标题: 【PS3/PS4/X360/PC】Dragon Ball Xenoverse XV [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-16 06:10 PM
标题: 【PS3/PS4/X360/PC】Dragon Ball Xenoverse XV
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-21 07:54 AM 编辑
官方网站公式 -
之前在VJUMP刊登了情报的BNGI(BandaiNamcoGames)《龙珠》游戏系列新作《龙珠:新次元(DRAGON BALL NEW PROJECT)》(可能为暂名),日前印象官网正式开启,公开了在杂志上揭载的三张画面截图清晰版,本作将登陆PS4/PS3/XBOX360平台,发售日价格未定。这是龙珠系列登陆PS4平台的首款作品,感兴趣的玩家记得届时关注。
《龙珠 | Dragon Ball》游戏系列新计划始动 将登陆PS4平台
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-14 04:44 PM
【E3 2014】《七龙珠》游戏新作《七龙珠XV | ドラゴンボール ゼノバース(Dragon Ball Xenoverse)》曝光首部宣传影片
BANDAI NAMCO Games 在E3 展中公开旗下PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One 新作《七龙珠XV(暂译,英文DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE)》首部宣传影片。
当初被称为《七龙珠新计划(New Project)》、传出在PS4 平台的这款作品,如今正式公开、命名为《七龙珠XV》。
BANDAI NAMCO Games 今日公开了《七龙珠XV》首部宣传影片,可以看到主角孙悟空与熟悉的敌人彼此交战,展现出高速战斗的模样。
BANDAI NAMCO Games 表示,《七龙珠XV》将是超越目前《七龙珠》系列游戏构思与表现的一款作品,玩家将在《七龙珠》充满魅力的动作角色与世界观背景下,享受这款新作的乐趣。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-15 09:03 AM
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Confirmed for North America & Europe
Bandai Namco games Announces Dragon Ball: Xenorverse
Leading video game publisher and developer Bandai Namco today announced Dragon Ball: Xenoverse for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft.
Developed by famed Osaka-based Japanese videogame developer Dimps (the team behind the fan favorite Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series), Dragon Ball: Xenoverse will be the first Dragon Ball game to make its way to the new generation of consoles with all the epic battles fans have come to expect between Goku and his most feared enemies; Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and many others, with brand new gameplay design. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse will take the beloved universe from series’ creator Akira Toriyama by storm and break tradition with a new world setup, a mysterious city, a mysterious fighter and other amazing features to be announced in the future.
“The Dragon Ball franchise has resonated with gamers from around the world for generations,” said Chris Gilbert, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Bandai Namco Games America. “The Dimps team has been given new creative material and a powerful digital canvas from which to develop a game that will deliver unique features that will surely please Dragon Ball and gaming fans alike.”
We’re proud to announce Dragon Ball Xenoverse! The very first next-generation Dragon Ball experience, developed by Dimps.
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse will be available in the Americas for the PlayStationb 4 system, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 system, and Xbox 360.
Key Features
• New Generation Dragon Ball – Enjoy your favorite manga on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for the first time ever! Also available on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
• Improved Gameplay – Fast paced and powerful battles await to be discovered, including real-time transformation!
• Strong Immersion – Inspired from one of the most famous series ever created.
• New World Setup – A clock that once had stopped will start to tick again in an enigmatic and futuristic city!
• Original Battles – Take part in epic fights against ferocious enemies such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and much more!
• Unknown Fighter – Look at him with his uniform, cape and scouter…who is he?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-20 07:01 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-24 07:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-22 07:56 PM 编辑
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Mystery Fighter & Future Trunks Revealed
A Mysterious Warrior From the Future Arrives!
After announcing the upcoming Dragon Ball: Xenoverse video game coming to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft at this year’s E3 in Los Angeles, Bandai Namco Games is proud to reveal new details on the mysterious character that has excited Dragon Ball fans all over the world!
In Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, the mysterious fighter will be allowed to blast his way into multiple famous battles from Dragon Ball’s illustrious history! Thanks this, gamers will be presented with an unpredictable ‘DRAGON BALL’ experience; perhaps rewriting DRAGON BALL history as we know it! However, numerous questions still remain unanswered, such as: Who is this mysterious stranger wearing the scouter? What is the story behind this new character and why is he talking to Trunks? What is the purpose behind this mysterious room?
Many more secrets will be unveiled over the coming weeks and months as we move ever closer to launching Dragon Ball: Xenoverse... The Future of Dragon Ball promises to be exciting for fans!
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse will be available in EMEA and Australasia for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft.
神秘男子是來自未來的超級賽亞人?《七龍珠 XV》透露原創角色背景設定
BANDAI NAMCO Games 在今(22)日,公开了《七龙珠》游戏系列最新作《七龙珠XV(ドラゴンボールゼノバース)》(PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)的最新情报。
■ 前所未见的《七龙珠》在此诞生!介入型动作游戏!
