标题: 《纽约客》发布最新泄密科技平台保护吹哨者身份:StrongBox [打印本页]

作者: JowY    时间: 2013-5-17 06:19 PM
标题: 《纽约客》发布最新泄密科技平台保护吹哨者身份:StrongBox
New Yorker launches new leak submission system, written by Aaron Swartz
8:10 am Wed, May 15, 2013  
http://boingboing.net/2013/05/15 ... hes-new-leak-s.html

Since WikiLeaks’ submission system went offline in late 2010, journalists and hacktivists have struggled to replicate its dropbox for anonymous leaks. Meanwhile, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the Espionage Act than all other presidencies combined and the Justice Department has spied on the Associated Press to out its sources, as the media gropes for tools to counteract that surveillance.

The New Yorker today launched ‘Strongbox,’ a whistleblower submission system designed to allow anonymous leakers to digitally transmit important information to journalists.

Strongbox makes use of the anonymizing Tor network.

StrongBox 的故事:Strongbox and Aaron Swartz

最近美国才闹出政府窃听媒体公司Associated Press记者/编辑的通话记录的丑闻,不禁让人担心新闻自由、资讯自由受到威胁。

被迫害最终自杀身亡的网络自由斗士 Aaron Swartz的遗作。希望这个系统可以在不久的将来可以成为更有效和更广泛的吹哨者系统,让每一个网络使用者可以在不留任何痕迹的情况下提供内幕资讯给更多媒体,让当权者无法监视和追踪。

StrongBox 是开源程式,秉持 Aaron Swartz 一贯的知识自由分享主张。



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