标题: 【PC/PS4】H1Z1 [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-10 08:10 PM
标题: 【PC/PS4】H1Z1
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-1 07:39 AM 编辑
索尼在线娱乐公司在近日放出了众多有关于旗下僵尸题材网游H1Z1的消息。根据SOE总裁John Smedley的介绍,这是一款大型多人联机网游,在这个游戏世界里,死亡是不可避免的事情,玩家需要为了生存而战斗。
Official Website:https://www.h1z1.com/home
SOE announces zombie survival MMO H1Z1 for PC & PS4
Sony Online Entertainment president John Smeley's message on Reddit
I wanted to tell you about an exciting new free-to-play game we’ve had under wraps here at SOE for some time. It’s called H1Z1. It’s a massively multiplayer game in which players fight for survival in a world where death is the only sure thing. The H1Z1 virus devastated mankind and left nothing but death and destruction in its wake and a world nearly empty of human life where the remnants of humanity are in a fight against extinction against those infected with the virus. It’s been 15 years since H1Z1 was first encountered and what’s left of the world before is overrun with the Infected. Humanity has been reduced to hiding in the shadows, searching desperately for food and water and anything that can help to survive even for another day. But the Infected aren’t the only dangers in the world. Everyday life in the Apocalypse means dealing with all kinds of wild animals and the brutality of other survivors, as well as finding your next meal and a safe place to sleep. It also means scavenging or crafting anything that can help you live just one more day. In H1Z1 every minute of every day is borrowed time and fearing for your life… unless you are the Danger (talking to you Walter), but life can and will go on… even in circumstances as dire as this. Humanity has not given in to the Infected. There are still pockets of humanity and the fight goes on!
Our vision for this game is very simple but ambitious. We are starting with what I would call “Middle America” – an “anywhere and everywhere” town. The world is massive as you’ve come to expect from our games. Over time we will grow the world until we have our own version of the U.S. after the death and destruction brought on during the H1Z1 epidemic. It will be our own version of America. We’ll have urban cities and desolate wide open places. All connected seamlessly. Our focus is building a sandbox style of gameplay where players can build shelters out of resources in the world. They can even work together to make amazing fortresses complete with weaponry to help defend against both the Infected and other players. Players also have access to a very deep crafting system that can let players make a huge variety of awesome stuff, including weapons (I made a 1911 the other day) and things like Molotov cocktails, explosives.. and other fun surprises.
I will also go right to the heart of the question a lot of players will have – “There are a lot of survival / Zombie games… how is this one going to be any different?”. First off, it’s a persistent MMO that can hold thousands of players on servers we host (yes there will be multiple servers with very different rule sets). Why is that a good thing? It means a thriving economy (oh yes… there’s trading). It also means you have potential allies in the all-out war on the Infected... and many an enemy as well. It uses our proprietary next-gen Forgelight engine and that means we’ve had a lot of really cool technology to work with to make the game we wanted to make. It’s also designed from the ground up for our players to become part of the design process. The Roadmap system that we built for PlanetSide 2 will be used extensively to clearly communicate what features we’re working on and what you can expect and when. You’re also going to be getting awesome access to our developers. We’ll be opening it up for Player Studio creations too so expect player-created items to make their way into the game. The main thing that differentiates H1Z1 from the other great games in the genre is the emphasis we are putting on player ownership and building. We want you to be able to form roving gangs that are headquartered out of an abandoned warehouse that you’ve taken over... or a house you’ve built from scratch after having cut trees down and secured the resources to make it. We are giving players the tools to make their own towns, camps and defenses, and they can decide how to set up their base (which is in the world btw... not instanced). We’re building in all the social features you’ve come to expect from an SOE game (grouping, proximity voice chat, voice chat for your gang, and many other cool social features).
