Dealcoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency/cryptocurrency that enables instant, near zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Dealcoin is based on an open source protocol, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics (Algorithms) secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Dealcoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Dealcoin is a proven medium of
Corporate mission: create a new world of electronic finance !
Corporate philosophy: providing the best digital asunits plan and realizing the free life of tortune together
Corporate Motto: Subvert ,Create, Dream
DealCoin 多特币介绍:
二、 多特的特征
1、去中心化:多特币是第一种分布式的虚拟货币,整个网络由用户构成,没有中央银行。去中心化是多特币安全与自由的保证 。
三、 多特因何而生
1、 多特因买卖而生
2、 比特币是数字货币的贵族,值得储存和收藏。就像古代的黄金一样,有多少人日常生活,是用金币买卖呢?在古代只有贵族和大额交易,才会用到金条、金币这样的东西。数字货币也是一样,价值几千的比特币,在购买一瓶可乐,一个汉堡时候,也有同样的问题。而存世量和全球总人口数相似的多特币,就正好符合了人们交易的需求,他就像是古代的铜板,可以两个糖葫芦,或者买一斤盐。
四、 多特的普世规则
1、 比特是金,多特是铜
2、 比特币的1050万去向何方
3、 真正普世的数字货币-多特
4、 瑞典矿场与哈希算法:大家都知道比特币的优势,而比特币的劣势呢?比特币的劣势就是因流通而生,因而数量太少。早期宣传不够,前期1050万比特币在极少数人手里。
Tianjin Blue Sky Gerui Electronic Technology Co. LTD, with a registered of 30 million Yuan, has a core team coming from overseas, Tsinghua University and Beijing University. It has the global leading technology, created brilliant achievements in the chip field of Bitcoins, and taken the lead in creating a national leading low energy consumption and high yield mining mode, In November 2013, Gerui Electronic Technology Co., LTD, which is specialized in developing and marketing of Bitcoin and the total product thereof in domestic,is officially untitled Bin hai New district of Tianjin.
In July 2014, Gerui Electronic completed a preliminary national-wide mine layout and possessed more than ten thousand units of mining machine with advanced hash rate. To better realize the decentralized electronic currency function and share 30% of the global output of Dealcoin treasure with the whole society, Gerui Electronic sells the Angel T-level mining machine to global market. Meanwhile, to serve the whole society with advanced technology, Gerui Electronic adopts the policy of sale and Leaseback by providing professional trusteeship service to customers, hereby achieving the Sale and Leaseback mode with zero pressure but times of doubling in 15 months.(Estimating according to a hundred times of rises of Bitcoin from 2009 to 2010, it has increased 5 times in 15 months. However,said estimation is for reference only and shall not be considered as the basis of purchasing mining machines.)
Dealcoin is a virtual currency/cryptocurrency, wherein the whole network is composed of users without any central bank. Decentralization is the assurance of security and freedom of Dealcoin.
2.Means of circulation:
Dealcoin can be managed in any computer which has access to the internet. No matter where, anyone can mine, buy and/or sell dealcoin.
3.World synchronization:
From the first day of its existence, Dealcoin was published several times in the whole world and there is no pre-mine behavior of any company or founder. Most of all , the worldwide publication in different channels prevents Dealcoin from the possibility of being the pets of a few geeks or being hoarded by a small group of people at the early stage.
4.Dealcoin comes with deal:
The name of Dealcoin means trading currency, so that it comes with "deal". Since the quantity of Bitcoin is rare and fewer nowadays, it has to be split to more than three decimal places in general in the application, which is quite inconvenient. So Dealcoin, as an effective complement for bitcoin, Dealcoin was born at the right moment.
5.Exclusive ownership:
A private key is required for handling Dealcoins, so that they can be isolated and stored in any storage media. No one will be able to access them except for the users themselves.
6.No transaction cost and hidden costs:
The collection of Dealcoins is almost zero cost, which, especially in the multinational trade, can save plenty of costs. As means of payment from A to B (P2P) , Dealcoin has no complex limitation to the amount and procedures, It can be paid once you know the Dealcoin address of the other individual.
