标题: 【PS4/PS3/Xbox 360/Xbox One/PC】Dead or Alive 5 Last Round [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-10 06:23 PM
标题: 【PS4/PS3/Xbox 360/Xbox One/PC】Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-4 06:44 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-10 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-6-1 08:00 AM 编辑
《死或生5:终极版》红叶宣传片 今秋发售
《死或生5:终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.)》正式确认登陆PS3/Xbox360双平台。日前官方放出游戏最新红叶宣传影像确认游戏将于2013年秋季发售。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-22 08:27 PM
《死或生5:终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.)》是该系列的最新作品,将登陆PS3和XBOX 360双平台。游戏将以数字版和零售版形式发售,并包含PSV平台《死或生5:加强版》全部内容,而PSV版《死或生5加强版》则含更多音乐自定义选项,触摸格斗模式等。日前官方公开了本作的准确发售日,确认游戏将于2013年6月5日推出,其售价则为6090日元。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-23 07:32 PM
《死或生5:终极版》老角色新登场 杰克和安
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-5-24 07:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-6-1 08:00 AM 编辑
《死或生5:终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.)》是该系列的最新作品,将登陆PS3和XBOX 360双平台。此前官方公开了将在本作中登场的角色,分别是来自《VR战士》的杰克·布莱安特和《死或生2》中出场的安。而在最新的宣传片中,官方也通过对战片段的形式展示了这两位新参战角色,下面就让我们一起来看一看吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-3 06:41 PM
《死或生5》于2012年9月5日在PS3和XBOX360平台上登陆,而Team Ninja也于2013年推出了《死或生5:终极版》。昨日Team Ninja曾在其Twitter上表示将有重大消息发布,当人们以为其要推出新作的时候,他们却公布了《死或生5:终极版》的一个全新的售卖方式。
Team Ninja在Twitter上正式公布《死或生5:终极版》将推出一款“基本免费版”。该版本中玩家可以免费体验联网模式和部分免费角色,其中包括霞、绫音、疾风和隼龙,而如果你想使用其他角色的话则需要单独购买,每个角色售价400日元。游戏中的故事模式也需要单独购买,售价1500日元,而除了DLC服装之外其他的角色服装都可以免费使用,除此之外的其他模式也都可以免费体验,内容和完整版无异。
基本免费版目前仅支持PS3,玩家已经可以从日服PS Store上购买到。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-4 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-6-4 07:10 PM 编辑
《死或生5》于2012年9月5日在PS3和XBOX360平台上登陆,而Team Ninja也于2013年推出了《死或生5:终极版》。继昨天开发商Team Ninja公布了《死或生5:终极版》免费版对应PSN日服之后,今天官方也确认了游戏对应PSN美服玩家。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-6-15 04:18 PM
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司预定于2013年9月5日发售的新作,同时也是《死或生5》的最终完成形态。日前官方公开了本作的新截图,为大家带来了两位新登场的角色蕾切尔和莱昂,并展示了本作的一些新场景。此外官方还公开了一段最新的游戏宣传片,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-6 03:40 PM
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司预定于2013年9月5日发售的新作,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,同时也是《死或生5》的最终完成形态。而官方也将为本作推出收藏版,除了包含游戏本体外,还将收录许多其他精彩的内容。而现在官方就公开了收藏版中所包含的角色特别服装,看到游戏中美女们的性感服装,是不是很养眼呢?废话不多说,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-18 03:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 10:42 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 10:45 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 10:45 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 10:46 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-21 10:46 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-24 07:06 PM
《死或生5:终极版》宣传片 各角色尽显神通
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-7-31 08:17 PM
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司预定于2013年9月5日发售的新作,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,同时也是《死或生5》的最终完成形态。日前本作的官方网站进行了一次更新,公开了一段最新的游戏宣传片,为大家展示了游戏中的一些性感泳装。能够看到游戏中美女们穿着泳装战斗的样子,是不是非常养眼呢?那么接下来就请玩家们自己来欣赏这段宣传片吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-23 07:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-23 07:51 PM 编辑
由Koei Tecmo公司预定于2013年9月5日发售的新作《死或生5:终极版》,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台。最近官网更新了本作相关的新情报。新情报主要介绍了本作中的在线对战模式,以及性感服装对战宣传视频的第二弹!
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Boats Even More New Features Fro Onlinw Tag Mode, Ranking Systems and Over 200 Costumes
Team Ninja, today released information for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate highlighting new features including an online “2 on 2” tag mode, “Prize Fighter” rank, the introduction of Character Points and costumes in addition to a updated Grade Point system and improved online play.
For the first time ever in the DOA series an online 2 vs. 2 tag mode has been added. Developed and integrated due to high demand from DOA fans around the world, players will now be able to form a tag team with a comrade and fight against another team online. Additionally, players can battle in ranked tag matches in order to become #1 in the world rankings. Separate from solo matches, in tag matches Grade Points are earned for both team members with each win counting as two toward unlockable costumes.
Fiercely competitive DOA players can compete to attain the new “Prize Fighter” ranking. Four different ranks can be earned by winning consecutive ranked matches: Bronze Fighter, Silver Fighter, Gold Fighter and Platinum Fighter. Prize Fighters earn extra Grade Points with wins and those who defeat another Prize Fighter receive a GP bonus. Grade Points have been updated now allowing for players to earn up to Grade U from S+. Bonus GPs are rewarded when fighters move to the next grade level.
Adding to the competitive arena is the introduction of “Character Points” which displays a player’s skill level with each character. With the inclusion of the CP feature, players can check if their opponent is using their best character and even see where they place in the world ranking.
Improvements made for online mode enhance gameplay, providing a smoother experience regardless of the player’s network connection, and cutting search times to find opponents for ranked matches and unranked throw downs.
