标题: 【PS/XO/PC】The Evil Within / Psycho Break - [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-20 07:29 AM
标题: 【PS/XO/PC】The Evil Within / Psycho Break -
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-25 07:40 PM 编辑





Shinji Mikami, the father of survival horror, is back to direct The Evil Within™ – a game embodying the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story weave together to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. The Evil Within is in development for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, PC and next generation consoles and is slated for release in 2014.


游戏开发工作室Tango Gameworks第一款首发作品《Psychobreak》美版名称:《The Evil Within》,目前公布将于2014年在PS3、PC、Xbox 360和次世代主机PS4上推出,同时最新的宣传PV已在官方网站公開。

本作由之前曾经开发制作《BIOHAZARD / Resident Evil》系列的日本知名游戏制作人「三上真司」所打造的恐怖生存大作,先前曾以Project Zwei的名义发表,如今正式公布名称为《Psychobreak》《The Evil Within》。游戏中不但将会采用id Tech 5游戏引擎打造出真实3D写实的恐怖细致画面表现之外,也将透过各种光影音效,为玩家们重新打造全新的恐怖领域世界!

官方网站(日): http://psychobreak.com/psychobreak.html
官方网站(英): http://theevilwithin.com/

Developer(s)开发商:Tango Gameworks
Publisher(s)出版商:Bethesda Softworks
Director(s)开发人:        Shinji Mikami
Producer(s)制作人:Masato Kimura
Artist(s)画家:        Naoki Katakai
Engine引擎:        id Tech 5
Platform(s)平台:        Microsoft Windows 、PlayStation 3、PlayStation 4、Xbox 360
Release date(s)发售日:26号8月2014年延迟至15号10月2014年
Genre(s)类型:Survival horror 恐怖生存
Mode(s)人数:        Single-player

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-23 06:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-4-23 12:33 PM 编辑

《心魔》游戏开发影像海量新情报 三上真司谈游戏理念

  由三上真司带领的Tango Gameworks工作室负责开发,Bethesda代理发行恐怖游戏《心魔(The Evil Within)》将于2014年发售。游戏对应平台为XBOX360,PS3,PC和次世代游戏主机,本周游戏制作人三上真司接受IGN采访针对游戏开发进行解答。












  《心魔》使用高度定制的Tech 5引擎开发,游戏艺术总监称之为“Tango风格引擎”













  游戏剧情在此发生转折,Sebastian被敌人袭击,在避难所醒来,这一环境的转变有些类似《The Winchester House》。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-25 07:11 AM
《恶灵附身》最新截图曝光 警察与探员勇闯鬼屋

  外媒日前曝光了一张《恶灵附身(The Evil Within)》的最新截图,主角探员塞巴斯蒂安将与警察一起探寻鬼屋,与邪灵对抗,本作由三山真司打造,Bethesda发行,采用id Tech 5引擎制作,预订2014年登陆Xbox720,PS4和PC平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-26 06:53 AM


  另外我们也得知了第三名女性侦探的名字,叫做Julie "Kid" Kidman。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-26 06:55 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-27 03:54 PM
《心魔》官方推特新图两张 新角色和新敌人

  《生化危机》之父三上真司下一个项目名为《心魔》,这款游戏是三上真司的新公司Tango Gameworks负责开发的,该公司被Bethesda的母公司收购,所以该作将由Bethesda负责代理发行。日前Bethesda在其官方Twitter上放出了两张《心魔》的最新截图,截图带给玩家十足的恐怖气氛。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-4-27 03:55 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-7 07:14 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-19 08:24 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-29 07:46 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-30 07:07 AM
《心魔》DEMO内容公开 陷阱和环境将是亮点

  三上真司在《生化危机4》之后制作了《神之手》《绝对征服》两部非生化型的硬派动作游戏。而他最新的作品《心魔》将回归《生化危机》的本源—— 恐怖生存类游戏。三上会抄袭自己的过去,还是会开创新的领域呢?相信生化系列的玩家都非常关注这一点。








作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-13 09:01 PM
《心魔》确认对应次世代 游戏E3试玩影像

  三上真司监制的恐怖生存游戏新作《心魔(The Evil Within)》在E3上确认登陆PS4和XBOXONE平台,游戏E3宣传影像和试玩影像公开。《心魔》将于2014年发售,玩家将在游戏中扮演名为塞巴斯蒂安的侦探,其搭档死于一次血腥屠戮。塞巴斯蒂安亲临犯罪现场办案,结果误入一个充斥着邪恶怪物的世界。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-27 05:44 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-2 06:55 PM

