色,帮助一名需要指引的孩子。
Lend a Hand in Ghost Giant, Coming to PS VR
It’s thrilling how many different ways there are to tell a story. Novels, movies and games all have their own approach – and with VR, even more unique possibilities have arisen. That’s something we want to explore with Ghost Giant, Zoink’s brand new title that we’re very proud to announce today.
In Ghost Giant, you meet young Louis. He lives in an out-of-the-way part of town, where he tends to the family sunflower farm together with his mother. Life isn’t always that easy though, and Louis is incredibly lonely. That is, until you enter his life.
As the player you take on the role of the Ghost Giant. And a giant you are indeed! Use your see-through hands to lift furniture, vehicles and trees. You can even rotate and open entire buildings to reveal the stories going on inside. The picturesque town of Sancourt becomes your own little dollhouse sandbox.
Being a giant is a big advantage when building your friendship with Louis. Along your journey, you help him with all manner of challenges that, at first glance, seem impossible to pull off. While they often involve heavy lifting, your most important role is less physical. It’s that of being a supporting friend for a child in need of some guidance.
For Ghost Giant, Zoink has teamed up with renowned writer Sara Bergmark Elfgren, whose work ranges from novels to graphic novels to screenplays, and has been translated to 25 languages. We’re very excited about what we’ve been able to achieve together, with our quite differing backgrounds in storytelling coming together in a new media. We hope you’ll enjoy the end result and that you’ll feel like you’ve experienced something new and special!
Olov Redmalm - Art & Creative Director, Zoink Games
blog.us.playstation.com作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 07:36 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:40 AM 编辑
EA 今日公开的 Origin Access Premier 是一个新的会员模式,玩家将可以抢先体验新游戏,包含《战地风云 5》、《国际足盟大赛 19》、《劲爆美式足球 19》、《冒险圣歌》等。 除此之外,玩家还可以体验其他超过 100 款游戏并可以优惠价格购入。
EA Origin Access Premier 预计今夏上线。
Electronic Arts announced Origin Access Premier, a premium subscription tier for its Origin Access service, during the EA Play 2018 press conference. It will be available this summer for $14.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
Through Origin Access Premier, users will be able to enjoy full access to new Electronic Arts releases on PC before their official release dates, including Anthem, Battlefield V, FIFA 19, and Madden NFL 19.
Origin Access Premier members will also receive the benefits from the current Origin Access Basic membership, which includes a library of over 100 games, as well as unlimited access to The Sims 4, including content from the Digital Deluxe Update, Dine Out Game Pack, and Kids Room Stuff Pack.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 07:43 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:25 AM 编辑
EA and Coldwood Unveil and Launch Unravel Two, a Lighthearted Single Player and Co-Op Puzzle Platform Game, Now Available Worldwide
Coldwood and Electronic Arts, at EA PLAY in Los Angeles today, for the first time ever, instantly revealed and launched Unravel Two . The innovative new single player and co-op puzzle platformer comes from the Swedish studio that brought to life Yarny, the tiny red woolen character that captured the hearts of players in 2015 with the hit indie game, Unravel. Unravel Two builds off of the original game and centers on the bond between two Yarnys, which can be played as a single player or local co-op drop-in/drop-out experience, available beginning today. The two Yarnys will need to support one another as they work through tricky trials and traverse between beautiful natural landscapes and intricate urban environments, with the surroundings blossoming into new life as they embark on an adventure together.
“Unravel Two is about the new bonds that form when we cut ties to the past,” said Martin Sahlin, Creative Director at Coldwood. “Like Unravel, it is a deeply personal game for the studio and our passion and life experiences are intertwined in the fabric of the journey players and their Yarnys will embark on. Unravel Two is about the unbreakable bond between friends and how hope and love can make the world around us a better place.”
Unravel Two features an evocative story filled with energy, intrigue, and inspiration, as well as ominous threats. Players can customize their own Yarnys by helping others in Unravel Two, as they jump, slide, swing and run along their adventure with two Yarnys side-by-side or joined together, always. The engaging and lighthearted story of Unravel Two demonstrates the power of positivity in the face of uncertainty.
Unravel Two is now available worldwide for $19.99 on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Origin for PC. EA Access and Origin Access members can play the beginning of Unravel Two, starting today.
同时,官方预告将在隔日的 Xbox One 展前发表会中揭露更深入的单人战争故事,将以人类英雄角度进行,玩家将透过他们的视角一探战场情境。
PC、PS4、Xbox One《战地风云 5》预定 10 月 16 日起陆续上市。
Battlefield V will add a “Royale” mode post-launch, publisher Electronic Arts and developer DICE announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.
Royale mode is described as “reimagined with the core pillars of destruction, team play, and vehicles,” and “unlike anything you’ve played before.” More information will be announced later this year.
First look at Battlefield V‘s single-player campaign mode, “War Stories,” will be shared during the Microsoft E3 2018 press conference on June 10 at 1:00 p.m. PT / 4:00 p.m. ET.
DICE also shared an overview of Battlefield V‘s multiplayer modes. Here are the details, via the game’s official website:
■ Grand Operations
Grand Operations is the ultimate multiplayer experience, designed to seamlessly showcase the maps and modes of Battlefield V. Each Grand Operation presents a powerful narrative experience inspired by historical events. Shortly after launch, you will be able to take part in the first Grand Operation. In the months that follow, you’ll continue the fight across other unseen and unplayed battlefields of World War 2.
Grand Operations is our upgraded version of Operations in Battlefield 1 – but now much greater than the sum of its parts. This modular experience takes players across fictional in-operation “days,” where each day is represented by a round played on a combination of a map and mode that brings the narrative to life. The actions you, your squad, and your team take on day one will have a direct impact on the narrative and gameplay start of day two, which in result will impact day three, and so on.
Play well on the first day and deploy with an adequate supply of ammo or vehicles when the map shifts, for example. Do poorly, and you’ll deploy the next day with perhaps fewer respawns, vehicles, or other resources.
Another important change is how each play session ensures all players get to play all featured locations – no more getting stopped by an overwhelming defense on that first point. Most Grand Operations in Battlefield V consist of three in-operation days – about an hour of total game time – but some may last longer if the score is close.
Battlefield V is all about World War 2 as you’ve never seen it before. While we’ve set out to deliver just that, we’ve also preserved iconic WW2 experiences, such as parachuting on to the battlefield through a barrage of flak fire to spearhead an invasion.
Each Grand Operation starts with an insertion, and in the Norway Operation this is represented through our new mode exclusive to Grand Operations: Airborne.
Airborne centers around a group of artillery cannons that the attacking team will try to destroy, while the defenders try to prevent this from happening. The attackers enter the action from waves of airplanes, and each attacker decides when and where to eject. Once your boots hit the ground, work with your squad to locate bombs and destroy enemy defenses. Playing the objective can determine the success of the invasion.
If defending, you’ll enter the map at the artillery cannons that are not yet destroyed. Plot your best build through clever placement of towable weapons, fortifications, or anti-air guns. Adapt and overcome – if you succeed, the enemy’s element of surprise will be lost, and their next day will be much harder.
Final Stand
Your successes and failures in Grand Operations determine the appearance of Final Stand. If the two factions are evenly-matched, you’ll find yourself in this nail-biting, tie-breaking mode to determine the winner.
In Final Stand, players will not be able to respawn, so the heat is most definitely on. A team will lose when all its players are wiped. The amount of ammo – if any – will be determined by the previous in-game day’s events.
With ammo and health almost depleted, your objective is clear: fight to the bitter end. No one walks away until the fight is settled, so leave it all on the battlefield.
■ Standalone Multiplayer Modes
We here at DICE know that the most immersive Battlefield yet – with improved movement, more interactive environments, and a new Fortifications system – requires a bevy of fun modes for you to play in.
Battlefield V multiplayer is your place to harness the frontlines of World War 2 in a multitude of previously unseen and innovative ways. We are giving players a mix of eight new and classic modes available at launch, where you can adapt, evolve, and make use of the battlefield to benefit your team.
No game mode is more synonymous with the Battlefield series than Conquest. A version of this 64-player map control mode has appeared in every Battlefield game and will return this year with all the Battlefield V features at your disposal.
Fight for key locations on a massive map where you and your team will come closer to victory when you control the majority of the flags. Build defenses and solidify your frontlines using the recently-unveiled Fortifications system, towable weaponry, and Squad Reinforcements.
Veterans of Battlefield will recognize the more classic ruleset and approach to the innards of how Conquest works this time – including some Conquest Assault variants.
In Breakthrough, the map is divided into several sectors, all owned by the defending team at start of match. If you’re on the attacking team, your goal is to take the sectors one by one in a sequential order, which is done by controlling all the sector’s available capture points. Battlefield 1 players will recognize Breakthrough from Operations, where it was the sole game mode.
Each engagement in Breakthrough is a frantic fight to capture sectors as an attacker and, for the defense, on-the-fly planning to keep the opposition at bay. Keep in mind, forcing a retreat in Battlefield V involves overcoming fortified positions from the defensive side, adding a layer of strategy on both ends.
The tug-of-war combat of Frontlines can be described as a mix of Conquest, Rush, and Battlefield 4’s Obliteration mode.
In Frontlines, both teams fight for control over one flag objective at a time, unlocking the next one to push the frontline towards the enemy base. Conquering the last flag opens the enemy base, and their Strategic Objectives become vulnerable to planted explosives – a new addition in Frontlines for Battlefield V.