Players will find an almost endless array of costumes to select from in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. While Dead or Alive 5 included 114 costumes with the game, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate will come with 231 costumes. Players will need to compete and win to unlock the entire selection.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate is developed by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo Koei America. The ultimate Dead or Alive 5 package will release on September 3, 2013 for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-8-29 07:45 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-3 07:43 PM
《死或生5:终极版》最新PV 介绍霞特别服装
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司预定于2013年9月5日发售的新作,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,同时也是《死或生5》的最终完成形态。日前国外媒体Fami通公开了一段最新的PV影像,主要展示了霞的特别服装。该服装的下载码将包含在《周刊Fami通》9月19日号(2013年9月5日发售,和游戏同期发售)之中,玩家可在PS3正式版和基本免费版中使用。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-5 06:53 PM
《死或生5:终极版》免费版配信 PV影像公开
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司于2013年9月5日发售的新作,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台,同时也是《死或生5》的最终完成形态。而游戏的基本免费版也在同一天配信,玩家们可通过PS商店进行下载。而为了迎接免费版的到来,官方也放出了相应的PV影像,主要为大家介绍了游戏的特点和各种要素。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-17 07:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-20 07:05 AM 编辑
《死或生5:终极版》已于9月3日登陆PS3,Xbox 360 。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-15 05:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-15 06:11 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-6 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-6 09:51 PM 编辑
Koei Tecmo公司推出的XBOX360、PS3平台新作《死或生5:终极版》公布第三弹DLC详细,在本作中登场的几名角色将身着各种样式的运动球衣,第三弹DLC于11月5日起开始配信,价格为每角色200日元(含税),全套装1700日元(含税),PS3上的《死或生5:终极版》基本免费版也可以使用。并且PS3免费版目前全世界已经达成50万下载记录,感兴趣的玩家不要错过!
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Gets Another Costume Pack
Team Ninja throws Tailgate Party celebrating over 500,000 downloads of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters!
Team Ninja kicks off several weeks of festivities complete with Tecmo Bowl uniforms and characters, a new Topaz grade, limited time in-game and free content including the classic Tecmo Bowl Throwback, all in celebration of over half a million downloads of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters.
For American Football fans, Tecmo Bowl uniforms for Bass, Bayman, Leon, Rachel, Tina and Zack are being released and, as a bonus, Tecmo Bowl Throwback and DOA5U: Core Fighters are included with the purchase of any of the six costumes or the full Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Champion set through November 26. Limited time offers also include 1.5x GP earned for Prize Fighter takedowns in the full retail version of the game and the use of Leon and Rachel free for DOA5U: Core Fighters players through November 19.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate heightens the signature DOA fighting style with the inclusion of new modes from DOA5 Plus, dynamic new stages, and deadly new fighters to deliver the ultimate in fighting entertainment. Players will take on the roles of their favorite Dead or Alive fighters—as well as combatants new to the franchise—in an intense, action-packed brawler set in visually striking locations from around the world. The famed DOA hand-to-hand combat is enhanced with new content that extends the experience. Along with a rich array of single-player modes including story mode, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate offers online options with arcade-style matches, tournaments, and social features making it the most definitive Dead or Alive experience to date.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-15 08:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-22 07:33 AM 编辑
Marie Rose will come to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate on consoles
Tecmo Koei initially announced Marie Rose as a new fighter for the arcade version of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. However, director Yohei Shimbori has since confirmed to 4Gamer that the character will be heading to the PS3 version as well. She’ll be made available through a title update in Ultimate and Core Fighters.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-17 08:50 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-19 09:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-20 07:10 AM 编辑
《死或生5终极版》私服DLC预告 胸衣什么的碍事
虽然我们知道日本游戏上市之后就会不停的放出各种服装DLC,但是到现在没有哪个公司像光荣这样没完没了的推出服装DLC。日前光荣在格斗游戏《死或生5:终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade)》的官网上公开了最新的服装DLC,这次角色将传自己的衣服和各位见面,官方宣布每件服装售价200日元。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-3 08:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-7 07:18 AM 编辑
《死或生5:终极版》是由Koei Tecmo公司所推出的系列新作,游戏对应PS3和XBOX 360双平台。继此前放出了本作的第一弹“便服”DLC后,现在官方又推出了便服DLC第二弹,为大家带来了大量的角色新服装。日前官方也公开了该DLC的宣传片和实际游戏截图,下面就让我们一起看看这些看上去非常不错的新服装吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-17 07:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-12-19 07:13 AM 编辑
圣诞节就要来了,毫无疑问光荣·脱裤魔必定会为《死或生5:终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate)》添加圣诞服装DLC,除了圣诞装外,还追加了复刻套装。单件服装200日元,圣诞装打包500日元,复刻服装打包1000日元,脱裤魔真是圈钱无止境啊。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-19 07:28 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-13 06:22 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-4 05:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-6 07:18 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-5 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-5 06:15 PM 编辑
《死或生5:终极版》中广受好评的新角色玛莉‧萝丝(マリー・ローズ)将于3月25日起在PSN和XBOX Live以收费下载的形式推出。
Team Ninja Celebrates Over One Million Downloads For Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
Team Ninja is excited to announce that the free-to-download fighting game Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters has received one million downloads worldwide via the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. In celebration of this major milestone, Team Ninja is making the Core Fighter and Jann Lee bundle pack available without charge, for a limited time on the PlayStation Store as a special thank you to fans that helped support the success of the series. The Core Fighter and Jann Lee bundle pack will be available for free starting March 11, 2014 for three weeks. Team Ninja is also pleased to announce that a new fighter to the Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate roster, Marie Rose, will be available for purchase and that the fan favorite Lorelei stage will be available for free beginning March 25, 2014, via the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 and March 26 via the Microsoft Games Store for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, bringing new content to the title’s growing roster of fighters, stages, and costumes.
• Jann Lee Pack: This character set (DOA5U Core Fighter + Character Jann Lee) for the legendary Jeet Kune Do master who first appeared in the original Dead or Alive will be a free download for three weeks starting on March 11, 2014 in North American territories and March 12, 2014 in European territories via the PlayStation Store. Also known as The Dragon and A Scorching Soul, Jann Lee studied martial arts as a young child by watching Bruce Lee films before becoming a bouncer. To this day, Jann Lee continues his training with determination, joining the Dead or Alive 5 tournament as part of his mission to become the greatest fighter of all time.
• Marie Rose: This character is priced at $5.99, with several additional costumes priced at $1.99 each. Additionally, a value costume set and character & costume set will be available on the same day for the 18 year-old fighter, Marie Rose. Previously only playable as an exclusive character in the Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade edition released in Japan, Marie Rose will be available to download on consoles for the first time on March 25, 2014 via the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 and March 26 via the Microsoft Games Store for the Xbox 360.
• Lorelei Stage: Set in Germany off the banks of the Rhine, this fan favorite multi-level fighting stage made its debut in Dead or Alive: Dimensions and will be available to download for free on March 25, 2014, via the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 and March 26 via Microsoft Games Store for the Xbox 360 (accessible after downloading Patch 1.05, available without charge).