  三上真司回归传统恐怖游戏的第一作《心魔(The Evil Within)》将有贝塞达负责发行,日前官方也放出了游戏的最新截图。截图展现的游戏果然不愧于三上真司这个名号,恐怖重口符合了他的风格,这样的恐怖游戏是否会唤起你当年玩恐怖游戏时的感动呢。《心魔》确认登陆PS4和XBOXONE平台,发售日未定。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-4 09:05 AM
《恶灵附身》最新45秒试玩演示曝光 男主惨遭断头

  国外视频网站Daily Motion近日发布了一段《恶灵附身》的最新试玩视频,长度约为45秒,游戏气氛令人感到压抑窒息,不过游戏中取消了站桩式射击,一改三上真司往日生化危机的游戏风格。

  《恶灵附身》使用的是世界上最先进引擎之一的id Tech 5引擎改进版来制作,结合PS4和Xbox One的强大,可谓是强强联合 -- 但其还需要制作组 Tango Gameworks好的技术才能物尽其用。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-13 08:10 PM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-4 07:24 AM
《恶灵附身》游戏序章QuakeCon 2013泄露视频

这段泄露视频摄自Quakecon 2013的一场发布会上,展示了游戏序章的部分内容,《恶灵附身》将于明年登陆PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360和Xbox One,下面就让我们一起来看一下吧!


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-18 07:16 PM
《心魔》TGS2013宣传片 继展示绍恐怖元素

  《心魔》是由三上真司负责开发的恐怖游戏,由Tango Gameworks工作室负责打造,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One,预计于2014年发售。本作亦将参加于9月19日正式举行的TGS2013,现在官方也放出了本作的TGS宣传片,继续为大家讲述这款游戏的恐怖元素,下面就请玩家们一起看一看。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-28 03:34 PM
《心魔》游戏实机演示视频 开场与战斗揭晓

  在昨天伦敦的Eurogamer Expo上,Bethesda放出了最新的20分钟《心魔》游戏实机演示视频。这段视频分为两部分,第一部分展示了游戏开头,第二部分展示了游戏的战斗场面。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-24 06:54 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-24 07:07 PM 编辑




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-12 07:14 AM


  《恶灵附身》体现了纯粹生存恐怖游戏的真正意义。在试着摆脱缠绕你的阴谋的同时感受一个扭曲的现实。面对恐怖的生物来感受真正的恐惧,所有游戏体验都被Tech 5引擎所创造的优秀的光影和动画无限放大。

  在调查一起残忍的多人谋杀案时,侦探Sebastian Castellanos和他的搭档们遇到了一个神秘而强大的非自然力量。在眼睁睁的看着其他警官被屠杀后,Sebastian被偷袭,然后就失去了知觉。当他醒来以后,他发现自己陷入了一个充满了恐怖生物和死灵的世界。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-12-25 07:30 AM

  《恶魔附身》是一款恐怖生存游戏。由三上真司一手操办,将于2014年登陆PC,PS3,XBOX ONE,XBOX360平台。Bethesda放出最新的两张截图和一张艺术图。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-5 07:00 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-6 06:24 PM 编辑



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-14 11:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-15 07:41 AM 编辑

The Evil Within to release on August 26 in North America, August 29 in Europe
三上真司制作 Bethesda《恶灵附身》将于8月26号发售

   《恶灵附身》由《生化危机》系列创始人三上真司负责的新时代恐怖游戏,将会于8月26日在北美地区登陆各大平台以及PC,欧洲地区为8月29日。该游戏面向的平台为Xbox 360/Xbox One/PS3/PS4/PC。该游戏由三上真司及他的Tango Gameworks团队负责,由发行商Bethesda负责发行当然Tango Gameworks也是属于Bethesda的。《恶灵附身》设计风格更接近本源的恐怖游戏,使玩家感到很强的无力感。子弹会相当匮乏,敌人也不会轻易倒下,而各种走廊异常狭窄。根据三上真司的意见,就是要回归求生恐怖游戏的根源。

The Evil Within Release Date: Evil Takes Hold in August

We’re pleased to announce The Evil Within, the new survival horror game from legendary director, Shinji Mikami, will be available in North America on August 26, 2014 and throughout Europe on August 29, 2014. The Evil Within is in development for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and PC.

Developed by Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive world that will bring you to the height of tension. With limited resources at your disposal, you’ll fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.

