标题: 【PS4】英雄伝説閃の軌跡III [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-16 06:02 PM
标题: 【PS4】英雄伝説閃の軌跡III
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-20 06:29 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
《闪之轨迹 III》制作确定
今日(2015 年 12 月 16 日)的日本 Falcom 股东大会上,官方正式定名《伊苏 8》为《伊苏 8 -Lacrimosa of DANA-》,并宣布将在 2016 年夏季推出本作,平台对应 PS Vita、PS Vita TV 以及 PS4,同时,官方网站与部分截图也公开了。
本作是自 2012 年 9 月的《伊苏:塞尔塞塔的树海》后时隔 4 年的最新作,故事将以一座位于格利克南方的盖提海上的浮岛「青莲岛(セイレン岛)」为舞台,除了增加在《伊苏:塞尔塞塔的树海》中颇受好评的探索型 Auto Mapping「地图作成」之外,也增加能够藉由集结众多漂流者而发展、扩大的「漂流村」,以及挑战由亚特鲁以外的漂流者们居住、 防卫之地区的「迎击战」。
其他也相当值得一提的是,日本 Falcom 首款在线游戏《晓之轨迹》也在今日更改营运日为 2016 年,并久违地更新了从发布后就没有更动过的官方网站。
至于之前便透露过的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列最新作亦正式宣布延用前作标题,暂定为《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》。 然而除了名称之外并无透露更多消息,详细后续消息仍有待官方日后逐次发表!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-27 06:30 PM
近藤社长:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》对应平台烦恼之中
-《闪之轨迹 III》稳步开发中,原本预定今夏真正着手开始,但基础部分已经完成,黎恩等人的新建模也做好了,不过对应平台上还是很烦恼,轨迹系列在PSV平台上的玩家更多,是作成PS4专用还是与PSV跨平台还在商讨之中。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-22 06:36 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》亚丽莎造型曝光 散发成熟魅力
最新的日本《电击》杂志透露了《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 》中亚丽莎的造型。这张图片来自“Falcom 2017 年日历”和《东京 Xanadu eX+》 的广告页。画面中的3D建模更加精细,而前两代女主亚丽莎看上去变得成熟迷人起来。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》将于 2017 年在日本发售,登陆平台还没有公布,但 Falcom 的 CEO Toshihiro Kondo 先前称他们正在考虑游戏是否 PS4 独占,还是同时登陆PSV。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-20 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-20 06:41 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is PS4-only, launches fall 2017 in Japan
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》发表! PS4 独占 2017 年秋季发售
日本 FALCOM 在今(20)日宣布,旗下知名角色扮演游戏系列《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》最新作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》将会于 PlayStation 4 主机独占推出,预定在 2017 年秋季发售。 本作同时也是轨迹系列首度登上 PlayStation 4 的作品。
根据官方的透露,《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》将会继承轨迹系列的故事性和指令式 RPG 要素,保持系列的优点并导入全新要素,并且针对游戏画面表现和操作性更进一步提升,带来正统进化的王道 RPG 游戏。
更详细的游戏内容虽尚未发表,但目前公布了《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的主视觉图,主角将由被视为军事国家「埃雷波尼亚帝国(エレボニア帝国)」的英雄-「里恩‧施瓦泽(リィン・シュバルツァー)」担纲,以他为中心展开新的年轻英雄们的新篇章。
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will launch as a PlayStation 4-only title in Japan in fall 2017, Falcom announced during its general meeting of shareholders today.
The game, the first entry in the series for PlayStation 4, will introduce a number of new elements while carrying over the story and strategic command RPG elements of previous works. From graphics to controls and usability, the game has justifiably evolved in every aspect.
Here’s an overview of the game’s story:
Septian Calendar 1206–. The end of the civil war led to the turning point of a new era for the Erebonian Empire. Centering on Rean Schwarzer as the “Ashen Chevalier,” the young man who came to be seen as a hero within the country, a new story of young heroes will unfold—.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-21 06:46 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》更多情报曝光 操作进化战斗无缝衔接
Falcom 于昨日2016 年 12 月 20 日正式公开了PS4 独占RPG新作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(Eiyuu Densetsu Sen no Kiseki 3)》,并宣布本作将于2017 年秋季发售。本作是「轨迹」系列首次登陆 PS4 平台。今天日本Falcom 社长近藤接受了采访,访谈中近藤社长解释了一些本作的游戏背景和一些进化要素。
问:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的故事是从什么时候开始的?
近藤:从《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》结束以后过了1 年半后开始。主角黎恩所在的7组成员都从已经从士官学校毕业,各自穿梭在自己的道路上。黎恩仍然处于2 代中被奥斯本利用的状态,主角开始踏上了新的旅途就是这个游戏的开始。
这次会描写帝国的西侧,本作还可以去有着像诺尔德一样又有巨神盘踞的布里塔尼亚岛。本作中《英雄传说 空之轨迹》的角色会再次登场加入队伍,并且和《英雄传说 零之轨迹》中登场的人物合流。主角黎恩的出生之迷也会在本作中揭晓。
近藤:基本的部分没有什么变化,作为指令战斗RPG 和以前差不多。
因为平台变成了PS4,PS4手柄的按键要多于 PSV,所以我们尝试把一些功能按钮分配到多出来的按键上就变成了现在的形式。目前还处于开发阶段,最后会不会一直是这样还不能确定,但是基本目标就是只用基本按键就能进行战斗的样子。
另外我们正在考虑战斗的无缝衔接。移动模式和以往一样,位置关系也是非常重要的。被偷袭时进入战斗后会被包围,系列游戏中距离的概念非常完好的保存了下来。游戏中还准备了brave order 这个全新的特殊指令。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-22 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-22 08:01 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》新情报 登场人数最多
据日本《Fami通》杂志情报《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》将在2017年秋季登陆PS4平台,本次包含Falcom的社长近藤季洋的专访,让我们一起来看看本作的魅力之处吧。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的舞台设立在第二部游戏结束后的一年半,新故事将会以帝国西部地区为舞台,玩家可以前往有巨神存在的诺尔德高原的布里塔尼亚岛。来自利贝尔王国的《空之轨迹》的角色将会再次登场并加入小队,《零之轨迹》的某个角色也会登场,7班的其他伙伴也会在本作登场,并且本作的人物角色将会是《轨迹》系列历史上最多的。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》战斗系统方面基本没有太大的变化,近藤表示本作的新 UI 在很久以前开始便作为攻坚课题重点推进。这次变成PS4独占后按键设计也更加有针对性,每个按钮将直接对应一个战斗命令的模式。不过目前游戏也仍然在开发当中,因此新 UI 的形式也还没完全固定下来。
本作的进入战斗时打算采用无缝切换的形式,会在地图上直接展开战斗,角色所处的位置保持不变,因此角色进入战斗时的站位就变得重要起来。被敌人从背后偷袭时会被包围,以及距离等概念依旧会保留。本作中还新增了 Brave Order 特殊指令,这是黎恩作为队长时才有的指令。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-16 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-20 06:13 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details prologue, main characters, more
新生七班始动! 《闪之轨迹 III》公布由黎恩所率领之新小组成员介绍等情报
日本 FALCOM 在近日(2017 年 3 月 16 日)正式揭晓了预计在 2017 年秋季发售的《轨迹》系列最新作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的首批情报,同时也终于正式开张游戏官方网站!
本作最初是在 2016 年 12 月 20 日宣布将在 2017 年秋季于 PlayStation 4 平台上独占推出,也是继 2014 年 9 月推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》后,睽违近三年的全新正统续作。
在本次所揭晓的首批情报中,首先便是由新旧面孔「黎恩·舒华泽(リィン・シュバルツァー)」、「尤娜‧克罗弗德(ユウナ・クロフォード)」、「克尔特‧范德尔(クルト・ヴァンダール)」与「亚尔缇娜‧奥莱恩(アルティナ・オライオン)」等四位主要人物所组成的新生 VII 班「VII 班‧特务科」的初步介绍。
「但是你...... 但是你们...... 要继续向前走啊......」
── 这番话,让他们下定了决心
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the prologue, characters Rean Schwarzer, Kurt Vander, Juna Crawford, and Altina, and some keywords.
七耀历 1206 年春天的那场内战后过了约 1 年半,帝国在并吞了塞姆利亚最大的贸易都市克洛斯贝尔自治州,与数月后接续吞并了诺森比亚自治州之后,领土大幅超越了宿敌卡尔瓦德共和国。 帝国成为了大陆最大的国家。
另一方面,帝国政府加速执行中央集权化,税制也被统一标准了,过去贵族统治地区出现了混乱和弱化等等一系列问题。 其中,过去在内战时暗中行动的「噬身之蛇」,夹杂着大量猎兵团和共和国的行动,逐渐打破沉默开始行动。
与此同时,一名青年来到了帝都西郊的利布斯小镇。 他的名字是「灰色骑士」黎恩舒华泽。
2 月,从名校托尔兹军官学校毕业的他,选择了作为教官而迈进,在新的分校「托尔兹军官学院·利布斯第二分校」工作。 与完全变成军事学校的总校不同,这间学校是被称为「吊车尾」的分校,接收的都是一些有缘由的贵族子女和问题少年,还有外国人学生。 分校长是由原贵族联合军总司令的「某位人物」担任。
然后,在三个班当中,VII 班「特务科」,正是由黎恩所带领的特科班。
Get the details below.
■ Prologue
“You, you guys walk looking straight ahead…”
“Just go earnestly, single-mindedly forward…”
—Those words determined their perseverance and resolution.
Septian Calendar 1206, spring—nearly a year-and-a-half after the civil war. The Erebonian Empire—which annexed the continent’s greatest trade city, Crossbell State, and a few months later also annexed the North Ambria State—has significantly exceeded its longtime rival, the Calvard Republic, and in both reality and in name has become the continent’s greatest nation.
On the other hand, the centralization of power has accelerated by way of the Imperial government, and by unifying the tax system the areas ruled by nobles were disturbed and weakened. New problems were also born.
Meanwhile, the secret society “Ouroboros,” which maneuvered in secret during the civil war, broke its silence and began to move behind closed doors as to blend in with the activities of the Jaeger Corps and the Republic.
At the same time, a black-haired young man arrives in the Imperial western suburb of Reaves. Rean Schwarzer, the “Ashen Chevalier.” As a student, he was the “young hero” who contributed to the end of the civil war by piloting the Ashen Knight, Valimar, and even played an active role in the Crossbell Front and Northern War—.
He just graduated from the prestigious Thors Military Academy in February, but chooses the new path of an “instructor” and takes up a new post at a certain new school—-Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
In contrast to the main school, which became a full-fledged military school after the enrollment of the crown prince, the Branch School accepts special case nobles, problem children, foreigners, and the like. The headmaster served as a general commander of the old Noble Alliance—.
Among the three classes that make up the school, there is Class VII, “Special Duty Division”—a special duty class with a small number of students in which Rean serves as the instructort.
黎恩·舒华泽(リィン・シュバルツァー/Rean Schwarzer)
『我们彼此都是新人同伴。 作为伙伴一起挥洒汗水,切磋琢磨吧! 』
托尔兹军官学院特科班 VII 班的 20 岁青年,以太刀作为主要使用武器,同时也是灰之骑神瓦利玛的启动者。
军官学院毕业后被政府强烈要求加入帝国军,却坚持推辞。 为了传承托尔兹的精神,与为了使自己和骑神不再被利用,来到了帝都西郊新开设的问题学校「第二分校」当教官。
在内战时利用自身「鬼之力」 渡过不少危机,但如今这个力量渐渐不稳定,现在变得已经难以控制。 在本作中关于他自身力量的变化,以及身世之谜将会逐渐被解开。
■ Characters
Rean Schwarzer
“We’re newcomers all the same. Let’s sweat and improve together as friends.”
Age: 20
Weapon: Long sword
A young man who was enrolled at Thors Military Academy in the special division class, Class VII, and the Awakener of the Ashen Knight, Valimar.
A year-and-a-half ago, he contributed his services to the Erebonian Empire civil war, to the annexation of Crossbell State, and then to the annexation of North Ambria State, and became a hero in the Empire known as the Ashen Chevalier.
After graduating from the Military Academy, the government strongly urged him to join the Imperial army, but he politely refused. In order to preserve the spirit of Thors, and more than that in order to refrain from using the Ashen Knight Valimar or his own power, he chooses to take on the job of a n instructor at the “II Branch School,” a school with an interesting backstory that is newly established in the western suburbs of the Imperial capital.
尤娜‧克罗弗德(ユウナ・クロフォード/Juna Crawford)
『在 VII 班里得出答案之前,我是绝对不会输给帝国人的! 』
旧克洛斯贝尔出身、充满正义感的 17 岁少女。 以拐棍与枪结合的复合型装备「旋棍枪」为武器,战斗中能在「枪械模式」与「拐棍模式」间切换。
之后,她接受了某个黎恩也认识的「某人」的意见,为了确认埃雷波尼亚帝国到底是不是真正 的「侵略国家」而以克洛斯贝尔州市民的身份入学第二分校。
Juna Crawford
“I can’t lose to the Imperials until I achieve results with Class VII!”
Age: 17
Weapon: Gun breaker (a tonfa-and-gun combination that can strike and shoot)
A lively girl from the old Crossbell State filled with a sense of justice.
Admiring the work of the Crossbell Police “Special Support Section,” which has resolved various difficult cases, she successfully enters the police academy, but her dreams were crushed after Crossbell is occupied by the Erebonian Empire.
Meanwhile, Juna, who received a proposal from a certain someone, decides to enter the “Thors II Branch School” in order to ascertain the current condition of the Empire as an “aggressor nation,” and to show her pride as a Crossbell citizen.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-16 06:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-20 06:16 PM 编辑
克尔特·范德尔(クルト・ヴァンダール/Kurt Vander)
『这就是八叶一刀流的舒华泽教官吗? 老实说,好像没有传闻中的厉害啊。 』
生于帝国有名的武门「范德尔家」的 17 岁青年,以双剑作为武器,是个有着一头在范德尔一族中少见的青灰色的头发的美男子。
在双剑剑术方面是天才。 本来对作为范德尔家族守护皇族的使命感充满斗志。 然而却由于「铁血宰相」吉利亚斯·奥斯本的策略,范德尔家被从守护皇族这一职责中解任,因而失去了自己的目标。
Kurt Vander
“The Eight Leaves One Blade-style Professor Schwarzer, huh?… I honestly haven’t heard of him.”
Age: 17
Weapon: Dual swords (huge)
A smart, handsome young man born to the Vander family, which is known as the military family of the Empire. He has bluish-gray hair, which is unusual among his family.
He possesses masterful skills in dual swordsmanship and was filled with a sense of duty to protect the Imperial family as a member of the Vander family, but after the civil war ended, the family was dismissed of its employment as protection for the Imperial family as a result of “Blood and Iron Chancellor” Giliath Osbourne’s tactics, and he lost his goal.
Following his disappointment, he tried to turn down his admission to Thors Military Academy, but after a recommendation from his older brother Mueller, he hesitantly walks the path to the “II Branch School.”
亚尔缇娜‧奥莱恩(アルティナ・オライオン/Altina Orion)
『既然隶属于分校,那么我认为「黎恩教官的班级」就是最合适的。 』
从属于帝国军情报局、被称作「黑免」的看似缺少感情的少女,推测年龄 14 岁。
使役着最新锐战术壳光剑,在内战时期作为贵族联合中的内应在各地开展特殊行动。 内战终结后,作为情报局特工完成各式各样的任务。
在监视灰色骑士黎恩舒华泽的同时,也作为黎恩的同伴支持着他。 而在黎恩受命担任教官之后,也作为学生被派遣到第二分校....
Altina Orion
“Since you’ve joined the branch school, I think ‘Professor Rean’s Class’ is appropriate.”
Age: 14?
Weapon: Claimh=Solais
A girl who belongs to the Imperial Intelligence Agency, goes by the code-name “Black Rabbit,” and who lacks emotion. She uses a state-of-the-art combat shell called “Claimh=Solais,” and during the civil war was doing special work in various places as a “fake” who deceived the Noble Alliance.
Since the end of the civil war, she has been carrying out various missions for the Intelligence Agency, and monitoring the “Ashen Chevalier” Rean Schwarzer’s actions in order to support his mission as a partner.
Following Rean’s inauguration as an instructor, Altina is also dispatched to the “II Branch School” as a “student”…
因传统的保守势力 「贵族派」和新兴势力的「革新派」发生了冲突而产生内战。 最后在拘禁「贵族派」领袖与贵族联合军队瓦解的情况下,内战落幕,由「革新派」获得了胜利。
现在,「革新派」领袖 吉利亚斯·奥斯本作为帝国政府代表,在其主导下,开始对周边地区进行侵略,接续并吞克洛斯贝尔自治州与其他地区,急速地扩大领土中。
■ Keywords
Erebonian Empire
Located in the western part of the continent Zemuria, Erebonia is a giant military nation.
Though a short civil war caused conflict between the traditional conservative forces of the “Noble Faction” and the emerging powers of the “Reformist Faction,” the situation was resolved after the arrest of the Noble Faction leader and the dissolution of the Noble Alliance.
Afterwards, under the leadership of Giliath Osbourne, the leader of the Reformist Faction and the Imperial government representative, the Empire is using its powerful military strength to rapidly press forward with invasions and territorial expansions to its surrounding areas such as Crossbell State and North Ambria.
夹在埃雷波尼亚和卡尔瓦德两大国之间发展起来的巨大贸易都市。 帝国在一年前将其并入版图,从「克洛斯贝尔自治州」改名为「克洛斯贝尔州」,并由帝国贵族卢法斯·艾尔巴雷亚所统治。
Crossbell State
A trade city developed in the space between the Erebonian Empire and Calvard Republic. It was annexed by the Empire one year ago and is under the rule of Imperial noble governor-general Rufus Albarea.
Although its function as a center for trade and finance is now returning, the tension immediately following the annexation have yet to be resolved, and rumors of a resistance for Crossbell’s liberation have started to circulate.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-20 06:16 PM
因帝国名门托尔兹士官学校变为帝国正规军的正式军官学校,遂于帝国西郊新设立的分校。 专门接纳因某些原因而立场困难的贵族子女、外国人与克洛斯贝尔的市民,其他还有在北方战役中活跃的人物和有名的导力学者等各式各样的人才。
本校分为 I ~ VI 班,而第二分校则为战术科 VIII 班、主计科 IX 班以及集结了极少数成员并由黎恩担任教官的特务科 VII 班等三个班级。
Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School
Following the transformation of the Empire’s prestigious Thors Military Academy into the full-fledged military school of the Imperial Army of Erebonia, a new branch school was established in the western suburbs of the Empire.
It is a gathering of various capable persons, including noble children in difficult positions, foreigners, those born in Crossbell State, those who played a role in the Northern War, renown scholars with the ability to lead, and extremely exceptional staff such as Rean Schwarzer, who is known as a young hero and goes into teaching.
There are six classes in the main school, Classes I to VI, and three classes in the Branch School, the “Tactics Division” (Class VIII), “Accounting Division” (Class IX), and the class led by Rean, the “Special Duty Division” (Class VII).
VII 班‧特务科
黎恩所担任教官执导、被称为「VII 班·特务科」的班级。
VII 班由黎恩作为教官亲自率领,被期许着成为能达成各式各样目标的活跃特务小队,并为此仅招收了 尤娜、克尔特以及 亚尔缇娜三人组成小规模班级。
其设立目的与黎恩曾经所属的托尔兹军官学院·特科班「VII 班」似乎有着差别。
Special Duty Division (Class VII)
A special class at the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School where Rean Schwarzer serves as an instructor.
Led by instructor Rean himself, the class is expected to work as a special platoon that will accomplish various objectives. For that reason, it is a small class made up of only three people: Juna, Kurt, and Altina.
Vander Family
The military family in charge of the protection of the Arnor Imperial family. It is also renown as the family that inherits the “Vander Style,” one of the two major swordsmanship styles passed down in the Erebonian Empire. The family has produced many capable soldiers, such as Mueller, who is a childhood friend and body guard of the Imperial family’s Prince Olivert, and Lieutenant-General Zechs, who leads the Imperial Army of Erebonia’s 3rd Panzer Division.
A state-of-the-art model of the weapon and combat shell used by some within the Erebonian Empire. Not only does it excel as a weapon, it can communicate with its user in a special language, etc. There are many mysteries that surround it. Millium, who shares the last name Orion with Altina, uses a white isomorphic machine called “Airgetlam.”
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan this fall.
游戏名称:英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III
游戏原名:英雄伝说 闪の轨迹III
游戏类型:故事 RPG
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2017 年秋季
开发厂商:日本 FALCOM
发行厂商:日本 FALCOM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-11 10:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-11 10:45 PM 编辑
《闪之轨迹 III》更多新角色登场 托娃依旧没长个
FALCOM 预定于 2017年秋发售的 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》在本周电击PS杂志公开新角色情报,看速报这波公开的新角色名字,之前有网友解析的官网内容看来是真的了。
阿修·卡百德 17岁
缪泽·伊格雷特 16岁
奥蕾莉亚・勒瑰恩 32岁
托娃·赫歇尔 21岁
米海尔少佐 28岁
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-13 06:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-14 06:36 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Musse and Ash, neighboring town Reaves
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the new characters Musse Egret and Ash Carbide, and the provincial town of Reaves.
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站公开第二分校新学生「穆洁」、「亚修」相关消息
日本 Falcom 在昨(13)日,更新了预定在今年秋季发售的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III)》官网,并公开两位新角色的情报。
本次公开的两位角色分别是,西方名门. 伊格雷特伯爵家出身,外表清秀、言行又带有说服力的少女「穆洁. 伊格雷特(ミュゼ・イーグレット)」,以及出生在帝国西方贫民街,外表看似阳光正向,骨子里却充满煞气的不良青年「亚修. 卡拜多(アッシュ・カーバイド)」。 另外,穆洁与亚修共同就读的「托尔兹士官学院. 第二分校(トールズ士官学院・第 II 分校)」附近的「近郊都市里布斯(近郊都市リーヴス)」相关消息也会一并公开。
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Musse Egret
“How do you do, Professor Rean? I am inexperienced, but I look forward to your class.”
