标题: 【PS3/PS4】ペルソナ5 PERSONA 5 [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-27 06:59 AM
标题: 【PS3/PS4】ペルソナ5 PERSONA 5
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-5 11:00 PM 编辑


新作『Persona5 (女神异闻录5)』公布!宣传映像公開!
ATLUS本周日11月24日晚上时间7时举办特别nico直播节目最新 “特報!ペルソナチャンネル”内正式宣布了《Persona5 / 女神异闻录5》的消息,登陆PS3平台,还有宣传片也一并公开。预告片整体背景为赤红色,陆续出现了五把用镣铐锁起的折椅,并浮现了“你们是奴隶,想要获得解放吗?”的字样。另外,PERSONA5官方网站也已经公布。Persona 5基本沿用了《女神异闻录4》制作阵容,桥野桂担任总监,副岛成记担任人设,配乐方面依旧由目黑将司大师负责。官图和预告片的风格都略显诡异,关键画面为“锁着脚镣的五把椅子”,游戏主题为“你是奴隶,想要得到解放么?”。难道P5要改变P4轻松明快的路线,重回经典暗黑风格么?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-26 04:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-28 06:38 AM 编辑
在之前的PlayStation ® Awards 2013,Play Community网站更新了第13弹访谈橋野桂氏 Katsura Hashino
http://commu.jp.playstation.com/ ... 131025_psa_p4g.html
――さらに今、アトラスブランドは「2013 11.24 SUN 20:00」と明記された謎のティザーサイトを立ち上げていらっしゃいますが……?
気になりますか? 気になりますよね?(笑) これまで温めてきたお知らせなども、いろいろまとめてお伝えできると思いますので、当日をぜひお楽しみに! ……という言い方で今はお許しください(笑)。きっとファンの方が喜んでいただける情報をお出しできると思います。
Are you curious? You’re curious, aren’t you? (laughs) As for the news that we teased until now, I think we’ll be able to tell you in various ways, so look forward to it!
…For now at least, please forgive me (laughs). I think we’ll certainly be able to release information that the fans will be happy about.
你好奇吗?你很好奇是不是? (笑)至于那个神秘游戏的消息到现在为止,我认为我们将能够以特别各种方式来告诉你们,所以请你们期待!
ATLUS在前不久上线了一个红色神秘网站,上面标注了“2013 11.24 SUN 20:00”的字样,想必有许多玩家都在猜测这是否会是翘首以盼的《女神异闻录5》。最近女神异闻录系列制作人桥野在PlayStationRAwards 2013获奖特别采访中称:“在11月24日,会将各种情报综合起来发表,请届时一定要关注!现在只能说这么多还希望大家原谅,不过保证公布的情报一定是众位粉丝喜闻乐见的!”由此可推测11月24日要公布的内容应该是一款新作,也许就是传闻与“制作中”好久的《女神异闻录5》终于要正式发表了?
作者: kahweng 时间: 2013-11-25 03:56 PM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-27 06:23 PM
《女神异闻录5》速报详情介绍 一如既往学园风

作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-6 07:37 AM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-26 07:31 AM
Atlus USA Confirms Localization of Persona 5, Spinoffs

Veni, Vici, Teddie - We Came, We Conquered, We Announced New Persona Games for North America
I am thou. Thou art I. From the sea of our souls come new games in the Persona series. That's right, the time has come for the Velvet Room to open once again, so dust off those Social Links and keep an eye out for blue butterflies - ATLUS' acclaimed Persona series is returning to North America with completely new games for this year and beyond.
"The Persona series is one of the most progressive, mature role playing game franchises in the world, and a cornerstone of what makes ATLUS a great video game company," said Naoto Hiraoka, president and CEO, Index Digital Media, Inc. "The latest ventures into the worlds of Persona 3 and 4 give new perspective and depth to some of gaming's most incredible characters, and the new games have a wide enough breadth to be enthralling for newcomers to the series."
So read on, and learn about the upcoming Persona games coming from ATLUS.
Persona 5 - 2015
This is it. The big one. The latest true continuation of the award-winning Persona series will make its debut in North America on the PlayStation 3 in 2015.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-1 04:49 PM
《女神异闻录5 | Persona 5》确认登陆PS4 首波影片及主角样貌曝光
索尼电脑娱乐日本亚洲(SCEJA)于今(1)日在日本时间15:00 举办PlayStation 媒体发表会「SCEJA Press Conference 2014」,会中释出一段惊喜影像,宣布《女神异闻录5(PERSONA 5)》将登陆PS4,确定于PS3 / PS4 双平台推出。同时也释出了一段简短的动画影像,透露了本作的主角样貌及游戏舞台。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-2 06:33 PM
《女神异闻录5 | Persona 5》桥野桂留言 大都会舞台物语
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-5 10:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-6 06:42 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》首部宣传影片释出 展开校园风怪盗团的奇妙冒险
ATLUS 制作,预定 2015 年推出的 PS4 / PS3 角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录 5(Persona 5)》,于今(5)日举办的「PERSONA SUPER LIVE 2015 ~in 日本武道馆 -NIGHT OF THE PHANTOM-」活动中,公布了首部宣传影片,披露许多未公开过的动画片段与实机画面。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-12 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-12 07:07 PM 编辑

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-2 07:41 AM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-17 09:01 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-17 11:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-20 07:43 AM 编辑
Persona 5 Delayed to Summer 2016, Third Trailer
《女神异闻录 5》第三波宣传影片公开 2016 年夏发售

原预计在 2015 年内发售的 PS4 / PS3 专用软件《女神异闻录 5》,今日于 niconico 生放送「出张! ペルソナチャンネルTGS2015」中宣布将于 2016 年夏季发售,同时在最新的宣传影片中也公开了声优阵容。
在此次的宣传影片中,除了公开各式各样的游戏场景外,影片中也听到了“心を盗む”、“パレス”、“精神暴走”等令人在意的关键词。 另外,在宣传影片中也公开了本作的声优阵容(以下),兼具人气和实力的阵容将赋予本作的登场角色灵魂。
※ 声优阵容
福山 润 ・佐藤利奈 ・豊崎爱生 ・水树奈々 ・挂川裕彦 ・杉田智和 ・中田谦治 ・三ツ矢雄二 ・大谷育江 ・田中一成 ・荒川美奈子 ・宫野真守 ・甲斐田裕子 ・津嘉山正种 ・保志総一朗 ・悠木 碧 ・池田秀一 ・戸松 遥 ・堀 之纪
《女神异闻录5》TGS 2015专题网站上线
《女神异闻录5》东京游戏展 2015专题网站已正式上线,不过目前网页上只有“Coming Soon”(即将推出)几个大字。 网页地址:http://persona5.jp/tgs2015/qr/
值得一提的是,网页源代码中发现了以下内容: “ペルソナシリーズナンバリング最新作『ペルソナ5』最新情报公开! ” (女神异闻录最新正统续作《女神异闻录5》最新情报公开! )以及“ペルソナ,ペルソナシリーズ,ペルソナ5,桥野桂,副岛成记,目黒将司,アトラス,ATLUS”等关键词。
The Phantom Thief Strikes Again - Steals Persona 5 from 2015
There's no easy way to say it, so we'll be blunt. Persona 5 will not release in 2015. The next numbered entry of the Persona franchise will now release in Japan and the Americas in 2016.
The strengths of the Persona series are compelling characters, a moving, relatable story, and a borderline obsession with minutiae - elements which can't be rushed or taken lightly. So while Atlus realizes the frustration and disappointment that this must cause for the JRPG-loving public, please know that we are delaying the game in order to make sure the next iteration of the Persona series lives up to the expectations of fans.
Persona 5 will be released in 2016 exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 systems.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-23 07:15 PM
《女神异闻录5》剧情及角色新情报 OP曲公开
主人公 初期Persona:Arsene(亚森)
坂本龙司 初期Persona:基德船长
摩尔迦娜 初期Persona:佐罗
高卷杏 初期Persona:卡门
喜多川祐介 初期Persona:五卫门
鉴于官方TGS2015直播节目国内不方便查看,特意放出《女神异闻录5》OP曲公开影像以供大家欣赏,视频中包括部分OP动画场面,OP曲《Take your heart》由Lyn演唱,猜测这次游戏中有VOCAL的BGM均是由Lyn献声的(《女神异闻录3》时是川村ゆみ,《女神异闻录4》时为平田志穂子)。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-24 06:16 AM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-2 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-5 07:16 AM 编辑

