针对英国警方在这场暴动是否有失当,曾任北爱尔兰警察总长的英国警官协会(Association of Chief Police Officers)主席欧德爵士(Sir Hugh Orde)写了一篇题为“Water cannon make for good headlines – and bad policing” 的文章,简单的翻译,题目的意思是“水炮导致头条新闻和坏治安”。在他的文章中,欧德爵士为授权使用水炮和警棍而写了以下这段:
“Having authorised the deployment of both water cannon and baton rounds, I remain clear that they have a vital place in our armoury, but only when proportionate and appropriate to the situation we face. In stark terms, without extremely violent and static crowds, they are useless.”