标题: Eyeshield 21 资料全集 整修完毕 不停加新 电影版本 欢迎大家来看看 [打印本页]

作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 12:03 AM
标题: Eyeshield 21 资料全集 整修完毕 不停加新 电影版本 欢迎大家来看看

《光速蒙面俠21》(官方原名:アイシールド21;官方英文原名:Eyeshield 21)是一部少有以美式足球為題材的體育漫畫作品,並且充滿了街頭風味。此作品由稻垣理一郎編寫,由村田雄介繪畫,在週刊少年Jump連載中。至今已出版了27集單行本。2005年4月推出同名體育動畫,現正在日本東京電視台播放中。節目於2006年7月8日在台灣電視台播放,而香港方面則是於2007年4月24日起在無綫電視翡翠台播放。

第三页 - 每话大纲(已更新到六十五话)
第四第五页 - 其他队伍介绍(英文版)
第八页 - 图片分享
第十三页 - Eyeshield 21 特别篇
               Eyeshield 21 Jump Festa 2004



蛭魔妖一(蛭魔 妖一, Hiruma Yoichi, 2年級)


位置/四分衛、安全衛 背號/1 身高/178cm 體重/67kg 血型/不詳 生日/不詳
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒1 臥舉最佳成績/75kg

栗田良寬(栗田 良寛, Kurita Ryokan, 2年級)


位置/中鋒、防守絆鋒 背號/77 身高/195cm 體重/145kg 血型/O 生日/7月7日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/6秒5 臥舉最佳成績/160kg

武藏嚴(武蔵 厳, Takekura Gen, 2年級)

位置/踢球員、線衛 號碼/11 身高/178cm 體重/80kg 血型/A 生日/4月2日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒3 臥舉最佳成績/90kg 

小早川瀨那(小早川 瀬那, Kobayakawa Sena, 1年級)


位置/跑衛、安全衛 號碼/21 身高/157cm 體重/49kg 血型/A 生日/12月21日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒1 臥舉最佳成績/45kg

雷門太郎(雷門 太郎, Raimon Taro, 1年級)

原屬棒球社,是隊中的接球高手。雖然任何球都能接住,但除此以外的其他方面能力完全不濟,被棒球社放在毫不重要的三軍。之後,受瀨那的邀請和蛭魔的設計,作為泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊的接球員加入美式足球社。矢志要成為高中接球四強之一(原本的「接球三強」為神龍寺的一休、西部的鐵馬及王城的櫻庭)。暗戀真守。因為瀨那把他的名字讀成「雷 門太郎」,經過一番誤會,最後被稱為「門太」。開始時很討厭,但被蛭魔灌輸「名字取自Joe Montana」的概念,現在連本人也喜歡這個名字。動作經常似隻猴子,也非常喜歡香蕉而經常隨身攜帶香蕉,但討厭被人笑為猴子。其口頭禪為:「XX Max!!」。他同時是隊內的「矮冬瓜三人組」之一。

位置/外接員、角衛 號碼/80 身高/155cm 體重/51kg 血型/B 生日/8月31日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒0 臥舉最佳成績/50kg


十文字一輝(十文字 一輝, Jumonji Kazuki, 1年級)

位置/絆峰、防守絆鋒 號碼/51 身高/176cm 體重/72kg 血型/A 生日/10月1日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒5 臥舉最佳成績/85kg 

黑木浩二(黒木 浩二, Kuroki Koji, 1年級)

位置/哨鋒、線衛 號碼/52 身高/177cm 體重/72kg 血型/B 生日/9月2日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒1 臥舉最佳成績/85kg 

戶叶庄三(戸叶 庄三, Togano Shozo, 1年級)

位置/絆峰、防守邊鋒 號碼/53 身高/175cm 體重/77kg 血型/O 生日/10月13日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒5 臥舉最佳成績/85kg

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-23 02:45 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 12:09 AM
小結大吉(小結 大吉, Komusubi Daikichi, 1年級)


位置/哨鋒、防守邊鋒 號碼/55 身高/150cm 體重/65kg 血型/AB 生日/1月1日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒2 臥舉最佳成績/110kg

雪光學(雪光 学, Yukimitsu Manabu, 2年級)


位置/外接員 號碼/16 身高/179cm 體重/68kg 血型/A 生日/2月29日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒6 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄

瀧夏彥(瀧 夏彦, Taki Natsuhiko, 1年級)

位置/邊鋒、線衛 號碼/37 身高/182cm 體重/75kg 血型/AB 生日/4月10日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒1 臥舉最佳成績/90kg 

石丸哲生(石丸 哲生, Ishimaru Tetsuo, 2年級)


位置/跑衛、角衛 號碼/30 身高/168cm 體重/59kg 血型/A 生日/5月26日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒9 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄

姊崎真守(姉崎 まもり, Anezaki Mamori, 2年級)


位置/經理人 號碼/無 身高/162cm 體重/48kg 血型/A 生日/11月24日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/20kg

瀧鈴音(瀧 鈴音, Taki Suzuna, 1年級)

位置/啦啦隊隊長 號碼/無 身高/152cm 體重/不明 血型/B 生日/3月31日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄

酒寄溝六(溝六(どぶろく), Doburoku, 教練)

惡魔蝙蝠(デビルバット, Devil Bat, 標誌)

塞柏拉斯(亦作塞伯拉斯/艾伯拉斯/刻耳拍洛斯)(ケルベロス, Cerberos, 吉祥物?)

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-21 03:36 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 12:12 AM


進清十郎(進 清十郎, Shin Seijuro, 2年級)

堪稱高中界史上最強勁的線衛。王城隊名副其實的王牌選手,曾是高中速度最快的線衛,被瀨那突破後一直將其視為挑戰對手。入學時因為偶然的機會加入美式足球社,起初並不顯眼,但很快嶄露出驚人的天賦;擅長使用被稱為(長矛擒抱)的攔截術,是力量與速度兼備的優秀選手。雖然天賦過人,卻是個不折不扣的努力家,經常進行各種極限訓練來鍛煉自己;性格直率、處事嚴謹,但對美式足球以外的事反應都有點遲鈍;是個機械白痴,經常因為動作過於粗暴而弄壞電腦、衛星通訊器等物,曾因此在樹海中迷路。但在比賽時具有冷靜的頭腦和靈敏的反應能力;認為速度是制勝的關鍵,因為「速度跟不上,力量再強也派不上用場。」跟西部隊的甲斐谷陸學習Rodeo Drive Stampede之後在關東大會時變為「三叉戟攔截」。以瀨那為競爭目標。

位置/線衛、跑衛 號碼/40 身高/175cm 體重/73kg 血型/AB 生日/7月9日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒2 臥舉最佳成績/140kg 

櫻庭春人(桜庭 春人, Sakuraba Haruto, 2年級)


位置/外接員 號碼/18 身高/187cm 體重/70kg 血型/A 生日/3月12日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒86 臥舉最佳成績/70kg 

大田原誠(大田原 誠, Ōtawara Makoto, 3年級)


位置/哨鋒、防守線 號碼/60 身高/194cm 體重/131kg 血型/O 生日/6月15日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒37 臥舉最佳成績/145kg

高見伊知郎(高見 伊知郎, Takami Ichiro, 3年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/3 身高/192cm 體重/78kg 血型/A 生日/9月14日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒7 臥舉最佳成績/85kg 

豬狩大吾(猪狩 大吾, Ikari Daigo, 1年級)
位置/防守線 號碼/66 身高/172cm 體重/75kg 血型/B 生日/5月5日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有紀錄 臥舉最佳成績/120kg 


武者小路紫苑(武者小路 紫苑, Mushanokoji Shien, 2年級)

西部荒野大槍客隊的四分衛,他擁有「快槍手基德」的封號,基德是他球場上登錄的名字也是他的通稱。奧林匹克射擊手槍部門連續獲得三次金牌的「武者小路 一」選手是他的爸爸,他的光線射擊傳球備受矚目,但是只是一門單獨的競技還是有很多未知的要素所以原本是對欖球產生興趣,後來就為了與鐵馬搭檔開始玩起了美式足球。在學校他是成績優越的高材生之一。他有過人的快速反應能力,傳球可以投出0.2秒的快速球,還可以側投,與鐵馬兩人的默契可以稱為是最佳武器的組合,除此之外,他也精通戰略,幾乎已經可以超越蛭魔的策略能力這時候武藏還沒有回到泥門,所以蛭魔有時策略被領先在(漫畫版中武藏是在西部一戰中途返回球隊)。他雖經常吐槽鐵馬的進攻,但是他們之間所隱藏的鬥志卻是無人能敵。他的體能雖然不是絕佳,但幾乎是靠感覺還有本能來實行作戰,所以也可以說是一個天才型的球員。口頭禪是:太順利並不是一件好事。

位置/四分衛 號碼/7 身高/178cm 體重/67kg 血型/A 生日/11月11日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒6 臥舉最佳成績/70kg

鐵馬丈(鉄馬 丈, Tetsuma Jo, 2年級)


位置/外接員 號碼/15 身高/181cm 體重/89kg 血型/B 生日/5月15日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒0 臥舉最佳成績/120kg

甲斐谷陸(甲斐谷 陸, Kaitani Riku, 1年級)

位置/跑衛、安全衛 號碼/29 身高/161cm 體重/53kg 血型/A 生日/4月20日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒5 臥舉最佳成績/60kg


金剛阿含(金剛 阿含, Kongo Agon, 2年級)

位置/外接員、四分衛、線衛 號碼/2 身高/177cm 體重/68kg 血型/B 生日/5月31日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄(推測4秒5以內) 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄(推測100kg以上)

金剛雲水(金剛 雲水, Kongo Unsui, 2年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/12 身高/177cm 體重/68kg 血型/A
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒1 臥舉最佳成績/95kg

細川一休(細川 一休, Hosakawa Ikkyu, 2年級)

位置/外接員、角衛 號碼/33 身高/167cm 體重/58kg 血型/O
40碼倒後衝刺最佳成績/4秒89 臥舉最佳成績/65kg

山伏權太夫(山伏 権太夫, Yamabushi Gondayū, 3年級)

位置/中鋒、防守線 號碼/59 身高/178cm 體重/83kg 血型/A
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒7 臥舉最佳成績/120kg

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-21 03:50 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 01:57 PM

番場衛(番場 衛, Banba Mamoru, 3年級)

位置/中鋒、防守線 號碼/50 身高/198cm 體重/120kg 血型/A
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒5 臥舉最佳成績/145kg

原尾王成(原尾 王成, Harao Kiminari, 3年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/8 身高/174cm 體重/61kg 血型/AB
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒4 臥舉最佳成績/50kg

笠松新信(笠松 新信, Kasamatsu Niinobu, 3年級)

位置/絆峰、防守線 號碼/66 身高/177cm 體重/100kg 血型/B
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒9 臥舉最佳成績/100kg

鎌車鍵(鎌車 ケン, Kamaguruma Ken, 1年級)

位置/角衛 號碼/98 身高/184cm 體重/90kg 血型/O
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒3 臥舉最佳成績/85kg


圓子令司(円子 令司, Maruko Reiji, 1年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/4 身高/177cm 體重/64kg 血型/AB 生日/5月1日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒2 臥舉最佳成績/60kg

峨王力哉(峨王 力哉, Gaō Rikiya, 1年級)

位置/防守線 號碼/70 身高/不詳(190cm以上) 體重/不詳(100公斤以上)
血型/不詳 生日/不詳 40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/200kg以上

如月宏美(如月 ヒロミ, Kisaragi Hiromi, 1年級)

位置/外接員、角衛 號碼/96 身高/不詳 體重/不詳 血型/不詳 生日/不詳
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/30kg

將攻擊型和防守型融為一體的第三類球隊「踢球進攻式球隊」,過去是東京地區數一數二的強隊,曾獲得東京大賽亞軍。由於主要成員都被關西的高中挖角而削弱了力量,現在的球員在整體實力上有待提高,但在強有力的踢球戰鬥模式中仍然具有強大的競爭力,採取的是「踢球——快攻」的 「SPIDERWEB(蜘蛛網)」循環式作戰;與惡魔蝙蝠隊同屬於在逆境中頑強取勝的隊伍。

佐佐木功太郎(佐々木 コータロー, Sasaki Kōtarō, 2年級)

位置/踢球員 號碼/99 身高/177cm 體重/66kg 血型/B 生日/11月30日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒5 臥舉最佳成績/65kg

赤羽隼人(赤羽 隼人, Akaba Hayato, 2年級)

位置/邊鋒 號碼/21 身高/174cm 體重/64kg 血型/A 生日/9月21日 
40碼衝刺成績/沒有記錄(推測4秒8以內) 臥舉/沒有記錄(推測80kg以上)

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-21 03:53 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 02:01 PM

筧駿(筧 駿, Kakei Shun, 1年級)

位置/線衛 號碼/41 身高/191cm 體重/78kg 血型/A 生日/6月6日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒9 臥舉最佳成績/95kg

水町健悟(水町 健悟, Mizumachi Kengo, 1年級)

位置/絆峰、防守絆鋒 號碼/71 身高/193cm 體重/79kg 血型/B 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒0 臥舉最佳成績/90kg

小判鮫治(小判鮫 オサム, Kobanzame Osamu, 3年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/14 身高/163cm 體重/53kg 血型/O 生日/9月9日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒7 臥舉最佳成績/40kg

大平洋(大平 洋, Ohira Hiroshi, 1年級)