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-24 07:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-24 07:33 PM 编辑
『Persona5 (女神异闻录5)』桥野访谈详情 今年夏季发售
在2月23日发售的女神异闻录专门志《Persona Magazine》中刊登了制作人桥野桂有关新作PS4/PS3《女神异闻录5》的访谈,并公开了几张新画面截图,访谈要点如下:
-《女神异闻录5》的内容量非常大,为了不输给《女神异闻录4 黄金版》而努力制作的结果就是被迫延期了多次,现在游戏处于锐意调整中的阶段。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-4-22 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-22 07:15 PM 编辑
Persona 5 getting an announcement on May 5
《女神异闻录5》公开神秘倒计时网站 发售日可能公布

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-4-26 07:09 PM
Persona 5 special broadcast set for May 5
Atlus will host a Persona 5 Niconico special broadcast on May 5 at 21:30 Japan time (5:30 a.m. PT / 8:30 a.m. ET), the company announced.
The broadcast, titled “Take Tokyo Tower,” will go live when the countdown timer launched last week comes to an end.
Persona 5 is due out for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan this summer.
这次要偷的目标是东京塔?ATLUS预定于2016年夏季发售的PS4/PS3平台游戏《女神异闻录5》公开了5月5日NICO直播视听页面,直播于18点晚上起放送,正式节目则从20点30分晚上起开始,怪盗团终于始动!与去年的怪盗团事件相同,这次将公开《女神异闻录5》的机密情报,会有确定发售日期吗?倒数网站 - http://persona5.jp/0505/ Niconico直播 - http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv259674739

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-5-5 10:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-5 11:09 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》公布第 4 波宣传影片 确定 9 月同步推一般版与豪华版
Persona 5 Launches September 15 in Japan, Fourth Trailer
ATLUS 宣布,开发中的 PS4 / PS3 角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,确定将于 9 月 15 日同步推出一般版与豪华版「20 周年纪念版」,同时释出第 4 波宣传影片供玩家欣赏。
PS4 一般版
PS3 一般版
《女神异闻录 5》是校园魔幻角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作,以高中校园为舞台,叙述 PERSONAL 能力觉醒的主角一行人,组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取坏蛋之心的故事。
豪华版「女神异闻录 5 20 周年纪念版」将包含游戏光盘(PS4 版或 PS3 版)、彩绘包装箱、美术画册、女神异闻录 20 周年纪念精选配乐辑(CD 5 枚组)、特别合作 DLC(特别 PERSONA 组合、服装与 BGM 与单曲组合、20 周年纪念版限定「副岛成记绘制之特别自定义主题」)。

豪华版「女神异闻录 5 20 周年纪念版」
此外,官方同时宣布将于 9 月播出电视动画特别节目《PERSONA5 the Animation -THE DAY BREAKERS-》,是描写青年怪盗团活跃经历的前传故事。 还预定于 8 月 13 日举办女神异闻录的首场管弦乐演奏会,12 月在东京举办以校庆为概念的大型展览会「PERSONA 20 周年庆」。

游戏名称:女神异闻录 5
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3
发售日期:2016 年 9 月 15 日
建议售价:一般版 8800 日圆,豪华版 13800 日圆(皆未税)
年龄分级:CERO 审查预定
Persona 5 will launch for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan for 8,800 yen on September 15, Atlus announced. Pre-orders will open on May 6 at 10:00 JST.
A 13,800 yen “20th Anniversary Edition” will include the following:

- A copy of Persona 5
- Persona 5 art book – B5 size hard-cover Shigenori Soejima-illustrated special binding
- Persona 20th Anniversary All-Time Best Album (five discs)
- Disc 1: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona, etc.
- Disc 2: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
- Disc 3: Persona 3 (FES), etc.
- Disc 4: Persona 4 (The Golden), etc.
- Disc 5: Persona 5
- Special Collaboration DLC Set #1: “Orpheus Picaro” and “Izanagi Picaro” Personas and special skill set
- Special Collaboration DLC Set #2: Persona 3 “Gekkoukan High School Uniform” costumes and Persona 3 battle BGM single set
- Special Collaboration DLC Set #3: Persona 4 “Yasogami High School Uniform” costumes and Persona 4 battle BGM single set
- Shigenori Soejima-illustrated Special Custom Theme
- Special Persona 5 Art treasure box

Atlus also confirmed that Persona 5‘s next appearance will be at E3 2016, which runs from June 14 to 16 in Los Angeles.
Outside of the game, Atlus announced that the previously teased Persona 5 anime special, officially titled Persona 5 the Animation: The Day Breakers, will air in September. The 30-minute animation will be produced by A-1 Pictures.
Additionally, Atlus announced that it will host the Persona series’ first orchestra concert on August 13, and a Persona 20th Anniversary Festival at Arts Chiyoda in December.
Watch a new trailer and video interview featuring director Katsura Hasino (and more gameplay footage) below. Visit the newly relaunched official website http://persona5.jp/

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-5-12 07:09 PM
《女神异闻录 5》新图 物语概要/二重生活详情

伊戈尔 CV:津嘉山正种
卡萝莉奴/琼斯缇奴 CV:丰崎爱生

新岛真 CV:佐藤利奈
佐仓双叶 CV:悠木碧
奥村春 CV:户松遥

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-5-17 07:24 AM
Persona 5 ~ Makoto, Futaba, and Haru detailed

Makoto Niijima
A third-year high school student who attends the same Syujin High School as the protagonist. She is a student council president with a sharp mind and irreproachable conduct. She is level and calm with a strong sense of responsibility and ability to take action, but is a natural-born honors student who is overly serious and refuses to compromise. However, she has her own troubles as well, which will eventually trigger the awakening of her Persona, and thereby cause an incident…
Futaba Sakura
A girl with superhuman computational abilities and ingenious programming capabilities, but in addition to being naturally extremely bad at communication, she became a shut-in after a certain incident. She is the age of a first-year high school student, but no longer attends school following her middle school graduation. Through what opportunity will this shut-in girl meet with the protagonist and friends?
Haru Okumura
A third-year high school student who attends Syujin High School. The daughter of the president of a major restaurant company. She grew up in a wealthy family, and is elegant and naive, but on the other hand often observes others. Although usually good at communication thanks to her gentle appearance and people handling skills, she finds no value in human relations, perhaps as a result of the environment in which she was raised, and avoids close relationships with others. What kind of incident would trigger the awakening of her Persona ability?

Makoto Niijima’s starting Persona, Joanna. A unique Persona in the form of a large bike. The front of the bike looks similar to a woman’s head. It has the same name as “Pope Joan,” who legends say was the first female Pope during the Middle Ages.
Futaba Sakuraba’s starting Persona, Necronomicon. A Persona that bears the name of the grimoire engraved with a multitude of information and techniques. It has an appearance that would be broadly defined as an unidentified flying object, and seems to be a symbol of Futaba’s unknown power.
Haru Okumura’s starting Persona, Milady. A lady Persona who wears a beautiful dress embroidered with lilies. But beneath her elegant skirt hides a powerful weapon. She has the same name as the woman who appears in the Three Musketeers.
Translation from the official site by Gematsu
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-1 06:53 PM
《女神异闻录5》过场动画由Production I.G担当
Atlus的JRPG《女神异闻录5》即将在9月15日登陆索尼的PS3和PS4平台。最近知名的日本动画公司Production I.G通过博客发布消息,表示该公司将负责制作《女神异闻录5》游戏中的过场动画部分。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-7 07:13 AM
Persona 5 partial E3 2016 plans announced

Atlus has announced some of its plans for Persona 5 at E3 2016.
Persona 5 character designer Shigenori Soejima will appear at the Atlus booth to participate in fan Q&As and signings, as well as give a talk on the character designs in the game.
Atlus also plans to host more guests and events at its booth, with details due later this week.
If you stop by to Atlus’ booth, the company will be giving away bags featuring Persona 5 artwork and a hat featuring the game’s cat mascot, Morgana.
Each year, Atlus premieres new artwork to accompany every E3 attendee’s badge. This year’s badge is Persona 5 on both sides, pictured above.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-8 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-8 07:32 AM 编辑
Persona 5 Coming to North America on February 14
美国ATLUS 今日公布推出的PS4以及PS3平台RPG游戏《女神异闻录5》(Persona 5)欧美版本的发售日,欧美版同样将于2017年2月14日情人节上市,价格为PS4版59.99美元,PS3版 49.99美元,预约首发Day 1 Edition PS4 版本特典为铁盒版 SteelBook Launch Edition。
此外PS4版本还会推出『Take Your Heart 』豪华版,内容包括铁盒包装、原声CD*4、硬皮精装设定集、莫甘娜毛绒玩具、书包以及特别包装盒,价格为89.99美元。本作日版将于今年2016年9月15日发售。中文版暂时还未知。

Persona 5 will Take Your Heart on Valentine’s Day 2017
The jig is up for the Phantom Thieves on February 14, 2017, when the next numbered entry in the award-winning Persona series makes its debut in the Americas. ATLUS’ Persona Japanese role-playing game series will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 consoles, and is available to pre-order now. Besides the PS3 game there will be a special PS4 SteelBook Launch Edition as well as a limited “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition. Find out more details here: atlus.com/persona5.
The details of the two limited PS4 editions of the games are:
SteelBook Launch Edition - PlayStation 4 only ($59.99)
Available only to PS4 pre-orders and a limited number of day-one purchases, while supplies last. The PS4 version will come specially packaged in a SteelBook collectible case, emblazoned with Persona 5 designs.