To use a simple reference I’m sure everyone interested in this game will get... we want our players to make Woodbury from The Walking Dead if they want to. Or take over a prison. Or fix an old car so you and your friends (yeah we have multiplayer vehicles) can run zombies and players over mercilessly, and revel in the sheer delight of hearing a zombie scream as you light it on fire, or craft a gun to take down your friends and enemies alike. Our goal here is to provide emergent gameplay that will allow our players to make the world their own the way they want to. One of the best things about H1Z1 being an MMO is the fact that with a lot of people playing, we’re able to see all different kinds of gameplay. If you prefer a quiet life as a farmer raising crops... we’re going to make sure your zombie apocalypse fantasy is complete. If you’re like me and you want nothing more than to kill everything that moves, by all means see how that goes. It’s going to be a blast!
Check out H1Z1.com and reddit.com/r/h1z1. We’ll be adding more information in the coming weeks to the website. We’ll also be very openly answering questions in the subreddit.
Next week you can see us do a livestream of the game as we have a playtest. Stay tuned!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-15 06:57 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-16 10:36 PM 编辑
索尼表示《H1Z1》地图将会非常广阔 充满孤立感
根据SOE老板John Smedley最近谈到的内容,旗下僵尸网游《H1Z1》在首度开发时即具有非常广阔的地图,并且随着开发的延续,地图面积还会增加。
这款游戏估计会在E3 2014展上放出更多内容。PC先行版将会定价20美元。完整版游戏将采用免费制,并支持微交易系统。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-19 12:34 PM
内容丰富 《H1Z1》大量游戏细节信息公布
在昨天Twitch在线直播会上,索尼在线娱乐游戏设计师Jimmy whisenhunt和技术总监 Tom Schenck公布了开放世界僵尸末日求生MMO《H1Z1》大量细节信息。
《H1Z1》将于今年5月开启抢先试玩 售价20美元
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-21 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-21 07:09 AM 编辑
索尼线上娱乐(SOE)老总John Smedley日前在Reddit上回答最近关于H1Z1这款新作的问题时表示,他不会避讳其他玩机谈及该作品与大红大紫的《DayZ》的相似之处。
制作组再爆料:《H1Z1》战斗节奏慢 枪械准度低
“昨天索尼在线娱乐游戏设计师Jimmy Whisenhunt和高级程序员Tom Schenck进行了首场《H1Z1》在线直播活动,透露了许多信息。我们之前曾报道过关于本作强大的求生和物品制作系统;以及游戏地图面积大小和起始出生地点等。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-24 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-29 07:20 PM 编辑
绝非抄袭 《H1Z1》与《DayZ》的相似性和差异性
《H1Z1》,这个游戏标题听起来就像是索尼在线娱乐公司想要续写沙箱游戏《DayZ》的成功那样。而最近,公司的总裁约翰·史沫特莱(SOE CEO John Smedley )通过红迪网(Reddit)对外介绍了这两部游戏之间的具体差异。
在红迪网上,史沫特莱这样说到:“我不想在玩家们面前废话太多,下面我会对这部游戏做一个简短的介绍。这是一部僵尸题材的生存类游戏。Bohemia Interactive公司已经在这类作品上取得了辉煌的成就,他们在游戏制作方面很有远见,而我、我的团队和广大玩家们将成为他们坚实的依靠。”
当被问及游戏的血腥程度的时候,索尼的总裁john Smedley回应道:“我们决定不在游戏中加入肢解效果。制作团队在这个问题上进行了激烈的争论。但是玩家在这个效果上的分歧明显很大。”
肢解效果的存在与否将不会影响游戏的体验,但是这个效果是僵尸游戏的一大特色。Tom Savini通过在George A. Romero的僵尸系列中描绘肢解而成名,而其他类似《行尸走肉》的美剧也有对肢解的详描写。很多人都认为,对于僵尸题材来说,其实血腥已经成为不可或缺的一部分。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-30 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-2 07:40 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-8 07:46 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-13 06:46 AM
索尼新作《H1Z1》新情报 玩家可养被感染的宠物
索尼在线娱乐开发了一款新型丧尸类游戏:H1Z1。本游戏在Geekdomo Twitch两个平台上展示了一系列该游戏与Reddit的相关信息。