Age: 16
Weapon: Magical Carbine
A girl characterized by elegant and bewitching behavior, born to the noble family of count Egret in the western part of the Empire.
She is enrolled in “Class IX: Accounting Division.”
Although she receives good grades and has the grace of a noble’s daughter, there is something unfathomable about her, as she tries to seduce newcomer professor Rean at every opportunity.
She previously attended Saint Astraia Girls’ School in the Imperial capital, but dropped out after the civil war due to various circumstances.
Half a year later, and suddenly aspiring to walk the path of a soldier, she is admitted to attend Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
穆洁. 伊格雷特(十六岁/武器:魔导骑枪)
「——贵安,里恩教官。 晚辈才疏学浅,敬请教官多多指教啰? 」
西方名门. 伊格雷特伯爵家的出身,外表清秀、言行又带有说服力的少女。 登记于《IX 班,会计科》。 不仅成绩优秀又有贵族女子般的教养,却又令人感到深不可测。 一有机会便引诱里恩这位新人教官。 过去曾就读位在帝都的圣亚斯特莱亚女学院(圣アストライア女学院),在内战后因为诸多原因而从女学院退学。
过了半年后,突然志在军人之道而选择托尔兹士官学院. 第二分校入学......
Ash Carbide
“Does it feel good to ride around in The Ashen Toy and work as a government dog?”
Age: 17
Weapon: Variable Axe
A young man who grew up in the slums of the entertainment capital in the western part of the Empire, who at first glance is somewhat shady and impudent.
He is enrolled in “Class VIII: Tactics Division.”
During the civil war, he formed a team of hooligans, and nearly killed the brigand that attacked the entertainment capital while fighting to repel them—to the point that even the Imperial Army of Erebonia and Bracer Guild acknowledged his prowess.
However, he turned down all of their solicitations, and instead enrolls in Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School under the recommendation of someone who knows “the past” lost in his childhood.
He has a large build, but a physique flexible as a leopard, and can even bring down higher ranking opponents with his underhanded tactics.
For some reason, he is provocative towards professor Rean, picking a fight at every opportunity.
亚修. 卡拜多(十七岁/武器:多变化战斧(ヴァリアブルアクス))
「搭着灰色的玩具到处兜风,当政府的走狗工作原来是这么爽啊? 」
从小在帝国西边的贫民街长大,外表乍看之下很阳光,骨子里却透出满满煞气的不良青年。 登记于《VIII 班,战术科》。 在内战中与一帮恶棍集结组织,并且将袭击都市的野盗团杀个半死不活、击退——也因此受到正规军与游击兵协会的瞩目。 但是亚修不仅完全拒绝他们的邀请,还透过知晓「他的过去」的某人推荐入学,进入《第二分校》就读。
筋骨如同花豹般灵活柔软,面对越级的对手也能出奇不意撂倒在地。 不知道为什么特别喜欢跟教官里恩对呛,一有机会就找他麻烦......
■ World
A scenic neighboring town where Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School is newly established, located in the western outskirts of Erebonian Empire capital Heimdallr.
A certain Baron once ruled the area, but has since fallen, and after that it was provisionally treated as an Imperial territory.
Although it was not damaged much during the civil war that occurred in the Empire, there are residents who have lost their families, and the establishment of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School has become a complicated thought.
On the other hand, the residents are warmly welcoming the students, and those who’ve moved here are also opening new stores.
位在帝都海姆达尔的西边近郊,风光明媚的地方都市。 从前由某男爵家自治,但是在他没落后,便暂时划入皇帝家的直辖区域内治理。
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan this fall.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-13 07:21 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》新人物舞台详细介绍 画面公开
FALCOM预定于2017年秋发售的PS4平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹3》本周杂志公开新情报,这次介绍了与主人公黎恩率领的“VII组 特务科”有着密切关联的登场人物。
近郊都市 利贝斯
缪泽·伊格雷特 16岁
阿修·卡百德 17岁
奥蕾莉亚・勒瑰恩 32岁
米海尔少佐 28岁
托娃·赫歇尔 21岁
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-20 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-22 03:55 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Aurelia Le Guin, Towa Herschel, and Michael
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the new characters Aurelia Le Guin, Towa Herschel, and Michael.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Aurelia Le Guin
“It is good to show the young birds the spirit of the Ashen Chevalier as much as possible.”
Age: 32
A woman who at a young age became fully proficient in the two major schools of swordsmanship—Vander and Arseid—and is the countess of the Le Guin family also known by the name “Golden Rakshasa.”
During the civil war, she fought against the Imperial Army of Erebonia as the general commander of the Noble Alliance, launched the Panzer Soldats Unit as a new weapon with her trusted friend Wallace Bardias, and as the invincible and undefeated, continued to achieve overwhelming military results.
After the civil war, Aurelia received news of lord Cayenne’s official arrest, and withdrew to the marine fort, which is the base of western Erebonia, in response to the Imperial Army’s ceasefire.
During the Northen War a few months later, in negotiation with the Imperial government, she mobilized her army to invade North Ambria and annex it as a new Imperial territory. After that, she retired from the military and entrusted future affairs to Wallace, but for some reason assumes the office of principle at the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
Towa Herschel
“As a graduate of the same Thors, let’s overcome it together!”
Age: 21
A woman who appears young, but is brilliant and hard working, and becomes the professor in charge of “Class IX: Accounting Division” at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
She showcased her ability as the student council president when she attended Thors Military Academy, when she dealt with the disorder at the Imperial Summer Solstice Festival, and at the Crossbell Trade Conference.
During the civil war, as the captain of the cruiser Courageous, she also contributed to the liberation of the Imperial capital with her superior commanding capability.
She was in great demand after graduation, but as a study to ascertain the “future of the Empire,” she participated in various non-governmental organization (NGO) activities all around the Empire—.
In doing this, Towa, who sensed that the Empire will soon walk a turbulent path, chooses the road of education at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School in order to preserve the spirit of Thors and improve the Empire’s situation, even if only by a little.
“Schwarzer, what is sought here is not a heroic deed by The Ashen Knight.”
Age: 28
A serious and straight-laced elite special duty major of the Railway Military Police.
During the civil war, he fought alongside Prince Olivert while supporting the Imperial Army that was driven into the western part of the Empire.
While he has an open rivalry against Claire Rieveldt, also known as the “Ice Maiden” and who is of the same rank as him, he seems to somewhat worry about her.
He is dispatched to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School as a chief professor, but his purpose is to monitor Aurelia, a target of necessary caution, and uses the school as a countermeasure against Jaeger and societies that maneuver in secret.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan this fall.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-22 03:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-22 03:59 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Aurelia Le Guin, Towa Herschel, and Michael
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》托尔兹士官学院、第二分校长奥蕾莉亚及勒瑰恩等角色情报公开
日本 Falcom 于昨(20)日公布,将在 2017 年秋季发售的 PlayStation 4 专用 RPG 游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》内登场角色的最新情报。
本次报导中将介绍于本作登场的奥蕾莉亚・勒瑰恩(オーレリア・ルグィン)(登场作品《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 II)》)、托娃・赫歇尔(トワ・ハーシェル)(登场作品《英雄传说 闪之轨迹(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹)》《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》),及米海尔少校(ミハイル少佐)等人的背景设定。 他们都与主角里恩任职教官的托尔兹士官学院・第二分校有所关联。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站近日(4 月 20 日(四))更新!
日本 Falcom 于近日(4 月 20 日(四)14:00)更新象征该公司的高人气剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作,将于 2017 年秋季发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
奥蕾莉亚・勒瑰恩(32 岁)
※登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》
「让这些小毛头好好见识一下《灰色骑士》的骨气吧。 」
托娃・赫歇尔(21 岁)
※ 登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》/《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》
「同样身为托尔兹的毕业生,齐心同力度过各种难关吧! 」
第二分校 IX 组・后勤科负责教官,外表看似年幼却是名优秀努力的女性。
在这之中,托娃察觉到帝国情势逐渐不安稳,为了改善帝国的现状下定决心选择在第二分校 “执教” 的道路。
米海尔少校(28 岁)
隶属 TMP(铁路宪兵队),个性认真顽固的菁英特务少校。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-9 07:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-9 07:17 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》发售日确定于 9 月 28 日发售
日本 Falcom 预定在今年秋季发售的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III)》PS4 平台游戏速报消息,游戏将于 9 月 28 日正式发售,莎拉、托瓦尔、G·施密特博士以及好久不见的阿加特、炮萝提妲确定登场。更多详情将陆续在本文中进行更新。繁体中文版未知是否同步发售。
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III launches September 28 in Japan
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will launch for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.
The magazine also confirms that characers Agate Crosner, Sara Valestein, Toval Randonneur, Tita Russell, and G. Schmidt will appear in the game. Systems such as “Direct Command,” “Brave Order,” “Craft,” and “Style Change” will also appear.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-11 11:22 AM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》新角色系统情报
日本 Falcom 预定在今年秋季发售的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III)》PS4 平台游戏速报消息,游戏将于 9 月 28 日正式发售。更多详情将陆续在本文中进行更新。繁体中文版未知是否同步发售。此次还公开了新确定登场的角色,都是大家熟悉的面孔了,详情如下:
28岁 武器:重剑
埃雷波尼亚帝国也有着游击士协会支部,但是由于在大陆全土暗中活跃的秘密结社“噬身之蛇”所操控的杰斯塔猎兵团的袭击,而蒙受巨大损失,再加上帝国宰相奥兹本的施压,使协会的规模逐渐缩小,在《闪之轨迹 II》的时点,所属于帝国支部的游击士们已经散落于各地。
提妲·拉塞尔 16岁
G·施密特博士 72岁
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-13 07:32 AM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》9 月 28 日发售 同时推出附美术书特典的「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」
日本 Falcom 于昨(11)日公布 PlayStation 4 专用 RPG 游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》将于 9 月 28 日发售。 相较于首次公布时的 “2017 年秋季”,在发售时期上曝光了确切的日期。
普通版价格为 7800 日圆,除此之外以特制美术盒收纳原声带、软胶吊饰四款、美术书、原创 DLC 下载序号等 4 大特典的「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」(以下简称《KISEKI BOX》)则为 9200 日圆(皆为未税)。 首批限定特典部分,普通版、《KISEKI BOX》皆为「《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》多功能桌历 2017~2018」。
此外在《KISEKI BOX》里附赠的原创 DLC 下载序号,可让《特务科・VII 班》成员换上托尔兹士官学院・本校正式采用的 “深红制服”。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》是自《英雄传说 空之轨迹(英雄伝说 空の轨迹)》延续至今的《轨迹系列》最新作。 本作除了继承蕴含战略性的指令式 RPG 系统及带有故事性的剧情等系列作各项优点,还导入了许多全新要素使画面表现及操作性得以提升。
舞台为适时七曜历 1206 年的巨大军事国家・埃雷波尼亚帝国(エレボニア帝国),故事将以自托尔兹(トールズ)士官学院特科班《VII 班》毕业的青年里恩・施瓦泽 (リィン・シュバルツァー)为中心展开。
PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
决定将于 2017 年 9 月 28 日(四)发售!
~同时发售内含 4 大特典的「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」~
日本 Falcom 近日公布该公司代名词之一的剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作,PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》,决定将于 2017 年 9 月 28 日(四)发售。
除了普通版,也将同时发售以特制美术盒收纳豪华 4 大精品的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III 初回限定 KISEKI BOX》。
「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」里附赠的精品详细内容
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III 初回限定 KISEKI BOX》是将此限定版才能获得的特制原声带、软胶吊饰、美术书等豪华 4 大精品收纳于特制美术盒内的限量版本。
(1)《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》原声带 mini -Limited Edition-
从游戏使用的乐曲中精选 BGM,收录为「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」特仕版的特制原声带!
(2)《特务科・VII 班》SD 橡胶吊饰 全套组合(共 4 种)
使用了本作主角《特务科・VII 班》主任教官里恩・施瓦泽,以及优娜(ユウナ)、克尔特(クルト)、亚尔缇娜(アルティナ)等 VII 班学生们的俏皮 SD 插画制成,共 4 款特制橡胶吊饰套组。
(3)《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》特制 128 页 全彩美术书
集结《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》各角色印象插图、特写图片、形象构图、游戏内肖像等各种美丽图片,共 128 页的特制全彩美术书。
(4)原创 DLC「来自托尔兹士官学院的邀请函」
能让《特务科・VII 班》成员换上托尔兹士官学院・本校正式采用的深红制服,「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」的专属下载序号。
首批特典:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》多功能桌历 2017~2018
大量使用《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》美丽插图的 2017 年~2018 年月历。
※ 首批特典为「通常版」「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」共通的内容。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》游戏信息
游戏名称:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
游戏类型:剧情 RPG
支持平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2017 年 9 月 28 日 (四)
【普通版】8424 日圆(未税 7800 日圆)
【初回限定 KISEKI BOX】9936 日圆(未税 9200 日圆)
◆ 缇妲・拉赛尔(16 岁)
※ 登场作品:《英雄传说 空之轨迹》系列
「阿加特也要多小心,别太过勉强自己了! 」
出身于利贝尔王国热爱机械的少女,也是天才导力学家・拉赛尔博士的孙女。 就读「IX 班・后勤科」。
在四年前发生的《利贝尔异变》,以开发最先进导力器闻名的 ZCF(蔡斯中央工房(ツァイス中央工房))年轻技师身分协助阿加特等游击士,对解决事件作出了贡献。
在这之后,缇妲从过去的同伴奥利巴特皇子那得到的情报里,得知了帝国正持续产生某种异变后,不顾母亲强力反对,以 “交换留学生” 的名义进入《第二分校》就读。
◆ 阿加特・科洛斯纳(28 岁)
※ 登场作品:《英雄传说 空之轨迹》系列
「状况一旦变糟我就会二话不说把妳带回去。 ――知道吗,缇妲。 」
出身利贝尔王国的 A 级游击士,挥舞超出自己身高的巨剑而得到《重剑》的外号。
4 年前震撼利贝尔王国的《利贝尔异变》后,于国内外创下了众多功绩而升级为 A 级游击士。
内战终结后,察觉到结社及猎兵团在帝国内持续行动着的阿加特,决定进入帝国,协助遭情报局压迫 “几乎陷入崩溃” 的帝国游击士协会分部,同时也是为了协助过去的战友奥利巴特皇子。
一边担心着前往《第二分校》就读的缇妲,同时为了找出 14 年前引发利贝尔与帝国之间《百日战役》的 “某个事件” 真相而独自展开行动。
◆ G・施密特博士(72 岁)
※ 登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 II)》
「我只对自己的研究有兴趣。 《灰之启动者》你可要好好发挥功用啊。 」
为了满足自己对知识的好奇心,从年轻时就与损友古恩・莱恩福尔特(グレン・ラインフォルト)一起接连研发出导力铁路及导力炮、巨型工程机械等发明。 结果间接促使帝国在导力技术上的发展。
在《第二分校》担任特别顾问。 持续运用各种设施及学生来推动新技术的开发与研究,将前来就学的缇妲视为徒弟乔治的替代品并锻炼她。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-13 07:35 AM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Agate Crosner, Tita Russell, G. Schmidt, more
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing new characters Agate Crosner, Tita Russell, and G. Schmidt, as well as the Japanese limited edition and first-print bonus.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Tita Russell
Age: 16
“You take care too, Agate! Please don’t overdo it!”
A genius orbal scholar and the granddaughter of Dr. Russel, she is a girl from the Liberl Kingdom who loves fiddling with machines.
She enrolls in “Class IX: Accounting Division” of the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
During the “Liberl Disaster” that occurred four years prior, as a young engineer of the Zeiss Central Factory, which is known for its leading edge orbment development, she worked with Agate and the other Bracers, and contributed to the resolution of the accident.
After that, Tita, who learned that some sort of disaster was occurring in the empire thanks to information from her former companion Prince Olivert, enrolls in the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School as an “exchange student” despite her mother’s opposition.
While learning about orbal technology, and in order to see Panzer Soldats and Combat Shells with her own eyes, she studies under Professor Shchmidt.
Agate Crosner
Age: 28
Weapon: Great sword
An A-rank Bracer from the Liberl Kingdom, who possesses the nickname “Heavy Blade” from the fact that he wields a giant sword bigger than himself.
After the “Liberl Disaster” that shook the Liberl Kingdom four years prior, he made numerous achievements both inside and outside of the country and as promoted to A-rank. He became known as a top-class power within the Bracer’s Guild.
After the end of the Civil War, Agate, who sensed indication of the societies and jaeger corps moving within the empire, and as a supporter of the Imperial guild, which was “nearly destroyed” under the pressure of the Intelligence Agency, decided to enter the Empire in order to save Prince Olivert, who he once fought alongside.
While worrying about Tita, who was accepted to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, he moves independently to discover the truth behind a “certain incident” that started the “Hundred Days War” that broke out between the Liberl Kingdom and the Empire 14 years ago.
G. Schmidt
Age: 72
“I am only interested in my research. We’ll have you be as useful as possible, “Ashen Awakener”
As an orbal engineer admired as the Empire’s leading mind, he is one of the “three disciples” next to Dr. Russel and Dr. Hamilton.
In order to satisfy his intellectual curiosity, he worked with Gwyn Reinford from a young age to invent the orbal railroad, orbal guns, and giant machine tools one after the next.
As a result, he promoted the development of orbal technology in the Empire.
During the Civil War, under the request of Noble Alliance leader Duke Cayenne, he designed the “Panzer Soldats” using “The Azure Knight” Ordine and Archaisms as reference. Out of mere curiosity, he also cooperated in the production of “The Ashen Knight” Valimar’s long sword.
He assumes the office of special adviser at the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
While students and each of the school’s facilities to push ahead on the research and development of new technologies, he trains Tita as a new disciple candidate, who visits to replace George Nome, his former disciple.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-13 07:35 AM
■ Keywords
Einhel Fortlet
A huge indoor training facility designed and constructed by Professor G. Schmidt, who had it built when he assumed the position of special adviser at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
It is possible to change the composition of the facility through a large-scale orbal mechanism. The facility is used as a place for all sorts of battle training, as well as for testing the efficiency of new weapons.
Agate lived in his hometown of Ravennue Village with his little sister Misha, but when the “Hundred Days War” between the Liberl Kingdom and Erebonia Empire began, and stray bullets rained down from above them, Misha’s life was taken. This incident left a grave wound in Agate’s heart, and the time following it was rough as he went on to lead a delinquent gang in Ruan called the “Ravens.” He regains his footing after meeting a Bracer named Cassius Bright, and while he himself becomes a Bracer, the sadness from his sister’s death was not healed. His meeting Tita is what allows him to face the past and grow as a person.
With the primary objective of protecting civilian security and local peace, Bracers are those who take on various requests from the people and belong to a non-government organization called the Bracers Guild. The content of these requests range from everyday things such as letter deliver and searching for things, to wider-ranging requests such as defeating monsters and things that go beyond the borders of the country, such as cross-national negotiations. However, it cannot intervene against the power of the state.
Russell Family
Tita’s family, and a researcher family, so to speak. Tita’s grandfather Professor Albert Russell is one of the personal pupils of Professor Epstein, who brought orbal civilization to the continent of Zemuria. Professor Russel contributed to the development of orbal technology in the Liberl Kingdom. Tita’s mother Erica, who is also a researcher, works alongside her husband Dan outside of the Liberl Kingdom as engineering guidance. Tita, of course, is talented when it comes to machines, and the disposition she has, where her surroundings disappear when it comes to her research, seems to have been of great influence from her grandfather and mother. Tita’s mother Erica dotes on her, and for that reason sees Agate as a bad bug advancing on her daughter.
Liberl Kingdom
A small country located in the southwestern part of the continent of Zemuria, the Liberl Kingdom is made up of five provinces surrounding the Valleria Lakeshore located in the center of the country. It borders on two major powers—the Erebonian Empire to the north and the Calvard Republic to the east. Although its national power is inferior to those two countries, it has maintained its independence through its abundance of sepith resources, excellent technology, and moreover its skilled diplomacy under Queen Alicia. Although it has been attacked by various major incidents—such as the “Hundred Days War,” in which the Erebonian Empire invaded the Liberl Kingdom, the “Coup Attempt Incident” by the Liberl Royal Army’s Intelligence Division, and the “Liberl Disaster” planned by the “Ouroboros” secret society—it survived and managed to avoid further problems thanks to the army and Bracers.
Grancel – The imperial capital, located southeast of Valleria Lakeshore. The entire area is surrounded by an ancient wall called “Ahnenburg.”
Rolent – Located northeast of Valleria Lakeshore, Rolent has an idyllic landscape with agriculture and mining at its heart. It is the hometown of Estelle Bright, the protagonist of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.
Bose – Located north of Valleria Lakeshore, Bose shares a border with the Erebonian Empire. Its livelihood is based on commerce, and it is famous for its Bose Market where all sorts of items can be found.
Ruan – Located west of Valleria Lakeshore, it once prospered in the fishing and shipping industries, but those have gradually declined, and it is now moving its focus towards the tourism industry.
Zeiss – Located south of Valleria Lakeshore, Zeiss is where the Zeiss Central Factory is based, and is the center of the orbal industry. Its technology standard is top-class, even compared to the rest of the continent.
Three Disciples
Professor Albert Russel is known as the “Father of the Orbal Revolution.” The Professor L. Hamilton is enthusiastic about rural area awareness programs, saying, “Orbments are necessary for the frontier.” And Professor G. Schmidt the mechanical engineering power. Together, these three are known as the “Three Disciples.” As Professor C. Epstein’s personal pupils, these three are the highest authority researchers in the continent of Zemuria. Because of their activities, it is said that orbment technology permeated into the continent in just less than under half a century.
■ First-Print Limited Kiseki Box
(Pictured: “Class VII: Special Duty Division” SD Rubber Strap Set.)
The standard edition of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III costs 7,800 yen. But for 9,200 yen, the First-Print Limited Kiseki Box will include:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Original Soundtrack Mini Limited Edition – Includes a careful selection of background music from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III as a special-make soundtrack.