“Take Your Heart” Premium Edition - PlayStation 4 only ($89.99)
Exclusive to the PS4 version of the game, the premium edition includes the following:
• Soundtrack CD: A selection of music from Persona 5 by legendary series composer Shoji Meguro in a CD wallet featuring P5 artwork.
• Morgana plush: Morgana the cat is not just the mascot of the Phantom Thieves, but is also a member—and also not just a cat! The premium edition includes an exclusive 4" plush of Morgana.
• 64-page hardcover art book: This art book is full of concept sketches, character art, and more by character designer Shigenori Soejima.
• SteelBook: As strong as a vault, the game disc for the PS4 will come specially packaged in a SteelBook collectible case, emblazoned with Persona 5 designs.
• School bag: Designed after the traditional school bags in Japan, the exclusive replica bag comes complete with the Shujin Academy crest.
• Collectible outer box: Easily the largest premium edition in ATLUS’ history, the entirety of the “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition comes in a colossal collectible box.

Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled high school students - the protagonist and a collection of compatriots he meets in the game’s story - who live dual lives as Phantom Thieves. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high schooler: attending class, after-school activities, and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the “self”; the game’s heroes realize that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and using it to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern society wears.
Persona 5 will release on Feb. 14, 2017 in the Americas, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-16 07:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-17 07:06 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-17 07:32 AM
PS4和PS3平台游戏《女神异闻录5》本周杂志公开新情报,这次主要介绍了E3 2016上展示的有关战斗方面的内容与人设担当副岛成记所绘的主角们的怪盗装姿态。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-23 06:15 PM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-13 06:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-14 07:21 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》预告 7 月 19 日于东京国立博物馆举办发表会 同步于 niconico 直播
ATLUS 制作,预定在 9 月 15 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 平台 RPG 游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,官方预告将会在 7 月 19 日于东京国立博物馆举办《女神异闻录 5》的完成发表试玩会,同时会在 niconico 动画平台从 7 月 18 日起举办直播活动,揭露更多的新消息。
《女神异闻录 5》是校园魔幻角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作,以高中校园为舞台,叙述 PERSONAL 能力觉醒的主角一行人,组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取恶人之心的故事。
niconico 直播时间:
第 1 天(18 日) 21:30~24:00
第 2 天(19 日) 08:00~21:30
同时,官方还开设了名为「七个新发表! 事前调査档案」的倒数网站,配合完成发表试玩会的举办来向网络上的玩家们来揭露 7 项关于《女神异闻录 5》的新情报,喜爱本作的玩家不妨留意届时的解禁。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-14 07:03 PM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-19 06:20 PM
ATLUS宣布将同耳机品牌AKG联动推出“无线耳机 AKG K845BT”,于今天7月19日接受预订,耳机为完全再现《女神异闻录5》中登场角色佐仓双叶爱用款的特别版。购买耳机可获得:交换用耳垫“P5 SAKURA FUTABA model”、目黑将司&小塚良太混编CD“P5 remix single for AKG”,副岛成记所绘特别包装、序号卡及购入特典副岛成记绘包装图B2挂画。售价39800日元。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-19 09:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-20 06:12 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》释出开头动画影片以及实机游玩影片等大量新情报
ATLUS 制作,预定在 9 月 15 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 平台 RPG 游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,官方在 7 月 19 日于东京国立博物馆举办《女神异闻录 5》完成发表试玩会。 配合活动的举办,释出了《女神异闻录 5》开头动画、广告影片、实机游玩影片以及迎接发售日的宣传活动情报。
附带一提,开头动画由知名的动画制作公司 Production I.G 所绘制,带来以游戏主视觉印象的红黑色基底来构成的独特影像。
《女神异闻录 5》是校园魔幻角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作,以现代日本高中校园为舞台,玩家将要扮演 PERSONAL 能力觉醒的主角一行人,和伙伴们培育友情和经营人际关系,并且组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取恶人之心,来解开充满悬疑气息的谣言和都市传说谜团。
配合上市日期,将会从 7 月 25 日起连续 8 周于日本电视和网络上映 TVCM,而第一弹「主角篇」抢先在官方的 Youtube 频道公开,让玩家提前一窥主角在游戏中的活跃。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-19 09:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-20 06:11 PM 编辑
TVCM 第一弹「主角篇」
另外,也曝光了协助主角一行人的 7 名角色影片,其中包含了占卜师、记者、教师和政治家等,游戏中都可以和他们互动并建立人际关系网。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-19 10:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-20 06:12 PM 编辑
此外,还宣布了将会在 9 月 3 日上映和游戏连动的特别动画节目「PERSONA5 the Animation -THE DAY BREAKERS-」,节目前半会邀请游戏开发者以及声优上演脱口秀,来揭露游戏幕后的开发秘辛。 后半则是带来完全新作的原创动画,为发售的到来进一步炒热气氛。
最后,也一并宣传了将会在 8 月 13 日在东京举办《女神异闻录(ペルソナ)》系列首度的交响音乐会「GAME SYMPHONY JAPAN 18th CONCERT ATLUS Special ~女神异闻录 20 周年记念~」,并会在 11 月 27 日举办追加公演场。 再加上纪念系列 20 周年到来的体验型活动「女神异闻录 20th 嘉年华(ペルソナ20thフェス)」,将会在 12 月 8 日 ~ 12 月 18 日举办。
游戏名称:女神异闻录 5
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3
发售日期:2016 年 9 月 15 日
建议售价:一般版 8800 日圆,豪华版 13800 日圆(皆未税)
年龄分级:CERO 审查预定
发行厂商:SEGA Games
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-28 07:07 PM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-30 07:18 AM
New official renders for Persona 5 cast in their battle attire

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-1 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-1 07:50 PM 编辑
Persona 5 'Summons' and 'Fishing' Gameplay Videos
《女神异闻录5》公开新影像 演示P召唤与钓鱼
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-2 06:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-2 06:59 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》释出第二弹 TVCM 介绍神秘怪猫「摩尔迦纳」
ATLUS 制作,预定在 9 月 15 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 平台 RPG 游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,官方更新了第二波广告影片,供有兴趣的玩家抢先一窥游戏内容。
配合上市日期,从 7 月 25 日起连续 8 周于日本电视和网络上映《女神异闻录 5》的 TVCM。 而第二弹「摩尔迦纳(モルガナ)」篇也已释出。 造型可爱逗趣的「摩尔迦纳」是主角在异世界偶然救助的神秘黑猫,不仅会说人话,还拥有变形成车辆等多种奇妙能力,是充满谜团的角色。 和主角共同生活的摩尔迦纳虽然嘴巴恶毒不饶人,但非常重视怪盗团的伙伴全力支持众人。
《女神异闻录 5》是校园魔幻角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作,以现代日本高中校园为舞台,玩家将要扮演 PERSONAL 能力觉醒的主角一行人,和伙伴们培育友情和经营人际关系,并且组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取恶人之心,来解开充满悬疑气息的谣言和都市传说谜团。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-3 07:09 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-6 03:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-8 07:09 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-9 06:15 PM
《女神异闻录5》纪念发售TVCM第三弹 新岛真
新岛真 CV:佐藤利奈
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-10 07:26 AM
Persona 5 Launches February 14 in Europe