Less is more in Domination mode, a Battlefield must. But this infantry-focused, scaled-down version of Conquest has just as much action as its big brother. In Domination, the two teams fight over ownership of multiple objectives. Owning at least half of these flags will cause the enemy team to start losing respawns. Control more than half, and your enemy team will bleed respawns even faster. As you take on these close-quarter engagements, you’ll find there’s no better place to test the composition and chemistry of your Company.
Team Deathmatch
Battlefield whittled down to its combat core. Team Deathmatch is fast-paced infantry warfare where squad cohesion is more important than ever. Inflict the most causalities out of the two infantry teams, and the day is yours.
Battlefield V is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 07:55 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:06 AM 编辑
Anthem will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 22, 2019, publisher Electronic Arts and developer BioWare announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.
Origin Access Premier members can play the full game early with unlimited access on PC starting February 15, and EA Access and Origin Access Basic members can play up to 10 hours of the game as part of the Play First Trial on the same date.
Anthem will be available in standard and “Legion of Dawn” editions. Here are the details, via the game’s official website:
Here is an overview of the game, via EA:
Anthem is a social, connected Action-RPG with cooperative multiplayer at its heart. Players customize an array of powered Javelin exosuits and team up to face a dangerous and ever-changing world through exploration and combat.
In Anthem, up to four players explore and battle in a dangerous, mysterious place populated by great characters and a unique BioWare story. Players will also create stories of their own while they play, so no two journeys are the same. Javelin exosuits make their pilots powerful heroes in the world, with awesome weapons and incredible special abilities that allow for combat and exploration in a hostile environment. Players will be able to customize and personalize their suits with unique paint jobs and gear so they’ll have the right tools to confront almost any situation, and look good doing it.
BioWare has also confirmed an Internet connection is required to play Anthem.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 08:11 AM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-10 08:21 AM 编辑
Cornelia曾这样描述《孤独之海》,“通过具象化的游戏角色展示玩家内心的情感,将恐惧、愤怒、懊悔等情绪引发出来,之后再经由自己的调整而感受到蜕变的过程,这会让人获得成就感。”对此,EA全球工作室VP Patrick Söderlund给出了“这个思路既让人感到欣喜又让人觉得可怕”的评价。
PC、PS4、Xbox One《孤独之海》预计 2019 年推出。
Sea of Solitude, which was announced as the second title in the EA Originals lineup back in December 2016, will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2019, publisher Electronic Arts and developer Jo-Mei Games announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via EA:
When humans get too lonely, they turn into monsters. That’s what happened to Kay. But she’s not alone – this ocean is full of creatures just like her. Finding them may be the key to changing her back.
Sea of Solitude is an upcoming third-person exploration game from Jo-Mei Games. Join Kay as she navigates the waters of heartache, empathy, and hope.
Respawn Entertainment Star Wars game titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, launches holiday 2019
开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》正式揭晓 透露《战场前线 II》新内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163816.html)
来自 Respawn Entertainment 游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 今日现身美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)E3 展前发表会现场,宣布最新开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序(暂译, 原名:Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)》。 另外,官方也透露《星际大战:战场前线 II》下一个 Season 内容重点。
2016 年 EA 曾透露《神兵泰坦》开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 正进行《星际大战》系列新企划的开发工作,如今游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 正式发表新作消息,游戏名称为《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩 序》。 据了解,这将是一款全新的动作冒险游戏,讲述一段原创的《星际大战》故事,时间设定在《星际大战 三部曲:西斯大帝的复仇((Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith))》事件后。 《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》预计在 2019 年内发售。
另外,官方日前才公布《星际大战:战场前线 II》新内容「韩索罗 Season」,今日紧接着透露下一个 Season 的内容将着重在「复制人之战(Clone Wars)》」,届时将开放新地图 Geonosis,并新增可玩英雄 欧比王肯诺比、安纳金天行者、杜库伯爵以及格里弗斯将军。
The Star Wars game currently in development at Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment, which was first announced in May 2016, will be titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order and launch in holiday 2019, studio boss Vince Zampella announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.
According to Zampella, the story will take place between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, described as “dark times” when Jedi are being hunted.
美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)发表《劲爆美国职篮》系列最新续作《劲爆美国职篮 19(NBA LIVE 19)》,游戏 PS4、Xbox One 版本将于 2018 年 9 月 7 日发售。
于 EA 举办的 E3 展前发表会期间公开的《劲爆美国职篮 19》影片中,显示了新作将引入 The One 职业模式。 游戏中还将加入新的 ICON 系统,透过解锁新 ICON 将为玩家角色赋予能力。 除此之外,在建立队伍上也将有新的概念,玩家可以招募 NBA 球员等建立自己的阵容,并与其他竞争者争夺全球荣耀。
《国际足盟大赛 19》为《国际足盟大赛》系列新作,于今日正式在 EA 举办的 E3 展前发表会中揭晓并释出首部宣传影片。 本次将带来新的模式「欧洲冠军联赛 UEFA Champions League」,在马德里万达大都会球场(The Wanda Metropolitano Stadium)体验从小组赛道决赛各个著名赛事。 同时,官方宣布《国际足盟大赛 18》将推出免费试玩版。
PC、PS4、Xbox One、Nintendo Switch《国际足盟大赛 19》预定 2018 年 9 月 28 日全球上市。 官方指出,知名足球选手 Cristiano Ronaldo 将回归游戏封面,同时巴西球员 Neymar Jr 将作为冠军和终极版封面。
[youtube]zX0AV6yxyrQ[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-10 08:43 AM Respawn Entertainment Star Wars game titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, launches holiday 2019
开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》正式揭晓 透露《战场前线 II》新内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163816.html)
来自 Respawn Entertainment 游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 今日现身美商艺电(Electronics Arts,EA)E3 展前发表会现场,宣布最新开发中作品《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序(暂译, 原名:Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)》。 另外,官方也透露《星际大战:战场前线 II》下一个 Season 内容重点。
2016 年 EA 曾透露《神兵泰坦》开发团队 Respawn Entertainment 正进行《星际大战》系列新企划的开发工作,如今游戏程序设计师 Vince Zampella 正式发表新作消息,游戏名称为《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩 序》。 据了解,这将是一款全新的动作冒险游戏,讲述一段原创的《星际大战》故事,时间设定在《星际大战 三部曲:西斯大帝的复仇((Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith))》事件后。 《星际大战绝地:堕落的秩序》预计在 2019 年内发售。
另外,官方日前才公布《星际大战:战场前线 II》新内容「韩索罗 Season」,今日紧接着透露下一个 Season 的内容将着重在「复制人之战(Clone Wars)》」,届时将开放新地图 Geonosis,并新增可玩英雄 欧比王肯诺比、安纳金天行者、杜库伯爵以及格里弗斯将军。
The Star Wars game currently in development at Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment, which was first announced in May 2016, will be titled Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order and launch in holiday 2019, studio boss Vince Zampella announced during the EA Play 2018 press conference.
According to Zampella, the story will take place between Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, described as “dark times” when Jedi are being hunted.
Further information was not announced. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 02:42 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-15 06:31 AM 编辑
Beat Saber coming to PlayStation VR
人气音Game《Beat Saber》登入PS VR
本座邀请洛杉矶在地音乐作曲家 Jaroslav Beck 操刀谱写新曲。 外加打出健身教练看重《Beat Saber》的健身潜力。
PS VR《Beat Saber》发售日还没公开。
Virtual reality rhythm game Beat Saber is coming to PlayStation VR, developer Beat Games announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via PlayStation.com:
Beat Saber is a unique VR rhythm game where your goal is to slash the beats (represented by small cubes) as they are coming at you. Every beat indicates which saber you need to use and also the direction you need to match. All the music is composed to perfectly fit the hand made levels. Our goal is to make players almost dance while cutting the cubes and avoiding obstacles. Each cut is strongly supported by great sound and visual effects to emphasize the rhythm.
Key Features
Unique gameplay with a great feel – Beat Saber combines the satisfying feeling of cutting with emergent perception of rhythm.
Handcrafted levels & music – All the basic levels and music in the game will be handcrafted to emphasize the music rhythm. The results are incomparable to similar games with generated content.
Game accessibility – Anyone can understand basic game principles and play the game in just a few seconds.
The press conference will feature “in-depth looks at previously-announced games to trailers for our unannounced titles coming in 2018 and beyond.”
Confirmed appearances include Battlefield V, Crackdown 3, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer has said the Microsoft press conference will “world premiere 15 games.” 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 02:45 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:50 PM 编辑
《最后一战》可说是微软的招牌游戏之一,随着主机推出至今,《最后一战》系列也推出了许多作品。 而在今日的 2018 E3 Xbox 展前发表会上,微软公开了《最后一战》新作《最后一战:无限(Halo Infinite)》的消息,以及首支宣传影片。
《最后一战:无限》预定将于 Xbox One 与 Windows 10 推出。
Microsoft and 343 Industries announced Halo Infinite for Xbox One and Windows 10 during the Microsoft E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
The Master Chief returns in Halo Infinite – the next chapter of the legendary franchise. Developed by 343 Industries and created with our new Slipspace Engine, Halo Infinite was revealed at the Xbox E3 2018 Briefing with a thrilling engine demo that provides a glimpse into the future of the Halo franchise, leading it into new and unexpected directions. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 02:55 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:01 PM 编辑
今(11)日微软于 E3 展前发表会公开了《圣灵之光 2》(Ori and the Will of the Wisps)游玩片段。 《圣灵之光 2》是由独立工作室 Moon Studios 打造的奇幻风格冒险游戏,而前作则曾荣获许多奖项的肯定,预计在 Xbox One 与 WIn 10 等平台独占推出。
除此之外,全新的战斗及挑战也将考验玩家如何运用智能通过有趣的关卡。 《圣灵之光 2》(Ori and the Will of the Wisps)预计在 Xbox One 与 WIn 10 等平台独占推出。
Ori and the Will of the Wisps will launch for Xbox One and Windows 10 in 2019, Microsoft announced during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Following in the footsteps of its critically acclaimed predecessor Ori and the Blind Forest, we’re excited to share that we’ll be taking players beyond the forest of Nibel in the upcoming 2-D platformer sequel Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Set to continue the legacy of Ori’s challenging gameplay, signature visual style and music, we can’t wait for you to embark on an all-new adventure all while feeling just a little bit nostalgic.