While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-9 10:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-10 06:27 PM 编辑



  游戏虽然是老牌欧美厂商Bethesda发行的,但其制作人则是《生化危机》之父三上真司,这位号称鬼才的日本游戏制作人擅长恐怖类题材游戏,《心魔》也号称是其回归之作。究竟水平如何,让我们拭目以待。《心魔》确定将在2014年8月26日正式登陆北美市场,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-17 07:22 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-2 06:38 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-2 06:40 PM 编辑

剧情更充实 《恶灵附身 | The Evil Within》前传漫画四部曲8月推出

  Titan Comics 公布了生化危机之父三上真司最新力作《恶灵附身》的最新消息,Titan漫画公司将推出《恶灵附身》4部前传漫画,使《恶灵附身》的背景故事将变的更加完整充实。

  IGN报道漫画的剧情由Ian Edginton编写,插画由Alex Sanchez绘制。漫画封面画由Ben Templesmith提供。每一本漫画建议零售价为4美元,首部漫画将于8月27日发售。漫画主要讲述了一个年轻学生寻找他一个失踪的朋友的故事。这次搜寻导致Danna直接进入了三上真司设定的恐怖世界。大家可以看看上面的封面插画。

  《恶灵附身》将登陆PC,PS3,PS4,XBOX 360和XBOX ONE,预计今年8月末发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-27 06:26 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-27 10:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-28 12:31 PM 编辑

The Evil Within pushed back to October, pre-order bonuses
《心魔》为更佳质量延期两个月 新宣传片放出

  由三上真司一手打造的最新恐怖游戏《心魔》(The Evil Within)最早是确定在2014年8月26日发售,而随着时间的推移,该作延期的消息于近日放出。Bethesda正式确认了该作延期,并且公布了最新的发售日,游戏将于2014年10月21日登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。

  Bethesda官方向玩家们解释了延期的原因:“三上真司和他的团队Tango Gameworks向我们寻求更多的开发时间,来晚上游戏的平衡性,为了让这款游戏可以给予玩家最纯正的恐怖生存体验。”官方同时放出了一段新宣传片,玩家们可以先来解解馋。


The Evil Within - New trailer, release date and pre-order incentive revealed

Today we revealed that The Evil Within will be available in North America on October 21, 2014, in Australia on October 23, 2014, and throughout Europe on October 24, 2014. Shinji Mikami and his team at Tango Gameworks have asked for additional time to further balance and refine the game in order to deliver the polished, terrifying pure survival horror experience they set out to create.

We’ve also announced The Evil Within’s pre-order incentive – The Fighting Chance Pack. The Fighting Chance Pack provides players with a handful of additional items that may help them stave off death for a moment longer.

The Fighting Chance Pack includes

• Medical Kit – A vital health enhancement to enable Sebastian to fight on.

• Green Gel – Used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes.

• Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells - A larger and more formidable shotgun than the regular shotgun, it’s useful for tight situations with multiple encroaching enemies.

• An Incendiary Agony Bolt – Capable of showering nearby enemies with damaging fire sparks.

• A Poison Agony Bolt – Will draw enemies towards it and poison them, allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-3 07:37 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-14 06:11 PM

  由三上真司一手打造的最新恐怖游戏《心魔》(The Evil Within)原定于2014年8月26日发售,而不久前官方也确认本作已经延至2014年10月21日发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。而游戏也在E3 2014中登场,媒体也采访到了监督的三上真司,介绍了游戏的开发状况。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-18 06:13 PM
《心魔(The Evil Within / Psycho Break )》北美提前一周发售 发售日10月14日

  今天,发行商Bethesda Softworks宣布原定于2014年10月21日在北美发售的游戏《心魔》将发售日提前一周,北美地区最新的发售日为10月14日。

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发,著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台,



作者: kahweng    时间: 2014-7-19 01:10 PM
本帖最后由 kahweng 于 2014-7-19 01:11 PM 编辑

看了demo 后,觉得这才是真正的resident evil !!!!!!!!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-25 07:01 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-25 07:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-7-25 07:40 PM 编辑

中文版《恶灵附身(The Evil Within / Psycho Break)》三上真司于正式公布

    三上真司于ACGhk香港动漫电玩节现场活动中,正式宣布《The Evil Within》繁体中文版,且即将与英文版同时在10月15日推出!

最型监制#三上真司宣布:The Evil Within 中文版确认于PS4推出,与英文版同步于10月15日发售!为三上先生首款监督的中文化游戏!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-7-31 07:33 AM
Bethesda: Vote for your alternate case cover for The Evil Within

'The Evil Within' Your Game Case – You Decide!

The first time everyone in a group laid eyes on the cover for The Evil Within, we were pretty sure we nailed it. The cover encapsulates the peril you’ll experience playing the game.

