Priced at a suggested retail price of $49.99, £34.99, or
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-9-28 06:25 AM
Infinity Ward还透露了《使命召唤:幽灵》官方宣传片中出现的太空战斗场景。玩家将穿上宇航服,执行“轨道防御计划”的例行检查,这时,“南美联邦”的士兵突袭武器战,对美国进行了关键部门打击,夺得大片领土,让美国暴露在其他势力的全面入侵威胁下。
上周,《使命召唤:幽灵》的成就列表已经提前泄露,该作将于11月5日登陆Xbox 360,PS3,Wii U和PC,并将登陆次世代主机。
Infinity Ward has unveiled a new Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer map - set in a medieval castle.
Stonehaven is a large map inspired by European castles. It's designed to give snipers enough room to flex their scopes and fans of close quarters combat areas perfect for the quick-fire competitive play the series is known for.
"When we're designing maps, we have to cater to a couple of different types of gameplay and players in their habits," Infinity Ward community manager Tina Palacios told Eurogamer.
"We didn't want to alienate people who love to fight in close quarters, but we needed a big map. Then we looked to Europe."
The map features the main castle interior as well as the surrounding area, which includes a shallow stream. There's also a destroyed lighthouse in the background.
"We always want to add a variety regardless of what the story setting may be," Palacios continued. "It's evolved a lot over time. When we first made it we thought it would maybe be just a harbour with a bunch of ships on a sandy beach. Then it became what it is now. And we like the look much better than what we had in the past."
As with all Ghosts maps, Stonehaven can be altered mid-match through a dynamic map event. In this case pathways can be altered to change the flow of the map, for example players can close a gate.
《使命召唤:幽灵》单人更多自由元素 潜行更有用
玩过《使命召唤》系列的玩家一定对其单人模式的老套路无奈依旧,玩家必须依靠固定的路线进行活动,并不能享有完全的自由权。但是现在,这一切将会在《使命召唤:幽灵》中改变。日前,Infinity Ward的社区经理Tina Palacios在接受采访时表示,《使命召唤:幽灵》的单人游戏中加入更多自由元素。
因为不想犯下剧透罪,Tina Palacios没有说得太详细。但她表示,游戏中会有一些关卡没有明确的任务提示,也没有固定的路径点,不习惯的玩家很有可能会完全迷路。
最近公布的故事线讲述了这次“灾难性”打击的发端。北美研制了一种轨道防御武器ODIN(Orbital Defence Initiative,即轨道防御平台)。ODIN搭载的巨大金属棒可作为动能武器抛向地球,威力与核弹相仿,但却不会造成辐射。建造ODIN的本意是为了加强美国的本土防御,但很遗憾,一切事与愿违。
Infinity Ward之前还从未在作品里为角色设定这么丰满的背景故事,对于他们来说,这也是一次新的尝试。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-1 06:15 AM
《COD10》多人模式会删许多内容 恐让玩家失望
Mark Rubin向国外媒体透露《使命召唤10:幽灵》不仅没有扩充,还会删减许多内容。“粉丝们会喜欢吗?恐怕有些人是不喜欢的。部分玩家会因我们删去了他们喜欢的内容而失望。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-4 06:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-4 06:45 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》小队系统宣传片 多样性的体验
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-11 06:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-11 06:54 PM 编辑
《COD幽灵》军团战争宣传片 一起跨平台联机
《COD:幽灵》是动视公司旗下的新作,游戏将于2013年11月15日登陆PS3、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台,同时将作为次世代主机的首发游戏登场,预计将11月15日登陆PS4,而XBOX One版则将于11月22日上市。日前官方公开了本作的最新宣传影像,主要介绍了本作的军团战争模式,而该模式下玩家们还可以进行跨平台联机,无论玩家在哪个平台上来玩本作都能在一起战斗。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-14 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-14 07:15 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》发布真人广告It's COD Time
《COD:幽灵》近日放出了游戏的电视广告“It's Call of Duty Time”,广告以真人演绎,告诉观众COD的时刻已经来临。今年的真人广告相比去年COD的广告看上去小清新很多,去年的广告请来一众明星看上去就非常的狂炫酷拽屌。
《使命召唤OL》内测时间公布 或将加入僵尸模式
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-22 06:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-22 07:14 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》发售宣传片 展现游戏精彩瞬间
《COD:幽灵》是动视公司旗下的新作,游戏将于2013年11月5日登陆PS3、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台,同时将作为次世代主机的首发游戏登场,预计将11月15日登陆PS4,而XBOX One版则将于11月22日上市。临近游戏发售之际,官方也趁势放出了本作的发售宣传影像,以实际游戏演示片段的形式为大家展示了本作的精彩之处。此外视频中还放出了部分媒体对本作的评价,继续让我们了解本作值得期待的地方。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-28 07:10 AM
Call of Duty: Ghosts ‘Extinction’ Mode?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-10-29 07:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-29 06:46 PM 编辑
Call of Duty: Ghosts introduces Extinction - an all-new 1-4 player cooperative game mode featuring a unique blend of fast-paced survival action, FPS base defense, scavenging and class leveling.
