欺負困擾?可以嘗試我們家的belree可以消痘 淡化痘疤作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-8 11:44 PM
「Belree小红盒」日霜不油膩,非常好用 取代了Bb霜/Foundation 素顏就能出門了 !想要0底妝都可以擁有好肌膚嗎?快来跟我购买一套吧? 價格平價 一盒含有日霜晚霜只需RM 75? 全马包邮 ....! .... 新加坡也提供配送喔!
? ..Wechat: wechat:Winkybebe作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-9 04:46 PM
想不想擺脫痘痘煩惱?像寶貝一樣原裝拍照皮膚也一樣漂亮?一盒含有日霜晚霜 只需要RM75 學生也負擔得起😘全馬包郵唷😊聯絡我吧💁Wechat:Winkybebe作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-9 10:44 PM
怎麼好評多到我根本來不及處理 不是我賣花讚花香? 是小紅盒的功力讓人會愛上? !顧客說之前用的產品都幫不到他 用了我們的產品讚不錯 還說白了 還會用大的...一盒含有日霜晚霜? 小紅盒可以幫顧客淡化雀斑 消痘痘 皮膚逐漸改善也變得水潤了 你喜歡乾乾的皮膚嗎?還是喜歡痘痘臉?由你來決定! ?Wechat: Winkybebe #belree作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-10 10:47 AM
我們家belree可以幫助妳達到淡化痘疤 殺菌消痘 美白膚色均勻等😘..讓你回復寶寶皮膚 白白嫩嫩擁有彈性的好皮膚👶...你還在猶豫什麼?全馬包郵 學生也負擔得起👏詳情..💁Wechat:Winkybebe作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-10 12:34 PM
寶貝的妹妹用了我們家的belree三個星期痘痘明顯改善了😍..如果你有痘痘困擾 痘疤黑斑問題 都歡迎你來詢問💁Wechat:Winkybebe
學生也負擔得起😊全馬包郵作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-10 07:47 PM
現貨提供 歡迎留言 如果可以在此留言 盡量不要pm作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-11 12:41 PM
Customer feedback about Belree! our product suitable for all skin type not only trouble skin some people who having pigmentation,dark skin tone and uneven skin tone are also suitable with this product. She told us that our product is really good! 👍 .. pigments got lighter! She went to beach past few days her skin didn't even turn dark yet still glowing! such a happy customer..
Wechat:Winkybebe #belree作者: girlparadiseent 时间: 2015-10-11 12:41 PM
Customer feedback about Belree! our product suitable for all skin type not only trouble skin some people who having pigmentation,dark skin tone and uneven skin tone are also suitable with this product. She told us that our product is really good! 👍 .. pigments got lighter! She went to beach past few days her skin didn't even turn dark yet still glowing! such a happy customer..