But is it for everyone? From our days of following social media and sites like NeoGAF — we know you like your alternate cover options, too — because the other country usually has the better cover. So as to make sure everyone has a say, we’re presenting three alternate cover options — one of which will be the reverse sleeve for the launch edition of The Evil Within.

Above are three options. Be sure to vote for your pick on the Bethesda Blog poll on the right-hand side, and if you email your choice to bethblog@bethsoft.com, you’ll have a chance to win one of 10 signed copies of The Evil Within (when the game ships, of course). For contest rules, click here.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-16 04:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 04:24 PM 编辑

The Evil Within Season Pass Announced

Season Passacre: An onslaught of new content coming to The Evil Within

With only two months until the release of The Evil Within (yes, it’s still coming in October!), we’re excited to share details on our Season Pass plans for the game.

The Evil Within Season Pass will allow you to experience survival horror from a new perspective. Different from the sadistic style of the main game, the first add-on allows you to assume the role of The Keeper (aka Boxman) in a fun collection of mission-based maps. The second and third add-ons take you further down a path of madness in a two-part, story-driven experience in the role of Juli Kidman — Sebastian Castellanos’ rookie partner from The Evil Within. Encounter new weapons, discover unthinkable enemies, and new areas that reveal hidden motives and harrowing evil.

Priced at $19.99/£14.99, the Season Pass offers savings on three planned add-ons for the game and will be available soon at select game retailers, PSN, Xbox LIVE, and PC.

The Evil Within releases on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC on Tuesday, October 14th in North America and Friday, October 17th in Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-21 06:44 PM
《心魔 (The Evil Within / Psycho Break)》艺术设定集部分图片 展示恐怖设定

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发,著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作,游戏将于2014年10月14日发售,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-26 10:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-27 06:38 PM 编辑

《心魔(The Evil Within)》介绍视频 知名美剧演员为主角配音

  恐怖游戏热潮席卷今年的游戏界,这其中三上真司回归游戏界之后的首款恐怖游戏《心魔》(The Evil Within)备受期待。在制作过多款恐怖游戏之后,三上真司的制作水准也不断提升,《心魔》中可以看到很多明显的三上真司风格设定,同时也有更让你觉得恐怖的要素。但光是恐怖还不够,游戏还邀请到了知名美剧演员安松·蒙特来为游戏主角配音。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-3 06:22 PM
《心魔》PS4 / PS3 中文版限时独占推出将提供原声带为预约特典

  台湾香港亚洲索尼电脑娱乐(SCEA)宣布,将于10 月15 日在台推出PS4 / PS3 动作冒险游戏《心魔(The Evil Within)》的繁体中文版,价格1690 元,将提供游戏原声带作为限量预约特典。
  SCET 表示,本次的《心魔》中文版是由日本亚洲索尼电脑娱乐(SCEJA)与Zenimax Asia 合作开发,收录英文原声语音与中文化字幕/ 介面,将在PlayStation 平台独家抢先推出。


※ 以实品为准

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-11 07:24 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-25 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-25 07:08 PM 编辑

The Evil Within Behind The Scenes Videos Featuring Adam Sessler
《心魔》幕后制作影像放出 深入探讨游戏机制

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发,著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作,游戏将于2014年10月14日登陆欧美市场,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。日前本作的发行商Bethesda放出了新的幕后制作影像,主要为大家介绍了本作的开发过程。在这几段视频中,本作的制作人三上真司等开发组成员先后登场,和大家深入讨论本作的游戏机制,其中包含陷阱、敌人以及各种恐怖要素。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-25 10:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-26 06:37 PM 编辑

The Evil Within has gone gold
开发商正式确认《心魔》开发完成 已进厂压盘

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发,著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作,游戏将于2014年10月14日登陆欧美市场,对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。日前本作的发行商Bethsda Softworks透露游戏已经进厂压盘,而这也意味着本作已经开发完成,玩家们很快就能够亲手体验这款恐怖新作了。


Gone Gold!

Putting out a game on five platforms (PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, and PS4) across multiple regions is no easy feat, but we’re excited to announce The Evil Within has officially “Gone Gold”!

Congrats to everyone at Tango Gameworks and everyone else that was involved in the process of making the game — your hard work has helped create a survival horror game that we believe people will be talking about for a long time.

If you’ve been cowering under your covers up until now, The Evil Within arrives on Tuesday, October 14th in Europe and North America, October 16th for New Zealand and Australia, and October 23rd for Japan.