The Phantom Thieves Will Strike When Persona 5 Launches on the 14th of February 2017 in Europe and all PAL Regions
Deep Silver today reveal Persona 5, from the award-winning Persona Japanese role-playing game series developed by Atlus, will launch in Europe and all PAL regions on February 14th 2017, for a simultaneous western launch. This instalment will be available exclusively for consoles on PlayStation 4 (PS4) for Eur 69.99 and PlayStation 3 for Eur 49.99, at Retail and Digital.
For PlayStation 4 both the Persona 5 “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition as well as the Persona 5 SteelBook Launch Edition are now available to pre-order. The Persona 5 “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition, available for Eur 89.99, offers the game, SteelBook Collectible Case, Soundtrack CD, 4" / 10 cm Morgana Plush, 64-page Hardcover Art Book, School Bag and Collectible Outer Box. The SteelBook Launch Edition of Persona 5 offers the game & SteelBook Collectible Case, at the price of Eur 69.99. The PlayStation 3 version will be only available in a standard game case at the price of Eur 49.99.
Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled high school students – the protagonist and a collection of compatriots he meets in the game’s story – who live dual lives as Phantom Thieves. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high schooler: attending class, after-school activities and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the “self”. The game’s heroes realise that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and only by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and use it to strive to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern-day society wears.
Premium and Steelbook Edition Details
PS4 SteelBook Launch Edition – PlayStation 4 only (Eur 69.99)
Available only to PS4 pre-orders and a limited number of day-one purchases while supplies last.
• SteelBook: The PS4 version will come specially packaged in a metal game case, emblazoned with Persona 5 designs
Take Your Heart Premium Collector’s Edition – PlayStation 4 only (Eur 89.99)
The definitive collector’s edition of Persona 5 is exclusive to the PS4 version of the game and includes the following:
• Soundtrack: A selection of music from Persona 5 by legendary series composer, Shoji Meguro, in a CD sleeve featuring P5 artwork.
• 4” / 10 cm plush keychain: Morgana the Phantom Thieves’ cat is not just the mascot of the Phantom Thieves, but also a member - and also not just a cat! The premium edition includes an exclusive 4”/10 cm plush of Morgana.
• 64-page hardcover art book: This art book is full of concept sketches, character art, and more by character designer Shigenori Soejima.
• SteelBook game case: As strong as a vault, the game disc for the PS4 will come specially packaged in a metal game case, emblazoned with Persona 5 designs.
• School bag: Designed after the traditional school bags in Japan, the exclusive replica bag comes complete with the Shujin Academy crest.
• Collectible outer box: Easily the largest premium edition in ATLUS’ history, the entirety of the “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition comes in a colossal collectible box.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-11 07:42 AM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-11 06:07 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-13 04:06 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-15 06:23 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-16 06:19 PM
《女神异闻录5》TVCM第四弹 喜多川祐介篇
喜多川祐介 初期Persona:五卫门
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-18 06:44 PM
按照怪盗请求Channel上的情报,特定坏人后,就能在迷宫的何处找到目标“shadow”,伙伴莫甘娜和佐仓双叶的引导也是找出shadow所在不可欠缺的。shadow在怪盗团出现后就会袭击过来,这时就需要用Persona 的力量来惩治他,无论怎样坏的人打倒后也会恢复冷静从而改过自新。
断头台(ギロチン Persona合体):分为2身合体、集团合体、检索合体等,并能从P图鉴中召唤指定Persona。
送去独房:让Persona特训,克服弱点习得技能,特训所需时间(游戏内天数)可以根据对应阿卡纳的COOP Rank缩短。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-21 07:37 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-22 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-22 06:51 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录5》“修行”PV 展示主人公打工日常
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-23 06:49 PM
《女神异闻录5》周替CM 高卷杏篇正式公布
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-25 07:12 PM

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-27 07:40 AM
《女神异闻录5》繁体中文版发售日公开 2017年上市
SEGA Games Consumer Online Company 今(26)日宣布,ATLUS旗下人气角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作《女神异闻录5》将于2017年推出PS4繁体中文版。
SEGA Games表示虽然《女神异闻录5》的日文版已经预定于9月15日在亚洲地区贩售,但相信此作品繁体中文化后,更能让亚洲华语地区的玩家充分享受《女神异闻录》的世界观。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-27 10:44 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-30 07:01 PM
《女神异闻录5》最新TV宣传视频 奥村春篇
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-1 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-6 07:24 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-6 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-6 06:43 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录5》TV宣传视频第七弹 佐仓双叶篇
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-8 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-8 07:06 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》与薄型 PS4 主机合作 以音乐剧形式推出广告影片
由 ATLUS 制作,预定在 9 月 15 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 平台 RPG 游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,为配合同(15)日发售的薄型化 PS4 主机,推出合作广告。
《女神异闻录 5》是校园魔幻角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录》系列最新作,以现代日本高中校园为舞台,玩家将要扮演 PERSONAL 能力觉醒的主角一行人,和伙伴们培育友情和经营人际关系,并且组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取恶人之心,来解开充满悬疑气息的谣言和都市传说谜团。
这支新型 PS4×《女神异闻录 5》合作影片,是以已故的日本知名女性作家 樋口一叶为主角。 由于樋口一叶为日币新版 5000 圆上的代表人物,而新型 PS4 价格从原本的 34980 日圆降价至 29980 日圆,刚好为 5000 日圆。 因此这支广告藉由这点将风格强烈的《女神异闻录 5》与薄型化 PS4 主机作结合,以音乐剧的形式推出了合作广告。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-13 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-13 07:11 PM 编辑
《女神异闻录5》电视广告第八弹 坂本龙司篇
今天Atlus公布了《女神异闻录5》的最新电视广告,这是原定的8只角色广告中的最后一只,介绍了男性角色:坂本龙司(CV:宫野真守)。《女神异闻录5》的日文版将于9月15日发售,登陆PS3与PS4平台。繁体中文版则是 2017年年初发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-15 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-16 07:06 AM 编辑
《女神异闻录 5》将和《龙族教义 Online》《梦幻之星 Online 2》等游戏合作
ATLUS 制作,在今(9 / 15)日发售 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 日文版 、2017 年推出 PlayStation 4 繁体中文版的角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录 5(ペルソナ5)》,配合发售日的到来以及东京电玩展的开展,宣布将实施「神出鬼没」宣传活动,和多家游戏公司的知名作品合作,推出联名企划。
其中包含了 CAPCOM 营运中的 PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 在线游戏《龙族教义 Online》将会收录 P5 角色的合作装备和任务、SQUARE ENIX 的大型电玩游戏《红莲之王 Re:3》收录换装道具和使魔娃娃、还有 ATLUS 母公司 SEGA 在 PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 营运中的《 梦幻之星 Online 2》也会登场 P5 角色的服装、发型和道具等合作要素。
《女神异闻录》系列是以现代日本城镇为游戏舞台背景,让玩家一边体验校园、友情与爱情等日常生活,同时面对不可思议的流言与都市传说等超自然现象事件的青少年角色扮演系列游戏。 在最新作《女神异闻录 5》中,玩家将扮演 PERSONA 能力觉醒的主角一行人,和伙伴组成怪盗团侵入心之异世界,盗取恶人之心,来解开充满悬疑气息的谣言耳语和都市传说谜团。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-15 07:20 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-21 07:07 AM
Persona 5 Final Steelbook Design Revealed

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-26 02:37 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-17 06:56 PM
格斗版《女神异闻录5》 想要的话也是可以的哦
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-20 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-20 07:25 AM 编辑
Persona 5 English voice cast revealed
English Voice Acting Cast for Persona 5 Gets a Fresh Start
It's not often that Atlus U.S.A., Inc. gets to announce voice casts, but considering the magnitude of the game, we can reveal a partial cast list for the English dub of Persona 5. Releasing in the Americas on Feb. 14, 2017 on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the English dub is being supervised by the long-time Persona series project lead in the Americas, Yu Namba.
"We at Atlus U.S.A. take pride in the quality and care we put into casting and dubbing for our games, and Persona 5 is no exception," said Yu Namba, Persona 5 project lead and recording supervisor. "This is a completely new cast of characters, so we started with a blank slate in bringing life to them with our stellar cast of voice actors. It's hard saying goodbye to the cast of previous Persona games, but we hope to bring an entirely new tone with a new set of actors for this game."

