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[转载]How do you speak English with correct grammar rules?









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发表于 2017-11-18 05:27 PM |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 夜王神夜 于 2017-11-18 05:34 PM 编辑

Today this article is about one of the questions that most of my students asked me when I was teaching in Korea. I believe most of the English learners are having the same question.

The question is, ”How can I learn English grammar if I don’t study English grammar rules?”

A lot of students are having this question because they have been trying too hard to learn grammar rules, they have done a lot of exercises, they have tried to study a lot of different grammar rules and they are still having problems.

Most of my Korean students did very well on grammar tests. They knew all of the grammar rules. They knew English verbs.

But they had a common problem. They couldn’t USE the grammar in a real conversation. They could explain the past tense, but when speaking, most of them would say “Yesterday I GO to school”. They were confused. How could their grammar tests be so good, but they speaking so bad?

Today I will tell you.

I will teach you a way to learn grammar naturally. By using this method, your grammar will be improved automatically. You will be able to use the verb tense automatically. You won’t think. You won’t try.

I have used this methods in my Skype 1-on-1 lessons, almost all students have a significantly improvement. Now most of their grammar is great when they speak. They never think about it, they just automatically use correct grammar.

This is the way…

First, I gave them a short story in the present, they read it for a few times.

Then, they read the exact SAME story, but this time that story is past tense. They learned to “feel” the past tense by the reading the same story.

Next, they read the exact same story. This time, it is future tense. They learned to FEEL the future tense by simply reading the story.

Those 3 stories are the exact SAME story, so when they read in different tenses, they can feel what words and verbs need to be changed. They can feel the different by comparing those stories, with different tenses.

I have also trained them to retell the story, in different tenses. From those trainings, they have learned the naturally way to use past tense without thinking, when they are telling a past story. They have also gotten the same result when they are telling the story in future tense.

Those students who have been trained by using this method, has shown a significant improvement in using correct tenses in conversation. Today, they can speak English with correct tenses, without even thinking.

This is it, you couldn’t find this kind of material anywhere else. Not from other teacher, not from other language schools, and of course not from any bookstore.

When I was teaching in Korea, I was prohibited from using my own teaching materials. I had to follow the materials that were given to me, although they weren’t useful at all. So, I printed out my own teaching materials, secretly. I gave my students one short story every lesson, and I have trained them to learn grammar in this way. Of course, the result is very impressive. Most of them agreed that these stories are the best grammar materials that they have seen in their life.

Good news for you, because of so many positive feedback that I’ve received, I have decided to put those materials into an e-book. Which mean, everyone can access those stories, now.

If you are serious about learning English, I have a deal for you. I will send you a copy of the sample version of this material. I called it <Timelines storytelling method>. With this free copy, you can read a few stories, the EXACT story in past tense and future tense. After reading those stories, I believe you have a better idea of how to use past tense in storytelling. What verbs/words have to be changed when you are telling a story in different tenses.

文章来源于:http://learnenglishwitheric.com/ ... rect-grammar-rules/









Rank: 11Rank: 11

发表于 2018-2-23 04:09 PM |只看该作者
Good one


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