2) Choose Windows Form Application and Click Ok at the bottom
3) Introduce some basic tools
A) Toolbox: Use to design the Windows Form (Ctrl+W+X)
B) Solution Explorer: Can see the Project u create (Ctrl+W+S)
C) Properties: Windows form properties (Ex: change font size, Name, size, etc) (Ctrl+W+P)
D) Start Debugging: Use to debug the project you create. (F5)
4) Now start our first program
A) Go to the toolbox -> Common Controls -> Button drag to the form. You can use your mouse
resize the button directly or go to Properties->Size to resize your button. The 1st value is width
2nd value is height.
B) Double Click the button1 on Windows Form. Type this [MessageBox.Show(“Hello World”);] in the
button_Click. If you want to know more detail of [MessageBox.Show] can surf this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.aspx . [MessageBox.Show] Display a message
box .(Simple Explain)
C) Click the Start Debugging(F5), and click the button1 it will appear the MessageBox Hello World. The result will same to above picture.
5) The Project will Store in Document-> Visual Studio 2010 -> Project. You can change your location also, go to File->Save All or CTRL+SHIFT+S.
Name: The Project Name
Location: The location that you store the project.
6) So how to let the project be .exe file (.exe file can directly run the program on the Windows).
1) After saving the project you can go to the Menu Bar Debug->Build Solution (F6) then will
generate the .exe file.
2) The .exe file will store in the “Your Project folder”->bin->Debug after generate. Double Click
the .exe file, it will directly run the program.
1) Start the new project Windows Forms Application
2) Design the GUI of the Windows of Application, can use the toolbox to design.
A) Design the button (Toolbox->Common Control-> button) Click and drag on the windows form
B) Design the check box (Toolbox->Common Control-> check box ) Click and drag on the windows form
C) Design the Menu Bar (Toolbox-> Menu & Toolbars -> MenuStrip) Click and drag on the windows form you can type the name you want in the column.
D) Design the Status strip at bottom (Toolbox-> Menu & Toolbars -> Status_Strip) Click and drag on the windows form , have the drop down list after click the status strip button.