在《七龙珠》的世界出现了新的存在。新的英雄?这个招式是…! ?
■ 可以体验到战斗跟冒险才是《七龙珠》!
■ 在《七龙珠》的舞台,Z 战士们编织出新的《七龙珠》。
■ 故事所有的序章? 「刻蔵库」是故事的关键。
(5)未来战士的续报!居然会变身为超级赛亚人! ?
■ 这股气,这份魄力,未来的战士是超级赛亚人! ?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-20 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-22 07:57 PM 编辑
■ 介入《七龙珠》世界所产生的战斗。
■ 在战斗中也会进行故事。
与他们对话会有好事情! ?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-14 07:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-22 08:00 PM 编辑
由BANDAI NAMCO Games 预定发售的《七龙珠XV(ドラゴンボールゼノバース)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)是以动画《七龙珠(ドラゴンボール)》为题材的3D 格斗动作游戏,除了孙悟空及达尔等原作中熟悉的角色外,还出现了身着「胶囊公司」图案服装的神秘角色,是在某种程度上并没有表明其全貌的作品。
由身为本作品制作人的平野真之所进行的宣传活动,于gamescom 2014 的会场内举行,以下就为玩家们介绍其活动的内容。
也简单介绍为游戏中核心的格斗场面,除了角色间的拉锯及组合连段十分的用心之外,比起逃跑的角色,进行追击的角色的速度将更为提升的设计,让算准回合时间结束而四处逃窜的行为将更为难以成功。顺带一提,不仅只准备了QTE(QUICK TIME EVENT),还可以进行复数角色乱入的战斗。格斗舞台也准备了天下第一武道大会及纳美克星等多样化的地点,而各舞台的广阔程度也会有所差异。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-4 06:38 PM
《龙珠:异度对决 | Dragon Ball Xenoverse XV》玩家自定义角色为主人公
《龙珠:异度对决(DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE)》是由BNGI所推出的《龙珠》游戏系列最新作,本作预计将登陆PS4/PS3/XBOX ONE/XBOX 360四平台,价格与发售日未定。物语将以玩家所作的原创角色为主人公,在《龙珠》世界中冒险,与熟悉的角色们进行会话和战斗,本周FAMI通就公开了相关情报。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-19 06:57 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-21 07:55 AM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse coming to PC, new characters join the cast
Dragon Ball Xenoverse - Exclusive characters to join the cast!
After revealing a much appreciated Avatar feature, Bandai Namco Games continues to pave its road towards freshness with the announcement of 4 new characters to join Dragon Ball Xenoverse universe along with new features for the Avatar!
Ever heard of Mira, Towa, TokiToki and Supreme Kai of Time? All of those new characters will have a major importance in :
• Mira, the artificial creature trying to be the strongest creature in the universe, and Towa, a dark scientist coming from a demonic world, seem to be up to no good… They are currently planning to change the Dragon Ball universe as we know it. Just like the evil magician Babidi in the past, they are trying to gather as much “Kiri” as possible. For what purpose…? Only Supreme of Kai Time knows.
After discovering their plans, Trunks was looking for someone worthy enough to take on those new foes and stumbled upon YOU, the player.
• The Supreme Kai of time looks like a child but is far from being this young… Indeed, 75 000 000 years ago, this deity showed up for the first time and seems closely tied with the bird called TokiToki! Behind the disturbed and weirdly acting birdie, lies a very powerful life-form that can produce time!
