标题: 【PS4】The Order: 1886 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-29 06:36 PM
标题: 【PS4】The Order: 1886
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 06:44 PM 编辑

Developer(s)开发商: Ready at Dawn / SCE Santa Monica Studio
Publisher(s)出版商: Sony Computer Entertainment
Engine引擎: ProFX
Platform(s)平台: PlayStation 4
Genre(s)        类型: Third-person action-adventure
Release Date发售日:TBA 2014
Website:http://us.playstation.com/ps4/games/the-order-1886.html / http://www.readyatdawn.com/

The Order: 1886 Brings the Victorian Era to PlayStation 4

This project has been a long time coming, and I’m proud today that we finally have a chance to give you a first look into our new game, The Order: 1886. This is the first original IP created by Ready At Dawn, and the game is targeted exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

The genesis of this project happened many years ago, but it was not until 2010, when hearing of the upcoming PS4, that we as a studio decided it was time for us to bring this IP to life. We saw that the platform could finally give us the potential needed to achieve the vision we had for this game.

With The Order: 1886, we introduce players to a unique vision of Victorian-era London, an alternate history where technological advances take center stage in a battle against a powerful and ancient foe. The game takes place nearly forty years after the Industrial Revolution. But unlike in real history, our Industrial Revolution stems from mankind’s desire to prevail in a centuries-old war. The advances in technology, invented by some of the foremost minds of the time, give man an opportunity to take the upper hand for the first time in their struggle.

In the game, you are a knight, a member of an ancient order, and you will take center stage in this fight for mankind’s survival. As the game takes place in an alternate history, you will be able to interact with real-world historical characters who will aid you in your quest. You will see and navigate real places. You will not only be a witness, but have a hand in real events that have unfolded.

Beyond story and setting, there are a select few key concepts to which we wanted to adhere when we created this title. One of these is the filmic aspect of the game. As we developed our visual target, we used aesthetics that have been present in cinematography for decades to achieve our goal; from lenses and lighting techniques to grading, we wanted to recreate a visual feel that would bring you closer to what you have only been able to experience in movies.

We also strived to create a seamless experience when it came to the game. The idea was to make sure that you never saw any visual discrepancies or breaks in continuity between gameplay and cinematic. Our game models and our cinematic models are one and the same, and everything is rendered real time in the engine as you play the game. The trailer we presented is a great example of that. What you saw is running in-engine, in-game with no gimmicks. These visuals are what you can expect of the final game when you play it.

Of course, there is a lot more to talk about, and this is only the start. There will be more to come in the near future, and the team at Ready At Dawn and I can’t wait to share more of the game with you.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-29 06:38 PM
    索尼发布的第一款独占PS4平台新游戏:索尼圣莫妮卡工作室和Ready at Dawn《秩序:1886(The Order 1886)》。本作回归英国1886年,既有维多利亚时代的宗教意味,又有属于未来的科幻感。从预告看,是一款多人合作打枪游戏,隐没在伦敦大雾中的怪兽还没有现出原形。值得一提的是,1886年离开膛手杰克只差两年,游戏中会出现这位神级杀手吗?


正式宣布: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... a-to-playstation-4/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-29 06:42 PM
官方截图/Official Image

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-29 06:43 PM

The Order: 1886 - Ready At Dawn Divulges New Details

Q: So, exactly what kind of game is The Order: 1886?
A: The Order is a third person action adventure with shooting mechanics. It’s very much story-based – it’s a linear story-based game. We’re trying to tell a story. It’s what we call a filmic experience.

Q: It was really refreshing to see London being used as the setting for a video game. Why did you pick the British capital?
A: For me, London is one of the greatest cities in the world. There’s a real diversity there. A lot of European cities have it but specifically London, as there are moments throughout history that have played out there. It has a very interesting history, particularly at the end of the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution. Because this game is based in the real world, we wanted to feed off that and use some of the events, the people and the stuff that existed in that time to accentuate and bring our IP into a world that is believable.

Q: Are Londoners going to recognize it as they city they live in today?
A: Absolutely. Sure, I don’t think we’ll be able to do a 1:1 mapping of London. We tried! We started out by mapping the full city of London. But we’re going to try and stay as true as possible to it. You’ll recognize a lot of things.

There are obviously some things we’re going to put in there that don’t exist, and we’ve moved certain locations a bit, but as you can see from the trailer, when you pass in front of the Thames, Parliament is where it’s supposed to be and London Bridge is where it’s supposed to be. We don’t want people to go “Nah, this doesn’t look right”. You’ll be interacting with real people, real events and real places.

Q: PlayStation gamers will know Ready At Dawn best from your fantastic God of War games on PSP. What are you bringing over to The Order: 1886 from your experience on that franchise?
A: I think what we’re bringing over is everything that we’ve learned over the past 10 years. This was always the goal when we started the company. We started with the mind-set that we’re going to build our own IP, but we didn’t want to be the guys who straight out of the gate went “We’re going to do everything all at once.” So we learned little by little – building technology, building expertise, getting the right team together. It really took us a long time to find exactly what we wanted.

We’ve done well on a single platform. We’ve tried to push the boundaries of what could be done. That’s the same mentality we’re bringing to PS4. We’re working on a single platform – we want to push it, we want to get everything out of it, and hopefully that’s exactly what we’re going to do – milk it for all it’s worth.

Q: What aspect of the game do you think will make gamers say “Woah, that’s new, I’ve never seen that before”?
A: There are gameplay features we’ll be talking about that will be very, very cool. Right now we’re playing with things – the moment-to-moment gameplay is really not what you might expect. We didn’t want to make it single-tone, where you rely on one single thing in expense of the rest.

The overall feel – that filmic experience… the one thing we brought to this is something people are accustomed too but usually can’t tell. When you watch a movie you don’t question what lens is being used. You don’t question why there is grain on the film or why there’s a certain lighting. Those are things we’ve been accustomed to seeing for 30 years. So when it’s missing we usually go “Wait, something is wrong with this image”.

With this game we replicated a lot of physical attributes. We have true lens distortion. We built physical lenses into our engine so we could get something where people will look it and not be totally disconnected. Games have a tendency sometimes to be too clean and crisp. We thrive in the dirt. We just love the fact that it feels dirty. It’s filmed in a very realistic way.

Q: It’s a good fit – London can be pretty filthy!
A: That’s exactly right, and that’s why we chose it I think.