- 僵尸病的爆发是由于感染源
- 它会让玩家也感染变成僵尸
- H1Z1的核心来源于僵尸爱好者的论坛提供的资料
- 玩家们可以培养被感染的动物和宠物
- 游戏中可能会有发电这一系统,不过游戏初期暂时无法访问
- 基地系统可以在早期就访问
- 可以收集游戏内的资源并让其他玩家来建造设施
- 房屋和堡垒是玩家和僵尸们共同关注的对象
- 篝火和火把均可以作为游戏内光源,方便探索
- 您可以在自己的建筑物中添加想要的光源
- 玩家可以编制自己的衣物为自己保暖
- 死亡之后,其他玩家能占领你的房屋
- 你能自己轻松干掉一个僵尸,不过想干掉一群最好借助团队的力量
- 僵尸吃掉人或者动物后能变得更强大
- 僵尸不能像DAY-Z一样穿过围栏
- 被感染者会受到热量源吸引
- 游戏中会有自然灾害发生
- 雨会影响环境和建筑物(如果下雨,大楼的贴图纹理会有变化产生)
- 玩家过度淋雨会生病
- 可以在选项里关闭 生命/能源等数值的显示
- 组队同时你能看到队友的铭牌
- 无法挖掘洞穴
- 游戏中存在各种陷阱
- 在房间中可以反锁他人
- VOIP-加入聊天室系统。
- 玩家的投票将影响服务器类型,暂时将放在PVE服务器
- 购买的任何道具都不会影响游戏的可玩性
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-24 07:14 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-27 07:35 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-11 10:19 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-28 12:28 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-4 07:23 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-19 07:16 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-2 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-16 03:52 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-13 07:14 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-27 07:10 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-18 11:55 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-1 07:01 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-8 07:34 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-15 12:02 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-6 07:34 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-9 06:14 PM
殭尸生存新作《H1Z1 尸流感》公布明年 1 月中在 Steam 平台展开抢先体验
SONY Online Entertainment(SOE)宣布,旗下研发中殭尸生存在线游戏《H1Z1 尸流感(暂译,H1Z1)》将于明年 1 月 15 日在 Steam 平台展开抢先体验(Early Access)。
SOE 总裁 John Smedley,经过努力研发,研发团队决定了 2015 年 1 月 15 日这个日期,这样将给予研发团队有足够的时间来优化目前所拥有的游戏内容,同时拿出将让研发团队值得骄傲的游戏内容,也期盼玩家届时将会很开心地游玩它。至于为何游戏推出时程比研发团队想的要久,它解释,最简单的回答就是他们看到了如果提早上市那游戏可能内容还不够好,而他们希望推出让他们觉得骄傲的游戏产品,当玩家明年 1 月 15 日游玩的时候将会是真的有趣的,届时在抢先体验时将会是充满乐趣、具有吸引力的游戏内容,也希望到时候参与抢先体验的玩家能够帮助研发团队、给予更多意见,让这款游戏能够真正完成。
《H1Z1 尸流感》游戏描述自从 H1Z1 病毒首度侵袭后,多年来这个世界遭到殭尸包围,为了自己的生命,玩家得和大批的遭感染者对抗,每一天存活下来的时间彷佛都是跟老天爷施舍来的,而玩家能存活下去吗?玩家在游戏中必须策略性地与朋友合作,来对抗敌人以便求生。以下为今年 6 月 E3 展展示影片内容(注:不代表最后研发成果):
SOE 表示,届时基本抢先体验版本售价将是 19.99 美元,另一个豪华版本内容与售价则将于日后公布。以下为研发团队最近释出的殭尸舞蹈趣味影片:
《H1Z1 尸流感》预定明年 1 月 15 日展开抢先体验测试。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-13 07:13 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-10 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-28 04:21 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-17 08:18 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-6 02:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-15 07:05 PM 编辑
H1Z1 splitting into 2 games, coming to consoles this Summer
《H1Z1 尸流感》将分成两款不同类型独立游戏《杀戮之王》、《生存之道》
《H1Z1 尸流感》开发商 Daybreak Game 于日前宣布,《H1Z1 尸流感》将分为两款独立游戏,分别为《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王(H1Z1:King of the Kill)》和《H1Z1 尸流感:生存之道(H1Z1:Just Survive)》,两款游戏将各自拥有其玩法特色。
《H1Z1 尸流感》是一款殭尸题材在线游戏,故事背景设定在一个受病毒「H1Z1」肆虐的世界中,而游戏发生时间,是设定在病毒事件爆发后 15 年,此时玩家将面对受感染的野生动物与其他幸存者的挑战。
