标题: 海岛湾创办人宣布竞选欧洲议会 [打印本页]

作者: JowY    时间: 2013-5-17 06:20 PM
标题: 海岛湾创办人宣布竞选欧洲议会
海盗湾创办人 Peter Sunde 将是芬兰海盗党欧洲议会候选人
Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde is a candidate for Pirate Party MEP in Finland
12:02 pm Wed, May 15, 2013  
http://boingboing.net/2013/05/15 ... under-peter-su.html

海盗湾创始人 Peter Sunde 是显然厌倦了被指控触犯了法律,所以现在他想要开始改为制定法律。TorrentFreak 报告 Sunde 规划明年为芬兰的海盗党候选人竞选欧洲议会。Sunde 希望效仿瑞典海盗党,现在有了两个成员作为当选欧洲议会成员的脚步。

海盗党创始人告诉 TorrentFreak,他可以预见的是计划重点研究作为候选人的知识产权问题,说"非商业文件共享当然应该成为法律和受保护的必须重新思考版权都放在一起"以来,"版权是不让艺术家钱的事,它是只为他们的经纪商和分销商。

Sunde 以往曾被判有罪的分发通过海盗湾的文件分享网站受版权保护的材料 2009 年后八个月徒刑。

“Non-commercial file sharing should of course become legal and protected, and must re-think copyright all together. Copyright is not the thing that makes ARTISTS money, it’s only for their brokers and distributors,” Sunde says.“

I’d rather see us sponsor culture by pushing more money to music education, and facilities for your people to create music. It would be much more sane for cultural advancement then extending copyrights.”

If elected Sunde hopes to be aggressive rather than defensive. This means not just responding to treats to Internet freedom, such as ACTA, but ensuring that this type of legislation doesn’t even make it onto the political agenda in the first place.

“I think there’s a huge possibility for us to impact the EU and I would like to be part of it,” Sunde says.

The Pirates are delighted to have the Pirate Bay founder on board. Harri Kivistö, chairman of the the Finnish Pirate Party, says that Sunde’s candidacy will raise the visibility of the party during the upcoming election. Perhaps more importantly, his values fit well within the Pirate Party movement.

继维基泄密的 Julian Assange 宣布竞选澳洲大选后,海盗湾创办人也宣布竞选欧洲议会。2013年,资讯自由斗士大反击!!

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