Q: You’re working on a huge new IP on a huge new platform. How are you coping with the pressure?
A: Yeah, it’s tough. Anybody would be lying if they said it wasn’t. It’s a lot of pressure and there are a lot of unknowns. You make a lot of bets at the beginning because you don’t know how things are going to be two years down the line. The good thing for us is that we didn’t have to bring a lot of legacy over, and because of that we’ve made a lot of bets that luckily for us turned out really well. But yes, the pressure is always on. It seems that there’s a lot of expectation now and there will be more after E3. So all we have to do now is finish it!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-29 06:45 PM

  索尼的每一家第一方工作室都自己的独门绝技,不管是顽皮狗又或者是POLYPHONYDIGITAL都是相当出色。现在我们获悉《教团1886》一些最新细节。游戏采用In-house引擎这次是由圣莫妮卡和Ready At Dawn共同制作的全新游戏带来了技术演示视频。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-21 10:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-26 08:04 PM 编辑

PS4独占大作 《教团:1886》艺术设定画公布


  本作是由PSP游戏《战神:斯巴达之魂》与《战神:奥林匹斯之链》的厂商Ready At Dawn打造,著名PS2、PS3主机游戏《战神》系列开发商索尼圣莫妮卡提供技术支持的PS4独占新题材第三人称动作射击游戏。时空背景设定在半架空的维多利亚时代,在烟雾与魔物肆虐的英国伦敦,玩家将扮演一名身赴王命的骑士,携带具有先进科技的武器加入一场世纪战争,抵抗强劲且古老的敌人。

新维多利亚时期 《教团:1886》详细世界观介绍

  PlayStation Blog上放出了一些关于《教团:1886》(The Order: 1886)世界观的最新信息,下面就让我们一起来看一下吧!

- 游戏开发小组想让游戏中的地点和真实地点尽可能的相似,但他们也根据需要做了一些改变
- 新维多利亚时期的伦敦将会让很多人感到熟悉,但当你在游览城市的时候会发现科技上的进步是显而易见的
- 在游戏中,1886年已经出现了电力,远早于真实历史
- 用电的路灯代替了煤气灯
- 游戏中伦敦的地铁系统已经出现,但远比现实中先进
- 街上的电子标志让伦敦的某些区域看起来就像时代广场
- 玩家在游戏中将会看见大本钟、伦敦塔等耳熟能详的地标建筑
- 但伦敦天际线整体的和谐被一座座瞭望塔所破坏
- 瞭望塔上的探照灯每时每刻不在巡视着城市的地面和天空
- 空中还有一队名为“哨兵”的飞艇在日夜巡逻
- 教团的工业革命让人类在一场世纪之战中占了先手
- 人类现在有高级的武器包括一种能放电的枪
- 玩家可以和小队成员通过通信器材交流
- 还有火焰枪等高级武器
- 仍然有传统的火药枪

GC 13:厂商表示《教团:1886》展示先进物理特效

  Ready at Dawn的创意指导Ru Weerasuriya介绍了他们开发中的PS4独占大作《教团1886》。


  此外,大多数游戏都没有物体破碎的效果,但Ready at Dawn却一定要创造出真正的次世代游戏体验,允许  玩家与游戏环境进行真实的互动。我们在演示中看到,扔一枚手雷会将木箱炸成碎片,再扔一枚手雷会让满地碎片炸得更碎。物理效果真的很真实。



The Order: 1886′s Neo-Victorian London Detailed

Building a new London for The Order: 1886 on PS4

When creating our alternate history in The Order: 1886, our goal was to make the environment as believable as possible while at the same time adding our own twist to real places. With the release of our trailer back at E3, we hinted at our vision of an alternate London.

This Neo-Victorian London will seem familiar to everyone, however, advances in technology will take center stage in many ways as you navigate the city. One of the main examples is the advent of electricity throughout the city, well before its time. Gas lamps are replaced by electric street lights. Everywhere you go, you can hear the hum of electricity running through the city.

The London subway system is present in our version of the world, but it’s much more advanced than it was in real life. Certain sections of the subway system run above ground in between buildings throughout the city. Electric signs line the streets making some areas of London almost look like Times Square.

The other big change you will witness is in the skyline of London. Although the familiar sights of Big Ben, St. Paul’s, and the Tower Bridge are present, the skyline is broken up by watch towers. Their searchlights are constantly scanning the city and the skies. The other change in the skyline is the presence of airship mooring towers. In The Order: 1886, London is patrolled day and night by a squadron of dirigibles called the Sentinels. All of these are a constant reminder that the world is not as it seems.

These changes are the result of our Industrial Revolution, mankind’s chance to take the upper hand in a centuries-old war. Mankind now has access to advanced weapons, one of which you saw in the trailer — a rifle that can fire electricity.

Communicators give you the ability to converse with the rest of your squad. A thermite gun allows you to shoot a cloud of inflammable thermite that can be ignited by a flame or by shooting a flare into it. In contrast to these advanced weapons, you’ll still be able to use more traditional black powder guns. These give a sense of realism and believability to the world and make the atmosphere feel dirty and palpable, reminiscent of the way we’re used to viewing the real, post-Industrial Revolution Europe.

The team will be sharing more information about the game in the months to come.

News:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... -order-1886-on-ps4/

GC 13:厂商宣布《教团1886》将成为品牌系列作品

  科隆游戏展上公布了首个《教团1886》的试玩,Ready at Daun工作室CEO Ru Weerasuriya向媒体透露,该游戏将成为一个品牌系列作品。他的首部游戏将发生在工业革命后的伦敦,该系列的其他作品或将扩展至其他媒体。


  Weerasuriya 还确认,《教团1886》将于2014年发售,PS4独占。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-31 09:35 AM

  Ready at Dawn联合创始人Ru Weerasuriya向Eurogamer透露,他们工作室就是为了《教团1886》这个项目而成立的,但在这之前,他们看到了顽皮狗的《神秘海域2》大获成功,才有了自信与决心,开始成立制作组并开启项目。





  《教团1886》是一款画面犹如电影一般的射击游戏,目前尚未公布发售日期。Ready At Dawn工作室的大多数作品都是体育类的,还有PSP上的《嗜血判官(Dexter Season)》
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-9 06:55 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-11 07:22 AM 编辑

Game Informer November Cover Revealed ~ The Order: 1886

玩家们第一次见到《教团:1886》还是今年E3的时候,当时现场一段神秘而又简短的预告片演示了19世纪伦敦这队战斗小组鏖战怪物的过程。 Ready At Dawn,PSP《战神》系列知名制造商,已经很长时间没有放出该作的消息了。近日GI 11月号刊将介绍该作的故事情节,《教团:1886》是索尼PS4独占游戏之一,将于2014年发售。

《教团:1886》将为大家呈现一段传奇的历程:离奇的事件改变了历史。玩家将接过古代骑士的职务保护人类免受怪物的侵袭。Ready At Dawn的故事灵感来源于古老的神话故事和真实历史;这是一款内容丰富的射击游戏,游戏突破常规思维,你甚至可以用步枪施放出闪电击杀敌人。

看看GI 11月的游戏封面《教团:1886》,这期杂志包含12页独家截图。

《教团:1886》更多细节透露 气势磅礴剧情丰富

PS4独占大作《秩序:1886(The Order 1886)》登上了GameInformer杂志最新刊的封面,内页长达12页的文章曝光了大量游戏情报,让我们来总结归纳的看一看。


·《秩序:1886》是开发商Ready At Dawn有史以来最具野心的项目






·游戏剧本由《约翰·亚当斯》的编剧、开发商主管Ru Weerasriya和Kirk Ellis联合创作




·几个世纪后,一个叫做亚瑟的男人创建了名为“圆桌骑士”的组织,联合尚存人性的人类对抗半兽人。他们发现一种名叫“黑水(Black Water)”的物质,可以快速愈合伤口甚至减缓衰老。但这种物质同时也是一种诅咒,它会激发人性的丑恶面





November Cover Revealed ~ The Order: 1886

Gamers got their first glimpse of The Order: 1886 at E3 2013, when a brief and enigmatic trailer showed off a squad of soldiers in 19th century London fighting off an attacking pack of strange creatures. Ready At Dawn, best known for its PSP God of War and Daxter games, has remained silent about the new game in the months since. With our November issue, we blow out the full story on The Order, one of Sony’s big franchise premieres and exclusive PS4 titles for 2014.