游戏自去年 1 月中就已经在 Steam 平台上展开抢先体验,并创下百万下载数,而近日官方宣布《H1Z1 尸流感》将分为两款独立游戏,分别是拥有 Playerunknown 大逃杀模式、新模式 Fight to the death 等玩法的《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》,以及专注呈现殭尸世界体验的《H1Z1 尸流感:生存之道》;未来两款游戏的后续内容将会由 Daybreak Games 旗下两个团队独立制作。
Daybreak Games 首席发行长 Laura Naviaux 指出:「当初开放抢先体验希望玩家社群能帮助我们塑造游戏发展方向,而在发展的过程中,我们发现它变成了两种独特游戏体验,且各自吸引两种社群玩家。 为了持续社群的发展,让两个世界独立存在且各自扩张,将让我们可以更好、更明确地规划两款游戏的发展方向。 」
针对已经付费参与《H1Z1 尸流感》抢先体验的玩家,官方强调:「于 2016 年 2 月 16 日(太平洋时间)前购买《H1Z1 尸流感》抢先体验的玩家将可以在 2 月 17 日后获得两款独立游戏。 另外,玩家现有的钥匙、道具等也将同步复制到两款游戏中。 」
自 2 月 17 日起,《H1Z1 尸流感》将正式独立成两款游戏,抢先体验版本售价各自单独为 $19.99。 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》预定今年夏季推出,至于《H1Z1 尸流感:生存之道》的上市时间目前尚未确定。
Breaking News: H1Z1 is Evolving
H1Z1 has been on an incredible journey since its inception, and the time spent in Early Access has been invaluable to the development direction of the game. Our community has been a huge part of the game’s roadmap and success. Last year, we started to notice new player trends emerging – both the initial Survival game and Battle Royale game mode now have strong populations who almost exclusively play one or the other.
The more we developed this game with you, our community, the more we realized that in order to fully support both aspects of H1Z1, and their respective players, we needed to make them their own stand-alone games supported by their own dedicated development teams. Many players in the community have been discussing splitting the game and we’ve heard you loud and clear. We want to make sure we give both titles the support they need and deserve to truly flourish.
So, we’ve decided to do just that – we’re excited to announce that the survival game will now be called H1Z1: Just Survive, with a renewed focus on truly delivering a persistent, open-world zombie survival experience where scavenging, crafting, and base building are the difference between life and death.
We’re also excited to announce that the fast-paced shooter comprised of multiple, fight-to-the-death game modes, including Battle Royale, will be called H1Z1: King of the Kill (KotK).
Through in-game feedback, as well as discussions on Reddit, Steam, and Twitter, our community has been influential to us in arriving at this decision. The H1Z1 family is growing, and we can’t wait to see what is in store for the H1Z1 franchise in the future.
Additionally, we are happy to tell you that we'll be bringing H1Z1: King of the Kill out of Early Access on the PC and to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this summer. We’re working on our plans for bringing H1Z1: Just Survive out of Early Access and to console as well, and we’ll share more details about that in the future.
H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill will each have their own dedicated development resources. You can expect to get to know the newest additions to the teams as we continue our behind-the-scenes look with Dev Blogs, Livestreams, and more. They will also have separate social channels so it’ll be easier for you to keep track of the game you care most about.