位置/線衛 號碼/31 身高/205cm 體重/108kg 血型/AB 生日/7月14日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄

大西洋(大西 洋, Onishi Hiroshi, 1年級)

位置/線衛 號碼/32 身高/204cm 體重/95kg 血型/AB 生日/7月15日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/沒有記錄 臥舉最佳成績/沒有記錄


葉柱類(葉柱 ルイ, Habashira Rui, 2年級)
位置/四分衛、線衛 號碼/42 身高/175cm 體重/68kg 血型/B 生日/1月25日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒2 臥舉最佳成績/80kg


黑豹(パトリック・スペンサー, Patrick Spencer, 1年級)

位置/跑衛、安全衛 號碼/20 身高/179cm 體重/66kg 血型/O 生日/2月20日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒5 臥舉最佳成績/70kg

荷馬(ホーマー・フィッツジェラルド, Homer Fitzgerald, ?年級)

位置/四分衛 號碼/5 身高/182cm 體重/88kg 血型/O 生日/11月3日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/5秒6 臥舉最佳成績/130kg

華特(ジェレミー・ワット, Jeremy Watt, ?年級)

位置/外接員 號碼/81 身高/175cm 體重/60kg 血型/A 生日/8月10日 
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒8 臥舉最佳成績/55kg


狼谷大牙(狼谷 大牙, Kamiya Taiga, 2年級)

位置(/跑衛、安全衛 號碼/26 身高/167cm 體重/59kg 血型/B 生日/2月14日
40碼衝刺最佳成績/4秒6 臥舉最佳成績/50kg


初條薫(初條 薫, Hatsujō Kaoru, 2年級)

位置/四分衛、踢球員 號碼/19 身高/172cm 體重/66kg 血型/O 生日/4月26日
40碼衝刺成績/5秒1 臥舉/40kg

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-21 03:57 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 02:03 PM

第一戰 [春季東京大賽 第一輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 7
戀濱丘比特隊 3

第二戰 [春季東京大賽 第二輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 12
王城白騎士隊 68

第三戰 [練習賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 46
賊學變色龍隊 28

第四戰 [美式足球月刊盃 日本代表隊選拔賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 20
太陽斯芬克斯隊 20

第五戰 [紀念美式足球月刊盃]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 32
NASA外星人隊 33 

第六戰 [秋季東京大賽 第1輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 36
網乃合成人隊 14

第七戰 [練習賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 30
賊學變色龍隊 28

第八戰 [秋季東京大賽 第2輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 56
夕陽勇士隊  7

第九戰 [秋季東京大賽 第3輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 42
獨播蠍子隊 14

第十戰 [秋季東京大賽 8強賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 24
巨深海神隊 23

第十一戰 [秋季東京大賽 準決賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 32
西部大槍客隊 35

第十二戰 [秋季東京大賽 季軍賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 37
盤戶蜘蛛隊 36

第十三戰 [奶油泡芙杯 準決賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 28
沙漠駿馬隊 0

第十四戰 [奶油泡芙杯 決賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 24
俄羅斯長毛象隊 21

第十五戰 [死亡遊戲 練習賽1]
泥門惡蝙蝠隊 24
駐谷馴鹿隊 0

第十六戰 [死亡遊戲 練習賽2]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 12
賊學變色龍隊 7

第十七戰 [死亡遊戲 練習賽3]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 28
巨深海神和盤戶蜘蛛組合隊 21

第十八戰 [死亡遊戲 練習賽4]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 7
太陽斯芬克斯隊 7

第十九戰 [死亡遊戲 練習賽5]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 84
NASA外星人隊 77

第二十戰 [秋季關東大賽 第1輪比賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 36
神龍寺NAGA隊 35

第二十一戰 [秋季關東大賽 第2輪比賽] 
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 42
王城白騎士隊 40

第二十二戰 [秋季關東大賽 決賽]
泥門惡魔蝙蝠隊 7 (暂时)
白秋恐龍隊 16 (暂时)

第1話 擁有光速之腳的男生
第2話 來玩美式足球吧!
第3話 戰勝球場吧!
第4話 這隻手抓住的東西
第5話 0.5秒的保鏢
第6話 炸裂!長矛攔截
第7話 只為勝利的對戰
第8話 絕不放棄!
第9話 接球的專家
第10話 英雄的資格
第11話 夕陽的誓言
第12話 接球!MAX!
第13話 變色龍的恐怖
第14話 灼熱的地獄塔
第15話 尋找光速蒙面俠21!
第16話 再見了,栗田!?
第17話 基德與鐵馬
第18話 沒用的尊嚴
第19話 小市民嘲笑挑戰者
第20話 斯芬帝客的秘密武器
第21話 飛吧惡魔蝙蝠
第22話 謎樣少女 出現了
第23話 無重力的男生
第24話 電擊! 日美決戰
第25話 欄中的黑豹
第26話 真實的野性
第27話 奪回!塞柏拉斯
第28話 美式足球・鬧區
第29話 組成・惡魔槍手!
第30話 往地獄的境界線
第31話 各自的決意
第32話 喪家犬在嗎
第33話 噢!我的妹妹!
第34話 鬼影的移動
第35話 孤獨的死亡行軍
第36話 最後的試練
第37話 遙遠的頂端
第38話 隊員的決定!?
第39話 往聖誕節大賽之路
第40話 決戰前夕!
第41話 王牌消滅!?
第42話 惡魔蝙蝠鬼影!
第43話 傳說中60碼大口徑手槍
第44話 啊哈哈!我登場了!
第45話 鬼影封印!?
第46話 鬼影vs長矛
第47話 熱血啊!勇士!
第48話 努力!毅力!全力對決!
第49話 耀眼的銀・攻防線的靈魂!
第50話 逃避不了的勇氣!
第51話 危險!最兇的變色龍
第52話 衝突!變色龍vs海神(香港動畫目前進度,香港播放完畢)
第53話 恐怖的毒蠍子
第54話 消失的司令塔
第55話 體格差別的障礙
第56話 拋他出去吧小結!
第57話 知道「21」的人
第58話 惡魔vs海之神
第59話 幕後有王牌的男生
第60話 球場的約定!
第61話 往勝利的執著!
第62話 戰慄!必殺擒抱
第63話 30公分的攻防
第64話 光速的男生出現了!?
第65話 泥門高校的體育慶典!
第66話 跑鋒.瀨那!?
第67話 三人的約定
第68話 最快的證明
第69話 絕望的球場
第70話 武藏就在這裡(台灣動畫目前進度,下集播放日期:2007年11月17日)
第71話 反擊的惡魔
第72話 光速的尊嚴
第73話 命運的一踢
第74話 對手的誓言
第75話 蜘蛛的威脅
第76話 回來!武藏!
第77話 真正的『21』
第78話 在這之前等待的人
第79話 小早川瀨那
第80話 最強的踢球隊伍
第81話 紅色瞳孔的真實
第82話 跑吧!武藏!
第83話 開始走動的時間
第84話 暴風中的惡魔
第85話 被神愛的男生
第86話 光與影的時限
第87話 東京最強的戰士們
第88話 泥門的中場休息
第89話 開幕!奶油泡芙盃
第90話 新的試煉
第91話 鬥魂!死亡攀爬
第92話 德克薩斯牧場的三兄弟
第93話 友情的吶喊
第94話 白銀的秘密武器
第95話 衝破暴風雪的阻擋
第96話 現在!往關東大會!
第97話 再見了鬼兵
第98話 變色龍的逆襲
第99話 泥門高校的校園慶典!
第100話 看不見的鎖
第101話 最強之惡
第102話 跨越「恐懼」
第103話 鐵壁的雙重製止器
第104話 缺一的線衛
第105話 最後的死亡遊戲
第106話 鬼神.金剛阿含
第107話 敵人就是神龍寺
第108話 名偵探瀨那?!
第109話 接球的才能
第110話 才能的牆壁
第111話 出征!惡魔蝙蝠隊!
第112話 惡魔vs鬼神!
第113話 第12個選手
第114話 平凡人的力量
第115話 賭上第一名
第116話 戰士的意志
第117話 暫停.零
第118話 沒有答案的作戰會議
第119話 死鬥的盡頭
第120話 超重量級!恐龍隊!!
第121話 狼的戰場
第122話 Rodeo Drive Stampede
第123話 沒有弱點的騎士
第124話 究極之槍!!
第125話 王城高校學園慶典!!
第126話 給王牌的誓言
第127話 只是,為了勝利
第128話 惡魔vs光速的男生(日本動畫目前進度,下集播放日期:2007年11月21日)
第129話 向王者的挑戰
第130話 開戰的嘹亮號角聲
第131話 憤怒的布裹遜鎖鏈
第132話 制止天空的騎士
第133話 王國的巨大弓

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-21 04:37 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 02:17 PM

動畫製作:GALLOP Co.,Ltd.

小早川瀨那 - 入野自由/港:黃榮璋
蛭魔妖一 - 田村淳/港:蘇強文
栗田良寬 - 永野廣一/港:陳卓智
姊崎真守 - 平野綾/港:林元春
十文字一輝 - 星野貴紀/港:馮錦堂
戶叶庄三 - 前田剛/港:陳廷軒
黑木浩二 - 岩崎征實/港:黎景全
雷門太郎 - 山口勝平/港:區瑞華
小結大吉 - 榊英訓/港:林丹鳳
雪光學 - 堀田勝/港:李致林
石丸哲生 - 加藤啓/港:雷霆
佐竹洋平 - 河野清人/港:劉昭文
山岡健太 - 下崎紘史/港:黃啟昌
重佐武太 - DJ TARO
武藏嚴 - 小山力也/港:林保全
酒奇溝六 - 赤星昇一郎/港:陳永信
瀧鈴音 - 中川翔子/港:何璐怡
瀧夏彥 - 落合弘治/港:黃啟昌
塞柏拉斯 - 岩崎征實/港:林丹鳳
惡魔蝙蝠 - DJ TARO/港:潘文柏
小惡魔蝙蝠 - 中川翔子/港:林丹鳳
葉柱類 - 遊佐浩二/港:李錦綸
足塚猛 - 下崎紘史/港:潘文柏
進清十郎 - 鄉本直也/港:梁偉德
櫻庭春人 - 宮野真守/港:陳廷軒
大田原誠 - 乃村健次/港:黃啟昌
高見伊知郎 - 浜田賢二/港:劉昭文
豬狩大吾 - 竹本英史/港:雷霆
庄司軍平 - 小村哲生/港:梁志達
若菜小春 - 鮭延未可/港:許盈
武者小路紫苑 - 內田夕夜/港:李錦綸
鐵馬丈 - 竹本英史/港:朱子聰
甲斐谷陸 - 增田裕生
初條薰 - 岩崎征實/港:李致林
原尾王成 - 竹內幸輔/港:曹啟謙
笠松新信 - 竹本英史/港:梁偉德
鎌車鍵 - 齋藤恭央/港:陳欣
李安納度·阿波羅 - 堀內賢雄/港:招世亮
黑豹 - 鯨井康介/港:陳欣
荷馬 - 落合弘治/港:梁志達
華特 - 齋藤恭央/港:曹啟謙
胸肩厚 - 浜田賢二/港:劉昭文
青柳卓 - 伊藤榮次/港:梁志達
番場衛 - 楠大典/港:李錦綸
熱海大介 - 白神允/港:林保全
紺上勝子 - 中村惠子/港:謝潔貞
筧駿 - 竹內幸輔/港:葉振聲
水町健悟 - 小野大輔/港:曹啟謙
小判鮫治 - 下崎紘史/港:梁偉德
大平洋 - 小川輝晃
大西洋 - 鷲見亮
金剛阿含 - 桐本琢也/港:陳欣
金剛雲水 - 前田剛/港:李錦綸
細川一休 - 豊永利行
山伏權太夫 - 山口祥行
佐佐木功太郎 - 森山榮治/港:李致林
赤羽隼人 - 平川大輔
仙洞田壽人 - 外波山文明
山本鬼兵 - 楠大典
金串佐助 - 矢部雅史
圓子令司 - 杉田智和
峨王力哉 - 小山剛志
葉柱斗影 - 乃村健次  

BREAKTHROUGH/Coming Century(第1—35話)
INNOCENCE/20th Century(第36—64話)
Dang Dang/ZZ(第65—103話)
炎のランニングバック(火焰般的跑衛)/SHORT LEG SUMMER(第127—)

BE FREE/Ricken's(第1—13話)
Blaze Away/TRAX(第14—35話)
Run to Win/小早川瀨那(入野自由)、姊崎真守(平野綾)、栗田良寬(永野廣一)、雷門太郎(山口勝平)(第65—100話)
a day dreaming.../BACK-ON(第101—115話)
Song of Power /SHORT LEG SUMMER (第127—)

Be Survivor/ZZ
Midnight Sunshine/櫻庭春人(宮野真守)、進清十郎(郷本直也)、大田原誠(乃村健次)、若菜小春(鮭延未可)
Chain of power/小早川瀨那(入野自由)、姊崎真守(平野綾)、栗田良寬(永野廣一)、雷門太郎(山口勝平)
Max wind/雷門太郎(山口勝平)
Go for it!!/瀧鈴音(中川翔子)