The Order: 1886 offers a fascinating glimpse into a past twisted by strange events that alter the course of history. Players step into the shoes of a knight who is part of an ancient order sworn to protect humanity from the threat of monstrous half-breed creatures. Ready At Dawn's fascinating fiction for its new franchise draws inspiration from ancient mythology and legend combined with actual historical figures; the result is a story we can’t wait to experience in full. This fiction is buttressed by an action-packed shooting mechanic fueled by awesome and unusual weapons, like a rifle that can spew blasts of lightning. The Order’s incredible visuals and technology speak to what we can all look forward to in the games designed from the ground up to run on next-gen hardware like the PS4.

Check out our cover for The Order: 1886 below. The issue features 12 pages of exclusive screenshots and info about this promising new game franchise.

Game Infromer:http://www.gameinformer.com/b/ne ... rder-1886-5830.aspx

New The Order: 1886 details have surfaced from this month’s Game Informer. You can find a batch of information rounded up by the folks on NeoGAF below.

- In concept since 2005
- Trailer graphics are what you can expect it to look like in-game
- Everything in the world is rendered with soft body physics
- Metal beams react for example to magnetic forces, bending and shifting in real time
- Incredible attention to detail: Lens flare catches light as you rotate the camera, oil lamps flash independently in an underground scene, light bouncing off every object provides uncanny realism, insane attention to material detail like wood, leather and cloth.
- Clouds and particles of dust float around lamp flames, subtely settling down on the camera lense
- Ready at Dawn spent a lot of time making the weapons unique, giving each personality. Grounded in understandable science but also have behaviors that you wouldn’t expect
- Around 7th or 8th century, humanity splinters, with many getting ‘beastial traits’, becoming ‘half breeds’
- Thus begins the conflict
- Humanity basically forms a version of the Knights of the Round Table, in this case, The Order to fight off this enemy
- Through a strange turn of events, they discover a substance called “black water”, giving them unusually long lives and unique ability to recover from injury
- The Knights continue to age, but at a much, much slower rate which they use to battle for centuries
- It’s basically a curse given they continuously see everything around them leave and die off, it’s both a salvation and a curse for them
- This leads up to the 19th century and the changes facilitate the unique futuristic Industrial Age you see before you
- You play as Sir Galahad (guy with the porn stache)
- A new threat emerges as parts of society (humans) begin to rebel against the rulership and are disgruntled with the inequality between layers of society
- Battle scenes are chaotic and exciting, reminiscent of Gears of War
- Ready at Dawn took a unique twist to QTEs, sometimes melee attacks occur during gameplay, time slows down and you can rotate your camera and find different things in the environment to give you an edge. These can range from dodging a punch or grabbing an improvised weapon for example
- Focused on a very strong story driven single player now, not willing to talk about any multiplayer
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-12 05:04 PM
《秩序:1886》最新截图 画面不错逼近CG画质

近日,外媒GameInformer为我们带来了PS4独占大作《秩序:1886(The Order 1886)》最新一批实机截图。这也是头一次,让我们这么清晰地看到看到游戏真容。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-17 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-18 07:36 AM 编辑

《教团:1886》骑士团详细介绍 由亚瑟王组建!
The Order: 1886 – character details

  PS4独占游戏《教团:1886(The Order: 1886)》开发商Ready At Dawn在这款游戏中将亚瑟王传说搬到了1886年的伦敦。当时的圆桌骑士在本作中被称为“教团(The Order)”,是由亚瑟王在几个世纪之前组建的一支用于对抗邪恶混血生物的特殊力量。



Isabeau D’Argyll

- Alias: Lady Igraine
- Youthful-looking warrior
- Isabeau and Galahad are close but maintain a guarded relationship
- Relationship started with her as his knight in training
- The two became fond of each other over their years
- Because of their allegiance to The Order, they couldn’t act on any feelings
- Isabeau is strong-willed, skilled in combat, very loyal to The Order
- Rivalry between Isabeau and Galahad

姓名:Isabeau D’Argyll/伊萨博D'阿盖尔

别名:Lady Igraine


  如果你读过亚瑟王的故事,你可能记得亚瑟王母亲的的名字就是“Lady Igraine”。在《教团:1886》中,她是位名叫“Isabeau D’Argyll”的年轻女战士。在和Galahad共同进行骑士训练的那些岁月里,她对Galahad产生了一种超越教团限制的感情,这种感情虽然不被教团接受,但她始终对Galahad怀有一种爱慕之情。然而她并不是一个容易被感情驱使的女人,她同时拥有坚强的意志,优秀的战斗技巧以及对教团的忠诚。“Isabeau在各个方面都和Galahad很像,他们之间始终存在一种竞争关系。”

Sebastian Malory

- Alias: Sir Percival
- Most seasoned warrior in Galahad’s squad
- Trustworthy mentor to Galahad
- Personifies The Order’s noble agenda to protect the people of London
- Malory and Galahad share joint tempered loyalty to The Order
- The two are close friends because of it

姓名:Sebastian Malory/塞巴斯蒂安·马洛礼

别名:Sir Percival


  在Ready At Dawn构筑的剧情当中,Percival爵士的头衔属于一位名叫Sebastian Malory的人,熟悉亚瑟王传奇的读者应该能够记起15世纪一位名叫Thomas Malory的作家,他就是最早的《Le Morte d’Arthur》的作者。在教团中,一脸灰色络腮胡的Malory是小队中经验最丰富的长者,同时也是Galahad的导师,在保护伦敦居民的战斗中至关重要。他和Galahad也是好友。

Marquis de Lafayette

- Alias: Pending
- Newest knight-in-training
- Lafayette is contacted by The Order
- Lafayette opens his eyes to the larger scale conflict the organization was formed to fight
- Has strategic expertise and knowledge of the battlefield
- Brash, whimsical sense of humor

