电影是根据真人真事改编,记不清是2009年还是08年,一个新闻标题’57 year old man rapes 7-8 year old girl and only gets 12 yrs' 印象很深,因为施暴之残忍“he took her home, raped her anally, then proceeded to use a plunger on her anal cavity to "get rid of the evidence" - which destroyed her intestinal walls, pulled out the intestines, and destroyed the wall between her anus and her vaginal area. ”小女孩从此终身残废,但犯罪者居然只得到了12年坐牢的惩罚,只因为他犯罪时处于醉酒状态而他声称自己无法控制自己当时的行为因为神智不清。这是一起很悲哀的"accident"更悲哀的是这滑稽可笑的审判,于是导演李浚益选了这样部题材,也许是希望此事可以被更多人关注,从而让罪人得到应有的惩罚。