Players wanting to sample Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate can play the main game content in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters free of charge via the PlayStation Network. The free version comes with the Core Fighter Pack, which includes Dead or Alive icons Ayane, Hayate, Kasumi, and Ryu Hayabusa with almost every game mode will be available. Players can transfer unlocked titles, costumes and Story Mode progress from the PlayStation 3 version of Dead or Alive 5 as well as compete with combatants from both the free and full retail version of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-17 06:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-18 07:30 PM 编辑
反派角色Donovan的组织“MIST”重新制作了一个“Kasumi(霞)”的克隆体,代号就是“Kasumi α (Alpha) Phase-4”。“Phase-4”是该组织“Alpha计划”中最新被发展出来的一件人肉武器。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-4 07:00 PM
死或生5终极版(Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate )新角色曝光
不久前,Temco Koei发表推文暗示旗下格斗类游戏《死或生5:终极版》将会加入新角色。近日,这一角色终于浮出了水面,从曝光的截图中可以看出新角色是一位面具熟女。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-5 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-5 06:42 PM 编辑
KOEI TECMO目前正在发售中的多平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5 终极版》公开了街机版的最新参战角色:女天狗(CV:佐藤朱),她将和之前的玛丽、PHASE4一样先由街机版独占一段时间随后作为DLC角色登陆家用机平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-1 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-2 07:51 PM 编辑
《生死格斗5 Ultimate》释出新角色「女天狗」 公布次世代主机版宣传影片
KOEI TECMO Games 今(2)日宣布,贩售中的PS3 / Xbox 360 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗5 Ultimate(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Ultimate)》将今、明两日释出新角色「女天狗」供玩家付费下载。
女天狗是天狗一族的淘气公主,年龄相当于凡间的1018 岁,流派为「天狗道」,能灵活运用背上的双翼施展丰富的空中攻击。先前已经在大型电玩版开放使用,如今则是释出家用版DLC。
PS3 版「女天狗」DLC 9 月2 日释出,角色使用权价格185 元,5 种首登服装价格各62 元,全套价格248 元,角色使用权+ 首登服装组合价格402 元。 Xbox 360 版则预定 9 月 3 日释出。
女天狗 护士服装
配音:佐藤 朱
年龄:凡间的 1018 岁
身高:172 公分
另外,官方同时公布系列最新作《生死格斗5 Last Round》的发表宣传影片,影片中可以见识到活用PS4 / Xbox One 主机效能、解析度提升至1080p、进一步强化粒子特效的进阶画面演出。
PS4/Xbox One 画面
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-22 06:15 PM
《死或生5最终回合 | Dead or Alive 5 Last Round》发售日期确定 免费版健在
KOEI TECMO预定在PS4/PS3/Xbox360/XboxOne四平台上推出的3D格斗游戏《死或生5 最终回合》在本周的Fami通杂志中确认将会在2015年2月19日发售。游戏的价格为PS4/XboxOne普通版7344日元、下载版6480日元,PS3/360普通版6264日元、下载版5554日元,其中PS4和PS3将推出限定版,PS4收藏版价格为12744日元、最强版27864日元,PS3收藏版11664日元、最强版26784日元,目前里面会有什么具体内容还不明。而PS4和XboxOne还会推出类似前作的免费版,同平台上免费版玩家可以与正式版玩家网络对战。
在访谈中游戏制作人早矢仕洋介还透露,本作将会追加两名新角色,一个是系列粉丝会期待的类似女天狗的角色,而另一个则是全新的女性角色。此外现有角色的自定义要素将会更加丰富,而PS3版的存档和DLC将可以直接继承到PS4版中使用。官方网站 - http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/doa5/lastround/top.html
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-23 08:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-23 06:11 PM 编辑
《死或生5:最终回合(Dead or Alive 5 Last Round)》杂志详情 表现更加真实
KOEI TECMO预定在PS4/PS3/Xbox360/XboxOne四平台上推出的3D格斗游戏《死或生5:最终回合》,本周FAMI通杂志正式公布将于2015年2月19日发售,售价PS4/XboxOne普通版7344日元、下载版6480日元,PS3/360普通版6264日元、下载版5554日元,其中PS4和PS3将推出限定版,PS4收藏版价格为12744日元、最强版27864日元,PS3收藏版11664日元、最强版26784日元,目前里面会有什么具体内容还不明。而PS4和XboxOne还会推出类似前作的免费版,同平台上免费版玩家可以与正式版玩家网络对战。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-24 07:21 AM
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round release date announced & Info on free version
Launch Date and New Stage Details Lead Combo Punch of New Information for Dead or Alive5: Last Round
Team Ninja today unleashed an onslaught of new information for Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Koei Tecmo America has confirmed that the game is schedule to launch in North America on February 17, 2015 (February 20 in Europe), and will be available at the price of $39.99 MSRP for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (physical and digital) and $29.99 MSRP for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (digital only).
With an official launch date in place, Koei tecmo America has detailed preorder incentives for retail preorders (physical copies) at the following North American retailers: Players who preorder Dead or Alive 5 Last Round at GameStop will receive exclusive costume packs including the "Ninja" (for Ayane , Hayabusa, Hayate and Kasumi), and Aloha (for Ayane, Hitomi, Kasumi and Mila ) sets. Pre-ordering at Amazon and Best Buy will give purchasers access to exclusive costumes sets including the "Showstopper" (for Christie, Helena, Lisa and Tina) and "Beach Party" (for Kokoro, Leifang, Momiji and Rachel).
Team Ninja pulls back the curtain even further, divulging more new content players can expect in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Dynamic fighting stages are a hallmark of the Dead or Alive series, and they are taken to the next level in Last Round. A fan favorite stage from Dead or Alive 2 makes its glorious next gen debut in The Crimson. A multi-level stage set in a bustling urban street in Asia, players start out on sprawls of tin rooftops where victory and defeat teeter on a razor thin edge. Combatants are one good punch away from being thrown through the surrounding fence, treated to one of several all-new over-the-top Cliffhanger events, and ultimately smashing through to the lower level, a dimly lit street tinged only with the light of surrounding neon signs. In new next-gen screenshots released today, characters Kokoro, Brad, Leifang and Tina can be seen traversing and utilizing Danger Zones across both levels of The Crimson, while sporting brand new costumes and even customized hairstyles.
