标题: Trap of Car Bussiness Deal.分享身边朋友买车钱没了,车也没。。请求意见 [打印本页] 作者: Nick_Say 时间: 2015-9-6 04:11 PM 标题: Trap of Car Bussiness Deal.分享身边朋友买车钱没了,车也没。。请求意见 在Johor Bahru朋友是去了间Pro2车行,也决定好也给了定金Deposit bank in to Company,RM15000结果等了几个月车没拿到,去和店里也不认账,还说要上诉也不怕。和朋友之前联系的中介也下落不明,但钱是进公司户口,难道公司能不知道吗不需要负责吗??。。。。希望大家给些建议该如何做下一步。。。谢谢!
this is a real and problem in one deal of the Produa Car business.My friend bought car with a agency and bank in RM15000 to his account of Company,but no any respone a few month ago,just said waiting.so he feel had some problem,and dicuess to Company,Company just said they don know the problem and no be afraid if we go by court.We worry the money is bank in to Company,why didn`t know where is the money.feel like bullshit...
Hopefully someone to give our good suggestion..... Thank you very much!!^^作者: new^fish 时间: 2015-9-6 08:18 PM
有这样的事?拿你的bank in statement,还有他开给你的resit去报警吧!不行就找政党帮忙开记者会!