1) 擁有黃金之腳的男生
2) 虛偽的英雄
3) 它的名叫惡魔蝙蝠
4) 顫抖的男生
6) 飛吧惡魔蝙蝠
7) 那個男生- 武藏
8) 戰士為何尋求強者
9) 驚動地獄的男生們
10) 喪家犬在嗎
11) 大戰開幕
12) 惡魔蝙蝠鬼影
13) 真人是誰
13) 惡魔VS海之神
15) 東京最強的戰士們
16) 暫停的黎明
17) 成為最強的渴望
18) 小早川瀨那
19) 繼承者
21) 有11個人!!
23) 然後往決戰
24) 無敵城塞
25) Perfect Player
26) 格鬥球技
27) 進清十郎 VS 小早川瀬那

超選手列傳BALLERS HIGH (322頁)


來玩美式足球吧! YA-!HA-! (PS2)
Portable Edition (PSP)
DevilBats DevilDays (GBA)
球場上最強的戰士們 (Wii)

光速21 集換式卡片遊戲

光速21 集換式卡片
光速21 寫真精選集

光速蒙面俠日本官網(動畫、漫畫、遊戲等介紹)(日文)- http://www.eyeshield21.com/
光速蒙面俠動畫版(日本東京電視台)官網(日文) -http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/eyeshield21/
光速蒙面俠漫畫版的(日本集英社)官網(日文) -http://jump.shueisha.co.jp/eyeshield/
光速蒙面俠台灣東立版資料(繁體) -http://www.tongli.com.tw/BookDetail_List.asp?BookID=JC13512
光速蒙面俠台灣電視官網(繁體) -http://www.ttv.com.tw/drama/2006/Light/index.htm
香港網路大典-衝鋒21(繁體中文) -http://evchk.wikia.com/wiki/琛濋??21
動畫資料維基-光速蒙面俠21(大陸簡體/臺灣正體/新加坡簡體/香港繁體) -http://www.hkmule.com/wiki/%E5%8 ... E9%9D%A2%E4%BF%A021

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:49 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-9 02:20 PM

美式足球場通常被暱稱為烤肉架,因為球場上標示線的樣式讓球場看起來就像是一個可以幫助食物放在火上烤的架子。比賽是在一個120碼(110公尺)長、53 1/3碼(49公尺)寬的球場上進行比賽。較長的邊界稱為邊線,較短的邊界稱為底線。底線旁邊的標示線稱為得分線,彼此得分線之間的距離為100碼。得分的區域位於底線與得分線之間10碼寬的區域,稱為達陣區。 球場上每5碼距離標劃一條分碼線(yard lines),每10碼距離標示數字直到50碼線,或稱為中場區。在球場中間兩側劃有兩條標示線平行兩側邊線,稱為碼標線(hash marks)。任何球員都必須在碼標線上或之間進行發球。 達陣區底部架設兩根球門柱,彼此間隔18.5碼。球門柱由一根橫桿連結在一起,橫桿距離地面高度為10碼。成功的射門,球必須穿越橫桿之上與兩根球門柱之間。 比賽時,雙方分別派出11位球員上場比賽。然而比賽進行時,可以隨時更換場上部分甚至全部的球員。結果,每個球員皆有專屬的任務,而球隊中全部53名球員皆會在每場比賽中被派出場比賽。因此,球隊將球員們分成三種隊員屬性,分別為進攻隊員、防守隊員與特別隊員。



除了在開場、半場開球及得分後重新開球以外,每次進攻時,都要以相同的并列开球(snap)方式開始:進攻及防守球員在開球線的前後兩邊排列,面向對方。其中一位進攻球員中鋒 (美式足球)(Center)在兩腿之間把球向後傳給隊友,通常這位接球隊友是四分衛(Quarterback)。


1) 持著球向前跑,稱為跑陣(Rushing)
2) 把球拋給隊友,稱為傳球(Passing)。向前傳球是美式足球的特點。進攻一方在每次进攻机会只能向前傳球一次,而且必須在開球線以後向前傳。橫向及向後傳不在此限。又别于其他橄欖球,美式足球很少橫傳或後傳。

每次進攻機會在以下的情況下完結,(稱為死球 Dead Ball)。球證會吹哨子通知:

1) 持球的人被按倒在地上,或球證認為其前進已被對方球員攔阻。
2) 向前傳的球出界,或在任何人接到之前已触地,稱為不成功傳球(Incomplete Pass);要把球放回原來開球線,用下一次機會再開始。
3) 持球的队员带球出界。
4) 其中一隊得分。

球員及觀眾經常需要知道當時是第幾次進攻,和還有多少碼才會重新再得四次機會。例如:一次進攻前,電視或計分板會寫:1st and 10,即是首次機會,還差十碼。 如果一次進攻向前移了三碼,便會變成:2nd and 7,即第二次,還差七碼。


1) 進攻隊不能得到新的四次機會。換句話說,進攻一方在四次機會內都未能前進十碼。防守一方可在最後一次進攻完結的地方開始反攻。這種易球稱為 Turnover on downs.
2) 進攻達陣得分,或射門得分。進攻一隊跟著踢開球(Kick-off)給對方。
3) 進攻方踢解圍球(Punt),方法是进攻队员把球扔下并在球落地之前將其向前大腳踢走。通常進攻一方如果在前三次機會都未能成攻移前十碼,而該處又未近至可以射門;為免在攻守转换後讓對方有機會可以在該處開始進攻,便會在第四次機會時使用踢球解圍。
4) 防守方的球員接到進攻方的傳球,稱之為截球(Interception)。截得對方傳球的防守方球員可以即時向對方底線移動,直至他被按倒,出界,或得分。
5) 進攻方球員把球掉到地上,稱掉球(Fumble),而又被防守方球員先拿到。與截球一樣,防守方球員拿到對方掉球可以即時反攻,直至被按倒,出界,或得分。进攻方的掉球和被截球统称为失误。
6) 進攻的一方嘗試射門失敗。防守一方可在上一次開球處開始進攻(在NFL,是射門處)。如果射球處是底線前二十碼之內,防守一方在二十碼线開始。
7) 進攻一方在自己的底線被按倒,出界,或犯規,稱安全球(Safety),安全球較為少見。


1) 达阵(Touchdown, 簡寫TD),得6分。當球員持球跑進對方達陣區,或在對方達陣區接到傳球時便是达阵。
2) 射门(FieldGoal, FG),得3分。方法是把球踢過橫桿之上,及兩條門柱之間。射門時球必須先著地,通常是由一位球員負責把球按在地上。通常当進攻方比较接近底线但又难以达阵时会在第四次进攻机会选择射門而不是踢解围球,又或者在时间紧迫无法用其他方式得分时选择射门得分。
3) 安全球(Safety),得2分。這是由防守球員得分。當進攻一方被迫後退至己方的達陣區,然後被按倒或掉球,防守一方得2分。某些进攻方在己方达阵区的犯规也会被判安全球。



1) 进攻方提前移动:除了在开球线平行移动的一名球员外,进攻方队员在开球前移动。退后5码。
2) 越位:在开球时队员越过了球的位置。退后5码。相似的犯规有:在开球前接触对方队员;越入中立区。
3) 阻挡:一名队员不公平地用拉球衣,勾人或铲人的方式妨碍对方有机会的阻截手或接球手。如果进攻方犯规或攻防转换中,退后10码;如果防守方犯规,退后5码和对方自动获得新的四次进攻机会。
4) 干扰传球:当球传出后,防守队员推,勾,拉或击倒进攻方有机会接到传球的队员;或接球队员用同样的方式对付防守方队员以避免被对方截球。如果防守方犯规,进攻方获得在犯规地点的新的四次进攻机会;如果进攻方犯规,退后5码。如果在传球前有队员有类似犯规会被判阻挡或非法接触。

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:49 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-10 04:23 PM

1) 由五名球員組成的攻擊線(offensive line)負責保護傳球者(通常為四分衛)及阻擋對手來為己方跑手開路。除了中鋒外,其他攻擊線鋒通常不會觸及皮球。進攻線之列陣之左至右依序為:左絆鋒(Left Tackle, LT)、左哨鋒(Left Guard, LG)、中鋒(Center)、右哨鋒(Right Guard)及右絆鋒(Right Tackle)。由中鋒負責發球(snap),故中鋒與四分衛之配合是進攻之始。
2) 四分衛(quarterback,有譯作「主帥」)在大部份進攻中都會接過皮球。他然後可以給球(handoff)或扔球給跑衛、傳球給外接員、或自己保著球作衝鋒。
3) 跑衛(running back或譯跑鋒)列陣時通常排在四分衛的後面或旁邊。他們是最擅長於持球衝鋒。他們也能做阻擋、接傳、以及在比較罕見的情況下,將球拋傳給隊友。
4) 外接員(wide receiver,有譯作「翼鋒」)在接近邊線地方列陣。他們擅長於接收拋傳。
5) 邊鋒(tight end)列於攻擊線鋒們側。他們可以像外接員去接傳,也可以像攻擊線鋒們一樣去保護四分衛或為衝鋒球員開路。


1) 防守線(defensive line)由三至五名在對手的進攻線鋒前列陣的球員組成。他們負責嘗試去在對方跑手衝鋒前或對方四分衛傳球前把他們擒抱。
2) 後衛(defensive backs)由三名球員組成(通常為兩名角衛 cornerback,強衛 strong safety 及游衛/自由衛 free safety 各一)。他們負責看守對方的外接員及避免他們成功接傳。有時他們也會衝向對方的四分衛(擒殺對方)。
3) 其餘的防守球員為線衛(linebacker)。他們於防守線及後衛之間列陣,可以選擇衝向對方四分衛或協助看守外接員。


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:50 PM 编辑 ]
作者: Christine0326    时间: 2007-6-10 05:47 PM
作者: 可怜JJ    时间: 2007-6-10 07:25 PM
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-10 08:33 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-11 03:55 PM
标题: 回复 #11 可怜JJ 的帖子
不用谢,好像不是很多人看过 ,所以要常来哦!:a006:
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-11 03:59 PM
标题: 回复 #12 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-12 03:53 PM
236话终于出了。。。快去看~~~:a015: :a015:
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 04:06 PM
标题: 回复 #15 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-12 04:08 PM
上网看啦。。比较快。。。kukudm.com   <~~~~
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 04:54 PM
标题: 回复 #17 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: lufia    时间: 2007-6-12 07:46 PM

作者: choon_siang    时间: 2007-6-12 08:54 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 09:09 PM
第1話 擁有光速之腳的男生

第2話 來玩美式足球吧!

第3話  戰勝球場吧

第4話 這隻手抓住的東西

第5話 0.5秒的貼身保鑣

第6話 猛烈擊發,長矛擒抱  

第7話 以勝利為目標的戰役

第8話 絕不放棄

第9話 接球的高手

第10話 英雄的資格  

第11話 夕陽下的誓約  

第12話 接球MAX

第13話 面對變色龍的恐懼  

第14話 熾熱的地獄之塔  

第15話 揪出光速蒙面俠吧  
第16話 再會,栗田!?

第17話 基德和鐵馬  

第18話 算不了什麼的自尊  

第19話 小市民嘲笑挑戰者  

第20話 人面獅身隊的秘密武器  

第21話 飛吧!惡魔蝙蝠  

第22話 神秘少女現身  

第23話 無重力的男人  

第24話 電擊!美日決戰  

第25話 困在獸籠裡的黑豹  

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:35 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 09:11 PM
第26話 大自然的現實

第27話 奪回塞柏拉斯  
結束與外星人隊之戰之後, 蛭魔居然強迫惡魔蝙蝠隊所有成員到美國進行特訓,想不到塞柏拉斯竟然成了走私份子的目標,原來牠被跟牠長的幾乎一模一樣的布娃娃搞混,以為牠體內藏有走私的寶石…

第28話 美式足球DOWNTOWN

第29話 新組合,惡魔大槍客隊  

第30話 走向地獄的分界線

第31話 各自的決心


第32話 哪有喪家之犬
第33話 我親愛的妹妹

第34話 GHOST的誕生

第35話 孤獨的死亡行軍

第36話 最後的考驗

第37話 遙遠的頂端

第38話 隊員的決定!?

第39話 往聖誕節大賽之路

第40話 決戰前夜!

第41話 王牌消滅!?

第42話 惡魔蝙蝠鬼影!!

第43話 傳說中60碼大口徑手槍

第44話 啊哈哈!我登場了!!

第45話 鬼影封印!?

第46話 鬼影vs長矛

第47話 熱血啊!勇士!!

第48話 努力!毅力!全力對決!

第49話 耀眼的銀・攻防線的靈魂!

第50話 逃避不了的勇氣!

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:38 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 10:19 PM
第51話 危險!最兇的變色龍

第52話 衝突!變色龍vs海神

第53話 恐怖的毒蠍子

第54話 消失的司令塔

第55話 體格差別的障礙
當小結聽到水町針對他體格矮小最好退出球隊的 "建言" 時深深受到打擊,不但離家出走,甚至萌生再也不打美式足球的念頭,惡魔蝙蝠隊所有成員分頭到處尋找小結,因為大家都相信球隊裡的每一個人都是最重要的,即使身材不夠好,但只要抱著努力的決心,再高大的對手也絕對不是問題……

第56話 拋他出去吧小結!

第57話 知道「21」的人

第58話 惡魔vs海之神


第59話 幕後有王牌的男生

第60話 球場的約定!


第61話 往勝利的執著!

第62話 戰慄!必殺擒抱

第63話 30公分的攻防

第64話 光速的男生出現了!?

第65話 泥門高校的體育慶典!