“Class VII: Special Duty Division” SD Rubber Straps Set – A set of four, SD-illustrated rubber straps of Rean Schwarzer, Juna Crawford, Kurt Vander, and Altina Orion of Class VII.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III 128-Page Full-Color Art Book – A The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III art book featuring image illustrations of each character, cut-ins, image boards, in-game portraits, and more. The art book is jam-paacked with numerous beautiful visuals throughout all of its 128 pages.
Original DLC: “An Invitation from Thors Main School” – A product code to download the crimson uniform worn by the students of Thors Military Academy’s Main School for the members of “Class VII: Special Duty Division.”
■ First-Print Bonus
First-print copies of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will include a 2017-to-2018 multi-stand desktop calendar that you can stand vertically, horizontally, or on top of your monitor.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-18 10:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-18 10:33 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details new battle system elements
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官网更新 战斗系统新要素大图
日本falcom更新了将于9月28日发售的《英雄传说:闪之轨迹3》的官方网站,在其中有诸多与Brave Order、战斗模式切换和战技有关的大图。
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the game’s new battle system elements.
Get the details below.
■ Battle System Introduction
The Most Comfortable and Intuitive AT Battle System in the Trails Series Yet
Various elements of the “AT Battle” system, through which you take turns according to the order displayed on the AT Bar (Action Turn Bar) to the left of the screen, have been brushed up. You can now control the battle more intuitively than in previous games, and enjoy a more comfortable command-based battle system.
Direct Command
The “Ring Command” system from previous games has been changed to a “Direct Command” system, through which actions can be input with the press of a single button. Each face button and d-pad key corresponds to a command, such as the Circle button for standard attacks, the Triangle button for Crafts, the Square button for Arts, the X button to move, the up d-pad key for an Order, the left d-pad key for Items, the down d-pad key to Exit, and the right d-pad key to change battle modes (for Juna).
As for traditional commands, you can check “Combat Links,” which allows characters to cooperatively attack, and the lines that indicate them on the lower right of the screen. The high-power techniques known as “S-Breaks” also return.
Seamless Battles
Previously, if you touched an enemy on the field or in a dungeon, it switched to a separate battle screen, but this time battles are fought on the same terrain you travel. This can significantly affect your strategy depending on where you encounter the enemy, be it in an intricate labyrinth, on a map with differences in elevation, and so on.
■ Switching Battle Modes
Juna, who is from the old Crossbell State, uses a “Gunbreaker,” which possesses both the features of a gun and of a baton, as her weapon. Each time her turn comes around during battle, you can switch between two battle modes. Learn the characteristics of each mode and switch between each depending on the situation.
Striker Mode
Striker Mode treats the Gunbreaker as if it is a baton. It is a close-range attack mode. It has short reach and is for single-enemy attacks, but improves Juna’s basic stats.
Gunner Mode
Gunner Mode is a mid-range battle mode in which the primary battle function is shooting. Since standard attacks become ranged shooting attacks, you can target multiple enemies at once. Since Juna’s basic stats are lower in this mode compared to Striker Mode, caution is required against stronger enemies.
Take Advantage of Switching Modes
When taking on small fry enemies, switch to Gunner Mode to take out enemies all at once from a distance, or when fighting against a group of monsters and strong enemies, switch to Striker Mode and attack in the front lines alongside Rean and Kurt. Switch up Juna’s battle mode depending on the situation to fight more advantageously.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-18 10:33 PM
■ Brave Order
Brave Order is a new system in which you can activate an “Order” (tactical instruction) during each character’s turn, without using up their turn. When activated, the effect of the Order is granted to the entire party for a certain amount of turns.
Brave Order can be used by consuming BP (Brave Points), which build up during battle. But by switching Orders during battle, and in some cases doing things such as cancelling an Order during activation, you can use Brave Orders to proceed the battle more advantageously.
Rean’s Exclusive Brave Order: “Totsugekijin [Rekka]”
When activated, this Order increases all of the damage inflicted onto enemies, as well as increases Craft Points (CP) at the time of activation. This Order consumes a small amount of BP to activate.
Altina’s Exclusive Brave Order: “Noire Crest”
An Order that possesses the super powerful effect of reflecting all attacks from the enemy. However, since it consumes a lot of BP, you should activate it only when the timing calls for it.
■ Craft
Crafts are character-specific techniques that you can unleash by consuming the Craft Points (CP) that build up during battle. In addition to powerful ranged attacks, there are Crafts that match the individuality of each character, such as those that grant special effects or heal allies.
Rean: “Nejigeki”
An Eight Leaves One Blade school technique in which Rean fires a huge flame after unleashing a set of consecutive attacks with a sword basked in fire. It is an excellent ranged attack.
Juna: “Close Break”
Applies an electrical current to Juna’s Gunbreaker weapon and deals electrical damage while moving in on the enemy. The electricity might even inflict a “Seal” effect on the enemy.
Kurt: “Tempest Edge”
A technique in which Kurt’s dual swords are surrounded in a green aura, and he unleashes a sharp rotation slash. As a practitioner of the Vander school of swordsmanship, which is one of the two most famous styles in the Empire, you can expect a considerable deal of power. It attacks the enemies encircling Kurt, with himself at the center.
Altina: “Fragarach”
First, Altina’s Combat Shell, “Claimh=Solais,” transforms into a giant blade. Altina descends to the ground and issues commands as Claimh=Solais excitedly swings its arms downward and attacks.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-24 05:11 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》角色系统新情报 猫萝兰迪齐上阵
FALCOM预定于9月28日发售的PS4平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹3》本周电击PS杂志情报,这次公开了主要角色的CV情报,以及系列粉丝们看到会倍感欢喜的登场人物介绍,此外还有各部分大幅进化的战斗系统详情等,非常丰富。
黎恩 CV:内山昂辉
尤娜 CV:东山奈央
柯尔特 CV:江口拓也
阿尔缇娜 CV:水濑祈
缪泽 CV:小清水亚美
阿修 CV:前野智昭
欧蕾莉亚 CV:住友优子
托娃 CV:野中蓝
米海尔 CV:杉田智和
施密特 CV:大塚芳忠
阿加特 CV:近藤孝行
提妲 CV:今野宏美
缇欧·普拉托(CV:水桥香织) 16岁
兰道夫·奥兰多(CV:三木真一郎) 24岁
奥利维特皇子(CV:子安武人) 29岁
“战术连接”指的是可以为2位战斗成员设定LINK(连接),从而在战斗中获得各种恩惠的系统,主要效果就是攻击敌人发生“体势崩溃”时可以进行追加攻击=LINK ATTACK。战斗成员都有攻击属性,命中敌人弱点时会很容易发生“体势崩溃”,另外LINK的一方还存在辅佐用的LINK技能。
LINK ATTACK可以进行的攻击有追击、连携、爆裂三种,其中最常用的就是追击,连携与爆裂需要消费BP,但对应的威力与攻击范围出色,面对强敌时积极使用吧。
近藤社长谈:本作“战术连接”使用的BP变成共有“勇气指令(BRAVE ORDER)”的形式,但相对的BP会更容易积攒,作为配合,地图上会有更多强敌出现,此时就需要使用100%确率发动奇袭攻击“突袭攻击”。当然也有像前作那样,正面进行地图攻击就可以使敌人麻痹的角色存在,请大家放心。另外登场的战术导力器是莱恩福尔特社开发的“ARCUS”系统最新型,关于此也会有新要素登场,期待续报。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-25 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-26 10:53 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Tio Plato, Randolph Orlando, and Olivert Reise Arnor
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the game’s latest confirmed characters Tio Plato, Randolph Orlando, and Olivert Reise Arnor.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Tio Plato
Age: 16
A young researcher who belongs to the Crossbell branch of the Epstein Foundation. She is doing research on the “Eion System,” which is said to enable the “resonance connection of information processing” between humans and machines.
Due to special circumstances, she was working as a member of the Foundation’s research team since early childhood, but at the age of 14 was transferred to the old Crossbell State as test personnel.
While testing new-style equipment such as the “Orbal Staff” and “Eion System,” she solved a variety of incidents with Randolph and others as a member of the Special Support Section.
After the annexation of Crossbell, Tio was temporarily called back to Foundation headquarters, but decided to again return to Crossbell for the sake of her friends.
Although under surveillance by the Imperial Intelligence Agency, she does her job as head of research while also working behind the scenes as a “liaison.”
Randolph Orlando
Age: 24
A former member of “Red Constellation,” which is said to be the strongest jaeger corps in the continent. Currently the instructor in charge of Class VIII: Tactics Division at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School. His nickname is Randy.
For certain reasons, after leaving the jaeger corps, he ended up in Crossbell, where he joined the Crossbell Guardian Force, but caused trouble and was discharged.
Immediately following, he was scouted to become a member of the Crossbell Police Department’s Special Support Section, and found a place where he belonged in facing numerous difficulties alongside investigators Lloyd Bannings, Elie MacDowell, and Tio Plato.
After the annexation of Crossbell, the Special Support Section was dissolved, and even after being assigned to the Imperial Army of Erebeonia’s Crossbell Military Defense Force, he was moving forward with preparations for an unwavering resistance movement with his friends.
However, after receiving advice from a certain someone, he decides to go to the Empire on his own to determine the likelihood of Crossbell’s independence.
Prince Olivert Reise Arnor
Age: 29
The eldest son of Erebonia emperor Eugent Reise Arnor III and founder of the old “Class VII” of Thors Military Academy.
He is a hobbyist also called the Prodigal Prince, but because of his illegitimate birth (as a child born from someone other than the emperor’s wife), he has already abandoned his authority to succeed to the throne.
During the Civil War, he entrusted the red-winged cruiser “Courageous” to Thors Military Academy, and in the western part of the Empire, began a movement called “the winds of freedom” with Mueller Vander. He and others assisted those who suffered from war in order for them to rise with their own power.
After the Civil War ended, the victor and “Blood and Iron Chancellor” Giliath Osborne took control of the entire Empire in a “winner-take-all” fashion. As Osborne pressed forward with territorial expansion and the invasion of regions surrounding the empire, and with the Vander family being dismissed of its employment as protection for the Imperial family, Olivert came to understand that his authority has weakened.
And now—Septian Calendar 1206.
Olivert, knowing that Thors Military Academy has converted into a full-fledged military school, proposes Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School as a final “resistance.”
Additionally, to stand against the Blood and Iron Chancellor, he begins working his personal connections inside and outside of the Empire, as well as mobilizes himself within the Empire.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-25 07:36 AM
■ Keywords
Eion System
A system developed by the Epstein Foundation for assisting in the operation of computer terminals. Through the Orbal Staff, Orbal Arts can be activated without wait and high-speed processing of the Orbal Terminal can be realized. By linking different machines and systems, it is also able to produce results that exceed original specifications through synergistic effects. However, using the system requires high aptitude. It is for this reason that Tio, whose perceptive abilities are beyond that of an ordinary person, in a certain situation was able to master the system. Overuse of the system bears a heavy burden on the user.
The mascot character of Mishelam Wonderland in Crossbell State, Misshi is a bipedal walking-cat like creature who always has a troubled look on its face. Regardless of age or gender, it’s highly popular even within the Empire to the point where straps are sold. Tio is a big Misshi fan, liking the character so much that she gets super excited whenever she sees Misshi-related goods. During a certain quest in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Azure, Lloyd, who played the role of an inexperienced Misshi, warmly watched over his little sister “Misshe.”
Red Constellation
A group said to be the strongest among the Mira (money)-moving jaeger corps. They excel at battle techniques mainly using firearms, and if ordered to do so, have the potential to reduce an entire town to ashes without issue. After losing its leader, “War God” Baldur Orlando, in a battle with longtime enemy group “Zephyr,” Sigmund Orlando took to the reigns of the group. Randy has also been fighting in the group since childhood as the “Son of the War God,” and exhibits his furious weapon power with his blade rifle, Berserger. Those around him fear him as the “Crimson Reaper.”
Olivier Lenheim
Olivier Lenheim. This is the name that Olivert took on as a self-proclaimed traveling musician in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky series. His goal as Olivier was to find Cassius Bright, the leading Bracer in all of Zemuria, in order to stand against the unsettling movement of Giliath Osborne. In the process, he met Cassius’ daughter Estelle Bright and accompanied her journey. As a member of the party, he sometimes used his position as a member of the Royal Family and was a significant contributor in the resolution of the “Liberlian Incident.” During his trip, he successfully deepened his relationships with those who occupy important positions in the continent, including Cassius, Estelle, and Liberl’s next queen Klaudia von Auslese. He turned his attention to the Bracers that respond flexibly to various situations, which also led to the establishment of Class VII.
Arnor Royal Family
The royal family that built and governed the Erebonia Empire. Although the emperor is at the head of the military and politics, the Imperial military and Imperial government are responsible for the practical work. The emperor is Eugent Reise Arnor III. He has three children—his oldest son Olivert Reise Arnor, and twins Alfin Reise Arnor (the older sister) and Cedric Reise Arnor (the younger brother). Cedric, being his only legitimate son (born from his wife), is recognized as the successor to the throne. Within that lineage is a man named Dreichels Reise Arnor, who abandoned his position as a member of the royal family to end the “War of the Lions,” a civil war within the Empire, and became emperor as a result. Emperor Dreichels is the previous generation’s “Awakener” of Valimar, the Ashen Knight, which is currently piloted by Rean Schwarzer.
Conflict with the Blood and Iron Chancellor
As the Imperial prime minister, Giliath Osborne has the unwavering trust of the emperor, is familiar with the underside of society, and furthermore is a monster-like character with a band of talented proteges known as the “Ironbloods.” While his true motives are unknown, Olivert sensed danger in Osborne’s trends, and his trip to Liberl and the formation of Class VII are part of his own mobilization to stand against him. The formation of Class VII is an operation of his “winds of freedom” movement. Currently, the battle against Osborne is set back by numerical inferiority, but please expect Olivert’s rebound.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-25 04:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-25 06:06 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》Off Screen 宣传片
FALCOM预定于9月28日发售的PS4平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹3》网友于官方举办的活动中公开店头用宣传PV(屏摄版)。
此外日服PS商店下载版预订也于今天开启,价格7200日元(含税),预约特典《 闪之轨迹 III》PS4主题、迷你原声集,早期购入特典为黎恩专用衣装“闪轨2 黎恩旅行装”。
FALCOM 预定于 9 月 28 日发售 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 3》
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-26 10:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-26 10:56 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布登场角色兰迪、缇欧以及奥利巴特角色介绍
日本 Falcom 于昨(25)日,公布将在 9 月 28 日 发售的 PlayStation 4 专用 RPG 游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III)》内登场角色情报。
本次报导将介绍,在旧克洛斯贝尔自治州以 “特务支持课” 成员身分活跃的兰迪・奥兰多(ランドルフ・オルランド)(声优:三木真一郎)与缇欧・普拉托(ティオ・プラトー)(声优:水桥香织),以及埃雷波尼亚帝国皇子・奥利巴特(オリヴァルト)(声优:子安武人)。 奥利巴特是自《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 II)》(PlayStation 3/ PlayStation Vita)后再一次登场。
PlayStation 4 《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
官方网站于 5 月 25 日(四)更新!
日本 Falcom 于 5 月 25 日(四) 15:00 更新了该公司代名词之一的剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
这次更新公布了在旧克洛斯贝尔自治州以 “特务支持课” 成员身分活跃的『兰迪』与『缇欧』,以及自前作《闪之轨迹 II》再次登场的埃雷波尼亚帝国皇子『奥利巴特』等角色详细情报。
◆ 兰迪・奥兰多(24 岁)/声优:三木真一郎
(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹(英雄伝说 零の轨迹)》《英雄传说 碧之轨迹(英雄伝说 碧の轨迹)》)
「确实,现在的支持课成员虽四散于各地――。 但是我们之间的牵绊是不会就此被切断的。 」
出身号称大陆最强猎兵团「赤色星座」的前猎兵。 担任《VIII 班・战术科》教官。
◆ 缇欧・普拉托(16 岁)/声优:水桥香织
(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)
「我对第 II 分校以及 VII 班很有兴趣。 ――包括与罗伊德战斗的 “他”」
隶属爱普斯泰恩财团・克洛斯贝尔支部的年轻研究主任。 进行能让人类与机械藉由 “共鸣链接来处理情报” 的「永恒系统(エイオンシステム)」研究。
由于特殊的原因自年幼起就以财团研究团队一员的身分工作,14 岁时以测试要员身分被转调至旧克洛斯贝尔自治州警察部门。
在克洛斯贝尔被并吞后,暂时被叫回财团本部的提欧,决定为了 “伙伴们” 再度回到克洛斯贝尔。
她一边受到帝国军情报情报局的监视,一边则以研究主任的身分处理工作,并以 “联系人” 身分于水面下展开行动。
◆ 奥利巴特皇子(29 岁)/声优:子安武人
(登场作品:《英雄传说 空之轨迹(英雄伝说 空の轨迹)》系列/《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》/《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「即使翅膀被折断、失去手中剑,我仍没有失去心灵之枪与蔷薇! 」
埃雷波尼亚皇帝・尤肯特三世的长子,也是旧 VII 班(特科班)发起人。
内战终结后,胜利者铁血宰相・吉利亚斯以 “全盘接收” 的形式掌握了帝国所有领土。
接着――七耀历 1206 年。
奥利巴特得知士官学校被军事化后,以最后的 “恶作剧” 提倡设立《第 II 分校》。 更为了对抗铁血宰相,指示在帝国内外培养的人脉开始运作,自己也从帝国内部展开行动。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-1 03:07 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-1 03:10 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Combat Link and Field Attack systems
Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing the game’s Combat Link and Field Attacks.
Get the details below.
■ Combat Link
“Combat Link” is a system that offers various benefits during battle by setting two party members to “link” together. As its main effect, when you attack the enemy and make them lose their balance, you can perform an additional attack in the form of a “Link Attack.” Each party member has different attack attributes, and by hitting the enemy with their weakness, you can make them lose balance. There are also Link Abilities to assist linked partners.
Losing Balance
Attacking with a weapon attribute that matches the enemy’s weakness will result in the enemy “losing balance,” which has a fixed chance of occurring when the attack lands.
Link Attack
Immediately following an enemy losing their posture, you can trigger various derivative attacks such as “Pursuit,” “Rush,” and “Burst” by pressing the button within the time limit. Pursuit can be selected at any time, but Rush and Burst can only be triggered when your BP is above a certain amount. Rush and Burst have a cost, but are excellent in power and attack range, so be sure to make active use of them against strong enemies.
Linked party members will automatically pursue the enemy that lost its balance.
A cooperative attack by two linked party members. While Rush increases the number of attacks performed, it also throws enemies within a certain range of the targeted enemy into the attack. Rush attacks only consumes a small amount of BP, so they are beneficial in that you can use it easily.
A powerful attack in which all four party members attack every enemy at once. You can trigger this action when your BP is above a certain amount. Since many bosses often have a number of small-fry enemies that accompany them, this ability should prove useful in those times.
Attack Affinities
Slash – An affinity unleashed through swords, daggers, axes, and such. It is effective against plant-type and soft-bodied enemies.
Pierce – An affinity that pierces through vital areas with sharp weapons such as the point of a sword. It is effective against large beasts and fish-type enemies.
Thrust – An affinity that shoots at enemies with guns, bow and arrows, and such. It is effective against seizing fast-moving enemies, and piercing the weaknesses of flying- and insect-type enemies.
Strike – An affinity that specializes in shocking enemies through hits and attacks. It is effective against insects with hard shells and large beasts.
Attack Affinities of Party Members
Equippable weapons and attack affinities are fixed for each character. Their suitability for each affinity is rated in five stages: SS > S > A > B > C. Some party members aren’t suited to a single attribute, while others aren’t suited to multiple. Also, Juna Crawford has the ability to switch between Gunner and Striker modes, so her attack affinity is different for each mode.
■ Field Attacks
By pressing the attack button on the field, you can perform a “Field Attack.” By using this and attacking enemy symbols, you can start the battle with advantageous effects such as “Double Advantage” or “Triple Advantage.”
In the field, you can change the character you’re currently controlling. Depending on who uses a Field Attack, the reach and attack sped will also change. Choose which character to use based on your distance from the enemy symbol and their speed of movement.
Assault Attacks
AP will accumulate after a certain amount of time passes on the field, or when you destroy objects. By spending AP, you can use an “Assault Attack” that will guarantee a Triple Advantage when attacking enemy symbols.
Breaking Objects
Additionally, you can use the attack button to destroy objects on the fields. In addition to obtaining IP, you can also restore the entire party’s CP, find items within them, or use the feature for mechanics in the dungeons.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-8 03:01 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Campanella, Mcburn, and Shirley
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing Ouroboros-associated characters Campanella, Mcburn, and Shirley.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Campanella, “The Fool” (voiced by Kanae Ito)
Age: ???
Enforcer No. 0 once again dispatched to the Empire by the Grandmaster in response to the interruption of the Phantasmal Blaze Plan that Ouroboros was moving forward with.
He is mischievous and has a boyish figure, but his appearance is somehow unchanged from long ago and even his factual age is unknown.
In order to combat Giliath Osborne’s takeover of the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, he gets the cooperation of the Red Constellation Jaeger corps led by the Enforcer Shirley and the Thirteen Factories, and causes disturbances in various parts of the Empire.
And he will once more tell a certain long dormant member that the society has a “request”…
Mcburn, “The Almighty Conflagration” (voiced by Junichi Suwabe)
Age: ???
Enforcer No. 1 of the Ouroboros society, who has the nickname “Eternal Flame” due to his ability to freely manipulate fire.
Although admired as the “strongest” Enforcer in the society, he has a considerably moody personality.
He sometimes abandons his missions when he feels like doing so.
He fought fiercely in the Civil War, and since his duel against “Blademaster” Viscount Arseid, it seems that he his “going hungry” and is seeking a “being that surpasses [himself].”
Shirley Orlando, “The Crimson War Phantom” (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu)
Age: 18
Enforcer No. XVII of the Ouroboros secret society, and a natural combat enthusiast who finds pleasure in battle.
Two years ago, she raided the old Crossbell State as battalion commander of the nation’s strongest Jaeger corps, the Red Constellation. A fierce battle unfolded against the Crossbell Guardian Force and the Special Support Section that her older cousin Randolph belongs to.
After that, she was invited to the secret society by the new, third Anguis.