Anyone who already owns H1Z1 will be granted both versions and will see it listed in your Steam games inventory on February 17th (the official day of the split). Additionally, existing crates, keys, and items will be duplicated across both games. As originally intended, Airdrop tickets will be useable in H1Z1: Just Survive and Event tickets will be usable in H1Z1: King of the Kill.
If you have items on the Steam Market, they will be returned to your player inventory, and post-split you can relist them for sale under the correct game title.
Don't have H1Z1 yet? We are offering new customers a chance to get in on the action before the split. If you purchase H1Z1anytime on or before February 16th PST, you will be granted both H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill at the time of the split. Starting today, H1Z1 is participating in the Steam Lunar Sale, so you can pick it up for a discounted price for a limited time!
Starting February 17th, both games will be available as separate Early Access titles for $19.99 each.
For more information, read our in-depth FAQ.
Thank you for you continued support of H1Z1, and Daybreak Games.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-18 07:16 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-31 07:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-31 05:58 PM 编辑
《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》正式版 9 月 20 日上市
今年 2 月、《H1Z1 尸流感》开发商 Daybreak Game 曾宣布旗下线上游戏《H1Z1 尸流感》将分为两款独立游戏,其中一款《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王(H1Z1:King of the Kill)》目前正在 Steam 进行抢先体验,Daybreak Game 今日宣布《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》正式版将于 9 月 20 日在 Steam 平台上市。
当时 Daybreak Game 将《H1Z1 尸流感》分为《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》和《H1Z1 尸流感:生存之道》,前者强调具备 Playerunknown 大逃杀模式、新模式 Fight to the death 等玩法,后者则专注于原本殭尸世界的体验。
Daybreak Game 表示,《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》是款大规模、以死搏斗的射击游戏,玩法强调高紧张度、竞技场风格的竞争,让玩家玩起来刺激满点。 玩家在游戏中将全力以赴,看看谁是最后那个伫立在战场上的胜利者。
Daybreak Game 发表 PC 版《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》上市日期的同时,也宣布 XboxOne、PS4 版暂停开发,目前将把所有资源投注在 PC 版上;Daybreak Game 表示,当初在宣布同时在夏季推出家用主机版本后,他们发现这样的时程安排实在太冒险,因此决定暂停开发家用主机版本,虽然这样是个艰难的决定,但他们认为这样是正确的, 而他们会尽力更新 PC 版游戏包括枪战、战斗、车辆、地图等内容。
《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》预定 9 月 20 日正式上市。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-20 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-30 07:41 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-4 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-18 06:13 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-7 06:21 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-3-2 04:04 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-3-9 11:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-9 05:11 PM 编辑
H1Z1 Goes Free 2 Play
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/944962.jhtml)
在《H1Z1》刚刚公布的时候,游戏的开发商索尼在线娱乐曾承诺游戏在脱离 Early Access 阶段后会变为免费游戏。但随着游戏易主为 Daybreak 此番承诺也不了了之。
不过就在今天凌晨,Daybreak 官方宣布《H1Z1》将抛弃买断制变为免费游戏。虽然此时的大逃杀《H1Z1》早已不是彼时的开放世界生存《H1Z1》,但也算是给了心念此事的玩家一个交代。
同时官方表示《H1Z1》将大力发展电竞赛事。在 Steam 平台本作的同时在线人数稳定在 7000 左右。2017 年 12 月腾讯宣布代理本作,大陆国内定名《H1Z1:生存王者》。
H1Z1 Is Now Free To Play - Drop in, gear up, and win together!
You asked, we heard you. Experience the game that put Battle Royale on the map and then redefined it with Auto Royale, for FREE. Yep, you read that right! Starting at approximately 10 AM PT, you can download H1Z1 for free!
Free to play isn’t the only thing to get hyped about. The H1Z1 Pro League just confirmed the 15 esports teams that will be participating in the inaugural season, the official venue location in Las Vegas, and its streaming partnership with Facebook. More info can be found here.