Key Features
If you’re new to the Ori series or if you’ve been with us since 2014, all of us at Moon Studios welcome you to Ori and the Will of the Wisps and are looking forward to sharing our latest journey with you. Here are just a few new things you’ll find:
Explore a vast, beautiful and immersive world. Explore a vast, beautiful, immersive and dangerous world filled with gripping enemy encounters, challenging puzzles and thrilling escape sequences. Unravel Ori’s true destiny in this emotionally engaging, hand-crafted, story-driven adventure.
New combat system. Wield dozens of new spirit weapons, spells and skills offering new dynamic combat mechanics to the world of Ori. Nimbly fight your way through untold danger and ruin with an entirely new arsenal at your disposal.
Customize your style of play. Choose your tools for adventure from dozens of newly acquired attacks, spells, and skills to match your style of play. In addition, utilize an all new shard system to power up Ori’s capabilities.
Encounter epic adversaries. Face large epic bosses and seek support from discoverable allies who will provide services and offer optional quests to extend the adventure.
Activision and From Software announce Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
《血源诅咒》团队打造日本战国动作新作《只狼:暗影双死》登入 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 繁中版确认
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/163869.html)
微软今(11)日凌晨于在 E3 2017 游戏展前宣布,将于 Xobx One 推出由 FromSoftware 开发,动视(Activision)推出的全新和风动作游戏《只狼:暗影双死(SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE) 》。
Sony Interactive Entertainment Taiwan(SIET)今日宣布,由打造《恶魔灵魂(Demon’s Souls)》和《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》的知名开发团队 FromSoftware, Inc. 制作的全新 PlayStation 4(PS4)游戏《只狼:暗影双死(暂译,SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE)》繁体中文/英文/韩文版将于 2019 年初在亚洲、日本、 欧洲和美洲同步发售。 另外,稍早的微软 E3 展前发表会中也宣布将推出 Xbox One 版本。
本作的故事背景设定在 16 世纪末,日本战国时代,一个充满血腥暴力,人们无时无刻生死相搏的世界。
官方表示,随着局势日渐紧绷,一个扣人心弦的全新故事在混沌中展开。 由著名开发团队 FromSoftware 打造的《只狼:暗影双死(暂译,SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE)》将尝试带给玩家奇幻、黑暗与扭曲的全新游玩体验。
对应平台:Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC
发售日期:2019 年初
收录语音:日文 / 英文
语言版本:繁体中文 / 简体中文 / 韩文 / 英文
游玩人数:1 人
开发厂商:FromSoftware, Inc.
Activision and From Software announced Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a completely new action adventure game, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during the Microsoft E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in early 2019.
Your death won’t come easily. Introducing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a fantastical, dark and twisted new gameplay experience from developer From Software, creators of Bloodborne and the Dark Souls series.
Directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, and published by Activision, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a third-person, action-adventure game with RPG elements. The single-player game puts players in the protagonist role of a hard-hearted warrior whose mission is to rescue his master, a young lord who is the descendant of an ancient bloodline, and exact revenge on his arch nemesis. Set in the re-imagined world of late 1500s Sengoku Japan; a brutal, bloody period of constant life-and-death conflict, in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice you are the “one-armed wolf,” a disgraced and disfigured warrior rescued from the brink of death.
In the game, players come face-to-face with larger than life foes; unleash an arsenal of deadly prosthetic tools and powerful ninja abilities to blend stealth, vertical traversal, and visceral head-to-head combat in a bloody confrontation.
Take revenge. Restore your honor. Kill Ingeniously.
Key Features
Kill Ingeniously – From Software delivers their best in class combat in this fast-paced, action-adventure game featuring all new mechanics.
Exploration is key – Players will experience the thrill of exploration and discovery in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice like never before. Through exploration, players can uncover new items, meet new characters, and encounter hidden enemies.
Armed – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice gameplay is centered around sword combat, enhanced by a variety of prosthetic arm attachments that supplement or change the way a player fights. Achieving strategic mastery of “Sekiro” or the “one-armed wolf’s” techniques and abilities, from prosthetic tools, swordplay to stealth and the grappling hook is no easy feat. To overcome difficulties and bring each situation under control, gamers must discover, integrate and use a variety of new tools when heading into combat.
One-armed wolf – Play as a highly talented shinobi in the service of a young lord raised in isolation. After suffering defeat at the hands of a shadowy Ashina samurai seeking the unique heritage of your master, the two of you are separated. Deep in the mountains, in a dilapidated temple, you reawaken to your fate. You must take back your master and exact revenge on your enemy at all costs.
Hard to the core – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a hard-core game worthy of the name From Software. Miyazaki designed Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice this way! Fans of From Software will find the gameplay challenging, yet fun and rewarding. The quality of combat, level of challenge, and creative enemies and bosses are something that can only be found in a From Software title.
Reimagined world – This reimagining of Japanese aesthetic blends a withered, yet vivid, world of the late 1500s Sengoku Japan as the age of warring states nears its end. Witness a world brought to its knees by constant bloodshed; a ravaged world on the brink of destruction. Explore these environments, rich with FromSoftware’s intricate design and steeped with secrets to discover.
Square Enix and Dontnod Entertainment announce The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
《奇妙人生》团队新作《心灵队长》26 日免费下载 化身小男孩展开大冒险
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/163838.html)
Dontnod Entertainment 于微软 Xbox E3 发表会上宣布,沿用《奇妙人生(Life is Strange)》世界观的新作《心灵队长(暂译,原名:The Awesome Adventures of Captain Sp irit)》即将于 6 月 26 日推出。 本作将于 Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC 平台开放免费下载。
《心灵队长(暂译,原名:The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit)》将于 6 月 26 日在 Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC 平台免费提供下载。
Square Enix and Dontnod Entertainment announced The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a new and original narrative experience demo set in the world of Life is Strange, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch free of charge on June 26.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Return to your childhood with a touching and heart-warming, one-of-a-kind narrative experience, from the directors and development team behind the BAFTA award winning game Life is Strange. Chris is an ordinary 10-year old boy who wants to be a superhero. He loves his toys and has a big imagination that takes him on all sorts of adventures, but today is not one of his usual adventures, today something truly extraordinary will happen to him. Dontnod Entertainment are back with an all-new original and endearing story that will let you experience a slice of young Chris’ life, as he turns an ordinary Saturday into an epic superhero adventure.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is not Life is Strange 2, but is the first step towards the highly anticipated sequel. The episode is a self-contained narrative experience allowing players to discover plenty of hidden secrets with each play-through. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit will feature links to the brand-new story of Life is Strange 2.
“We’re very excited to present The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. We have created a self-contained narrative experience that’s brimming with content – the deeper you dig, the more you will discover. We’re happy to announce that we will be giving away this content completely free of charge.” – said Jon Brooke, VP of Brand and European Marketing at Square Enix.
“We have always imagined Life is Strange as a diverse universe filled with interesting characters and stories to tell. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit and the story of Chris is one of many stories that we really want to share with the world.” – said Michel Koch and Raoul Barbet, Creative Directors of Life is Strange at Dontnod Entertainment. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:10 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 07:56 PM 编辑
Microsoft debuted a new trailer for Crackdown 3 during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here is a brief overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Crackdown 3 brings super-powered Agents to New Providence, an action-packed open-world, to take down a criminal corporation with an explosive chemistry set of weapons and abilities. Stay tuned for more information on Crackdown 3’s story campaign and cloud-powered multiplayer mode, “Wrecking Zone” as we get closer to launch!
Crackdown 3 is due out for Xbox One and Windows 10 in February 2019. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:12 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 07:44 PM 编辑
Square Enix has announced NieR: Automata Become as Gods Edition for Xbox One. It will launch digitally on June 26.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
In the first of many exciting E3 announcements, we’re excited to announce that the critically acclaimed NieR: Automata is finally coming to the Xbox Store as the NieR: Automata Become as Gods Edition on June 26, 2018.
Players will be able to enjoy the notable action-packed battles, beautiful open-world, wonderfully crafted story, and elements of classic Square Enix action-RPG, and explore the iconic futuristic dystopian setting of NieR:Automata.
The NieR: Automata Become as Gods Edition is available for pre-order now for $49.99 and will include the following DLC:
Base NieR: Automata game ($59.99 value)
The 3C3C1D119440927 expansion DLC ($13.99 value)
Grimoire Weiss Pod
Retro Red Pod Skin
Retro Grey Pod Skin
Cardboard Pod Skin
The Machine Lifeform Mask Accessory
NieR: Automata is available now for PlayStation 4 and PC. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:17 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 09:00 PM 编辑
Metro: Exodus will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 22, 2019, Deep Silver announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Deep Silver:
The year is 2036.