While serving as the captain of the old Red Constellation, she carries out various missions as an Enforcer.
Shirley, who successfully infiltrated the Empire at the request of the third Anguis in order to take back the stolen Phantasmal Blaze Plan, is excited about the premonition of a new war…
■ Keywords
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
A secret society that maneuvers all over the continent of Zemuria in order to carry out the mysterious Phantasmal Blaze Plan.
With the Grandmaster at its center, it is composed of upper echelons called the Anguis and a practical unit known as the Enforcers.
In order to recover the Phantasmal Blaze Plan stolen by the Blood and Iron Chancellor Giliath Osborne in the midst of the Civil War that occurred in the Erebonian Empire a year and a half ago, the members of the association will resume activity within the Empire.
Enforcer No. 0
The Enforcer society is made up of agents that act as the working unit of the Anguis’ plans.
Campanella, who was given the title of Enforcer No. 0, is different from the rest of the Enforcers.
By acting as the one who ascertains the Anguis’ plans, he is less likely to make moves in public and reports directly to the Grandmaster.
Based on this, we can understand that her treatment is different from the rest of the Enforcers.
Will The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III reveal anything about his special positon, his relationship with the Grandmaster, and so on? Please keep an eye on Campanella’s trends.
Divergent Laws
Words often spoken in the Trails series that refer to existence, power, and law, and outside the realm of common knowledge of the people in the continent of Zemuria.
The Divergent Laws have a deep connection to Mcburn’s ability to manipulate fire, and it is said that his demon sword “Angbar” was also forged by the Divergent Laws.
It is said that the power of the ogre within Rean is also “mixed” with Mcburn, which is seemingly connected to the Divergent Laws.
There is a demon sword called “Kernviter,” which acts as the opposite to Angbar, and although it was possessed by Enforcer No. II Loewe, it broke during the Liberl Disaster and now lays in his tomb.
The Combat Enthusiast
Shirley first appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Azure, pursuing strategies as the battalion commander of the Red Constellation such as raiding the mining village Mainz in order to create a diversion.
In order to anger Rixia Mao, whose true identity is the “Yin” assassin, she attacked and seriously injured Ilya Plattiere, who is a senior performer at her theatrical company. She did things like this on her own accord in order to satisfy her desire to find an opponent who will seriously try to kill her.
After that, her ability and disposition were bought as she was scouted to join Ouroboros as an Enforcer. It has been several years since then, and there may be scenes where she clashes with Rean and the new members of Class VII.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-8 03:02 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-8 06:24 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》为夺回幻焰计划结社终于行动
FALCOM 预定于 9 月 28 日发售的 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》本周公开新情报,为了取回被帝国宰相奥兹本夺走的计划,“噬身之蛇”的成员们在帝国集结,有不少系列过去作品中作为敌人登场的熟悉面孔。
红之战鬼 夏莉·奥兰多(CV:竹达彩奈) 18岁
钢之圣女 阿瑞安赫德(CV:久川绫)
刚毅 艾奈丝(CV:伊藤茉莉也) 23岁
神速 杜芭莉 逗比莉(CV:大空直美) 23岁
魔弓 恩奈雅(CV:佐藤聪美) 24岁
小丑 肯帕雷拉(CV:伊藤加奈惠)
劫炎 马克邦(CV:诹访部顺一)
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-15 06:49 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Arianrhod, Ines, Duvalie, and Ennia
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing Stahlritter-associated characters Arianrhod, Ines, Duvalie, and Ennia.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Arianrhod, “The Steel Maiden” (voiced by Aya Hisakawa)
Age: ???
The seventh Anguis and strongest leading member of Ouroboros.
She leads a military unit of valkyries known as the Stahlritter, and is known for her noble character and supreme skill as a warrior even in the underbelly of society.
She fights wielding a huge cavalry spear and wearing silver armor, and bears a close resemblance to the patriot and hero Lianne Sandlot, who fought in “The War of the Lions” 250 years ago, but only few people know the truth of their relationship.
With the society’s recovery of the “Phantasmal Blaze Plan,” Arianrhod leads the Stahlritter and enters the Empire herself. It seems she has a different objective than Campanella and the others…?
Duvalie the Swift (voiced by Naomi Ohzora)
Age: 23
A valkyrie who serves as the lead soldier of the Stahlritter, which is the military unit under the direct control of the seventh Anguis and Steel Maiden.
Despite having true strength on the level of the numbered Enforcers, perhaps because she worships her lady, the Steel Maiden, too fervently, she gets worked up all the time and the other members tease her.
During the Civil War, she stood before Rean and company to block their path many times as a cooperator of the Noble Faction, and for some reason displayed a blatant rivalry against the Viscount Arsei’s daughter Laura.
In order to recover the “Phantasmal Blaze Plan” stolen from them by Blood and Iron Chancellor Giliath Osborne, she resumes activity within the Empire under her lady’s orders.
Ines the Stout (voiced by Mariya Ise)
Age: 23
A valkyrie with the bearing of a warrior who supports Stahlritter’s lead soldiers.
She is a female, but her high stature and large physique exceed 180 Rege, and she has the physical strength to freely swing a huge halberd.
Like Duvalie, she swears absolute loyalty to the “Steel Maiden,” and will faithfully handle her duties no matter the occasion.
She seems to place importance on improving her martial arts, and during the Civil War became interested in a user of the Arseid school of swordsmanship, who clashed swords with lead soldier Duvalie.
Ennia the Demon Bow (voiced by Satomi Sato)
Age: 24
A voluptuous valkyrie who uses a bow and supports the Stahlritter’s lead soldiers alongside Ines.
Like the other soldiers, she adores the Steel Maiden, but sometimes teases Duvalie, whose thoughts about their lady are so genuine.
Knowing the ability of the “Demon Bow,” which always hits its target and can change course in the sky, she supports fellow members Duvalie and Ines to the front lines.
■ Keywords
The Lance Maiden
Lianne Sandlot, the “Lance Maiden,” is a patriotic maiden with many achievements who worked with Prince Dreichels Reise Arnor during the “War of the Lions” civil war 250 years ago.
She led the brave warriors known as the “Eisenritter,” and it is said that she fought with the Lohengrin Castle that towers over Legram as her base.
After Dreichels was enthroned as emperor, she mysteriously died, whether it was by battle injuries or assassination.
In the town of Legram, there is a statue carrying a spear taller than the statue itself. It bears many similarities to Arianrhod, but what is their relationship…?
The Stahlritter is an elite unit of valkyries who pledge their allegiance to Arianrhod and is under her direct control.
Unlike Ouroboros and the Enforcers, which act according to the intentions of the Grandmaster, the Stahlritter work under the command of Arianrhod.
The Stahlritter first appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Azure, in which a fierce battle with Arianrhod and Lloyd unfolded at the weather vane tower.
After that, Duvalie also appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II. Under the instruction of the Noble Faction, she monitored the activity of Mcburn, and Rean and company, as well as fought against them.
When outside of battle, Duvalie appeared in plain clothes. You were able to see various aspects of her, such as her eating at the inn bar in the lakeside town of Legram. In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, will you also get to see Ines and Ennia in plain clothes?
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-15 06:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-16 06:50 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开秘密组织「噬身之蛇」干部与战斗部队「铁机队」角色情报
日本 Falcom 于昨(15)日,更新预定在 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III)》游戏官方网站,公开预定于本作登场的四名角色相关情报。
另外还实施特别企画,公开可以带玩家复习《闪之轨迹》系列第一部作品《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》(PS3 / PS Vita)游戏故事的「《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》故事集锦」。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
官方网站 6 月 15 日更新!
日本 Falcom 公司,在此通知代表同公司的当红剧情角色扮演游戏,《轨迹》系列最新作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》,其游戏官方网站已经于 6 月 15 日释出最新内容。
另外还实施游戏官方网站特别企画,公开可以带大家简单复习《闪之轨迹》系列首部作品,《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》游戏故事的「《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》故事集锦」。
■ 主要更新内容
特别企画『《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》故事集锦』
■【钢之圣女】阿瑞安赫德(アリアンロード)(?? 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)
「可以让我见识看看吗? 作为八叶之一的【灰色骑士】实力究竟如何--」
使用巨大的骑兵枪,身穿白银铠甲作战的模样,看起来就像是在两百五十年前的【狮子战役】当中,活跃的救国英雄【莉雅努 ‧ 桑德洛特-加龙省(リアンヌ・サンドロット)】一样,但几乎没有人知道两者之间真正的关系。
趁着组织夺还「幻焰计划」的机会,阿瑞安赫德也率领【铁机队】侵入帝国。 但似乎和坎佩尼拉(カンパネルラ)等人抱持不同的目的......?
■【神速】的杜巴莉(デュバリィ)(23 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》)
「在这被我们撞上算你倒了八百辈子的楣,好好见识一下我们铁机队的实力吧! 」
■【刚毅】的艾奈斯(アイネス)(23 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)
「你就是传说中的亚尔赛德流高手吗--看起来很值得一战。 」
虽然是位女性,但身高超过 180 公分,身材十分高挑,还是一位能自由挥动巨大斧枪的大力士。
■【魔弓】的恩奈雅(エンネア)(24 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)
「呵呵呵,我们家的杜巴莉,好像很受你关照的样子啊? 」
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-22 05:04 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Elise Schwarzer, Alfin and Cedric Reise Arnor
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing characters Elise Schwarzer, and siblings Alfin and Cedric Reise Arnor.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Elise Schwarzer (voiced by Saori Goto)
Age: 17
A girl characterized by shiny black hair and a tidy atmosphere, Rean Schwarzer’s adopted younger sister, and the eldest daughter of the Schwarzer baron family.
She attends St. Astraia Girls’ School in the Imperial capital and is close friends with Priness Alfin.
She loves Rean more than a real brother and completely trusts him, and when Rean lost his way during the Civil War, she relentlessly admonished him while showing the level of reliability to encourage him.
After the Civil War, she moved on to the senior high school section of St. Astraia Girls’ School, and with the support of those around her, became the student council president.
While watching over Rean, who as the “Ash Knight” came to be regarded a hero, she tries to support her close friend Alfin, who is concerned about Olivert and Cedric.
Alfin Reise Arnor (voiced by Satomi Sato)
Age: 17
The oldest daughter of Eugent Reise Arnor III, the crown prince Cedric’s older twin sister, and the Imperial princess.
She has the lovely appearance of an angel and is tremendously popular among the people of the Empire.
Like her older brother Olivert, she has a somewhat impish personality, and enjoys saying provocative things to her best friend Elise and Elise’s older brother Rean, and seeing their reactions.
During the Civil War, she was temporarily abducted by the Noble Alliance, but rescued by Rean and contributed to the end of the Civil War in a big way as a symbol of the airship Courageous.
After the Civil War, she moved on to the senior high school section of St. Astraia Girls’ School with Elise, and has indescribable anxiety when her older brother and the Vander family starting to be treated with unabashed coldness, and Cedric starts acting like a different person.
Cedric Reise Arnor (voiced by Naomi Shindo)
Age: 17
As the legitimate child of Eugent Reise Arnor III, he is the crown prince of the Erebonian Empire with first rights to succeed to the throne.
He has a kind and honest personality, and is also somewhat reserved, but respects his older brother Olivert and has a very good relationship with his siblings.
After the Civil War, although captured by Duke Cayenne of the Noble Alliance as the “key” to the Vermillion Knight that lies dormant in the basement of the Imperial castle, he was safely released and regained consciousness as a result of Rean and company’s efforts, and the sacrifice of a certain person.
After that, although he continued to undergo medical treatment, his physical strength didn’t recover sufficiently leaving an imbalance between mind and body. Despite that, he was sent to Thors Military Academy as planned.
However, in the year that followed, Cedric became strong, like a different person, and full of confidence in attending the Thors Military Academy Main School.
■ Keywords
Teo Schwarzer
Teo Schwarzer is Rean’s adoptive father and a noble who rules over Ymir in northeastern Erebonia.
Although a baron whose rank as a noble is low, he has a deep relationship with the royal family, but was alienated by some of the nobles after taking in Rean, whose birthplace is unknown.
Despite staying away from high society, since Teo himself believes in a simple life staying close to his people, there did not seem to be any particular change in his life.
In addition to his real daughter Elise, he gave his utmost love to his adopted son Rean, who grew up soundly in his home.
St. Astraia Girls’ School
A historic girls’ school in the Sankt District of Heimdallr, the Imperial capital.
Princess Alfin also attends this school, in addition to Elise, the eldest daughter of the Schwarzer baron family, who serves as the student council president.
Although its underlying operation as a girls’ school has not changed, some noble students worried about tuition funding are being forced to drop out as the government’s control of the nobles grew stronger after the Civil War.
Thors Military Academy Main School
As the empire’s most prestigious school, Thors Military Academy has produced excellent students in great numbers, but in line with recent military expansion, it has transformed into a military school that trains soldiers for the Imperial Army.
With the graduation of the “Ash Knight” Rean Schwarzer in February and the entry of the crown prince Cedric in the spring, the school shifted to a new system.
It is on a different scale compared to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, where Rean is an instructor, and educates students in a total of six classes.
The uniform of Thors Military Academy Main School is a deep crimson color, which is different from the uniforms of the Reaves II Branch School.
Main School: Classes I to VI
Reaves II Branch School: Class VII, Class VIII, and Class IX
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-22 05:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-26 07:31 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开爱丽榭、艾尔芬皇女、塞德利克皇子等角色情报
日本 Falcom 于近(22)日更新,将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》官方网站,并公开用语与角色新情报。
主角黎恩的义妹爱丽榭 & 皇族成员以成长后的姿态登场!
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
官方网站于 6 月 22 日(日)更新
日本 Falcom 于更新剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
■ 主要更新内容
■ 圣亚斯特莱亚女学院
■ 爱丽榭・舒华泽(17 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹)》系列)
「总有一天,我会以黎恩真正妹妹的身分前来拜访你们。 ――届时也请多多指教。 」
■ 艾尔芬皇女(17 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「我也跟黎恩与哥哥一样,还没打算放弃。 」
■ 塞德利克皇子(17 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「区区 “二军” 的分校,可是配不上《灰色骑士》的? 」
内战时被贵族联合军的凯恩公爵当成沉睡于皇城地底绯之骑神的 “钥匙”,但因为黎恩等人的奋战与某个人物的牺牲,被平安地解放并顺利取回意识。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-29 03:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-29 03:59 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Break system and Enhanced state; Japanese box art
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开初回限定版 豪华特典+额外游戏DLC
日本 Falcom 于近(29)日更新,将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》官方网站,并公开限定版详情。
游戏的普通版价格为7800日元。除此之外,包含有特制美术盒收纳原声集、4款软胶吊饰、美术书、原创DLC下载码等4大特典的「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」,则为9200日圆。游戏的初回特典,普通版和「KISEKI BOX」皆为「《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》多功能台历2017~2018」。
「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」详细内容
(1)《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》原声集 mini -Limited Edition-
从游戏使用的乐曲中精选BGM,收录为「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」特制原声集!
(3)《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》特制128页全彩美术书
集结《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》各角色印象插图、特写图片、形象构图、游戏内肖像等各种美丽图片,共128页的特制全彩美术书。
能让《特务科・VII班》成员换上托尔兹士官学院・本校正式采用的深红制服,「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」的专属下载码。
初回特典:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》多功能台历 2017~2018
大量使用《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》美丽插图的2017年~2018年月历。不管直放、横放、还是摆放于屏幕上方,皆能配合摆设自由设置的多功能型台历。
初回特典为「通常版」、「初回限定 KISEKI BOX」都有的内容。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》最新战斗系统情报 追加敌人击破系统!
日本 Falcom 今天公开了旗下预定 2017 年 9 月 28 日正式发售的PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的最新战斗系统情报。
——《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》背景发生在内战结束,埃雷波尼亚帝国正迎来一个崭新的纪元。故事将以灰骑士黎恩·舒华泽为中心,一个关于年轻英雄们的故事即将展开。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》本作追加了敌人的《BREAK》(击破)系统,战斗时敌方会有《击破槽》显示。
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing the game’s “Break” system and “Enhanced” state, as well as revealed its standard and limited edition packaging for Japan.
Get the details below.
■ Break / Break Gauge
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, enemies have a parameter separate from their standard HP known as the “Break Gauge.” (It is the blue bear beneath the HP Gauge.) When the Break Gauge is reduced to zero during battle, the enemy will enter a “Break” state, allowing the player to proceed the battle with the following advantages:
Increases damage to the target.
Items drop when a “Break” occurs.
Cancels all ability-increasing state changes.
The success rate of an enemy losing their posture becomes 100 percent.
The Break Gauge is of high importance when fighting against more difficult enemies, and can also result in enemies dropping rare items.
—A regular battle.
—Break triggered.
—An enemy in the Break state.
How to Effectively Lower the Break Gauge
By dealing damage to the enemy, you can lower the Break Gauge at a fixed rate, but by using Crafts with a high Break rate and Arts with an attribute that hits the enemy’s weak point, the rate at which the Break Gauge is lowered will increase.
There are enemies with Break Gauges higher than their actual HP. Even by just using normal attacks, the enemy’s HP will drop to zero before its Break Gauge. But if you can make these enemies enter the “Break” state, they may even drop rare items…
■ Special State: “Enhanced”
Some of the more difficult enemies, such as monsters and high-level Jaegers, can enter an “Enhanced” state. When an enemy is in the Enhanced state, all of its attacks are Critical, the damage it receives is lowered, and it can perform an S-Break, which allows ti to trigger an S-Craft at any time, regardless of turn order.
—Enemy Shirley Orlando in the regular state.
—Enemy Shirley Orlando in the Enhanced state.
—Enemy Shirley Orlando using an S-Break.
How can you defend against the enemy’s Enhanced state?
The Enhanced state gives the enemy an overwhelming advantage—all of its attacks are Critical, the damage it receives is lowered, etc.—but by making the enemy enter the Break state during battle, you can cancel the Enhanced state.
Additionally, the amount of Break Damage dealt to the enemy is increased when it is in the Break State, allowing players to survive the critical situation by assertively targeting their Break Gauge.
■ S-Break
An S-Break is a special action that allows the user to use an S-Craft (special move) at any time, regardless of turn order, when more than 100 CP (Craft Points) have been amassed.
While this was only possible for party members in previous titles, in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, enemies in the Enhanced state may also use an S-Break.
Since the order will not be displayed in the AT Bar, which shows the turn order for party members and enemies, it may be difficult to solidify your defenses in preparation of the attack beforehand. Battles against formidable enemies will offer a previously unseen challenge.
■ Standard Edition Box Art
Here is the box art for the standard edition of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III:
It costs 7,800 yen.
■ First-Print Limited Kiseki Box Packaging
Here is the packaging for the First-Print Limited Kiseki Box of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III:
It costs 9,200 yen. As previously detailed, it includes:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Original Soundtrack Mini Limited Edition – Includes a careful selection of background music from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III as a special-make soundtrack.
“Class VII: Special Duty Division” SD Rubber Straps Set – A set of four, SD-illustrated rubber straps of Rean Schwarzer, Juna Crawford, Kurt Vander, and Altina Orion of Class VII.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III 128-Page Full-Color Art Book – A The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III art book featuring image illustrations of each character, cut-ins, image boards, in-game portraits, and more. The art book is jam-paacked with numerous beautiful visuals throughout all of its 128 pages.
Original DLC: “An Invitation from Thors Main School” – A product code to download the crimson uniform worn by the students of Thors Military Academy’s Main School for the members of “Class VII: Special Duty Division.”
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-30 04:29 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布战斗新要素「Break / Break 量表」及特殊状态「高昂」
日本 Falcom 于近(29)日更新,将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》官方网站,公布战斗系统的新要素。
公布的战斗系统新要素,是「Break/Break 量表(ブレイク/ブレイクゲージ)」、「特殊状态『高昂(高扬)』」。
在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》,敌人除了一般的 HP 量表,还设定了称为「Break 量表」的量表。 只要能使其归 0 就能使敌人陷入异常状态「Break」。 这样不但能让战斗朝向对玩家有利的局面发展,还能够取得只有在 Break 状态才会掉落的稀有道具。
而特殊状态『高昂』是部分强敌所拥有的系统,与 Break 状态正好相反,会让敌方处于有利的状况。 若令其陷入 Break 状态,就能解除敌人的『高昂』状态。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
日本 Falcom 于近日(6 月 29 日(四)15:00)更新了该公司代名词之一的剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
本次更新公布了战斗系统新要素,于本作全新导入的「Break/Break 量表」「特殊状态『高昂』」情报。
战斗系统(Break‧Break 量表/特殊状态『高昂』)
※ 本作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》全新导入的战斗系统新要素。
Break/Break 量表
在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》里,于敌人身上设定了与 HP 不同,称为「Break 量表」的参数。 (选择敌人时所显示的蓝色量表)
在战斗中使该量表归 0,就能使敌人陷入异常状态「Break」,并使战斗朝向对玩家有利的情势发展。
⇒ 提升敌人所受到的伤害
⇒ 在「Break」状态下会掉落道具。
⇒ 解除所有能力提升系的状态变化。
⇒ 使姿势崩解 100% 发生
发生 Break
Break 时
★ 要如何有效率的削减「Break 量表」?
在战斗中给予敌人伤害时,将会有一定的机率削减「Break 量表」,若使用 Break 率较高的战技(クラフト)(技能)或是以弱点属性的 Arts(アーツ)(魔法)进行攻击,就能有效率地使敌人陷入 Break 状态。
其中也存在着「Break 量表」设定的比 HP 高的敌人。 仅以普通攻击进行攻击,就会在削减完「Break 量表」之前让敌人的 HP 归 0,如果能妥善削减量表使敌人陷入 Break 状态,就机会掉落出稀有道具......!?
在战斗中进入『高昂』状态的敌人,除了所有的攻击都将变为会心一击、承受的伤害减少,还会和玩家角色一样无视 AT Bar(战斗的行动顺序),施展强劲的 S 战技(必杀技)。
强敌 普通时
强敌的 S 战技
★ 如何防止敌人进入『高昂』状态?