Stay tuned for more updates on The Evil Within, including a new video and feature tomorrow focused on survival tactics.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-30 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-30 06:27 PM 编辑


  由Bethesda Softworks 发行、日本游戏制作人- 三上真司领军的Tango Gamework 所开发首款作品《邪灵入侵/心魔(欧美The Evil Within / 日本PSYCHOBREAK)》,29 日释出了新一波的游戏宣传影片「 Every Last Bullet」,教导欲踏入这个恐怖诡谲世界的玩家们一些基础的求生法则。由于弹药十分珍贵,因而必须谨慎拿捏用枪时机,匿踪偷袭、善用环境中已存在具杀伤力的道具、强化技能、甚至是逃为上策都能延长死亡来临的时间。

  企图完美结合恐惧感和动作性的生存恐怖原创游戏《邪灵入侵/心魔》,故事描述任职于克里姆森市(Krimson City)警局的赛巴斯汀(Sebastian Castellanos),在接到一通紧急电话后,他与他的小队成员们急忙赶去调查发生在精神病院的杀人事件,但没想到却反而身陷在恐惧的风暴中,所幸赛巴斯汀并没有打算投降......

  PS4 / Xbox One / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC《邪灵入侵》预定10 月15 日在台推出,其中PS4 与PS3 将为限期独占之繁体中文版。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-2 07:37 AM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-7 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-7 06:11 PM 编辑


  继上周的基础教学影片后,即将于15 号在台湾上市的PS4 / Xbox One / PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC 生存恐怖原创游戏《邪灵入侵(欧美The Evil Within / 日本PSYCHOBREAK)》,又于6号曝光了新一支的游戏宣传影片「生死之战(Fight for Life)」。内容简单地一览多种欲置主角- 赛巴斯汀(Sebastian)于死地的怪物,且在逃命期间还得留心周遭充满恶意的环境,不过玩家也可反过来利用这些陷阱对付穷追不舍的敌人。影片最后则告知该如何善用十字弓好逃出

  《邪灵入侵》预定10 月15 日在台推出,其中PS4 与PS3 版本将为繁体中文版。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-11 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-13 06:29 PM 编辑


        ZeniMax Asia 将预定于2014 年10 月15 日发售的恐怖生存游戏《邪灵入侵|心魔(サイコブレイク)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)在今天(10 月11 日)公布游戏的最新特报「The World Within」!


        在这3 分半钟的影片,分别为玩家介绍了「这里是什么地方」、「如何在暗影中求生」以及「什么东西不会害死你」。我们可以看到型态各异且别具特色的异形、持有神秘超能力的人物,还有利用声东击西的方法引开异形注意、潜行在异形身后给予必杀一击或是投掷手榴弹等攻击手段。





        《邪灵入侵|心魔》繁体中文版(英文语音、中文字幕)预计于2014 年10 月15 日发售,价格新台币1690 元、下载版则尚未决定。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-15 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-10-15 06:25 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 'It Wants Out' Launch Trailer
生死一瞬间! 《邪灵入侵/心魔(The Evil Within|Psychobreak》正式发售 公布最新特报

        由Tango Gameworks 开发、ZeniMax Asia 发行的恐怖生存游戏《邪灵入侵(サイコブレイク)》(PC / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3 / Xbox One / Xbox 360)正式于今天( 2014 年10 月15 日)上市,同时公开最终发售特报!



        例如炸飞敌人时使用「核心模式」的版本会明显看到肢体破碎的画面;暴头时「核心模式」也会呈现脑到完全炸裂的景象而非普通版有残留。还有手术台的尸体也会因会使用DLC 与否决定是否显现。



Bethesda Softworks' The Evil Within Now Available

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that The Evil Within – the survival horror game developed at Tango Gameworks under the direction of legendary game designer and studio head, Shinji Mikami – is now available in North America and Europe. The chilling new game is available for Xbox One and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment systems from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, and Windows PC.

The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story combine to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. With limited resources at their disposal, players will fight for survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.

“It was incredibly important to me and the team to bring the Survival Horror genre back to its roots. For us, it was all about creating fear and giving the player the enjoyment of conquering it,” said Mikami. “Up until now we’ve kept a lot of the game under wraps to avoid spoilers, so it’s very exciting that people are now able to experience the game from beginning to end.”

In The Evil Within, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners are called in to investigate a gruesome mass murder. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to unravel what’s behind this evil force.