作者: №Dante 时间: 2013-10-31 11:50 AM
本帖最后由 №Dante 于 2013-10-31 11:52 AM 编辑
IW官方确认!次世代《使命召唤:幽灵》原生分辨率:XBOX ONE 720P,PS4 1080P
《使命召唤:幽灵》制作小组Infinity Ward执行总监马克·鲁宾(Mark Rubin)在他的推特里确认:次世代《使命召唤:幽灵》XBOX ONE版原生分辨率为720P,PS4为1080P。
PS: 微软赛钱失败
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-1 06:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-1 06:59 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》多人地图宣传片 战斗细节一览
日前动视公开了旗下新作《COD:幽灵》的最新宣传影像,主要通过部分游戏片段来为大家展示多人游戏地图“自由坠落(Free Fall)”的一些细节,让玩家们了解这张地图的激烈和可怕之处,并让大家明白应该冷静面对各种状况。
《COD:幽灵》将于2013年11月5日发售,对应PS3、XBOX 360、WiiU和PC平台。同时本作将作为次世代主机的首发游戏登场,预计将11月15日登陆PS4,而XBOX One版则将于11月22日上市。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-1 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-1 08:12 PM 编辑
主武器、副武器、杀伤性投掷武器、战术性武器,每一个装备槽相当于一点技能点,如果将该处武器去掉,则会多出相应技能点数。可以装备的Perk会随着玩家等级的提升以及小队点数(Squad Point)的消费而陆续解锁。玩家可以在达到Perk要求等级的时候装备该Perk,如果等不及的话,也可以消费小队点数解锁未到要求等级的Perk而提前使用。全部35中Perk被分在了7个类别中,伴随着不同的装备有将近无限种组合方式。
Ready Up:跑动后恢复武器瞄准状态速度提升。(需要1点技能点数,下同)
Sleight of Hand:更换弹匣速度提升。(2)
On the Go:玩家可以在跑动中更换弹匣。(1)
Steady Aim:玩家武器扫射(腰射)散布更加集中。(2)
Blind Eye:无法被敌人的空中支援和AI类连杀发现。Oracle System也无法检测到。(2)
Off the Grid:无法被敌人的雷达发现。(3)
Dead Silence:移动时没有声音。(2)
Incog:被瞄准后不显示红名,敌人的标识性瞄具无法侦测到(如Tracker Sight)。(3)
Tac Resist:减少敌人战术类手雷对其的影响效果。(2)
Blast Shield:提高对敌人爆炸物的伤害的抵抗能力。(2)
Extra Tactical:获得额外的战术类装备。(1)
Extra Lethal:获得额外的杀伤类装备。(2)
Fully Loaded:获得额外的武器总弹量。(2)
Extra Attachment:获得额外的武器配件栏。(3)
Danger Close:提升爆炸物范围。(4)
Activision has shared a variety of details about Call of Duty: Ghosts’ perk system. Read on below for a roundup of information.
- 35 total perks, each with a point value (1 to 5)
- Start out with 12 “points”
- Primary weapon, secondary weapon, lethal grenade, and tactical grenade each cost one point
- Perks have assorted point values
- Perks are unlocked by gaining a certain amount of levels, or by spending Squad Points
- All perks are separated into categories:
Speed: Outrun and outmaneuver enemy players. Speed Perks are all about getting the lead and staying ahead. Examples include Sleight of Hand (Faster reloading) and Stalker (Move faster while aiming).
Handling: Dexterity and control drives the Handling Perks, improving actions and accuracy. Examples include On the Go (Reload while sprinting) and Steady Aim (Increased hip fire accuracy).
Stealth: Stealth Perks aid you in staying out of sight, maintaining a low profile and engaging on your terms. Examples include Takedown (Kill enemies without revealing their death locations) and Incog (Resistant to targeting systems including Recon, Thermal Scope, Tracker Sight and Motion Sensor. No name or red crosshairs when targeted).
Awareness: Keep in tune with your surroundings. Awareness Perks help you survey the environment and detect enemy players. Examples include SitRep (Detect enemy explosives and tactical equipment) and Wiretap (Utilize all active enemy and friendly SAT COMs on the field).
Resistance: A hardened endurance reduces the effects of fatigue. Resistance Perks keep you going through tough engagements. Examples include Focus (Reduced weapon sway when aiming down sights and reduced flinch when hit) and Blast Shield (Increased resistance to explosive damage).
Equipment: Tacticians swear by their gear, and Equipment Perks ensure you have the best tools on hand. Examples include Extra Tactical (Additional Tactical equipment) and Extra Attachment (Extra attachment for your weapons).
Elite: Elite Perks offer special abilities that affect your loadouts in a variety of ways. Examples include Gambler (Spawn with a random Perk) and Ping (Activate a sonar ping upon killing an enemy, revealing nearby hostiles).
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-1 08:19 PM
Call of Duty: Ghosts – all multiplayer maps and modes
All multiplayer maps as well as modes included in Call of Duty: Ghosts have been outed.