此外,由于仅有在『高昂』状态下,才能使给予敌人的 Break 伤害值提升,玩家可藉由积极给予「Break 伤害」来度过危机。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-12 07:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-13 07:24 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》最新情报 旧VII组换全员换新装
日本 Falcom 预定于 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》本周杂志公开新情报,以内战终结后的埃雷波尼亚帝国为舞台的本作,距离前作《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》已经过去约1年半的时间,这次就介绍了积攒经验成长起来的旧VII组成员们相关新情报,与黎恩分别后的他们现在在做什么,一起来了解一下。
亚莉莎·莱恩福尔特(CV:堀江由衣) 年龄:20岁
帝国最大的武器制造商莱恩福尔特(RF)集团的千金,曾所属于托尔兹士官学院特科班VII组是黎恩的同级生,在学时一起经历过各种突发事件,互相协力加深了感情。从托尔兹毕业后,选择帮助RF集团运营的道路,作为顾问在祖父与佣人雪伦的帮助下以实战形式学习经营管理,获得了高级经理的资格。之后就任集团内新型战术导力器“ARCUS II”与魔导杖部门责任者的亚莉莎,一边挂念着发誓绝对还要再会的伙伴们与黎恩,一边作为与各地士官学校及爱普斯坦因财团间的交涉谈判人员而每日奔波。
艾略特·克雷格(CV:白石凉子) 年龄:19岁
劳拉·S·亚尔赛德(CV:伊濑茉莉也) 年龄:20岁
菲·克劳塞尔(CV:金元寿子) 年龄:17岁
尤西斯·艾尔巴雷亚(CV:立花慎之介) 年龄:20岁
马奇亚斯·雷格尼兹(CV:佐藤拓也) 年龄:20岁
艾玛·米尔斯汀(CV:早见沙织) 年龄:20岁
盖乌斯·沃泽尔(CV:细谷佳正) 年龄:20岁
米莉亚姆・奥莱恩(CV:小岩井小鸟) 年龄:15岁
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-13 03:51 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Alisa, Elliot, Laura, Jusis, and Machias
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing returning, former Class VII characters Alisa Reinford, Elliot Craig, Laura S. Arseid, Jusis Albarea, and Machias Regnitz.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Alisa Reinford (voiced by Yui Horie)
Age: 20
Heiress to the Reinford Group, the Erebonian Empire’s largest heavy industrial maker.
She was one of Rean’s classmates in the special Class VII at Thors Military Academy. When she was a student, she and Rean deepened their friendship while working with each other through a variety of events.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, she chose to help manage the Reinford Group.
While being supported by her grandfather Gwyn Reinford and maid Sharon Kreuger, who returned as advisers, she took a practical approach to studying and gained the qualifications of a senior manager.
After that, she was put in charge of the new style Combat Orbment “ARCUS II” and Orbal Staff departments. While thinking of her friends and Rean, who she vowed to reunite with, Alisa strives in her work each day as a negotiator with military academies from all over and the Epstein Foundation.
Elliot Craig (voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi)
Age: 19
The eldest son of the “Craig the Red,” the Imperial Army of Erebonia’s bravest general, and a young man with a gifted sense for music.
He originally aspired to become a musician, but abandoned that goal at his father’s strong opposition.
He enrolled at Thors Military Academy, and as a member of the special Class VII, had a fated meeting with Rean and the others.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, Elliot once again entered the Imperial music academy with the permission of his father, and with a concentration on professional lessons, graduated in the short period of one year.
While touring around the Empire as a professional musician, Elliot, who made his dream professional debut, is seeking a way to lead people to peace using music’s power of healing.
Laura S. Arseid (voiced by Mariya Ise)
Age: 20
The daughter of the Arseid viscount family, a well-known military family in the Erebonian Empire.
She learned the Arseid style of swordsmanship at a young age, and when she was a student of the special Class VII at Thors Military Academy, she worked hard with Rean as someone also pursuing the way of the sword while deepening their friendship.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, she entered training with her father Victor in order to learn the secret traditions of the Arseid style, and mastered the style at the young age of 19.
Afterwards, Laura, who gained the qualifications of an “assistant instructor,” decided to travel to training grounds all over in order to gain skill in combat.
While she polishes her craft, military preparations are accelerating all over, and she is looking for signs that The Society is beginning to move within the Empire.
Jusis Albarea (voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana)
Age: 20
The second son of the Albarea Dukedom, one of the Four Great Houses, and the half-brother (from his mother) of Rufus Albarea, who resides in the old Crossbell State.
He suffered from the fact that he was a child born between a noble and a commoner, but after meeting Rean, who was in a similar situation, he developed a strong bond with the members of the special Class VII of Thors Military Academy.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, he takes up the job of acting lord of Kreuzen Province, and plans to rebuild the Bareahard region.
Meanwhile, Jusis, who felt the turbulent atmosphere that pressure from the nobles, such as the treatment of the Vander family and enforcement of the tax reform, is strengthening at an accelerated rate, keeps in contact with the other Four Great Houses such as Patrick T. Hyarms and Gerhart Rogner behind the scenes, but…
Machias Regnitz (voiced by Takuya Satou)
Age 20
The son of Imperial Governor Carl Regnitz, and a hard worker who is strict with himself as well as others.
Due to past events, he had a strong hatred of nobles, but after connecting with Rean, Jusis, and the others as a student of the special Class VII at Thors Military Academy, they built a solid relationship of mutual trust unbound by social status.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, Machias, who considered going on a different path from his father and the Blood and Iron Chancellor Giliath Osborne, moved on to the Imperial political science academy, and working the seriousness and excellence he inherited from his father at full operation, acquired the credits he needed in just one year.
At the unprecedented age of 19, Machias entered the “Judicial Inspection Institute,” and in carrying out observation work all over, noticed a “certain policy” being planned by the Blood and Iron Chancellor, but…
■ Keywords
Reinford Group
A heavy industry maker giant, which manufactured the luxury airship Lusitania and government-use train Eisengraf.
It started in the middle ages as a weapons workshop, and grew rapidly after the Orbal Revolution half a century ago.
It monopolizes an overwhelming market share in areas such as the iron and steel railroad, firearms, and tanks.
Alisa previously rebelled against her mother, Irina Reinford, who stole power from her grandfather and took office as chairman, but their relationship has gradually repaired.
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, Alisa is helping manage the Reinford Group and steadily building up her career.
The Musician
The reason that Elliot aspired to become a musician is because he grew up listening to the performances of his mother, a famous pianist who passed away.
At his father’s opposition, he once gave up on that path, but grew significantly during his time at Thors Military Academy, and was able to make his dream come true.
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, Elliot is trying to go even further as a musician, and his efforts are drawing attention.
Arseid Style
A traditional style of swordsmanship known as one of the great military arts in the Empire alongside the Vander style used by the protectors of the Imperial family.
It is said that if the Vander style specializes in “protection,” then the Arseid style specializes in “assault.”
For that reason, Arseid style users mainly tend to use two-handed swords.
The current top practitioner of the Arseid style is Victor S. Arseid, Laura’s father. He is one of the top three swordsman in the Empire.
The Four Great Houses
There are Four Great Houses among the Empire’s nobility which are said to be of the highest family status.
The Houses possess large territory in the west, east, north, and south of the Empire, including the Lamarre Province in the west governed by the Cayenne family, Kreuzen Province in the east governed by the Albarea family, Nortia Province in the north governed by the Rogner family, and the Sutherland Province in the south governed by the Hyarms family.
During the Civil War, they established the core of the Noble Alliance, but because the Reformist Faction won, their current level of influence in the Empire seems to be weakening.
Commoners and Nobles
When he was first admitted to Thors Military Academy, Machias hated nobles and the aristocracy.
The reason for that is because the cousin that he loved like an older sister committed suicide as a result of her engagement to a noble.
For the commoners of the Empire who experienced the Civil War, it is possible that the current nobility has become an enemy to hate in the same way Machias once did in the past.
Machias lightened up towards nobles while spending his days with Rean, Jusis, Laura, and others born of noble status in Class VII, but what about the current Imperial commoners?
Please pay attention to the relationship between commoners and nobles in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-13 04:22 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-20 06:38 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Fie, Emma, Celine, Gaius, and Millum
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing returning, former Class VII characters Fie Claussell, Emma Millstein, Celine, Gaius Worzel, and Millum Orion.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Fie Claussell (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto)
Age: 17
A former jaeger girl called by the name, “Sylphid.”
Following the death of its leader, the jaeger corp “Zephyr,” which she was a member of, dissolved. After, she half-forcibly became a student of the special “Class VII” at Thors Military Academy by the proposal of Sara Valestein, a bracer, and achieved significant growth through her student life.
During the Civil War, Fie is reunited with her former jaeger corp, who leave behind only the mysterious words, “Recover the leader,” before disappearing.
In order to find out the true meaning behind those words, and in mulling over what she can do for Class VII, she chooses to become a “Bracer of the Imperial Guild” after graduating from Thors Military Academy.
With regulations from the Imperial government further strengthening, she gained the qualifications of a senior bracer at the young age of 16 under the guidance of Sara and Toval Randonneur, and is currently working alongside Sara both inside and outside of the country.
Emma Millstein (voiced by Saori Hayami)
Age: 20
The daughter of a family known as the “Hexen Clan,” which has long existed in the shadows of the Erebonian Empire’s history.
As the president of the special “Class VII” of Thors Military Academy, she supported Rean as a guide to the Awakener of the “Ashen Knight.”
During the Civil War, although she reunited with her surrogate older sister and second Anguis of Ouroboros Vita Clotilde, who had disappeared, Clotilde disappeared again after she was defeated by the tactics of the Blood and Iron Chancellor.
After the Civil War, and with her graduating from Thors Military Academy, she decided to go on a full-blown search for the missing Crotilde.
Emma, who learned from the “head” of her hometown history related to secret arts and the Empire, will go on a journey in search of places built by witches and gnomes in the ancient times while once again pursuing Clotilde’s whereabouts.
Celine (voiced by Mai Aizawa)
Age: ??
A black cat with elegant and beautiful fur, who can manipulate people.
As a cat-type familiar used by the Hexen Clan, she possesses unique characteristics, and takes on the role of an “overseer” for Emma.
At first, she was evaluating Rean’s qualifications as the “Awakener of the Ashen Knight,” but after the Civil War began, she accompanied Rean, who was on his own, and lent him her power as a partner for a while. After the Civil War ended, she returned to the witch village with Emma.
While pursuing the whereabouts of Vita Crotilde, who has gone missing, she travels throughout the Empire in search of places built by witches and gnomes.
Gaius Worzel (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya)
Age: 20
Descended from the Nord Highlands located in the northeast of the Empire, he is a young man of the “Nord People,” nomads who have strong faith in the wind and goddess.
In order to protect his hometown, as well as to broaden his own perspective, he entered the special “Class VII” of Thors Military Academy as an exchange student, where he gained the Empire as a second hometown in addition to treasured friends.
After the Civil War ended, Gaius, who promised to reunite with Rean and the others, returned home to the Nord Highlands where the danger of war had once again drawn close.
As the sporadic war between the Republic Army of Calvard, which was defeated in Crossbell, and the Imperial Army of Erebonia happened over again, Gaius kept a watchful eye on the Nord people to protect their safety, but—.
For some reason, it seems that contact between Gaius and the members of Class VII is impossible for the time being.
Millium Orion (voiced by Kotori Koiwai)
Age: 15
A girl with an innocent personality and who uses the silver Combat Shell “Airgetlam.”
She is a member of the Imperial Army of Erebonia’s Intelligence Division.
She is a member of the “Ironbloods,” and uses the code name “White Rabbit” during missions.
In her mission before the Civil War, she was admitted into the special “Class VII” of Thors Military Academy, where she met her friends and lived a daily life that could not be matched.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, she returned to her position as an agent.
While sometimes carrying out joint missions with Altina, she continues to keep in touch with the members of Class VII, including Jusis.
■ Keywords
A skilled jaeger corp described as the “strongest” in Western Zemuria alongside the “Red Constellation.”
Their leader, Rudger Claussell, was once called the “Mercenary Lord,” and in a fight against Red Constellation leader Bardur Orlando, who was similarly called “War God,” it is said that they both died.
According to Xeno and Leonidas, who Fie reunited with during the Civil War, the current group seems to be taking action to “recover the leader,” but their specific plan remains unknown.
Rudger is a foster parent to Fie, and it can be said that he was a person who excelled not only in fighting strength, but also in character.
Hexen Clan
The descendants of a mysterious clan that operated secretly in the shadows of the history of the Erebonian Empire.
They use a system of arts that are said to be different from Orbal Arts, which use Orbments. Emma also used these arts to heal injuries, open locked doors, perform limited memory operations, and so on.
They have a deep connection to “The Ashen Knight,” which causes an uproar every time it makes an appearance in the Empire, and their mission is to lead The Ashen Knight to its “Awakener.”
In order for Emma to fulfill this mission, she enrolls in Thors Military Academy, where “The Ashen Knight Valimar” is sealed.
There are many things that are still unknown about the clan, but based on Emma’s movements, it seems that most of the mysteries will be unveiled in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III.
Nord People
The Nord people live in the Nord Highlands in the northern part of the Empire.
They live their lives as nomads, doing things such as hunting and stock breeding, and are famous as a people with a history of spiritual faith.
During “The War of the Lions” in which the candidates for emperor fought for the throne, the Nord people rallied for Imperial prince Dreichels Reise Arnor, who would become emperor.
The Nord Highlands are located in the space between the Erebonian Empire and the opposing Calvard Republic, and is becoming wrapped up in a territorial dispute between the two countries.
A silver puppet led by Millium.
It was built at the “Black Workshop,” which has a close connection to the secret society known as “Ouroboros.”
It is made of a mysterious-feeling material, and in addition to being able to freely transform to some extent, it is designed to communicate with Millium in a mysterious language, and can become clear and fly at high speeds with Millum riding it.
Millium can move it at will, and a single blow from its strong arm can even break rocks.
Altina’s Claiomh Solais seems to be the same type as Millium’s Airgetlam.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-20 06:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-21 06:43 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布「旧 VII 班」成员埃玛等四名成员介绍
日本 Falcom 于近(20)日公布,将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》最新情报。
本篇报导公布的情报是,在《闪之轨迹(闪の轨迹)》与《闪之轨迹 II(闪の轨迹 II)》里活跃的特科「VII 班」成员「菲・克劳塞尔(フィー・クラウゼル)」、「埃玛・米尔斯汀(エマ・ミスルティン)」&「瑟蕾奴(セリーヌ)」、「盖乌斯・沃泽尔(ガイウス・ウォーゼル)」、「米莉亚姆・奥莱恩(ミリアム・オライオン)」的详细个人资料。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站更新
埃玛、菲「旧 VII 班」众成员也将参战
日本 Falcom 近日更新,剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
本次更新新公布了以特科班「VII 班」同学身分,在《闪之轨迹》与《闪之轨迹 II》活跃的主要成员详细数据:
■ 主要更新内容
■ 菲・克劳塞尔(17 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「──这里是 “妖精”。 现在开始实行游击行动」
因团长之死使她隶属的「西风旅团」陷入解散状态后,在游击士莎拉的提案下强行成为特科班「VII 班」的学生,经历学生生活其身心皆获得了极大的成长。
为了确认这句话的真正含意,并独自思索着「为了『VII 班』自己能做到什么」,而在从托尔兹毕业后,选择成为「帝国游击士协会的游击士」。
她在帝国政府更为强硬的限制下,于莎拉及托瓦尔身边接受训练,以年仅 16 岁的年纪取得正式游击士执照,现在与莎拉组成拍档于帝国内外处理各种工作。
■ 埃玛・米尔斯汀(20 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「希望黎恩在所前进的道路,能够充满 “光明”──」
在 VII 班里以班长,还有负责引导《灰之骑神》启动者身分协助黎恩。
在故乡从 “一族之长” 那学习环绕着秘术与帝国历史的埃玛,打算在追寻着克洛提德下落的同时,一边找寻远古时代由魔女与地精所建造的地点(灵窟)而启程旅行。
■ 瑟蕾奴(?? 岁)
声优:相泽 舞
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「总之请多指教。 ――其实指不指教什么的也没差啦」
起初只是要确认黎恩身为 “骑神之启动者” 的资格,但在内战爆发后,牠与单独行动的黎恩同行,暂时以同伴身分助他一臂之力。
内战终结后,与埃玛一同回到魔女之里。 一边追寻下落不明的薇塔・克洛提德,一边找寻在远古时代由魔女与地精所建造的地点(灵窟)而于帝国各地旅行着。
■ 盖乌斯・沃泽尔(20 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「就算对手是至高无上的存在,我也会以这对羽翼坚守到底――! 」
为了守护故乡以及增广自己的见闻,以留学生身分加入特科班「VII 班」。 在那里他得到了帝国这个第二故乡与重要的朋友。
但不知为何,自这段期间起「VII 班」成员就一直无法与盖乌斯取得联系。
■ 米莉亚姆・奥莱恩(15 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「小亚,要代替我好好看着梨恩呦! 」
操控白银的战术壳《银臂(アガートラム)》,个性天真活泼的少女。 隶属帝国军情报局。
内战前因任务编入托尔兹军官学校「VII 班」,与在那里相遇的同伴们度过了难以取代的日子。
有时会与亚尔缇娜共同执行任务,私下仍持续与尤西斯和其他「VII 班」同伴们交流。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-27 04:54 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Sara, Sharon, Victor, Angelica, and George
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing returning characters Sara Valestein, Sharon Kreuger, Victor S. Arseid, Angelica Rogner, and George Nome.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Sara Valestein (voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi)
Age: 27
A former member of the “Northern Jaegers” jaeger corps known by the name “Purple Lightning,” and go-getter and A-rank Bracer whose beauty is ruined by her remarks.
After the Bracer Guild was forced to shutdown due to pressure from the Iron and Blood Chancellor, she became an instructor at Thors Military Academy through a personal connection, and took on the responsibility of leading students as the instructor of the special Class VII, which consisted of ARCUS Test Members such as Towa and Crow, as well as Rean and company.
After the Civil War, she retired from Thors Military Academy and returned to the Bracers. While training Fie, one of her students with whom she ties up with, she works with other Bracers such as Toval Randonneur while sounding out the unrest within the Empire.
Sharon Kreuger (voiced by Yukana)
Age: 25
An employee of Reinford Group chairman Irina Reinford, and a super maid with lovely conduct and the ability to perfectly execute tasks.
During the Civil War, while supporting the activities of the special Class VII, of which Rean and company were students, she watched over chairman Irina’s only daughter Alisa by always staying at her side.
Her true identity is Enforcer No. IX of the secret society Ouroboros, who is also known by the name “Severing Chains Kreuger.”
Even after revealing her true identiy to the members of the special Class VII, she served as an employee of the Reinford family, and from behind the scenes supported the duties of Alisa, who became the Group’s senior manager. She spent her days productively, but…
Victor S. Arseid (voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto)
Age: 45
Founder of the Arseid School of Swordsmanship, which can be matched against the Vander School, the viscount of Legram in the southeastern part of the Empire, and head of the Arseid family.
He is known as the best swordsman in the Empire, also called by the name “Radiant Blademaster,” and it is rumored that the only one that could surpass him in swordsmanship is the “Golden Rakshasa,” one of his disciples.
During the Civil War, in order to clear the path forward for Rean and company, he fought a fierce battle against the strongest Enforcer, the “Blazing Demon” Macburn.
After Laura, his only daughter, graduated from Thors Military Academy, he took her on a journey of training in order to teach her the secret traditions of the Arseid style.
There is an impatient feeling of sorts for some reason in the appearance of that Arseid, but…
Angelica Rogner (voiced by Naomi Shindo)
Age: 21
The daughter of the Rogner Marquis family, one of the Four Great Houses, user of the eastern martial art known as the “Taito Style,” and a beauty with an unprecedented fondness for women.
As a friend of Towa during their time at Thors Military Academy, and as a senior at the academy, she helped Rean and the other members of the special Class VII. And as the chief pilot of the high-speed cruiser “Courageous” during the Civil War, she supported captain substitute Towa.
After the Civil War ended, she went on a long-planned journey to tour the entire continent on her orbal motorcycle.
On that journey, Angelica, who noticed a “certain sense of discomfort,” gets in touch with her former master in the Calvard Republic, but…
George Nome (voiced by Takeshi Mori)
Age: 21
A young man and engineer with an imposing build who was once a student at Thors Military Academy.
At Thors Military Academy, he formed a test team with Towa, Angelica, and Crow in order to make practical use of the Combat Orbment “ARCUS.” He fostered friendships beyond social status and position, and built the foundation of the special Class VII, of which Rean and company are students.
He has the distinguished engineering strength to be recognized as the “third disciple” of Professor G. Schmidt, and demonstrates his abilities in every aspect, from the creation of the orbal motorcycle to being the mechanic of the cruiser Courageous.
After graduating from Thors Military Academy, he goes on a journey touring engineering factories all over the continent in order to expand his knowledge as an engineer.
While visiting Zeiss Central Factory, Epstein Foundation Headquarters, and so on, and deepening exchanges in places all over, he is absorbing various knowledge.
■ Keywords
Instructors of Thors Military Academy
When Rean was a student at Thors Military Academy, the best of the best in the Empire served as instructors under Principal Vandyke.
Neithardt, who was in training with Sara, was transferred to the school as a temporary instructor while being the ace of the Imperial Army.
Beatrix, the infirmary head, who was once a military doctor known the “Reviver,” was former jaeger Sara’s connection who created her chance for becoming a Bracer.
Additionally, elite names such as the Septian Church-connected Thomas Lysander and Professor G. Schmidt’s disciple Makarov were also among the academy’s instructors.
Two Faces
As long as there are societies on Rean and company’s path forward, confrontation between them is unavoidable.
At this rate, a decisive confrontation between Sharon, who helps them, and society members should be approaching.
However, in the images that have already been released, Sharon has been confirmed as someone with the society.
As the end of Empire approaches, could it be that her choice will have a significant effect on the story?
Masters of the Sword
In the Trails series, the following styles of swordsmanship appear: the “Eight Leaves One Blade” style founded by Yun Ka-fai; the “Vander School” that has been passed down by the Vander family, a noble military family in the Erebonian Empire; and the “Arseid School,” which has been passed down in the noble Arseid family and can be matched against the Vander School.