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:43 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-12 10:21 PM

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 02:45 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 03:59 PM
「 アイシールド21 」アフレコ取材

「 最近は試合中だけでなく試合以外のところでも精神面が強くなったところが見えていると思います。」
「 元から似てるので、今になって似てきたなと思うところはありません!(笑)」
「 関東大会に向けて新たにライバルがドンドン出てくるので、そのライバル達に負けないようにこれからも頑張っていくので、

「 一番最初のころはちょっと声を作ってやってた感じなんですけど、今はもうほとんど僕と同じ声の状態でやっているので、
「 最近マネージャーを怒鳴りつけるところが似てきたなぁと思います(笑)。」
「 もうすぐ関東大会編に突入し、ますます面白くなりますので、応援よろしくお願いします。」

「 1年半前に比べるとまもりもお姉さんらしくなってきたかなと思いますが、
「 最初から言われてたんですけど、お姉さんっぽいというイメージとはかけ離れてますが、天然っぽいところが似ていると言われます。
「 関東大会の前に原作にはないオリジナルストーリーがたくさん入ってきて、

「 (放送開始から)1年半が経ったことがいまだに信じられないくらい、毎週毎週ドキドキしながら鈴音ちゃんの声をあててます。
「 不思議と今はなんでも「まぁ、いっかー!」と笑えてしまえるようになってきているのは、鈴音ちゃんの影響だと思います。
「 これから関東大会になっていくということで、ますます盛り上がり、


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:05 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:14 PM
Koigahama Cupids

Kaoru Hatsujō
Seiyū: Iwasaki Masami

(初條薫) The captain of the Koigahama team, he is more interested in going after girls than he is even in playing football. He has an annoying habit of teasing the opposing side by stating that his team has at least ten girls cheering for them while suggesting that his opponents come from an all-boys school. Uninterested in playing against Deimon in the first game of the Spring Tournament, he isn't fired up until Hiruma creates a de-facto cheerleading squad by claiming that he knew Oujou's Haruto Sakuraba. However, because of the ineptness of the team thrown together by Hiruma, Hatsujō nearly lead Koigahama to a three-point victory until Sena was brought in to his first game, scoring the final touchdown with seconds left and forcing him to be the first witness to the speed of Deimon's running back.

By the time of the fall tournament, Hatsujō nearly becomes seduced once again by the cheerleaders of Koigahama's first opponent: the Seibu Wild Gunmen. But since his team remained inept and with the Gunmen inspired by the victories of Deimon and Oujou, his team gets annihilated and is forced to forfeit.

Although slightly a pervert, Hatsujō does actually have a girlfriend. Unfortunately, she keeps confusing football with rugby so many times that he has given up trying to explain the difference.

Zokugaku (Zoku to Gaku en) Chameleons

Rui Habashira
Seiyū: Kouji Yusa

(葉柱 ルイ) The leader of the Zokugaku team. Basically, he is a punk's punk, leading his team like it was a street gang (which in fact it is). Not short on skill, Habashira's long arms make him a good linebacker, because he can intercept passes and stop runs, though he's not on the same level as Shin. Habashira's trash-talking of Shin is what motivates Sena in their game. However, he does show a more serious side, after his team is defeated by the Kyoshin Poseidon team. Hiruma noted that only Habashira tried his hardest to win. At this point, the Zokugaku linebacker begged Hiruma to tell him why, when the two of them were so much alike (both using force to rule their teams), his team lost heart while the Devil Bats fought on. Although seeming like (and acting like) a punk, he does have a good heart. In the anime, when Kanagushi made an imposter Eyeshield 21 to enrage the Chameleons so that they would pick a fight with Deimon Devil Bats and be disqualified, Habashira, although beat up to near exhaustion, he did not fight back so he could keep on playing and he did not take revenge or let his teammates take revenge on Kanagushi.

During the start of the 2nd half of the game between the Devil Bats and the Nagas, he and Tsuyumine both witness the onside kick, which was the start of Deimon's counterattack. Habashira leaves afterwards, saying that Deimon didn't stand a chance, but he is seen with tears in his eyes


Megu Tsuyumine
Seiyū: Yamashita Ayaka

The team's manager/trainer. (露峰 メグ Tsuyumine Megu) She is a rough, no-nonsense woman who carries a wooden practice sword and is not above torturing the team members in order for them to train harder (she and Hiruma would probably get along). Some of her known tactics are towing the players behind her motorcycle, hitting them between the legs with her wooden practice sword, and making them carry their own motorcycles home (with herself sitting on Habashira Rui's motorcycle, as he is the leader), rather than ride them. She rules the team with an iron fist and even Habashira's afraid of her. She is also an expert of surprise attacks, and interrogates the team members severely to "strengthen them". Tsuyumine is considered as a beauty, but because of her brutal and torturous personality, she is more feared than admired. While it was left unclear by the creators if Tsuyumine and Habashira are dating, it was said that the two are good companions who share a great deal of trust and understanding. Since Tsuyumine refers to him as "Rui", his first formal name, instead of Habashira-kun (which is Japanese custom, even for close friends, and especially for women), the possibility that they are in a serious relationship is quite strong.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:29 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:27 PM
Seibu Wild Gunmans

This is one bizarre team, but the second best team in the Spring Kantou Tournament. Their coach is an old Japanese man who acts like a real cowboy, the cheerleaders are Japanese girls who wear sexy cowgirl outfits (they even wield real guns). Their captain is the lineman Buffalo Ushijima. The most active team ever seen in Eyeshield 21 manga. During spring break, they train in Houston, Texas. Once Tetsuma, Kid and their coach team up with Sena, Mamori, Monta, and Hiruma to become Devil Gunmen in a beach football tournament, as the Seibu coach didn't want the prize, a bull, to be eaten by anyone. He also wanted it for their ranch. The teams chant is "GUN&GUN that will do"

Shien Mushanokoji
Seiyū: Yuuya Uchida

Kid with Monta, Sena, Mamori & Doc(キッド/武者小路紫苑) aka "The Kid". His real name is "Shien", which Hiruma mentions after Deimon’s sports day. He is a quarterback, and has one of the fastest pass speeds in Japan, possibly in the world. Kid and Tetsuma make up one of the strongest quarterback-wide receiver combinations in Japan (by high school standards), like the legendary Joe Montana-Jerry Rice combination, although to a lesser extent. Kid specializes in quick-draw shooting, where he throws the ball as soon as he receives it from the center to Tetsuma, Seibu's wide receiver (this kind of quick release is more akin to Miami's Hall of Fame passer Dan Marino). His personality is very laid-back. However, whenever he gets the feeling that things go too well, he always predicts that something bad will happen, (which usually does, such as in the Spring tournament when they were ahead of the Oujou White Knights during the first half, Tetsuma drank too much water and could not participate in the second half). His quote is "Something bad has to happen after something so good." Recently the manga has shown that Kid is the son of an Olympic class pistol shooter, which might account for his inhuman accuracy. He's also known Tetsuma since they were kids, accounting for how "in sync" they appear to be. Originally Kid couldn't throw and Tetsuma couldn't catch, but they practiced all the time as kids and got better.


Jō Tetsuma
Seiyū: Eiji Takemoto

Tetsuma arrives(鉄馬丈) A fast and quiet guy, he has a habit of following orders to the letter, and that can lead to disaster. It is very important to give him specific instructions and to watch him carefully. Otherwise, he will follow any general directions to the extreme. For example, the coach once said to him, "Go run a bit!!" so he kept running for 3 days and 3 nights, until he collapsed from hunger. Another time, was when Kid told him to wake him up after 5 hours while riding on a bus, Kid got off the bus earlier, but Tetsuma still waited 5 hours, then burst out of the back window of the bus to go look for Kid so he could wake him up! Whenever Kid calls a pass route, he dashes and uses it as followed, no questions asked. This makes him perfect for his position as a Wide Receiver, since the Kid doesn't even have to look for him in order to pass. In spite of his seemingly robotic demeanor, Tetsuma is a nice person, who has been friends with Kid since they were in middle school.

One important note is that after the game with Deimon, Tetsuma invokes a penalty, by striking Monta when he was about to attack the referee for ruling in favor of Seibu. This was actually done to save Monta from destroying the Devil Bats' chances of playing for third place in the tournament. As a result, Tetsuma was banned from playing in the finals of the Fall Tournament against Oujou. Without him, the Gunmen lost out to the White Knights again, but Monta vows to meet up with Tetsuma again during the Kantou Elimination Tournament.

His name also means Iron Horse. In America they use this nickname for the steam-engine train in the old west. This gives meaning to the pass routes he is ordered to follow, which likens him to a train that cannot be altered from the track it runs. He will bowl over anyone who gets in the way on the tracks. In the game against Deimon however, Monta does manage to upset his route and cause him to fumble.
In a match against the Oujou White Knights, he was the cause of a huge lead 20-7. But because he drank too much water during half-time, he cannot continue as he has to go to the toilet the entire time, causing his team to lose 20-21.


Riku Kaitani
Seiyū: Yuuki Masuda

(甲斐谷陸) An extremely fast grey-haired boy and happens to be the one who taught Sena how to run. When Riku was in elementary school, he saw Sena being bullied and he used his speed to save him. After that Riku taught Sena that if he could run fast, he would never be bullied again. Sadly, Sena used his speed to be a gopher, (though it's ironic that being a gopher is what helped build up his speed). Riku soon left Sena's school because his family needed to move, but he and Sena met again in chapter 127. Like Shin, he was able to quickly deduce Sena's identity as Eyeshield 21. When his team went up against the White Knights, Riku proved to be no match against Shin and was unable to get by him once.

During the Kantou Tournament, Riku faced off against Gaō when he was about to beat up, possibly kill a fan who had insulted Banba, (and anyone else who was in the way). Fortunately, the incident ended without any bloodshed. After the Seibu Gunmen devastate the Misaki Wolves with a score of 82-14, they now prepare to face off against the Hakushuu Dinosaurs in the semi-finals.

Before the match between the Strong Golems and the White Knights, Shin approached Riku and asked him for the secret of the Rodeo Drive. Initially he refused, thinking that Shin had already defeated him during the Tokyo Fall Tournament and that he didn't need such a technique. However, after learning that Shin was going to use it in a method against Sena, Riku agreed to show him, thinking that Eyeshield 21 might be the one to beat him.


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:31 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:31 PM
Taiyō Sphinx

The four players to take note of are:

Mamoru Banba
Seiyū: Kusunoki Daiten

(番場衛) Massive center of the team. The team captain and powerhouse. He holds the high school record for the squat. Although he is more skillful than Kurita, he does not have as much raw strength. Due to his harsh training for the Fall Tournament, Banba's face has more scars. His build also is much more powerful looking as shown in chapter 200 of the manga, so it's presumed his strength has increased as well.

Unfortunately, whatever training he had undergone was insufficient to match the Dinosaurs' powerhouse lineman Rikiya Gaō. Despite the new formation called Tutankhamun's Mask, Banba was pushed down easily at the start of the match. At the end of the game, he is seen being carried out on a stretcher, as he had sustained the most injuries in protecting Harao, Taiyou's quarterback.


Kiminari Harao
Seiyū: Takeuchi Kousuke

(原尾 君成 Harao Kiminari) The whining quarterback. He bosses everyone around and puts the blame on them until in Volume 6, Banba sets him straight. For some reason, he's popular with the ladies and has his own harem. He acts like a pharaoh. However, compared to Hiruma, his skills as a quarterback are substantially less. His over-dependence on the Pyramid Line has made him slower and less able to avoid sacks. If he can't find a receiver, then he will just stand in place, rather than try to run the ball himself. He also tends to hold the ball too high when passing, which can lead to fumbles when he's tackled.

Though he appears to be an arrogant snob, Harao is actually quite sensitive about his skills as a quarterback. He knows that others consider him as a second-rate player; even his own team members think so. Like Sakaruba was, Harao is seen as the ace of the team by his fans, though his skills do not match that of his image. He admits to Banba that since the game against Deimon, that he has been trying to improve himself, but he still has doubts, especially since every Kantou Tournament, the Sphinx participate but never win due to the other teams being like monsters. Like Banba, this will be his third and last Kantou Tournament. Banba assured him that the new Tutankhamen’s Mask formation would protect him, so all he had to do was throw the ball. However, as the formation crumbles easily under the power of the Dinosaurs' monstrous new lineman, Harao began to experience true fear.

At half-time, with the entire roster of linemen sustaining injuries, (including broken bones), and Banba out of commission, Harao was forced to forfeit the match. He was the only member who had not been seriously hurt, since Banba had tried his hardest to protect him. He was also the first QB that had faced Gaou of the Dinosaurs, that was still standing at the end of the game. However, the once-proud quarterback takes no solace in this.

Niinobu Kasamatsu
Seiyū: Eiji Takemoto

(笠松新信) The second-largest lineman on the pyramid line. He talks too much and is always getting the blame from Harao and apologizing to him. He starts picking on the Ha-Ha Brothers, but is beaten by Juumonji twice, first with the Juvenile Delinquent Murder Method, then with just a normal block. He's not very bright and is easily fooled by trick plays and trap blocks.

During the game with the Dinosaurs, he is among the casualties and his team is forced to surrender at half-time.

Ken Kamaguruma
Seiyū: Saito Yasuo

(鎌車ケン) Kamaguruma is a large first-year who plays cornerback. He's a bit dim-witted, but a pretty good player. He gives Monta some trouble when he comes in during the second-half of the Taiyo game. He is "The Chariot" for Taiyo. His moves include "Chariot Bump" and "Chariot Attack".The bump is incredibly strong, when Ken smashed down a watch tower over 60 FEET practicing his bump. However, Monta's catching ability far outstripped his skills. It is also shown that his Bump Technique has no effect against Seibu's receiver Tetsuma.