A quarter-century after nuclear war devastated the earth, a few thousand survivors still cling to existence beneath the ruins of Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro.
They have struggled against the poisoned elements, fought mutated beasts and paranormal horrors, and suffered the flames of civil war.
But now, as Artyom, you must flee the Metro and lead a band of Spartan Rangers on an incredible, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in search of a new life in the East.
Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.
Explore the Russian wilderness across vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter.
Inspired by the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro Exodus continues Artyom’s story in the greatest Metro adventure yet.
Key Features
Embark on an incredible journey – board the Aurora, a heavily modified steam locomotive, and join a handful of survivors as they search for a new life in the East.
Experience Sandbox Survival – a gripping story links together classic Metro gameplay with new huge, non-linear levels.
>A beautiful, hostile world – discover the post-apocalyptic Russian wilderness, brought to life with stunning day / night cycles and dynamic weather.
Deadly combat and stealth – scavenge and craft in the field to customize your arsenal of hand-made weaponry, and engage human and mutant foes in thrilling tactical combat.
Your choices determine your comrades’ fate – not all your companions will survive the journey; your decisions have consequence in a gripping storyline that offers massive re-playability.
The ultimate in atmosphere and immersion – a flickering candle in the darkness; a ragged gasp as your gasmask frosts over; the howl of a mutant on the night wind – Metro will immerse and terrify you like no other game.
Square Enix debuted a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference confirming a world based on the Pixar film Frozen.
Kingdom Hearts III is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 25, 2019 in Japan and Asia, and January 29 in North America and Europe.
Microsoft and Rare debuted a new trailer for Sea of Thieves during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of what is to come for the Rare-developed pirate game, via Microsoft:
But launch was just the beginning for Sea of Thieves. In April we shared how we intend to evolve and grow the game after launch, and delivered the first of three summer updates with the release of The Hungering Deep on May 29. We absolutely loved seeing the stories coming out from players’ adventures with this release, from the player who used the speaking trumpet as a tannoy system, through to the incredible camerawork on display here, and a fitting end for Megan herself.
For this year’s E3, we’re pleased to be able to give fans a taste of what’s to come with a new teaser trailer for the next two Content Updates due to hit in the coming months; Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores.
Releasing in July, Cursed Sails will bring a new threat to the seas in the form of terrifying skeleton ships. We will be introducing these to the world by way of a time-limited campaign, providing a new threat and challenge for players to take on for exclusive rewards. Beyond this, they will remain as emergent threats in the world for players to take on. We are also introducing a new ship type – the Brigantine – for up to three players to adventure on. This is the first new ship players will be able to get their hands on, and we are committed to continuing to expand the Sea of Thieves fleet.
In September, Forsaken Shores will reveal a new part of the world that will test the skill and nerve of even the most hardened crews. This is a volcanic area, and any crews setting sail into this part of the Sea of Thieves will be committing to an arduous, difficult voyage filled with danger. Rocks will rain down from the skies, the seas will be rough and every adventure will be fraught with peril. Accompanying this, we are also introducing a Row Boat for players to use, supporting them in navigating this perilous new world.
Before all that though, we will be beginning our regular in-game events on June 12, when we introduce the time-limited Skeleton Thrones event to Sea of Thieves. The events will give players new goals and rewards on a regular basis, outside of our Content Updates and the time-limited campaigns that accompany them. We are thoroughly excited to get the first of these into players hands soon!
Sea of Thieves is available now for Xbox One and Windows 10. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:37 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:28 PM 编辑
官方最后也指出,《极限竞速:地平线 4》将会于 2018 年 10 月 2 日于 Xbox One 及 Windows 10 推出。
Microsoft and Playground Games announced Forza Horizon 4 for Xbox One and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch on October 2.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Title: Forza Horizon 4
Sept. 28, 2018 – Ultimate Edition Early Access (global launch)
Oct. 2, 2018 – Deluxe and Standard Editions (global launch)
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Developer: Playground Games
Age Rating: ESRB: E; USK: TBC; PEGI: 3, AU / NZ: 3 (expected)
Format: Xbox One family of devices and Windows 10 PCs
Standard Edition: $59.99 (retail and digital)
Deluxe Edition: $79.99(digital only)
Ultimate Edition: $99.99(retail and digital)
Game Pass*: Forza Horizon 4 will be included in Xbox Game Pass at launch as part of the $9.99 monthly subscription to the service
Xbox Play Anywhere* title (Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X and Windows 10 PC versions included with single digital purchase at no additional cost)
Product Overview: Live the Horizon Life
Experience dynamic seasons in a shared open world, explore beautiful scenery, collect over 450 cars, and become a Horizon Superstar in historic Britain.
Key Features
Seasons Change Everything
Britain Like You’ve Never Seen it. Discover lakes, valleys, castles, and breathtaking scenery all in spectacular native 4K and HDR on Xbox One X and Windows 10 PCs.
Master Driving in All Seasons. Explore a changing world through dry, wet, muddy, snowy, and icy conditions.
New Content Every Week. Every week, a new season change brings new themed content, gameplay, challenges, and rewards!
Become a Horizon Superstar
Collect Over 450 Cars. Enjoy the largest and most diverse Horizon car roster yet, including over 100 licensed automotive manufacturers.
Race. Stunt. Create. Explore. In the new open-ended campaign, everything you do progresses your game.
Customize Your Horizon Life. Outfit your driver with new clothing and emotes, own property, and create custom race routes for the community.
Explore a Shared World
Fully Synchronized World. When time of day, weather and seasons change, everyone playing the game experiences it at the same time.
Go it Alone or Team up. Play solo or cooperatively. Join Team multiplayer for casual fun or Ranked Teams to take on the best in the world.*
Livestream Your Game. Integrated Mixer features make broadcasting and spectating Horizon gameplay more fun and rewarding than ever.
[youtube]Jkxf6uj3qYM[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:48 PM Microsoft establishes new studio The Initiative
Microsoft has announced the establishment of The Initiative, a new first-party studio led by former Crystal Dynamics head Darrell Gallagher.
Find a message from Gallagher below.
This morning during the Xbox E3 2018 Briefing we announced the formation of The Initiative, a new first-party game studio based in Santa Monica, California. I’m thrilled to join the Microsoft Studios family as it is clear to me that the gaming team at Microsoft shares my passion for storytelling, world-building and creative exploration. There are big plans in store for fans and we are already hard at work.
The foundation we have in place for The Initiative is unique in many ways. We’ve been given the freedom to explore, try new things and operate like an independent studio, with the backing from one of the biggest companies in the world to do something bold and different. The industry is headed in an exciting direction, and we see an opportunity to create amazing new game experiences of the future.
Our immediate focus is expanding our team to bring that vision to life, and we are incredibly excited for what the future holds for The Initiative.
Microsoft acquires Undead Labs, Playground Games, Ninja Theory, and Compulsion Games
Microsoft has acquired Undead Labs, Playground Games, Ninja Theory, and Compulsion Games, the company announced during its E3 2018 press conference.
Playground Games is bringing their open world expertise to an entirely new project, Microsoft teased.
Find messages from each studio below.
Undead Labs
Fellow survivors,
Today at the Xbox E3 2018 Briefing, Head of Gaming Phil Spencer announced that Undead Labs, the studio behind the State of Decay franchise, is joining the Microsoft Studios family. The team at Undead Labs has worked in close partnership with Microsoft Studios since 2010, and we are now joining forces to take State of Decay even further.
Five years ago we released the original State of Decay for Xbox 360, a unique survival-fantasy game that broke many established rules of game design, including permanent character death. We hoped that players would enjoy feeling like they were playing a true survival experience, with real consequences, and we were humbled and excited when the game attracted a passionate and dedicated fanbase numbering in the millions.
On May 22, we launched the ambitious sequel State of Decay 2, deepening the survival-fantasy experience with a larger world, a more sophisticated simulation, a broader selection of base building and customization options, and the number-one fan-requested feature: co-op multiplayer. As with the original State of Decay, the game has developed a strong fanbase, with over two million players building communities, creating personal stories, and taking down more than two billion zeds within the first two weeks since release. We have been elated by the fan reception and look forward to continuing to support and enhance State of Decay 2.
This acquisition signals Microsoft’s and Undead Labs’ commitment to growing the State of Decay franchise and continuing to deliver the ultimate zombie survival experiences for fans, both those new to the franchise and those already dedicated to the community. On behalf of Undead Labs and Microsoft, I’d like to thank the fans of the game for giving us the opportunity to continue building the world of State of Decay.
Stay safe out there!
Playground Games
At E3 today, Head of Gaming Phil Spencer announced several new investments Microsoft is making to vastly increase our resources for developing original content. It was a direct message to our incredibly dedicated fans who inspire what we do and why we do it. We know you want high quality, innovative content, and we’re committed to bringing you more and more gaming experiences in the years ahead.
As part of this commitment to our fans, and the opportunity to leverage the amazing creative talents of the U.K. development community, I’m delighted to welcome our long-term partner Playground Games and their extraordinarily talented team into the Microsoft Studios family.
Ever since Playground Games was established as a studio, they have partnered exclusively with Turn 10 Studios and, together, both teams’ shared vision, strong partnership, and successful collaboration have advanced the Forza franchise to new heights. The Forza racing franchise saw its biggest year yet in 2017, with over 22 million unique fans driving throughout Forza games. We could not have reached this success without Playground Games’ incredible talent, which resulted in 2016’s award-winning, breakout hit, Forza Horizon 3.
