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关於屁、尿、屎一类的话,以前只有吴稚晖先生, 大胆地形诸笔墨, 一般文人雅士, 都不敢挂齿, 认为粗鄙、太不雅了。
其实, 尽管不说, 谁都不能没有此作为; 说来虽不堪入耳, 学习英文的人, 不妨知道。
一些汉英字典, 把放屁译成break wind ,撒尿作pass urine和make water,至於拉屎,则译为go to stool。
在卑语中,撒尿还可以说piss,或者pump ship,但, 很少听到外国人这么说,在书报上也很少见。
现举一些文人笔下, 描写屁、屎、屎的例子:
Craxi and Borth were alone quite drunk.
When the fat Craxi saw the Major, he said to Borth: “Shall we relieve on the leg of Mister Major?”
Borth said: “Have you any left?”
Craxi said boastfully, beating himself on the chest: “I could relieve myself for two hours, and I would still be able to pass wind for fifteen minutes. Shall we do it on the leg of the Mister Major?”
- John Hersey: A Bell for Adano.
只剩下克拉西和鲍斯两人在那里, 己经喝得烂醉了.
当那肥胖的克拉西看见了少校的时候, 他就对鲍斯说: “我们撒一泡尿在少校先生的脚上好吗?
鲍斯说: “你还有尿好撒吗?”
克拉西拍着胸脯, 大吹大擂的说: “如果我要撒的话, 我可以一连撒两个钟头不停, 撒过了尿之后, 我还可以放十五分钟的屁. 我们要不要在少校先生的脚下来一下?”
以上对话中所谓的relieve nature (解放自然), 就是因为大小便是人生不可免的事, 有时说得更明白一点, 则为answer nature’s call或answer the call of nature (应付自然的要求), 即是说我们要大小便是出於自然, 我们无法支配它的.
The next morning, Tuesday, Ligget got awake with an average hangover, the kind that reminded him of mornings after football games and boat races, except that after a night’s drinking like last night’s he could not count on partial recovery within a few minutes after answering the call of nature, and after a day of strenuous athletics nature does not always call, at least not before he was at top form. - John O’Hara: Butterfly 8.
第二天, 星期二的早上, 李格特醒来的时候, 照例带着几分宿醉, 使他想起在足球比赛和划船比赛之后的第二天早上的情形, 除非是像昨夜那样喝了一夜的酒, 他才不能够在拉过屎之后就恢复一半的精神, 而在激烈地运动了一天之后, 第二天早上便不一定拉得屎出来, 至少在他完全恢复以前是拉不出来的.
除此之外, 又可说nature necessity (自然的需要), 或是certain necessary functions of the body (肉体上某种必要的作用), 如以下几个例子:
She thought I had gone there out of a nature necessity, but it was not true. – Sherwood Anderson: A Story Teller’s Story.
她以为我是要到矮树后面去解手的, 其实不然.
When pressed by a nature necessity, they relieved themselves in the open street without regard to the passers-by. – Maugham: Don Fernando.
当便急的时候, 他们也就顾不得被过路的人看见, 只好当街拉屎了.
There was the yard without any grass and at one side, by a high board fence, a long wooden shed into which we went to perform certain necessary functions of the body. – Sherwood Anderson: A Story Teller’s Story.
那院子里没有长一点草, 在以高的木板隔开的一边, 有一个长的木造搭棚, 我们就到那里面去大小便.
(摘自钱歌川著《英文疑难详解续篇》 |