姓名:Marquis de Lafayette/拉法耶特侯爵



  Lafayette是教团中正在接受训练的骑士,但他可不是一般的新兵。大名鼎鼎的Marquis de Lafayette在法国大革命和美国革命中打响了自己的名号。虽然还没有拿到骑士头衔,但他拥有的专业战略知识以及战场的经验,对Galahad的小队有非常大的帮助。这名准骑士还是一个急性子,有着诡异的幽默感,经常能够在严肃氛围中起到调剂的效果。

Gameinformer:http://www.gameinformer.com/game ... the-order-1886.aspx
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-20 06:48 AM
PS4游戏《教团:1886》有内涵 编剧曾获艾美奖

  将在PS4上推出的独占游戏《教团:1886》将由几个不同的作家一同编写,但是其中一名作家是曾经以电视剧“John Adams”获得艾美大奖的著名作家Kirk Ellis。Ready At Dawn的创始人之一Ru Weerasuriya对此表示:



The Order: 1886 is being co-written by the Emmy-winning writer Kirk Ellis

The upcoming PS4 exclusive game The Order: 1886 will be written by several people, but one of those people is Kirk Ellis, an Emmy-winning writer of the TV show ‘John Adams’. Regarding the choice of Ellis as writer for a game, Ready at Dawn co-founder Ru Weerasuriya had this to say:

“He’s not a game guy, and I think everybody would’ve expected us to go with a game scriptwriter. My only request was ‘I cannot have a game person be there.’ We can bring the game side of it; I want him to bring something completely fresh, something we might miss.”
- Ready at Dawn co-founder Ru Weerasuriya

The Order: 1886 won’t be coming out until some time in 2014.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-24 06:51 AM

即将发行的PS4独占游戏《秩序:1886(The Order 1886)》受到了无数玩家的关注。日前,外媒再次发布了该做的最新截图,展示了骑士Galahad调查和战斗的场景,一起来看看吧。

《秩序:1886》的游戏背景设定在19世纪的伦敦,开发商Ready at Dawn使用次代硬件,力求在蒸汽朋克的背景下,为玩家们创造一个具有高保真度的伦敦。


·《秩序:1886》是开发商Ready At Dawn有史以来最具野心的项目
·游戏剧本由《约翰·亚当斯》的编剧、开发商主管Ru Weerasriya和Kirk Ellis联合创作





作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-24 07:22 AM

正在制作中的PS4独占游戏《教团:1886》使用了大量的最新技术。游戏的开发商Ready at Dawn一直以来都在研究次时代主机硬件,使用新方法来创造更好的视觉效果,同时还在编写游戏中的伦敦历史。最新放出的游戏截图中展示了教团的骑士Galahad正在调查一个细节出众的房间和同反抗组织战斗的场景。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-24 07:23 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-24 07:24 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-1 07:11 AM

  索尼公司(SONY)总能在他们的游戏中设计出一些富有创造性的武器,其中就包括即将上市的《教团:1886》(The Order: 1886),从可发出高温的铝热剂步枪到精度超群的电弧喷枪,游戏中的武器不但造型独特,还具有致命的杀伤力,这些枪支将会在游戏中一一亮相,作为主人公手中的大杀器隆重登场。

Certain Sony franchises are known for their creative weaponry. The gadgets of Isomniac’s Ratchet & Clank and Resistance series have weapons that turn their foes into snowmen or cover them with plague-infected goo. The weapons of Ready At Dawn’s The Order: 1886 aren’t quite as outlandish, but they’re every bit as creative and deadly. From the thermite rifle’s clouds of burning metal to the arc gun’s precision lightning blasts, these are the firearms and tech of The Order: 1886.



The Combo Gun

The bread and butter of The Order’s arsenal. The combo gun has two different functions. The rifle component of the gun is good for gunning down foes from a distance. The other barrel delivers a concussive blast that knocks foes back like a Force push. Stunned enemies can then be picked off with rifle fire.



The Arc Gun

This high-voltage weapon is where things start to get more experimental. The arc gun has electric wires and components spread along its long metal rods. Electrical current zaps along this contraption as it warms up, creating a Jacob’s Ladder. This piece of bleeding edge technology shakes and smokes as it charges up a precise, long-distance bolt of energy. The way it zaps towards far off targets reminds us of Cole’s eagle-eyed lightning blast from Infamous.



The Thermite Rifle

The thermite rifle is the flashiest and most devastating of the bunch Ready At Dawn has revealed so far. Pellets packed with strips of aluminum iron oxide are blasted into the environment, which then break open into a cloud of glittery metal paper. A high temperature flare is then shot into the cloud, creating a chemical reaction that turns the cloud into a burning mass of melting metal. This devastating weapon is perfect for punishing enemies hiding behind cover.



Fragmentation Grenades

Everybody knows how grenades work – pull the pin and throw it before it blows up. The Order’s grenades are a little different than average. These thrown explosives resemble the handled “potato masher” grenades usually used by German troops. It also features a small spike that allows it to be stuck into walls or the floor, creating a nasty proximity mine.



The Communicator

Not every piece of tech used by the knights of The Order is deadly. This communication device is well ahead of its time, allowing Galahad and his crew to coordinate remotely through the dense city streets of London.

Gameinfromer:http://www.gameinformer.com/b/fe ... the-order-1886.aspx
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-2 07:46 PM

  PS4独占大作《秩序1886》目前还没有任何发售日的消息。但是根据Ready at Dawn的联合创始人Andrea Pessino和索尼圣莫妮卡的技术总监在Twitter上的互动,似乎本作的发售窗口有了初步的端倪:2014年秋。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-13 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-14 07:16 AM 编辑

全力革新 《教团1886》将没有无聊冗长射击流程

  Ready at Dawn工作室正在一点点透露他们的《教团1886》项目内容,今天EDGE公布了他们对创意总监Ru Weerasuriya的采访内容,他表示,《教团1886》将不会犯某些射击游戏的错误,让玩家进行冗长的突突突打地鼠。



  “所有的射击游戏在近战格斗方面都很弱,我们想要找到新的表现方式,让玩家觉得自己在玩的是一款进化到新层次的射击游戏。首先我们要做的就是对远程射击与近战格斗进行平衡调整,后来我们研究出了许多不同的近战格斗系统。”这些都算是情理之内的,因为Ready at Dawn曾制作过《战神:奥林匹斯之链》和《战神:斯巴达之魂》(都是PSP版)。《教团1886》预计2014年登陆PS4,希望能早些看到实际游戏视频。

不逊虚幻3 《秩序:1886》采用改良图形引擎

  “最近,《秩序:1886》创意总监“鲁·维拉苏瑞亚”(Ru Weerasuriya)对外发表了一些有关这部作品图形引擎的评论,据12月11日Edge Online网站的报导声称,全新的图形引擎将被用在这部PS4平台独占视频游戏中。项目总监在幕后透露,这部图形引擎是之前技术演进的改进型。

  “Ready at Dawn公司最早的游戏内部引擎是设计于2003年,可支持PSP与PC平台的游戏运行。鲁·维拉苏瑞亚表示:


  “《秩序:1886》是一个全新的游戏,它在今年的电子娱乐博览会中被首次宣布。 Ready at Dawn公司在背后担任了这部第三人称射击动作冒险类游戏的主要开发工作,另外公司还得到了索尼电脑娱乐公司的额外帮助,该作计划在明年秋季在PS4平台上推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-21 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-24 07:02 AM 编辑










It is said that everything began around the 7th or 8th century.