Like his teammates, Kamaguruma is stopped at the quarter-finals at the Kantou Tournament, when the Pyramid Line's new formation fails against the brutal power of the Dinosaurs' new lineman.

His appearance is inspired by Jean Pierre Polnareff from the third segment of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders. Similarly, both Kamaguruma and Polnareff use a chariot as the major theme of their attacks. (Polnareff's Stand is "Silver Chariot")


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:32 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:34 PM
Shinryūji Naga

Unsui Kongō
Seiyū: Takeshi Maeda

(金剛雲水) A very strong player. Not much is known about him, but in the previous year's match between the Oujou White Knights and Shinryūji Naga, both he and his brother (as first-year players) were sent out with 5 minutes to play and Oujou holding a 16-3 lead. Their entrance resulted in a 17-16 victory for Shinryūji. During their second-year Spring Tournament, the Nagas trounce the White Knights by a score of 40-3, without Agon playing at all. Unsui is passionately devoted to football, but is considered merely a "good" player. In contrast, Agon takes a casual, cynical, almost scornful approach to the sport, but is far better. Far more serious and intense than Agon, Unsui is much better liked, as opposed to feared like his brother is. He is a good player because of his wide range of vision, allowing him to know where all his players are.

Rather than Agon's talent being innate, Unsui has worked all his life to become as good as he is. His workrate seemed to have been recognized when he received a sports scholarship at Shinryūji, but it turns out it was meant for Agon - the school got the twins' names mixed up. He feels his purpose is to back Agon up as much as he can, to make his god-given talents shine even more brightly.

Unsui does recognize Deimon's offensive potential and has taken a more conservative approach to defeat them during the second half of the Kantou tournament game. However, with the Devil Bats counterattacking, he is becoming unsure of the outcome. His greatest shock comes when Eyeshield 21,ignores his brother completely and forces Unsui to fumble, followed by the unbelievable event in which Unsui's seemingly invincible sibling was toppled by Sena.

As the game winds down, Unsui and the rest of the team are taking no prisoners. Despite being pressured by Agon and Ikkuyu to let them have the ball (wanting to get revenge on Sena and Monta respectively for the upsets they've caused), the Nagas had decided to just run out the remaining five minutes and prevent Deimon from getting any more points. The formation they used was an advanced version of the Dragon Fly, their double-quarterback trademark play; the Golden Dragon Fly has a three-quarterback setup, featuring Ikkyu Hosakawa as the third passer and multiple flea-flicker-style lateral passes. Using desperate run-stuffing tactics, Deimon were able to hold all but Agon, who managed to gain a first down as a result of this ploy, but they ended up going three-and-out and were forced to punt.

Shinryūji assume that they have won after pinning the Devil Bats on their own 2-yard line with just one minute left on the clock - and 98 yards separating them. However, even that was not enough to stop the Devil Bats. Instructing the rest of the team to aim for the sidelines (in order to stop the clock when they go out of bounds) Hiruma goes into what is effectively a one-man no-huddle offense. Eyeshield 21 gets the ball and heads straight for the sideline, but the Naga are on to them - Agon chops into him with one of his most scything tackles so far, keeping both Sena in bounds and the clock running. Hiruma then spikes the ball to stop the clock and on the next play, uses a diversion to move the chains. Designating Yukimitsu as a lineman, he gets him to run a motion play route to the other side of the line before the snap, to misdirect Shinryūji into blocking the wrong way. This led Deimon to a first down on their own 13, and 45 seconds left. As time continues to tick away, Hiruma continues to use these sideline/spike tactics and the Bats make it as far as midfield. After an incredible pair of high-risk plays and a touchdown by Hiruma, the Nagas now must deal with the possibility of a Sudden Death Overtime or a loss if the Devil Bats decide on a two-point conversion and succeed. To everyone's surprise, it looks as if Deimon will try for overtime as Musashi is rushing toward the ball to kick it in. Sena is placed at the end of the scrimmage line, which convinces everyone that he is not going to try for the Devil Bat Dive. Now the game draws to a close as Shinryūji attempts to block the kick.

However, this is not to be as Hiruma fakes the kick and rushes toward the goal line with Musashi ahead of him. The two plow into the Nagas defensive line in what appears to be a last-ditch power play to score through brute force. When it appears that the Nagas had stopped them, the Deimon quarterback wheels about and laterals the ball backward to Eyeshield 21. It appears that Sena was placed at the end of the scrimmage line to deceive the Nagas and had used the faked kick as a distraction to get a running start and attempt the Devil Bat Dive. In a spectacular move, Kurita forces down four Nagas, including Agon and Ikkyu, allowing Eyeshield to fall past the goal line. The end result. .. TWO POINTS!

Final Score: Deimon Devil Bats 36, Shinryūji Nagas 35.

In the end, when Agon warns the Nagas not to slack off in their training for the next Spring Tournament, and showing his intent to defeat the Devil Bats, Unsui feels that his brother is finally beginning to see the value of working with others, rather than just depending on his own God-given talents.


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:33 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:36 PM
Agon Kongō
Seiyū: Kirimoto Takuya

(金剛阿含) The Kongo twins are like chalk and cheese - not only in ability, but also in attitude and personality. Agon Kongo is lazy, arrogant, vicious, invariably turns up late to the matches - often in the second half - and never ever trains, yet his skill is incredible. He is also a chauvinist who does not take rejection well, since when Mamori rejected his advances on the bridge he threw her on the ground and advanced on her, although he made it look afterwards like an accident. Even though Unsui is a solid player, whose skill has come from constant hard work, Agon's abilities go far beyond even the best. Kumabukuro, the reporter, says that he has tremendous talent that is only seen once every 100 years. Even the Naga coach wants everybody in the team not to act the way he does, and tells them that only Agon has the leeway to act in this manner. This is because Agon's natural talent is near-superhuman, and allows him to do whatever he wants. This has made him arrogant and over-confident in his ability. He looks down on everyone else - even his own (older) brother, whom he calls "Unko-chan" as if to scorn him (effectively a tautology, as he's calling Unsui small twice - lit. "Little Unsui the Child"). Initially, he displays his agility to Sena and makes a powerful bullet pass at Torakichi (still in his wheelchair), who teases their team but luckily is saved by Sakuraba, Monta and Sena.

Unknown to any of the main characters, he has incredible strength, as he beat up the entire Zokugaku gang in an instant. Shortly after this incident, Sena and Mamori encounter Agon on their way elsewhere. Agon tries to accost Mamori to help him get to the stadium, but Sena intervenes. Agon weasels his way out of this, however, and as he leaves the pair behind, Sena feels for the first time he has encountered someone with evil intent.

While growing up with his twin brother, it was discovered early on that Agon had a talent for learning complex physical tasks within minutes, just after seeing it. This is called the God-Speed Impulse reaction. He was able to balance and ride a bicycle on his first try. His reaction time is at the human limit and is triggered by sight. As he grew up, his brother Unsui encouraged him to develop his amazing ability, while he stayed mostly in the background. Unfortunately, this also led to building Agon's ego and his tendency to regard everyone else, including his own brother as inferior. Eventually, the two began leaning toward American Football and were recruited by the Nagas. Agon's God-Speed impulse is similar to the Marvel Comics villain Taskmaster and his ability of photo-mimetic/reactive reflexes.

During the draw to decide who faces who in the Kantou Tournament, Shinryūji and Deimon are fated to meet in the first round (Gods against Devils, as it were). When the time came for Shinryūji to draw for their place in the tournament, Agon took the ball upon seeing Sena - and threw another bullet pass like the one he threw at Torakichi, this time aimed directly for Sena's right eye. Sena dodged the ball with the slightest of movements, and the pass struck a coke bottle behind him held by Maruko, the Dinosaurs' quarterback. In an interview at which Hiruma is also present, Agon is shown to have a history with the Deimon passer, and his laid-back cool attitude becomes somewhat rattled whenever he is involved. Agon's arrogance in his own natural talents cause him to look down on and want to crush those he feels are less talented (absolutely everyone else, basically - he even considers the perfect team to be "22 of myself"). These are his reasons for playing football - as opposed to Hiruma's: "Because it's fun." He does, however, recognise Hiruma's ability - though he immediately counters this by saying he doesn't consider the Deimon player a threat. Agon wants everyone, without exception, to acknowledge his superiority, and is willing to destroy anyone who doesn't do so or gets in his way. He also doesn't care for normal people who work hard, thinking that only those who are truly gifted are the ones that matter. However, Hiruma is aware of this and plans on using this attitude to cause Agon's downfall.

As the game against Deimon continues, Agon starts to lose his cool, as the Devil Bats begin to fight back from a 32-0 first half thumping. He is first upset by the Devil Bats' onside kick, then is caught completely off-guard when Yukimitsu (the weakest member of the Deimon team) scored a touchdown, despite being double-covered by both him and Ikkyu. He was able to do this by analysing the Nagas' defense patterns, and picking out option routes - third pass-route choices in the middle distance, as opposed to short passes to Taki or long-distance bombs to Monta - on the fly. This, and Yukimitsu's sheer determination to succeed at something other than studying, got Deimon's first points on the board.

Afterwards, Eyeshield 21 successfully intercepted a lateral pass meant for Agon, followed by Juumonji recovering the ball (as this is classed as a fumble) and scoring the second Deimon touchdown, despite being tackled by the arrogant dreadhead. Agon ended up being dragged into the endzone by Juumonji's sheer force of will. Eyeshield's interception of Unsui's lateral got to him, but being unable to prevent Juumonji's touchdown return truly rattles him, as linemen are not known for their speed (however, the Huh Huh Brothers are built more like linebackers, as opposed to the line build possessed by Kurita and Komusubi).

In recent chapters he witnessed the one team-mate that he does give credit to, cornerback Ikkyu Hosokawa, fail to stop Deimon from scoring. His version of Eyeshield 21's Devil Bat Ghost surprises everyone, but now he is becoming even more enraged as Sena forces yet another fumble on his brother, ignoring Agon completely when the whole Shinryūji team thought he was still marking him. This is most likely the one thing that can truly upset him. .. not even being bothered with by the ones he most wants to crush.

In the following chapter (191st Down), the red mist descends on Agon. After a lifetime of being praised for his innate skills, to be disregarded so completely is something that he is not prepared to stand for, and in a fit of fury he tries to take Sena down. .. permanently. Amazingly, he fails - as he goes to chop the ball out of his grasp, Sena motions as if he was going to stiff-arm Agon away. Agon's surprise is such that he is caught off-guard for a split-second - all the time Sena needs to whip a DevilBat Ghost on him. Even that is not enough to put off the smug Naga, however - with his lightning-reaction time, he wheels round to have another shot at Sena. Agon then receives one of the greatest upsets of the entire game as his tackle to stop Eyeshield 21 is countered, and he is ground face-first into the turf! Since he was in a fit of rage, Agon had not considered the possibility that his shorter, weaker opponent would even try to down him.

In the game's dying seconds, Agon is the only person who realises what Hiruma's up to with Deimon's final drive. The final frame of the 194th Down shows his menacing stare behind the sports goggles he wears. At 18 seconds left in their final drive, Hiruma takes the snap and makes a fake spike to catch the Nagas off-guard. Yukimitsu stayed on the line of scrimmage for this play, which allowed Monta to go in motion. Thinking the play was dead because of the fake spike, Ikkyu (who was meant to be covering Monta) switched off - all the chance Monta needed to get a head start on him. Hiruma heaved a bomb in the air for him - which Ikkyu managed to get a hand to, but all he could do was deflect it directly into Monta's clutches. Agon, the only person who could see this coming, tackled the receiver at Shinryūji's red zone with 4 seconds left. During this, Monta shouted "CATCH MAX!" again, for all he already had the ball. Agon assumes that he meant catching the ball and arrogantly retorts that it didn't matter if he did catch the ball, as long as he was brought down. With the clock ticking inexorably down to 0, and Shinryūji still a touchdown up, it looks as if he had permanently ended Deimon's dream to play in the Christmas Bowl. Agon's plan was to let Monta get so far away that the rest of the Bats wouldn't have time to get back into formation for a spike.

However, the referee ruled the play as out-of-bounds after seeing a lump of turf had been ripped up. Monta's scream of CATCH MAX! was nothing to do with the ball, as he already had hold of that - he was aiming to touch the sideline. He opened his fist and revealed the missing bit of turf. The ref has the clock reset to 4 seconds because of this. Now, with this being Deimon's final play, both Kongo brothers wonder what Hiruma is up to as the Deimon quarterback pumps Devil Bats' fans up into a frenzy.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:33 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:39 PM
Apparently, the cheering crowds were just a diversion. Hiruma was actually going in motion as he ran side to side, pumping the crowd up. The play started unexpectedly when the ball was hiked directly to Sena. The Nagas were thrown off-guard again as it seemed that Sena would use the Devil Bat Ghost with the Nagas all over him. However, he lobbed the ball upwards. The Nagas were all in disbelief, as they had already covered all the receivers. Who would the ball go to? The crowd was also another distraction so that Sena could make a pass to. ....Hiruma?! The Nagas were already in disbelief in the beginning, as the ball was hiked directly to Sena. After Hiruma caught the ball, Agon still arrogantly believed that he could catch up to Hiruma, since he remembered that Hiruma's best time at the 40-yard sprint was 5.2 seconds when he tried out for the Shinryūji Nagas. However, to his complete shock, he found out that Hiruma had gotten 0.1 seconds faster and that was all he needed to outrun him and score. Now the score is only 34-35 in favor of the Nagas as Deimon prepares to go for either a 1-point kick or a 2-point conversion.