Players wanting to get a taste of what Dead or Alive 5 Last Round has to offer can play the main game content in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters free of charge. Gamers playing on PlayStation 4 will have access to the free-to-download version via the PlayStation Network which includes four fighters – Ayane, Hayate, Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa – and almost every game mode will be available. Those playing on Xbox One will have access to a free trial version of Last Round via the Xbox Games Store consisting of the same free-to-download fighters and features as noted above, but is not expandable via additional purchases. Xbox One users wanting an extended experience can purchase Core Fighters for $4.99 MSRP, which includes all contents as the free trial, but adds four more fighters to the mix in Hitomi, Tina, Jann Lee and Bass, and is expandable from there via additional purchases. All users, regardless of platform, can transfer unlocked titles, costumes and Story Mode progress from the last-gen versions of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate as well as compete with combatants from both the free and full retail version of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Additional characters, Story Mode and other features can be accessed for a fee. For additional information regarding Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters visit: teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/ftp.
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will take to the ring to deliver the signature DOA fighting style, wrapped up in the most graphically impressive version of a Dead or Alive game ever seen. Combatants will present an unparalleled level of life-like detail, and smooth striking animations that will firmly place every fighter in the heat of the moment. The game’s dynamic interactive stages once again boast a range of visually striking locations from around the world, while offering even more destruction, deadly new danger zones and a higher level of strategic choices for players to utilize in the quest for victory. Character customization options get even deeper, as Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will offer over 300 open and unlockable costumes, and the brand new hairstyle and accessory options will give nearly endless possibilities to adorn the fighters for any occasion. Players can bring their run of rosters, costumes and accessories from Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, as previously purchased DLC content will be transferable from last gen consoles to the PS4 and Xbox One.
Currently in development by Team Ninja, more details about Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will be revealed in the coming months.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-10-24 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-18 06:41 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-19 06:23 PM
《死或生5U》推出巡警服DLC服装 演示视频欣赏
KOEI TECMO目前正在发售中的PS3/360双平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5 终极版》近日推出了最新的DLC服装“巡警服”,对应角色为12位角色:霞、绫音、瞳、雷芳、心、蒂娜、米拉、红叶、玛丽、女天狗、拜斯、里格。单独购买价格191日元+税,购买全套价格为1715日元+税。下面就是这次DLC的宣传演示视频:
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-20 06:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-21 07:14 AM 编辑
《死或生5最终回合 | Dead or Alive 5 Last Round》雷道PV 忍者2015服装公开
Raidou returns in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
KOEI TECMO预定于2015年2月19日发售的PS4/PS3/Xbox360/XboxOne四平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5:最终回合》公开了一段新角色雷道的介绍视频。在视频的最后还公开了预约特典之一“忍者2015服装”的设计样稿。
Back From the Death a New Challenger Emerges as Raidou is Confirmed for the Fighting Roster in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Team Ninja today revealed that the final boss of the original Dead or Alive, Raidou, is confirmed as playable in the upcoming Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round is scheduled to launch in Europe on 20 February 2015 and will be available at a competitive price.
Team Ninja discloses new information regarding the return of the iconic Dead or Alive character – Raidou in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Presumed dead after being defeated in the original DOA Tournament, Raidou was partially reconstructed with cybernetics and now returns as a half-mechanized killing machine. Having lost his memory as a side effect of his cybernetic upgrades, all that remains is his unquenchable thirst for power, and his willingness to use whatever brutal methods it takes to achieve glory.
Hailing from the same ninja clan as Kasumi and Hayate, Raidou was exiled from his own village when his brutal thirst for power went too far, only deepening his hatred of the clan. His fighting style is Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu at its core, and he even possesses the ability to recognize and imitate the moves of opponents he has encountered, while keeping original techniques up his sleeve. In new next-gen screenshots released today, Raidou squares off against the two deadly ninjas Hayabusa and Hayate in the electrifying Danger Zone stage. Additionally, characters Kasumi, Phase 4, Tina, Mila and Alpha-152 show off never before seen costumes and customizable hairstyles that will only be found in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.
Players wanting a taste of what Dead or Alive 5 Last Round has to offer can play the main game content in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters free of charge. PlayStation 4 players will have access to the free-to-download version via the PlayStation Network which includes four fighters - Ayane, Hayate, Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa - and almost every game mode will be available. Xbox One players will have access to a free trial version of Last Round via the Xbox Games Store consisting of the same free-to-download fighters and features as noted above, but is not expandable via additional purchases. Xbox One users wanting an extended experience can purchase Core Fighters, which includes all contents as the free trial, but adds four more fighters to the mix in Hitomi, Tina, Jann Lee and Bass, and is expandable from there via additional purchases. All users, regardless of platform, can transfer unlocked titles, costumes and Story Mode progress from the last-gen versions of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate as well as compete with combatants from both the free and full retail version of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Additional characters, Story Mode and other features can be accessed for a fee. For additional information regarding Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters visit: teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/ftp
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will take to the ring to deliver the signature DOA fighting style, wrapped up in the most graphically impressive version of a Dead or Alive game ever seen. Combatants will present an unparalleled level of life-like detail, and smooth striking animations that will firmly place every fighter in the heat of the moment. The game’s dynamic interactive stages once again boast a range of visually striking locations from around the world, while offering even more destruction, deadly new danger zones and a higher level of strategic choices for players to utilize in the quest for victory. Character customization options get even deeper, as Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will offer over 300 open and unlockable costumes, and the brand new hairstyle and accessory options will give nearly endless possibilities to adorn the fighters for any occasion. Players can bring their run of rosters, costumes and accessories from Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, as previously purchased DLC content will be transferable from last gen consoles to the PS4 and Xbox One.
《死或生5最终回合 | Dead or Alive 5 Last Round》雷道回归 初回特典公开
KOEI TECMO预定于2015年2月19日发售的PS4/PS3/Xbox360/XboxOne四平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5:最终回合》本周的Fami通公开了两名新角色之一雷道并介绍了游戏初回特典的情报。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-4 06:45 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-5 07:39 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》宣布登陆 PC 平台
TECMO KOEI Games 旗下开发对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》(PlayStation 4/Xbox One/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360)预定 2015 年 2 月 19 日发售,研发团队今日正式在官网宣布,将于 Steam 平台上推出 PC 版本,同步公开了《生死格斗 5 Last Round》在 Steam 平台网页。
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》最近公开了宣传影片,没想到预告片结尾出现 Steam 字样,让外界猜测这意味着生死格斗《生死格斗 5 Last Round》终于要登陆PC 版了吗?