Suddenly mutations appeared in the human genetic code. While the change wasn’t immediately visible, some began to show traits similar to beasts. This turned them into a species different from humanity, and marked the birth of the half-breed (half man, half beast).

Over time the people started to call the half-breed with the names of the monsters of legend. Conflict and confrontation against the monster has upset the history of manking.

Although mankind had the advantage in sheer numbers, it was inferior to the half breed because of their resilience and overwhelming regenerative powers.

At last, after a few centuries passed, humanity is presented with a chance to retaliate. Brave men and women vowed to devote their life to the war against the half-breed and became knights. Those knights were named “the Order”

Since then, over the centuries, many knights lost their lives in battle, but the Order never perished.

If a knight is killed, a new successor to his name appears, and throws himself into battle on behalf of Humanity.

In the London of 19th Century the conflict between mankind and the half-breed continued, even in the terrible district of Whitechapel, one of the many districts that will be remembered by the posterity. This area has become a major turning point in the battle over the years.

The development of science and the industrial revolution has become a mighty assets for the human race.

Enormous airships patrol the sky of London, and at times they are at anchor at enormous mooring towers to monitor the city center. The railway powered by electricity has become the blood flow of the city, connecting each district. With their technology humanity has the advantage over the half-breed for the first time.

In this time, when the threat of the half-breed begins to decline, a new threat attacks the knights: A full-scale insurrection in the British Empire. Suffering the poverty brought by the industrial revolution and the disparity between classes, angry citizens take arms and rebel.

And there’s more than those two “enemies” to cause trouble for the knights…
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-23 07:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-24 07:00 AM 编辑

PS4独占大作 《教团:1886》骑士团最新细节公布

  Ready at Dawn日本及亚洲工作室近日公布了旗下PS4独占游戏《教团:1886》骑士的周边新闻:





The Order: 1886 – Knights overview

Sony has sent out an official overview of The Order: 1886′s Knights for its recent Japanese reveal. You can find the full description below.

The Knights are part of the elite Order that protects the human race. It was founded in order to fight the “enemy” that threatened mankind over the centuries. It’s said that it’s not clear when and how it was formed, but it existed for a longer time than the British Empire itself.

The members of the Order hold great authority in the British Empire. It’s not uncommon to see the Knights wearing the most advanced custom-made equipment during investigations of crime scenes involving the “enemy.” In addition to that, all the members of the Order have pledged absolute loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen of the British Empire. It’s also said that they all share a “common secret.”
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-29 07:22 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-3 08:54 AM

  《教团:1886》是在6月公布的,随后Ready at Dawn就一直保持沉默。但是一个名为DemonNite的已知的索尼员工在网上透露了一些消息。游戏可能已经制作了一个预告片,也可能会展示更多内容。他同时也很确信我们将会被将要展示的内容深深震惊。他最后谈论了游戏使用的物理引擎的威力。

  这些消息都指向一个结果,那就是Ready at Dawn的沉默即将结束,他们即将展示一些《教团1886》的游戏视频。尽管我们仍然不知道具体日期,但是内容肯定会引起轰动。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-4 04:21 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-4 04:40 PM 编辑

PS4独占作品 《教团:1886》40分钟演示明天公布


About The Order: 1886 Press Event

I'm confident I can tell you the embargo date (or window) tomorrow, it's a common use to show a game first to the press, because they can understand (or not, sometimes ;)) the potential of the game even if the game it's not finished and the gameplay shown has bugs and stuff like that. The developer doesn't have to spend time to make a fancy video for us, plus there is usually a presentation explaining the main aspects of the game in detail with just slides .

Having said that, I will have a gameplay broll to make a long video preview for our readers (so other magazines) and I'm sure that Sony will release a couple of trailers before the embargo, one of them showing the gameplay ;)

Last but not least, if you want me to ask some specific questions to the developers, send me a Tweet (@Tanzen) and I'll try to do my best during my interview slot.

Stay cool and let's see if the game lives up to the hype it created!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-4 04:35 PM
《教团:1886》新截图泄露 环境氛围效果惊艳

   《教团:1886》是一款即将发售的第三人称动作冒险游戏,游戏由PSP战神系列工作室Ready at Dawn制作。游戏细节目前比较不足,不过官方推特承诺很快将放出预告片。我们现在看到的这两张截图应该是低画质版的,不过这两张截图肯定是在尚未公布的预告片中截取的。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-7 07:31 PM

  PS4独占动作大作《秩序:1886》的开发商Ready at Dawn近日确认了游戏不会达到60fps。

  总监Ru Weerasuriya接受采访时说:“目前我们没有让游戏达到60fps的目标。如果是一款第一人称射击游戏那说的过去。格斗游戏也毫无疑问必须是60fps。”

  “但是对我们来说,游戏能有电影式的体验的必要条件是HD 1080P画面,不是高帧数。为了达到这么高的分辨率我们必须牺牲帧数为30fps。”

  另外,Ready at Dawn工作室的创始人之一Andrea Pession也在推特上带来了一个重大惊喜:“《秩序:1886》中将不会含有多人模式!”这就意味着本作将只有单人模式,这对于单机党玩家来说确实是个福音。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-18 07:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-19 07:37 AM 编辑


  《秩序1886(The Order:1886)》是索尼公司在E3 2013展前发布会中公开的PS4平台第三人称射击新作,游戏将由Ready At Dawn负责开发。日前最新的游戏宣传片终于公开,通过一段实际游戏影像展示了本作的实际画面,此外还让大家了解本作的玩法和部分登场武器,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-18 10:18 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-28 07:51 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-28 06:33 PM 编辑


  《秩序1886(The Order:1886)》是索尼公司在E3 2013展前发布会中公开的PS4平台第三人称射击新作,游戏将由Ready At Dawn负责开发。日前官方再度公开了本作的新宣传影像,通过一段实际游戏演示视频为大家展示了本作战斗和探索部分的细节,尤其是枪战部分的表现非常出色,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-2 08:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-3 06:43 PM 编辑


  虽然《教团1886》还处于开发早期阶段,但Ready At Dawn工作室已经展现出了强大实力,其中,游戏的衣物模拟效果尤其引人注目。以往的游戏中,人物的衣物质感和物理效果一直都是制作难点,因为实际情况下,衣物是动态移动的。

  Ready At Dawn工作室创始人兼CTO  Andrea Pessino在推特上回应网友提问时透露:



  此外,不知大家有没有注意到,之前的视频中Galahad打开木板箱以后,将武器端在手里仔细端详,简直就是赤裸裸地展示光影效果么。《教团1886》也不仅是简单的画面党,创意总监Ru Weerasuriya曾探讨过游戏中的格斗和掩体机制,我们也曾报道过怪兽猎手们的丰富身世背景。《教团1886》目前尚未确认发售日期,但据传闻将于今年秋季登陆PS4。


  在最近的一次采访中,Bloober Team的市场经理Aron Cender谈论了他们最近发售的PS4独占游戏,PS4的主机威力,《教团:1886》和其他一些问题。

  《教团:1886》的画面和效果都非常优秀,开发商保证向玩家提供一个前所未有的视觉盛宴。Ready At Dawn的目标是利用这款游戏来达到一种游戏业的革新,并且计划在游戏中使用一些前所未见的技术,比如4XMSAA技术,这些技术甚至有能力使威力强大的PC应付起来也很吃力。




效果出色 《教团:1886》阴影渲染技术介绍

即将到来的PS4平台独占游戏《教团:1886》运用了多种先进的渲染技术,这从某种意义上也推动了游戏行业的发展,Ready at Dawn图形与引擎程序员马特·佩蒂内奥(Matt Pettineo)在一次采访中向大家分享了一些他们在游戏中采用的技术。

  他说到:“我们使用了SDSM + EVSM的方式运行游戏。”

  这种技术,由英特尔公司的技术首脑安得烈·劳里岑(Andrew Lauritzen)研究得出,它实现了样品分布阴影图与指数变量阴影图漏光和失真的大幅减少,与传统的Z-partitioning技术相比可以产出更高质量的阴影,在节省开发时间的同时也提高了内存使用效率。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-23 08:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-24 03:36 PM 编辑


  索尼已经向PlayStation MVP节目的订阅会员发起了一项调查,而主要问题则是围绕溢价发售展开。其中一个问题更是直截了当地提出,“你有多大可能会购买《教团:1886》的豪华收藏版?”


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-24 04:03 PM
《秩序1886》最新预告影像 精彩剧情片段欣赏

  《秩序1886(The Order:1886)》是索尼公司在E3 2013展前发布会中公开的PS4平台第三人称射击新作,游戏将由Ready At Dawn负责开发。近日索尼通过官方Twitch频道公开了本作的一段新预告片,主要为大家展示了本作第三章的一部分内容。本次的视频除了展示本作的枪战外,还带来了剧情片段方面的内容,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-25 09:24 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-27 07:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-27 10:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-28 12:29 PM 编辑

The Order: 1886 Delay Confirmed, 'Fusing History & Mythology' Dev Diary & Previews
《秩序1886》确认延期至2015年 最新开发日志


  官方放出了游戏最新的开发日志视频,可以看出目前游戏的视觉效果要比刚公布的时候强不少,可见制作游戏Ready at Dawn也在不断的摸清PS4的机能。2014年索尼E3展前发布会上还会公布该作的新消息,这也是《秩序1886》第二次上E3发布会了,希望不会再有第三次了。


The Order: 1886 Heads to E3

1886 is a time of strife in our alternate version of Victorian Era London. Life for the commoners may seem monotonous with people, both rich and poor, going about their daily business. All the while, a threat to their very existence continues to lurk in the dark, a threat that the Knights of the Order have kept at bay for centuries.

In the days of King Arthur, mankind is on the losing side of a war for dominion and supremacy against the Half-Breeds. The King assembles a group of noble men to stand in defense of their brethren and thus, the Knights of the Round Table are born.

The Knights, now known only as The Order, endure through the centuries bringing the war to a status quo. With the Industrial Revolution, technology gives them the upper hand and a time of uncomfortable peace settles in the Kingdom and the Commonwealth, our version of Pax Britannia. But this peace brings on a new opponent. The very people The Order had sworn to protect take up arms, as the Rebellion is formed in the streets of London. This new battle ravages the street of 1886 London, as both rebels and Knights fight each other to the death.

Our latest gameplay footage shows the Knights taking on their opponents in the downtrodden district of Whitechapel. Armed with a Thermite rifle, Galahad is able to attack enemies hidden behind cover, while Isabeau’s Arc Gun proves itself an equally deadly weapon.

Beyond technology, the Knights have relied on one element they have used for centuries: the Blackwater. While in combat, they are able to use it to heal from otherwise deadly wounds. With centuries of use, the Blackwater has imbued the Knights with an inhuman longevity as well as mental and physical abilities they can use in combat, a state they call Blacksight. Using Blacksight, Galahad enters into a heightened state allowing him to focus his skills and execute precise attacks.

As we look to bring this experience to the players, we have decided to spend some extra time to deliver on the promise we made when we first introduced the game. As such, you can expect The Order: 1886 to come exclusively to the PlayStation 4 in early 2015.

With E3 approaching, we are releasing a behind-the-scenes video showing some of the inspiration behind the creation of The Order: 1886. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to showing you more in the weeks to come. See you at E3!

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... r-1886-heads-to-e3/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-31 07:02 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-10 09:45 PM
【E3 2014】菁英骑士降临! 《The Order:1886》公开上市日期

现正举办PlayStation E3 媒体发表会上,新公开了由Ready At Dawn 工作室与索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)圣塔摩尼卡工作室合作开发的PS4 独占原创动作冒险游戏《The Order:1886》最新宣传影片,同步公开游戏上市日期。
游戏是以19 世纪维多利亚时代大英帝国首都伦敦为背景的动作冒险游戏,玩家将扮演骑士团中的4 名菁英骑士,运用自古相传的刀剑武艺以及工业革命与科学技术所带来的强大力量,一边镇压危害人类之变种半兽人,一边面对因社会转型与阶级差异所苦而叛变的平民百姓...
现场同步公开《The Order:1886》将于2015 年2 月20 日上市。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 09:10 PM
The Order: 1886 Launching Worlwide February 20, Gameplay Video


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-27 07:47 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-15 07:55 PM 编辑

The Order: 1886 Introduces Nikola Tesla


The Order: 1886 at Gamescom – Introducing Nikola Tesla

Ready At Dawn is excited to be at Gamescom 2014. This event has been an amazing place to reveal more of our game in the past and we are happy to do so once again this year.

For Gamescom 2014, we are thrilled to release a trailer showcasing new weapons and environments that you’ll be able to experience in The Order: 1886. Each weapon will give you the ability to experience different approaches to combat, whether it’s brute force or stealth. We are also excited to introduce one of the pivotal characters of the story; Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest minds Humanity has ever seen.

Tesla not only brings with him real-world history but also the genius of his inventions that are the foundation of many of the weapons and devices you will experience in the game, including the Arc Gun and the Thermite Rifle. The inclusion of Tesla is a great example of how we have integrated real figures into our fiction to create an original universe.

Having moved to the United States in 1884, Tesla works in the company of some of the most influential people of the time on the New Continent, but the young inventor catches the interest of The Order and is convinced to return to Europe and join the group as their chief scientist.