Agon then receives the final insult and defeat as the one other Deimon member that he despises becomes instrumental in Deimon's two-point conversion play. No other team has ever scored a 2-point conversion against Shinryūji. Sena lined up on the extreme left of the line; the huddle before this play boiled down to his decision - take the kick and risk overtime with his failing legs, or risk the whole game and go for the win. This, combined with the Nagas' perfect record against 2-pointers, led all to believe that Deimon was going to go for the easy kick and take the game into OT. Indeed, Musashi came on for the kick and Hiruma went into a holder's position.

Once again, however, it was a fake. Hiruma held the ball and picked it up, rushing with Musashi into the middle of Shinryūji's goal-line defense - behind Kurita who, through sheer determination and willpower, pushed Agon and Ikkyu diagonally, altering their centre of gravity, before they could get to the ball. Hiruma, meantime, lateralled the ball high into the air for Sena to catch and perform the Devil Bat Dive, thereby shattering the Nagas undefeated record both in games and 2-point conversions. Yeah. Shocked and dejected, Agon leaves the field, and warns his teammates not to slack off on their training for the Spring Tournament, where he vows to defeat the Devil Bats.

As of Chapter 229, Agon is one of the spectators at the Deimon/Ojo game, and even he admits that Shin's Trident Spear Tackle could bring the arrogant player down. However, he is quite surprised that Sena, (one whom he thinks as a no-power runt), is taking a more brutal method to stopping Shin's tackle.



Ikkyū Hosakawa
Seiyū: Toshiyuki Toyogana

(細川一休)The only person who has an attitude like Monta (but doesn't eat bananas like Monta does). His hair resembles Vegeta from the manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z, and he has a red mole in the middle of his forehead. By the look of him, no one should be intimidated, but his true skill lies in his running technique. He has the record of 4.9 seconds in the 40-yard-dash while running backwards, making him the best cornerback in the Kanto Zone. He is the only player on the Nagas that Agon has any respect for, since he is considered a genius. He has great respect for Agon and is probably the only one on the team who doesn't fear him and actually looks forward to playing with him. Ikkyu is proud of his jumping and catching ability. He tells Unsui that no one can beat him on air. However, Kanto's best cornerback is nothing compared to Japan's best linebacker- Shin proves this to him in his first match against him.

He is always bullied by his teammates because he gets more remarks than they do. Ikkyu is one of the nicer, more friendly players on the team, but that doesn't make him any less serious when game time comes. He's considered a genius with high-jump catches, but he is caught off-guard when Hiruma fakes a Hail Mary Pass and uses an incredibly fast and low bullet pass instead - Ichiro Takami of the Oujouu White Knights christens it a Hail Devil pass. He still intercepts it, but he gets the shock of his life when Monta strips the ball out of his hands, resulting in a Deimon touchdown. Like Agon is acting with Sena and Hiruma, Ikkyu is starting to lose his cool with Monta. He tried to face down the Deimon wideout after the touchdown, but Monta was unimpressed with Ikkyu's posturing.

Near the end of the game, Ikkyu begs for Unsui to let him have the ball, in order to make up for the upset that the Deimon receiver had caused. However, his request is turned down in favor of just running out the clock. He does manage to deflect a pass that was meant for Monta and had a chance to catch a loose ball during Deimon's two-point conversion. However, in the end, he and the Nagas lose out to Deimon.

He seems to have a crush on Mamori; in his less serious moments, he sometimes tries to praise his upperclassmen, but his attempts are thwarted by his teammates, who practice a faux ventriloquist act on him, pretending to make him say such things as "in fact, you can't match the great Ikkyuu"--to which he's told "unforgivable. ..indeed unforgivable".

With the game between Deimon and Oujo heating up, Ikkyu becomes even more determined to beat Monta as the Devil Bat receiver displays his new technique, the Devil Back Fire. Even he admits that catching a ball from behind the head is the most difficult method of receiving.

Character Statistics:


Sumito Sendōda
Seiyū: Bunmei Tobayama

(仙洞田 寿人) Although he appears like a wise old sage, he is in reality the coach of Shinryuji's team. Normally, he's strict on discipline, but he turns a blind eye to Agon's behavior, since he considers him as a player that appears only once a century. However, like Agon's brother Unsui, he does recognize Deimon's offensive potential and changes the team's strategies in order to defeat them, but it wasn't enough to stop the Devil Bats from claiming victory.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:34 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:43 PM
Nasa Aliens/Nasa Shuttles
(NASAエイリアンズ / NASAシャトルズ)

Patrick "Panther" Spencer
Seiyū: Kujirai Kousuke

(パトリック・スペンサー) Panther is a good-natured person who has extraordinary running talents, but has been reduced to being a ballboy, due to Apollo's prejudice. He trains everyday by running across rooftops. Panther's dream is to become a pro NFL player and make money so that his grandmother would no longer have to work. He is also one of the few people who is able to eat his grandmother's horrendous oatmeal recipe.

Initially, he wasn't interested in going to Japan since he really wanted to compete against Shin. Then he saw Eyeshield 21's running ability on Hiruma's web video and wanted to run against him. Eventually, he and Sena became good friends and promised to play on equal terms the next time they met on the field, (Sena was nearly at his limit by the time Panther had entered the game).


Jeremy Watt
Seiyū: Saito Yasuo, Shimogiki Hiroshi

(ジェレミー・ワット) Watt is the best Wide Receiver of the Nasa Aliens, and he also serves as team's translator, though he's more of a pseudo-Japan scholar (meaning that he's more of an otaku than a Japan-ophile). As a result, he often gets translations wrong, and has some misconceptions concerning Japanese culture but is shown as well-meaning and would not take offense if corrected. Most of his knowledge and obsession with Japan is pinpointed to an encounter with Shun Kakei when he played for Phoenix Junior High (prior to his return to Kyoushin). He is able to calculate the landing point for Homer's Shuttle Pass with pinpoint accuracy like Mission Control. Being taller and faster than Monta does give him an advantage over the Deimon Receiver. Watt has been seen using computers and upon discovering a humorous though disrespectful webvideo of Coach Apollo, he shares his find with his team mates. Watt is also skilled at video-games.

Homer Fitzgerald
Seiyū: Ochiai Kouji

(ホーマー・フィッツジェラルド) Homer is the quarterback of the Nasa Aliens and his specialty is being able to heave a football from over half the length of the field. Along with Watt, he's one of Panther's closest friends, and helped him endure Apollo's racial attitude against African Americans. Homer's biggest problem is throwing control as the ball tends to go off-course. Another thing to note is that due to Homer's upper-body strength, tackling him at the waist is not enough to sack him. However, by going for his passing arm, his ability to throw the ball is stopped. Given his large frame and powerful throwing arm, not to mention his tendency to misfire his passes, Homer could be modeled on Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre.


Gonzales (Big Brother)
Seiyū: Kanenari Kiminobu

(ニーサン・ゴンザレス Nīsan Gonzalez) The largest member on the Nasa Aliens, (even bigger than Kurita), he plays center on the line. His massive size and crushing power will reduce any lesser player to pulp. However, his slow speed makes it easy for faster opponents to dodge. His catch-phrase is "Big Useful!" Before going to Japan, he wanted to get a kanji tattoo which meant 'big and useful guy.' He asked Watt about the kanji for 'big' and 'useful.' However, (due to a mis-translation by Watt), when putting those two kanji together, the end result was POOP! In the end, his tattoo means Big Poop Guy.

Gonzales (Little Brother)
Seiyū: Seki Akio

(オットー・ゴンザレス Otto Gonzalez) Though lacking in size and overall strength of his sibling, the younger Gonzales makes up for it in speed and tenacity. He's about the same size as Komusubi. He admires his brother and wanted to be known as the Small Helpful Guy. In a way, he is to his big brother like Komusubi is to Kurita. His catch-phrase is, "Don't look down on me!" Unfortunately, he went to Watt for a kanji tattoo as well and the kanji for 'small' and 'helpful' translates as PEE, and that gives him the title of Little Pee Guy. He is also easily fooled by handoff fakes.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:35 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 04:45 PM
Leonard Apollo
Seiyū: Horiuchi Kenyu

(レオナルド・アポロ) Apollo is the coach of the Nasa Aliens team and has an extreme prejudice against those who have innate talents, rather than using skills earned by training. This is the main reason why he does not allow Panther to play during games and had him picking up balls. He's also racist against African Americans, and he dislikes the Japanese as well, thinking that they are weak and submissive as compared to the Americans. Due to this attitude, he cancels the game against the Devil Bats.

In response to this, Hiruma creates an insulting web video. He sends it over the Internet, which directly calls Apollo a chicken for refusing to face Deimon and humiliates the Nasa coach worldwide. Outraged, Apollo reschedules their match, stating that if the Aliens do not crush the Devil Bats by at least 10 points, then the Americans would not return to the United States.

In truth, the coach's real motivation for excluding Panther is really jealousy. It is a somewhat tragic story. In his days as an NFL player, Apollo, despite his considerable efforts (such as training three times more than anyone), was never more than a benchwarmer. When it looked like he would finally play, the bigwigs of his team hired Morgan, an extremely talented sprinter and, yes, an African American, much like Panther. He was cut from the team, and the flashback he had during the Deimon game showed him asking for one more chance, but being denied another chance. Bitter about it all, Apollo went on to found an ideal high school team that relied solely in perfectly executed and superior strategies without leaning on the performance of white talented aces. Also, whenever any one of the team members of the Nasa Aliens made a mistake, he would immediately be substituted.

When Apollo's strategies during the Deimon game crumbled in front of Hiruma's tricks and Eyeshield's speed, Apollo reluctantly allowed Panther to play, after the whole team begged him to. Panther himself said that he would quit the team if he failed to stop Eyeshield and win the game if he were to be given "one more chance". This caused a flashback for Apollo.

While Panther was playing on defense, Watt and Homer revealed that for a long time, despite how badly Panther was treated, Panther had always admired Apollo, because he was a hard-working man (Panther, like Apollo had, trained three times as hard as a ballboy and secretly with the rest of the team). There was another flashback of Panther when he was little, in which he declared that he had to be on Apollo's team no matter what. Despite the failure to win by ten points, the coach commented with his back turned during the hand-shaking that it was a good game. When the Alien's change their name to the NASA Shuttles and board a bus to leave Japan, Apollo reminded Panther of the deal, which Panther didn't exactly accomplish on his end ("Never call yourself a NASA Alien again"). However, Apollo told him that there would be a number 20 uniform for the Running Back (Panther) of the new "NASA Shuttles" team (#20 was Apollo's uniform number during his NFL days with the San Antonio Armadillos). This was the loophole which allowed the team to go back to America and let Panther play as a part of.

One note in the anime, is that Apollo meets up with Morgan during the tournament between the 4 great teams. At this point, Morgan was the coach of the Russian team. Though the Aliens/Shuttles put up a good fight against Morgan's team, the Blizzards, they still lose. Dejected, Apollo considered quitting football altogether, but changes his mind after Hiruma invites him to watch the game with the Devil Bats against the Blizzards. Seeing the Bats work hard to come back from a lopsided first half, (and even cheering for Eyeshield 21), Apollo regains his drive and determination.


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:35 PM 编辑 ]
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-15 07:52 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 08:28 PM
标题: 回复 #34 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: jeff_fu    时间: 2007-6-15 08:56 PM
Komusubi Daikichi
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 08:57 PM
标题: 回复 #36 jeff_fu 的帖子
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 09:05 PM
Amino Cyborgs
Mascot: Cyborg

Atsushi Munakata
Seiyū: Hamada Kenji

(胸肩厚) The team captain and Linebacker of the Amino Cyborgs. He was also the team captain of Amino's basketball and soccer clubs, winning the championships of those as well. He's a massively built player with a politician's personality. However, he had made a serious mistake during the summer in which the Devil Bats were in the United States. He had assumed that Eyeshield 21 would be the same as he was during the Spring Season, so he had practiced to counter Sena's habit of stopping before accelerating. However, during the Cyborg's first and ONLY Fall Game, he was soundly defeated by the Devil Bat Ghost. He soon suffers a nervous breakdown as his faith in medical science is shattered.


Suguru Aoyanagi
Seiyū: Ito Eiji

(青柳卓) He used to be a scrawny student until he took the Amino Training Program for 6 months. This included going to the gym twice a week and taking an unbelievable amount of vitamin supplements and whatever else medical science could provide. He thought that he was unstoppable, and in the first few minutes of the game against Deimon, it seemed to be true. Then the Devil Bats' trainer reminded them of the proper techniques, and Suguru was crushed along with the rest of the Amino Line. He also suffers a breakdown as the muscles he gained through medical science fails against the Hah Brothers. He looks tough but he is a complete nerd, as revealed that he likes upperclassmen being yelled at.

Naosumi Kadoguchi
Seiyū: Shimogiki Hiroshi

(角口直角) Kadoguchi's face seems to be made up of polygons and he moves like a stiff robot. He trained himself to run by using motion-capture videos, in order to attain the 'perfect running form.' However, this means absolutely nothing when going up against Monta and his catching ability. Compared to the Devil Bat Receiver's drive to be the best at catching, Kadoguchi gave up too easily when the ball seemed out of reach.