Among the styles, the experts who mastered each are crowned a nickname of the sword, and Victor, the “Radiant Bladmaster,” is one of them. Leonhardt died during the Liberl incident, but the future trends of other master swordsman will also draw attention.
Yun Ka-fai – Founder of the “Eight Leaves One Blade” style. He also taught Rean. In the series, he only appears by name. Further information about Yun is unknown.
Leonhardt – A swordsman who made a name for himself in the Enforcers. He wielded the Golden Demon Sword “Kernviter.”
Cassius Bright – Yun’s disciple and a user of the Eight Leaves One Blade style. He has abandoned the use of swords and now uses Bojutsu.
Arios Maclaine – Crossbell’s A-rank Bracer. He was initiated into the secrets of the Eight Leaves One Blade style’s Second Form “Gale.”
Taito Style
A style of martial arts that uses “chi” and originated in the Calvard Republic.
It is a style which fights by strengthening one’s own body, without the use of weapons.
Users of the style include Zin Vathek, a Bracer in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky; the receptionist Kilika Rouran; Ouroboros’s Walter; and Lynne, a Bracer in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Zero.
Angelica has previously said, “I learned the Taito Style from a certain woman who was traveling.” Given that there are masters of the style in the Calvard Republic, could her master be Kilika?
ARCUS Test Team
A team formed in order to test the new model Combat Orbments to be used by the former special Class VII.
Its four members were Towa, Angelica, George, and Crow, who did various things during their first year as students.
Making use of that experience, the team supported the former special Class VII.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-27 04:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-27 05:07 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》旧VII组关系者再登场 骑神战追加新要素
日本 Falcom 预定于 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》本周公开新情报,这次主要介绍了与主人公黎恩曾经所属的旧VII组关系密切的5位登场人物。帝国内战结束后,他们现在都在做什么。此外还介绍了驱使骑神这样的人形巨大兵器进行战斗=骑神战相关情报。
莎拉・巴雷斯坦(CV:丰口惠) 27岁
近藤社长谈 莎拉篇:内战后,帝国政府对于公会的压力越发强势,莎拉此时仍选择正式复归游击士为黎恩等人贡献力量,本作中她以前所归属的猎兵团“北之猎兵”也在暗中活跃,莎拉的成长经历、养大其的亲人以及如何从猎兵成为游击士的过程都会逐渐解明。黎恩由于政府要求与阿尔缇娜一起参加“北方战役”的时候,莎拉自身也以游击士身份奔赴诺桑布里亚自治州,关于此大概能从她自己口中得知什么吧。另外这次并不是作为教官,而是作为一位女性游击士来接触曾经的学生,物语中说不定能看到其意外的一面。让莎拉变得非常喜欢“年上大叔”的根源究竟是何人也会判明。
雪伦·克鲁格(CV:ゆかな) 25岁
近藤社长谈 雪伦篇:黎恩等人旧VII组成员学生时代就已表明身份,之后仍然为莱恩福尔特家效力的雪伦,这次也会作为亚莉莎随行的身份帮助他们,是十分可靠的存在。但是,本作中知晓其作为执行者“死线”过去的结社成员将登场,她的生平以及与伊琳娜会长相遇到辅佐莱恩福尔特家的经历都会判明,在雪伦的周围将会有各种事情发生,似乎她本人也预感到了,亚莉莎这边也对雪伦的言语行动抱有奇妙的违和感。即将要被卷入帝国所发生的巨大漩涡内一般,雪伦与亚莉莎,以及和莱恩福尔特家的联系将会发生怎样的变化值得注目。
维克特·S·亚尔赛德子爵(CV:安元洋贵) 45岁
近藤社长谈 维克特篇:巡洋舰卡雷贾斯依然是皇族的船这点并未改变,虽然已经脱离奥利维特管制,但帝国城府仍然注视着卡雷贾斯的动态,考虑到何时还会成为皇子的助力,维克特在内战后也继续担当舰长之职。在前作,让大家见识了作为“帝国武之象征”压倒性的强大,其存在令结社“噬身之蛇”最强成员马克邦与阿瑞安赫德也无法小视。另外本作中还将描写与弟子之一欧蕾莉亚间的师徒对决,他对欧蕾莉亚有着怎样的看法也会讲述,而为何要如此早就传授爱女劳拉亚尔赛德流奥义。其理由也会由他本人告诉大家。
安洁莉卡・罗格纳(CV:进藤尚美) 21岁
近藤社长谈 安洁莉卡篇:使用自作的导力机车在大陆旅行中,仍然不改其自由奔放的生活方式,虽然远离了亲友托娃和乔治,但依然随时保持着联络的样子。本作中除了能看到其作为自由人的一面外,还与艾尔巴雷亚家代表尤西斯以及海亚姆斯家取得联系,作为罗格纳侯爵代理采取行动。如截图所公开的,她在本作仍继续帮助VII组成员,根据情况还会作为队伍成员参加战斗。
乔治·诺姆(CV:森岳志) 21岁
近藤社长谈 乔治篇:内战时作为技术者协力黎恩等VII组成员的乔治,本作中为了某个目的到访托尔兹第二分校,走访编大陆各地工房与技术制造商的他所拥有的知识,将再次帮到黎恩。此外,这次还可以看到其与师傅施密特博士以及师妹提妲间交流的场面,施密特的一号弟子究竟是谁说不定就可以知晓了。另外前作一直由乔治担当导力器的调整,本作中则被师傅任命,将由在学中的提妲来负责机甲兵与战术导力器的维护。
敌机有着头部、腕部、身躯三部分构成,瞄准其中一个进行攻击,部位存在有弱点,攻击后将有高确率发生“体势崩坏”,与通常战斗一样可以使用“Link Attack”连击,反之攻击弱点以外部分,可能会被防御或反击。
骑神与机甲兵可以设定搭档,设定搭档的机体,将可选择EX Arts、蓄力、神气这三个特殊指令,消费EP发动强力攻击魔法,还可以根据战况回复HP、CP、EP。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-3 03:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-3 04:06 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Divine Knight Battles
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing Divine Knight Battles.
Get the details below.
■ Divine Knight Battles
Giant Robots Clash! “Divine Knight Battles” System
The Divine Knight that possesses great power, and the Panzer Soldats, which are based on the Divine Knight and have been mass produced. Battles using these giant, humanoid weapons are called “Divine Knight Battles.”
Divine Knight Battles first appeared in the original The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, and will return in The Legend of Heroes; Trails of Cold Steel III. New elements, including group battles using multiple Panzer Soldats and a partner system, have also been added.
—Form your unit and head into battle: Construct a team of Rean’s Ashen Knight, Valimar, and Panzer Soldats piloted by the students of Class VII.
—Clash with Aurelia, who pilots the golden Panzer Soldat: Fight in a Divine Knight Battle against Aurelia, the principle of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch. Just how strong is the golden Panzer Soldat piloted by the high-powered principle?
—Previously unseen formidable foes: An unknown, blue-armored Panzer Soldat will also appear. Its heavy armor and strong arm blow make it a force to be reckoned with.
Attack: Attack the Enemy’s Weak Point to Perform a Link Attack
Enemy Panzer Soldats have three parts—the head, arms, and body—and you can attack by choosing a part to target. Among them are weak points, and when that weak point is attacked, there is a high probability the enemy will lose their balance. Just like standard battles, by using a “Link Attack” in a Divine Knight Battle, you can unleash a flurry of attacks. On the other hand, if you attack a part that is not a weak point, the enemy may guard or counterattack.
Even in Divine Knight Battles, it is essential to lower the enemy’s Break Gauge. The “Break Gauge” introduced in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is also present in Divine Knight Battles, and by attacking to lower the gauge, you can drive the enemy into a “Break State.” An enemy that enters the Break State is not only temporarily weakened, the probability of them losing their balance by an attack rises to 100 percent. Since there are attack methods to efficiently reduce the gauge, assessing the situation is essential during battle.
—Choose a body part to attack: Choose from among the three body parts to attack. The weak point part will change depending on the enemy’s stance.
—Strike their weak point to break their balance: If you successfully strike the enemy’s weak point, they will lose their balance. Just like standard battle Link Attacks, you can unleash a flurry of attacks.
—Deal great damage with a Link Attack: Normally this only consists of consecutive attacks, but if you have BP (Brave Points), it is possible to use stronger attacks such as “special moves” and “cooperative attacks.”
Defend: Reduce Damage and Aim for a Counter
Enemy attacks are very powerful in Divine Knight Battles. Sometimes it will be necessary to choose the “Defense” command in order to minimize damage to the Panzer Soldat. Since you can see which Panzer Soldat in your party is being targeted by the enemy by pressing the L2 button, you should use this while solidifying your defenses. For Rean’s Valimar, there is also the counterattack Craft, “Morning Moon.”
—Even when faced against a strong attack, you can reduce damage considerably by solidifying your defenses. This will be useful when facing boss-class enemies.
—By pressing the L2 button, you can check which ally Panzer Soldat the enemy is targeting. If their HP cannot take the hit, it would be best to defend.
Crafts: Use Powerful Skills in Divine Knight Battles
Craft Points (CP) can also be used during Divine Knight Battles to use Crafts with various effects, such as attack and support. Characteristics vary by Craft, from those that boast extremely high power to those that hit the enemy with a delay effect.
It should be noted that specific parts cannot be targeted when attacking using a Craft, and that each Craft has a set probability that it will break the enemy’s balance.
—Arc Moon Flash: Valimar’s exclusive Craft. It puts all of its power into its sword and swings it with a flash at surrounding enemies. It has a high probability of breaking the enemy’s balance.
—Gemini Blast: Juna’s Panzer Soldat-use Craft. It riddles several enemies with bullets shot at rapid speed. It has a high Break Gauge damage rate.
—Rain Slash: Kert’s Panzer Soldat-use Craft. It unleashes a vivid and dense summer rain slash. It also has the effect of delaying the enemy’s actions.
Partner System: Borrow Your Partner’s Strength
You can set a partner for each character piloting a Divine Knight or Panzer Soldat. When a Panzer Soldat has a partner, you can select up to three special commands:
EX Arts – Consumes EP to use attack Arts and increase the performance of your Panzer Soldat. Depending on the partner, the EX Arts you can use will change.
Charge – Significantly recovers the EP of your Panzer Soldat. It is an indispensable command for long-lasting battles.
Spirit – Consumes EP to recover your own HP and CP. It will be extremely useful in Divine Knight Battles with little means of recovery.
Not only can characters with partners use powerful Arts that consume EP, but since HP, CP, and EP can be recovered depending on the situation, partners are indispensable for Divine Knight Battles.
—EX Art: “Noire Barrier” – Altina’s exclusive EX Art. It has the same effect as the standard craft of the same name. It surrounds the player in a “black barrier” that reflects all physical attacks. Be sure to use it when the enemy is readying a powerful attack.
—EX Art: “Acide Rage” – Ash’s exclusive EX Art. Increases his STR (attack power), ATS (Arts attack power), and recovers CP, but doe so in exchange for reducing his own HP.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-3 04:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-4 06:49 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布巨大机器人战「骑神战」和拓展其战略的「拍档系统」
转载 - 巴哈姆特
日本 Falcom 于昨(3)日公布,将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》最新情报。
本作强化了于《闪之轨迹》、《闪之轨迹 II》里以骑神瓦利玛(ヴァリマール)进行的巨大人型兵器战「骑神战」。 进行机甲兵操纵训练的第 II 分校学生们也将加入骑神战,能以「瓦利玛 + 机甲兵」的形式进行部队编组。 于分校进行操纵训练的学生们,不仅将与敌机交战,也有机会挑战奥蕾莉亚(オーレリア)分校校长所驾驶的黄金机甲兵,或是梨恩教官的骑神瓦利玛。
此外本次报导,也将送上能针对骑神及机甲兵操纵者个别设定一位拍档的「拍档系统(パートナーシステム)」情报。 拍档能在选择指令时从「充填(チャージ)」、「神气」、「EX ART(EX アーツ)」之中选择一项,支持操纵者的战斗。 是让骑神战的战略层面更为扩展的系统。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站更新
日本 Falcom 于近日更新了,象征该公司的高人气剧情 RPG,《轨迹》系列最新作的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》官方网站。
巨大人形兵器之间的冲突! 『骑神战』系统升级
巨大人形兵器展开冲突! 战斗系统『骑神战』
强化了《闪之轨迹》、《闪之轨迹 II》里由骑神瓦利玛进行的巨大人型兵器战「骑神战」!
本作中进行机甲兵操纵训练的第 II 分校学生们也将加入骑神战,因此能以瓦利玛 + 机甲兵的形式编组部队。
成功命中对方弱点部位,将有非常高的机率使敌机姿势崩解。 此时能以一般战斗下的「链接攻击(リンクアタック)」相同要领,运用骑神瓦利玛或机甲兵进行追击。
★ 掌握弱点部分相当的重要
★ 在骑神战里也导入了「Break 量表(ブレイクゲージ)」。
与一般战斗相同,骑神战里也对敌人设定了 Break 量表。
有效率地削弱对手的 Break 量表,除了能让敌机陷入「Break」状态变得虚弱外,在攻击时还有 100% 的机率触发姿势崩解。
消耗 CP(战技点数),发动骑神及机甲兵固有的战技。
使用战技时不需选择目标部位。 攻击命中时除了有一定机率使对手的姿势崩解,还会发动特殊效果。
连续射出子弹,将众多敌机射成蜂窝。 对 Break 量表的伤害率相当高。
在战斗中按下 L2 按钮,就能确认敌机下一回合将会攻击谁。
「拍档」选择指令时,可从「充填」「神气」「EX ART」使用任一项指令,支持操纵者的战斗。
⇒ 消耗 EP,以 ART(魔法)给予大伤害,或是让自机能力提升(根据角色所能使用的 ART 将有所不同)
≪EX ART 范例≫
...... 阿尔堤娜专用 EX ART。
...... 亚修专用 EX ART。
使自机 STR、ATS 上升,也会使 CP 回复,不过相对会导致体力流失。
⇒大幅回复自机 EP。
⇒消耗 EP 让自机 HP、CP 回复。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-8 04:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-9 06:32 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III PS4 model announced for Japan
日本 Sony Store 宣布推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》特别版 PS4 主机
日本 Sony Store 宣布,将于 9 月 28 日推出 PS4 角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》合作特别款式 PS4 主机「PlayStation 4 英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III Special Edition」,分为 500GB 与 1TB 两种型号,价格各为 33480 日圆与 38480 日圆(未税)。
此一合作特别款式是以标准极致黑 PS4 主机,搭配额外附属的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》原创设计刻印上盖、原创主题与原创设计包装所构成,但不包含游戏软件。 8 月 8 日起在 Sony Store 购物网站与银座、札幌、名古屋、大阪、福冈天神的直营店面开放预购,采限量供应。
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia and Falcom have announced a The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III PlayStation 4 model for Japan due out alongside the game on September 28.
The model, which is available for pre-order now via the Sony Store, costs 33,480 yen for the 500 gigabyte model or 38,480 yen for the one terabyte model. It includes a The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III-themed top cover, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III PlayStation 4 original theme, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III-themed original design packaging. Options to bundle it with the standard or special editions of the game are also available.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-10 05:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-10 05:19 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》杂志图苍绯之名关键人物及新要素介绍
日本 Falcom 预定于 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》本周杂志新情报,这回介绍了有着“苍”“绯”之名的两位新角色在内4位重要人物,与以特别装甲列车展开的演习相关内容。
●苍之齐格飞(CV:???) 年龄:???
●薇塔·克洛提德(CV:田村由香里) 26岁
有着“猎兵王”的异名,曾经率领猎兵团“西风旅团”历经百战磨练的团长,也是养育菲的人,实力强劲,能将顶尖猎兵们收于麾下的手腕,与可以对应各种战局的“Buster Grave”使战斗力更加提升,神出鬼没的战术令其他猎兵团也十分佩服。数年前与猎兵团“赤色星座”团长斗神的单挑中同归于尽,在菲与团员们面前断气,之后“西风旅团”团员四散各处才对,居然复活了?!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-10 07:19 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details “Azure” Siegfried, “Vermillion” Roselia, Vita Clotilde, and Rudger Claussell
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing new characters “Azure” Siegfried and “Vermillion” Roselia, and returning characters Vita Clotilde and Rudger Claussell.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
“Azure” Siegfried (voiced by ???)
Age: ???
A mysterious young man who wears a blue coat, a mask over his face, and uses dual handguns.
He seems to belong to an organization different from the Imperial Army of Erebonia, Ouroboros secret society, and Jaeger Corps, and as someone’s “agent,” appears in various places throughout the Empire to observe the movements of each power and Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch.
His appearance is reminiscent of “a certain person” of the former Class VII, in which Rean and company spent their precious school days, but…?
“Vermillion” Roselia (voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi)
Age: ???
A girl with long, golden hair that reaches the floor, and who is characterized by her use of an antique manner of speaking.
She appears throughout the Empire and even comes into contact with Rean, but her objective and motives are entirely unknown.
Somehow or another, she seems to know that Rean is the Ashen Awakener, and sometimes appears before him to leave him with words that have an air of advice.
With features such as her golden hair and crimson eyes, she appears to share characteristics with the vampire Rose, who appears in the novel “Red Moon Rose,” which is themed after the incident that occurred in the Empire 200 years ago, but…
Vita Clotilde (voiced by Yukari Tamura)
Age: 26
A witch of the Hexen Clan and Second Anguis of the secret society Ouroboros, in which she is known by the nickname, “The Azure Abyss.”
In order to execute the Phantasmal Blaze Plan” which The Society is moving forward with, she used the Noble Alliance during the Civil War to prepare the “stage” for a Divine Knight showdown between Crow and Rean.
However, because of Duke Cayenne, who could not control himself in the situation, the manifestation of the Vermillion Knight dormant beneath the Imperial castle was permitted, and at the same time Crow died, the plan itself was completely “overtaken” by the “Blood and Iron Chancellor” Giliath Osborne.
Entrusting Crow’s remains to Rean and company, Clotilde disappeared from the scene, and cut off all contact with The Society under any circumstance. While ducking the pursuit of The Intelligence Division and Railway Military Police, she is probing for the true state of The Black Workshop and true character of Giliath Osborne on her own.
Rudger Claussell (voiced by Hochu Otsuka)
Age: 50
A veteran leader who has the nickname “Mercenary Lord,” once led the Zephyr Jaeger Corps, is Fie’s adoptive father.
He is a determined man with strong resolve, and with ability greater than that of the top class Jaegers combined. He has great fighting strength through his “Buster Glaive” that can adapt to any battlefield, and even other Jaeger Corps acknowledge his superiority when it comes to his elusive strategy.
However, several years ago, a fierce battle unfolded on the battlefield after the Red Constellation and Zephyr were hired by conflicting clients, and at the end of the one-on-one fight with the enemy leader, Rudger and his opponent simultaneously defeated each other.
Rudger breathed his last breath in front of Fie and the other group members, and after, it was thought that the members of Zephyr scattered, but…?
■ Keywords
Crow Armburst
Speaking of characters connected to Class VII, Crow has appeared as a senior at Thors Military Academy and as leader “C” of the terrorist organization known as the Imperial Liberation Front.
He cooperated with the Noble Faction to assassinate Chancellor Giliath Osborne and piloted The Azure Knight, Ordine in order to overtake Thors Military Academy.
After that, he died by Vermillion Apocalypse’s attack in the battle of the Infernal Castle.
New character Siegfried seems to have a similar atmosphere to Crow.
The Four Faces of Clotilde
An Anguis of The Society, a witch of the Hexen Clan, an opera singer known by the name “The Azure Diva,” and radio personality Misty of the Trista Broadcasting radio program “Abend Time.”
Clotilde is a character who has surely bewitched those around her—like a witch would—by properly using a variety of identities such as the aforementioned.
Even though she is acting independently this time, it seems very likely that she will use her various identities.
Perhaps you’ll even get to meet her in the form of Misty once again?
Members of Zephyr
There are currently three members of “Zephyr,” which is led by Rudger, who are Fie, Xeno, and Leonidas.
Fie is currently active as a novice Bracer.
As for the remaining two, in the previous game, they were working with the Noble Faction while looking for something regarding their leader. Will you act alongside Rudger as a result?
Please pay attention to Fie, who loves Rudger like a father, in what she thinks at their reunion and how she acts.
“Red Moon Rose”
The novel “Red Moon Rose” is a book that appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel.
There were 14 volumes in total, and when they were all gathered, they could be exchanged for a Zemurian Ore.
The content of the book itself depicts the “Vampire Incident” that occurred in the Imperial capital Heimdallr 200 years prior, and within it, the true ancestor of the vampire named “Rose” appears.
In the story, a woman with semi-long blond hair used weapons such as the “Templar Sword” used by members of the church and a large, silver handgun. And while she was using Thaumaturgy to heal the injured, it is not said whether or not she belongs to the church.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-10 07:20 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-17 04:15 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details The Derfflinger, Training Grounds
Falcom has released a new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing The Derfflinger and training grounds.
Get the details below.
■ The Derfflinger
The Derfflinger is a special armored train characterized by an elegant form given to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School by the Railway Military Police to use for training.
It has six rail cars equipped with high armored performance, including Car No. 1: the engine, Car No. 2: the briefing room and professor cabins, Car No. 3: the dining car and lounge, Car No. 4: the student cabins, and Cars No. 5 and 6: large freight cars where several Panzer Soldats can be stored.
When training, by dropping anchor in the field and establishing a “convenient training grounds” with the Derfflinger as its base, it makes it possible for each class—“Special Duty Division” (Class VII), “Tactics Division” (Class VIII), and “Accounting Division” (Class IX)—to practice in actual combat.
The Cars
—Car No. 1: The first car, where the orbal engine is controlled. It can be said that it is the heart of the train.
—Car No. 2: The professor cabins and briefing room. Meetings are held here.
—Car No. 3: The dining car. The students talk and relax here.
—Car No. 4: The student cabins. One room has four beds.
—Car No. 5: A freight car that stores Panzer Soldats. The regular Panzer Soldats piloted by the students are stored here.