First up, here’s a complete listing of maps:
- Chasm
- Flooded
- Free Fall (Bonus Map)
- Freight
- Octane
- Overload
- Prison Break
- Seige
- Sovereign
- Stonehaven
- Strikezone
- Stormfront
- Tremor
- Warhawk
- Whiteout
And here’s the full lineup of modes along with their official menu descriptions:
- Blitz – Make it to the portal on the enemy’s spawn point.
- Cranked – Kill enemies before the timer ends. Each kill restarts the timer.
- Domination – Capture and hold the flags. Every two seconds a flag is held, the team gets a point. First team to 200 points wins.
- Free-for-All – Every man for himself. First player to 30 kills is the winner.
- Grind – Recover dog tags and take them to the objective marker to score for your team.
- Hunted – Available in both team and free-for-all. Resources are limited. Fight for control of weapon drops to gain superiority.
- Infected – Eliminated players become Infected. Last player to survive when the timer ends wins.
- Kill Confirmed – Recover dog tags to gain points for your team. First team to 100 points wins.
- Search and Destroy – Teams take turns defending or trying to destroy the objective. Every player has
- Search and Rescue – Teams take turns defending or trying to destroy the objective. Recover dog tags to allow or deny respawns.
- Team Deathmatch – Kill players on the enemy team. First team to reach score limit wins.
VG24/7: ... ode-line-up-leaked/
Call of Duty: Ghosts – full weapons list
The full weapons list for Call of Duty: Ghosts thanks to Twitter user @Espadah_. You can find the full rundown below, along with images.
Assault Rifles
- SC-2010
- SA0-805
- AK-12
- Remington R5
- Honey Badger
- ARX-160
Light Machine Guns
- Ameli
- M27-IAR
- Chain SAW
Sub-Machine Guns
- Bizon
- Vector CRB
- Vepr
- K7
- Bulldog
- FP6
- MTS-255
- Tac 12
- BXnkg4WCIAAvtYc
Sniper Rifles
- L1155
- Lynx
Marksman Rifles
- IA2
- Mk 14 EBR
- MR-28
- SVU Dragunov
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-2 07:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-3 05:45 AM 编辑
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-3 05:57 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-3 06:43 AM 编辑
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Extinction mode – class details
IW 初步公开《使命召唤:幽灵 | COD: Ghosts》Extinction 灭绝模式(持久战)中的 4 种职业特征。
A new post on the Call of Duty website outlines the different classes included in Ghosts’ Extinction mode. For a roundup of details, read on below.
Weapon Specialist
- 20% more bullet damage
- Focuses on defeating as many aliens as possible
- Extra bullet damage useful when taking on heavily armored threats or when fighting back a swarm of smaller enemies
- Raise the Weapon Specialist’s level to improve weapon handling
- 25% more health
- Brute of the group
- Tank’s can stand up to hits that would usually take others out
- Can be more aggressive thanks to the extra health
- Tank’s health and lethality rises with level gains
- Provide armor for the drill and earn more bonus cash
- Team can’t progress well without a drill that works
- Engineer mainly involved with protecting the drill
- Drill maintenance and trap efficiency improve as the Engineer gains levels
- Revive allies more quickly
- Medics can help turn the tide of an intense ball
- Medic has faster movement speed and powerful healing abilities as its levels increase
Community COD: ... erview#.UnRpSPmsiSp
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-6 07:32 AM
《使命召唤:幽灵》(Call of Duty: Ghosts)已于今日上市,各大外媒的评分也纷纷出炉,下面就让我们一起来看一下吧!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-12 07:23 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-22 07:06 AM
下图中显示的名字有Onsalught, Devastation,Invasion和Nemesis,每个词的首个字母拼起来就是ODIN。这4个地图包可能是一整年的DLC,DLC季票将可以获得优惠。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-11 06:51 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-13 07:26 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-20 06:31 PM
《COD:幽灵》季票细节公开 宣传影像欣赏
《COD:幽灵》的季票将包含4个计划中的DLC包和许多特别奖励,收录Onslaught、Devastation、Invasion和Nemesis这4个DLC,其中将包含多张地图、奖励武器和4个灭绝模式的章节。而季票中还将包含一些可以立即使用的装备道具,比如特别的MP角色头、武器迷彩、玩家卡片、玩家背景和Free Fall地图等。
此外如果玩家唉在2014年5月31日之前购买季票的话,玩家们还可以在PS3版升级至PS4版或将XBOX 360版升级至XBOX One版时将季票一同转移过去。日前官方还放出了季票的宣传影像。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-13 06:28 PM
据报道,目前有人拍摄了某家GameStop实体店的广告图,其中显示本作的突击DLC将于2014年1月28日推出。该DLC包含Maverick AR和Sniper Rifle等奖励武器,并将收录灭绝模式的一个章节“黄昏”。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-14 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-14 05:41 PM 编辑
Activision and Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught Revealed as the First of Four Epic DLC Packs Planned for 2014
Gamers mark your calendars as the first of four massive Downloadable Content Pack offerings for Call of Duty: Ghosts, the #1 most played multiplayer title currently for Xbox 360 on Xbox Live online entertainment network from Microsoft, is on the way with Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught. Set to launch on January 28th first, exclusively on Xbox Live for both Xbox One and the Xbox 360, Onslaught debuts four unique multiplayer maps, each with their own distinct environments, small to medium scale, and varied gameplay, as well as the all-new "Maverick" dual-purpose Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle. Anchoring Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught is "Episode 1: Nightfall," the first installment in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative that delves deeper into the storyline, and features new characters, a new weapon and new alien species including a towering, three-story tall alien enemy.