Yuuhi Guts

Atsumi Daisuke
Seiyū: Shiraga Makoto

熱海大介) The team captain of Yuuhi Guts as well as the Quarterback. He's been leading the members though a series of intense training for 3 years, though it's not like the Death March the Devil Bats underwent. Atsumi is considered slightly below average as a player, (or as Hiruma put it, he's the best of the worst), and the Devil Bat quarterback gave Atsumi's team a 1% chance of beating Deimon. He seems very grounded, and is one of the few players shown that sees through Hiruma's 'scare tactics' immediately (like Kid).

When the coach decided to replace the regulars with aces from the other sports clubs, (soccer, sumo, karate, baseball, etc), Atsumi reluctantly agreed that they had better skills. At that point, Hiruma dropped Yuuhi's chances of winning down to 0. A newly-formed team of aces couldn't deal with Deimon's explosive offense power and the addition of their tight end, Taki. By half-time, the Yuuhi Guts were trailing by more than 20 points.

The other players, knowing that Atsumi really wants to face Deimon, feign injury and illness, and the coach eventually gives up, allowing Atsumi and the rest of the real football team to enter the game. They managed to put up a better showing than their replacements, even though they still lost by 50 points. At the end of the game, the Guts members cheer Deimon on to win the championship.

Shinobu Haibara
Seiyū: Kawano Kyohito

(南風原忍) Haibara is one of the linemen of the Yuuhi Guts, in which Atsumi places his faith in, since he does have a solid knowledge of blocking. Haibara is also frustrated that the team has no club funds and is considered weak, despite their constant efforts at training. When Hiruma decided to rattle the Yuuhi Guts at the beginning of the game, Haibara could only say in frustration that he is honored that the Devil Bats would show their full strength, while the 'true Yuuhi Guts' could not (meaning that all the members of the football team were replaced by other teams' members).

Katsuko Konzo
Seiyū: Nakamura Keiko

(紺上勝子) She's the team manager and one-girl cheerleader squad of the Yuuhi Guts. She helps train the players and fixes up all of the second-hand equipment that they are forced to use. She can get extremely pumped up while trying to boost team morale. She is often seen waving the team flag, holding a megaphone and most noticeably, wearing bur&ucirc;m&acirc;, (the Japanese version of bloomers). She believes in Atsumi and also takes part in some of the training sessions with the team members. According to the manga, it is rumoured that she is being scouted by Zokuto University as their first cheerleader squad member, due to her intensity at cheering on the team to win.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:40 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 09:08 PM
Hashiratani Deers


Onihei Yamamoto
Seiyū: Kusunoki Daiten

(山本鬼兵) Onihei is a cunning ultra veteran with a small body who even fellow lineman Kurita greatly admires! In fact, Onihei is the reason why Kurita came to play football in the way he does now and because of him he now has the "Funnuraba!" chant. Onihei is known for his ability to block effectively despite not being a particularly large person. He has enough strength to lift or stop Kurita single handed. He appears as a spectator at the Poseidon - Devil Bats game and has conversations with Ojo players.

Dokubari Scorpions

Sasuke Kanagushi
Seiyū: Masahito Yabei

Sasuke Kanagushi(金串佐助) He's the team captain and safety. His belief is that football is a mind game. He wears his long hair in a braid that stands up like a scorpion's tail whenever he's excited or angry. Kanagushia is able to predict the opposing team's strategies by reading the telltale signs of the players. Things such as glances, body movements and certain behaviors allow him to figure out what kind of play the other team will use. However, Hiruma already knew about Kanagushia's strategies and used several tricks (including lipstick), and his own brand of psychological warfare to confound him. In the end, the Scorpions were stung by their own poison. In the anime Kanagushia also became Hiruma's slave, by accidentally saying his plan to capture Hiruma and keeping him away from the game aloud, giving Hiruma the chance to recorded it and use as blackmail. In an omake, it shows that he's slapped around frequently by his father ("I've predicted your movements! You're going to slap me on my left cheek now, aren't you?"), who's often annoyed by his abrasive personality; so, while he can predict the movements of others, it's somewhat useless.

Bando Spiders

Hayato Akaba
Seiyū: Hiragawa Daisuke

(赤羽隼人) The fullback for the Spiders. Wears a blue tinted visor in his helmet, to set him apart from Sena's which is green. Originally believed by many to be the real Eyeshield 21, the ace from Notre Dame. Tall and thin, Hayato hardly looks like the intimidating figure of an ace player, leading many to underestimate him and his skills, and even Hiruma agrees he deserves the title of Eyeshield 21. In spite of his unimposing build, he can send even Kurita flying with just his arms. He had first transferred out of Bando, but later decided to go back out of loyalty to his teammates. Due to school transfer policy, he was unable to play against Oujou, resulting in the Spiders losing. When he went against the Deimon team he almost single-handedly defeats Sena and Taki. However, due to Taki getting serious, the Devil Bats are able to comeback and win. After getting defeated by Sena's lightspeed running, he graciously gives Sena his blue visor, telling him that he deserves to be called Eyeshield 21.


Kōtarō Sasaki
Seiyū: Moriyama Eiji

(佐々木 コータロー Sasaki Kōtarō) The kicker for the Bando Spiders. He is a direct rival of Musashi, and as noted by Hiruma, he has never missed a try-for-point kick. He even once kicked a soft drink can right into a rubbish bin made specifically for cans - off of a bridge railing. His skills as a kicker is seen when he could easily get a field goal from 50 yards. It is because of him that the Bando Spiders adopted the philosophy of a kicking team, a team that relies on kicks to win the game. However, his accuracy can also be used against him since it's easy to predict where his kicks will land and they can then be returned.

Kōtarō's most famous quote is, "That's cool." (Otherwise "That's not cool" etc.), and is seen combing his hair whenever he has time, even during a match. He seems to dislike Akaba Hayato because he keeps talking about music. Kōtarō used up a time-out just to explain the history of the Spiders to Deimon. His last name is the same as a famous samurai, Sasaki Koujiro, a rival of Miyamoto Musashi. He asked Bando's manager, Sawai Juri, who is also his childhood friend to go out with him 3 times, but was refused with "Whatever, stop saying stupid things, moron!", but she never actually said "No".


Juri Sawai
Seiyū: Higuchi Chieko

(沢井 ジュリ Sawai Juri) Usually called "Julie". She's the team manager of Bando Spiders, and is Koutarou's childhood friend. She has a "non-desirable but unavoidable" relationship with Koutarou. Up to now, he has said, "Please go out with me!" to her three times, and she always answered with "Whatever, stop saying stupid things, moron!", but she has never actually said "No". She dislikes seeing Koutarou and Akaba fight, and noted that they are actually quite similar.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:42 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 09:12 PM
Kyoshin Poseidon

Kengo Mizumachi
Seiyū: Ono Daisuke

(水町 健吾 Mizumachi Kengo) The third tallest player on the team and a natural athlete. Was on the swimming team but quit due to the lack of challenge. Plays on the line and uses his height and speed from a "swimmer's start" to great advantage. He has a bad habit of saying inappropriate and insensitive remarks. He is also known to strip down to his boxers in front of people, and seems to hate football equipment, saying that "It's too heavy, I can't move properly". Apparently, modesty is not an issue. Initially, he looks down (no pun intended) on Komusubi of the Deimon team due to how short he is, but learns there is a lot of strength in Komusubi's small frame and was defeated by him at the end of the game. Also, Mizumachi seems to understand Powerful-go, the "true language of truly strong men," as he responded positively to Komusubi's post-game grunt of "HOT!". He also likes swimming and spying on the females' half of the bathhouse when the Kyoshin team relaxes, stating that "The only thing to do when you go to a public bathhouse is to swim or peek, right?".

In the anime, Mizumachi gets his arm broken by Agon during the practice game against the Nagas, while in the manga, his arm is forced out of it's shoulder's socket by Agon.


Shun Kakei
Seiyū: Takeuchi Kousuke

(筧駿) The fourth tallest player on the team and the de facto captain. Shun is the first character to admit there is a real "Eyeshield 21" playing football at Notre Dame prep school, of which Sena (who was made into an "Eyeshield 21" from Notre Dame by Hiruma) was not according to him. Shun had gone to school in America during his middle school years, losing interest in football due to the size advantage of his American counterparts and quitting the game because of it. After seeing the Japanese player from Notre Dame in action, Shun became determined to play again, to the point where he went up against Eyeshield 21. The encounter inspired him to train with new enthusiasm as he promised to meet up with him again at the finals. However, when the next game against Notre Dame finally came around, Eyeshield 21 was nowhere to be found. Shun asked around for his whereabouts, but no one seemed to know who he was or even if he existed. Shun claimed that Sena was a fake, since the Eyeshield he knew was far taller. He then declared to defeat the Devil Bat's imposter. He later admits that Sena is deserving of the title of Eyeshield 21 and tells him to keep fighting until the final game. Because Shun is consistently seen as serious, he seems to be dogged by his teammates immature actions. But because he appears used to it, he can even ignore the fact that Sena, Monta and his other teammates were trying to stop Mizumachi from peeking at the bathhouse (and making a big fuss out of it) before he who were then pushed right through the wall by Urashima, Kyoshin's cheerleader vice captain. Later, when Deimon plays the Bando Spiders, Shun seems to hint that player Akaba Hayato is the Eyeshield 21 from Notre Dame.


Hiroshi Ohira
Seiyū: Ogawa Teroaki

(大平洋) Introduced part-way into the Kyoshin-Deimon match. At a height of 205 cm, he's the tallest high school football player. He is introduced alongside Onishi (below), both of whom immediately begin bickering about who is 'Kakei-sensei's first disciple'. He has short and spiky black hair, and has very large eyebrows that seem to extend down to the tops of his eyes. He also appears to be very passionate & always crying. He is a first year student. The kanji used in his name are the same as those for the Pacific Ocean. Evidently, he and Onishi have been rivals since before they joined the football team, and compete over useless things, such as 'who pulled more all-nighters' and 'who studied less for an exam'. Upon witnessing Kakei's skill, however, they were motivated to play football and learn from him.


Hiroshi Onishi
Seiyū: Washimi Ryo

(大西洋) At 204 cm, he's the second tallest highschool football player. Introduced alongside Ohira (above). He dislikes having almost the same name as Ohira ("Having a similar name to an uncouth guy like you is bad enough.") as well as their rivalry regarding Kakei. Also a first year student; he wears squarish glasses and has short orange/red hair. The kanji used in his name are the same as those for the Atlantic Ocean.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:43 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 09:14 PM
Osamu Kobanzame
Seiyū: Shimogiki Hiroshi

(小判鮫オサム) Kobanzame is the short, nervous captain of the Poseidons. Unlike the underclassmen on the team, Kobanzame and the other members in their last year are unusually short. During the match against the Deers, the announcer mentioned that the Deer and the Poseidons were two of the shortest teams in the league. This was until the Poseidons revealed their new freshmen who used their height to their advantage. Kobanzame is a comic character who has a tendency to stutter and mess up quotations in his attempts to raise the morale on the team. You first see him when he travels with another upperclassman (or Ohira and Onishi in the anime) to go spy on Deimon's training. When his friend protests that they should not be doing something underhanded, Kobanzame claimed that there was no harm in simply taking a peek as they happened to walk by. While climbing up the fence to get a better view, however, he was hit in the head by a ladder during Monta's attempt to imitate Mizumachi's height.

Kobanzame's spying did allow him to recognize Sena right away when Hiruma sent him disguised as a delivery boy to the Poseidon's clubhouse. Kobanzame immediately called Sena on his deception (ignoring that he had done the same just hours before. ..the lump remaining on his head to prove it) and brought the Devilbat to Kakei's attention. This later led Sena to learn more about Kakei's personal feelings towards the 'fake' Eyeshield 21 from Kakei himself as well as being expanded upon by Mizumachi.

Kobanzame's relationship to the other Poseidons is revealed through several flashbacks in the manga as well as their conversations. According to the author, Kobanzame is ranked second in the series in terms of shyness. Only Sena himself is worse. Because of this, he is often unsure of what to do and will wait for Kakei to decide on something before saying ' Right, that is exactly what I was thinking' and trying to maintain his role as captain. He has a tendency to complain a lot, but Kakei mentioned that Kobanzame was the only other Poseidon to complete the same hellish amount of training as Mizumachi. Mizumachi and Kobanzame seem to be fairly close to one another, and Mizumachi even attempts to convince Sena that the Poseidons deserve to win the game more because the Devil Bats have no third years on their team, while many of the Poseidons, including Kobanzame, are in their last year. Of course, Mizumachi did not realize that it was the last year for the second years from Deimon as well, since they have a no-play policy in their third year. When the Devil Bat/Poseidon match comes down to one final play to determine the game, Kobanzame confesses to Kakei and the others in a joking manner that once again he is forced to sit uselessly on the bench while they do all the hard work. This surprises his team mates who have never even considered the possibility that Kobanzame and the other upperclassmen have been holding them back. They promise to bring Kobanzame his ticket to the finals and head out to the field, leaving Kobanzame alone to think about all the times he tried to make up for his lackluster abilities by doing other things such as gathering information on the Poseidon's opponents and boosting morale. Of course, the Poseidons lose, and Mizumachi feels so dejected that he starts wailing on the field because the dreams of the third years are over. Kobanzame, overcome by emotion, concludes the match by saying that eighth is not so bad and that even though the last summer was the hardest in his life, it was also the best.

