标题: 【和平请愿】 运动场于夜间开灯 [打印本页]

作者: ★孤独→羊    时间: 2014-9-23 08:13 PM
标题: 【和平请愿】 运动场于夜间开灯
【Peace Demonstration】

Dear all, the Student Union has been collecting questions and compiling problems from the student body from the beginning of the semester till now, but we have discovered that some of the more practical problems were not solved yet, which is for the lights on of the sports arenas at night on Tuesdays and Thursdays that are stated clearly in the student manual of Southern University College. For this we will have a petition at LG stage on the Student Bazaar, so please come to the Student Union's booth to help and contribute to the student body of SUC. Of course we may face difficulties when we are expanding and improving our clubs and societies, but what should we do when we faced those difficulties? Is it to step up as student leaders and fight for the right? But concede defeat at the poor management of the authorities? We are aware of the situation, and we demand proper treatment from our authorities. For we are students, and it is time for us to fight for our rights with our pride as students of this campus, that we deserve what we should have. Come and join us for this peace demonstration, and show us what you have as a university/college student, and as a future student leader!

The Student Union.


各位,这里学生总会做一项报告,学生总会本身就是一个为全校学生福利和权益而存在的一个组织。对于先前大家手头上的投诉以及我们自己在帮助大家争取的一些事项,部分已经处理,但是有一些较为实切的诉求还没有得到答复。 所以我们将在招生嘉年华当天12点45分在LG舞台和平请愿,目的为争取运动场开灯以及在学生手册里面明文规定星期二以及星期四晚上7点至9点运动场开灯事宜。不但如此我们大家在发展各自系会和社团的当儿都面对了许许多多的阻碍,试问今天在学生们愿意独立自主,将各自的组织发展起来的时候,面对到资金,阻碍,自由等问题。我们如何向前迈进,学生如何进步,校誉如何提升。我们本着自强不息,厚德载物的宗旨在努力往前,我们需要的是一个愿意聆听并且为学生着想的管理层。我们不是极端分子,我们只是一群太过爱我们学校的一群学生,我们学生总会站出来争取大家的福利,这里我希望得到大家的共识。其他系会社团的问题我都看在眼里。所以是时候把学生民主,学生权益让全校的学生知道!请大家分享出去,谢谢大家。

学生总会 启

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