—Car No. 6: A freight car, just like Car No. 6. It only stores Valimar, the Ashen Knight.
Event Scenes
—Yuna has had enough of Kurt. A conversation event between three students of Class VII.
—Several students dorm together in the same student cabin, and it seems like Ash and Kurt share the same room. Who could they be talking to?
—You can also interact with students outside of Class VII. Here is one student who has knowledge of a special tea.
—Adult-esque students will also appear. Here is one of the female students, who seems to be thinking about the current order of the Empire.
■ Training Grounds
In the field, the “Training Grounds” is set up with the Derfflinger as its base. Here, the students will take on various tasks.
On the Training Grounds, the students of Class IX act mainly as backup to the members of the Branch School. By using the shop facility managed by the students of Class IX, Rean and the other party members can purchase weapons, armor, and consumables, as well as perform orbment maintenance.
Also, inside the Derfflinger, which travels all over the continent, you may be able to see a side of the students different from their ordinary school lives.
—Panzer Soldats will appear even on the Training Grounds.
—Tita mans the shop facility. Options include talk, examine Orbment, strengthen weapons, or buy things.
—Roles outside of weapons and consumables are divided up per class.
—Various events with students will occur even on the Training Grounds.
Threats on the Training Grounds
At the Training Grounds, players may come into contact with hostile organizations moving in secret within the Empire, such as The Society and Jaegers. In addition to standard battles, these may even include large-scale Panzer Soldat battles.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-17 04:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-18 06:48 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开学生使用的特殊装甲列车以及在帝国各地执行的演习内容
日本 Falcom 公开,预定在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》最新游戏情报。
这次要和大家介绍托尔兹军官学院(トールズ士官学院)第 II 分校学生使用的特殊装甲列车「德弗林格尔号(デアフリンガー号)」,以及在帝国各地执行的演习内容。 另外以下游戏内容都会在即日起刊载于游戏官方网站。
德弗林格尔号是托尔兹第 II 分校在演习时使用的特殊装甲列车。 1 号车是导力机关车,2 号车是会议室与教官用客房,3 号车是餐车和休息室,4 号车是客房,5 号车和 6 号车是装载机甲兵的货车。
1 号车
2 号车
3 号车
4 号车
5 号车
6 号车
在演习时,会以德弗林格尔号为中心,设置「简易演习场」,由 VII 班特务科、 VIII 班战术科和 IX 班主计科分别以实战标准执行演习任务。
另外还可以使用由 IX 班主计科学生经营的商店功能,购买武器、防具以及消秏品等道具,或是维修战斗成员的战术导力器(オーブメント)。
在前往演习地点的车程当中,可以在车厢里面和其他学生沟通交流。 似乎还有能够看到角色平常不为人知的一面,或者是获得意外情报等等,只有在德弗林格尔号中才会触发的事件。
虽然演习是在帝国各地执行,但却不一定安全。 也可能会与结社『噬身之蛇(身喰らう蛇)』,或是猎兵团等敌对组织发生冲突,有时甚至会在演习过程当中遭受袭击。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-18 02:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-18 02:48 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III limited edition soundtrack sample video
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》限定版原声试听
日本 Falcom 预定于 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PS4 平台游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》初回限定 KISEKI BOX 同捆的迷你原声限定版公开试听影像,视频中还包含了不少游戏新画面。游戏目前还未正式公布中文版情报,还请大家耐心等待续报。
Falcom has released a video featuring music samples from the mini soundtrack included with the First-Print Limited Kiseki Box edition of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III in Japan.
The mini soundtrack features the following songs:
1. “Yukitsuku Saki”
2. “Kengeki Dotou”
3. “Hikari Sasu Sora no Shita de”
4. “Cheap Trap”
5. “Solid as the Rock of Juno”
6. “Ano Hi no Yakusoku”
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-24 02:20 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》最新杂志途铁血之子继续登场搞事
日本 Falcom 预定在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》本周杂志新情报,这次介绍了游戏剧情中最重要人物之一“铁血宰相奥兹本”与遵循其意志活动的“铁血之子”们相关内容。另外伴随战术导力器“ARCUS II”的公开,可以施展超强力效果的新导力魔法也判明。
克蕾雅·利威尔特(CV:小清水亚美 原:松来未佑)
战术导力器可以强化所有者的身体能力,从而能驱动导力魔法的战斗用导力装置,本作为《闪之轨迹》等所使用的“ARCUS”的最新版本“ARCUS II”,通过组合结晶回路来发挥性能,此外还追加了独特构造。II中,核心回路可以装备2个,上为主,下为辅,获得经验值为主100%,辅50%。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-24 04:48 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III demo movie; Osborne, Lechter, Rufus, and Claire details
Falcom has released a “demo movie” and new set of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing characters Giliath Osborne, Lechter Arundel, Rufus Albarea, and Claire Rieveldt.
Get the details below.
Spoiler Warning: This is an article about characters in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III. Thus, it contains information about previous developments of The Legend of Heroes series. Proceed with caution.
■ Characters
Giliath Osborne (voiced by Jouji Nakata)
Age: 54
A representative of the Imperial government of military background, known throughout the continent of Zemuria as the “Blood and Iron Chancellor.”
Since taking office, he has promoted modernization of the Empire in every aspect, and has made strong progress in areas such laying the railroad network throughout the country, and annexing and making provinces of neighboring regions.
His philosophy, called the “Reformist Faction,” has gathered enthusiastic support from the commoners, but is looked upon in utter hostility by the noble powers, which leads to instability within the country.
Meanwhile, after he is shot by an assassin during a public address, the Noble Alliance’s occupation of the Empire begins, the country falls into a civil war.
And—in the final stages of the Civil War, Osborne, who managed to escape death for whatever reason, takes advantage of the chaos to overtake the Phantasmal Blaze Plan that the secret society Ouroboros was moving forward with, and simultaneously reveals the shocking truth that he is the real father of a certain character.
Lechter Arundel (voiced by Masakazu Morita)
Age: 24
Captain of the Erebonia Imperial Intelligence Service, who also possesses the title of diplomatic secretary.
One of the Ironbloods founded by the Blood and Iron Chancellor, he is an irresponsible and carefree young man at first glance, but is called by the nickname “Scarecrow” as a result of his by all imaginable means success in unofficial, under the table negotiations and handiwork.
During the Civil War, he hides out in Crossbell, which declared national independence. Working together with the intelligence officials of the Republic of Calvard, as well as the Crossbell Police Department and Special Support Section, he contributed to the then-president’s fall from power.
After the Civil War, while active in various places as an intelligence officer for the Imperial Intelligence Service, he often appears before Rean and company in order to convey orders from the Imperial government to the “Ashen Knight.”
Rufus Albarea (voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa)
Age: 29
The eldest son of the Albarea Duke family of the Four Great Houses, and the first governor-general of the Crossbell Province annexed by the Empire.
During the Civil War fought between the Noble Faction and Reformist Faction, he worked as a general officer for the Noble Alliance, but his true identity is leader of the Ironbloods founded by the Reformist Faction representative, Blood and Iron Chancellor Giliath Osborne.
While using Altina, lent to him by the Black Workshop, and while advantageously leading the command of the Noble Alliance, he guided them on a path that would end in them being regarded as “traitors.”
After the Civil War, as the general commander of the Crossbell Expeditionary Force that combined the powers of the Imperial Army of Erebonia and provincial armies, he bloodlessly occupied Crossbell City in the blink of an eye.
He also withdrew all subsequent invasions of the Republic of Calvard Army, and contributed to the insertion of Crossbell into Imperial territory, both in name and application.
Claire Rieveldt (voiced by Ami Koshimizu)
Age: 26
A special duty major who belongs to the Imperial Army of Erebonia and Railway Military Police, and a member of the Ironbloods.
She is known by the nickname “Icy Maiden” from the fact that she commands troops deployed on the railway network throughout the Empire like limbs with unrivaled processing capabilities equivalent to that of an orbal arithmetic unit.
During the Civil War, she gallantly protected Osborne’s doctrine in a disaster, and in helping out Rean and the other members of Class VII, cooperated in the reorganization of the outnumbered Imperial Army of Erebonia.
She was praised for the direction she took in her counteroffensive and Imperial capital recovery strategies, and was promoted to major at the young age of 25, and entrusted to command the troops throughout the entire Empire, including Crossbell Province.
Accompanying the establishment of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, Claire, who went to Reaves in order to deliver the military armored train known as The Derfflinger, has her first reunion with Rean since the Northern War.
■ Keywords
The subordinates of Primce Minister Giliath Osborne under his direct control.
While they usually act in their individual positions and organizations within the Empire, they become Osborne’s limbs in an emergency, and are his protege subordinates who faithfully carry out his orders.
They swear absolute loyalty to Osborne, and whatever reasons exist for them joining is unknown.
Osborne himself also seems to rely upon them, but did not inform them he was alive after he was attacked by a sniper assassin, and also kept the existence of Ironbloods leader Rufus a secret, while feeling out speculation behind the scenes.
Could it be that there are more members of the Ironbloods outside of the four currently known to exist?
Lechter earned his nickname, “Scarecrow,” as a result of his 100 percent success rate in negotiations said to be impossible.
He first appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd. At the time, he was the student council president of Jenis Royal Academy in the Liberl Kingdom. His reasons for being at the school are unknown, but he dropped out midway.
His next appearance was when he came to Grancel Castle in Liberl with Osborne.
In Crossbell State, which was the setting of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Zero and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Azure, he disguised himself as a tourist and got in touch with Lloyd and the other members of the Special Support Section. He often helped them in a pinch.
At this time, he met with Kilika, a member of the intelligence agency in the Republic of Calvard, and discussed “making rules for information warfare appropriate for a new era.”
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, he showed his skills in avoiding through negotiation a conflict between the Republic of Calvard in the Nord Highlands and the Empire.
The Leader
An extraordinary existence among the Ironbloods.
At the end of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, Rufus revealed himself to be the “leader” of the Ironbloods, which are the proteges of the Blood and Iron Chancellor.
As his identity was seemingly hidden from the other members of the Ironbloods, even Lechter and Millum were surprised.
He is also the eldest son of the Albarea Duke family, which is the highest ranking noble family of the Four Great Houses, but what made him pledge loyalty to Osborne of the Reformist Faction?
Osborne’s faith in him considered, there seems to be something deep about their relationship.
The Cooperator
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, Claire first appeared as a capable female officer belonging to the Imperial Army of Erebonia and Railway Military Police.
She showed her cooperative side from that point onward, such as in privately meeting Rean at the bar in the evening to provide him with information.
And in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, she joins the third faction led by Rean by her own proposal.
She advised them on protecting Rean’s hometown of Ymir, kept them company at times of relaxation during their hard work, and overcame difficulties alongside them as a reliable companion.
In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, she is promoted from captain to major, and while it seems that she is more pronounced as a soldier, what path will she take when she is stuck between the Empire and Osborne, and Rean?
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-24 04:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-29 08:10 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布正式宣传影片 集结《空》至《闪》的人物迎接帝国新篇章
由日本 Falcom 发行、预计在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PS4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》终于在今日(8 月 24 日)公布了第一部正式宣传影片。
藉由这部宣传影片,我们不仅能抢先听到本作的主题曲与动画片头,也能一窥截至目前为止出现过的所有人物、战斗画面,以及更多与剧情相关的游戏画面。 再次集结的铁血之子们、蠢动的赤色星座与结社成员、新旧 VII 班、登高一呼的宰相,以及尚未解开的鬼之力的真貌...... 都将在游戏中逐步揭开真相。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》故事描述前作内战过后一年半,「灰之骑士」黎恩‧舒华泽因在俗称吊车尾分校的「托尔兹军官学院·利布斯第二分校」担任教官而吸引了诸多目光。
在那,他遇见了来自各地的各色各样人们,有来自克洛斯贝尔的少女、受宰相威压的名门少爷、不良少年与因复杂因素遭退学而转校至此的名门少女,等等。 其他也有从利贝尔远道而来的导力学才女、实力一流的顶尖游击士,以及黎恩昔日的「伙伴」们。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》是“闪之轨迹”系列的第三部续作。除了继承之前作品的一些RPG元素和故事剧情之外,本作还将加入一些新内容。从画面,操控再到适用性,本作会在全方位进化。游戏的背景发生在内战结束,埃雷波尼亚帝国正迎来一个崭新的纪元。故事将以灰骑士黎恩·舒华泽为中心,一个关于年轻英雄们的故事即将展开。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公布展示影片 一举介绍 “铁血宰相” 率领的成员
日本 Falcom 于近日(8 月 24 日(四)17:00)更新,象征该公司的高人气剧情 RPG《轨迹》系列最新作品,PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的官方展示影片。
这次展示影片,搭配剧中乐曲,将主线故事、战斗场景等首度揭露的场面完整收录。 请玩家们务必欣赏距离发售日仅剩下约一个月左右的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》展示影片!
此外配合这次展示影片,也在官方网站一举公布了掌握《闪之轨迹》系列关键的重要人物 “铁血宰相”「吉利亚斯・奥斯本」,及其部下『铁血之子们』的成员。
■ 吉利亚斯・奥斯本(54 岁)
(登场作品:《英雄传说 空之轨迹 the 3rd》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「皇子恶作剧的产物 “第二分校”――就让我那群不肖的孩子们,陪你们好好玩玩吧」
其方针被称之为 “革新派”,受到平民热烈支持,但另一方面却遭到贵族势力完全敌视,招致国内情势变得不安定。
■ 卢法斯・艾尔巴雷亚(ルーファス・アルバレア)(29 岁)声优:平川大辅
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「我等『铁血之子们』──仅为了阁下的伟业而行动。 」
一边利用从「黑之工坊」借来的亚尔缇娜,同时运用其手腕将贵族联合引导至有利的局面,但最终却以 “逆贼” 的身分让贵族一步步掉入他所安排的戏码内。
在内战后集结了帝国正规军・领邦军的力量,成为「克洛斯贝尔讨伐军」总司令在短时间内无血占领了克洛斯贝尔市。 接着也击退了共和国军的进攻,不论名实皆为克洛斯贝尔纳入帝国领土做出了极大的贡献。
■ 克蕾雅・利威尔特(クレア・リーヴェルト)(26 岁)声优:小清水亚美
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「黎恩先生...... 我想您现在,没有必要拘泥于自己和 “他” 的关系」
在内战时即使面对异变仍谨守奥斯本的教诲,将力量借给黎恩等人 VII 班,协助陷入劣势的帝国正规军重整态势。
在指挥反攻作战及帝都夺回作战里的功绩受到上级赏识,年仅 25 岁即升任少校,被交付包含克洛斯贝尔洲在内帝国全土的部队指挥工作。
随着第二分校的设立,为了交付军用装甲列车「德弗林格尔号(デアフリンガー号)」而赶赴里布斯的克蕾雅,在那里自 “北方战役” 以来再次与梨恩会面。
■ 雷克多・亚兰德尔(レクター・アランドール)(24 岁)声优:森田成一
(登场作品:《英雄传说 空之轨迹 the 3rd》、《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)
「让你久等了,舒华泽。 传达命令的时间到了。 」
是铁血宰相所选出的『铁血之子们』一员。 乍看是个吊儿啷当的青年,却因使用了各种手段让非正规的私下交易及协商工作得以成功,而被起了个外号叫《稻草人》。
在内战时,潜伏于宣示要独立为国家的克洛斯贝尔境内。 协助共和国谍报相关人员以及克洛斯贝尔警察、特务支持课,对当时大总统失势的走向做出了贡献。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-29 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-29 06:57 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》需要容量达30GB以上 支持 PS4 Pro 优化
日本 Falcom 公开,预定在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》在网上的某家零售商流出了本作制品版包装封面及详情,确认本作需要容量 30GB 以上,这应该会是Falcom 近年来推出容量最大的一款游戏,同时也支持 PS4 Pro 优化。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》的舞台设立在第二部游戏结束后的一年半,新故事将会以帝国西部地区为舞台,玩家可以前往有巨神存在的诺尔德高原的布里塔尼亚岛。来自利贝尔王国的《空之轨迹》的角色将会再次登场并加入小队,《零之轨迹》的某个角色也会登场,7班的其他伙伴也会在本作登场,并且本作的人物角色将会是《轨迹》系列历史上最多的。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-3 01:29 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details ARCUS II battle orbment
Falcom has new The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III information and screenshots detailing the “ARCUS II” battle orbment.
Get the details below.
■ ARCUS II Battle Orbment
A battle orbment is an orbal device that strengthens the user’s physical capabilities and enables the use of arts. In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, Rean and company will fight using “ARCUS II,” which is the latest version of the “ARCUS” battle orbment used in previous titles.
◆ Basic Structure
A battle orbment manifests its abilities through the placement of crystal circuits called “quartz” into its empty slots. For ARCUS II, unique setups have also been added.
- Master Quartz – A special quartz that levels up and gains abilities the more you battle. In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, you can equip up to two at once.
- Quartz – A crystal circuit sealed with arts and special effects. There are normal, rare, and S rarity quartz.
- Orbment Configuration – Several slots of the orbment are connected by lines. This configuration varies from user to user, as well as affects their fighting style.
- Slots – A place to insert a quartz. When a slot is opened, your maximum EP will increase.
- Lines – The longer the connected line, the higher your EP will increase when opening a slot.
- Two Slots for the Master Quartz – The ARCUS II has two slots for the master quartz. The top slot is the main master quartz, while the bottom slot is the sub master quartz. 100 percent of acquired experience points will go to the main master quartz, while only 50 percent of experience points go to the sub master quartz.
- Quartz Set Effect – The effects granted by set quartz are displayed in the lower left of the quartz configuration screen. You can use this area to check things such as how your stats increased and what special effects were granted.
◆ Master Quartz
By setting the master quartz, in addition to gaining several special effects and enabling arts for use, your stats will also significantly increase. Furthermore, by participating in battle while the master quartz are set, they will gain experience points and can level up (Level 7 maximum). The arts you can use and the stat increases you gain will also rise based on your level, so be sure to level up.
Set the Main and Sub Master Quartz
Two master quartz can be set per character. Depending on the combination, you can further strengthen your abilities in battle.
Here are a few examples of master quartz and what they do:
- Sculd – Increases the HP and EP of the user. In addition to enabling use earth attribute arts such as “Needle Shot,” the more HP you have remaining, the higher the amount of Break Damage you will deal.
- Sirius – Significantly increases the speed of the user and enables use of wind attribute arts such as “Air Strike.” It also hits enemies with several times the standard amount of damage when an evasion counter is activated.
- Regulus – Significantly increases the STR and DEF of the user. In addition to enabling use fire attribute arts such as “Forte,” the amount of CP (Craft Points) you obtain when taking damage will increase. By increasing your level, you can also cut the cool-down period for using an “S Craft” in half.
◆ Use More Powerful Arts Per Attribute
Arts, or otherwise magic, can be used by setting orbments. Using an art costs EP (Energy Points), and the greater the arts’ effect, the more EP it will cost. Arts have seven attributes, and consist of not only attacks, but of a variety of types including recovery and support. New arts will also appear in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III.
“Lost Genesis” (Time)
A dark heavenly body that engulfs everything appears and brings destruction to space and time. It has a “delay” and “deathblow” effect.
“Sevens Calibur” (Space)
Seven sacred swords are summoned that penetrate anything evil. It has a 100 percent chance of inflicting a random status ailment.
“Alvion Wolf” (Mirage)
An illusion of a silver wolf attacks the enemy with a shock wave. Among all of the attack arts, its power is said to be of the strongest class.
“Zeruel Canon” (Fire)
After sending countless red-hot rays of light at the enemy, the enemy is hit with maximum light ray exposure. It has a 100 percent probability of inflicting the “burn” status ailment.
“Diamond Nova” (Ice)
Generates ice cubes of absolute zero degree temperature, and breaks it against a group of enemies. It has a high probability of inflicting the “freeze” status ailment.
“Gravion Hammer” (Earth)
Causes a massive earthquake and erupts the energy from underground. It significantly decreases the enemies’ speed and movement power for a fixed amount of turns.
“Ixion Volt” (Wind)
An attack that covers a group of enemies with a dark black cloud of thunder, then strikes them with lightning. It has a high probability of inflicting the enemy with the “seal” status ailment.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-3 01:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-4 06:27 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》介绍能装置两个核心回路的战术导力器「ARCUS II」等情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/152031.html)
日本 Falcom 日前公布将于 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》最新情报。 本报公布的内容,也预定刊登于官方网站。
对游玩过《闪之轨迹》系列的玩家来说十分熟悉的 “战术导力器(オーブメント)” ARCUS,是能够强化持有者身体能力并能发动导力魔法的携带终端。 在本作里则升级为「ARCUS II」,能够装置两个核心回路。
在此再次为玩家们进行说明,消耗术者的 EP(能量值)发动的导力魔法,拥有「地/水/火/风/时/幻/空」等七种属性。 如能抓准敌人的弱点属性,就能给予对手大幅度的伤害,并能引发让敌人的 Break 量表大幅减少的异常状态「Break」(官方网站的「Break」介绍页面)。
[火] 属性魔法。 让敌人承受无数炙热射线,最后再以庞大光束从正上方进行照射的魔法攻击。 有 100% 的机率让敌人产生「烧伤」状态,并持续给予伤害。
[时] 属性魔法。 出现吞噬一切的黑洞,让时空迎接破灭的时刻。 除了能让对手的行动迟缓,还会高机率发动「即死」效果。
[空] 属性魔法。 召唤七把圣剑贯穿邪恶之物,与战场一同回归虚无。 100% 让对手随机数生成异常状态。
[幻] 属性魔法。 出现银狼的幻影,瞄准捕捉到的猎物,施展超越时空的超努级冲击波痛击对手。 给予敌方全体大幅度的伤害,是最强等级的魔法。
ARCUS 还能藉由装设封入能力或魔法的「回路」,使持有者能力提升,或是变得能使用魔法。 根据其封入的能力或魔法性能,被分类为普通、稀有、超稀有三种。
另外回路之中还存在着会 “成长” 的「核心回路」。 藉由将其设置于 ARCUS 进行战斗来累积经验值,逐渐提升等级强化持有者能力,或是让能使用的魔法种类增加。
另外本作里登场的最新型 ARCUS II,则能装上两个核心回路。 从目前公布的游戏截图来看,可发现该终端里存在着主要结晶孔与次要结晶孔,次要结晶孔并没有以线和其他结晶孔连接。 为此考虑要把哪种核心回路设置于主要结晶孔/次要结晶孔上,编辑的幅度看来会变得更为广泛。
【诗寇蒂(スクルド)】...... 让装备者 HP 及 EP 上升的核心回路。 除了能使用地属性魔法,还会发动 “剩余 HP 越多将让 Break 伤害越为上升” 的特殊效果。
【天狼星(シリウス)】...... 让装备者速度大幅提升的核心回路。 除了能使用风属性魔法,当发动回避反击时将给予平时数倍的伤害。
【轩辕十四(レグルス)】...... 让装备者 STR 及 DEF 大幅提升的核心回路。 除了能使用火属性魔法,还将使受到伤害时的 CP(战技点数)取得量提升。 随着等级提升,还能使发动「S 战技」后的硬直时间减半。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-14 07:25 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-14 08:09 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Vantage Masters and Fishing mini-games
Falcom has updated the official website for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III with information and screenshots of the game’s “Vantage Masters” and “Fishing” mini-games.