Kobanzame unfortunately does have a poor body unsuited for football. He is short, slow, and weak. However, he does have the skill to be a quarterback, and is sort of a quietly skilled player that is overshadowed (literally and figuratively) by his larger than life team mates. In the entire tournament, he has never been intercepted. His passes are always accurate, and much like Hiruma he can react quickly when an opponent attempts to take the ball. His quick reaction time is more driven by fear than quick thinking, however. Takami even praised Kobanzame, calling him a good quarterback. In the anime the Devil Bats managed to intercept his pass when Hiruma, in true Hiruma style, frightened Osamu so badly he threw the ball too fast and the Devil Bats were ready to catch it.


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:46 PM 编辑 ]
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-15 09:17 PM
Hakushuu Dinosaurs

Maruko (Marco)
Seiyū - Tomokazu Sugita

(円子) The Dinosaurs quarterback, who told Sena and Monta to call him Marco instead of Maruko, because Maruko is a female name (in Japan 'ko' is primarily a feminine name ending), and "Marco" sounds like a male Italian name. He wanted the strong teams to knock each other out so his team could take it easy, so he offered to switch with Deimon. But just then Oujou's Ootawara drew out number "7" (Deimon had 5), Deimon would meet Oujou in the semifinals, so he told them to forget it. He was especially glad he didn't switch when the Nagas drew number "6" which meant that they would face the Devil Bats first.

After the Devil Bats defeat the Nagas, his personality takes on a more confident attitude, partly due to fact that he didn't have to face off against the former Kantou champions, and partly because his team has a new monstrous lineman that holds the record for the bench press (200 kg). Marco said during an interview that he likes girls with love.

In one of the later volumes extra material, Marco was stated as an overall S-ranked player.


Rikiya Gaō

(峨王力哉) The gigantic lineman playing for the Dinosaurs, he holds the record for bench press in all of Japan (200+ kg) and whose appearance even scares the similarly massive Taiyou lineman Banba. He's larger than any other player shown in the series and is reported to have sent all of his opponents' quarterbacks to the hospital. A regular plastic mouthpiece will not work, since he'll chew it to bits like gum. He uses a titanium alloy mouthpiece. His power is gradually being revealed as he begins to play against Taiyo. His first devastating move in the Tournament was breaking through the Sphinx's newest formation, the Tutankhamen Mask, and pushing down Banba and Harao with ease. By half-time, with the score 32-0 in favor of the Dinosaurs, the entire Taiyou line was out of the match due to injuries from trying to hold Gaō back. The most devastating loss was with Banba as he was carried away on a stretcher. As a result, the Sphinx team was forced to surrender the game.

Surprisingly, Gaō showed a sense of honor rather than being depicted as a wholly violent brute. He admired Banba for his determination to protect the quarterback, even though Harao had long given up the will to win. Hiruma and Kid also noticed that there was more to Gaō than meets the eye, stating that the huge lineman was not suffering from a lack of control of his strength, but rather that Gaō didn't FEEL like controlling it.

After the quarterfinal match, he nearly lost it when one of the fans openly threw insults at Banba, (this was the same arrogant soccer player that Monta and Sena had mistaken for Musashi--Muro Satoshi). This made Gaō lose his temper, causing him to rip off the steel guardrails of the stadium seats and charge into the bleachers. He would have trampled anyone who got in his way and most likely would have crushed the cowardly soccer player. But before he could get to the fan, Riku from the Seibu Wild Gunmen ran to his aid, protecting him and standing up to the monstrous player. It appears that the two will meet again in the semi-finals when Hakushuu and Seibu play each other.

It seems that, now Agon and the Naga have been knocked out of Kantou, Gaō and the Dinosaurs are being lined up as the next 'boss'-style character and team that Sena and the Bats will square off against (that is, if they manage to overcome the White Knights in the semis and the Dinosaurs defeat Seibu).

Hiromi Kisaragi
(如月ヒロミ) A bishonen male stated as the "left arm of Hakushuu" (since Gaoh is the right arm). Introduced accidentally under Gaoh's name during the introductions for the Seibu game, he believed that he did it to save face for the team and their secret weapon so Gaoh would not look like a laughingstock. (though some actually thought he was a more emaciated Gaoh instead) Like the other Hakushuu players, Kisaragi believes that power, particularly a player like Gaoh, is the key to winning in American Football.

Although acknowledging his own weakness and the pure power Gaō and the rest of the team holds, he is given the opportunity to block Monta during Deimon's second drive and was able to stop the Devil Backfire using his Ptero-Claw Technique.


(天狗) A long-nosed senior on the Dinosaurs, he is introduced as a former ace player on the team prior to the recruitment of freshmen such as Marco and Gaō. Tengu appears to be more notable for his emotional outbursts regarding the games his team plays in, crying in shame whenever Hakushuu falls behind and celebrates any scores that they make. At this point, his only actual play in the game against Seibu was on a special teams receiver after a Gunmen kickoff, where one of his emotional outbursts leads to Tetsuma catching an onside kick and Seibu reclaiming the ball. He seems to have developed a dignatie complex sice the new players came, since he thinks he is worth nothing compared to Gaō and Marco. He won't play in the Deimon-Hakushuu final, as he was crushed by his own teammate Gao for insulting Kurita and Banba - two individuals Gao respects.

Maruko Himuro
(氷室丸子) The manager of Hakushuu, she is a serious looking female who appears to speak for the team on behalf of Marco. the two share a name (in the Dinosaurs' first appearance, 168th Down, Marco is shown to be just a westernised form of Maruko).Not too long after Deimon's defeat of Ojo, she speaks with both Sena and Riku of the Wild Gunmans to warn them that the road to the Christmas Bowl goes through them and that she doesn't want any more players to get hurt either by Marco or Gaō.

She invited Sena and Riku to a meeting out in the local mall - the other Devilbats followed covertly in the belief that she was about to make a confession of love to Sena. (Hiruma placed a mic on Sena's collar so he could listen in) However, the venue wasn't the best choice as Himuro was tracked down by Gaō and Marco. As Gaō attempts to destroy communication, Sena saves her (angering Suzuna) while Riku saves the vital information on the computer. She is seen again entering the public bath where Hakushuu are bathing, to the embarrassment of most of the team. Her goal was to have them leave, so they could study the Devil Bats. In her subsequent conversation with Marco, he reveals the two have a backstory, when he refers to her as "Maria" - a nickname she hates. While they may have a history together, Himuro reveals that Marco's "small, cunning plans" are what she hates in him. However, Marco shrugs this off by reasoning that it does not matter as long as Hakushuu wins.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 03:59 PM 编辑 ]
作者: jeff_fu    时间: 2007-6-16 11:16 AM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-16 01:52 PM
标题: 回复 #43 jeff_fu 的帖子
Misaki Wolves

Taiga Kamiya
(狼谷大牙) The Wolves' captain. He often boasts about his long legs, which help him to run faster. He has short, light-colored hair, much like Riku's, a horizontal scar across his nose, and fangs poking out of his mouth at all times. From the interview with Kumabukuro's daughter (Episode 106), he appears confident to the point of arrogance, saying "You can see my strong point right here, can't you? It's these long legs," while some of the other players decline to mention their advantages (Shin, Marco, and Kid). When asked what players he would watch out for, he says, "Myself! --is probably not the right thing to say ... Agon? Though I'm stronger than he is." Speed appears to be his only tactic. Before the game with Seibu, he also says "The level of my lead makes it feel like 'Kamiya Wolves' already ... Being called the quick shooter gunman, is it some joke? With these long legs, I'll give you instant death." This joke, of course, is overturned on them, as Seibu wins by a large margin (in the manga, the scoreboard shows 82-14 with some time left in the match). However, in anime, Kamiya is portrayed as a player with outstanding skill, giving Rikku as well as the whole Seibu team a run for their money (Wolves are leading 0-21 with 3 touchdown from Kamiya before Seibu made a comeback and won 46-21).


Sado Strong Golems

Ganjō Iwashima
(岩重ガンジョー) He is shown as a key player in the Sado Strong Golems. His position is unclear. When asked what his strong point is he said it is his rock hard body. But he is a very naive player, who ends up taking bad advice while being manhandled by Oujou in the quarterfinals. His ability to ram into his opponent with his body is impressive, but it proves to be no match against Ootowara's bulk and Shin's Trident Tackle. He is a bit of a pervert, with a love of women with big breasts and his tackling style similar to groping a female.

Savanna Survivors

Northern Light Blizzards

The coach of the blizzard. Originally a NFL star running back and the reason Apollo was kicked out of the Armadillo's. Being an NFL star runner has made him a millionaire having earned 20 million dollars a year. He likes glitter so much, that the walls, floors and pillows in his house are gold ingots. His teeth are gold, he wears gold jewelry and has gold leaf tissues.

[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-11-22 04:03 PM 编辑 ]
作者: jeff_fu    时间: 2007-6-16 07:56 PM
标题: 回复 #44 逍遥人-Shadow 的帖子
那你说说看 你放了些什么
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-16 09:10 PM
标题: 回复 #45 jeff_fu 的帖子
作者: jeff_fu    时间: 2007-6-16 10:19 PM
标题: 回复 #46 逍遥人-Shadow 的帖子
也不能一次过放多多 ...:a001:
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-17 04:08 PM
标题: 回复 #47 jeff_fu 的帖子
作者: jeff_fu    时间: 2007-6-17 09:36 PM
标题: 回复 #48 逍遥人-Shadow 的帖子
一边是华语 一边是翻译过来的英文 是吗?:a006:
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-18 09:44 PM
第26集出了。。。 等了好久。。
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-18 10:35 PM
标题: 回复 #50 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: 蓝蓝的天    时间: 2007-6-18 11:44 PM
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-19 03:40 PM
原帖由 蓝蓝的天 于 2007-6-18 11:44 PM 发表

作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-19 06:23 PM
标题: 回复 #52 蓝蓝的天 的帖子
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-19 06:26 PM
标题: 回复 #53 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: 鸿伟    时间: 2007-6-20 06:04 PM
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-20 06:32 PM
原帖由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-6-19 06:26 PM 发表

作者: 小条学长    时间: 2007-6-21 07:43 PM
我覺得王成還會touch down多一次...再由瀨那打敗阿進而逆轉勝利...
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-22 06:49 PM
标题: 回复 #57 Laopei2273 的帖子
:a013: 看不完才好嘛...
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-22 06:51 PM
标题: 回复 #58 小条学长 的帖子
时间已经到了,只看王成有没有touch down!
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-22 09:25 PM
原帖由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-6-22 06:49 PM 发表
:a013: 看不完才好嘛...

作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-24 01:06 PM
标题: 回复 #61 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: mrsunday    时间: 2007-6-24 01:12 PM
标题: 回复 #4 逍遥人-Shadow 的帖子
進清十郎 ,超帅的。。。(他太强了。。。。)
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-24 01:52 PM
标题: 回复 #63 mrsunday 的帖子
作者: mrsunday    时间: 2007-6-24 02:08 PM
标题: 回复 #64 逍遥人-Shadow 的帖子
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-6-26 08:36 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-6-28 03:43 PM
标题: 回复 #66 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-7-1 04:08 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-1 05:44 PM
标题: 回复 #68 Laopei2273 的帖子
作者: 堕天使┼小狼    时间: 2007-7-2 12:56 AM
标题: 瓦!!!
楼主好用心哦!!!哈哈!!!!:a006: 我更了解他们了!!!!谢谢楼主哦!!!!:a002:
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-2 03:19 PM
标题: 回复 #70 堕天使┼小狼 的帖子
作者: Naruto    时间: 2007-7-3 01:19 AM
比赛结束了!!!! 泥门赢罗!!!!!!
作者: 聖天使┼Ⅵ翼    时间: 2007-7-3 01:28 AM
作者: Naruto    时间: 2007-7-3 07:40 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-3 07:48 PM
标题: 回复 #72 Naruto 的帖子
作者: Laopei2273    时间: 2007-7-3 08:41 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-5 04:06 PM


[ 本帖最后由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-7-8 08:55 PM 编辑 ]
作者: mon    时间: 2007-7-8 07:37 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-9 04:38 PM
标题: 回复 #78 mon 的帖子
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-17 05:07 PM
Eyeshield 21的图片好难找哦....

作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-7-30 04:06 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-8-26 06:12 PM


作者: 想念的雨    时间: 2007-8-27 12:14 AM
作者: 想念的雨    时间: 2007-8-27 12:15 AM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-1 01:33 PM
标题: 回复 #84 想念的雨 的帖子
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-5 03:35 PM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-12 05:06 PM
作者: Naruto    时间: 2007-9-12 05:40 PM

作者: mon    时间: 2007-9-13 12:19 AM
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-15 03:04 PM
标题: 回复 #88 Naruto 的帖子
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-15 03:05 PM
标题: 回复 #89 mon 的帖子
作者: ~Chang~    时间: 2007-9-16 01:46 PM
标题: ~
作者: ~Chang~    时间: 2007-9-16 01:48 PM
标题: ~
作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-17 03:36 PM
标题: 回复 #93 ~Chang~ 的帖子
作者: lufia    时间: 2007-9-17 04:19 PM


作者: lufia    时间: 2007-9-17 04:19 PM


作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-17 05:07 PM
标题: 回复 #96 lufia 的帖子
作者: lufia    时间: 2007-9-18 11:24 PM
原帖由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-9-17 05:07 PM 发表

作者: lufia    时间: 2007-9-18 11:38 PM
原帖由 逍遥人-Shadow 于 2007-9-17 05:07 PM 发表

作者: 逍遥人-Shadow    时间: 2007-9-19 09:29 PM
标题: 回复 #99 lufia 的帖子

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