Most important step in skin care is not applying expensive skin care , it’s cleansing it properly and effectively. Try improving the way you cleanse your skin daily , you will notice wonderful changes that will surprise you.
Cybele has been focusing on developing skin and eco friendly handmade soap bars which can transform your skin into healthy condition. The delicate foam clears clog pores thoroughly, and nourishes it in the same time. Your daily cleansing routine step can make a huge difference if you want to improve skin condition..
After 4-6 weeks , you will notice:
- Pores refined
- Skin feels smoother and supple when you touch it
- Significantly reduces blackheads
- Reduced acne
- Brighter, healthier looking
〉For orders or consultation in Malaysia/Singapore , contact our support staff at :
Wechat: remy7777
Whatsapp: +65 97986096
Sms: +6018 2777197