标题: 【PS4/PSV/IOS/PC/Droid】Project Phoenix [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-13 06:54 PM
标题: 【PS4/PSV/IOS/PC/Droid】Project Phoenix
Project Phoenix是集结了大量著名游戏制作人员的全新JRPG企划,其中包括《最终幻想》系列的音乐制作人植松伸夫,《灵魂能力5》《战场女武神》等作品音乐监督的由良浩明,更有来自《合金装备5》《刺客信条2》《光环4》等大作的制作人员参与其中。目前官方放出了段宣传视频和部分艺术设定图,而整个项目已经开始募集资金。Project Phoenix原定登陆PC、MAC、iOS、Android等平台,目前官方已经跟索尼接触,登陆PS4和PSV基本确认。相信正式作品出炉后会是一款高质量的JRPG,不过官方表示要在2015年才能让大家玩到完成的作品。
Project Phoenix - Japan's Indie Game Featuring AAA Talent
Project Phoenix today announced their intention to set up a Kickstarter to develop a Japanese role-playing game combined with Real Time Strategy. Uniting top developers from the East and West, Project Phoenix is the brainchild of game developer Hiroaki Yura, the founder of Creative Intelligence Arts. This fresh take on the JRPG genre features the art direction of Kiyoshi Arai, who brings experience from Final Fantasy XII and XIV, and music headed up by Nobuo Uematsu, the legendary composer of the Final Fantasy series, marking Uematsu's first ever commitment to an independent game project.
“For 25 years, I've been working on a lot of video game music like the Final Fantasy series. This is the first time I've worked on an independent game,” says Uematsu, Project Phoenix's lead composer. “Although it's fun to create a game within a large company, I've always been interested in being able to work in a small, passionate independent games team. I'm really looking forward to it.”
The development team members have an impressive array of credits, including the Final Fantasy series, Halo 4, Crysis 3, L.A. Noire, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo III, Soulcalibur V, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Steins;Gate Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu, and much more. Several of the members are yet to be announced, including a secret designer from a leading anime mecha title that changed the course of Japanese pop culture's influence in the world.
The Project Phoenix Kickstarter is seeking $100,000 to fund the programming and artistic development of the game. Backers have the opportunity to secure digital and limited edition physical copies of the title, along with the chance to be featured as non-playable characters such as a bar owner with their own personal musical theme composed by Uematsu. Stretch goals also include the creation of additional areas, graphics and cinematics, as well as the talents of Grammy Award winning sound engineer John Kurlander (Lord of the Rings trilogy, Skyrim, The Beatles) and the Eminence Symphony Orchestra bringing the music of Uematsu and his co composers to life.
Players will follow the story of the amnesiac angel, Ruffles, who has landed in the world of Azuregard and encounters the troubled Templar, Marcus Stern. Together with the elven princess Sylrianah, who is reserved but curious to see the world beyond the forest, and Zarum the Lost, a battlemage with his own internal conflicts, they form an unlikely bond. These four heroes must discover their place in a world brought to war by misunderstanding and ignorance, and perhaps ultimately even save it from itself.
Project Phoenix is a sprawling adventure where you will travel and battle enemies across Azuregard. The game departs from traditional JRPG conventions through its use of RTS elements, yielding a combat system that is fast paced and dynamic. Furthermore, players can have their characters interact with environmental terrain features, be it rope bridges or boulders, to create tactical advantages.
Project Phoenix is scheduled for release in mid 2015 for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. Excited fans can venture to projectphoenix.info to learn more about the game's development and join the community forums. Game director Hiroaki Yura and team members will be there to answer fan questions about the development of Project Phoenix.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-15 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-15 09:46 PM 编辑
网罗世界知名开发者制作 《凤凰计划》募资大成功
近日在募资网站KickStarter上出现了一款日式RPG单机游戏的开发计划《凤凰计划(Project Phoenix)》,并在一天内募集到了$365,638,远远超过了其$100,000的目标,他们第二阶段的目标是$650,000,让我们拭目以待吧。根据了解,这是一款结合日本、美国与欧洲等地区的顶尖游戏开发者所制作的游戏,而游戏总监则是知名的日本小提琴家由良浩明(Hiroaki Yura),他个人参与制作过的游戏包括了《暗黑破坏神3》、《战场女武神》以及《命运石之门》等作品。
根据官方公布的资料,参与制作的游戏开发者包括曾参与制作以下作品的游戏设计人员:《最终幻想》系列、《暗黑破坏神》、 《合金装备5:幻痛》 、《魔兽世界》 、《光晕4》、《上古卷轴5:天际》、《星际争霸2》、《刺客信条2》、《孤岛危机3》、《灵魂能力5》、《战场女武神》等。此外本作也邀请到知名作曲家植松伸夫来为游戏设计曲目。
Project Phoenix is a SQUAD-BASED, REAL-TIME STRATEGY GAME combined with strong Japanese RPG design influences, brought to you by top Eastern and Western creators who have worked on many blockbuster game titles.