近来美国网站 ESRB 和亚马逊购物网都出现《生死格斗 5 Last Round》将登陆 PC 的消息,但都未经过官方验证,而这次官方预告真的可让生死格斗 5 等了 2 年的 PC 玩家乐不可支。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-12-18 05:54 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-2 07:22 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-7 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-7 06:37 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-15 07:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-15 07:22 PM 编辑
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Honoka reveal trailer, screenshots
Honoka revealed as all-new fighter in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round!
Having been raised all her life by her gentle and loving grandmother, Honoka is a sweet, easygoing kind of girl... but when she sees a fight, she cannot contain her excitement, or the mysterious power surging within her. Honoka has a strange knack for instantly learning any fighting move she sees. She has kept this power hush-hush, but has been itching to test it out in secret.
Honoka studies her favorite moves from various sources and fighting styles, and combines them into a unique style which she calls "Honoka Fu". Since her build is that of an average teenage girl, her moves, while skilled, may not always pack the same punch as the fighter she learned them from.
In her Hissatsu-no-Kamae stance, however, she is imbued with an unbelievable strength and becomes capable of techniques she has never seen from any other fighter.
For more information about Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, please visit: teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-17 06:57 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-20 07:29 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-1-28 07:37 AM
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round delayed to late March on Steam
Change to Release Date
In order to provide you with the best experience possible, the expected release date for Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on Steam has been changed from Feb. 17 to March 30. In appreciation for your patience, we'll be offering the Halloween 2013 Set (28 costumes) free of charge to all users who purchase Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on Steam.
Thank you for your understanding!
Online modes for Dead or Alive 5 Last Round will be added in a patch within 3 months of release.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-3 05:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-5 07:03 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》公布上市宣传影片 众多新角色陆续参战
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,预定 2 月 19 日推出的 PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,现公布上市宣传影片。
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》是《生死格斗》系列最新作,以《生死格斗 5 Ultimate》为基础进一步强化,首度登场 PS4 / Xbox One 新世代主机,导入崭新的「柔肤引擎」,透过强化的着色器特效强化柔嫩肌肤质感的表现。收录玛莉‧萝丝、PHASE-4、女天狗、雷道、穗乃香等新角色。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-10 07:36 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-12 07:28 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-12 07:00 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-18 07:32 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-2-24 07:16 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-10 06:15 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-19 06:47 PM
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》将推出《闪乱神乐》合作服装 次世代版对应 “破衣特效”
TECMO KOEI Games 于近日(2015 年 3 月 18 日)公布,旗下格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》(PlayStation 4/Xbox One/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360),与 Marvelous 旗下的《闪乱神乐 夏日对决 -少女们的抉择-(闪乱カグラ ESTIVAL VERSUS -少女达の选択-)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita)的合作企画将于 3 月 24 日展开。另外《闪乱神乐 夏日对决 -少女们的抉择-》将于 3 月 26 日发售。
这次的合作企画,将针对,霞、绫音、穂乃香、玛莉‧萝丝等 16 位女性格斗家,开放下载需付费购买《闪乱神乐 夏日对决 -少女们的抉择-》的合作服装。PS4 版及 Xbox One 版更于游戏中实装了 “破衣特效” 作为卖点。贩卖方式除了准备包含 16 名角色服装在内的套组外,也有以各自单套的形式供玩家选择。购买季票、New Costume Pass 的玩家将能够免费下载这些服装。
此外,合作服装也能于 PS4、PS3 上的《生死格斗 5 Last Round》基本免费版,以及 Xbox One 上的「Core Fighters」版内使用。
○ 开放下载日:
预定自 2015 年 3 月 24 日(二)起开放下载
○ 对应机种:
PlayStation 4/PlayStation 3/Xbox One/Xbox 360
○ 价格:
16 位角色套组: 3428 日圆(含税)
角色单套:各 307 日圆(含税)
【Xbox One】
16 位角色套组: 3672 日圆(含税)
角色单套:各 324 日圆(含税)
▼对应角色为以下 16 位。
※ PS4 版及 Xbox One 版于游戏中实装了服装破损的特效。
○ 备注:
※(1)购买季票/New Costume Pass 的玩家,将能够免费下载此项目。请多加留意避免重复购买。
※(3)本合作服装也可供《生死格斗 5 Last Round》基本免费版,及「Core Fighters」版使用。
Speak Select AllThis is a good translationThis is a bad translation.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-24 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-24 06:26 PM 编辑
梦幻最 “胸” 合作登场!《生死格斗 5》今日释出《闪乱神乐》合作下载服装
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / PC 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,今(24)日开始提供与 Marvelous 超级爆乳战斗动作游戏《闪乱神乐(闪乱カグラ)》合作下载内容及游玩影片。
本次的合作下载内容「闪乱神乐 合作服装」,将提供以《闪乱神乐》登场角色为主题的 16 名女性格斗家服装,单独下载每种 96 元,全 16 种组合 1091 元(PS4 / PS3 版),详细如下:
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-4-7 06:03 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-19 06:12 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-23 06:39 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-15 06:29 PM
「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」格斗祭将于日本展开 Season Pass 2 购买玩家将有机会获邀参加
台湾光荣特库摩宣布,将邀请 1 位幸运玩家到日本当地参加 2015 年 8 月 1 日举办的「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」特别活动。