Get the details below.
■ Vantage Masters Mini-Game
During the story, you will obtain a deck of cards for the competitive card game “Vantage Masters,” which you can use to battle characters in the game.
What is Vantage Masters?
Vantage Masters is a competitive card game where players draw cards from their deck to add to their hand each turn, and use attacks and skills to defeat the enemy’s “Master Card.”
Game Flow
Choose a deck to battle with.
Flip a coin to see who goes first and who goes second. The battle begins by choosing the initial hand.
Consume Mana (points), which recover each turn, summon Natiel Cards from your hand, activate Magic Cards, and attack the enemy’s cards.
Reduce the enemy Master Card’s HP to zero in the end to win.
Card Types
—Master Card
The player’s “Master” card, placed on the field at the beginning of the game. When this card’s HP is reduced to zero, the player is defeated.
—Natial Cards
By summoning these cards to the field, you can attack your opponent. Each card has its merits based on its type (Earth, Water, Fire, or Heaven), and there are also Natial Cards with special abilities and those that can attack cards in the back row.
—Magic Cards
Cards that can cause various effects on the field by consuming Mana.
Win Battles to Get New Cards
Since at first you will only have a starter deck, the types of cards that can be incorporated into the deck are limited, but by winning battles, you can get new cards from opponents.
Depending on the opponent, there are situations where you can get powerful Master Cards and Natial that have special skills.
Also, outside of the card game, you can buy cards at the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch bookstore.
■ Fishing System
The series’ familiar “fishing” mini-game, where you can fish at “fishing points” you find in dungeons, towns, on the road, and in places all over, has been completely rebuilt.
With one button actions by means of hook judgment and line reeling, you can enjoy a more carefree and comfortable fishing experience.
Fishing Flow
Press the Circle button at a discovered “fishing point” to automatically cast your line.
When the reverse rotating outer ring falls in line with the hook, press the Circle button to get a HIT on the fish.
The mini-game will then switch over to the HIT screen. Long-press Circle to reel in the fishing line.
By reeling in as far the left edge of the gauge, you’ll successfully catch the fish. The fish you catch is registered, and as a bonus, you can obtain any items the fish may spit up.
Buy Fishing Gear and Upgrade Your Rod Performance
At the shop, you can upgrade the performance of your rod and buy various fishing gear.
Since you can extend your rod’s maximum line tension, slow down the speed of the rotating ring, you can take on bigger game with higher difficulty by upgrading your rod.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-14 08:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-14 08:16 PM 编辑
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开毕业生们的现在 钓鱼与卡牌小游戏介绍
日本 Falcom 公开,预定在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》最新游戏情报。曾经士官学院的毕业生们如今都走在自己的人生道路上,除了本次介绍的几人外,还会有其它的毕业生登场。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-14 08:10 PM
Falcom preparing The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I and II for PS4
The first issue of “Sen no Kiseki Magazine,” a special magazine published by Dengeki that released today, has an interview with Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, who says that Falcom is preparing The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II for PlayStation 4.
Specifically, regarding PlayStation 4 versions of the first two games, Kondo says “we’re actually preparing it,” and that he hopes to share more information soon.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is currently available for PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PC, and its sequel The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II is available for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, and due out for PC in the future. The next game in the series, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, will launch for PlayStation 4 in Japan on September 28.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-19 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-19 08:09 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III TGS 2017 demo movie
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开TGS2017特别版宣传片
日本 Falcom 公开,预定在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》公开了 TGS 2017 展会上播放的特别版宣传视频。相比之前的宣传片能够听到比较清晰完整的主题曲并且融入了一些动画风格演绎的开场动画镜头。
Falcom has released the Tokyo Game Show 2017 demo movie for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-21 12:04 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-26 11:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-26 11:23 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III ending brings the Trails series’ story to over 60 percent complete
Falcom近藤社长访谈《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》故事结局讲了 60%
日本 Falcom 即将在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》了,而这周的Fami通和电击杂志都纷纷刊载了发售纪念特企并对Falcom的近藤社长进行了采访。下面就根据消息对访谈要点作一个整理:
• 《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》是初次在PS4上开发。做游戏做了20年,这次无疑是最辛苦的。
• 虽然 PS4 比 PS3 在编程上简化一些,但东西的分量多很多。
• 关于《闪之轨迹 》系列前两作登陆 PS4的传言官方还没证实,但已经收到来自各方面的要求,他自己也希望能在 PS4 上玩到全部《闪之轨迹》系列,请期待官方的告知吧。
• 发售当天同时会配信升级补丁,改善战斗节奏并强化支线剧情的演出。
• 到本作完结时,系列全体故事差不多讲了 60%。在支线任务和登场人物无意间的对话中能闻到一些系列未来的气息。(之前近藤曾经说过闪之轨迹 III之前差不多讲了一半)
• 《闪之轨迹 》系列还会继续下去,关于今后的展开不远的未来就会有情报公开。
The latest issues of Weekly Famitsu and Dengeki PlayStation have interviews with Falcom president and CEO Toshihiro Kondo commemorating the launch of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III in Japan this week.
Here are the tidbits:
• The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is Falcom’s first title developed for PlayStation 4. It was without a bout Kondo’s greatest effort in the 20 years he has been making games.
• Programming for PlayStation 4 was easier than programming for PlayStation 3, but putting in enough resources to surpass PlayStation 3 was difficult.
• (Regarding rumors of the Trails of Cold Steel series coming out on PlayStation 4) While Kondo has nothing organized to announce, there are many requests from all around, and he also wants to be able to play the Trails of Cold Steel series on PlayStation 4. He says to please look forward to a follow-up report.
• A version 1.01 update of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will be released on day one. Here’s what it does:
• Improves battle tempo.
• Balance adjustments for boss battles for each level of difficulty.
• Significant difficulty adjustments for Divine Knight Battles.
• Some Craft and Brave Order performance adjustments.
• Event production adjustments and improvements.
• Addition of some tutorials and improvements.
• Addition of some event markers.
• Typo and bug fixes.
• At the end of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, the series as a whole will be a little over 60 percent complete. Elements that hint at the future of the series, such as sub-quests and casual conversations with the characters that appear, are strewn around the game.
• The story of the Trails series will continue. Kondo thinks that he will be able to share various information about future developments in the series in the near future.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-27 10:17 AM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III opening movie
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》开场动画 OP 公开
由日本 Falcom 制作,即将在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》公开了开场动画影片。
With The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III launching this week in Japan, the game’s opening movie has surfaced on YouTube.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-28 03:39 PM
由日本 Falcom 制作,即将在 2017 年 9 月 28 日发售 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-10-12 04:02 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开泳装DLC
日本 Falcom 公开已发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》于今天推出了一波新的DLC内容,值得注目的是这次包含此前作为店铺特典比较难入手的阿尔缇娜和缪泽的泳装以及悠娜的应援装等内容。另外还新增了一套悠娜的泳装。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-10-13 10:56 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》公开原声 OST将于 11 月 15 日发售
日本 Falcom 公开已发售的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 III》于今天原声 OST 将会在 11 月 15 日发售。这次的原声 OST 将分为上下两卷出售,各包含两张 CD,价格均为实体版2000日元、下载版/HI-RES下载版1800日元。
下载版将会在iTunes Store、Amazon数字音乐商店、mora和music.jp平台销售,而HI-RES下载版将会在e-onkyo music、mora和music.jp平台销售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-11-9 04:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-9 06:59 PM 编辑
New The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel title, Trails of Cold Steel I and II coming to PS4
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列新作将于2018 年 9 月 30 日之前发售 英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I》和《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》将登入 PS4 平台
根据日本Falcom公开的财报信息,他们将于 2018 年 9 月 30 日之前在PS4平台推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列的最新作。并且《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I》和《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》也将在 PS4 平台推出。
日本 Falcom 的财年是从每年的 10 月 1 日至次年的 9 月 30 日。在 16-17 财年中Falcom推出了PS4版《伊苏Ⅷ -丹娜的陨涕日-》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》等作品,并且一些旧游戏还面向海外发售。相比去年营业额增长40.4%,营业利益增长66.1%,实现大幅增收增益。
而在下一财年(2017年10月1日至2018年9月30日),他们将会在PS4平台推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列的最新作,并且《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I》和《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》也会在PS4 平台发售。此外《伊苏Ⅷ -丹娜的陨涕日-》还会继续促进销售。而在全球市场方面,包括在各种平台以及手机游戏领域展开以及和其它公司的游戏进行联动等,会积极活用Falcom所拥有的IP。
Falcom announced plans to release The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II for PlayStation 4, as well as a brand new entry in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series for PlayStation 4, during its financial results briefing for the fiscal year ending September 2017. All three titles are due out by September 2018 in Japan.
In its outlook for the fiscal year ending September 2018 section, the company said, “In the next term, we plan to release the latest entry in the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series for home console, PlayStation 4. Additionally, we plan to release The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II for the same home console, PlayStation 4.”
The company also said it will work on promoting sales for Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, and “Proactively utilize Falcom-owned content in North America, Europe, and Asian regions including Japan through the development for various platforms and smartphone apps, collaboration projects with other companies’ games and apps, and more.”
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is currently available for PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PC, and its sequel The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II is available for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, with plans for a PC release in the future. The latest entry in the series, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, launched for PlayStation 4 in Japan on September 28. A western release has yet to be announced.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-11-16 04:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-16 10:35 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai for PS4 launches March 8 in Japan
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》PS4 强化移植版 2018 年 3 月推出 支持 4K 60fps 等强化功能
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/155306.html)
日本 Falcom 今(16)日宣布,将于 2018 年 3 月 8 日推出《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》初代作的 PS4 强化移植版《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》以 2013 年 9 月推出的 PS3 / PS Vita 版为基础加以强化。 配合 PS4 / PS4 Pro 主机硬件规格提升影音质量,最高支持 4K 分辨率 60fps 流畅度,配乐全面高音质化,此外还追加「高速省略模式」,按下单一按钮即可切换成事件演出与地图移动 2 倍速、战斗 4 倍速的高速省略模式, 让玩家能更轻松畅快地体验故事。
此外,游戏还提供与《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》以及《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》存盘连动的功能。 读入《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》存盘即可开启「游戏内服装」、「绊行动点数最大」、「持有 30 万米拉」等破关后重玩特典。 读入《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》存盘则是可以直接接续原本进度游玩。
首批生产的版本将附赠特科班级「VII 组」插画的豪华封套包装。
Falcom will release The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai – Thors Military Academy 1204- for PlayStation 4 in Japan on March 8, 2018, the company announced. It will cost 3,980 yen at retail and 3,500 yen via download. First-print copies of the game will include a Class VII-themed, special-make sleeve jacket.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai – Thors Military Academy 1204- is a 4K remaster of the original The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, which was released for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in 2013. It will be compatible with save data from the previous versions and add new features.
Here’s an overview of the game, via Falcom:
■ 60 Frames Per Second, 4K Support, and High Sound Quality, Plus the New “High-Speed Skip Mode” Feature
In addition to 60 frames per second frame rate support, 4K resolution support, and even higher sound quality for in-game background music, a “High-Speed Skip” mode feature has been added to meet the needs of both users who want to easily enjoy the story to those who want to speed through the story. With the press of a button, High-Speed Skip Mode can double the speed during events and on the field, and quadruple the speed of battles.
■ Compatible with Save Data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
By reading the save data of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, you can unlock bonus elements such as in-game costumes, MAX Bonding Points, and 300,000 Mira for your second playthrough. It also supports save data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. By reading the save data, you can continue the story from where you left off in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai – Thors Military Academy 1204-.
View a set of artworks at the gallery. Visit the official website https://www.falcom.com/sen/kai/index.html
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-11-21 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-21 07:30 PM 编辑
The next The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel will be the last
《闪之轨迹》新作为系列终结 将于明年9月登陆PS4平台
最新一期的电击PlayStation采访了Falcom公司的CEO Toshihiro Kondo,他向我们分享了一些关于《英雄传说:闪之轨迹》系列的新消息。
Toshihiro Kondo表示:“事实上,我们本打算以《英雄传说:闪之轨迹3》结束这个系列,但我们意识到这十分艰难,我希望明年能赶快公布全新的《英雄传说:闪之轨迹》系列游戏,来使这个系列迎来结束。”,实际上,Falcom此前已经宣布,全新的游戏最迟将于2018年9月登陆PS4平台。
The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation features an interview with Falcom president and CEO Toshihiro Kondo, who shares a few new tidbits of information regarding The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel series.
Here are the quotes:
“We actually intended to end the series with The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, but we thought it would be tought to end with one title and made a diffuclt decision.”
“After that sort of ending, I want to release the next title as soon as possible next year.” (By the way, Falcom already announced that the latest entry will be out for PlayStation 4 by September 2018 in Japan.)
“(The next game) will truly be the last. We’re working for all the mysteries of the Empire Arc to reach the end of the line.”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-12-13 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-14 07:22 PM 编辑
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai for PS4 launches April 26 in Japan
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》PS4 强化移植版 2018 年 4 月推出 画质提升与新增便利功能
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/156552.html)
日本 Falcom 今(14)日宣布,将于 2018 年 4 月 26 日推出旗下人气 RPG《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列第 2 部作品《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》的 PS4 强化移植版《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War -(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹II:改 - The Erebonian Civil War -)》。
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War-》是延续《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》模式制作的 PS4 强化移植版,以 2014 年 9 月推出的 PS3 / PS V ita 版为基础加以强化。 配合 PS4 / PS4 Pro 主机硬件规格提升影音质量,最高支持 4K 分辨率 60fps 流畅度,配乐全面高音质化,此外还追加「高速省略模式」,按下单一按钮即可切换成事件演出与地图移动 2 倍速、战斗 4 倍速的高速省略模式, 让玩家能更轻松畅快地体验故事。
游戏中将直接收录 102 种当年付费下载的服装、配件道具、饰品组合等 DLC。
游戏提供与《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》及《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》存盘连动的功能。 读入《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》存盘即可开启「游戏内服装」、「绊行动点数最大」、「持有 30 万米拉」等破关后重玩特典。 亦可与预定 2018 年 3 月推出的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改》存盘连动。
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》
PS3《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》
PS Vita《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》
PS3《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》
PS Vita《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》
游戏名称:英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War-
游戏原名:英雄伝说 闪の轨迹II:改 - The Erebonian Civil War -
对应平台:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2018 年 4 月 26 日
建议售价:套装版 3980 日圆,下载版 3500 日圆(未税)
游玩人数:1 人
年龄分级:CERO B(适合 12 岁以上)
开发厂商:日本 Falcom
发行厂商:日本 Falcom
Following the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204- for PlayStation 4 on March 8 in Japan, Falcom will release The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War- for PlayStation 4 on April 26 for 3,980 yen, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai is a PlayStation 4 port of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, which is available now for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, and is in coming soon to PC
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai first details, Japanese box art
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II 改》详细情报 收录102种DLC
PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II 改-The Erebonian Civil War-》于今日公开了详细情报与封面图,首发版还会有反面封面图。
本作是《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》强化后移植到PS4平台的作品,预定在2018年4月26日发售,价格实体版3980日元+税、下载版3500日元。同之前发表的《闪之轨迹1改》一样,游戏将支持最高4K60帧画面表现,并搭载高速快进功能。
此外值得注目的就是PS4版将直接收录原版后续推出的服装、饰品、道具等102种DLC内容,非常划算。而如果玩家拥有《闪之轨迹 III》的存档,将在游戏初期获得服装、绊行动点数MAX、30万米拉等多周目特典。此外本作还支持与PS4《闪之轨迹1改》、PS3/PSV《闪之轨迹》、PS3/PSV《闪之轨迹 II》的存档进行联动。
Following its Japanese release date leak earlier this week, Falcom has opened the official website and announced first details on The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War- for PlayStation 4, which will launch on April 26, 2018 in Japan.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War- is a 4K remaster of the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, which was released for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in 2014. It will be compatible with save data from the previous versions, add new features, and include 102 pieces of downloadable content on the disc.
Get the details below.
■ 60 Frames Per Second, 4K Support, and High Sound Quality, Plus the New “High-Speed Skip Mode” Feature
In addition to 60 frames per second frame rate support, 4K resolution support, and even higher sound quality for in-game background music, a “High-Speed Skip” mode feature has been added to meet the needs of both users who want to easily enjoy the story to those who want to speed through the story. With the press of a button, High-Speed Skip Mode can double the speed during events and on the field, and quadruple the speed of battles.
■ Over 100 Pieces of Downloadable Content Included
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War- includes 102 pieces of downloadable content released for the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I, including casual clothes fo reach character, all sorts of attachmemnt items, and valuable accessory sets that prove useful to gameplay. You can enjoy all of the downloadable content from the beginning of the game.
■ Compatible with Save Data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
By reading the save data of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, you can unlock bonus elements such as in-game costumes, MAX Bonding Points, and 300,000 Mira for your second playthrough.
■ Import Save Data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II for PlayStation 3 or PS Vita
It also supports save data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. By reading the save data, you can continue the story from where you left off in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War-.
■ Bonus for Clearing The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204- for PlayStation 4 or The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel for PlayStation 3 or PS Vita
If you import clear data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204- for PlayStation 4 or The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel for PlayStation 3 or PS Vita, you can get a bonus in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War-.
Of course, before launch of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II: Kai -The Erebonian Civil War-, Falcom will release a remaster of the first entry, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204-, for PlayStation 4 on March 8, 2018 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-1-18 03:43 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai Japanese first-print bonus sleeve jacket revealed
Falcom has shared a first look at the “Erebonia Red Sleeve” special sleeve jacket included with first-print copies of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204- in Japan.
The sleeve has multi-layer coating on the surface and was designed in the image of the crimson red uniforms of Class VII, which is the special class at Thors Military Academy established as the main party team of the game.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I: Kai -Thors Military Academy 1204- is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 8 in Japan.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-3-5 04:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-6 06:53 PM 编辑
Card battle RPG The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky: Kizuna announced for smartphones
手机 RPG《空之轨迹:羁绊》于新马地区上架 「英雄传说」系列角色大集结
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/159759.html)
日本 Falcom 今(5)日宣布,由北京畅游时代数码技术有限公司开发、改编自《轨迹》系列的智能型手机 RPG《空之轨迹:羁绊》已于今日于新加坡、马来西亚的 Google Play 上架,iOS 版则预计 3 月内问世。
※ 本作目前仅于新加坡、马来西亚地区推出。
根据日本 Falcom 的官方声明,《空之轨迹:羁绊》是以该公司旗下知名 RPG「轨迹系列」的世界观为基础所打造的卡牌战斗 RPG,出自《英雄传说 空之轨迹》、《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》 等作品的 128 名角色皆会登场,上演一段新的故事。
剧情描述碧之大树被召唤出现,时间倒流,释放的能量形成了一个异空间,已经死亡以怨念形态游离在时空中的怀斯曼利用残留的辉之环力量复活,并创造出全新的异空间大陆。 为了复仇,怀斯曼将各个时空轴上的主角们和敌人都传送到了这个新大陆上,并到处引发战争和矛盾,罗伊德和艾莉不得不开始集结失散的伙伴和陆续出现的敌人对抗。
《空之轨迹:羁绊》采用适合智能型手机的触控玩法,让玩家可收集「英雄传说 轨迹系列」的多位角色(也包括不同服装的版本)。 游戏内分为战士、骑士、射手、牧师等不同职业,合理搭配队伍职业是克敌制胜的关键。
游戏介绍提到,游戏内可以寻找来袭的蛇之使徒,和伙伴们一同挑战,保卫异世界家园;也可以团结公会成员,守护自己的飞艇,抢夺他人的飞艇并获取资源;亦能够在世界频道广交好友,一同分享挑战英雄试炼 ;也能够寻找埋藏在地图上的各种丰富奖励,感受随机探索乐趣。 此外,还收录丰富的迷你游戏:异界商人、藏宝图、魔术帽、幸运转盘、湖之女神等等。
Falcom has announced The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky: Kizuna, a new card battle RPG based on the Trails series of The Legend of Heroes games launching via Google Play in Singapore and Malaysia today via distributor Changyou.com Limited.
The game features 128 characters from series titles such as The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki, The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, as well as a new story.
Here is a brief overview of the story:
A space-time distortion caused by the “Azure Tree” suddenly appears in the continent of Zemuria, and due to someone’s use of “Aureole, the Shining Ring,” Crossbell Police investigator Lloyd Bannings is thrown into a different dimension. Why did the space-time distortion occur? And who used the power of the Shining Ring? In order to determine the cause, as well as return to Zemuria, Lloyd begins an investigation alongside Special Support Section member Elie MacDowell in the mysterious continent.
Gameplay is specialized for touch-based controls, the collection of characters includes different costume versions, and the battle system uses set classes like “Warrior,” “Knight,” and “Archer” to influence strategy. There are also event battles against the disciples of the secret society “Ouroboros,” Trial events where you can cooperate with other players, and randomized searches where you can get various items hidden on the map.
Falcom has currently not announced plans to release the smartphone title outside of Singapore and Malaysia.
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