The main Persona 5 hero cast includes:
• Xander Mobus as the protagonist
• Cassandra Morris as Morgana
• Max Mittelman as Ryuji Sakamoto
• Erika Harlacher as Ann Takamaki
• Matt Mercer as Yusuke Kitagawa
• Cherami Leigh as Makoto Niijima
• Erica Lindbeck as Futaba Sakura
• Xanthe Huynh as Haru Okumura
• Robbie Daymond as Goro Akechi
Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled youth who live dual lives. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high-schooler - attending class, after school activities and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the "self;" the game's heroes realize that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and use it to strive to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern-day society wears.
Persona 5 will release on February 14 in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. For more information, please visit the official website, atlus.com/persona5.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-28 07:28 AM
Persona 5 Ann English introduction trailer, voice actress interview video
Ann Takamaki is Persona 5's Rose with Thorns - in the latest Action-packed Trailer
Being the centre of school gossip is a quick way to make anyone feel like an outcast, and Persona 5's Ann Takamaki gets the full brunt of that.
Ann is a beautiful girl plagued by unjust rumours from her peers on a daily basis. But despite the Scarlett Letter treatment, Ann cares deeply about her friends...which is why she's so eager to pick up the mask and join the Phantom Thieves. Well, that and also to spite the rumours about her and the "excessively friendly" gym teacher at Shujin Academy. And while the Phantom Thieves won't be done with just one lecherous gym teacher, Ann winds up being the closest thing to the group's moral compass. Plus, she's just a total badass that you'd want watching your back in a fight.
Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled youth who live dual lives. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high-schooler – attending class, after school activities and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the “self;” the game’s heroes realize that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and use it to strive to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern-day society wears.
Persona 5 will release on Feb. 14 in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Pre-orders are now available at participating retailers for either version of the game. For more information, please visit the official website, atlus.com/persona5.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-3 07:19 AM
Persona 5 Ryuji English introduction trailer, voice actor interview video
Ryuji Sakamoto Will Always Have Your Back in Persona 5! Watch Him Carry Out His Vendetta Against Evil Adults in the New Trailer
Shujin Academy is home to many high school delinquents, but the most notorious misfit would have to be Persona 5's Ryuji Sakamoto. Ryuji was a promising track star who tragically suffered a career ending injury due to "overtraining" by the sadistic coach Kamoshida. With no future in the sport he loves and experiencing first-hand the evil of "shitty adults," Ryuji becomes a social pariah who rebels against a society he perceives as corrupt.
Even though he's the definition of a troublemaker, he has a kind heart and always puts the Phantom Thieves before himself. In short, Ryuji is a true friend that can always be counted on to have your back in a jam. Plus, having a tough guy with a skull mask in your crew is just awesome.
Check out Ryuji as he dishes out some teenage justice in the new trailer above!
Persona 5 will release on Feb. 14 in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Pre-orders are now available at participating retailers for either version of the game. For more information, please visit the official website, atlus.com/persona5.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-9 11:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-10 07:21 AM 编辑
Persona 5 Morgana English introduction trailer, voice actress interview video
Learn About the Phantom Thieves’ Felonious Feline Mascot, Morgana!
We’ve got another Phantom Thief to unmask today. Every good team needs a mascot, and that job has been bestowed upon the anthropomorphic cat-like… thing known as Morgana. You’re probably thinking, “what are you talking about? That “thing” is obviously an adorable cat,” but we’ll have you know that Morgana (who absolutely hates being called a cat, by the way) is much more than that.
This mysterious creature from another world is a professional thief and serves as a mentor figure to the disaffected youths in the Phantom Thieves. Most importantly, Morgana is the irreplaceable heart and soul of the team. Also, what other team in history has a mascot that can also TURN INTO A BUS?
Persona 5 will release on February 14 in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Pre-orders are now available at participating retailers for either version of the game. For more information, please visit the official website, atlus.com/persona5.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-17 06:56 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-17 07:06 PM 编辑
Persona 5 delayed to April 4 in the west, free Japanese voice-over DLC announced
欧美英文版本《女神异闻录 5》延期至 4 月 4 日发售
发行商Atlus USA 今日宣布旗下RPG 游戏《女神异闻录5》(Persona 5)在欧美地区再度跳票,不再按照原计划的2月份上市。《女神异闻录5》早已在日本上市,但北美和欧洲还没有推出。最新发售日改成了2017年4月4日登陆 PS4 和 PS3。
最后Atlus 还确认《女神异闻录5》将参加索尼 12 月 3 日举办的PSX体验会,参与现场试玩。

Persona 5 Launching April 4, 2017, Will Feature Dual Audio on PS4 and PS3
I know, I know. It stings. But Persona 5 set the gold standard for Atlus with its launch in Japan, and we wanted to put the utmost care into ensuring it winds up the best when it launches in the west. And — and this is a very special “and” — we have some exceedingly good news for you in light of this delay:
Persona 5 will have dual audio. For PS4 and PS3.
We’re including it as DLC for logistical reasons, but it will be free, for forever. People have been asking for this since P5 was announced, and through herculean effort from just about every division of Atlus, we managed to arrange this. This was something we especially wanted to do for the Atlus Faithful, the ones who still appreciate our English dubs and respect all the effort we put into localizing. You all are the reason we get to do the jobs we do, so we’ve been fighting for this for a long while, and we are glad we can make this happen for all of those who support us and love our games.

Oh, but I’m not done there.
For those of you who are planning to attend PlayStation Experience in Anaheim this year, Atlus will be there. Along with a playable demo of Persona 5. If you’re going to be at PS Experience, we hope to see you there! Oh, and not that you needed any more reason to visit our booth, but there’s also going to be a Persona 5 collector’s card as well!
More? Okay.
Persona 5’s band of heroes are called the Phantom Thieves. They specialize at stealing stuff — they stole the first P5 gameplay and delivered it to us at E3, they even stole the freakin’ Tokyo Tower. Their most recent heist? They liberated a PS4 theme of Ryuji Sakamoto, and they’ve put it up on PlayStation Network right now. For free. Fortunately, the Atlus security is top-notch, and we’ll be removing it from PlayStation Network in 24 hours, but until then, we’re powerless to stop those who want to download it!
I think that’s about everyth- oh wait!

I just remembered, we’ve got another update for you. Those of you who’ve pre-ordered the “Take Your Heart” premium edition of Persona 5 may recall the placeholder art the last time we showed it off. Well, we’ve got an update to that too! The soundtrack CD now features Justine and Caroline, the twin wardens of the Velvet Room. The artbook and SteelBook are updated as well, and you can even see the final art of the box it all ships in. Check it out Check it out here.
John Hardin - PR Manager, ATLUS
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-17 07:09 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-4 05:46 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-7 07:11 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-8 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-14 07:24 AM
Persona 5 Haru English introduction trailer, voice actress interview video
Haru Okumura Wants to Break Free in Persona 5 Learn about the Phantom Thieves’ plant loving hero
You wouldn’t think that the obedient daughter of an affluent business man would be rebellious, but Haru Okumura is a passionate member of the team. Although she grew up with all the elegance and splendour that money could buy, it came at the cost of her freedom. A gilded cage is still a cage, and she grew up always being told what to do, how to think, and was raised to simply be an obedient girl. However, getting mixed up with the Phantom Thieves will help her learn how to break out and fly free. Codenamed Noir, Haru is a kind-hearted person who truly wants to change the world for the better and ensure that justice always prevails.
Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled youth who live dual lives. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high-schooler – attending class, after school activities and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the “self;” the game’s heroes realize that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and use it to strive to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern-day society wears.
Persona 5 will release on April 4th in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Pre-orders are now available at participating retailers for either version of the game. For more information, please visit deepsilver.com//persona-5.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-16 06:59 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-23 06:38 PM
PS4《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版确定于 2017 年 3 月 23 日上市
SEGA Games Consumer & Online Company 于今(23)日正式发表, ATLUS 制作的《女神异闻录》系列最新作, PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版 ,预定将在 2017 年 3 月 23 日推出。
※ 此产品示意图为在亚洲地区贩卖的日文版产品
《女神异闻录 5》是《女神异闻录》系列的最新作品。 《女神异闻录》系列是以现代日本城镇为游戏舞台背景,让玩家一边体验校园、友情与爱情等日常生活,同时面对不可思议的流言与都市传说等超自然现象事件的青少年角色扮演系列游戏。 日文版已在 9 月 15 日于亚洲地区贩卖 ,并且获得玩家的好评。 SEGA 表示,繁体中文化的作品将更能让亚洲华语地区的玩家更充分享受《女神异闻录》的世界观。
※《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版仅在 PlayStation 4 推出。
商品名称 : 女神异闻录 5
发售日 : 预定 201 7 年 3 月 23 日发售(日文版已于 2016 年 9 月 15 日发售)
游戏语言 : 繁体中文字幕/日文语音
支持平台 : PlayStation 4
预 定 销 售 地 区 : 香港、台湾、东南亚
游 戏 类 型 : 角色扮演游戏
游 玩 人 数 : 1 人
版权 标示 : © ATLUS © SEGA All rights reserved.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-3 06:33 PM
《女神异闻录 5》公布首支繁体中文预告 3月23日发售
世嘉亚洲官方游戏旗下的RPG大作PS4《女神异闻录5》今日公开了繁体中文版的宣传视频,官方在日前曾经公布了本作繁中版将在 2017 年 3 月 23 日发售。
《女神异闻录5》日文版已经于 2016 年 9 月 15 日发售,英文版则是会在 4 月份发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-6 07:30 PM
《女神异闻录》系列免费动态主题 仅限日服获取
Atlus 为 PS4 和 PS3 平台Plsystation Store 商店发布了《女神异闻录》的免费主题,拥有定制音效和动画效果。目前仅限日服Plsystation Store 商店。