He soon proves to be an invaluable asset and creates some of the most advanced weaponry known to man. But with great power comes great responsibility… and in the wrong hands, these weapons may prove to be as much a threat as an advantage.

19th century London will serve as the backdrop to our story, from the streets of Whitechapel to the docks of Blackwall Yard, and all the way to the halls of the Palace of Westminster where more mysteries will be revealed.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-15 06:10 PM
消息来源 - 电玩巴士


  SCEE在2014年科隆游戏展公众日第一天在会场外举行了针对媒体的游戏介绍会,SCE旗下几款新公布或已公布的主打作品的制作人亲自向媒体介绍游戏特性并进行简单的问答环节。Ready at Down的《秩序1886》从去年E3公布以来便是各路媒体和玩家关注的焦点,这次制作人向媒体介绍的是一段今年E3上演示内容的后续,以及武器特性等介绍。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-31 04:09 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-1 05:37 PM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-19 07:53 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-20 04:49 PM 编辑

The Order: 1886 'Tools of the Trade' Developer Diary
转载自4Gamer 日本网站 翻译来自巴哈姆特
【TGS 14】《The Order:1886》试玩报导来体验透过“IF”科学力的骑士团崭新战斗吧!

  在2014 东京电玩展中,日本索尼电脑娱乐(SCEJA) 展出了PlayStation 4 专用动作冒险游戏《The Order:1886》。这是决定要在2015 年2 月20 日发售的本作在日本首次展出。

  在SCEJA 的展区中已经可以游玩到本作的试玩,在此要向各位介绍一下本作的试玩感想。




  而这次展出的体验版内容就结论来说是几乎跟E3 2014 所展出的一样。可以在长度约8 分钟的游戏时间来体验骑士团与反乱军的战斗。

  游戏是从角色后方视点来游玩的TPS 作品,左类比摇杆是移动,右类比是镜头操作,[L2]钮是举起武器,[R1]跟[R2]是使用武器,是为正统的操作法。

较为特征有趣的是主角所装备的武器「铝热步枪(Thermite Rifle)」。虽然刚刚说使用武器必须按[R1]跟[R2]钮来进行,不过铝热步枪是可以发射完全不同的子弹。


  以这2 种的子弹来进行混合攻击为前题,让人留下来与榴弹系爆炸武器完全不同战术的印象。

  另外,虽然在体验版中伙伴角色是使用可以发射电流的「电弧枪(Arc Gun)」来当武器,不过在游戏中除了电弧枪以外还会有许多奇特的武器会登场。




  因为基本上是跟E3 2014 版一样的体验版,所以没能够体验到与半兽战斗的场面是有点可惜,工业革命的实际历史跟不同科学的19 世纪末所带来的世界观让人非常有兴趣。

  就个人来说当然很想再玩一下,不过只能忍耐到正式版的推出了。有预定要前往东京电玩展的人请一定要体验看看这款只有PS4 才玩得到的崭新动作游戏。


The Order: 1886 and the Weapons of War

We are extremely honored to be part of Tokyo Game Show 2014. We’ve been humbled by the feedback we’ve received from all the Japanese fans and are excited to be here to reveal the next video in our Behind-the-Scenes series.

With a growing number of weapons manufacturers around the world and Nikola Tesla as their chief scientist, the Knights of the Order have a vast array of armament at their disposal. The inclusion of Tesla into the game allowed us to ground many of the technological advancement we wanted to add to our history in reality. We used weapons based on existing technology in the Victorian-Era but also created others that stretched the realm of what was possible at the time.

Because our Industrial Revolution is a result of the war between Humans and Half-Breeds, many of the inventions of our timeline are primarily focused on ways to aid in this fight. Guns such as the Carbine, the Coach Gun or the Maschinenpistole are common occurrence in the game and represent the technology of the era. While others based on electricity such as the Arc Gun, or based on alternate ammunition such as the Aluminum Iron Oxide of the Thermite Rifle, provide a way for us to use real technologies and materials of the times, while building weapons that did not exist.

Whether real or invented, we always made sure that every weapon we designed followed specific guidelines regarding their assembly, their material use and their craftsmanship. They needed to feel grounded in the real world of the late 1800s. The end goal behind fusing all these weapons into the game was to provide diversity in combat and a fun-factor for the player by showcasing their advantages in different combat scenarios.

Some of these weapons were even purposely designed to feel somewhat dangerous not only to your target but to the user as well. We made sure they retained the feeling that they were still in their prototype stage and being field tested. This also reinforced something that was true of the era as often inventions and innovations would find themselves in use well before they were deemed safe to the public, very much unlike the stringent testing and safety regulations that are required today.

To find out more about the process Ready At Dawn went through to create the weaponry of The Order: 1886, I invite you to watch our latest Behind-the-Scenes video titled “Tools of the Trade.”

Ru Weerasuriya - CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-12 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-12 06:34 PM 编辑

《秩序1886》收藏版介绍影像公开 内容丰富

  SCE日前公开了PS4独占大作《秩序1886》收藏版介绍影像,收藏版内容包括雕像模型、STEELBOOK、贴纸、The Knight‘s arsenal DLC、原声集及编辑影像,游戏预定于2015年2月20日全球同步发售。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-27 12:28 PM
The Order 1886 'Music of The Order 1886' Behind the Scenes Video


Orchestrating The Order: 1886

In the last few months, we’ve had the opportunity to show you some of the technology, the gameplay and the art behind our game. The team that came together to build The Order: 1886 was years in the making and we placed a tremendous amount of scrutiny to make sure we had the right people to bring our world to life.

One of the areas we hadn’t quite explored at the onset of development was music. With all the effort we put into creating a compelling world, we knew we would be extremely demanding of how music would be composed for the game and especially who would be our partner in crime. We didn’t just want a score; we were seeking a ‘sound’ that would define our world. We wanted to be inspired by whoever would join us to achieve this. The question was where to start.

The initial foray into our musical exploration came in the form of an unlikely meeting between two of the most accomplished composers in the gaming industry; Jason Graves (Dead Space, Tomb Raider) and Austin Wintory (Journey). After a crash course on the IP and a heavy download of years of material, we waited with bated breath for the first signs of musical life. Though short, their collaboration spawned “The Knights’ Theme” and was the spark that kindled the sound that would define our world.

Jason harnessed that initial sound to score the music of The Order: 1886. It became the platform that launched him on a journey to deliver what is now the soundtrack of our daily lives. That same journey took his composition to Abbey Road where a truly one of kind ensemble of musicians and vocalists brought his work to life. The music he has composed has now taken as important a role in our game as any of the disciplines that have contributed to it thus far. It has inspired ideas and has come to define many of the moments in our story.