As the main heroes of the game, all the players’ Avatars will have to be perfectly trained to take on those huge challenges… To do so, gamers will have to carefully choose which Original character they want to have as a “Master”! All the skillset and training patterns will vary depending on which Master (Goku, Vegeta, etc.) gamers have chosen! The “Master System” goes even further than that: the Avatar’s sensei can be changed and will be intervening on the battlefield during the battles!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-23 07:41 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-26 06:30 PM
《七龙珠XV》公布第2 波宣传影片长版拜师学艺修正扭曲的七龙珠历史
BANDAI NAMCO Games 制作,预定2015 年初推出的PS4 / Xbox One / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC 动作游戏《七龙珠XV(ドラゴンボールゼノバース)》,现公布第2 波宣传影片完整版。
《七龙珠XV》是经典动漫画《七龙珠》改编游戏最新作,采用原创的故事剧情设定。游戏中玩家将扮演受特南克斯召唤来到空中都市「时时都」的未来战士其中一员,为了修正七龙珠世界被扭曲的历史,一边锻炼自身实力、一边搭乘时光机穿梭时空,与不同时空的Z 战士并肩作战。
在这段3 分多钟的宣传影片中,玩家可以见识到初次登上PS4 / Xbox One 新世代主机后更为细致动感的画面与动作演出,以及穿越时空修正历史的崭新玩法,连线多人对战/ 冒险模式,拜师学艺系统,收录超过450 种组件与超过200 种必杀招式的丰富角色自定要素等内容特色。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-21 06:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-22 06:08 PM 编辑
《七龙珠XV》确定明年2 月5 日推出扮演原创主角捍卫龙珠时空
BANDAI NAMCO Games 宣布,PS4 / Xbox One / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC 动作游戏《七龙珠XV(ドラゴンボールゼノバース)》将于2015 年2 月5 日推出,价格7120 日圆(未税)。
《七龙珠XV》是经典动漫画《七龙珠》改编游戏最新作,采用原创的故事剧情设定。游戏中玩家将扮演受特南克斯召唤来到空中都市「时时都」的未来战士其中一员,为了修正七龙珠世界被扭曲的历史,一边锻炼自身实力、一边搭乘时光机穿梭时空,与不同时空的Z 战士并肩作战。
游戏首度登上PS4 与Xbox One 等新世代主机,呈现更细致动感的画面演出,采用穿越时空修正历史为主轴的崭新玩法,透过超过450 种组件与200 种招式的丰富角色自定要素来打造自己专属的原创主角,借由拜师学艺系统习得各种必杀招式,连线展开毁天灭地的对战与共斗。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-24 07:42 AM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Collector’s Edition announced for Europe
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Collector’s Edition and Pre-orders Announced!
Bandai Namco Games Europe today announced that Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be getting special editions for its fans biggest pleasure! The fighting game -coming on Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360- is developed by the famed Japanese studio Dimps, the team behind Dragon Ball Z: Budokai games. Click here to see the latest trailer.
Fans pre-ordering the game, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, will get several unique items for free! These won’t be sold afterwards:
• Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta as a Playable Character
• 2 exclusive Frieza Soldier’s Battle Suites to customise the players’ Avatars: Gold & Crystal versions!
Warriors Pre-Ordering the game digitally (Steam, Xbox Marketplace and PlayStation Network) will get all the above amazing items.
You will be able to pre-order both the game and the Collector’s Edition from GAME, Amazon, ShopTo and The Hut. Links to follow shortly.
To put on a marvellous spread and celebrate this new Dragon Ball game in the best possible way, players will be able to get their hands on the “Trunks’ Travel Edition” (for Consoles only):
• Dragon Ball Xenoverse Full-Game
• Trunks Master Stars Piece 25 cms Figurine (Exclusive Colouring)
With a gameplay taking back the licence to its roots, Bandai Namco Games and Dimps are proud to reveal a brand new mode where fighters will be able to gather and show who is the strongest warrior of the universe: the World Tournament aka the Budokai Tenkaichi! This brand new mode will be accessible through Toki Toki City and will allow players to take part into a massive frenzied brawl and crown a champion for special rewards! Will the players’ Avatars be strong enough to take down long-running Champions such as Hercule and Tien or fans’ favourite returning characters: Vegito, Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan 4 forms?!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be available in EMEA and Australasia for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft on 13th of February and on 17th of February for Steam.
For the latest Dragon Ball Xenoverse updates please go to: DragonBallXenoverse.com.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-14 06:52 PM
《七龙珠 XV》公布角色自定义要素信息 打造专属于自己的未来战士
BANDAI NAMCO Games 制作,预定 2015 年 2 月 5 日推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC 动作游戏《七龙珠 XV(ドラゴンボール ゼノバース)》,现公布角色自定义要素信息。
《七龙珠 XV》是经典动漫画《七龙珠》改编游戏最新作,采用原创的故事剧情设定。游戏中玩家将扮演受特南克斯召唤来到空中都市「时时都」的未来战士其中一员,为了修正七龙珠世界被扭曲的历史,一边锻炼自身实力、一边搭乘时光机穿梭时空,与不同时空的 Z 战士并肩作战。
- 可以选择地球人、赛亚人等种族
- 所选择的种族以及身高、体格,将会影响角色的特征或速度
- 透过与原作角色战斗,可以学会对手的招式
收录超过 450 种组件与超过 200 种招式
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-25 06:47 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-13 05:00 PM
《七龙珠 XV》公布于原作中不可能发生的战斗「平行任务」巨大头目「大猩猩达尔」参战
BANDAI NAMCO Games 于近日(2014 年 12 月 12 日)公布,该公司预定将于 2015 年 2 月 5 日发售的《七龙珠 XV(ドラゴンボール ゼノバース)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)的最新情报。
此外也公布了,大猩猩达尔与在《七龙珠 Z 剧场版 :神与神》里登场的破坏神比鲁斯(ビルス)及维斯(ウイス)将于游戏中参战。为了要在游戏中重现大猩猩达尔的庞大身躯,玩家将与牠展开一场巨型规模的激斗。
为了保持世界的平衡,而掌管着 “破坏” 之神。 只要稍微惹祂不高兴,祂就会将周遭的行星及生命毁灭,是个连界王及界王神都畏惧着的存在。
当然《七龙珠 Z 剧场版 :神与神》的历史也会有所改变!?