玩家于 7 月 21 日于 PlayStation Store 购买《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》新推出的 Season Pass 2,并符合活动条件限制且参加抽奖报名流程,即有机会获邀到日本参加「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」格斗祭典。
公开 Season Pass 2 的购入者限定特典「穗香 绝对秘密的黑套装」
玩家感谢活动「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」预定将于 2015 年 8 月 1 日(六)于东京举行。 活动的主要节目「DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round World Exhibition Match」将邀请由全世界高手中选出的玩家,并于当日举办之「最终决选 in Tokyo」中胜出的玩家进行国际级的冠军争夺赛。 此外,夺得优胜的玩家将可获得于美国举办的官方冠军赛的门票。 这是《生死格斗 5》系列首次举办的国际活动,玩家将可看到全世界最优秀选手们的激烈竞争。
此外,除了国际冠军赛,会场还会提供试玩机台,以及相关活动,其中包含「Cosplay 大赛」与「摄影大赛」。 「Cosplay 大赛」将募集参加者扮演自己喜欢的「生死格斗」系列角色,为当日活动炒热气氛。 「摄影大赛」则由参加者自由投稿《生死格斗 5 Last Round》中角色画面。 两个活动的入围者与得奖者皆可得到赠礼。
详细的内容,可至「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」日文网站确认:http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/doa5/lastround/doa_festival.html
购买 Season Pass 2 即有机会参加「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」活动简介
于 7 月 21 日(周二)在 PlayStation Store 购买《生死格斗 5 Last Round》新推出的 Season Pass 2,并符合活动条件限制且参加抽奖报名流程,即有机会获邀至日本参加「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」格斗祭典。
- 必须于上市日(2015 年 7 月 21 日) 在 PlayStation Store 购买 DEAD OR ALIVE Season Pass 2
- 本活动仅限于台湾地区的玩家
- 本活动预先开放报名,活动网页将于 7 月 17 日公开
- 购买完成之后于上市日(2015 年 7 月 21 日) email 提供购买凭证 + PSN ID 至台湾光荣特库摩 fbfans@koeitecmo.com.tw。
- 参加者之护照必须要在有效期限内,若不符合规定则自动放弃。
- 参加者必须能够完全配合本次活动内容
- 本抽奖活动将于律师见证下抽出得奖者
Season Pass 2 详细的活动内容将于 7 / 17 公开于台湾光荣特库摩粉丝团「DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL」活动网页 http://www.facebook.com/KoeiTecmoTW
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-21 06:14 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-7 07:52 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-14 06:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-15 07:23 PM 编辑
DOA x Falcom! 《生死格斗 5 Last Round》明日推出日本 Falcom 合作服装
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》宣布,从明日(9 / 15)起将和日本 Falcom 合作,推出两家公司的合作服装。
采取付费购买方式的合作服装,将会让《生死格斗 5》中的角色们换上日本 Falcom 历年来的经典游戏系列中人气角色的服装,包含《伊苏》系列的两位女神、《轨迹》系列的女主角、配角等服装,都会分别照着 DOA 女角的样貌和气质来做出跨界搭配。 喜欢日本 Falcom 游戏的玩家不妨点选影片确认。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-13 06:50 PM
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》2015万圣节服装介绍视频
KOEI TECMO正在发售中的多平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5 最终回合》于10月13日推出了2015年版的万圣节服装DLC。这次的万圣节服装是从面向全球玩家募集的超过1800件服装设计作品中选出来的。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-17 09:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-17 11:28 PM 编辑
正在发售中的多平台格斗游戏 《生死格斗 5 Last Round》于今天11月17日上架了与SQUARE ENIX手机游戏《SCHOOLGIRL STRIKERS》的合作服装,包含16名女性角色的服装,打包购买价格为3428日元、单件购买为308日元 - 以上为PSN商店的价格。如果玩家购买过季票二将可以免费下载。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-15 07:34 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-22 07:35 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-12 06:23 PM
光荣特科摩今日公布了一批《死或生5:最后一战》(Dead or Alive 5: Last Round)的最新服装,主打情人节主题,其中还包括女角色的可爆衣裙装。
这套主题服饰只会登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,而爆衣设置只会在主机平台上实现。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-23 07:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-24 06:40 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》来自《战国无双》的人气武将「井伊直虎」跨刀参战
根据 FAMITSU.com 日前刊出的最新 FAMITSU 周刊内容预报,KOEI TECMO Games 贩卖中 / 营运中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC / 大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,将加入来自《战国无双》系列的人气武将「井伊直虎」。
根据目前已知的预报内容,同属 KOEI TECMO Games 旗下的《生死格斗》与《战国无双》将展开合作,在《战国无双》系列登场的人气女性武将「井伊直虎」将会跨越时空在《生死格斗 5 Last Round》中登场(仅 PS4 / Xbox One / PC / 大型电玩版,不包括 PS3 / Xbox 360 版)。 除了招牌的战国武将盔甲之外,还会收录偶像舞台装、护士服、兔女郎装等不同风格的现代服装。
更多关于井伊直虎参战的情报,将于 2 月 25 日 21:00(日本时间)播出的 FAMITSU 直播节目「斗会议 TV」以及同日发行的 3 月 10 日号 FAMITSU 周刊中揭露,有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-25 07:03 PM
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》虎妈参战!角色神还原
人气格斗游戏《死或生5 最终回合》已经发售一年时间了,免费版相信也有不少玩家体验过。而今天公布了《战国无双》中的人气角色井伊直虎将以刺客的身份出场,同时让我们来看看还有哪些新加入的要素。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-26 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-2-26 06:19 PM 编辑
Naotora Ii from Samurai Warriors in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, coming March 17
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》正式发表《战国无双》井伊直虎参战 武将合作服装同步曝光
KOEI TECMO Games 正式宣布,贩卖中 / 营运中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC / 大型电玩 3D 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,来自《战国无双》系列的人气武将「井伊直虎」将跨刀作为可操作角色参战,并释出了她于《生死格斗 5》游戏中的实际战斗画面。
官方预告「井伊直虎」将会在 3 月 17 日起于 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 平台的「Last Round」版本开放下载。 此外,也释出了一系列井伊直虎除了招牌的战国武将盔甲之外,她穿上现代的偶像舞台装、护士服、兔女郎装等不同风格的服装实际样貌。
配合《生死格斗》和《战国无双》的合作,KOEI TECMO 也将《生死格斗》中登场的男女格斗角色,换上《战国无双》中的登场武将服装展开崭新的合作。 玩家不妨确认现代格斗角色和古代战国武的合作服装搭配样貌。
Samurai Warriors Invaed Dead or Alive 5: Last Round With New Competitor, Returning Stage, and Themed DLC Outfits
In anticipation of the upcoming launch of strategy epic Samurai Warriors 4 Empires on March 12th Koei Tecmo Europe and Team Ninja are thrilled to announce a set of exciting new additions headed to Dead or Alive 5: Last Round this March! Fan-favourite Samurai Warriors 4 character Naotora Ii joins the battle alongside the triumphant (and completely free) return of the Azuchi castle stage from Dead or Alive 3 on 17th March, and a brand new set of Samurai Warriors-inspired DLC costumes will become available for purchase on 29th March. Fans who purchased the game’s Season Pass 3 will automatically receive all of the Samurai Warriors-inspired content.