Playground Games’ unique, creative vision and passion, together with the power and resources of Microsoft, will see this innovative team take their talents to an all-new level. Playground Games will continue to work on Forza Horizon and they are bringing their open world expertise to an entirely new project we’ll have more to share about later.
With the close bond already established between Playground Games and Turn 10, it made sense for us to keep that connection intact. I will serve as the Studio Head for the Forza franchise, with both Playground Games and Turn 10 Studios reporting to me.
Announced today, Playground Games is currently working on Forza Horizon 4. Forza Horizon 4 features dynamic seasons in the open world, shared across the entire global community. Including new gameplay, weekly challenges, and stunning visuals, seasons change everything. Experience beautiful, historic Britain in spectacular native 4K and HDR, collect over 450 cars and live the Horizon life together. Playground Games’ development on Forza Horizon 4 will not be interrupted and we are committed to the worldwide launch on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Xbox Game Pass on October 2, 2018 as an Xbox Play Anywhere title.
We hope you are as excited about this as we are. We’re inspired by your passion and can’t wait for you to see what is coming next.
Ninja Theory
We are super excited to announce that we at Ninja Theory have agreed to become a part of Microsoft Studios! What does this mean for you, the Xbox fans? It means that we’ll be super-charged to bring you more games that, like Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, will each be unique experiences that are rich in creativity, quality and ambition. In the video above, we’ve shared, in our own words, why we’ve chosen to open this new chapter in the Ninja Theory story
The heritage between Ninja Theory and Xbox is rich, going all the way back to 2000 where our first ever game was Kung Fu Chaos for the original Xbox. Since then, the Xbox community have shown us incredible support – culminating in the release of Hellblade on Xbox One earlier this year. Now our job is to get the gears in motion on new games for Xbox fans. We can’t wait to start sharing with you what we have in mind.
Compulsion Games
When you make games that are out of the ordinary, you sign up for a future that’s hard to predict and maybe a little bit weird. To think that we, the 40-person team of Compulsion Games, the people who currently make unusual games from inside an old gramophone factory in Montreal, could become a part of Microsoft Studios is not something I would have predicted a few years ago.
We launched Compulsion Games in 2009 in an leaky office in Montreal, and assembled a team of creators who cared about doing something different.
Back at E3 2016, when we first revealed the introduction to We Happy Few, I was ecstatic to see reactions and predictions from fans and the press. We were excited to take the journey with Xbox Game Preview and craft our game with the input from players. We’re continuing to work on the game for its multi-platform release on Aug. 10.
Microsoft Studios wants to bring new experiences to players and we’re thrilled to join the team and gain more resources and freedom to fuel bigger creative ideas and more ambitious worlds. More importantly, we’re eager to prove that there truly is a place for a small studio and a different flavor of creativity in the big world of Xbox. It’s our dream to make an Xbox game that’s just as formative for players as the classics we’ve played and loved in the past.
We think this turn in our path is exciting, interesting, different, and just a tad scary (in a good way!). Good thing, then, that those are the qualities we look for in our games. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:50 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:56 PM 编辑
We Hpapy Few will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on August 10, publisher Gearbox Publishing and developer Compulsion Games announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Compulsion Games:
Featuring an additional 20+ hours of narrative-driven gameplay, players will play as three uniquely flawed characters coming to terms with their past and uncovering the secrets of Wellington Wells, an island off the coast of England that seems to have been cut off from the rest of the world after World War II.
Set in retro-futuristic 1960s England, players will find a city ravaged by war and rebuilt by delusionally happy people. Everything appears joyful in Wellington Wells, including its roads, its people, and its omnipresent television personality: Uncle Jack! But, it’s actually a world on the brink of collapse. Unveil its dark history, and discover how and why its residents came to be so beguilingly happy.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 03:57 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:22 PM 编辑
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC
Bandai Namco announced Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch this winter.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition includes upscaled screen resolution, new characters, events, and additional content never released outside of Japan. This updated version of the RPG classic will be released this winter.
Follow Yuri Lowell, a resident in the Lower Quarter of Zaphias and former Imperial Knight, as he accepts a mission to retrieve a stolen Blastia Core used to regulate his neighborhood’s water supply. This simple mission spins into a series of events that finds Yuri befriending a colorful cast of characters, traveling to exotic locations, and being pushed into the middle of a nefarious plot that threatens the destruction of the entire planet.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition features two new fully playable party members for North America; Patty Fleur, a young pirate searching for her lost memories, as well as Yuri’s rival and best friend, Flynn Scifo. Along with these two new playable characters,Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition will include additional scenarios, locations, and costumes that will be all-new for Western players.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition uses a specialized version of the Tales of series’ Linear Motion Battle System for combat. Players control a single party member in real-time combat while the other three party members are controlled by a customized set of A.I. commands. Players can swap between the four characters at any time during battles and can perform both physical and Mystic Artes attacks.
And here is the fact sheet:
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
Genre: Role-playing
Release Date: Winter 2018
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Players: 1, co-op 2 to 4 (local)
Ratings: RP
Voice-Overs: English, Japanese
Subtitles: English, Neutral Spanish, Brazilian, Portuguese, French
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tales of Vesperia and the return of this fan-favorite with the Definitive Edition!
A power struggle begins in a civilization dependent on an ancient technology, the blastia, and the Empire that controls it. The fates of two friends traveling separate paths intertwine in an epic adventure that threatens the existence of all. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Tales of Vesperia is one of the most beloved entries in the ‘Tales of’ series and returns with beautifully remastered full HD graphics, never before seen characters, expanded story, and much more!
Key Features
A Beloved Tale Returns — The tale of a young hero on a quest for justice that captivated Tales fans returns to Xbox and makes its way for the first time to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam!
Everything in One Edition! — Dive into the definitive version of this game with updated full HD graphics, brand-new music tracks, exciting mini-games, bosses, and a collection of unreleased costume DLC!
The Party Grows Stronger! — Yuri sets sail on his adventure with Estelle, a young noble woman; Karol; a boy in pursuit of a guild to call his own; Rita, an eccentric scholar; Raven, a laid-back archer; Judith, a mysterious dragoon; and Repede, a pipe-smoking dog… and now two more playable characters join the fray!
Patty Fleur, a cheerful and tough young pirate girl in search of treasure, adventure… and her forgotten memories.
Flynn Scifo, Yuri’s best friend and an Imperial Knight, now joins the rest on their journey!
Fight with Flair! — Assemble your favorite team and enjoy exciting real-time battles with all new Mystic Artes and skills!
The Division 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 15, 2019, Ubisoft announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. Users can register now for a chance to play the beta at the game’s official website.
Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:
Set seven months after a deadly virus was released in New York City, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will bring players into a fractured and collapsing Washington D.C. The world is on the brink, its people living through the biggest crisis ever faced in human history. As veteran Division agents, players are the last hope against the complete fall of society as enemy factions vie for control of the city. If Washington DC is lost, the entire nation falls.
Led by Massive Entertainment in collaboration with seven other studios around the world, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is the next evolution in the open-world online shooter RPG genre that the first game helped establish. Building upon more than two years of listening to and learnings from The Division community, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will offer a substantial campaign that organically flows into a robust endgame, to create a cohesive and meaningful experience for all types of players.
Square Enix and Eidos Montreal debuted a new trailer for Shadow of the Tomb Raider during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is a brief overivew of the game, via Square Enix:
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying tombs, and persevere through her darkest hour. As she races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, Lara will ultimately be forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide on September 14. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 04:18 PM Session E3 2018 trailer
Crea-ture Studios debuted a new trailer for Session, its upcoming skateboard game, during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Crea-ture Studios:
Inspired by a golden era of skateboarding – the early ’90s through the early 2000s – Session captures the true culture of the sport, where the goals are expressing your creativity and learning progressive tricks through hard work, perseverance and a bit of madness. The game has authentic recreations of some of the most legendary skate spots on earth, where you can film your friends and blow minds by creating the gnarliest video parts (in classic VHS style, of course).
Session charts a line away from the arcade-style skateboarding games of the past. In Skate Mode, you’re using a fresh dual-stick control scheme to focus on landing difficult individual tricks. Each stick controls a foot to replicate authentic and intuitive skateboarding motion. When you’re not skating, you’re in Filmer Mode, capturing footage, then editing and sharing it. The camera system, inspired by the timeless late ’90s skate videos, gives players a new and more dynamic perspective on their tricks.
Session is due out for Xbox One and PC in 2019. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 04:19 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:09 PM 编辑
Capcom announced Devil May 5 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in spring 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Capcom:
A brand new entry in the legendary over-the-top action series comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2019, complete with its signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly and original characters the series is known for. Director Hideaki Itsuno and the core team have reunited to create the most over the top, technically advanced, utterly insane action experience of this generation.
Years have passed since the legions of hell have set foot in this world, but now a new demonic invasion has begun, and humanity’s last hope will rest in the hands of three lone demon hunters, each offering a radically different play style. United by fate and a thirst for vengeance, these demon hunters will have to face their demons in the hope to survive.
Key Features
Legendary action series returns – The 16 million unit selling series is back with original Director Hideaki Itsuno at the helm of development.
A battle of good and evil – A demonic invasion begins with the seeds of a “demon tree” taking root in Red Grave City. This hellish incursion attracts the attention of the young demon hunter, Nero, an ally of Dante who now finds himself without his demonic arm, the source of much of his power. The supernatural family drama also continues as Dante, the Son of Sparda, seeks revenge for his brother’s corruption and mother’s murder.
