We haven't done it yet, but we're needing to check our Fuel Pressure Regulator. We don't own a hand vacuum pump and a fuel pressure gauge and are hesitating to just change the regulator over investing in the 2-tools. We'll get over it soon and spring for them. We're just struggling for now.
It's mounted on the end of the fuel rail towards the rear of the engine on the side the injectors are on. There are 2- little bolts holding it on the fuel rail.
To check:
Release the fuel pressure in the system by removing the Fuel Pump fuse and start the engine. After it stalls, crank it a few more times to release the fuel pressure.
Install the fuel pressure gauge on the inlet side of the pressure regulator, start the car and check for fuel leaks.
At idle, the pressure should be approximately:
235kPa / 2.4 kg/cm2 / 34 psi.
Disconnecting the vacuum hose, you should see:
294 kPa / 3.0 kg/cm2 / 43 psi.
After getting your yah-yahs out over that test, connect a hand vacuum pump to the regulator and start the engine. As the vacuum INCREASES, the fuel pressure should DECREASE. If this is not the case, time for a new pressure regulator.<<<这句别误解,节压器的工作就是供给最适当的压力也可以说最优良的雾化a/f mixture with 油量给引擎.作者: Rex_09 时间: 2011-5-19 08:12 PM
thomas88 发表于 2011-5-19 01:28 AM