○ 时空巡逻
○ 平行任务
※ 为在线专用活动。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-22 06:04 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-26 06:39 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-13 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-13 06:57 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-17 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-17 07:35 AM 编辑
《七龙珠 XV》使历史大幅被扭曲的「凶恶化」 弗利沙及魔人普乌等强化袭来
BANDAI NAMCO Games 于近日(2015 年 1 月 16 日)公布,预定将于 2015 年 2 月 5 日发售的《七龙珠 XV(ドラゴンボール ゼノバース)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)的最新情报。
在这次的报导中,将为玩家们介绍出身于暗黑魔界的科学家・托娃(トワ),与藉由其力量来改变历史的 “凶恶化”。藉由凶恶化,弗利沙及赛鲁,与魔人普乌等具有惊人力量的强敌们,获得了更为强大的力量。玩家为了要修正大幅扭曲的历史,将与这些强敌们展开一场激斗。
此外也公布了新的宿敌角色「超 17 号」与,成为赛亚人之神的「超级赛亚人 GOD 孙悟空」将于本作品内登场。也请玩家们连同动画部分的游戏截图,一并进行确认喔。
1. 让故事的主轴产生了可怕的变化的「凶恶化」!
■ 强敌将带着更具威胁的力量于玩家面前复苏!!
2. 为何会发生这种情况?藉由托娃的魔术所产生的凶恶化与故事的改变。
■ 产生出最为险恶的情况!介入这场危机,并加以阻止吧!
藉由玩家之手、防范于未然 因为历史的扭曲而感到惊讶的特南克斯
3. 增添故事色彩的动画
■ 动画是以序幕部分与新角色作为中心来进行收录的!
4. 更有来自 GT 的角色!
■ 超 17 号、堂堂登场!
来自 GT ,新的宿敌于游戏中登场!!
5. 来自剧场版《七龙珠 Z 神与神之战》里的超级赛亚人 GOD 孙悟空也将于游戏中降临!
■ 赛亚人之神
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-19 06:10 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-22 07:31 AM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Season Pass, new characters announced
New characters and information revealed for Dragon Ball Xenoverse!
Coming on 27th of February in Europe, Middle-East and Australasia, Dragon Ball Xenoverse didn’t reveal yet all his roster and information!
As unveiled recently, Mira and Towa managed to get their hands-on tons of Characters from the Dragon Ball Z Universe and turn them into ‘Villainous’ foes; the list just got longer with Gotenks, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Androids and even the Great Apes! The two foes took their mischiefs even further by making Vegeta join the Ginyu Army… Along with these distortions, Nappa will be able to transform into a Great Ape! Is it possible that Mira & Towa are influenced by an even stronger antagonist…?
For all the fans wishing to extend their experience, Bandai Namco Games and Dimps are working on a Season Pass containing 3 different DLC Packs:
DLC Pack 1 (Available in March 2015)
• 3 playable characters: GT Goku, Pan & GT Trunks
• 4 Time Patrol quests
• 12 Quests
• 15 Special Moves for the players’ avatars
• 5 costumes
DLC Pack 2
• Exclusive Playable Characters, Quests, Special moves and costumes
DLC Pack 3
• Turtle Hermit set, Jaco the Space Patroller and highly exclusive content!
This week’s assets also showcase two new characters breaking their way through the already humongous cast: Omega Shenron and Gogeta SS4!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be available in Europe, Middle-East and Australasia for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Steam on February 27th.
更多新截图 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/endless-1/sets/72157649992608629/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-23 06:06 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-29 06:29 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-3 07:32 AM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse introduces new antagonist Demigra
Announcing Demigra and Steam pre-orders. Read on!
A never-before-seen enemy appears in the Dragon Ball universe! All those hazardous events distorting the Dragon Ball history were not only due to Towa & Mira’s mischiefs; it seems that Demigra the Demon God, a character designed for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, is the brain behind this masquerade! Is your Avatar strong enough to take him down?
Pre-order the game on Steam! Get the standard game or the Dragon Ball Xenoverse Bundle Edition which includes:
• Digital Game
• Season-Pass (unlocks all future DLC Packs)
With your pre-order of one of these digital versions you will receive as a bonus:
• The exclusive Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 character
• 2 Frieza Soldier’s Battle Suit (Gold & Crystal Versions for players’ avatars!)
Don’t forget; Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be out end of February for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Steam!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-4 07:15 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-9 06:24 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-13 07:09 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-20 07:15 PM
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