High octane stylized action – Featuring three playable characters each with a radically different stylish combat play style as they take on the city overrun with demons.
Groundbreaking graphics – Developed with Capcom’s in-house proprietary RE engine, the series continues to achieve new heights in fidelity with graphics that utilize photorealistic character designs and stunning lighting and environmental effects.
Take down the demonic invasion – Battle against epic bosses in adrenaline fueled fights across the over-run Red Grave City.
Demon hunter – Nero, one of the series main protagonists and a young demon hunter who has the blood of Sparda, heads to Red Grave City to face the hellish onslaught of demons, with weapons craftswoman and new partner-in-crime, Nico.
Cuphead DLC ‘The Delicious Last Course’ announced
《Cuphead》全新 DLC 内容 The Delicious Last Course 将于 2019 年推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/163839.html)
In Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, Cuphead and Mugman are joined by Ms. Chalice for a DLC add-on adventure on a brand new island! With new weapons, new charms, and Ms. Chalice’s brand new abilities, take on a new cast of multi-faceted, screen-filling bosses to assist Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead’s final challenging quest.
Key Features
Featuring Ms. Chalice as a brand new playable character with a modified moveset and new abilities. Once acquired, Ms. Chalice is fully playable through the DLC and the original Cuphead adventure!
Traverse a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the most wacky and monstrous bosses Cuphead has faced yet!
Find new weapons and charms to aid you in overcoming brand new challenges and setting new records on old bosses!
Help Chef Saltbaker on a brand new adventure to uncover the mystery of Legendary Chalice’s secret quest!
Cuphead is available now for Xbox One and PC. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 04:30 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 08:07 PM 编辑
《TUNIC》预计将于 Xbox One 及 STEAM 平台推出,对于本作有兴趣的玩家不妨可以前往官方网站查看相关讯息。
Isometric adventure game Tunic is coming to Xbox One in addition to the June 2017-announced PC version, developer Finji announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Tunic is an isometric action adventure about a tiny fox in a big world. Embark on an adventuresome questabout set in that place just beyond the farthest you’ve ever been! Explore ancient ruins, fight monsters and uncover mysterious secrets. The world is big and scary — so be brave, little one!
Publisher Bandai Namco and developer Spike Chunsoft announced Jump Force, an Unreal Engine 4-powered fighting action game being developed to commemorate Weekly Jump’s 50th anniversary, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:
Title: Jump Force
Tagline: Unite to Fight
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC digital
Genre: Fighting / Action
Release Date: 2019
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Developer: Spike Chunsoft
Players: 1 to 2 players (offline or online)
Ratings: RP
Voice-Overs: Japanese
Subtitles: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Neutral Spanish, Brazilian, Portuguese, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Polish, Russian
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
PS4 Pro Enhanced, 30FPS
Steam performance TBC
Xbox One X Enhanced (Ultra 4K), 30FPS
For the first time ever, the most famous Manga heroes are thrown into a whole new battleground: our world. Uniting to fight the most dangerous threat, the Jump Force will bear the fate of the entire human kind.
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the famous Weekly Jump Magazine, Jump Force is also making the most of latest technologies to bring characters to life in a never-seen-before realistic design.
Key Features
A unique setting, merging Jump World and Real World. But what could be the origins of such chaos?
The Jump Force, an alliance of the most powerful Manga heroes from Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, and much more.
High-end realistic graphics and design to bring Manga characters to life like never before.
Playable Characters Announced
Goku (and his Super Saiyan form) from Dragon Ball Z
Frieza from Dragon Ball Z
Naruto (and his Kyubi form) from Naruto
Sasuke (and his Susano form) from Naruto
Monkey D. Luffy (and his Gear 4 form) from One Piece
Zoro from One Piece
Battle Stages Announced
Matterhorn (Alps Mountain)
New York City – Times Square 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 04:55 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:11 PM 编辑
Techland announced Dying Light 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. A release date was not announced.https://dyinglightgame.com/
Square Enix announced Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. It will launch on December 4.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, Just Cause 4 takes the series incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of tornadoes and other Extreme Weather events. Just Cause 4 has four distinct biomes: Rainforest, Grasslands, Alpine & Desert. With each biome offering its own individual, fully simulated weather event, players will have a truly unique experience as they traverse this deep, diverse world.
Rico Rodriguez returns in Just Cause 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customisable. Making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.
“We’ve taken everything that players loved from our previous games and with brand new features, enhanced physics and core gameplay improvements, we’ve created the most ambitious Just Cause experience to date,” said Francesco Antolini, Game Director at Avalanche Studios. “The introduction of Extreme Weather is a complete game changer – players will not have seen anything like this in a videogame. We have created fully physicalized tornadoes, blizzards, sandstorms and torrential downpours which affect gameplay in a very real way. All of this is now possible thanks to our brand new Apex engine.”
The new Apex engine underpins everything in Just Cause 4. It delivers the most interactive, extreme weather simulations ever seen in a videogame, complimented by incredible visuals, unparalleled physics and endless creative possibilities.
Just Cause 4 will be available in standard, Digital Deluxe, and Gold Editions. Here is an overview of each:
Standard Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
Digital Deluxe Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
24 hour early access
Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit
Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet
Gold Edition
A copy of Just Cause 4 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC
24 hour early access
Expansion Pass (Daredevils, Demons, and Danger)
Golden Gear Pack
Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit
Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet
《战争机器》系列中的知名角色包括 Marcus Fenix、Kait Diaz 等人都将以 Funko 公司旗下「POP! 」的人物造型登场,而这也是《战争机器》首次跃上行动装置平台,预计将在 2019 年正式推出。
Publisher Microsoft and developer The Coalition announced Gears Pop!, a new Gears of War game for iOS and Android devices made in collaboration with Funko Pop! due out in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Gears Pop! brings together iconic Gears characters in a cute Funko Pop! style. The game is being developed in partnership with Funko and inspired by the Gears of War vinyl collectible figures. It’s the perfect slice of mobile mayhem. It will be available on iOS and Android in 2019. https://gearsofwar.com/en-us/games/gears-pop
Gears Tactics announced for Windows 10
Publisher Microsoft and developer The Coalition announced Gears Tactics, a turn-based tactics game based on the Gears of War franchise, for Windows 10 during its E3 2018 press conference. A release date was not announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Gears Tactics evolves turn-based tactics games combining signature fast-paced brutal action and character-driven storytelling with customizable squads, upgradable weapons, and of course, massive boss battles. Gears Tactics is also the first Gears game to be specifically designed for PC gamers.
Microsoft announced Gears 5 for Xbox One and Windows 10 during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Microsoft:
Title: Gears 5
Developer: The Coalition
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Ratings: ESRB: M, PEGI: 18
Release Date: 2019
The world is crumbling. Humanity’s reliance on technology has become their downfall and enemies are uniting to wipe out all survivors. As Kait you must journey across the biggest, most beautiful Gears world to uncover the origins of the Locust, and fight with your squad to protect what’s left.
Key Features
Never Fight Alone: Play solo or with a friend in local split-screen co-op, or online co-op. Battle alongside your friends anywhere with cross-play between Xbox One and PC.
Explore Sera: Skim across glaciers, sail over deserts and descend into sunken ruins to discover the largest and most diverse Gears world ever created.
Visual Showcase: Play every mode in 4K Ultra HD resolution with stunning HDR at a smooth 60 frames per second.
Just the Beginning: Additional features, co-op and competitive modes still to be announced.
今日 Bethesda E3 展前记者会中,由ID Software 总监 Tim Willits 与 AVALANCHE Studios 游戏总监 Magnus Nedfors 共同宣布,《狂怒炼狱》新作回来了,将让玩家感受到无接缝 开放世界射击游戏的狂杀乐趣:
Rage 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2019, Bethesda Softworks announced during its E3 2018 press conference.
A $79.99 Deluxe Edition will include the following:
A copy of the game
Digital contents
“Rise of the Ghosts” Campaign Expansion
Doom BFG UAC Super Weapon
Nicholas Raine Armor and Settler Pistol
Mutant Monster Truck Skin
“Wasteland Wizard” Cheat Codes
Progress Booster
Exclusive Mission: “Cult of the Death God”
Progress Booster
Battle Standard
A $119.99 Collector’s Edition will include the following:
A copy of the game
Ruckus the Crusher Talking Head
Monster Truck
Collector’s Edition poster
Digital contents
“Rise of the Ghosts” campaign expansion
Doom BFG UAC Super Weapon
Nicholas Raine Armor and Settler Pistol,
Mutant Monster Truck Skin
Exclusive Mission: “Cult of the Death God”
“Wasteland Wizard” Cheat Codes
Progress Booster
Battle Standard
The Elder Scrolls: Legends coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018《上古卷轴:传奇》将于 PS4、Xbox One 及 NS 平台推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163842.html)
Bethesda Softworks 于今年的 E3 展前发表会上宣布,《上古卷轴:传奇(The Elder Scrolls: Legends)》将于 PlayStation 4、Xbox One 及 Nintendo Switch 上推出 的消息,而这将也会是Bethesda 在任天堂平台上推出的第三款游戏。
Free-to-play digital card game The Elder Scrolls: Legends, which is currently available for PC, iOS, and Android, will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018, Bethesda Softworks announced during its E3 2018 press conference.
The current version of the game will also receive a new client with a revamped interface.
Bethesda Softworks and id Software announced Doom: Eternal for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during its E3 2018 press conference. A release date was not announced.