Dragged into a mysterious portal by-way-of a M.I.S.T. time-travelling experiment, the ruler of Japan’s Warring States era Ii Clan, Naotora Ii, emerges in present-day next to a competitor of the Dead or Alive fighting tournament. Given no other choice but to fight for her life, and keeping her family motto of ‘once on the battlefield, one must face the enemy head on’ in mind, a determined Naotora sets out to emerge victorious from this strange new challenge. Specialising in kick-based attacks, Naotora developed her signature ‘Ii Style Leg Strikes’ fighting style after serving under Yoshimoto Imagawa, who based his techniques on his mastery of the traditional Japanese ball game “kemari.” The quick and powerful strikes from her long legs make her a formidable rival to anyone who steps into the ring!
Naotora Ii will be available to download for Eur 5.99. Fans can purchase her debut costume pack for Eur 7.99, or alternatively as a bundle including new character Naotora Ii for Eur 11.99 on 17th March for Dead or Alive 5: Last Round on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on March 29 for PC via Steam. To whet players’ appetites in the meantime, Team Ninja has shared a variety of images and screenshots of Naotora Ii in action.
March 17 will also see the release of a returning stage that players of Dead or Alive 5: Last Round can enjoy on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One free of charge. Not seen since Dead or Alive Dimensions, the beautiful Azuchi stage makes its triumphant return looking better than ever! Dropping competitors into the great hall of Oda Nobunaga’s famous residence, players can break through the walls and continue brawling on its rooftops beneath a full moon. In this three-tier stage the fight can also lead to the ground, where a gorgeous cherry blossom tree overlooks the traditional building lit by torchlight.
Finally, on 29th March, Team Ninja will release a collection of outfits inspired by Koei Tecmo’s celebrated Samurai Warriors series for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.
For additional information regarding Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, please visit the official website at teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-17 07:01 PM
《生死格斗 5 LR》释出《战国无双》合作角色「井伊直虎」与多款首登服装
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,今(17)日释出来自《战国无双》系列的追加角色「井伊直虎」使用权、首登服装及相关组合,供玩家付费下载,价格 62 元至 378 元不等。
「井伊直虎」是来自同公司旗下《战国无双》系列的人气武将,也是该系列首度跨刀与《生死格斗》合作的角色。 因为井伊家没有男丁,而被赐予男性的名字并继承家业的她,是日本战国时代少见的女性当家,性格善良楚楚可怜,虽然对自己是否够格担任当家感到疑惑,但仍努力为之。
本次官方释出了「井伊直虎」的使用权(含基础服装)与 5 件首登服装,供玩家付费下载。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-29 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-30 07:20 AM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 LR》释出《战国无双》合作服装 体验战国风武将大乱斗
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,目前贩卖中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,今(29)日释出与人气动作游戏《战国无双》系列合作的 30 套合作服装,供玩家付费下载,PS4 版单套价格 62 元,全套价格 1265 元。
本次释出的合作服装是以《战国无双》系列登场武将为蓝本所设计,除了「晶」、「杰克」、「陈佩」、「莎菈」、「井伊直虎」以外的 30 位角色各 1 套,展现与以往截然不同的风格。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-4-19 06:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-19 07:15 PM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-6-21 06:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-21 06:38 PM 编辑
Koei Tecmo推出的《死或生5:最后一战》经常和其他游戏进行联动,里面丰富且性感的服装一直能吸引不少眼球。近日,《死或生5:最后一战》与人气漫画《妖精的尾巴 FAIRY TAIL》合作的最新追加套裝已经上架!下面就给大家带来最新的新服装福利图赏。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-7-9 08:46 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-8-24 06:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-24 06:07 PM 编辑
「不知火舞」将在《生死格斗 5 Ultimate:Arcade》新版本场测登场 释出连段影片
TECMO KOEI Games 制作,目前正营运中的大型电玩版《生死格斗 5 Ultimate:Arcade》,官方新释出「不知火舞」的连段影片,首度曝光在《生死格斗》跨刀参战的招式动作样貌,喜爱不知火舞的玩家不妨点选影片,确认她在《生死格斗》游戏中的表现。
来自老牌游戏厂商 SNK 所推出的经典格斗游戏系列《饿狼传说》和《拳皇(The King of Fighters)》的「不知火舞」,是格斗游戏界中最著名的女性角色之一。 她是继承不知火流忍术的女忍者,以华丽的身手和妖艳的服装将对手玩弄在鼓掌之间。 信奉「如蝴蝶一般飞舞、蜜蜂一般刺螫」的战法。
先前 TECMO KOEI Games 在「DEAD OR ALIVE Festival 2016」宣布了不知火舞将会跨刀参战,在 2016 年 9 月于家用主机版《生死格斗 5 Last Round》释出下载。 而现在也确认不知火舞会抢先在大型电玩版《生死格斗 5 Ultimate:Arcade》8 月 24 日的 Ver.2.04(LR 1.08)最新版本的日本场测中现身,提供玩家游玩。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-6 07:17 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-9-14 06:57 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-10-11 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-12 07:27 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-11-15 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-15 06:31 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》遇冲击会滑落的浴衣服发布
KOEI TECMO Games 光荣公司目前发售中的PS4、Xbox One、Steam版《生死格斗 5 Last Round》在本日2016 年 11 月 15 日开始发布“浴衣服装”。
Xbox One:300日元(除税)
Xbox One:1980日元(除税)
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-12-13 03:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-14 06:23 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》宣布即日起开放下载 AQUAPLUS 合作服装
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,现正发售中的 PlayStation 4/XboxOne/Steam 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE5 Last Round)》自昨(13)日起开放下载「AQUAPLUS」合作服装。
本次的 DLC 是与推出多款知名美少女游戏的厂商「AQUAPLUS」旗下著名作品合作的服装。 除了能身穿《To Heart》系列、《传颂之物(うたわれるもの)》系列、《白色相簿(ホワイトアルバム)》系列、《迷宫旅人(ダンジョントラベラーズ)》系列、《漫画派对(こみっくパーティ)》等作品内人气角色们的合作服装来享受白热化的战斗外,还为这些服装添加了令人熟悉的服装破坏功能。
「AQUAPLUS 合作服装」概要
■ 开放下载日期
2016 年 12 月 13 日 (二)
■ 对应平台
■ 价格
- 单件服装
- PlayStation4:286 日圆 + 税
- Xbox One:300 日圆 + 税
- 全部服装套组 (16 套)
- PlayStation4:3175 日圆 + 税
- Xbox One:3200 日圆 + 税
- Steam:3334 日圆 + 税
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-11 06:17 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-1-17 07:13 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-10 07:30 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-2-14 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-14 07:11 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》旗袍DLC宣传片 性感镂空曲线尽显
《生死格斗 5 Last Round(Dead Or Alive 5:Last Round)》今天公布了新一期的DLC内容 “中国风旗袍”,高叉的修身旗袍穿在妹子们的身上尽展性感曲线,今日(2月14日)这套DLC正式配信,宣传片和全部游戏角色截图公布,《生死格斗 5 Last Round》的17位女战士穿上旗袍秀出无限风情。
这次的旗袍DLC《生死格斗 5 Last Round》一改上一次的保守风格,大走性感路线,旗袍的分叉都到腰了,半个美臀露在外面,胸前也搞出了新花样,将镂空用到了淋漓尽致,贴合曲线的改良版中国传统服装完美诠释性感为何物。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-3-14 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-15 07:20 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》全新16套服装正式开放下载 !