Onslaught is also included as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned to release in 2014 - Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis - at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99. Additionally, Call of Duty Ghosts DLC Season Pass holders get instant access to the downloadable multiplayer map, "Free Fall," as well as the Team Leader Digital Pack, which comes with a unique multiplayer character head, weapon camo, reticle, player patch, player card and player background.
"We know our fans have an appetite for new gameplay content all year long, and the team here is committed to delivering a full season's worth of amazing new maps, weapons and more, starting with Onslaught in January," said Mark Rubin, Executive Producer at Infinity Ward. "This year will see an assortment of content for players to dig into, with new, uniquely themed maps, new multiplayer weapons, and an episodic Extinction story arc that introduces new characters, new locations, and new weapons as they try to uncover the genesis of the aliens' existence."
Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught will deliver the fast-paced multiplayer experience fans love, with four classically designed Call of Duty multiplayer maps, each with their own distinct environments, small to medium scale, and varying gameplay. The first map, "Fog," is a small to medium sized map set alongside the banks of a murky lake. Every area within "Fog" is a chilling homage to classic horror films, from an eerie campsite, flickering TVs, torture chamber, and seemingly abandoned structures as players try to unlock the map's dark secret. If a player happens to find and complete a specific Field Order, they become the embodiment of evil and don the persona of one of cinema's most iconic horror characters, Michael Myers. Additionally, the entire soundscape changes to the eerily familiar Halloween theme music so other players know to run for their lives. Next is "BayView," a close-quarters map set on a coastal Californian boardwalk packed with seaside gift stores and an aquarium, offering players fast-paced run-and-gun matches. Players must also be wary of the deadly artillery strike enemies can call-in from a Naval Destroyer anchored just offshore.
The third map "Containment," transports players to a war-torn Mexican village, where the battle rages along both banks of the dried out riverbed. The action in this compact map centers on the remains of a small bridge holding a hi-jacked truck filled with leaking radioactive material. Surrounded by a myriad of abandoned bars, cafes, a church and a pool hall, "Containment" also features elevated rooftop vantage points for players who prefer longer-range engagements. Onslaught's fourth map "Ignition," launches players into an aging Florida space launch facility. Inspired by "Scrapyard" - the fan-favorite multiplayer map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, reimagined with dynamic gameplay elements - "Ignition" packs plenty of action both above and below ground amongst abandoned warehouses, flame trenches, and a massive transport crawler. As if rockets crash-landing into the map weren't enough, the close-quarters combat is further complicated via two separate rocket test engines sites that opposing forces can trigger, sending massive fireballs into the already intense firefights, and the failed launch of a massive rocket has a dramatic effect on the combat.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught also arms players with a deadly new addition to the Call of Duty: Ghosts' weapons arsenal with the "Maverick," a dual-purpose Assault Rifle or Sniper Rifle that players can choose how to use depending on their tactical needs - a first for Call of Duty. Outfitted with a lightweight wood stock this weapon can be selected in either the Assault or the Sniper Rifle class. As an Assault Rifle the weapon's fire rate becomes fully-automatic with high damage at a decent range, and as a Sniper Rifle the "Maverick" sports an advanced scope and a semi-auto rate of fire.
Included in Call of Duty: Ghosts' initial DLC Pack is the first installment in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative, "Episode 1: Nightfall." Introducing a narrative driven by two new characters, and featuring two all-new alien species and an exclusive weapon, "Episode 1: Nightfall" is a fast and frenetic, action-packed continuation of the original Extinction experience in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Set in a remote facility hidden deep within the Alaskan wilderness, the shadowy Nightfall Program has been researching the origins of the newly revealed alien threat. A small recon team of elite soldiers must infiltrate the site to retrieve intel and exterminate the hordes of savage creatures, and along the way uncover a three-story tall terror unlike anything they've faced before.