它们是为了庆祝《女神异闻录》系列20周年而生的,1996 年 9 月 20 日《女神异闻录:启示录》登陆了初代PS。想要获取这款主题你需要一个日服账号,不过买好之后你切换成其他地区的账号也不影响使用,所以只要切换日服购买一下即可。
https://store.playstation.com/#! ... 00-P20THTHAVSET0000
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-11 06:32 PM
PS4《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版官网正式开设
SEGA Games Consumer & Online Company 宣布,正式开设 PlayStation 4 专用游戏《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版官方网站。 这款繁体中文版的《女神异闻录》系列最新作,预定将于 2017 年 3 月 23 日上市。
同时,关于本游戏的 PV 宣传影片,也在官方网站中公开了。 影片内容虽然是取自日文版,但已经加上了繁体中文字幕,能够让华语圈的玩家更进一步了解游戏故事内容,片长约 4 分钟左右。
《女神异闻录 5》是《女神异闻录》系列的最新作品。 《女神异闻录》系列是以现代日本城镇为游戏舞台背景,让玩家一边体验校园、友情与爱情等日常生活,同时面对不可思议的流言与都市传说等超自然现象事件的青少年角色扮演系列游戏。 日文版已在 9 / 15 于亚洲地区贩卖,并且获得好评。 繁体中文化的作品,更能让亚洲华语地区的玩家充分享受《女神异闻录》的世界观。http://csasia.sega.jp/p5/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-17 07:08 PM
Persona 5 original soundtrack 10-minute music sample
Atlus has released a 10-minute music sample from its three-disc, 110-track Persona 5 original soundtrack released today in Japan.
The video previews the following tracks: “Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There,” “Life Will Change,” “Rivers in the Desert,” “The Whims of Fate,” “Last Surprise,” “Will Power,” “Beneath the Mask,” “Price,” “Layer Cake,” “Kakusei,” “Blooming Villain,” and “Our Beginning.”
Persona 5 the game is now available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan, and will launch in North America and Europe on April 4. The Persona 5 original soundtrack is also now available in Japan and costs 4,000 yen.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-18 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-18 06:58 PM 编辑
Persona 5 'Games Mechanics: Palaces' Trailer
欧美《女神异闻录5》最新预告片 介绍宫殿迷宫中的冒险之旅
Atlus 今天为欧美版的《女神异闻录5(Persona 5)》放出了一部新的预告片,介绍了这款RPG游戏的“宫殿地牢迷宫”,先让我们来一睹为快吧!
The Phantom Thieves Must Infiltrate Perilous Palaces in Their Mission to Change Evil Hearts
While the Phantom Thieves keep up their guise as normal Japanese high-schoolers during the day, they travel to another world (via smart phone) to unleash their true Personas and raise some hell at night. This world is known as the Metaverse, and it's essentially the "collective unconscious" of all mankind. In the Metaverse, the most distorted desires of people manifest themselves as Palaces, and it's up to the Phantom Thieves to infiltrate and defeat the evils within a Palace.
In order to enter a Palace, the team picks a target, figures out certain key bits of information, and plugs it into their Metaverse Navigator app to gain access. Once the thieves are in the Palace, they must fight hordes of Shadows, solve puzzles, defeat the Palace ruler, and steal the target's deepest darkest desire (which takes the form of Treasure, naturally). When the Treasure is stolen, the target's heart will be changed and they'll finally understand the evilness of their core desire. Every target in the game will have a Palace with a different look and theme, so be prepared to see some truly twisted stuff! Unfortunately for the Phantom Thieves, infiltrating a Palace is anything but easy. The team will need to use stealth and plan their moves wisely to ensure a successful heist. Sneaking by and/or ambushing Shadows is essential to reaching the Palace Treasure, so be sure to always make the first move. If the Thieves get caught too many times, they'll be kicked out of the Metaverse and can only return the next day (always keep an eye on the security meter)!
So what do you do once you've challenged a Shadow to a fight? The easy answer is to send them to Shadow hell with a variety of attacks, but sometimes a more "diplomatic" solution would be more beneficial in the long run. You can Hold Up Shadows to negotiate with them to yield money, items, and even a chance to avoid a battle entirely. Oh, and this time around the protagonist can even convince them to join the Phantom Thieves to be utilized as a Persona! Of course if you're more of a shoot first ask questions later type of person, feel free to destroy all the Shadows. We've even included the Baton Pass feature that lets an attacking party member switch turns with another character to maximize attacking weaknesses!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-21 11:34 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-7 07:29 AM
Persona 5 'Sizzle' Trailer
We’re Less Than One Month From Persona 5's Launch
In just a few weeks, Persona 5 will be available in the Americas and Europe! The wait has been long, but will be well worth it. To count down the days till the final launch Atlus just released a new trailer.
We’ll be releasing a few more exciting things ahead of launch, but for now, see how the Phantom Thieves beat down Shadows and take down names in our latest trailer!
Persona 5 is a game about the internal and external conflicts of a group of troubled youth who live dual lives. They have the typically ordinary day-to-day of a Tokyo high-schooler – attending class, after school activities and part-time jobs. But they also undertake fantastical adventures by using otherworldly powers to enter the hearts of people. Their power comes from the Persona, the Jungian concept of the “self;” the game’s heroes realize that society forces people to wear masks to protect their inner vulnerabilities, and by literally ripping off their protective mask and confronting their inner selves do the heroes awaken their inner power, and use it to strive to help those in need. Ultimately, the group of Phantom Thieves seeks to change their day-to-day world to match their perception and see through the masks modern-day society wears.
Persona 5 will release on April 4th in the Americas and Europe, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Pre-orders are now available at participating retailers for either version of the game. For more information, please visit deepsilver.com/persona-5
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-7 11:40 PM
Persona 5 ‘Caroline & Justine’ trailer
Atlus has released a new trailer for Persona 5 introducing Velvet Room’s twin wardens Caroline and Justine.
Here’s an overview of the two, via Atlus:
The Velvet Room is place where Personas can be experimented on with reckless abandon, but there’s a catch. (Remember, there’s ALWAYS a catch.) Since the protagonist is a prisoner of his own Velvet Room, he must earn the privilege of being a Persona mad scientist. Although basic fusion and registration are immediately available to the prisoner, features such as advanced/network fusion, training, strengthening, and others are not. That’s where the Twin Wardens Caroline and Justine come in. Not only are they Igor’s assistants, but they also happen to be the “rehabilitation” officers who will be overseeing the protagonist during his stay. By spending time with them (completing prison work), additional fun experimentation options will unlock. Oh, and in case you can’t tell them apart, Caroline is the mean one and Justine is the nice one.
Persona 5 is now available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan, and will launch in North America and Europe on April 4.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-10 06:30 PM
ATLUS「平冈直人」专访 谈论《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版开发契机
转载 - ATLUS「平岡直人」專訪 談論《女神異聞錄 5》繁體中文版開發契機
SEGA Games Consumer & Online Company 发行 ATLUS 开发,预定 3 月 23 日推出的 PS4 角色扮演游戏《女神异闻录 5》繁体中文版,巴哈姆特 GNN 独家访问到了 ATLUS 取缔役暨主机事业局局长「平冈直人」,他回答了关于 P5 繁体中文化的契机,以及系列日后的动向,有兴趣的玩家不妨参考本文。
ATLUS 取缔役暨主机事业局局长 平冈直人
《女神异闻录 5》是《女神异闻录》系列的最新作品。 《女神异闻录》系列是以现代日本城镇为游戏舞台背景,让玩家一边体验校园、友情与爱情等日常生活,同时面对不可思议的流言与都市传说等超自然现象事件的青少年角色扮演系列游戏。 日文版已在 9 月 15 日于亚洲地区贩卖,并且获得好评。 繁体中文化的作品,将更能让亚洲华语地区的玩家充分享受《女神异闻录》的世界观。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-14 11:45 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-18 07:20 AM
Persona 5 PS4 standard edition includes DualShock 4 controller skin in the Americas
The PlayStation 4 standard edition of Persona 5 will include a bonus DualShock 4 controller skin in the Americas while supplies last, Atlus announced.
Atlus released a video of Ann Takamaki voice actor Erika Harlacher and former PR manager John Hardin demonstrating the proper way to apply the skin to the controller.
Persona 5 is now available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan, and will launch in North America and Europe on April 4.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-24 07:36 AM
Persona 5 “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition unboxing video
Atlus has released a nine-minute unboxing video of the Persona 5 “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition.
As previously detailed, the PlayStation 4-only Premium Edition costs $89.99 / CA$109.99 and includes the following:
- “Sounds of Rebellion” soundtrack CD: A selection of music from Persona 5 by legendary series composer Shoji Meguro in a CD wallet featuring Persona 5 artwork.
- 4″ Morgana plush: Morgana the cat is not just the mascot of the Phantom Thieves, but is also a member–and also not just a cat! The premium edition includes an exclusive 4″ plush of Morgana.
- “The Aesthetics” 64-page hardcover art book: This art book is full of concept sketches, character art, and more by character designer Shigenori Soejima.
- SteelBook: As strong as a vault, the game disc for PlayStation 4 will come specially packaged in a SteelBook collectible case, emblazoned with Persona 5 designs.
- Shujin Academy school bag: Designed after the traditional school bags in Japan, the exclusive replica bag comes complete with the Shujin Academy crest.
- Collectible outer box: Easily the largest premium edition in Atlus’ history, the entirety of the “Take Your Heart” Premium Edition comes in a colossal collectible box.
Persona 5 is now available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan, and will launch in North America and Europe on April 4.
Watch the unboxing below.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-4 10:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-5 07:13 AM 编辑
Persona 5 Out Now, Launch Trailer
Suit Up, The Metaverse Awaits - Persona 5 Is Now Available
It's time. There are too many wicked hearts that are ripe for the taking, and only the Phantom Thieves can do anything about it. Get ready to gather your best friends and carry out the greatest heists the world has ever seen because the long awaited JRPG Persona 5 is now available in the Americas and Europe!
The newest transfer student of Shujin Academy in Tokyo is a bad kid. Well, that's what the rumors say at least. The truth is that the protagonist of Persona 5 was framed for a crime he didn't commit by crooked authority figures in his hometown. Unfortunately, he's simply the victim of a corrupt system, and he must remain on his best behavior in order to avoid more trouble with society. This will DEFINITELY prove difficult because he soon discovers the power to travel into another world, known as the Metaverse, and change the most distorted desires of wicked people. Players will guide the protagonist and his motley crew of misfits, known as the Phantom Thieves, as they venture into the Metaverse to battle evil shadows, negotiate with Personas, solve dangerous puzzles, discover terrifying secrets, and change the hearts of evil people by stealing their most vile core desire. Oh, and they'll need to do all this while pretending to be normal Japanese high-school students.
Society hides a lot of evil, but it's time for the Phantom Thieves to change that. Wake up, get up, get out there.
Get ready to take some hearts with the launch trailer above!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-5 06:13 PM
Atlus is threatening to go after people who stream too far in Persona 5
A Note on Persona 5 and Streaming
Oh boy, it’s a big day for ATLUS today. It took us a while (pause for Winter 2014 joke), but Persona 5 is finally out in the West! Seriously, we poured countless hours into making the game as perfect as it can be, and words can’t explain how excited we are for you all to finally be playing it. Some of you might be saying “this is totally just PR speak,” but I’m telling you it’s not. All of us at ATLUS in Japan and America worked our freaking butts off to make sure Persona 5 is worthy of having the Persona name.
We know this game means a lot to our fans, and we’re literally SO, SO HAPPY that you can now suit up with the Phantom Thieves and cause some havoc in Tokyo. Word of advice to newcomers of the game: *deep breath* MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR CALENDAR AND NOT WAIT UNTIL THE VERY LAST DAY TO STEAL SOMEONE’S TREASURE. REMEMBER TO SEND OUT A CALLING CARD BEFOREHAND OR ELSE ONLY PROFOUND SADNESS AWAITS. Oh, and save often.
Ok, now let’s talk Persona 5 streaming and videos. Simply put, we don’t want the experience to be spoiled for people who haven’t played the game. Our fans have waited years for the game to come out and we really want to make sure they can experience it fully as a totally new adventure. Please read our video/streaming guidelines below:
Please, PLEASE do not post any specific plot points or story spoilers, and only talk about the game in broad strokes. (Good example: “The game deals with dark themes right off the bat, with a lecherous teacher and other corrupted individuals.” Bad example: “Players immediately run into trouble with the pervy teacher *spoiler*, whose actions go so far as to cause *spoiler*.”)
You’re more than welcome to talk/show Confidants, the new combat, the Velvet Room, the dungeons, etc. Just please keep in mind that as a singular story playthrough, viewers are *highly* wary of spoilers!
In-game Content Limit: Please limit video content through the in-game date of 7/7.
Video Content
• You can post however many additional videos you’d like, but please limit each to be at most 90 minutes long.
• No major story spoilers, and I’ll leave that up to your good judgment. If you need some guidelines, avoid showing/spoiling the ending segments of the first three palaces. While you can show initial interactions with Yusuke, avoid his awakening scene, and that whole deal about THE painting. Also, don’t post anything about a certain student investigator.
• I know I mentioned not showing the end of each palace, but you can grab footage from the Kamoshida boss fight. However, don’t capture video from the other major boss fights.
• Must not focus solely on cutscenes/animated scenes, should prominently feature dungeon crawling/spending time in Tokyo.
• You can post straight gameplay or have commentary.
Streaming Content
This being a Japanese title with a single-playthrough story means our masters in Japan are very wary about it. Sharing is currently blocked through the native PS4 UI. However, if you do plan on streaming, video guidelines above apply except length. If you decide to stream past 7/7 (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THIS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED), you do so at the risk of being issued a content ID claim or worse, a channel strike/account suspension.
That being said, Persona 5 is a super special case for us and we’re in ongoing discussion about how our policies may evolve in the future. Thanks for reading and good luck in the Metaverse.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-6 06:37 PM
ATLUS 宣布《女神异闻录 5》全世界累计出货量突破 150 万套
ATLUS 宣布 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 专用游戏《女神异闻录 5》,包括 4 月 4 日发售的北美 / 欧洲版,累计出货量突破 150 万套。 另外,欧美媒体评分的 Metascore 也获得 94 分评价,在北美 / 欧洲市场的销售成绩应会持续成长。
官方也宣布,作为未来《女神异闻录》系列内容的下个活动,将于 8 月 2 日在横滨体育馆举办大型音乐会等,积极地推广超越游戏框架的活动。