Date show that, the fastest currency appreciation speed of the global in 2011 is Australian dollars since the exchange rate thereof has risen 27% against US Dollars; however, in comparison with Bitcoin, Australian dollars can only bow its head: the price of a Bitcoin at the same time has risen from $0.5/coin, the growth rate is 25 times , and that is more than 92 times of that of the Australian dollars.
Take the long view, the price of a Bitcoin at the earliest moment of public transaction (year 2010) is $0.03, but it was up to $1287 in November 2013. It has risen 40000 times in 4 years! if making further comparison, the growth rate of the highly price is 168 times of the price it came into the market!
Just imagine: if u took out 2500 Yuan (everyone has such amount of money) four years ago to invest Bitcoin, then four years later, you are worthy of the name of billionaire!
You have missed Bitcoin in 2009 , and that means you have missed the opportunity of exchanging two pizzas for 10000 Bitcoin (worth $6 million) !
1084 belongs to sell tea eggs,
1994 belongs to buy original issue stocks
2004 belongs to real estate speculators,
2009 belongs to dig Bitcoin,
But in 2014, the world belongs to Deal Coin!
数据表明,2011年全球货币升值速度最快的是澳元,它对美元的汇率的涨幅高达27% ; 可是和比特币比起来,它就只能俯首称臣了一同期比特币的价格从每枚0.5美元涨到13美元,上涨25倍,是澳元涨幅的92倍多。
眼光再放远一点看。比特币最早公开交易时(2010年)的价格是0.03美元,2013年1月时高达1287美元。 4年间上涨4万倍!如果更进一步,与刚上市时的价格相比最高时上涨168倍!
1984年 是卖茶叶蛋,
1994年 是卖原始股,
2004年 是炒房地产,
2009年 是挖比特币,
2014年 这个世界是属于多特币的!
Mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as block cahin, and also means through which the new Dealcoin are released. Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves a computationally difficult puzzle (Algorithms) gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. The rewards incentivize mining and include both the transaction fees (paid to the miner in the form of Dealcoin) as well as the newly released Dealcoin.
中国沈阳矿场展示 China Shenyang Mining Machine Factory:沈阳矿场已经部署矿机500台,预计总规模1200台...
500 units of mining machines have been deployed in Shenyang mine field and the total scale is expected to be 1200 units...中国广州矿场展示 China Guangzhou Mining Machine Factory:广州矿场已经部署矿机1500台,预计总规模2000台...
1500 units of mining machines have been deployed in Guangzhou mine field and the total scale is expected to be 2000 units...
The arrangement of the mine field is countinuing that Shanxi mine field is cooperated with Gujiao power plant and the estimated deployment is 6000 units.
Deal-world will be developed as the biggest digital currency exchange and shopping platform in the world. it will achieve the three-large policies of the largest volume of transaction, the largest quantity of regions related and the largest number of memberships.
With the existing of Deal-world, Deal coin will become the real universal equivalent and can satisfy the basic necessarily of life and the basic requirements of medical treatment and education.
It is divided into three basic plates: exchange, collection and auction
Social value of Deal-world
The Deal-world starts with exchange and exchange is always the theme plate of the Deal-world. Exchange here refers to people from around the world exchanging items that they would not need to items they need.
The exchange of social value is clear and enormous.
1.Environmental Protection: The exchange promotes the secondary deep use of social materials. From this point, the meaning of environmental protection of exchange is greater than forest planting. Starting from everything and making good use of each material is rather better than waste and then afforest again and again.
2. Promotes Circulation: People in developing countries, they are likely to sit on a golden mountain but only exploited by monopoly classes because there is no channel for them to sell it. The appearance of the Deal-world opens another gate for people all over the world, that's the gate directing to an exciting world of trade. Even if you don't have money, you can exchange an idle item i.e. a handicraft work, or maybe some local specialties, clothes, gadjets and etc. A major advantage of digital currency is that it not controlled by any authority, government or individual, Dealcoin can be obtain by two ways that is by mining and/or purchasing it directly from our exchange platform.
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