Platforms: Mainly for Windows, Mac and Linux via Steam and our website. iOS and Android will have a different version to the PC counterparts due to limitations.
We are also working to have the game released on PlayStation 4 and other platforms but is yet to be confirmed.
Estimated release: Mid-2015.
# of Players: This game is primarily a single player game and we would like to focus on that aspect. We do have ideas for multiplayer and co-op modes but we'd only work on it if the multiplayer stretch goal is achieved.
We are making a rich, immersive game that will set a new standard of excellence for the Japanese gaming industry, all without major studio backing! Although we have a large array of top talent, we are JRPG fans first and foremost and wish to create a game worthy of longstanding JRPG fans who truly deserve it. In doing so, we will become a phoenix that will rise from the ashes to forge a new direction for the Japanese games industry through a work that awes and inspires all. With the lofty heights we’ve set, we’d like YOU to be a part of our vision and the process and we’re optimistic about it. After all, we’ve got a brave, stubborn, if somewhat forgetful angel on our side, reminding us of what we truly stand for!
Project Phoenix is a fantasy themed squad-based real-time strategy game combined with Japanese RPG design influences. The game draws you in with its breathtaking fantasy world, deep storyline, Japanese character designs, and a memorable cast, most notably, the band of heroes under your command. Furthermore, its intuitive real-time tactical combat is dynamic, fluid, and streamlined, allowing you to experience the strategic options without being bogged down by overwhelming archaic battle systems.
Throughout the adventure, players will piece together the mysteries of an angel with amnesia and travel through the land of Azuregard with an unusual band of heroes searching for answers.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-15 09:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-15 09:48 PM 编辑
在Azuregard 中,未探索过的区域有着不明的敌人伺机而动!这边会有不同的种族以及关键人物角色等待玩家前来探索,同时各个地区有其专属的装备及特殊的当地文化。
The world is changing...
The orcish clans, mankind's ancient enemy, have begun migrating from the mountains and their raids upon human settlements become more brazen and audacious by the day. If this wasn't enough, the denizens of the southern coastal regions hear rumor of the free men who, once vanquished, have emerged, more organized than before, all with the goal of toppling the Empire. Amidst the stirrings of war, the elves watch a fateful star and recognize it as a portent that will decide the fate of all those who live in Azuregard.
It is within these tumultumous times that the troubled paladin Marcus Stern encounters Ruffles, an angel stricken with amnesia. Together with the elven princess Sylrianah, reserved but curious to see the world beyond the forest, and Zarum the Lost, a battlemage with his own internal conflicts, they form an unlikely bond. These four heroes must discover their place in a world brought to war by misunderstanding and ignorance, and perhaps ultimately even save it from itself.
Project Phoenix is a sprawling adventure in which you explore a vast, rich land and do battle against formidable enemies. The gameplay eschews micromanagement in favour of a focused Real Time Strategy system enhanced by JRPG elements. You can level your characters and teach them new abilities but at the same time they behave intelligently when you are not controlling them directly.
The game has three distinct modes: Exploration, Combat and Character Advancement.
Exploration is where you travel the many realms of Azuregard. As well as progressing the story, you will discover different races, acquire better equipment and meet new characters. Each time you arrive somewhere new, you’ll be able to outfit yourself with the local equipment and experience some of their culture. There will be no grinding through enemies to be able to advance to the next area. You will be able to advance at your own pace, and either push on with the story or take your time as you see fit.
Each town or city you find yourself in will be populated by an interesting cast of characters, with their own stories to tell. There’ll be good reason to stick around some places, or to do a bit of extra exploration.
Combat takes place in predefined areas, tailored to match the locale. There will be two main types of combat: Story battles and Random battles. Story battles will be carefully-tuned scenarios integral to the story’s progression. Random battles will be dynamic combat scenarios activated occasionally during the story, but generally when exploring areas without any new story content (such as when backtracking). They will be available whenever you want, without being a burden to play.
Combat uses a point and click system to control your party of heroes. Each hero has abilities they can use in battle, and the use of these abilities depletes either their mana (magic reserves) or their stamina. Tactical play and the combination of different heroes will be the main factors in your success, as well as taking advantage of the following conditions:
Terrain: Terrain comes in different heights, so you can use the lay of the land to your advantage. There are also destructible elements to damage or slow down your foes. Some units also get a movement advantage in different terrain to allow for more strategy.
Fog of War: Apart from special scenario objectives, the combat map will be hidden until explored. This helps keep things exciting and suspenseful and also gives you plenty of opportunity to use the scouting abilities of particular heroes.