For more information on The Evil Within please visit theevilwithin.com
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-23 09:04 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-30 07:15 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-31 06:52 PM
《邪灵入侵/心魔 | The Evil Within / Psycho Break》新宣传影像 用科学的方法检证其恐怖

  Play Station JP官方视频频道日前公开了一段别出心裁的宣传影像“《心魔》VS最可怕恐怖电影”,抽选100位电影控参加了此次“最可怕恐怖电影”与游戏《心魔》之间的对决,之后采取男女50人的唾液用科学的方法检证《心魔》的可怕性,结果怎样来欣赏一下吧。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-1 07:01 AM

作者: dious    时间: 2014-11-2 03:52 AM
故事題材新鮮 血腥程度中上 也不太會用突如其來的聲效/畫面嚇玩家
很多小細節都處理的很好 讓玩家方法就存在故事裡面
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-13 07:31 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-12 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-13 07:21 AM 编辑

The Evil Within: The Assignment arriving early 2015

首部DLC "The Assignment"預計 2015年年初發售。前兩部DLC將會以 喬瑟夫警探的神祕搭檔 基曼為故事中心。第二部 DLC "The Consequence"也是她的故事。而最後一部DLC "The Keeper"會在之後推出。

DLC Takes Hold

If you’ve already completed The Evil Within, you probably have a number of questions about the ending. If you haven’t finished yet – hurry up, as part 1 of the game’s three-part Season Pass, The Assignment, will release in early 2015. The Assignment is the first of two DLCs centering on Detective Castellanos’ mysterious partner, Juli Kidman. In 2015, we will reveal more information on Part II of her story, The Consequence, as well as our final DLC featuring The Keeper. Stay tuned, and consider yourself teased with this Vine.

Dying for a little more information? This week we caught up with the game director for both The Assignment & The Consequence, Tango Gameworks’ John Johanas

• Some of the main game’s biggest questions surround Juli Kidman? How do you balance answering some of those questions with keeping parts of the game’s story open-ended/mysterious?

That was a tough one! We approached the DLC from the perspective that, while Juli is enigmatic during the main game, there were additionally lots of other mysteries about the world and the characters that could be cleared up or hinted at by playing as her. She is a character who seems rather “aware” of her situation, after all.

Early on, we listed the things that we wanted to answer and ones we wanted to keep open and worked around that. We definitely leave some of the mysteries open, but I feel we shed a lot of light on the lore of Ruvik, STEM, and the characters while asking (and answering) a whole new set of questions regarding Juli and her mission.

• Can you share any advice Mikami-san has provided in directing the content?

I would say one of the major things Mikami-san helped with was creating a focus. It’s easy to get carried away with everything that you want to do and things you want to expand on from the main game, but he has a very keen eye in spotting where you are straying from that goal and is quick to point it out. There were certain aspects he requested from us from the beginning of development, but from there he helped us steer it into something we feel is creative and unique while satisfying fans of the main game.

• In directing the Juli Kidman missions, have you taken inspiration from other DLC missions released for other games? If so, which ones?

I’m actually a big DLC guy so I struggled a lot in early planning with which direction to take it in. How many levels and what’s the pacing? Do we add new weapons or mechanics? Since we decided early on the character was going to be Kidman, I wanted the DLC to play different rather than having it feel like just a character skin. My favorite DLCs have been ones that give the player a new spin on gameplay, while still feeling connected to the main title.

Some notable DLC’s that may or may not have influenced things:

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall/ The Brigmore Witches
Enslaved: Pigsy’s Perfect 10
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction

• Are there any specific areas of the main game that served as inspiration for the DLC content?

Probably two of the biggest inspirations were Chapter 5 and 9. Chapter 9 had you uncover past stories by solving puzzles and exploring and there is a lot of that in the DLC. Overall, Juli’s adventure is rather story driven — Juli tends to “discover” these things by her actions and by solving puzzles. But at the same time, the atmosphere and progression is similar to Chapter 5, where you were trapped in a very oppressive area and the “horror” element was at its strongest.

However, I would say there’s quite a bit of variation in her encounters so I wouldn’t want anyone to think “Oh, it’s just another Chapter XX.” Even the “horror” element has a different feel! Juli’s experiences are much more dark, lonely, and claustrophobic.

• How does playing as Juli feel different from playing as Sebastian?

Well, from a character perspective, I would say she’s much livelier than Sebastian was in the main game! Her story is a bit more personal than his as well, so there’s a bit of banter and commentary as you play.

• Are you able to hint at the time frame of the DLC content? Does it take place before, after, or during the main game’s story?