关于《女神异闻录 5》
以「侠盗·青春」为崭新主轴,上演年轻怪盗们大展身手的剧情。 白天作为高中生在大都会区度过愉快的校园生活,要如何度过每一天全都由你来决定。 邂逅各式各样的人们,加深彼此之间的「羁绊」,使其成为改变命运的强大力量! 放学后使用谜般的智能型手机 APP「异世界导航 APP」潜入坏人们的内心世界「殿堂」,以怪盗的身分在不为人知之处华丽地活跃! 善用人格面具的力量从充满扭曲意识的世界中盗取「秘宝」,无论是再坏的坏蛋都会在短时间内彻底悔改!? 前所未闻的惩奸除恶大戏,现在正式上演...!
以现代日本街区与高中为舞台,「人格面具能力」觉醒的少年少女们相遇、面临事件与困难进而成长的青春 RPG 系列。 拥有 TV 动画、电影版动画、以日本武道馆为首的音乐会、舞台剧、漫画等各式各样的媒体展开,全世界累计出货量达到 650 万套。
游戏名称:女神异闻录 5
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3
发售日期:日文版 2016 年 9 月 15 日,PlayStation 4 繁体中文版 2017 年 3 月 23 日
建议售价:新台币 1790 元
游玩人数:1 人
年龄分级:辅 15 级
发行厂商:SEGA Games
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-19 07:25 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-20 11:18 PM
Atlus registers domains for possible Persona 5 spin-offs
Atlus 新域名《女神异闻录 5》系列番外篇曝光 音乐/格斗/赛车/年度版等等
根据情报显示开发商 Atlus 已经注册了和《女神异闻录5》相关的多个域名,猜测可能会是之前《女神异闻录 4》系列的舞蹈游戏和格斗游戏又要来了。
在域名信息库 whois 上可以查询到,一家名为 ryusoffice 的公司注册了“P5U.JP”、“P5D.JP”、“P5AG.JP”等域名,注册时间都是在4月份。而 ryusoffice 是专门为游戏开发商提供后期宣传的公司。Atlus 是他的重要合作伙伴,包括《女神异闻录5》在内都是合作项目。
而域名的最后一个英文字幕都包含着寒意。U和D的含义可以参照《女神异闻录 4》相关的游戏《女神异闻录4:舞夜狂欢》(Persona 4 Dancing All Night 即P4D)是一款音乐节奏类游戏。《女神异闻录4:午夜竞技场》(Persona 4:The Ultimate In Mayonaka Arena 即P4U |日版名称)则是一款格斗游戏。其他如p5ag.jp 和 p5r.jp 的 AG和R含义猜测可能是Persona 5 Atfer Golden 即P5AG 将收录全部DLC在内。R含义则是 Persona 5 Racing 赛车游戏(目前《女神异闻录 》系列还未出现赛车类型游戏。以下是《女神异闻录 5》新域名网址
p5d.jp p5u.jp p5ag.jp p5r.jp
persona-dance.jp pq2.jp
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-29 07:24 AM
iam8bit to release Persona 5 vinyl soundtrack
Atlus has partnered with iam8bit to release the Persona 5 soundtrack on vinyl records in Q4 2017, the company announced.
Two editions of the vinyl records will be available for pre-order on iam8bit starting at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. PT today:
Essential Edition ($100)
This version will come with four vinyl records that contain selected tracks curated by the Atlus Sound Team.
Deluxe Edition ($175, limited to 1,000 copies)
This version will feature the complete Persona 5 soundtrack on six vinyl records.
The records will come packaged in custom cover art, which will be revealed at a later date.
iam8bit will also be documenting the entire creation process of the Persona 5 vinyl via videos, photos, and interviews. This includes:
Mastering – We’ll visit our favorite mastering studio, Infrasonic, and chronicle how music is mixed for the retro technology that is vinyl
Test Presses – We’ll show you what it’s like to create lacquers & test presses, which serve as benchmark for the vinyl’s audio quality
Vinyl Production – We’ll hang with our friends from Noiseland at their factory in France, capturing the analog magic of melting “wax” and stamping records. It’s pretty crazy to see, because some of these machines are nearly 100 years old!
Packaging – We’ll reveal just how much work goes into creating a unique packaging experience, from design to printing to assembly
Artwork – We’ll reveal the “Mystery Album Art,” the result of an intimate collaboration between iam8bit, Atlus, Sega and a to be announced, top secret artist.
Persona 5 is available now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-5 07:18 AM
Persona 5 director Katsura Hashino thanks western fans