Developed by id Software, Doom: Eternal is the direct sequel to the award-winning and best-selling Doom (2016). Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. As the Doom Slayer, return to take your vengeance against the forces of Hell. Set to an all-new pulse pounding soundtrack composed by Mick Gordon, fight across dimensions as you slay new and classic demons with powerful new weapons and abilities.
Bethesda Softworks will reveal first gameplay for Doom: Eternal at QuakeCon 2018 on August 10. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 05:38 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:51 PM 编辑
Prey free update and DLC ‘Mooncrash’ now available, multiplayer update ‘Typhon Hunter’ announced
《猎魂》今日推出 DLC「Moon Crash」与免费更新内容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/163845.html)
Bethesda 于今年的 E3 发表了 PS4 / Xbox One / PC《猎魂(Prey)》的几项新消息,其中包括了 DLC「Moon Crash」的情报。
Bethesda Softworks announced several updates for Prey during its E3 2018 press conference, including a new update that adds three free modes and the standalone downloadable content Prey: Mooncrash, which are available now, and the upcoming multiplayer experience Prey: Typhon Hunter.
Here are the details, via Bethesda Softworks:
■ Free Update (Available Now)
Tonight’s free update for all Prey owners introduces three new ways to play: Story Mode, Survival Mode, and New Game +. Current players can update their game now and start playing these new modes immediately.
■ Prey: Mooncrash ($19.99 – Available Now)
Fight overwhelming odds to escape a secret TranStar moon base where the enemies you encounter, the hazards you face, the goals you complete, and the loot you collect are different each time you play. With changing environments as dangerous as they are dynamic, the Mooncrash campaign for Prey will offer a fun, infinitely replayable challenge to test even the most skilled players.
In Prey: Mooncrash, TranStar’s secret moon base stopped transmitting shortly after the events of Prey. Now Peter, a hacker stationed aboard a spy satellite tasked with intercepting TranStar communications, must find out why. Trapped and under a ruthless contract with KASMA Corp, Peter’s only hope of ever seeing his family again is uncovering the moon base’s lost secrets.
Live. Die. Adapt. Escape! – Escape TranStar’s moon base before the Typhon threat takes over. A simple goal, but one with hundreds of viable solutions. In Mooncrash, players will experience an all-new, infinitely replayable, ‘rogue-lite’ campaign with ever-changing enemies, weapons and objectives against a constantly increasing alien threat.
Survive How You Want with Who You Want – Unlock multiple characters as you play, each with their own set of specialized, upgradable skills. Will you forge your path with the resourceful engineer Joan, trade that wrench in for Security Officer Bhatia and his shotgun, or will you choose the frail-but-gifted Andrius and his arsenal of psychic abilities? Prey is about choices, and those choices belong to you.
Search for Secrets, Loot…and a Way Off – Arkane Studios’ talent for detail and story-rich environments comes alive in Mooncrash. As you explore the station, which is the same size and scope of four levels of the original game’s Talos I station, don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for precious supplies – and, of course, Mimics.
New Challenges, New Solutions – The Typhon threat has returned with familiar foes and tough new enemies, each armed with a unique set of deadly characteristics. Use the full power of the arsenal at your disposal, including popular weapons and abilities from Prey’s main game, to fight for your life and make a mad dash for your escape.
■ Digital Deluxe Edition ($39.99)
Prey is a first-person sci-fi action game from Arkane Studios, the award-winning creators of the Dishonored franchise. Known for their creative gameplay, distinctive worlds, and immersive stories, Arkane reimagines this franchise from the ground up, with an added psychological twist. Prey Digital Deluxe includes both Prey and the brand-new expansion, Prey: Mooncrash.
In Prey, you are the first human enhanced with alien powers aboard a desolate space station under assault. Improvise and innovate in order to survive as you search for answers. Prey is a bold new story set in a dangerous universe.
Prey: Mooncrash
Fight overwhelming odds to escape a secret TranStar moon base where the enemies you encounter, the hazards you face, the goals you complete, and the loot you collect are different each time you play. With changing environments as dangerous as they are dynamic, the Mooncrash campaign for Prey will offer a fun, infinitely replayable challenge to test even the most skilled players.
Prey: Typhon Hunter
Mooncrash also includes the upcoming Typhon Hunter multiplayer update, a tense game of hide and seek between a single survivor and five other players who stalk, hunt, and hide in plain sight as mimics. Typhon Hunter update is expected to release later this summer on all platforms.
Prey is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 06:14 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:32 PM 编辑
Bethesda Softworks and MachineGames announced Wolfenstein: Youngblood during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is a brand-new co-op experience from MachineGames, the award-winning studio that developed the critically acclaimed Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
Set in 1980, 19 years after BJ Blazkowicz ignited the second American Revolution, Wolfenstein: Youngblood introduces the next Blazkowicz generation to the fight against the Nazis. Play as one of BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph, as you search for your missing father in Nazi-occupied Paris.
Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot announced for PlayStation VR, PC
Bethesda Softworks announced Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot for PlayStation VR and PC virtual reality device(s) (specific devices were not announced) during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
Experience the world of Wolfenstein from a whole new perspective in Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, a virtual reality gaming experience from MachineGames.
Paris. 1980. You’re the best hacker in town. Your mission: Aid the French resistance by taking control of powerful Nazi war machines. Ram, gun down, and burn your way through the City of Love, leaving dead Nazis in your wake. Saddle up, Cyberpilot, you’re one of us now.
Todd Howard 表示,《异尘余生 76》将是在线角色扮演游戏、多人游戏,玩家可以成为你想要成为的人物,探索广大的世界、完成任务、体验故事与升级。
他现场展示了《异尘余生 76》的场景,包括庇护所,还有角色表情系统与各式各样的敌人等。
Todd Howard 同时展示了游戏的建筑系统,建筑物可以移动,同时也可以被巨大的怪兽来摧毁。 游戏同时还有动态系统,在游戏地图上将设置有核武发射场所,玩家可以想办法去发射核弹,将会造成某些地区毁灭与产生稀有资源等。
他同时宣布《异尘余生 76》展开封测,同时将会推出典藏版,将会有夜光地图特典。
PC/PS4/XboxOne《异尘余生 76》预定 11 月 14 日问世。
Fallout 76 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 14, Bethesa Softworks announced during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here are the latest details on the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
■ Game Details
Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Work together, or not, to survive. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, you’ll experience the largest, most dynamic world ever created in the legendary Fallout universe.
Reclamation Day, 2102. Twenty-five years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers—chosen from the nation’s best and brightest – emerge into post-nuclear America. Play solo or join together as you explore, quest, build, and triumph against the wasteland’s greatest threats.
Key Features
You will Emerge! – Multiplayer finally comes to the epic open world RPGs of Bethesda Game Studios. Create your character with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system and forge your own path in a new and untamed wasteland with hundreds of locations. Whether you journey alone or with friends, a new and unique Fallout adventure awaits.
Mountain Splendorland! – All-new graphics, lighting and landscape technology brings to life six distinct West Virginia regions. From the forests of Appalachia to the noxious crimson expanses of the Cranberry Bog, each region offers its own risks and rewards. Post-nuclear America has never looked so beautiful!
A New American Dream! – Use the all-new Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) to build and craft anywhere in the world. Your C.A.M.P. will provide much-needed shelter, supplies, and safety. You can even set up shop to trade goods with other survivors. But beware, not everyone will be quite so neighborly.
The Power of the Atom! – Go it alone or with fellow survivors to unlock access to the ultimate weapon – Nuclear Missiles. This destruction also creates a high-level zone with rare and valuable resources. Do you protect or unleash the power of the atom? The choice is yours.
B.E.T.A. (Break-It Early Test Application) Access! – Be one of the first to emerge! Pre-order and get access to the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A.
Bethesda Softworks announced The Elder Scrolls: Blades for iOS and Android devices during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch free of charge this fall.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
From Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a massive first-person role-playing game created for mobile. The Blades, the Empire’s top agents, are forced into exile. On the run, you return to your hometown to find it destroyed.
Key Features
Quest – Become your town’s champion through all-new single-player storylines.
Create – Create and customize your city, restoring it to greatness.
Conquer – Conquer your friends and rivals in epic one-on-one Arena battles.
Create – Create any character you want and discover unique weapons, armor, and abilities.
Explore – Explore the never-ending Abyss with a cutting-edge combat system.
While The Elder Scrolls: Blades is launching first on smartphones, Bethesda Softworks said it wants to release the title to all platforms, including PC and consoles.
Bethesda Softworks announced Starfield for “the next-generation” during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
Discover Starfield, the new space epic currently in development by Bethesda Game Studios. Starfield is the first new franchise in twenty-five years from the acclaimed developers of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series.
Bethesda Softworks 游戏总监 Todd Howard 刚刚在 E3 展前记者会压轴,宣布《上古卷轴 6》正在开发中。
Bethesda Softworks announced The Elder Scrolls VI for “the next-generation” during its E3 2018 press conference.
Here is an overview of the game, via Bethesda Softworks:
Currently in pre-production at Bethesda Game Studios, the acclaimed developers of Skyrim and Fallout 4. The highly-anticipated next chapter in the iconic The Elder Scrolls series.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-11 06:31 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 11:21 PM 编辑
Devolver Digital and Deadtoast announce My Friend Pedro for Switch, PC
《My Friend Pedro》预告片公布 预计2019年发售
Publisher Devolver Digital and developer Deadtoast announced My Friend Pedro—“violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana”—for Switch and PC during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in Q1 2019.