此前曾有传闻提到GameStop某家实体店的广告透露《COD:幽灵》突击DLC的发售日,而现在动视公司正式确认了该情报。该DLC会于1月28日率先登陆XBOX Live,同时对应XBOX One和XBOX 360平台,而其他版本的情报尚有待公开。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-15 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-15 06:18 PM 编辑
突击DLC是《COD:幽灵》DLC季票的一部分,是动视预计于2014年推出的四大史诗DLC包(突击、毁灭、入侵和复仇)的第一个。该DLC将于1月28日率先登陆XBOX Live,同时对应XBOX One和XBOX 360平台,而其他版本的情报尚有待公开。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-22 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-22 06:26 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》是由动视公司所推出的系列最新作,此前已经于2013年11月正式发售。游戏的突击DLC则将于2014年1月28日率先登陆XBOX One和XBOX 360平台,其他平台版本的情报尚有待公开。日前官方放出了本作的一段真人宣传影像,将真人镜头和游戏片段结合起来,显得非常精彩而激烈,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-23 06:18 PM
《COD:幽灵》突击DLC艺术图 展示新武器
《COD:幽灵》是由动视公司所推出的系列最新作,此前已经于2013年11月正式发售。游戏的突击DLC则将于2014年1月28日率先登陆XBOX One和XBOX 360平台,其他平台版本的情报尚有待公开。继此前放出该DLC的真人宣传片后,现在Infinity Ward的Sean Byers通过推特放出了两张新的艺术图,为大家展示了DLC新增武器的两种不同形态。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-24 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-24 06:59 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》是由动视公司所推出的系列最新作,此前已经于2013年11月正式发售。游戏的突击DLC则将于2014年1月28日率先登陆XBOX One和XBOX 360平台,其他平台版本的情报尚有待公开。该DLC中将收录灭绝模式的一个章节“黄昏”,而日前官方就放出了该章节的宣传影像,为大家展示了相当多的剧情内容。
Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction ~ Episode 1: Nightfall Trailer
At a remote facility in the Alaskan wilderness, the shadowy Nightfall Program has been researching the origins of the "Alien" threat. When the scientists lose control, a small team of elite soldiers must retrieve the intel, exterminate hordes of hostile creatures, and survive a three-story tall terror unlike anything they've faced before. Get ready for Episode 1: Nightfall, the first installment in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative!
Episode 1: Nightfall is included with Onslaught, the first DLC pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Onslaught comes to Xbox Live on January 28, with other platforms to follow.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-1-29 07:28 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-6 08:55 PM
这次的DLC也包括迷雾地图,这是对经典恐怖电影的致敬,让玩家扮演电影里的杀手Michael Myers,同时还包括了电影中的主题音乐。其他3张地图包括BayView,一副快节奏的地图,设定在墨西哥村庄的Containment地图和《使命召唤6:现代战争2》中Scrapyard地图的重制版。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-14 06:41 PM
《COD:幽灵》最新涂装DLC Price上尉回归
消息来自: ... h-more#.Uv7RpPldVvp
Infinity Ward将于2月18日推出一系列《COD:幽灵》的个人套件包,每包1.99美元,而《COD:幽灵》的季票并不包括这些套件包。和以往一样,这些套件包会先在Xbox LIVE卖场推出后,过一阵子才会在其他平台推出。
而昨天Infinity Ward预告《决胜时刻:现代战争》的主角Price上尉将会回归,今天确认他是一位可游玩的多人模式角色,而且有一套自己的个人套件包,包括武器涂装、玩家图示、瞄准镜与玩家背景桌面。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-2-21 07:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-22 03:48 PM 编辑
日前《COD:幽灵》的最新涂装DLC已经正式在XBOX Live推出,而其他平台的版本尚需要等待一段时间才会发售。而现在官方公开了该DLC的最新宣传影像,为大家介绍了该DLC所收录的内容,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-5 07:13 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-7 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-8 03:22 PM 编辑
Call of Duty: Ghosts 'Devastation' DLC Detailed
日前动视公司公开了《COD:幽灵》第二弹DLC包“毁灭(Devastation)”的具体细节,确认该DLC将于2014年4月3日先行登陆XBOX One和XBOX 360平台。作为本作季票的一部分,其单独售价为14.99美元。
而购买了本作DLC季票的玩家可以通过XBOX Live获得新武器Ripper,这把战术二合一武器可以给玩家们提供许多帮助。
Activision and Infinity Ward Set to Release the Kraken With Devastation - The Second Epic DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts, Launching First Exclusively on Xbox Live April 3rd
Gamers c[禁止售卖商品]ing for all-new Call of Duty: Ghosts content can set their calendars for Devastation, the second of four massive DLC Packs, set to launch on April 3rd. Available first, exclusively on Xbox Live for both Xbox One and Xbox 360, Devastation delivers a new assortment of content to Call of Duty's definitive online multiplayer experience. The DLC Pack features four new small to medium-sized multiplayer maps, including a mountaintop Mayan temple, a mangled container ship, a giant excavation digger in South America, and a fully reimagined version of Infinity Ward's fan-favorite map "Dome" from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - each with their own unique Field Order. There's also the all-new "Ripper" tactical 2-in-1 weapon, and "Episode 2: Mayday" - the gripping second chapter in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative which includes multiple mod-able versions of the Venom-X weapon, and closes with a battle against a monstrous, 100-foot tall Cryptid alien boss, aptly named the Kraken.
Additionally, as a special offer available starting today for players on Xbox Live, Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass owners get instant access to Devastation's all-new "Ripper" weapon, which features the unique ability to quickly convert from Sub Machine-Gun (SMG) to Assault Rifle and back again in the midst of battle, and can be used in all Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer maps.
Devastation is available a la carte for a suggested retail price of $14.99, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned to release throughout 2014 at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99. Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass holders also get instant access to the Team Leader Digital Pack, which comes with a unique multiplayer character head, weapon camo, reticle, patch, player card and background.