We took a “Rashomon” approach to things with Juli’s campaign in the sense that “each person sees things differently.” In real life this is true, but inside STEM you can imagine how warped things would get!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-18 07:23 AM
The Evil Within ‘The Assignment’ DLC Coming in March


Be Afraid: The Assignment Arrives in March

As we put the final wraps on our trailer for The Evil Within’s first add-on, The Assignment, we wanted to give a little tease of what to expect when the content releases this March. Stay tuned for updates!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-26 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-2-26 06:18 PM 编辑

The Evil Within ‘The Assignment’ DLC Trailer
《邪灵入侵/心魔》首部 DLC 章节「The Assignment」发售日公布

  Bethesda 官方于近日公开了旗下力作《邪灵入侵/心魔》首部扩充内容「The Assignment」的最新预告片,在该扩充章节中,玩家将扮演 Julie 「Kid」Kidman,填补在本传当主角在噩梦世界独自奋战时,空白的 Kidman 时间轴。玩家将遭遇新的怪物「Kid」,并以潜行为主应用全新策略存活下去,逐步解开神秘集团「Mobius」其背后的骇人真相。

  Bethesda 表示,玩家可以透过购买计票包的方式节省购买「The Assignment」的费用,《邪灵入侵/心魔》计票包除了包含即将推出的首部扩充内容以外,还有两部扩充内容:「The Consequence」以及以 Keeper 为主题的「The Keeper」,不过这两款扩充内容目前尚未有确切的内容以及发售日期。

  「The Assignment」预定将于 3 月 10 日全平台上架。


The Evil Within – ‘The Assignment” Official Gameplay Trailer

For many that have completed The Evil Within, the mysteries surrounding Sebastian’s partner, Juli Kidman, are among the most discussed plotlines in the game. These questions (and new questions… hehe) will arise in Part 1 of Kidman’s DLC adventure, The Assignment.

Taking the role of Kidman, The Assignment features an increased focus on stealth gameplay mechanics as you untangle the secrets of what happened to her and untangle the truth behind her connection with Mobius. Introducing new enemies and gameplay tactics, The Assignment sets the stage for the concluding chapter of Kidman’s Adventure, The Consequence, releasing later this Spring.

To save on all three DLCs planned for The Evil Within – you can purchase the game’s Season Pass on your preferred platform of choice! In addition to The Assignment and The Consequence, this package will also feature content surrounding the safe pick for everyone’s favorite villain, The Keeper.

The Evil Within: The Assignment is part of The Evil Within’s Season Pass package and can also be purchased separately for $9.99/£6.99/Eur 9.99 releases on Tuesday, March 10th on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Steam. Note for PlayStation users in Europe: The content will release on PS3 and PS4 on March 11. For an extended look at gameplay, subcribe to Twitch.TV/Bethesda and be ready to tune in on Monday, March 9th at 4pm est.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-26 06:59 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-10 06:16 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-25 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-25 06:32 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 'The Consequence' DLC Coming on April 21
《邪灵入侵/心魔》第二弹DLC于4月21日发售 预告片放出

  《邪灵入侵/心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发的恐怖游戏,同时也是著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作。游戏已经于2014年10月14日登陆欧美地区,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。日前Bethesda 公司确认本作的第二弹DLC“The Consequence”将于2015年4月21日发售(欧版PS3/PS4版4月22日发售),该DLC的单独售价为9.99美元。

  本作的第二弹DLC将延续第一弹DLC“The Assignment”的故事,玩家们将能够继续扮演Sebastian的搭档Juli Kidman来进行冒险。而官方也放出了第二弹DLC的预告影像,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。


The Consequence is Coming in April

f you’ve already completed part 1 of Juli Kidman’s adventure and are dying to know what happens next… and we’re happy to inform you won’t have to wait long to see her story through.

The Consequence will release on Tuesday, April 21st on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC (Note: European PlayStation players will be able to download on Wednesday, April 22nd).

Since it’s only been a couple weeks since The Assignment released, we don’t want to spoil too much of what’s happening next — there would assuredly be consequences for that. Instead, we’ve created a brief teaser of the madness Kidman will soon encounter.

For more on The Evil Within’s DLC, keep your eyes peeled for updates as we creep nearer to April 21st. You can find out more on The Evil Within and it’s DLC by visiting theevilwithin.com or by visiting Facebook, or following @theevilwithin on Twitter & Instagram.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-4-17 06:32 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-4-22 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-4-22 06:16 PM 编辑

The Evil Within: The Consequence Now Available, Launch Trailer
《邪灵入侵/心魔 | The Evil Within / Psycho Break》第二弹DLC正式上线 发售宣传影像公开

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发的恐怖游戏,同时也是著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作。游戏已经于2014年10月14日登陆欧美地区,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。游戏的第二弹DLC“The Consequence”已经于2015年4月21日发售(欧版PS3/PS4版4月22日发售),而日前官方也放出了该DLC的发售宣传片,为大家展示了该DLC中的内容,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

  本作的第二弹DLC将延续第一弹DLC“The Assignment”的故事,玩家们将能够继续扮演Sebastian的搭档Juli Kidman来进行冒险。


Take Action with The Evil Within’s Newest DLC

But remember: every action has consequences!