Here is an overview of the game, via Devolver Digital:
My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. The strategic use of split aiming, slow motion, and the ol’ stylish window breach create one sensational action sequence after another in an explosive battle through the violent underworld.
Key Features
Full Throttle Gun Ballet: Unleash a torrent of destruction with an incredible level of control over both your weapons and your body. Twist and turn through the air while aiming both hands at priority threats or line up a perfect ricochet to drop an unsuspecting gangster from behind.
Mix It Up: Break up the high octane running and gunning a bit with dynamic sequences like a thrilling motorcycle chase or slow it all down and take a moment to think through a series of clever (and possibly fatal) physics-based puzzles.
Slow Motion Braggadocio: When the action amps up to a frenzy, bring it all into focus by shifting into slow motion to calm the nerves and steady the aim. Use the game’s automated gif generator to easily share clips of your most over the top sequences over social media.
游戏发行商 Devolver Digital 今日宣布与 FromSoftware 合作,将于 2018 年在 PC/PS4/Xbox One 平台推出《钢铁苍狼 混沌之战(Metal Wolf Chaos)》移植强化版《钢铁苍狼 混沌之战 XD(Metal Wolf Chaos XD)》。
《钢铁苍狼 浑沌之战》是款标榜「爽快破坏战斗」的动作射击游戏。 游戏故事描述,美国副总统 Richard Hawk 指挥机械化军团进行全面叛变,身为美国第 47 任总统有义务以任何手段夺回政权,结束这场政变。 在这个混乱的时代,出现了蓝色机动装甲的男人,拥有高超的战技挺身而出为美国而战,除了居住在白宫的「那个人」之外,没有人知道他的来历。 而他将在美国著名景点包括大峡谷、白宫、布鲁克林大桥展开一场又一场的战斗。
Devolver Digital 表示,FromSoftware 当初于 2004 年 12 月在 Xbox 平台上推出《钢铁苍狼 浑沌之战》,且仅在日本推出,游戏很难在欧美地区游玩到,变成当时的传奇游戏之一。 而他们与游戏研发商 General Arcade 合作,将《钢铁苍狼 混沌之战》内容更新强化,不仅提升视觉分辨率、支持 4K 与 16:9 的现代画质,同时重新优化游戏控制系统与玩法,加上全新的存盘系统等,将于 2018 年推出《钢铁苍狼 混 沌之战 XD》。
Publisher Devolver Digital and developer From Software announced Metal Wolf Chaos XD for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam) during its E3 2018 press conference. It will launch in 2018.
Here is an overview of the game, via Devolver Digital:
The country is in peril as President Michael Wilson defends the nation against a full-scale rebellion lead by Vice-President Richard Hawk and the mechanized legions he commands. As the 47th President of the United States, it is your sworn duty to take your country back by any means necessary and end this unjust coup d’etat! Battle in your advanced mech-armed to the teeth-across iconic American landscapes including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Grand Canyon, and the front steps of the White House.
From Software originally released Metal Wolf Chaos in December 2004, appearing exclusively on the original Xbox and only in Japan. The game went on to become somewhat of a legend as it was hard to acquire and even harder to play outside of Japan. Devolver Digital and From Software have partnered together with developer General Arcade to modernize Metal Wolf Chaos with updates to the game including upgraded visual fidelity, refined controls and gameplay, a new save system, and 4K + 16:9 support for modern displays.
Key Features
Mech America Great Again – Unleash the full power of the legendary Metal Wolf battle mech using every last bit of firepower at your disposal and put a stop to this traitorous rebellion!
Modernized and Remastered – Meticulously updated visuals with improvements to resolution, select textures, and visuals effects that are brought to life in a new widescreen format with 1080p and 4K support, where applicable. Gameplay improvements, a new save system, and optimization deliver the definitive Metal Wolf Chaos experience.
Dynamic Combat with an Upgradeable Mech – A carefully planned strategy will lead you to victory, and full-on destruction will lead to pure exhilaration.Swap out weapons on the fly for a tactical advantage. Develop and upgrade your weapons to carry an arsenal of over 100 different combinations into battle.
Sega has released the E3 2018 trailer for Team Sonic Racing.
The trailer gives viewers a sneak peek at the speedways, race cars, and characters featured in the upcoming Sonic racing game.
Here is a brief overview of the game, via Sega:
Team Sonic Racing combines the best elements of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing with nostalgic characters and environments from across the Sonic Universe. Play solo or with up to 12 drivers online as Sonic, Shadow, Tails and other beloved characters in thrilling single and multiplayer game modes, including Grand Prix, Time Trial, Team Adventure. Throughout the race, players will be able to utilize various team mechanics including Item Transfer, Slingshot, Skim Boost and more to assist your teammates throughout the race to secure your spot atop the podium while having the option to customize their vehicle to suite their racing style.
Team Sonic Racing is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC this winter.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-12 06:25 PM
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise coming west on October 2
Sega will release Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, known as Hokuto ga Gotoku in Japan, for PlayStation 4 both physically and digitally on October 2 in North America and Europe, the company announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Sega:
Brought to you by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, the development team behind the acclaimed Yakuza series, Lost Paradise is a high-intensity action-adventure RPG based within the world of the beloved Fist of the North Star manga. Players take control of Kenshiro as they progress through an alternate universe of the original story, explore the post-apocalyptic wastes of the Earth in a customizable buggy, and tear through groups of thugs using Kenshiro’s signature Hokuto Shinken techniques. Lost Paradise will launch exclusively in both physical and digital formats on the PlayStation 4 on October 2, 2018 for $59.99. Pre-orders are available now at the official website.
As you might expect from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Lost Paradise‘s world is packed with character-developing and world-building side missions, as well as a collection of hilarious minigames. From buggy races and rhythm-based Hokuto Shinken chiropractic therapy sessions, to managing a nightclub and more, there are plenty of adventures that explore the world outside of battle in new and creative ways. Combat and character progression also play major roles in Lost Paradise. Kenshiro fights using classic Hokuto Shinken assassination techniques unlocked with experience earned throughout the story, by defeating enemies, and completing side missions and minigames.
Key Features
• Become the Fist of the North Star – Explore an alternate version of the Fist of the North Star canon; take control of Kenshiro as he searches for his lost love Yuria in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. For anyone unfamiliar with the original story, Lost Paradise can be enjoyed as a completely standalone experience.
• “You Are Already Dead” or “Omae wa Mou Shindeiru?” Why Not Both? – Lost Paradise features English / Japanese dual-track audio, so you can ‘ATATATA!’ in the language of your choosing.
• Master the Hokuto Shinken Style – Kenshiro’s ultimate assassination techniques, the Hokuto Shinken, are at your disposal in battle. After building up the Seven Star gauge, you can demolish enemies from the inside out with dozens of brutal and iconic Hokuto Shinken techniques, faithfully recreated from the original manga. More lethal techniques will be available as you progress through the story and battles. Keep your fists up!
• Explore a Lost Paradise and the Wasteland Surrounding It – Even Kenshiro needs the occasional break from beating up thugs. Luckily, even in the dilapidated city of Eden, there’s no shortage of engaging side missions and minigames to take part in. Use the power of Hokuto Shinken to prepare drinks at a bar, manage a struggling nightclub, customize a buggy and race through the barren desert, play retro games at the arcade or your hideout, including the original Fist of the North Star game, and more! Tired of the city? Head out into the wasteland in your buggy to collect materials and complete side missions, but be careful of hidden dangers lurking beyond the dunes!
• Extra Carnage – Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise features everything available in the original Japanese version, plus extra carnage for the localized version! For the first time, witness the full effects of Kenshiro’s brutal Hokuto Shinken on the lowlifes and thugs of the post-apocalyptic wastes. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-12 06:28 PM Galak-Z: Variant S launches June 28
Galak-Z: Variant S will launch for Switch via the Nintendo eShop on June 28 for $9.99 and include “more than $25 in value of in-game currency,” publisher GungHo Online Entertainment announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via GungHo Online Entertainment:
In Galak-Z: Variant S, players trek across the universe as A-Tak, the last surviving human pilot, who is fighting to take the universe back from the evil Baron’s Imperial forces. Using a sleek and agile spaceship or an advanced sword-wielding Mech, players can combat the galaxy’s most heinous Imperial fighters, pirate raiders, and space bugs through a colorful and engaging story campaign with more than a hundred replayable missions.
“Bringing Galak-Z: Variant S to the Nintendo Switch was a move we made for the players. The Switch caters to a wide and engaging audience with a deep love for games,” said Jake Kazdal, CEO and founder of 17-BIT. “We’re bringing new changes and making the most of the Switch’s portability and clever design.”
Key Features
• To Infinity and Be Gone – Vanquish the galaxy’s most dubious enemies and fight your way through the Baron’s army of Imperial goons as you juke, blast, and hack your way through tightly-packed, beautifully-crafted environments with your nimble piloting skills.
• Galactic Mech Battles – Transform into a Mech and take on the galaxy with your trusty laser sword in gripping, close-quarters combat.
• Go, Fight, Win! – Clash with player-created squads in the Bot Battle League and earn trophies to reap better rewards in asynchronous multiplayer.
• Another Man’s Trash… – Collect Salvage, Relics, and Bots scattered across the cosmos to upgrade your spaceship and Mech to maximize your combat-readiness.
• Portable Action – Experience true gaming thrills as you blast and survive through a rich campaign with over a hundred endlessly replayable missions all on the Nintendo Switch.