“We are very excited to announce that H1Z1 will be free to play starting today. Not only does this decision allow us to share our version of Battle Royale and Auto Royale with even more players, but it signifies the next step in making H1Z1 a must-watch esport. The Pro League is going to redefine esports when it kicks off in Las Vegas this April, and whether a person is an aspiring pro athlete or just wants to play with friends, we want everyone to have the chance to play the most competitive battle royale game.” -- Anthony Castoro, H1Z1 General Manager
To thank all of our loyal players who helped make awesome, game-changing decisions during our time in Early Access, we'll be rewarding everyone who already purchased the game with the “H1Z1 Appreciation Pack”, containing the following items:
• Gasrunner Hoodie
• Bloom Survivor T-Shirt
• Splinter Camo ARV
• 10 Victory Crates
• 10,000 Skulls
We’ve also added Bronze, Silver, and Limited Edition Gold Battle Royale packs for the Free To Play Launch.
H1Z1 is best played with friends, so if you already play, there has never been a better time to bring them in, especially as a group of four in Auto Royale! You’re also going to need a solid crew for Duos and Fives if you want to earn those Victory Crates. Reach out and let them know to download H1Z1 RIGHT NOW.
Purchase H1Z1 recently? Refunds will be provided by Steam in accordance with its refund policy. Please contact Steam customer service with any questions about refunds. If you have any further questions regarding your account, feel free to reach out to Daybreak Customer Support via help.h1z1.com, and we will work with you to make it right. Don’t forget to login and receive the Appreciation Pack mentioned above to obtain those items, crates, and skulls!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-4-24 11:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-25 03:13 PM 编辑
H1Z1 coming to PS4, open beta begins May 22
《H1Z1》即将登陆PS4 5月22日开放测试
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947076.jhtml0
在经历了一段漫长的 Early Access 之后,PC版《H1Z1》终于在今年3月正式发售,游戏的下一步计划则是登上PS4平台。开发商 Daybreak 近日宣布,《H1Z1》将于5月22日起在 PS4 平台进行开放测试,主机版相对于 PC 版将有不小的改动。
最显著的变化之一是完全取消了 PC 版游戏的核心元素之一——合成系统。在 PC 版中,玩家可以将服装道具分解,并与其他材料一起合成新的强力装备。但 Daybreak 认为取消这一部分更能保持游戏节奏,并将玩家焦点放在行动上。同时,主机版游戏在菜单、界面和拾取系统上都进行了简化。
此外,另一种加速游戏进程的方式是加快毒圈的收缩速度。和其他的大逃杀游戏一样,《H1Z1》安全区域会随着比赛的进行不断缩小,更快的缩圈速度可以让玩家保持移动的状态。但关于这方面具体会如何改动,Daybreak 尚未公布更多细节。
与此同时,主机版在补给品掉落方面也有一定改动,随机空投将成为玩家在比赛中获取强力装备和武器的主要方式。会有一批新武器的加入,包括KH43、Marauder、Combat Shotgun、CNQ-09、Scout Rifle、MK46等。还有包含“2级和3级武器装备”的稀有特殊箱子,当玩家靠近时会听到轻微的无线电噪音。
据了解,《H1Z1》针对PS4硬件进行了优化,在PS4 Pro上可以每秒60帧的速度运行。
H1Z1 is coming to PlayStation 4 as a free-to-play title, developer Daybreak Games announced. The open beta will begin on May 22. A closed beta weekend will be held this month, which players can sign up for now at the game’s official website.
A special H1Z1 bundle including unique in-game cosmetic items that will be granted at the start of the open beta, as well as a PlayStation 4 dynamic theme that will be rewarded at the time of purchase, can also be pre-ordered for $29.99. PlayStation Plus members will receive a 20 percent discount.
Here is an overview of H1Z1 on PlayStation 4, via Daybreak Games:
H1Z1 on PS4 is designed specifically for the console and focuses exclusively on the core elements that make battle royale exciting. The game features a new weapon progression system, fully reworked UI, and new weapons and gear.