And for the first time in Call of Duty history, a free Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer demo will be available for gamers to experience over the weekend, starting tomorrow, Friday, March 7, 2014 and running through Monday, March 10, 2014. Gamers will be able to jump on Xbox Live and try out Ghosts multiplayer, including three multiplayer maps - Strikezone, Warhawk, and Prison Break; three multiplayer modes - Team Deathmatch, Domination and Search & Rescue; and the original Extinction game mode - Point of Contact, all at no cost. Simply sign-in, download the Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer demo, and get right into a match against friends, family and anyone else enjoying the free demo this weekend.
"The Devastation DLC Pack continues the fast-paced, fun and imaginative gameplay that Infinity Ward and Neversoft began with Onslaught," said Daniel Suarez, Vice President of Production, Activision Publishing, Inc. "Ghosts' DLC is much more than just new multiplayer maps. The teams have added new weapons; the next intense continuation in Extinction's four-part, episodic narrative; and another epic, action film character soon to be revealed. Devastation, like Onslaught before it, is a ton of fun, and we can't wait for the community to experience it all."
Devastation delivers four distinctive new maps with the fast-paced gameplay Call of Duty fans love, each with their own surprises. The first map, "Ruins," is located on a Mexican peninsula and set amidst the remnants of a mountaintop Mayan temple, with multiple levels providing verticality for longer-range weapons, and underground pathways perfect for close-quarters encounters. Savvy players that find and complete the unique Field Order will be able to trigger the map's volcano to erupt, and enjoy watching enemy players attempt to take cover as fiery debris fall from the sky.
The map "Collision," is a mangle of debris scattered atop a container ship pinned underneath a crippled bridge in New York. This small map is ideal for run-and-gun tactics. Players that dominate "Collision" and complete the map's specific Field Order will be able take control of a heavily armed aircraft and rain down destruction from above.
"Behemoth" takes the battle aboard a massive excavation platform in South America. Long sight lines open this map up to longer-range weapons, while the compact interiors of the control rooms are ideal for SMG's and Shotguns. Completing "Behemoth's" Field Order will allow players to control an attack helicopter armed with a deadly, armor-piercing Rail Gun as it circles the excavator searching for enemy combatants.
Devastation's fourth map, "Unearthed," drops players into a reimagined version of "Dome," the fan-favorite multiplayer map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. With a new look and all-new secrets, "Unearthed" is a compact map for all player types, who must navigate an alien artifact dig site in order to unlock the map's Field Order and unleash the power of the Cryptids, as well as locate the map's secret alien weapon.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation also arms players with the "Ripper" - a new, tactical 2-in-1 SMG/Assault Rifle that can be used in all of Ghosts' multiplayer maps. The "Ripper" is a highly unique weapon because of its ability to quickly switch back and forth from SMG to Assault Rifle on the fly. A deadly addition to Ghosts' arsenal, the "Ripper" is the ideal companion across a variety of map types and tactics, providing players unprecedented flexibility with medium to short-range capability as an SMG, and medium to long-range as an Assault Rifle.
"Extinction: Episode 2 – Mayday" highlights the Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation DLC Pack. Following the dramatic events that took place deep within the Alaskan wilderness at the Nightfall Program research facility, the Quick Reaction Force team now heads onboard a mysterious Chinese research vessel drifting abandoned in the Tasman Sea in the South Pacific Ocean. Players will uncover a much deeper conspiracy as they pursue Captain Archer and discover what has become of Doctor Cross. Armed with multiple mod-able versions of the Venom-X weapon powered with Cryptid technology, players will come up against yet another new alien species referred to as the "Seeder," as well as go head-to-head with a massive, 100-foot tall Cryptid enemy from the depths of the ocean...the "Kraken."
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-27 06:57 PM
Call of Duty: Ghosts 'Gold Edition'黄金版公开收录游戏本体及DLC
《COD:幽灵》是由动视公司所推出的系列最新作,游戏已经于2013年11月正式发售。游戏发售后官方也并没有停止对本作的开发,除了推出突击DLC包外,此前还公开了毁灭DLC的相关情报。而现在动视又推出了《COD:幽灵》黄金版,该版本于2014年3月25日以数字游戏的形式发售,对应PS3、PS4和XBOX One平台。
此外官方还透露,《COD:幽灵》将于2014年3月28日至3月30日期间在XBOX Live上展开打折活动,玩家们能够以六七折的价格买到本作。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-31 07:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-31 06:51 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》的第二弹DLC包“毁灭”将于2014年4月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,售价为14.99美元。日前官方公开了该DLC的一段最新宣传片,继续介绍了DLC包中所收录的主要内容,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。
毁灭DLC将收录4张全新的多人模式地图Ruins、Collision、Behemoth和Unearthed,此外还将收录灭绝模式第二章,在该章节中玩家们将要面对100英尺高的BOSS海妖。而购买了本作DLC季票的玩家可以通过XBOX Live获得新武器Ripper,这把战术二合一武器可以给玩家们提供许多帮助。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-2 07:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-2 08:30 AM 编辑
