The Kings Saver is a product from German and America. It helps to balance your electric and decrease your electric bill for 30% or above. This card change the harmful electromagnetic radiation into pure wave but do not reduce the current-voltage.
THE KINGS SAVER由于美国和德国最新的纳米技术,帮助您节省高达30%的功耗
THE KINGS SAVER Because the United States and Germany, the latest nano-technology to help you save up to 30% less power
Cash has four months to return guarrantee and 3 year warranty, if four months did you find to help you save power, cash back refund to you. In this proves that we have great confidence in the king Saver sure to save power for you
(The Kings Saver Card)Advantages :
A state-of-the art new generation electricity saving solution by Quantum Physics.
Breakthrough technology from German.
100% legal and fully compliant with safety standards.
Space saving and easy installation (just stick & save)
No plug, no alteration to DB box • No harm to existing wiring • No electrical interference
No electronic components thus do not require electricity to operate.
Hassle-free: No additional service fees because is totally maintenance free.
Reduces wastage and save electricity bill consistently.
Increase efficiency & power factor. Increase productivity.
Extend life span of electrical equipment.
Reduces E-Smog technology to protect from harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Highly effective and suitable for homes, offices, factories, supermarkets, hotels and etc.
Affordable and competitive prices.
DID YOU KNOW? It has been known for a long time that there is excess electricity feeding into every household, commercial building and to industries, which are already recorded by the meter and bills. Whether you use or do not use this excess electricity, you have been billed.
Electricity Saver Card (The Kings Saver Card) is an electricity saving card embedded with universal life force energy. As the human body speeds metabolism when blood flow is improved, the absorbed rotating electromagnetic waves advance free electron flow. They convert the reactive power wasted by electrical resistance into active power to improve current level and reduce the resistance inside the cable. This results in an outstanding power saving effect.
More than 95% of existing power savers in the market apply the voltage adjustment system but may causes critical damage to the sensitive machinery by shortage of voltage decreases the torque. Beside this, the voltage dropping system will lowers the illumination of the lighting and it is generally not welcomed for commercial use like hotel and supermarket where atmospheric lighting is very important. (The Kings Saver Card) is the incredibly perfect solution for this matter.
It minimizes KwH which is the criteria for electricity bill by power companies without dropping voltage to maximize power
但是,也有电能,并非由负载设备有效地使用,并且该组件的能量(Reactive Power,电磁辐射(EMR)等)的组分实际上不是由负载装置消耗的能量,被认为是能量浪费(WE)。消费者支付的总能量(TE),利用唯一有用的能源/能源使用(UE)。 The Kings Saver Card的工作原理是减少我们,让您只需支付您实际使用的电源。此外The Kings Saver Card工作在清理不健康的排放量在电子病历的形式。
它有助于调节“功率因数”,稳定的电气系统,使电压恒定。 The Kings Saver Card有助于减少尖峰和浪涌功率,并消除过电压危害来自外部源或闪电电器。它也调节电流的流动,并解决了在目标电压降的问题。
Testimonial 见证
Authentication and Security guarantees 认证与安全保证
Security guarantees 安全保证
Test Report 测试报告
Electromagnetic Testing, Negative Testing, Far-red UV Test
Is it harmful to health?Is it an offence to use it?
It is an offence to tamper with the meter. However, similar to other electricity saving devices, like electricity saving bulbs, that are widely used after the meter, it is not an offence.
No, instead it helps to reduce the harmful e-smog.
Will it attract lightning?
No, it is not conductive.
I have an existing electricity saver, can I still use this product together with my existing device?
Yes, there is still some savings.
Is it for single or 3 phase wiring system?
It is suitable for both.
真实姓名:cha wee hao
联络电话号码:018-5744698 (微信,watsapp)
地址:NO xx .jalan teratai 34 taman johor jaya 81100 johor bahru