光荣tecmo昨日(2017年3月14日)正式宣布,旗下PS4、XBOXONE、PC人气格斗游戏大作《生死格斗 5 Last Round(Dead Or Alive 5:Last Round)》的最新 ARC SYSTEM WORKS联动服装开始配信。
本次的服装将与开发《罪恶装备》系列、《苍翼默示录》系列等著名格斗的游戏公司ARC SYSTEM WORKS进行联动。在《罪恶装备》系列和《苍翼默示录》系列里精选的16位人气女性角色,她们所穿着的服装将可以在《生死格斗 5 Last Round》中使用,融合了人气格斗游戏系列的服装加上全面革新的战斗一定能带给我们不一样的感受。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-4-18 06:51 PM
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》新DLC服装今日开放下载 全员玩巫女装PLAY
光荣特库摩发售中的格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round》(PS4/XBOXONE/PC)将于今天(4月18日)开始,开放配信下载「必胜祈愿!巫女服装」DLC。
该 DLC 售价:PS4版每个191日元、XBOX ONE版每个200日元,全服装套装(全17件)PS4版售价1944日元、XBOX ONE版1980日元、Steam版2038日元。拥有游戏季票的玩家可以免费下载。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-5-16 06:43 PM
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》西部牛仔女孩服装发售
《生死格斗 5 Last Round(Dead Or Alive 5:Last Round)》将从今天5月16日起上架追加DLC“牛仔女孩服装”,本服装以西部大地自由奔放骑马驰骋的牛仔女孩们为主题设计,官方还公开了服装介绍影像:
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-6-13 06:49 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-8-8 07:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-9 06:58 PM 编辑
《生死格斗 5 Last Round》释出「极品度假装」与「季节包 7」DLC
KOEI TECMO Games 目前贩卖中的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 5 Last Round(DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round)》,于 8 月 8 日释出「极品度假装」与季节包 7。
本次释出的「极品度假装」,是以在南国岛屿度过极品度假行程为印象所设计的夏季新泳装,不论男女角色都可获得充分享受度假情怀的一套泳装,具备变身功能。 玩家可以让自己喜爱的角色穿上这些新泳装,体验在四季如夏的海滩上展开激斗的乐趣。 全 35 套价格新台币 1265 元。
此外,官方还释出包含「极品度假装」在内、预定到 2018 年 1 月底前释出的 3 波共 105 套新服装的季节包 7,价格新台币 2361 元。 购买者可获得霞与绫音的「黄金装束]服装为特典。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-12-12 04:16 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-12-18 03:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-18 03:17 PM 编辑
Team Ninja says goodbye to Dead or Alive 5 as it looks forward to the future of the series
《生死格斗 5》正式宣布完结 DLC或可载入吉尼斯记录
不久前Team Ninja官方预告称要在《生死格斗 5 Last Round》大赛之后发表情报。今早大赛正式结束,现场公开了一段制作人早矢仕洋介、艺术总监斋藤丰、导演新堀洋平的问候视频。
早矢仕洋介表示《生死格斗 5》已经推出了5年,感谢这期间大家的支持,也感谢BigE能组织这样的比赛。《生死格斗 5》现在已经正式完结,但开发团队仍然很活跃,希望大家今后也能继续支持死或生。
Closing out the Dead or Alive 5 Battle Royal 2017 Grand Finals event at NEC 18 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania today, developers Team Ninja shared a four-minute video saying goodbye to the fighting game, which first launched five years ago, as it looks forward to the future of the Dead or Alive series.
Get the video and full transcript below.
Yosuke Hayashi, Team Ninja Brand Manager
Hi, everyone, I’m Team Ninja’s brand manager, Yosuke Hayashi. Thank you for your continued support of Dead or Alive. It’s been five years since Dead or Alive 5 hit the market, and thanks to your undying love, the franchise has grown much bigger during this period. I’d also like to express my gratitude to Big E for all the tournaments you organized for our game over the years. Dead or Alive 5 has finally come to an end, but the Dead or Alive team is very active. Looking forward, I hope you’ll continue to support Dead or Alive. Thank you!
Yutaka Saito, Dead or Alive Art Director
To all of you who are participating in Battle Royal 2017, as well as organizers and staff, thank you very much for your support. I am Dead or Alive‘s art director Yutaka Saito. Five years is a long time, isn’t it? While we were constantly doing our best to improve the game, we were always watching your matches, whether they were joyful victories or heartbreaking defeats. I’m a player myself, so I get very emotional watching those. I take pride in the fact that we’ve been able to create such heartfelt games all these years. I sincerely hope that I get to create more inspiring games so that someday I can greet you like this once again. I look forward to your continued support and working with you again. Thank you very much! It’s been a great ride.
Yohei Shimbori, Game Director
Hi, I’m the game director Yohei Shimbori. To all Dead or Alive players, Big E, and the tournament staff, thank you very much! This is a bit personal, but I’ve always been very into fighting games, and when I found this job, that is when I was first introduced to Dead or Alive, and I’ve learned a great deal through my working experience. However, there was a time when the Dead or Alive series had been put on hold. That’s when I swore to myself that we will make Dead or Alive the best fighting game and that people around the world will play our game. That is an oath I made to myself. At last, Dead or Alive 5 has become a game worthy of tournaments such as this one. It’s been five years, yet you are still playing it, our tournaments get better each time, new champions emerge, and our community continues to expand. Also, the free-to-play version is doing well, and we created so much downloadable content that the sheer amount would be worthy of the Guinness Book of World Records. However, it is time to stop what we are doing for now and look into the future, which means we may not be around for some time… but we are very much looking forward to seeing you again someday. And I hope you will maintain your love for Dead or Alive and keep on fighting! Thank you so much for everything!
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