1. 每个区域有3个小型外星人穴窠(相对来说小型),需要玩家架设钻机来摧毁。
2. 在消灭3个小型穴窠后,玩家需要摧毁一个大型穴窠来进入下个区域。*摧毁后有大量金钱奖励。
2.1 这时,会有武装直升机来帮助玩家攻击穴窠。然而,会远程攻击的外星人会攻击武直,假如武直受创过多,它就会暂时回避。
3. 获得技能点:每摧毁一个穴窠,玩家会获得一个技能点。
3.1 每次用钻机钻毁小型穴窠时,玩家小队会收到挑战项目。完成该挑战项目后会收到一个技能点。
4. 玩家所携带的手枪无法被抛弃。
5. 由工兵放置的钻机HP最大值+25,一共125HP
6. 每人最多携带6000$,所以钱多就赶紧出道具吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-11 06:21 PM
《COD:幽灵》的第二弹DLC包“毁灭”已经于2014年4月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,其他版本的发售日则一直未能确定,而现在官方终于确认该DLC将于2014年5月8日PS3、PS4和PC平台,售价同样为14.99美元。Devastation:
毁灭DLC将收录4张全新的多人模式地图Ruins、Collision、Behemoth和Unearthed,此外还将收录灭绝模式第二章,在该章节中玩家们将要面对100英尺高的BOSS海妖。而购买了本作DLC季票的玩家可以通过XBOX Live获得新武器Ripper,这把战术二合一武器可以给玩家们提供许多帮助。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-16 07:00 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-18 07:08 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-21 06:25 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-30 07:07 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-5 07:37 AM
《COD:高级战争》剧情设定在2054年,全世界都陷入了战火冲突之中。由Jonathan Irons(由凯文·史派西扮演)创办的Atlas Corporation是世界上规模最大的私人军事武装企业,玩家所扮演的角色就是该企业属下的一名高级武装战士。通过植入的强化骨骼,玩家可以体验到与以往不同的战斗能力。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-29 06:39 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-30 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-30 06:36 PM 编辑
Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion Launches for Xbox One & Xbox 360 June 3
此前外站泄露了《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵(Invasion)”的几张游戏截图,而现在官方正式公开了这个最新DLC的情报。“入侵”DLC将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,而其他平台版本的发售日尚不清楚。
Activision Reveals Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion as Third DLC Pack for 2014, Coming First, Exclusively to Xbox June 3rd
Call of Duty fans should mark their calendars and prepare for Invasion, as Activision and Infinity Ward today revealed the third massive DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Launching June 3rd first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One and Xbox 360, Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion delivers four new multiplayer maps from unique locales around the world, each with hidden secrets and unique Field Orders. Invasion also includes "Episode 3: Awakening," the next thrilling chapter in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative taking players deep into an alien underworld to discover the truth behind the Cryptid attack.
Invasion is available a la carte for a suggested retail price of $14.99, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to all four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned for release in 2014 - Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis - at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99.
Invasion's four new small-to-medium-sized multiplayer maps feature the fast-paced gameplay Call of Duty fans crave, each one donning a distinct look, feel and unique killstreak. "Departed" is a medium-sized map set in a rural Mexican town during the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration. The colorfully decorated streets, vendor carts and storefronts provide ample cover for run-and-gunners, and players that complete the map's unique Field Order will unlock the Death Mariachi killstreak. Armed with dual-wielding pistols, the Death Mariachi settles scores, with each kill turning enemy players into another member of the band, and a temporary squad mate.
"Pharaoh" is the abandoned archeological site of an ancient Egyptian palace. Players will have to be on the lookout for collapsing monuments and urns full of flesh-eating scarabs, among other surprises in this multi-level map. Inside the palace, gamers will battle through multiple chambers ideal for close-quarters combat and short-range weapons, all under the watchful eye of Anubis, the half-jackal/half-human, protector of the dead, who will handsomely reward players who unlock this map's Field Order.
Invasion's third map, "Mutiny," transports players to a remote Caribbean island harboring an eerie pirate hideout complete with abandoned trading posts and prison cells. Speed and stealth are a must as players navigate the narrow and intertwining pathways. However, let ye be warned that gamers taking up positions on the pirate ship moored in the center of the map will become vulnerable to enemy fire from the numerous flanking routes created by the map's horseshoe shaped dock. Players that unlock "Mutiny's" Field Order will find themselves escorted by two ethereal ghost pirates, who will happily send enemy combatants down to Davey Jones' locker on their behalf.
Invasion's fourth multiplayer map is a refreshed version of the fan-favorite map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, "Favela." Since its original release, the Brazilian shantytown has seen substantial change. Buildings once under construction are now complete, while others have crumbled into a state of disrepair. Players must avoid falling to their death as they traverse the map from one building to the next, with ramshackle scaffolding creating varied pathways between structures, and enemy snipers taking advantage of the long sightlines. Players who complete the Field Order in "Favela" will be able to call in heavy air support from a nearby Y-8 Gunship to bring the rain with a 105mm cannon, a 40mm auto-cannon and a 25mm cannon.