Ru Weerasuriya - CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-7 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-8 12:25 PM 编辑

The Order: 1886 Gameplay Video & Screens


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-10 07:15 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-16 07:32 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-26 07:21 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-26 06:26 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-14 07:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-19 06:27 PM 编辑

《血源诅咒》公布中文字幕版操作说明影片 体验生死一瞬的刺激战斗

  SCE Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发,预定 3 月 26 日推出的 PS4 动作角色扮演游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》,日前在香港索尼计算机娱乐(SCEH)官方 YouTube 频道公布了中文字幕版的操作说明影片,透过实际游玩的动作示范,让玩家在游戏推出前先一步了解操作诀窍。

  《血源诅咒》由一手打造《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》等黑暗奇幻人气作品的 FromSoftware 制作人兼现任社长宫崎英高领军制作,以 19 世纪维多利亚时代虚构的古都「雅南」为舞台,玩家将扮演为了求医而来到雅南的外国冒险者,在这个兽性肆虐的都市中独自面对 “野兽” 的威胁。

  在 1 月 28 日开幕的台北国际电玩展中,台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)将邀请 SCE WWS JAPAN Studio《血源诅咒》制作人山际真晃来台,有兴趣的玩家不妨密切注意后续的消息。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-22 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-22 07:37 AM 编辑

The Order 1886 Story Trailer


The Order: 1886 Goes Gold, New Trailer Premiere

Well, it took a few years to get here, but I’m happy to say that The Order: 1886 went gold last week!

It’s almost hard to believe that the game is wrapped up. There are definitely times when we miss the madness that takes place when finishing a game. From our first initial pitch of the project back in 2010, to growing our team over the last four years, we have poured all our energy and passion into this game and we can’t wait for everyone to experience it.

Back at PlayStation Experience in December, we were able to finally show a long demo of the game that encompasses the many things we have revealed until now; Neo-Victorian London, The Order, its Knights and their weapons and technology, and their struggle against the Rebellion and the Half-Breeds.

We still have a lot more to tell you before launch, but today we’re presenting a brand new trailer that we hope will whet your appetite; a glimpse into the conspiracy that has been slowly brewing in the city of London.

From the whole team at RAD, a very big thank you to all for your support and encouragement. We’re looking forward to letting everyone get their hands on the game on February 20th.

Ru Weerasuriya - CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-23 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-4 07:30 PM 编辑

The Order 1886 ARG ~ The Order Exposed


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-30 08:41 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-4 07:16 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-4 07:28 PM







作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-5 07:44 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-5 10:59 PM
The Order: 1886 - Official Behind the Scenes 5: Bringing the Game to Life | PS4


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-17 07:08 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-18 07:25 AM
The Order: 1886 Behind the Scenes ~ The Cast of The Order


Finding the Cast of The Order: 1886 on PS4

With the many areas we’ve covered over the months as we approach the launch of The Order: 1886, there’s still one major aspect we haven’t yet addressed: the cast.

About a year into the project, once the story and initial script were written, it was time for us to cast our characters. The requirements were pretty stringent, the character sheet was filled with details of each of the protagonists that would make our game and define our world. Finding the right actors for these parts was the last piece of the puzzle to finally make each of our characters come to life.

The search was long. It took many months, rounds of casting and auditions with a wide spectrum of extremely talented actors. In the end, it came down to four people who would form the core of the Order’s most elite squad. We finally had our cast.

Steve West stepped in the shoes of our protagonist, Sir Galahad. He brought with him the balance and stoicism that Galahad exuded as a time and battle-worn Knight.

Alice Coulthard embodies the subtle and complex character traits that define Lady Ingraine; a lady of the Victorian Era with poise and decorum. But behind her facade lies a skilled and deft warrior.

Graham McTavish became the de facto leader when he stepped onto our stage. A favorite amongst both game and movie lovers, Graham is Sir Perceval, one of the most senior, wise, and most trusted members of the Order.

The Marquis de Lafayette was always going to be a tricky character to approach and Frederik Hamel has done the role justice and much more, bringing the needed joviality and levity to balance our squad. And a certain “je ne sais quoi…”

Together our main cast became the backbone of the story and the relationships you will experience in the game. Each of our characters are symbols of the eras they came from. They each have the qualities and faults that are brought on but their respective experience and positions in the history of our world. Those of course not only had to be translated into the script and brought to life by the actors, they also had to be visualized in the creation of their likenesses.

Ru Weerasuriya - CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-20 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-20 06:32 PM 编辑

The Order 1886 Launch Trailer



The Order: 1886 Out Tomorrow, Watch the Launch Trailer

PlayStation Nation!

The wait is nearly over! Soon, The Order: 1886 will finally launch around the world, officially adding a new cast of characters to the PlayStation family. Ready at Dawn not only has created a marvelous new world for us to play in, but a new breed of hero. The knights of The Order are extraordinary warriors, but it’s important to remember they are still human. They tire, they feel pain, but they still stand up and persevere.

We hope this trailer captures a little bit of that and sets the stage for your next amazing PlayStation adventure.

Thank you so much for your support!

Chuck Lacson - Product Marketing Manager, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-27 07:46 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-5 06:37 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-13 06:55 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-14 07:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-4-14 07:27 AM
The Order: 1886 gets Photo Mode in new update


The Order: 1886 gets powerful Photo Mode in new update

We’re very excited to announce a new feature that has been requested by fans of The Order: 1886. In the latest patch you’ll find our powerful new Photo Mode.

Fans expressed an overwhelming desire to see and share the realism, beauty and detail of our Neo-Victorian world. With Photo Mode, you’ll be able to compose, capture, and share stunning images of your favorite moments, characters, and environments.

Note: Enabling Photo Mode will disable the Camera Bias option if you have turned it on in the Controls menu.

Developed by Ready At Dawn from the ground up, we took a slightly different approach with our version of Photo Mode, while trying to keep many aspects of it familiar so that users would immediately feel at home using the feature, which includes a fully untethered camera.

To learn about our Photo Mode in The Order: 1886, please watch the tutorial video above.

As shown in the video, we’ve added the ability for you to play the game with your selected Colour Grading. Want to see what The Order: 1886 feels like if you play through it in high-contrast, gritty, black & white? Since The Order: 1886 is completely rendered in real-time with no pre-rendered frames, you’re able to play in a customised look from beginning to end. If at any time you want to change Color Grading styles during gameplay, simply enter Photo Mode and make your adjustment. You can also reset the option if you wish to play the game as it was originally intended.

We hope you’ll enjoy this fun new tool and we can’t wait to see what incredible images you’ll create with Photo Mode and The Order: 1886. Good luck, and good shooting!

Dana Jan - Game Director, Ready At Dawn Studios

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-19 06:43 PM
《秩序:1886(The Order 1886)》不会有PS4 Pro版 也不会支持HDR

  随着几个星期前的Sony Playstation Meeting 主机与主机固件,PS4 Pro与HDR给游戏的画面提升提供了更多的支持,厂商可以让自己游戏的画面表示拥有更多的可能性。但是对于有些厂商去似乎并不去优化,近期Ready at Dawn 宣布,其旗下的《秩序:1886》并不会针对新的硬件进行优化。他们会将自己的精力用在《Deformers》这款新作上。


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