17 + 2.05
23 + 3.15
13 + 1
Stifling Dagger  Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slows the unit's movement speed for a short duration.
Phantom Strike  Teleports to a unit and attacks it. Gains 100% attack speed for 3 seconds while attacking that same target. Maximum of 4 attacks.
Blur  The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.
Coup de Graçe  Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree.
- Affiliation: Scourge
- Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.7
- Damage: 46 - 48
- Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.5
- Armor: 4.3
- Base Attack Time: 1.7
- Movespeed: 310
- Missile Speed: 900
- Attack Range: 100 (melee)
- Sight Range: 1800 / 800
The Phantom Assassin starts off fairly weak and vulnerable, but can become one of the deadliest assassins of all. Her Daggers can be thrown from a safe distance, dealing minor damage to fell mortally wounded foes, or slow her targets momentarily. She can Phantom Strike to any target, allowing her to be agile and perform quick escapes and/or kills. Mortred passively blends into her surroundings, eventually resembling a Blur, which can easily be unnoticed to even a trained eye, and will always be harder to hit. What sets her apart from the rest is her Coup de Grace, a devastating critical attack that when landed deals up to four times her natural damage.
Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

Stifling Dagger - Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Unit
- Ability Hotkey: D
Hurls a dagger which deals minor pure damage and slows the unit's movement speed for a short duration. Deals half damage to heroes.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 30
- 10 seconds
- 600
- N/A
- 1 second
- Enemy units
- Deals 40 damage, slows for 50%
- 2
- 25
- 10 seconds
- 600
- N/A
- 2 seconds
- Enemy units
- Deals 80 damage, slows for 50%
- 3
- 20
- 10 seconds
- 600
- N/A
- 3 seconds
- Enemy units
- Deals 120 damage, slows for 50%
- 4
- 15
- 10 seconds
- 600
- N/A
- 4 seconds
- Enemy units
- Deals 160 damage, slows for 50%
Notes• Damage type: pure
• The projectile can't be dodged by blinking.
Phantom Strike - Ability Type: Active
- Targeting Type: Unit
- Ability Hotkey: B
Teleports to a unit and attacks it. Gains 100% attack speed for 3 seconds while attacking that same target. Maximum of 4 attacks.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 50
- 30 seconds
- 700
- N/A
- 3 seconds
- Any units
- Teleports to the target unit, and recieves increased attack speed.
- 2
- 50
- 20 seconds
- 800
- N/A
- 3 seconds
- Any units
- Teleports to the target unit, and recieves increased attack speed.
- 3
- 50
- 10 seconds
- 900
- N/A
- 3 seconds
- Any units
- Teleports to the target unit, and recieves increased attack speed.
- 4
- 50
- 5 seconds
- 1000
- N/A
- 3 seconds
- Teleports to the target unit, and recieves increased attack speed.
Blur - Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: R
The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 15% dodge/25% Transparency
- 2
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 20% dodge/50% Transparency
- 3
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 25% dodge/75% Transparency
- 4
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 30% dodge/100% Transparency
Notes• Does not stack with evasion from Butterfly.
• Mortred becomes increasingly transparent as Blur is leveled.
Coup de Graçe - Ability Type: Passive
- Targeting Type: N/A
- Ability Hotkey: C
Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 15% chance to 2.0x critical
- 2
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 15% chance to 3.0x critical
- 3
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 15% chance to 4.0x critical
幻影刺客 - Mortred 简称PA(快捷键:A)
出生于暗夜精灵的典狱长一族,由于受到暗夜主流社会的疏远,为了报复,Mortred发誓效忠天灾军团。她是力量和速度的完美结合,通过长年在阿森维尔森林的独处,学会了将身形融于周围的环境之中,每每在你最意想不到的时刻如幻影般出现。她精准而致命的攻击使她成为天灾军团极为重要的一员。这也就是为什么她被称为幻影刺客(Phantom Assassin)。
Lv 1
射程 100
速度 310力量 17+2.05
敏捷 23+3.15
智力 13+1攻击 46 - 48
攻速 1.38 +23%
重击 0%
击晕 0%
DPS评分: 2.95护甲 4.2
物抗 20.1%
魔抗 0%
闪避 0%
肉盾评分: 2.822.89
窒息之刃 (D)
等级1:对普通单位/英雄单位造成40/20点的伤害,降低50%的移动速度,持续1秒。 施法间隔:8秒 施法消耗:30点魔法
等级2:对普通单位/英雄单位造成80/40点的伤害,降低50%的移动速度,持续2秒。 施法间隔:8秒 施法消耗:25点魔法
等级3:对普通单位/英雄单位造成120/60点的伤害,降低50%的移动速度,持续3秒。 施法间隔:8秒 施法消耗:20点魔法
等级4:对普通单位/英雄单位造成160/80点的伤害,降低50%的移动速度,持续4秒。 施法间隔:8秒 施法消耗:15点魔法
幻影突袭 (B)
等级1:冷却时间30秒钟。 施法间隔:30秒 施法消耗:50点魔法
等级2:冷却时间20秒钟。 施法间隔:20秒 施法消耗:50点魔法
等级3:冷却时间10秒钟。 施法间隔:10秒 施法消耗:50点魔法
等级4:冷却时间5秒钟。 施法间隔:5秒 施法消耗:50点魔法
模糊 (U)
恩赐解脱 (C)
[ 本帖最后由 easy_man 于 2009-10-5 09:35 PM 编辑 ] |