Threat Management: Generally enemies will target those they consider the greatest threat, or a specific target when the story dictates. However there are character abilities to redirect their attention to another character. Not only does this lend itself to structured defensive play – knowing who the enemy will target will allow you to set up some cunning traps! Of course, no JRPG is complete without memorable, awe-inspiring bosses, and we have plenty of those as well. These challenging scenarios will have you focusing your entire party on an epic enemy, using your skill to win the day.
Character Advancement is an important piece, and comes from the game’s JRPG heritage. Each hero you control will be a distinct class, with their own look, abilities, and usable equipment. Of course there will be overlaps in equipment, but there won’t be too many dilemmas when it comes to selecting who gets a new item. As characters increase in experience, they automatically get improved stats, as well as new abilities. For further customisation we have a simple talent system in place, so that you can choose the path you want your characters to take. If you want to have more control over your team, we are also including customable heroes that can be recruited as you progress through the game. That way, if you love a character class but want to put your own spin on it, you can.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-15 09:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-15 09:49 PM 编辑
游戏预定2015 年推出
由良浩明表示,日式RPG 的精神,就是把角色的情绪和梦想带给玩家
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-19 08:16 PM
《凤凰计划》最新细节透露 男主角艺术图曝光
今天我们从开发商Creative Intelligence Arts那得到了一幅“粗糙的”艺术图,展现的是男主角Marcus Stern。这幅艺术图是由《凤凰计划》的首席艺术设计师GONTARO亲笔绘成。
Creative Intelligence Arts还放出了一些这部JRPG游戏的基本玩法和发展机制。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-27 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-31 06:25 AM 编辑
《凤凰计划》募到62万美元 首部介绍视频放出
另外,Creative Intelligence Arts放出了首部视频,详细地介绍了战斗系统。视频中游戏制作总监Hiroaki Yura解释了地形和战术的恰当运用。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-30 06:34 AM
《凤凰计划》主角艺术图 3A级新作募资超60万
我们还得知制作团队又添两名虎将:角色设计师Asami Hagiwara,其著名的SD艺术画每月都会刊登在秋叶原的MOGRA Club报纸上。概念艺术师Koji Moriga,他曾为《最终幻想11:阿多林的魔境》设计怪物模型。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-3 06:49 AM
《凤凰计划》目标50-60小时游戏时间 战斗细节放出
《凤凰计划》(Project Phoenix)这款由Creative Intelligence Art开发,在Kickstarter上集资的策略JRPG将会有50-60小时游戏时间。游戏总监Hiroaki Yura在外媒VG247的采访中透露了一些游戏战斗任务的细节。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-5 07:28 AM
《凤凰计划》募资72万美元 男主角英雄范十足
开发组也随机放出了一张由首席美工Gontaro绘制的新的艺术概念图,展示了游戏中的主角Marcus Stern,英雄范十足。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-5 07:58 PM
Project Phoenix confirmed for PlayStation 4 & PS Vita
The Console-ation Prize!
In running this Kickstarter, if there’s one thing we’ve really come to appreciate, it’s your energy, enthusiasm, and, of course, your patience! After a lot of hard work on the back end, we can finally announce that Project Phoenix will officially be released on the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve received many messages, e-mails, and queries about the possibility of the game being released on the PS4 and PS Vita and now, after long negotiations and discussions, that wish has become a reality! So although not every single detail about the release has been finalized, we’re proud and excited at the prospect of developing for the Playstation platform.
So what does this all mean for those of you who are interested in getting a PS4 or PS Vita version of Project Phoenix? Well, we’re working on getting the pledge tiers ready through our Paypal donation page and will update you all accordingly when that's up and ready!
Those who have already backed it through Kickstarter and prefer a PS4 or PS Vita version, please stay tuned to the updates page and we'll have more information on how to make the change once we're up and running.
News:http://www.kickstarter.com/proje ... talent/posts/589592
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-9 07:02 AM
这个数额解锁了第四个阶段目标,并将为所有Treasure Hunter等级以上的出资者提供独家A4海报,并为所有预定数字收藏版的出资者提供电子打印版。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-9 10:31 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-14 04:39 PM
《凤凰计划》Kickstarter集资结束 筹得超过100万
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-26 07:15 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-2 07:18 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-9 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-12 04:07 PM
由植松伸夫参与的Project Phoenix延期至2018年
由《最终幻想》系列作曲家植松伸夫参与制作的“Project Phoenix”正式宣布延期至2018年。
“Project Phoenix”最早在2013年公布,当时包括坂口博信、赤川亮二在内的众多开发者都曾表达过支持,该作品在Kickstarter募集了超过一百万美元的开发资金,原计划2015年发售。在经历了数次延期后,今年年初该制作组主程序员离开,这款作品的命运更加让人担心。
Project Phoenix原定登陆PC、MAC、iOS、Android等平台,在与索尼接触后登陆平台增加了PS4和PSV,对这款游戏感兴趣的玩家可以观看2014年的一段Demo视频。
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