Find out Juli Kidman’s fate in The Evil Within: The Consequence — available today across all the main game’s platforms for $9.99.

If you’ve played The Evil Within’s first DLC, you know Kidman is precariously stuck between completing her assignment from the Mystery Man of Mobius or staying loyal to Sebastian and Joseph. The Consequence picks up right where The Assignment left off and provides a balance of stealth-action and gunplay. That’s right – this time Juli’s packing heat.

Haven’t played The Assignment yet? Double dip on your Kidman quests by purchasing The Evil Within’s Season Pass for $19.99. The pass will give you access to both released DLCs, as well as the upcoming download, The Executioner.

Prepare yourself for these concluding chapters with our release day gameplay trailer embedded above. To keep up on the latest community news for The Evil Within, be sure to keep tabs on the game’s official Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-13 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-13 06:22 PM 编辑

The Evil Within 'The Executioner' DLC Coming on May 26
這次要扮演魔王,恐怖遊戲《邪靈入侵》最後一波DLC《The Executioner》公開

  恐怖遊《邪靈入侵》最後一波DLC《The Executioner》就在今日與官方YouTube上釋出預告,5月26號開放下載。這次的玩家不再是扮演主角群,而是人氣怪物保險箱頭(Keeper)。與前面兩波強調恐怖的DLC相比還真有落差,之這次會帶來怎樣的內容呢?請玩家們敬請期待。


The Keeper runs amok in The Evil Within’s DLC, "The Executioner"

Witness the ruthlessness of The Keeper in our new teaser for The Executioner.

In the final DLC for The Evil Within’s DLC, open the safe door and see the action through the eyes (???) of the menacing Keeper. Experience his power and brutality in first person as you square off against most iconic adversaries of The Evil Within.

Grab your mallet and don your bloody apron — The Executioner arrives on May 26th!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-21 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-21 07:02 PM 编辑

The Evil Within: The Executioner Gameplay Trailer
《邪灵入侵/心魔 | The Evil Within / Psycho Break》官方新宣传影像发布展示最终DLC内容

  《心魔(The Evil Within)》是由Tango Gameworks负责开发的恐怖游戏,同时也是著名制作人三上真司复出的第一作。继此前的两个DLC后,游戏发行商Bethesda也已经确认本作的最终DLC“The Executioner”将于2015年5月26日发售。而现在官方又放出了本作的一段全新演示影像,就为大家展示了最终DLC中的内容和部分游戏片段,下面就玩家们一起来欣赏一下。


Through the Eyes of The Executioner

For The Evil Within’s final DLC, the dev team wanted to approach the content from a new angle — from the first-person perspective of The Keeper.

Get a gruesome glimpse of your adversaries in our newly released gameplay trailer for The Executioner — releasing for $4.99 Tuesday, May 26th on Xbox LIVE, PSN, and Steam.

To give The Evil Within a proper send off, next week we’ll be livestreaming the new content with a special guest. Follow Twitch.TV/Bethesda and tune in Tuesday at 1pm ET.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-21 07:13 PM
《生化危机》之父三上真司恐怖游戏《邪灵入侵》续作《邪灵入侵 2》可能正在开发中
转载 - 巴哈姆特

  由《生化危机》之父三上真司所执导的恐怖生存游戏《邪灵入侵》续作《邪灵入侵 2》传出可能正在开发中。

  根据外国眼尖的网友发现,《PSYCHOBREAK 2(PSYCHOBREAK 为邪灵入侵日版名称 | The Evil Within 欧美版名称)》出现相关英、日语翻译者征人启事。

  《邪灵入侵》故事描述主角警探赛巴斯汀与伙伴赶至诡谲的凶案现场,当主角在目击身旁警察一个个惨遭杀害后,赛巴斯汀竟也受到攻击、陷入昏迷。 当他恢复意识后,发现自己身处在怪物围绕的环境中,他必须在神秘的疯狂世界对抗着潜藏的恐惧,找出一切谜团的真相。
  游戏发行商 Bethesda Softworks 去年在 QuakeCon 期间曾经提及《邪灵入侵》销售量相当不错、足以推出续集,如今这个征人启事似乎象征续集已经在开发中。

  在这个征人启事中提及硬件平台为 PS4 与 Xbox One,但根据一代发行纪录,外界猜测应该会有 PC 版。 至于《邪灵入侵 2》实际内容与开发相关事宜仍待官方公布。

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