“H1Z1 on PS4 is true battle royale mayhem. We have reimagined the game for PlayStation 4 and have designed it to accentuate the essentials of battle royale that make the genre so exciting to watch and play,” said H1Z1 producer Terrence Yee. “We have added key gameplay differentiators to keep the game frantic and fun — an action shooter’s dream of fast-paced battle royale.”
The control scheme for H1Z1 on PS4 has been tailor-made to keep players focused on the action. H1Z1 now features a grab-and-go equipment system, simplifying loot collection and inventory management; a familiar radial weapon menu so players can quickly switch between guns and grenades; and a revamped HUD that delivers vital information at-a-glance. The crafting system has also been removed from the game.
Capitalizing on increased mobility, the PS4 edition takes H1Z1’s signature fast-paced combat one step further by introducing new gameplay progression mechanics. The game’s gas pacing has been altered to speed up the play of the match and the airdrop system has been revamped to keep players moving and invested in fights.
With the new weapon progression mechanics, players only have access to loot six level-one weapons at the start of the match and must strategically decide which airdrops to pursue if they want better level weapons and gear. Mass airdrops are released throughout the map, through which players may pick up familiar weapons like the AK and AR, as well as the new KH43, Marauder, Combat Shotgun, CNQ-09, Scout Rifle and MK46. Airdrops serve as the primary way to secure higher powered armor, which have been retooled to provide players with a health bonus.
While airdrops will be the primary method to secure leveled-up gear, special crates that contain level 2 and level 3 weapons and gear have been hidden throughout the map. Players with a more passive strategy may diligently search the world for these rare crates, which emit a low radio chatter and signal beacon when they are in proximity.
H1Z1 has been fully optimized for the PlayStation 4 and runs at 60 frames-per-second on PS4 Pro.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-5-23 06:39 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-6-27 11:02 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-3 10:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-8-27 10:58 PM
源自《H1Z1 尸流感》开放世界生存游戏《生存之道》宣布 10 月将停止营运
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167409.html)
《H1Z1 尸流感》系列开发商 Daybreak Game 宣布,旗下开放世界生存游戏《生存之道(Just Survive)》将于美国时间 10 月 24 日画下句点。
当初 Daybreak Game 将旗下殭尸题材在线游戏《H1Z1 尸流感》分为两款独立游戏,一个是拥有大逃杀模式玩法的《H1Z1 尸流感:杀戮之王》、另一个就是专注呈现殭尸世界体验的《H1Z1 尸流感:生存之道》,后来改名简化为《 生存之道》。
Daybreak Game 表示,由于目前玩家人数的关系,使得游戏难以维持,因此他们做出了这个艰难的决定,将于美国时间 10 月 24 日关闭游戏服务器,届时也不能再从 Steam 平台游玩。
Daybreak Game 指出,《生存之道》是当初《H1Z1 尸流感》抢先体验时的一部分,他们在开发过程中学习到很多东西,而游戏中最伟大的故事都是热情的玩家所创造的,他们很感谢玩家能够游玩这款游戏,并且在测试服务器上协助测试 ,给予研发团队回馈意见,研发团队会从每次的过程中学习。
《生存之道》在 10 月 24 日之前都仍可以游玩,但游戏在 Steam 上的销售与游戏内小额付费即日起都停止。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-10 05:43 PM
《H1Z1》将在未来某时登陆移动端 宣布命名为“Z1”
根据外媒Business Wire报道,多元化控股公司NantWorks今天宣布他们已经对开发商Daybreak Game进行了“战略投资”。报到中称,Daybreak、NantG Mobile、Nant Works成立了一家新合资公司,由Nant Works控股,该合资公司将负责将Daybreak旗下的游戏作品《H1Z1》、《无尽的任务》推向移动平台。此外这家合资公司现在将担负起对PC平台《H1Z1》大逃杀游戏的控制和管理工作。Nant Works公司CEO也将加入到Daybreak公司的董事会中。
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