Anchoring the Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion DLC Pack is the next installment in the game's Extinction mode episodic narrative, "Episode 3: Awakening." In Awakening, the team descends into the perilous alien underworld to strike at the subterranean fortress of the Ancestors - the mysterious puppet-masters behind the Cryptid invasion. Armed with a range of new hi-tech weapons and equipment, the team must penetrate a series of defensive barriers to reach the Ark and unlock the secrets of the Ancestors' psychic powers. As the final battle draws closer, the fate of the Earth and the future of the human race hang in the balance.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion will be available June 3rd first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, with other platforms to follow.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-31 06:51 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-3 06:32 PM 编辑
此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,而日前官方又放出了该DLC的新宣传片,主要为大家展示了其中所收录的地图“Pharaoh”,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-1 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-3 06:31 PM 编辑
《COD:幽灵》DLC宣传片第二弹 展示新地图
此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。继此前放出新的DLC宣传片为大家介绍新地图“Pharaoh”之后,现在官方再度放出了另一段宣传片,而本次展示的则是另外一张新地图“Mutiny”,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-2 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-3 06:29 PM 编辑
此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。近日官方再度放出了该DLC的两段宣传影像,继此前的视频之后,为大家展示了剩下的两张地图“Departed”和“Favela”。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-3 07:36 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-6 06:54 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-2 07:18 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-4 07:31 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-1 07:46 AM
Call of Duty: Ghosts’ final DLC pack is 'Nemesis', hitting Xbox on August 5
Ghosts' Fourth DLC Pack Delivers the Last Four New Multiplayer Maps Plus the Epic Conclusion to the Game's Extinction Saga, Where Mankind Makes Its Final Stand Against the Cryptid Invasion
Call of Duty: Ghosts caps off an extraordinary season of content with the release of the fourth and final DLC pack, Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis, coming first, exclusively to Xbox platforms on August 5. Throughout this year's DLC season, Call of Duty: Ghosts has introduced several franchise firsts, including new killstreaks featuring the galaxy's ultimate hunter, the deadly Predator, and one of cinema's most iconic horror characters, Michael Myers, new weapons like the dual purpose "Maverick" Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle and the tactical 2-in-1 Ripper SMG/Assault Rifle, as well as an all new episodic saga for Extinction.
"First off I want to thank every one of our fans. The dedication of our players is overwhelming. The whole team at Infinity Ward is really excited about the release of the Nemesis and we think it's a great way to close out what's been a really fun DLC season," said Mark Rubin, Executive Producer at Infinity Ward. "DLC is a great way to unleash creative new content that is often the direct result of community feedback and interaction. So thank you again to the millions of people who play Call of Duty: Ghosts every day and keep the feedback coming!"
The DLC season closes out strongly with Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis, which introduces four new multiplayer maps from the most varied locales, each with unique Field Orders specific to the map, and includes the exhilarating conclusion of Extinction's four-part narrative with "Episode 4: Exodus," where players fight for mankind's survival as the Cryptid invasion reaches its deadly climax.
The four new small-to-medium multiplayer maps in Nemesis are designed specifically for Call of Duty's distinctive fast-paced, gun-on-gun gameplay.
• "Goldrush" is set in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States, where an intricate network of cavernous tunnels and perilous shafts create the ideal setting for medium to long range combat; while two mine carts race along the abandoned tracks offering players a fast way to traverse the map. Players who complete the unique field order on Goldrush will unleash a howling pack of wolves that will descend upon their enemies.
• "Subzero" drops players into a frigid Canadian submarine base that has been hastily evacuated, with control room, submarine pen and research facilities all left eerily empty. Built around the traditional three-lane design, this medium-sized map harbors a mysterious terror that will decimate your enemies upon completion of the map's unique field order.
• In "Dynasty," players are transported to a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by picturesque mountains, vivid gardens, and spectacular architecture - a serene environment that is anything but Zen-like. Multiple pathways crisscross the village in this medium map with a variety of elevation and numerous back alleys that create flanking routes. The unique field order on "Dynasty" allows players to call in an air strike of vertical takeoff fighter jets, while one lingers behind to give you unmatched air superiority.
• Nemesis cranks the frenetic multiplayer action to unprecedented levels with the fourth multiplayer map, "Showtime," a sadistic reimagining of the smallest map in Call of Duty history, the fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare "Shipment." In the futuristic arena of "Showtime," blind corners and narrow pathways provide momentary reprieve from the outright mayhem within the central square comprised of several shipping containers. Tight confines call for shotguns and SMGs. Survive long enough to be rewarded with one of three killstreaks: lethal automated gun turrets at key locations on the map, an air drop with multiple care packages or a deadly gas attack that forces the action back into the center of the arena.
Closing out the final DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts is the dramatic conclusion in the Extinction narrative, "Episode 4: Exodus." Following the CIF Unit's harrowing escape from the alien underworld and the successful recovery of Dr. Cross and the cortex, the team has flown in to fight off the Cryptid army's siege of the last bastion of human resistance. Your mission is to get key personnel to safety by restoring power to the shuttle and launching the shuttle to a low earth orbit space station.
"Episode 4: Exodus" gives players unprecedented control of their escape route - choose your path, gather new intel, craft new weapons - and introduces the deadliest of enemies with a range of lethal powers, including mind control and psionic attacks - the Ancestors. As the battle for our survival draws to a close, the fate of mankind is in your hands.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Nemesis will be available beginning August 5th first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, with other platforms to follow.
Nemesis is available a la carte for a suggested retail price of $14.99, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to all four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned for release in 2014 - Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis - at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99.
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