Katsura Hashino, the director of Persona 5, thanked fans in North America and Europe for a warm reception in a message today on the PlayStation Blog.
An illustration of the Persona 5 protagonist, Ann, and Morgana by character designer Shigenori Soejima, posted above, accompanies the message.
Get the full message from Hashino below.
As a developer, I’m very happy to hear that Persona 5 is being played by so many people overseas. To be honest, it’s really hard to gauge its popularity in the West when our team’s in Japan; we’re not able to see everyone’s comments and discussions. It’d be great to interact with the fans abroad, but sadly, I’m stuck in the development room slurping instant ramen (laugh). Persona 5 is a very “Japanese” story with some political aspects to it, so I couldn’t imagine how Western players would react to it. I did know, however, that Persona 5 was highly anticipated by gamers overseas even back when we were developing the game, so I was curious to see how its story would be received.
I’m going off on a tangent here, but I think that traditional Japanese superhero stories tend to be about fighting off invaders from outside their society, while Western ones focus on fighting against villains and misfits that come from within it. There’s a sense of society being responsible for creating this evil, and such a setting lets the audience’s imagination run wild, like “it could’ve been me.” For instance, doesn’t the Joker from Batman make some valid points that resonate with you?
Persona 5 is also a superhero story in which you fight villains that are born from within society, so I thought that it might be received differently than the previous entries. Of course, it could’ve missed the mark completely and been criticized for it, so my anticipation and anxiety were split half and half. Since the game just launched in the West, I’d like to look back on it at a later time, once I receive feedback from the Western audience—how their gameplay experiences were, what kind of things they felt, etc. I hope that the tale of Persona 5 will leave a lasting impression on everyone who plays it. No matter what kind of project I take on going forward, I love creating RPGs that are both moving and relatable regardless of cultural differences—in fact, I’m most interested in strengthening those aspects right now.
Last year, with the milestone of the Persona series’ 20th anniversary, I handed off the series development to my successors and announced the start of my new RPG project that takes place in a fantasy world. Be it a game set in modern day, like the Persona and Shin Megami Tensei series, or a game set in a new fantasy world, I aim to create games that provide an invaluable experience of reflecting on oneself through a journey, while roleplaying as characters that players can deeply relate to.
These efforts are only made possible thanks to the positive reception we receive from fans—not just in Japan, but worldwide—of the Persona series and Atlus RPGs in general. I appreciate all your support for the newest entry in the Persona series, and I hope that everyone will enjoy the new Atlus RPGs to come.
Persona 5 is available now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-2 05:10 PM
对于 Atlus 制作《女神异闻录 6》,可以说这是必然的命题,但是这么早就注册域名还是能引发大家对新作的猜想。不过此前制作人桥野桂采访时透露自己暂时会停止《女神异闻录》系列的制作,而是会加紧制作另一款新RPG作品《Project Re Fantasy》。
此前 Atlus 还注册了多个《女神异闻录》相关的新域名,包括 P3D.jp、P5AG.jp、P5D.jp、P5R.jp 、P5U.jp、Persona-Dance.jp、PQ2.jp 、Persona8.jp、Persona9.jp 和 Persona10.jp。
目前《女神异闻录 5》已于去年 9 月正式发售,中文版也在今年 3 月发售,游戏发售后就受到玩家和媒体的一致好评。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-27 04:37 PM
Persona 5 worldwide shipments top 1.8 million
在最新的生放送直播活动中世嘉 SEGA 确认,《女神异闻录5》在全球的出货量已经突破了180万套。
在 4 月初时《女神异闻录 5》的全球出货量为 150 万套,所以在那之后至今这款备受好评的作品又卖出了约 30 万套。
Worldwide shipments for Persona 5 have topped 1.8 million, Sega’s Toshihiro Nagoshi confirmed during the latest Sega Nama broadcast.
Total shipments for Persona 5 were last reported on April 5 as 1.5 million. Since then, the game was also released in Korea on June 8.
Persona 5 launched for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 on September 15, 2016 in Japan, March 23, 2017 in Traditional Chinese, and April 4 in North America and Europe.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-7-30 11:53 PM
Persona 5 the Animation announced
《女神异闻录5》TV动画化确认!A1P制作 定档2018年
Atlus 的高人气RPG 游戏《女神异闻录5》(Persona 5)宣布动画化,并同时公开了动画化PV,动画由A-1 picture负责制作,计划于2018年开播。
制作:A-1 picture
《女神异闻录5》于 2016 年在 PS3 及 PS4 平台发售日版,并于 2017 年推出繁体中文版和英文版,亚洲中文版由世嘉代理发行,欧洲地区则由 Deep Silver 代理发行。该作为本系列中有实际人物比例的设计,在这个状况下依旧保留以往系列所留下来的各种传统,可以说是翻开游戏史中革新的一页,游戏在发售后获得了业界的高度好评。

Atlus has announced a Persona 5 TV anime from A-1 Pictures called Persona 5 the Animation. It will air in 2018.
The voice cast is carried over from the game:
Protagonist (voiced by Jun Fukuyama)
Anne Takamaki (voiced by Nana Mizuki)
Ryuuji Sakamoto (voiced by Mamoru Miyano)
Morgana (voiced by Ikue Otani)
Yusuke Kitagawa (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita)
Makoto Niijima (voiced by Rina Sato)
Futaba Sakura (voiced by Aoi Yuki)
Haru Okumura (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu)
Goro Akechi (voiced by Soichiro Hoshi)
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-2 09:52 PM
Persona Q2 announced for 3DS
Atlus N3DS 新作 RPG《女神异闻录 Q2(暂称)》发表

Atlus 著名系列《女神异闻录》的衍生游戏《女神异闻录 Q2》正式公布,对应 N3DS平台发售时间尚未公布。
之前在 N3DS 平台上推出的《女神异闻录 Q》是一款“世界树迷宫”类型的 RPG 游戏,相信续作也会是此模式。从 LOGO上看,《女神异闻录 5》中的“怪盗团”伙伴们,将会在本作中展开新的冒险。
Atlus has announced Persona Q2 for 3DS.
Further information was not announced.
Visit the teaser website http://pq2.jp/
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