Eat makes you healthy, smooth muscle, brain, black hair. Eat Lee urine, to five hemorrhoids. Peach mashed meat and pepper into the pores, the president of the black hair. Walnut and pine ashes research, can be deposited cervical lymphadenopathy fester. Also people eat walnuts appetizer, Tongrun blood, flesh and delicate. Qi and blood, moistening phlegm, benefits Vital, Lee triple burner, warm the lung intestines, governance Deficiency Asthma, lumbar and leg pain, heavy, confidants colic, Campylobacter intestinal wind, scattered swelling, pox sores, the system copper poisoning. With breaking paper pill clothes, make up the next focus. Treatment injury, urinary tract stones. Eat sour crisp cause tooth who can ponder walnut solutions. Adhere to a week to eat 2-3 walnuts, the risk of type 2 diabetes was reduced by 24%. And walnuts contain a reducing atherosclerosis, the artery remains soft so that the composition also contains antioxidants and α- linolenic acid, which will protect the nitrogen oxide, protects the arteries, contribute to good health.